Tuesday, August 9, 2011


偽新藥虛火漸退 新藥研發質升量減 中國寧波網0719偽新藥"虛火"逐漸降下之後,真正意義的新藥開始出現。2011年上半年的新申報項目中,新藥(含創新藥)38%左右,仿製藥占52%左右,改劑型占10%左右。資料反映出國內新藥開發質升量減的現狀。 "這是我們首仿的精神系統品種,5月份才批下來的,目前只有一家外企生產。"713,在南京召開的第46屆全國新特藥品交易會(下稱新特藥會),齊魯制藥的一位招商經理拿著氨磺必利的宣傳頁向記者展示。自從國家規範新藥審批以來,改劑型"新藥"已經走向窮途末路。新藥申報與審批數量大幅降低,在這樣的背景下,更多的業內人士也開始在新特藥會上真正關注起新藥的質,而不是量。

新藥開發困境 在偽新藥"虛火"逐漸降下之後,真正有價值的新藥開始出現。根據SFDA的統計分析,2009年以來,我國的新藥註冊審批出現了批准新藥比例升高,重複申請降低的現象,新藥申報結構日趨合理。從註冊申請的資料來看,截至20101231,我國共批准藥品註冊申請1000件。其中,境內藥品註冊申請886,新藥申請124,12.4%;改劑型111,11.1%;仿製藥651,65%2011年上半年的有關審評資料顯示,新申請3359(按受理號計),同比增長10%;在新申報專案中,新藥(含創新藥)38%左右,仿製藥占52%左右,改劑型占10%左右。從批准上市的藥品看,有埃克替尼片、國產拉米夫定片等。齊魯制藥在此次新特藥會上推出了氨磺必利片,近期獲批但沒出現在展會上的還包括恒瑞的艾瑞昔布、中信國建的重組抗CD25人源化單克隆抗體等 "在新特藥會上,有些大型醫藥集團依舊是以老品種做展示。"一位元參展商向記者表示,企業參會,更多的是抱著形象展示的心態。這也反映出新藥開發質升量減的現狀。另一個值得注意的情況是,受資金與研發實力的限制,企業的後備新藥品種比較單一,應對政策調控顯得有心無力,一些企業因此倍感惆悵。來自廣州某企業的研發總監告訴記者,他發現不少企業以抗菌素品種做重點推介,包括天津津康制藥、海南諾爾康、蘇州二葉等,其中部分品種是近2年獲批上市的抗菌素複合製劑。其中一家企業的宣傳頁上赫然標出"國家一類新藥"的字樣。 "此前,抗感染用藥依然是醫院用藥中占比最大的一塊,企業前期投入不少資金開發新品種以及複合製劑,也有好幾個一類新藥品種上市。"該研發總監告訴記者,抗菌素管理辦法剛出臺,各省的分級目錄正在制定中,抗菌素市場結構面臨劇變,企業正在焦灼觀望,代理商現在也不敢輕舉妄動。"新藥開發本來難度就比較大,國內的企業資金實力偏弱,因此,開發新藥多集中在一兩個領域。一旦政策與市場發生碰撞,此時企業也無其他後備品種可做推薦,這是新藥開發的又一困境。"

