Monday, September 26, 2011


美時製藥:本公司與大陸安生公司訴訟案,高級人民法院判決之相關事宜  鉅亨網 2011-09-26美時製藥:本公司與大陸安生公司訴訟案,高級人民法院判決之相關事宜 第二條 第21.法律事件之當事人、法院名稱、處分機關及相關文書案號: 原告:珠海安生醫藥有限公司 被告:美時化學製藥股份有限公司 法院名稱:廣東省高級人民法院處分機關案號:(2009)粵高法民四終字第2992.事實發生日:100/09/26  3.發生原委(含爭訟標的):(98)本公司之孫公司樂特仕生物科技諮詢(上海)有限公司控告珠海安生醫藥有限公司拒付推廣費人民幣1,292,582.50元,違反"總經銷協議"經珠市香洲區人民法院一審判決安生公司應支付樂特仕人民幣815,145.82元,安生反控本公司解除其"總經銷協議"之違約責任,經兩造上訴,(98/07/06)廣東省珠海市中級人民法院 (2008)珠中法民四初字第94號判決,本公司應支付安生公司人民幣4,707,092.52元,業經再上訴,(100/09/26)廣東省高級人民法院根據"中華人民共和國合同法""中華人民共和國民事訴訟法"認為安生公司雖拒付推廣費,在一定程度上影響了"總經銷協議"但並未致使"總經銷協議"的主要目的不能實現,故維持原判本公司應支付安生公司人民幣4,707,092.524.處理過程:本公司認為安生公司違約拒付樂特仕推廣費,應對美時承擔違約責任,正與委任律師商議,將依法提起再審。5.對公司財務業務影響及預估影響金額:依據律師提供之法律意見,並洽會計師擬具之影響,業已於98年財報中認列損失6.因應措施及改善情形:本公司與委任律師商議後,將依法提起再審。7.其他應敘明事項:無。

New Immune-inhibition Tech Grows Meat Faster at Lower Cost

 Sep 25, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- A Taiwanese professor has developed a novel immune-inhibition technology that can shorten animals' growth period and reduce farmers' cost -- an innovation that may provide a solution to the world's food shortage problem. The technology developed by Tzong-Yueh Chen, a professor from the Institute of Biotechnology at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), promotes animal growth in such a way that meat will appear on the market earlier at a lower cost. "The ultimate goal of technology is to solve world problem. Tzong-Yueh Chen's research team has proved that groupers and even pork can be produced faster with lesser feed at a lower cost, an achievement that will benefit both the human beings and the Earth," said president Hwung-Hweng Hwung. This immune-inhibition technology produces specific antibodies and binds them to growth inhibition proteins found in fish, so the proteins will become deactivated and the growth rate in fish will accelerate. In a 12-week field experiment, Chen's research team used the technology on one pond of groupers and the traditional method on another pond for comparison. The results show that the groupers raised in the former pond grew to over 25.2cm and weighted 274g, while the groupers raised in the latter pond grew to 24.9cm and weighted 252g. According to Chen, it takes an ordinary grouper farm 14 months to produce a marketable 600g grouper at a prime cost of NT$40. With the newly-developed technology, his team only needs 11 months to produce a 600g grouper at a prime cost of NT$10. "Taking 20,000 groupers as an example, not only an extra NT$200,000 profit will be made but also a 3-month period will be spared," said Chen. In addition, his novel technology can be used on domestic animals such as pigs, as farmers need only 3kg of feed to grow 1kg of meat. Otherwise, 4kg of feed will be needed to achieve the same target. "If the world produces one billion pigs annually with the immune-inhibition technology, 170 million tons of corn will be saved to feed approximately 570 million people for a year, helping to solve the problem of food shortage," said Chen.


