Wednesday, July 4, 2012

養身美食! 草莓奶油? 草莓就好了 ....

Strawberry extracts actively stimulate proteins that offer protection against cardiovascular disease Published on July 4, 2012 Strawberries, the traditional summer treat associated with Wimbledon could be serving up some unexpected health benefits. Scientists at the University of Warwick have been studying the beneficial effects of strawberries on our cardiovascular health, particularly around how they prevent the development of heart disease and diabetes. Professor Paul Thornalley from Warwick Medical School heads the team that discovered extracts from strawberries positively activate a protein in our bodies called 'Nrf2' which is shown to increase antioxidant and other protective activities. This protein works to decrease blood lipids and cholesterol, the very things which can lead to cardiovascular problems. Eating strawberries has previously been found to counter post-meal blood glucose and low density lipoprotein, or 'bad' cholesterol and therefore decrease risk of diabetes and heart disease, but this is the first time that strawberry extracts have been proved to actively stimulate proteins that offer us protection against disease.
Professor Thornalley explained: "We've discovered the science behind how strawberries work to increase our in-built defences to keep cells, organs and blood vessels healthy and which can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and diabetes. "So don't feel guilty about serving up strawberries and cream … although I'd suggest more strawberries and less or even no cream!" Screening and mathematical modelling techniques developed at the University of Warwick can now take this research further to help identify the best varieties of strawberries, how they are served or processed and how many strawberries should be eaten for optimum health benefit.

Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2, also known as NFE2L2 or Nrf2, is a transcription factor that in humans is encoded by the NFE2L2 gene.NFE2L2 induces the expression of various genes including those that encode for several antioxidant enzymes, and it may play a physiological role in the regulation of oxidative stress. Investigational drugs that target NFE2L2 are of interest as potential therapeutic interventions for oxidative-stress related pathologies.

Gene expression pattern of the NFE2L2 gene.

節食 有更好的理由了 !! (長壽...)

英研究:少吃4 延長壽命 【中央社╱台北3日電】 2012.07.04 08:05 am  科學家說,少吃4成食物,可能足以讓壽命延長20年。研究人員正在探究基因與生活型態可以如何減緩老化作用,讓一個人的壽命增加好幾年,甚至延長數十年。 英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,倫敦大學學院(University College London)健康老化研究所(Institute of Health Ageing)的研究人員正在研發一種療法,可望用來對抗老化「疾病」。 研究聲稱,與老化有關的疾病,像是心血管疾病、癌症與神經退化性疾病,也可以一併對抗。 研究團隊正在探究的問題包括,如何只減少食物攝取量,就能讓老鼠壽命增加高達30% 主要研究人員派柏(Matthew Piper)博士告訴英國「獨立報」(Independent):「如果將老鼠的飲食量減少40%,就能讓老鼠多活20%30%的壽命,相當於人類20年的壽命。所有種類的有機體都是如此,包括拉布拉多犬。 科學家也研究果蠅與老鼠,果蠅有60%的基因跟人類相同,老化方式也跟人類相似。 他們使用藥物治療並減輕飲食量,已經延長果蠅與老鼠的健康壽命。 派柏博士說:「如果我們發現與老化有關的基因,應該就能延緩老化,而這就是我們所發現的。」 不過,派柏博士警告,延長壽命的研究歷史只有10年,因此還在「理論」階段。 研究發表於英國皇家學會(Royal Society)的倫敦夏季科學展(Summer Science Exhibition)。 2012/07/04 中央社】   

我要剖腹產OR自然產 ???!!!

早產兒學習障礙 醫師:避免剖腹產 【台灣醒報╱記者陳珮瑜╱台北報導】 2012.07.03 06:26 pm  專家研究,早產的孩童較容易在課業學習上遭遇困難,而能在子宮待較長時間的孩童,其大腦發育較健全,通常也會有較好的課業表現。此外,懷孕週數少於37週出生的孩子,比較容易出現健康和發展方面的問題。 就過去的醫學觀點而言,懷孕3741週已屬於胎兒成熟期,在此期間出生的嬰孩,其身心發展狀況多屬正常;不過,科學家發現,當3738週即出生的孩童成長至8歲時,他們在數學測驗的成績通常較3941週出生的孩童還差強人意。該項實驗彙整在紐約市就讀公立小學的128千名學生學習狀況,發現在3年級學生中,37週出生的孩童,其出現嚴重閱讀障礙的機率,比起41週出生的孩童還高33%;其在數學計算上遭遇困難的機率也較41週出生的孩童還高19%。從研究數據可得知,閱讀障礙部分,懷胎37周孩子的比例為2.3%,但懷胎41周孩子的比例為1.8%;數學作答障礙部分,懷胎37周孩子的比例為1.1%,但懷胎41周孩子的比例為0.9% 美國范德比爾特大學醫學中心兒科教授和新生兒科主任艾敘爾表示,該研究的確提供深思的角度,許多孕婦認為3738週出生的孩童和足月出生的並無多少差別,但結果顯示,早產兒在學習上的確較容易遇到瓶頸。 此外,該項研究也掀起剖腹產嬰的迷思,有些孕婦基於懷孕過於疲憊,或是有些醫師太過忙碌,最終會選擇以剖腹的方式提早取出嬰孩。艾敘爾提醒新手爸媽最好是選擇自然生產,不到非不得已,盡量避免剖腹生產。  2012/07/03 台灣醒報】  