創新路徑探索 儘管國內新藥開發困境重重,但對於創新路徑的探索並未停止。本次新特藥會開設的以"重點治療領域的藥物品種篩選"為主題的《2011中國藥物研發戰略高峰論壇》,毫無懸念地受到了觀眾的追捧。中國醫藥工業研究院總院副院長俞雄表示:"國際新藥研發的新趨勢是更有效、更安全、更快捷、更具預測性,而當前我國藥物創新的重點是me-too,me-better,me-best藥物,在臨床應用的藥物中發現新靶標的先導物。"他同時指出,目前各領域最受關注的研發熱點:在生物基數藥物熱點領域,有抗體藥物大規模功能化製備、端粒酶抑制劑和抗體端粒體酶疫苗、靶向基因治療、基因沉默技術、蛋白質藥物長效技術、抗體功能性靶位的發現和確認、基因工程與分子抗體表達生產系統等;在抗腫瘤藥物方面則針對新靶點、新機理,開展分子靶標明確的靶向性非細胞毒類和高選擇性細胞毒類抗腫瘤藥開發,包括個體化治療、抗腫瘤新生血管生成、抗腫瘤新生淋巴管、改變腫瘤微環境;而在另一熱門領域心腦血管藥物方面,新型抗血壓藥物,即有效、長效降壓的同時,高度關注對心、腦、血管、腎臟等重要靶器官損傷保護的品種越來越受關注;而在糖尿病治療藥物方面,口服胰島素、胰島素改構產品、透皮、吸入等胰島素新製劑,基於新靶點、新作用機理的降血糖藥物,基於聯合用藥作用機理的新複方製劑等受到重視。而一個不容忽視的現實是,全球藥品專利保護到期的高峰正在到來,物質專利(美國專利)到期的藥品2014年將達到頂峰,58,同時於2013年和2018年有兩個高峰,均有40多個。對於目前以me-too式創新為主的國內企業,關注藥品專利情況十分必要。 "將藥品的開發策略與藥品專利到期相結合,這只是第一步,也是最基礎的一步。"中國醫藥工業資訊中心市場總監張修寶指出。在他看來,由於新藥研發的長期性使得一些新藥的實際上市時間離專利保護期也就幾年,有的甚至是化合物專利過期後才上市;同時基礎專利只是證明了該藥物研發過程中的領跑者,但其未必就是市場上唯一的贏家或是最大贏家,"國內企業在堅持原創創新的同時,完全可以合理利用知識產權規則,跟蹤相關化合物專利,並在此基礎上與原研公司在開發進度上展開競爭,將一定的資金投入到相關的製備辦法、晶型、鹽、適應症、製劑和關鍵中間體等後續專利的開發佈局中,形成對基礎專利的包圍,從而獲得相當的市場機會。"他還建議,企業要關注疾病防治指南推薦對研發的指導,關注醫生處方對品種篩選的指導。

中國諾康生物 (Nuokang Bio-Pharmaceutical)蛋白藥物開發

生物制藥研發突圍2011-07-28中化新網訊  隨著一批"重磅炸彈"級生物製劑專利陸續到期,生物仿製藥成為醫藥研發領域的一個焦點。目前印度等仿製藥國家的生物藥物已經逐步發展起來,作為全球藥品消費領先的中國同樣已經具備了在這一領域一展拳腳的能力。單克隆抗體藥物、疫苗以及生化藥物,有望成為中國在生物制藥領域突破的切入點。

中國機遇來臨 生物制藥具有療效特異性強,高技術、高門檻和高投入的特性,這是其過去重磅炸彈級藥物產生的重要原因。而經過近10年的準備,儘管中國目前生物藥物尚未完全達到國際先進水準,但也具備了生物仿製藥的開發能力和條件。諾康生物制藥常務副總裁王宏英告訴筆者,目前國內已經產生了一批具有較大規模和資金實力的企業,這是生物藥物開發最基礎的條件;另外,在研發能力和人才儲備上,國家近年來持續大力度推行的各種科研專項使得國內企業研發能力大幅度提高,而大批國外科研工作者也攜帶最先進的技術甚至相關項目回國創業。 "在國家不斷優化的鼓勵政策和市場准入條件的持續推動下,中國生物仿製藥已經迎來了很好的發展機遇。"王宏英說。但是仍需要指出的是,這一領域的高技術特性仍然讓其存在較高的開發風險。王宏英稱,一般生物制藥的研發都具有單向性,這決定了其投資風險會非常大,同時資金投入也會更高。按照一般研發規律,生物仿製藥進入市場也需要8年左右的時間,開發成本將超過1億美元,這大概是普通化學藥物仿製藥開發成本的50倍。 "國內制藥企業的特性決定了那些形成一定規模,經營效益較好的企業才能有一個更寬鬆的時間及資金去投入和研發生物制藥。"但是相對於糖尿病、抗腫瘤和心腦血管這些同樣非常受企業關注的大病譜領域,中國目前擁有生物制藥生產研發許可的企業並不多,結合生物藥在臨床上的特異性,生物仿製藥的成長性遠非一般的大疾病譜化學仿製藥可以比擬。 "我們總體的策略是中長期產品研發和儲備相結合的方式。"王宏英說,諾康生物目前的規模屬於中等,因此需要考慮近期實現的市場目標,形成足夠的經營效益來支撐後續產品的研發和儲備;在品種方面,生物制藥審批較慢,技術門檻高,已經納入中長期的發展規劃。