曜亞現增喊卡,股價連殺32011-09-26 【時報】醫美廠曜亞國際(4138)日前董事會決議,撤銷每股發行價格130元,共350萬股的現增案,市場解讀,已募得76%的現增案臨時喊卡,代表大股東不願意拿錢出來,顯然不認同130元的價位,對後市也沒有信心,引發賣壓出籠,今日股價再度下殺跌停。原本辦理本次增資,現增發行350萬股,價格訂價為每股130元,曜亞欲將資金欲用來拓展大陸及香港醫美事業,不過,在全球股市暴跌拖累下,曜亞股價8月底失守130元現增發行價。該公司考量,國內外資本市場環境不佳且波動劇烈,且目前銀行融資額度還有4億元尚未使用,帳上現金也有34億元,足以支應兩岸業務拓展計畫,決定撤銷現增案。曜亞原本現增案已募得76%,僅剩下24%的資金尚未募得,此時現增案喊卡,代表大股東不認同130元的價位,對後市看法不是那麼正面,引發市場信心危機,近五個交易日股價暴跌,今日盤中下殺至跌停94元。法人表示,除了信心危機外,同集團的佳醫(4104)與國藥合資後,似乎有雷聲大、雨點小的情況,雙方合作不見新進度,也讓想像空間大大縮小。曜亞上半年稅後純益3292萬元,每股盈餘(EPS)1.24元。香港設立新醫美診所,8月開始試營運,將開始貢獻營收,加上雷射執照9月就會拿到,第三季營收可望優於第二季,第四季是耗材、設備的傳統旺季,業績可望進一步攀升,下半年營運將優於上半年。

生技公司除了夢 EPS還是王道!

不燒錢還給錢!生醫股逐夢踏實時代來臨 精實新聞 2011-09-21有別於生技醫療股總給人燒錢及漫長等待的觀念,近幾年全球生醫業出現了質變,投資人不再獨鍾追逐高風險、高報酬的新藥公司,反倒是市場規模穩定成長的特性開始受到防禦型的資金青睞。其實,台灣的生醫股也有不少符合價值投資的特性,近兩年股東權益報酬率都高於兩成,比起所謂「高」科技廠有過之而無不及。說起生技股,市場第一印象大多為燒錢、等待及不確定,特別是還處於研發階段的新藥公司,在沒有固定營收下,每筆研發費用都是成本,當然也就難逃虧損,但是為了後續開發新藥的高度利益,投資人也習慣等待,本夢比也取代本益比,成為市場對生技公司股價最常見的評價。不過,因每個新藥自候選藥物至完成人體臨床並取得藥證,平均耗時16.5年,幾乎等於把一個嬰兒扶養至成年,在全球經濟環境瞬息萬變下,既要提防新藥臨床不如預期、對手陣營同類型藥品先行問世,還得防範公司經營政策丕變,大刀縮編研發費用,讓新藥胎死腹中,再加上前波的生技泡沫化,除了主管機關對純新藥公司上市的審核趨嚴外,這幾年追逐生醫產業的資金也轉變了,不再都是要求高風險高報酬的資金,獲利穩定成長的廠商反而開始受到青睞。台灣生技醫療業何嘗不是如此,近兩年生醫產業的掛牌潮中,若以研發為主的新藥公司,帳上都必須有豐厚的現金,得以支應後續的研發支出,市場給予的「本夢比」,也難比照以往。而且除了這些研發為主的新藥公司外,更多的廠商利用產品生命週期長、被替代率低、景氣波動小及市場規模穩定成長的特性,開始以實質的獲利能力,給予股東不亞於高科技產業的穩定報酬。以財報Bottom Line的股東權益報酬率(ROE)來說,因該數值綜合考慮了股東投資成本及獲利能力,通常被價值投資者所愛用。不少生醫股該數值表現亮眼,至少連二年維持20%以上,比起台積電領銜的高科技業,有過之而無不及。根據證交所公開資訊,這些廠商包括精華(1565)、五鼎(1733)KY馬光(4139)及葡萄王(1707)等,其中精華97-99ROE分別落在30.58%31%37.99%;五鼎近三年該數值也有21.77%23.87%29.28%KY馬光98ROE更高達41%,去年則落在22%;葡萄王靠傳銷子公司葡眾翻身,近兩年的ROE也各有20.95%21.31%。其他不靠一次性收入,去年ROE超過兩成的生醫股也有太醫及寶島科等。而ROE代表的是原始股東的會計成本,如果搭配股票淨值比(P/B)考量,就可計算外部股東的實質報酬。投資這些公司的外部股東實質報酬率也有4-7%值得留意的是,這些營運穩定成長、帳上現金豐厚的公司,近年不僅鮮少對外募資,盈餘配發率還多超過七成,且幾乎全數發放現金,甚至如太醫去年還曾辦理現金減資,每股退發2元。可以預見的將來,在全球資金更趨謹慎下,部分生醫股將有機會走出以往齊漲齊跌的投機味,反而能靠每年穩定成長的市場,及漂亮的財報,吸引更主流的資金青睞。