 2012070408:40医药经济报作者:马飞 【慧聪制药工业网】“今年我们推出了一个新产品,刚刚上市不久,被列为中华医学会肝脏病分会酒精性肝病诊疗指南推荐药品,今天在展会上前来咨询和洽谈的厂商不少。”628,青岛,在第47届全国新特药会上,沈阳三生制药的一位省区经理王道军拿着美他多辛片的宣传页向记者展示。而在整个展厅,络绎不绝的医药代理商、经销商、药店采购人员、医药研发人员、投融资机构人员等访客正在为一个共同的目标交融——新药。记者随即采访了一些参展商和观众,自从国家规范新药审批以来,改剂型“新药”已走向末路,新药申报与审批也日渐严格,在此背景下,更多的市场人士开始在新特药会上关注起新药的质,而不是量。
新药开发困境 除沈阳三生制药,北京双环铂医药科技公司也展出了刚获得批文、并准备在7月底上市的一类抗肿瘤新药;重庆圣华曦药业则展出了3.1类新药全新抗帕金森药屈昔多巴胶囊;以岭药业则推出了补肾新药;北京同仁堂推出天然植物单体抗抑郁新药……“总体感觉真正有品质的新产品并不多,有些大型医药集团则是以老品种做展示。”一位参展商向记者表示,在目前新药研发投入产出比降低的语境下,要淘到好品种还真不容易。 记者在与参会人员交流时发现,不少企业仍是以抗菌素品种做重点推介。来自江苏的某公司研发部总监告诉记者,目前抗感染用药依然是医院用药中占比最大的一块,企业前期投入不少资金开发新品种以及复合制剂。“抗菌素管理办法的出台,使各省的抗菌素市场结构都有很大的调整,很多企业正在焦灼观望,代理商现在也不敢妄动。其次是心血管领域、降糖降脂领域、肿瘤领域的新品种也成为会上的主导产品。” 展品只是表象,背后映射的却是当前新药开发的现实。由于当前新药开发的难度越来越大,成本越来越高,以及招标采购、新药定价因素的制约,资金实力偏弱的企业开发新药大多集中在一两个领域。目前,我国仍以3类新药申报为主,占新药数量的60%左右,1类新药申报也开始增加。“一旦政策与市场发生碰撞,很多企业应对政策调控就显得有心无力,此时企业往往缺乏后备品种可做推荐,这是新药开发的现实困境。”王道军略显无奈地说。 尽管国内新药开发困难重重,但对于创新路径的探索并未停止。在国药励展本次新特药会开设的“跳出传统模式,筛出新药特药”论坛上,宾客满座就折射出产业界的心之所向。药品注册监管法规体系的修订完善、新《药品价格形成机制》对新药定价的调整、全球药品专利集体到期等,所有这一切,使得“开发新品种,获得好品种”成为现阶段中国医药市场所有企业共同的战略定位与迫切需求。
开拓临床销售渠道 记者从主办方了解到,截至发稿,本届新特药会设立标准展位1500余个,共吸引全国各地1000多家医药企业参展,大约7万多名来自全国各地的代表到会参观洽谈,寻找最新、最前沿的药品、新药研发产品/技术、项目投资合作等。值得注意的是,有一个新亮点很养眼。面对市场机会,国内诸多知名企业踊跃参展,其中包括中国生物技术股份有限公司、中国医药工业研究总院、国药集团联合工程有限公司、一致药业等。细心的与会者不难看出,新特药会开始贯通整个产业链,涵盖了产学研用全体系。“这种尝试也表明了整个行业对新药创新的集体关注。”国药励展副总经理匡勇认为。 此外,还有一种现象引起了记者的注意,即新药产品价值链的上下游互动活跃。据悉,借助新特药会与中国药店采购供应博览会/中国家庭医疗用品展览会共同搭建的平台,630举办的“2012药品再评价及新药点评高峰会议”将会有国内知名专家、行业专家与来自全国范围内各地的临床药学、医学工作者等,就医院审评、医院药房托管、新医改及药品上市后再评价、新药品市场点评等热点问题进行广泛、深入的交流。前述展商代表认为:“从上下游的互动现场来看,我们可以感受到,在异常激烈的市场竞争中,如何根据自己的产品资源挖掘三大终端市场,如何在正确把握政策导向的同时,结合市场特点,及时制定新药研发创新的策略,多方都在积极探索新的发展模式,寻找新的品种,主动开拓终端市场并对接,这种趋势已成为产业可持续发展的集体诉求。”   