關注三大品類 就目前生物仿製藥而言,單抗和疫苗類產品已經成為國內企業重點關注的領域。包括華北制藥、複星醫藥、天士力、麗珠醫藥等一大批不同類型的企業都已經投入鉅資,希望在這些領域有所突破。王宏英認為,企業專注這些領域主要與今後的健康關注焦點有關,因為疫苗作為預防性產品,已經成為國家計畫採購強制推行,並且為國內消費者所肯定的領域,對疾病的預防以及醫療費用的節約都起到了非常重要的作用;而單抗藥物的靶向特性,能夠直接而明顯地改善症狀,並且從根本上治療,尤其是即將專利到期的單抗藥物基本上都是年銷售數十億美元的"重磅炸彈"級產品,其仿製藥市場必然同樣巨大。據悉,目前諾康醫藥也已經有生物仿製藥方面的研發規劃,主要是對天然提取的蛋白酶進行基因工程修飾,具體產品也包括治療性疫苗和單抗藥物,以及其他生物製劑。除了看好單抗藥物和疫苗,王宏英特別強調的一點是生化藥物的發展機遇。據悉,生化藥物的發展初期我國能夠與國際水準實現同步,但是多方因素的作用使得這一領域產品在近10年並未取得突破性的進展,目前已經相對落後。 "傳統的生化藥大多都是從生物體內提取的有活性的物質和生物成分,它們藥效是肯定的,安全性也是非常高的,如果能夠充分開發好這些市場的潛力,同樣也將成為很好的一個品類。"王宏英說。據悉,諾康生物在生化藥物方面,將加大對國內產品和企業的並購,通過工藝和技術上的研究和改善,針對目前國內部分生化藥物成分和機理不清晰的特點,進行二次開發。 "目前國內的生化藥物都是臨床必備的產品,如果能夠做好市場的深度挖掘,效益並不亞于新開發的生物仿製藥。同時,也能為企業今後更多的新產品開發提供支援。"王宏英如是說。


海正藥業擬參股美國PharmTak  2011080211:12 來源:證券市場週刊  82,海正藥業(600267.SH)發佈公告,決定出資200萬美元認購美國PharmTak Inc(下稱PharmTak)公司發行的A類優先股800萬股。公司稱,通過參股PharmTak,可有效彌補公司在高端仿製藥研發以及在規範藥政市場註冊能力的不足,借助PharmTak擁有專利技術的研發平臺,加快提升公司製劑的生產水準,有利於公司加快開拓國際製劑市場的步伐,促進公司新建製劑生產設施及時有效發揮作用。公告披露,公司已經與PharmTak簽訂了長期產品開發協定。PharmTak負責把美國藥物申請管理、研發、品質系統和技術應用到公司新建的製劑生產設施上,以推動新建生產設施能夠順利的通過美國的FDA總體cGMP認證。PharmTak的管線產品也包括為公司開發的建議產品,包括免疫製劑、高血壓、尿失禁、大環內酯類抗生素、抗痛風及抗腫瘤藥物。公告顯示,PharmTak總股本為2040萬股。近期,PharmTak擬開展A類優先股延伸融資,計畫發行1200萬股A類優先股,每股價格0.25美元。本次融資中,公司擬出資現金200萬美元,認購800萬股,占PharmTak本輪融資完成後總股本的24.69%。海正藥業的"十二五"發展規劃目標位元加快轉型為全球化的品牌仿製藥企業。為實現該目標,公司一直致力於加速實現從原料藥到製劑、從國內市場到國外市場的延伸。近年來,公司國際合作步伐日益加大。20103月,海正藥業(美國)有限公司在美國被譽為"美國制藥業之都新澤西州心臟"的普林斯頓成立。201163,公司公告擬與輝瑞共同投資設立合資公司,投資總額約為 2.95 億美元。合作生產以提供高品質的藥物、通過全球的銷售和行銷平臺實現有關藥物更廣泛的商業化、以及研究和開發專利到期藥物。華龍證券7月發佈的研究報告認為,目前公司與禮來和輝瑞的合作從此前的獸藥、中間體等少數產品擴展到越來越多的領域;從合作方式來看,從早期的轉移生產逐步轉變成合資建廠共同開發,公司國際合作漸入佳境。78 海正藥業發佈2011年上半年業績預報,預計2011年中報業績增長50%以上,主要原因是公司繼續加大優勢品種的國內外市場開拓力度,獲得更多訂單,因此產品銷售收入增長,實現淨利潤大幅增長。2011年一季報披露,期間公司實現營業收入 121,477 萬元,同比增長19.74%;歸屬上市公司股東的淨利潤 10,155 萬元,同比增長 53.43%。海正藥業2010年年報披露,公司實現淨利潤3.66 億元,同比增長34.35%