基亞與Oncolys BioPharma共同開發溶瘤病毒新藥Telomelysin (OBP-301) 鎖定肝癌

基亞PI-88力拼全球第1個肝癌術後預防復發新藥 (自立電子報2011/09/26)  基亞生技公司(3176)與國內九大醫學中心共同合作,針對肝癌復發研製的新藥PI-88,已經進入第三期臨床試驗的階段,並開始正式收納病患,預計全球收納500位病人參與試驗。一旦試驗成功並順利申請新藥上市,有機會成為全球第1個核准做為肝癌術後預防復發的藥物。基亞生技表示,PI-88不但是衛生署醫藥品查驗中心(CDE)的指標案件,也是中國大陸衛生部的快速審批案件。如果可以招募到足夠的病患參與臨床試驗,預估民國102年可以完成期中分析,民國103年完成主試驗。如果期中分析或者主試驗的成果達到標準,都可以申請新藥上市。因此當務之急,是以最快的速度募齊第三期臨床試驗所需要的受試案例數。第三期臨床試驗主要目的在驗證肝癌病患手術治療後,接受PI-88做為輔助療法的有效性和安全性。前案已開始在台大醫院、台中榮民總醫院、及林口長庚醫院正式收納病患。另外,包括台北榮民總醫院、中國醫藥大學附設醫院、彰化基督教醫院、高雄長庚醫院、成大醫院等,也將會陸續參與收納受試者,預計台灣將會有九大醫學中心參與這項試驗。由於現今根治肝癌的主要方法仍是手術,但術後的復發不但影響治療的預後成效,更是造成肝癌死亡的主因之一。因此,如何預防術後復發,被醫界列為工作重點,PI-88在預防肝癌術後復發的潛力,自然引發產官學界高度關注。工研院生醫所分析,近年來抗癌新藥的發展,已步入針對「癌症靶點」進行治療的境界。目前市面上的抗癌標靶藥物,多是透過抑制某些與癌細胞增生相關的生長因子的釋放,來發揮其抗癌效果。PI-88則同時擁有「雙重抗癌效果」:第一個機制是抑制類肝素酶,進而抑制血管相關生長因子的釋放、減少腫瘤細胞對外擴散與轉移;第二個機制則是抑制血管生長因子,進而降低血管新生的作用。PI-88是全球少見同時具備這兩種機制的標靶抗癌藥物,它讓腫瘤無法破壞正常的組織而擴散,也阻止腫瘤新血管的增生,抑制腫瘤的擴散與轉移。根據工研院生醫所的估計,亞太華人地區2015年,肝癌病患新增人數在台灣、中國、香港、與新加坡分別為8020位、365000位、1600位,樂觀估計2015年全球市場於肝癌術後藥品銷售值每年達新台幣738億元,悲觀估計市場值也可以達到新台幣520億元,如果PI-88能在2014年上市,則PI-88將有機會成為全球第1個核准做為肝癌術後預防復發的藥物,不僅造福肝癌病患,同時也將帶領台灣生技產業進入另一里程碑。PI-88肝癌新藥的全球性開發及市場價值,曾經是工研院生醫所「利用台灣肝病醫療優勢建立生技醫藥成功產業計畫」的重點研究項目之一,該計畫是由經濟部技術處委託工研院生醫所進行,希望透過該計劃的執行,尋覓值得投資的新藥開發標的,讓台灣能夠在不久的將來,躋身新藥開發國家之列。PI-88肝癌第三期臨床試驗除了台灣之外,並已向南韓、中國、香港等國家或地區的藥物主管單位遞件申請,預計明年第1季以前都將陸續獲准參與本項試驗。未來視開發的進度與市場需求,也將朝歐盟藥物監理單位(EMA)及美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)申請收納病患。基亞生技成立於1999年底,專注於開發抗癌與抗肝臟疾病新藥而成立的研發型生技公司。主要法人股東包括云辰電子、大同公司、大慶建設、幸福水泥集團等。基亞公司延續過去與澳洲Progen公司的合作,取得PI-88的全球開發、製造、與再授權權利,目前主導進行PI-88肝癌適應症全球第三期臨床試驗,參與國家包括台灣、中國、南韓、香港及部份西方國家。PI-88對預防肝癌術後的復發具有顯著療效與安全性,已在台灣六大醫學中心所執行的第二期臨床試驗得到證實。第三期全球臨床試驗已於2011年中正式展開收案。基亞公司另於2008年與日本的Oncolys BioPharma公司簽訂策略聯盟合約,共同開發擁有全球專利與商業權利的Telomelysin (OBP-301)溶瘤病毒新藥開發案,主要的治療對象是無法以手術切除的中期肝癌患者。該專題已完成在美國執行的第一期安全性臨床試驗,基亞將主導肝癌的臨床試驗,本專案已獲美國FDA及台灣TFDA審查通過,將於不久的將來,正式推動第I/II期臨床試驗。除新藥開發的業務之外,基亞公司自2005年起即規劃核酸檢驗(Nucleic Acid Test),作為公司的第二個技術平台與產品系列;2007年核酸檢驗系列的第一個產品人類白血球抗原(HLA)檢驗試劑通過醫療器材優良製造規範(GMP)審查,並通過台灣衛生署查驗登記、美國FDA 510(k) 與歐盟CE Mark認證,該產品目前行銷全球。除HLA檢驗試劑的開發與行銷之外,基亞公司也積極在中國展開佈局。基亞公司控股的子公司「上海浩源生物科技有限公司」,擁有中國試劑廠GMP(優良製造規範)證照,已成功於20108月取得中國藥監總局所頒發的血液篩檢試劑許可證,展開中國血液製品廠與全國各血庫、血站的銷售。