Dr. Reddy’s inks drug deal with Merck Serono

Posted: Wed, Jun 6 2012. 10:34 PM IST Hyderabad: Indian drug maker Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd and European biotechnology firm Merck Serono will jointly develop and manufacture biosimilar compounds—subsequent versions of innovator biopharmaceutical products that go off patent—to treat cancer, the two companies said on Wednesday. The focus of the venture will be on so-called monoclonal antibodies. Merck Serono, a division of Merck KGaA , based in Darmstadt, Germany, and Hyderabad-headquartered Dr. Reddy’s will co-develop biosimilar molecules, with the Indian partner leading early product and complete phase I development. Merck Serono will take over manufacturing of the compounds and will lead Phase III development. The partners will share the cost of research and development. Photo: Bloomberg The partnership covers co-development, manufacturing and commercialization of the compounds around the globe, with some specific country exceptions,” Dr. Reddy’s said in a statement. Dr. Reddy’s has to date launched four biosimilar molecules. The partnership with Merck Serono expands on Dr. Reddy’s presence in the biosimilar space in select emerging markets and enables participation globally. Up to now, complex biotechnology medicines, which are given by injection, have been largely immune from generic competition, unlike conventional chemical pills and capsules. But the landscape is starting to change as patents end and regulators establish guidelines for developing so-called biosimilar versions of drugs, posing a threat to leading biotech groups like Roche and Amgen. In contrast to conventional chemical medicines, biotech products are impossible to copy precisely, forcing generic companies to develop biosimilars, which are close to the original but need to be sold as separate medicines. Merck Serono will undertake commercialization globally, outside the US and with the exception of select emerging markets which will be co-exclusive or where Dr. Reddy’s maintains exclusive rights. Dr. Reddy’s will receive royalty payments from Merck Serono upon commercialization. In the US, the parties will co-commercialize the products on a profit-sharing basis. We strongly believe that biosimilars is an important area of future growth and these products give us the opportunity to provide affordable and innovative medicines to patients across the globe,” said G. V. Prasad, vice-chairman and chief executive officer of Dr. Reddy’s. He said recent guidance from the European Medicines Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration on biosimilars made it clear that “any significant player in the field will need strong biologics development, manufacturing and commercialization capabilities,” adding that Merck Serono’s and Dr. Reddy’s expertise in these fields would make for a powerful partnership. Europe has already approved some biosimilars, including copycat versions of human growth hormone and the anaemia treatment EPO. However, antibodies for diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis are a much bigger commercial prize. Stefan Oschmann, chief executive officer of Merck Serono, said sharing know-how, risks and rewards was the right approach towards entering the biosimilar market, citing Dr. Reddy’s expertise in generic drugs and emerging markets as well his company’s expertise in developing, manufacturing and commercializing biopharmaceuticals. It’s a positive and equivalent tie-up for Dr. Reddy’s,” said Hemant Bakhru, an analyst at Mumbai-based foreign brokerage CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. “The tie helps Dr. Reddy’s to take their biosimilars through late stage clinical trials, where it requires huge investment.” There will be time lag before the tie-up starts reflecting on Dr. Reddy’s earnings. “It takes at least two-three years to see any impact of this tie-up on earnings of Dr. Reddy’s,” Bakhru said. Shares of Dr. Reddy’s declined by 0.25% to Rs.1,614.75 at the close of trading on BSE Ltd while the benchmark Sensex index rose by 2.71% to close at 16,454.30 points. Reuters also contributed to this story.  

华东医药 抗肿瘤药值得期待


台灣生技去了了 !!!!!