New Drug Made From Herb, Naturally

 BEIJING—A number of Chinese pharmaceutical companies, long known for being manufacturers of generic versions of Western medicines, are investing in the development of new drugs. One of them is a finalist in this year's Asian Innovation Awards. Hutchison Medipharma Ltd. says it has developed an oral drug using an herb called Andrographis paniculata for the treatment of two debilitating inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. According to the company, the herb is traditionally used as a Chinese folklore remedy for a wide spectrum of ailments such as upper respiratory infections and common cold. The company is a Shanghai-based research lab that is 60%-owned by Hutchison China Meditech Ltd., a subsidiary of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. Andrographis paniculata, an herb traditionally used as a folklore remedy for a wide spectrum of ailments such as upper respiratory infections and common cold, or as an herbal supplement for promotion of autoimmune system. Hutchison estimates that the bowel diseases, which cause a range of symptoms from abdominal pain to fever and fatigue to unintentional weight loss and ulcers, affect one million patients in the U.S. It also says existing treatments include drugs that are not recommended for long-term use because of serious side effects such as acne and puffiness of the face. Some treatments are extremely expensive, ranging from $20,000 to $30,000 per year, the company says. Hutchison is one of a number of Chinese pharmaceutical companies investing in new patents and in "carrying out their own innovation" in a market where high research and development costs and failure rates have discouraged many from trying to innovate on their own, said Jiang Jiandong, director of the Institute of Materia Medica at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences."Most Chinese pharmaceutical companies invest 1%, or at most 2%, of their revenue in research and development," said Ren Jinsheng, the chairman of Nanjing-based, New York Stock Exchange-listed Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, which created a medicine called Endu, used to treat non-small cell lung cancer, the most common type of lung cancer. Endu, which was developed with original research by Simcere's development team but doesn't contain herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, had about $33.8 million in sales last year, said Mr. Ren, who added that his company invests 6% to 7% of its revenue. But Mr. Jiang said companies like Simcere are few in China, making the nation far from being recognized as a global innovator in the pharmaceutical industry because inventions are largely limited to modifications to existing medicines. "The R&D for new medicine involves the dedication of many researchers" and is "a very long-term process," Mr. Jiang said. "What's more, it's hard to control the quality of newly developed medicines, and this is a high-risk investment, so the chances of failure are quite high. Very few Chinese companies have incentive to create their own medicine from scratch, so they are more inclined to buy patents from research institutes at home and abroad," then make improvements on those medicines. "We fully realize the high uncertainty in the process of innovating new medicines, and we are prepared for the high risks ahead in our innovation process," Mr. Ren said. But without innovation, "there is no future for us," he said. Simcere expects to increase its research and development team to 1,000 in the next three to four years, up from about 300 now in the hopes of becoming a global pharmaceutical company known for innovative and high-quality products, he added. Hutchison, meanwhile, was started with similar intentions. Samantha Du, who founded the company in 2002 hoping to become one of the few Chinese pharmaceutical research and development labs to create new, innovative medicines, believes the new drug, called HMPL-004, is "one of the first innovative, patented, world-class pharmaceutical" therapies to be "discovered and developed in China for use around the world." A number of drugs using materials from Chinese herbs are already sold outside China, including in Southeast Asia, Russia and the Middle East. But Hutchison says HMPL-004 breaks new ground because it is the first major development of traditional Chinese medicine into a Western oral prescription pharmaceutical, and that clinical trials in 2009 showed that the drug's effects are comparable to "extremely expensive biological pharmaceuticals" by large Western companies "without requiring an injection and without the related side effects." "This will be the first global herbal botanical oral product treating a serious disease," Ms. Du said, adding that Hutchison has already been awarded a patent in the U.S., and is awaiting a decision on its Chinese patent application, filed last year. Initial trials of HMPL-004 have had positive reviews. Stephan Targan, director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center and the Division of Gastroenterology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said that "as a natural oral product, it offers a promising treatment." Ms. Du hopes the drug will pass U.S. Food and Drug Administration standards so it can be offered commercially as soon as in the next three years. It "will have a lot of historical meaning," she said.