基亞肝癌新藥進入第三期臨床試驗 2011/09/26 聯合報】基亞生技表示,已與國內九大醫學中心共同合作,針對肝癌復發研製的新藥PI-88,正式進入第三期臨床試驗的階段,並開始正式收納病患,預計全球收納500位病人參與試驗。一旦試驗成功並順利申請新藥上市,有機會成為全球第一個核准做為肝癌術後預防復發的藥物。


2011年台灣醫療服務業赴中國大陸訪問團」 26日首站來到北京 2011/09/26   由外貿協會籌組的「2011年台灣醫療服務業赴中國大陸訪問團」,26日首站來到北京。此行包括:新光醫院、國泰醫院、台中榮總、中國醫藥大學附醫、秀傳等15家醫院、診所與健康服務業者參加,將台灣優質醫療服務介紹給大陸民眾與業者,吸引逾百位業者前往洽談合作機會。外貿協會副秘書長葉明水表示,大陸居民到台灣進行醫療服務,擁有語言互通的好處,透過兩岸啟動直航的便利性,讓更多大陸居民前往台灣進行觀光醫療服務。此外,陸客自由行讓大陸居民到台灣進行醫美或健檢更加方便,為台灣醫療服務市場帶來商機,這也是貿協未來的重點工作。北京說明會現場也有包括擁有七家營業據點的悅芳亞整形美容集團等多家業者,與采風醫美、中國醫大等台灣醫療業者洽談合作機會。還有包括諾貝爾視光集團、輔仁牙醫、禾睿牙醫等,也有不少業者尋求合作。外貿協會也促成北京台資企業協會成為外貿協會在北京的服務據點,日後該協會會員將循此「綠色通道」返台就醫。


金屬中心於發明展期間舉行技術媒合會 2011/09/26 【台北訊】財團法人金屬工業研究中心承辦之「醫用合金暨齒科醫材技術媒合會」930日下午舉行,邀請業界與學者對談。媒合會與談人及技術發表主題如下:金屬中心產業分析師顏瓊文談「醫用合金暨齒科醫材市場分析與發展」,國立陽明大學牙醫學系教授黃何雄談「鈦金屬及含鈦矯正線之表處技術」和「牙科用基底合金開發」,逢甲大學纖維與複合材料學系教授陳文正談「鈦植體表面處理對口腔細胞的整合表現」,金屬中心工程師彭耀德談「電腦數位齒科輔助系統」,傑奎科技公司經理吳俊豪談「骨科常見之生醫材料」,棕茂科技公司董事長李茂全談「生醫陶瓷燒結系統設計」,