高盛高華:中國原料藥製造商將是仿製藥商強勁對手 一財網 2011-08-04 第一財訊:高盛高華84發佈中國醫療業研究報告指出,隨著即將到來的專利懸崖(patent cliff,企業的收入在一項利潤豐厚的專利失效後大幅度下降),加上新興市場的需求增加,或將持續影響全球非專利藥品製造商的發展戰略。第一財訊:高盛高華84發佈中國醫療業研究報告指出,隨著即將到來的專利懸崖(patent cliff,企業的收入在一項利潤豐厚的專利失效後大幅度下降),加上新興市場的需求增加,或將持續影響全球非專利藥品製造商的發展戰略。高盛高華認為,中國原料藥(API)製造商將成為原料藥出口增加的主要受益者,並通過與跨國制藥公司建立戰略合作關係,與國外藥品生產企業可能簽訂合同制造協定,獲得收益。高盛高華認為,關鍵影響因素在於成本結構,研發能力和產能。中國具有成本優勢,並且其產能也因固定資產投資而有明顯提升,因此是仿製藥生產商的強勁競爭對手。儘管中國在簡化新藥申請方面落後,但是市場潛力和產能提升投資將為其提供其他商業機會,即合資企業和原始設備生產商,以推動其未來發展。華海與諾華(NVS)的合作,加上海正與輝瑞(PFE)的合作,將通過進一步成本節約、提升品質標準,保持中國原料藥製造商的優勢和原料藥生產產能。在行業個股方面,華海醫藥(600521.SH)因其強勁增長和FDF升級成功,高盛高華給予該股"買入"評級。高盛高華認為,華海醫藥在中國醫藥原料製造領域具有理想地位。與此同時,高盛高華還在報告中維持海正藥業(600267.SH)"中性"評級,海普瑞藥業(002399.SZ)"賣出"評級。

China’s Health-Care Push May Curb Growth for Pfizer, Merck Sales

Bloomberg News - Aug 5, 2011 The benefits of China's economic growth "haven't been shared equally" among rural dwellers, the Geneva-based World Health Organization said in an April report. The benefits of China's economic growth "haven't been shared equally" among rural dwellers, the Geneva-based World Health Organization said in an April report. Photographer: China Photos/Getty Images China's Health-Care Push May Curb Growth for Pfizer, Merck  Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

China's plans to expand efforts to make medicines cheaper for 700 million rural people have hurt companies such as Pfizer. China's plans to expand efforts to make medicines cheaper for 700 million rural people have hurt companies such as Pfizer. Photographer: China's efforts to make medicines cheaper for 700 million rural people have dragged its biggest health-care stocks down 26 percent this year. Plans to expand the program to wealthy cities may also hurt Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Merck & Co. A new way to buy essential drugs being tested in Anhui province caused prices to fall by as much as 90 percent. The system, which encourages drugmakers to compete on price and quality for state contracts, may go national and be widened to include other medicines, according to lobbyists representing 38 foreign drugmakers in China. Foreign companies oppose that because they say it will force them to lower prices to compete with generic-drug makers. That may erode the profit earned from every prescription they sell in the world's fastest-growing pharmaceutical market, which was worth $41.1 billion last year, according to IMS Health Inc. "There is some consideration within the government to expand the Anhui tender system beyond the essential drugs list, and that would be an even worse situation for us," said Joseph Cho, who heads the Research and Development-Based Pharmaceutical Association Committee in Beijing. "We can understand if some poorer regions need to use this process. But for those regions with better finances, they should not be restricted by the government to just low-priced generics."

No. 3 Market  Prescription drug sales in China have more than doubled since 2006, making it the world's third-largest market, according to Norwalk, Connecticut-based IMS Health. Wider health-insurance coverage and higher incomes have improved people's access to medical care, especially in cities including Shanghai and coastal provinces including Jiangsu and Guangdong. The government is trying to make medicines more affordable for everyone by encouraging competition among suppliers and favoring generics over brand-name treatments.  Anhui, China's fourth-poorest province, started seeking bids from pharmaceutical companies in September, one of five provinces testing the system. Now, medicines on the government's essential list -- including treatments for heart disease and high blood pressure -- are 53 percent cheaper on average than the maximum retail price set by the government, said Xu Hengqiu, the local deputy director of health.

Stock Slump "We're guided by one principle: when drug prices are low, the common people benefit," Xu said. A seven-pill pack of a generic version of Merck's cholesterol-lowering drug Zocor has plunged to 2.45 yuan (38 cents) from about 25 yuan, and copies of Novartis AG (NOVN)'s Lopressor blood pressure medicine go for 4.75 yuan for 20 tablets, compared with 9.5 yuan. Shares of companies supplying products on the essential- drugs list have slumped. The MSCI China (MXCN)/Health Care Index is down 26 percent this year, making it the second-worst performer of 10 industry groups in China tracked by MSCI. Shineway Pharmaceutical Group, which sells traditional remedies, has lost half its market value on the Hong Kong exchange this year, making it the worst performer of 137 stocks on the MSCI ACWI/Health Care Index. The company, based in Hebei province, was beaten in two tenders earlier this year, said Eva Chun, a Hong Kong-based equities analyst at Kingsway Group, citing discussions with the company's management. Shineway, which earns a third of its revenue from remedies for fever and hepatitis, didn't respond to a request for comment on its sales.

Lot of Uncertainty"The policy changes have generated a lot of uncertainty," said Jason Siu, a health-care analyst with OSK (Asia) Securities Hong Kong Ltd. "The concern is that the price cuts will affect profits along the entire supply chain, from finished drugs to retail stores and drug distributors." China's central government maintains a list of 307 drugs that it deems necessary for state-run hospitals and clinics to stock. Those medicines typically generate a higher sales volume, though only account for about 10 percent of China's pharmaceutical market by value, said Du Jinsong, a health-care analyst with Credit Suisse AG in Hong Kong. The government has ordered 27 rounds of price cuts during the past decade, Du said. "Many companies had thought the essential drugs-list market would be very attractive, but are gradually moving away because the tender price is too low," Du said.

Important Task Credit Suisse describes the system as the "lowest-price- win Anhui model." It was introduced under Sun Zhigang, the former provincial vice-governor who now is director of the Office of Medical Reform, a unit of the policy-setting State Council that reports to Premier Wen Jiabao. The introduction of a new procurement system "has become an urgent and important task," and the State Council has requested that 22 provinces implement a tendering method modeled on Anhui's, Sun told the official Xinhua News Agency in June. Patients in the wealthier provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong already use foreign drugmakers' products, said Cho, who is also chairman of the Chinese unit of Astellas Pharma Inc. (4503), Japan's third-largest pharmaceutical company. "If the 'Anhui Model' is fully implemented throughout China, then even those patients would not be able to use our products," he said. Cho's group speaks for all its members on the tendering system, Xi Qing, a spokesman for Pfizer China in Shanghai, said in an e-mail.