Taiwanese neuro-cerebrovascular surgeon elected WFNS chief

 2011/09/26 Taipei, Sept. 26 (CNA) A renowned Taiwanese neuro-cerebrovascular surgeon has overcome strong opposition from China to be elected the next president of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). Tu Yong-kwang, a professor at the Department of Surgery at National Taiwan University's College of Medicine, will lead the federation from 2013 to 2017 after winning a vote on Sept. 16 at the WFNS' annual congress held in Brazil. Chiu Chung-ching, president of the Taiwan Neurosurgical Society, said the WFNS is known as the "United Nations of the global neurosurgical community" and plays an important role in exchanges of research and clinical expertise among its member organizations. "Tu was not only the first Taiwanese but also the first Asian to be elected to the top WFNS leadership post since its creation 56 years ago," Chiu said. Until now, the federation had always been led by either Americans or Europeans. Tu, who is now the WFNS president-in-waiting and will formally take over the federation's helm in two years, said he hopes to help narrow the gap in medical services among countries around the world and upgrade Taiwan's international visibility after assuming the post. "I plan to set up neurosurgical peace corps to allow people in countries with inadequate medical resources to enjoy advanced medical and health care," Tu said. He also pledged to promote the application of Internet and cloud computing technologies to facilitate sharing of knowledge in the field and offer easier access for young neurosurgeons to pursue advanced studies. The 63-year-old pioneer in neuro-cerebrovascular surgery in Taiwan was nominated last September for the WFNS presidency election along with a Japanese expert in the field. His nomination immediately drew a backlash from China, which demanded that the Taiwan Neurosurgical Society be renamed to include "China" in its title. China also lobbied Latin American and Middle East countries to back the Japanese candidate instead of Tu. Despite China's year-long effort to block Tu's election, Tu managed to beat his Japanese rival by more than 20 votes in last week's poll, Chiu said, because of his recognition around the world for pioneering a number of surgical techniques in Taiwan. Chiu said Tu won the support of neurosurgical societies in North American, European and most Asian countries, and even two Japanese neuro-cerebrovascular surgical assoications voted for Tu. In the process, Chiu said, many Taiwanese medical practitioners and scholars have voluntarily lobbied their friends in the global medical community to support Tu's bid. Founded in 1955, the WFNS is headquartered in Geneva. It now has over 40,000 members, all of whom are members of neurosurgical societies in more than 120 countries around the world.

Target groups for state-funded anti-flu virus medicine expanded

2011/09/26 Taipei, Sept. 26 (CNA) The list of patients, who suffer from influenza or have developed flu-like symptoms and therefore are entitled to government-financed anti-virus medication, will be expanded for a limited period between Dec. 1 and March 31, 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced Monday. The additional targets will include patients who have suffered from high fever and flu-like symptoms for at least 48 hours, and those who develop symptoms after family members, work colleagues or classmates have been diagnosed as possible-flu patients, the CDC said in a statement. The adjustment was brought up as flu season approaches. The government is trying to prevent serious flu infection and death. Clinical documents show that anti-flu medicine can be effective if taken within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms, according to the CDC. Currently, government-financed anti-flu medicine is available for eight groups of patients, including patients who have been diagnosed with complicated influenza, pregnant women who need the medication, and the patients that develop dangerous flu symptoms. Other categories are flu-like patients who have been suffering from immunodeficiency, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and illness on the liver and kidney; flu-like patients suffering from obesity (BMI >= 35); confirmed flu-like cluster cases; patients suspected of being infected by H5N1 flu virus; and patients who have been in close contact with people who are potential H5N1 patients, possible H5N1 patients, or confirmed H5N1 patients. The CDC pointed out that currently, there are 1,174 medical care institutes around Taiwan that are equipped with state-funded anti-flu medicine. It also noted that as part of efforts to stem possible flu outbreaks, the government has prepared effective doses of anti-flu medicine for 25 percent of the population.
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