Better Options In Guangdong, which neighbors Hong Kong, some drugmakers have threatened to boycott the tenders because of price competition, the Nanfang Metropolis News, part of the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Nanfang Daily Press Group, reported July 28, citing interviews with drug-company executives it didn't identify. "I might as well invest in funds or go buy a property -- anything is better than drugs these days," said Tang Changshou, who runs Yangcheng Pharmaceutical, a maker of generic medicines including the antibiotic cefixime and the diabetic treatment metformin. Tang's company has lost out in all the provincial tenders it has participated in, he said. After a meeting on May 24, China's six biggest pharmaceutical industry associations issued a statement urging the government to avoid focusing on price cuts.

WHO Critique Yet the measures are helping people like retired rice farmer Lin Hecai, who lives in a village at the foot of a mountain 80 kilometers (50 miles) outside Anqing, in Anhui province. Cheaper medication and a new insurance policy means he pays 10 yuan to see a doctor, compared with 30 yuan two years ago, he said. "Even for just small ailments -- flu and fever -- I can afford to see the doctor whenever I fall sick," the 64-year-old said as he waited for a consultation in the village clinic. The benefits of China's economic growth "haven't been shared equally" among rural dwellers like Lin, the Geneva-based World Health Organization said in an April report. Public-health needs should be addressed even at the expense of the pharmaceutical industry, said Xu, Anhui's deputy health director. "If there are drug companies that fail, we will let them fail," said Xu, a professor of rural medical reform at Anhui Medical University. "It's not our responsibility to help them survive."


投資10億元 複星醫藥在兩江新區建藥友 新華網重慶頻道88電(鄧婷)今天下午,世界知名藥企上海複星醫藥和全球最大醫藥外包供應商之一的藥友制藥聯手進駐,將其國際化制藥服務外包產業基地落戶兩江新區水土高新園。這也是兩江新區加快建設中國高新技術產業基地、科技研發基地和科技成果轉化基地的重要舉措。   據悉,作為在本土崛起的知名制約企業,藥友制約公司佈局兩江新區的"藥友國際化制藥服務外包產業基地",總投資約10億元人民幣,建設專案總建築面積20萬平方米,包括:製劑新廠、出口加工基地、合資廠、研發中心和總部大樓等項目。預計2013年投產後,將實現年產值30億元以上,利稅總額近6億元。該項目的實施,在促進藥友制藥自主創新與產業升級同時,將吸引更多全球跨國制藥公司將新藥的研發與生產投放到重慶,對重慶醫藥產業的快速發展將起到積極的推動作用。  生物醫藥產業作為國家戰略性新興產業,2010年工業產值近1.3萬億元,2015年將達3萬億元,但是歐美發達國家占了全球80%的市場份額,生物醫藥服務外包產業發展潛力巨大。據調查,生物醫藥外包業務未來三年將保持14%以上的年增長率,2013年全球外包將成長為350億美元的產業,這為國內制藥企業參與國際分工,依託中西部綜合要素成本優勢參與國際競爭帶來重大的發展機遇。  作為重要的戰略性產業之一,加速生物制藥從製造到研發的全流程整合、研發、在服務全球市場中提升創新研發能力,正成為兩江新區打造高新技術產業基地,科技研發基地和科技成果轉化基地的重大戰略舉措。在此輪全球性的產業轉移中,兩江新區創新研發的綜合環境和成本優勢成為生物醫藥企業爭相入駐的重要因素,尤其是水土高新技術產業園正在打造科技創新城,重點發展包括雲計算資料處理、新能源新材料和生物醫藥產業,為制藥企業的轉型升級、進軍國際市場奠定堅實基礎。  目前,水土高新園生物醫藥領域現已經入駐了北大方正醫藥產業基地、博騰服務外包基地,伴隨一批生物醫藥、醫療器械及製劑外包生產研發企業的入駐,兩江新區面向全球市場的國際生物醫藥基地正加速成型,產業集群初步顯現,將形成重慶市生物醫藥產業研發及服務外包的高地。下一步,兩江新區將通過引進國際生物醫藥項目、國際醫藥品牌,把生物醫藥基地打造成為與國際制藥企業接軌的現代化、國際化的生物醫藥製造基地,最終形成500億元的年產值。

背景介紹  由上海複星藥業、重慶化醫集團強強合作的藥友制藥是重慶醫藥產業龍頭企業之一,公司以阿拓莫蘭、炎琥甯為代表的凍幹製劑產品佔據同類產品市場的主導地位,藥友制藥在2010年成為中國第一家處方製劑通過加拿大衛生部GMP認證的制藥企業,主要原料藥產品90%以上均銷往美國及歐洲市場。其中鹽酸克林黴素已成為世界知名藥企全球最大供應商,是集製劑、研發、銷售的知名制藥集團


醫美技術國際水準又平價,外客來台瘋整形2011-08-09 【中時電子報】  隨著醫學美容技術的進步及接受度越來越開放,使的醫學美容逐漸成為許多人追求後天美麗的方式,而整型及醫學美容診所更猶如雨後春筍般林立,像台北市的忠孝東路上,就開了近百間的大小醫學美容診所。而各家彼此良性競爭的結果,也使得台灣的醫學美容技術更為精進,躍上國際級水準,不僅有對岸及國外客人來台接受手術,更吸引各國醫師前來觀摩研習。   以往亞洲地區的醫學美容指標國家不外乎是韓國與日本,而近年台灣的醫美技術隨著的市場的熱絡而不斷提升,在國際的能見度也逐漸嶄露,加上所需費用普遍較其他國家低,所以台灣也逐漸成為外客選擇整型或醫學美容的主要國家之一。

外客來台整型以港澳居冠  米蘭時尚診所何玲嬅醫師表示,這兩年有越來越多外國籍客人來到診所接受手術及療程,而又以亞洲地區的香港及澳門為最多,他們普遍表示相信台灣的醫美技術水準,而且費用較當地低,語言也通,所以醫學美容選台灣成了他們的共同認知。其次就是中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡…等,其中日本、韓國甚至歐美地區的外籍客人也不在少數。  而那麼多醫學美容項目,哪一些是讓這些外客不遠千里而來的呢?皮膚專科曾繁聞醫師表示:常見外客有興趣的項目大部分是可以分成兩類,一類是注射微整型,另一類則是身材雕塑型手術。因為台灣醫美的微整型觀念發展的較快,所以累積的經驗相當豐富;另一類則是因為東方的身材講求玲瓏有緻,所以台灣發展體雕技術也相當的純熟,而當中以溶脂手術及自體脂肪隆乳為外客來台進行身形雕塑的兩大主要手術。  米蘭時尚診所林維善醫師補充道:台灣的溶脂技術在世界各國發展的算是滿早的,當其他國家還停留於傳統抽脂階段時,台灣早已經升級成溶脂方式了。而屬脂肪應用的自體脂肪隆乳也因為受惠於溶脂發展所打下的扎實基礎,所以台灣自體脂肪移植技術於國際上也有一定水準。門診中不僅時常可見亞洲鄰國的外客前來,甚至也不乏有金髮碧眼的歐美人士。台灣醫美技術的好口碑不僅吸引了越來越多的愛美外客來台,甚至連其他國家的醫學美容整型醫師也紛紛慕名來台進行經驗取經及技術研習,林維善醫師就表示:其實近年時常會接到其他國家醫師欲來台接受技術研習的請求,像最近就有馬來西亞等國家醫師前來進行技術研習並接受認證。這些都可以說明台灣的醫美整型實力逐漸被各國所認同,林醫師打趣的說,台灣不僅是個美麗的寶島,也是一個讓人變美麗的寶島。
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