 大老怒批:政府為選舉,讓生技業去了了!   日期:2012-07-04 作者:蔡靚萱 出處:財訊 第 402         受到宇昌案風暴影響,民間投資生技基金意願嚴重受損,政府去年的生技產業最大政績──生技超級育成中心、生技創投基金,統統翻盤踢到鐵板。原本進行得如火如荼的新藥選題計畫,已默默緊急喊卡,惹得多位重量級大老現身重炮抨擊…。 政治因素影響台灣生技發展!」立法院長王金平最近罕見高分貝、當著行政院長陳?的面嗆聲,地點還選在自己發起的生技醫療產業策進會活動上。事實上,行政院推了兩年的「生技起飛鑽石行動方案」,正陷入泥淖動彈不得,根據本刊掌握資訊,關鍵的新藥選題緊急喊卡,不只業者心急,大老們也紛紛表達不滿。  首先開炮的王金平指出,曾多次呼籲政治切勿影響生技發展,但實際上卻造成嚴重衝擊,民間業者因此不再願意參與有政府資金入股的產業基金,像政府延攬旅美生技「大和尚」張有德領軍成立生技創投資金,國發基金原本承諾出資四○%,最後只肯給二○%,讓張有德大感「不如歸去」,也是政治力影響。  王金平暗批時任行政院長的副總統吳敦義硬砍國發基金出資比率,雖然隻字未提宇昌,在生技業者眼中,卻是明顯抒發對國民黨因選舉重打宇昌案、拖累生技業前景的不滿。  總統大選前夕,國民黨競選團隊猛打宇昌案,抹黑當年好心參與的學者專家與民間業主,不但嚇跑民間投資意願,還惹惱一心為台灣貢獻心力的海外生技大老,羅氏藥廠(Roche)全球營運總裁楊育民憤而辭去包括行政院生技產業策略諮議委員會(BTC)等顧問職務,哈佛榮譽教授陳良博、國際級愛滋病專家何大一也都淡出台灣生技產業的海外智庫圈。  原本行政院在生技鑽石行動方案中,規畫由翁啟惠召集的新藥選題委員會,選出具潛力案件,交由旅美生技專家蘇懷仁籌組的超級育成中心旗下種子基金輔導,或由張有德主導的生技創投基金出資。今年初,選題委員會由二十五件案子中,選出由國光生技、泉盛、台北醫學大學藥學系團隊所研發的三大候選新藥,泉盛、國光生技也開心宣布各獲得二千三百萬、六千二百萬元補助經費。而第二批新藥選題也如火如荼進行遴選。  但超級育成中心因法令僵化繁瑣,歸屬單位與經費來源成問題,面臨危急存亡關卡,張有德的TMF生技創投基金,也因民間資金被宇昌案嚇跑,已在國發基金撥款入股截止期限前宣告難產。原本已進入最後決選階段的第二批新藥選題入選廠商,在六月下旬紛紛接獲「無限期展延」的通知,白忙一場的他們大罵:根本被政府擺了一道!  由於找不到經費,第一批獲選的三大潛力案件轉由經濟部科專計畫支應,因拿的是科專經費,獲選案件竟得由經濟部再審一次。中研院院長翁啟惠氣憤地直嚷著要辭去選題委員會召集人職務,他說,選題委員們作出決議就該定案,送經濟部再審一次,等於讓時程拖延長達一年,候選新藥在市場上的競爭力也就一點一滴流失,「這是執行面出了大問題!」去年擔任政務委員的朱敬一,也不得不承認失敗。他透露,蘇懷仁在屢遭挫折、經費無著的狀況下,已訂出底限,將在今年十一月做個了結,決定是否讓超級育成中心繼續走下去。  

海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張有德TMF 蘇懷仁SIC 募資難!!
海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張有德對台灣的信心!
海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張有德50億元基金終會過關!!
海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張有德嘆「不如歸去」!!??
海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張善政: 張有德博士任務不在募資,而是篩案源!!??
海峽生技醫藥風雲: TMF召集人張有德也是台懋生技策略委員??!!
海峽生技醫藥風雲: 張有德募資受阻? 公股企業暫緩錢進TMF!!

India unveils biosimilar guidelines

India staked a claim to the emerging market in biosimilar medicines at this year's BIO meeting in Boston, with the release of national guidelines on the development of 'similar biologics'. The guidelines, which come into immediate effect, have been prepared by India's Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), as well as various government ministries. At a press conference to introduce the guidelines, Dr Maharaj Kishan Bhan, Secretary of the India's Department of Biotechnology, said they "lay out a clear regulatory pathway for manufacturers of similar biologics". The overall aim was to develop a framework for biosimilars that is tailored to the operating environment in India and will allow manufacturers to bring safe and effective products to market more quickly and improve access to affordable medicines. The document covers the criteria for selection of biosimilar drug candidates; the requirements for preclinical and clinical studies; applicable regulations within India; and additional measures, including, a need to submit post-market surveillance data for four years after a new product is introduced. In addition to laying out a framework for biosimilar development by domestic companies, the document is also designed to encourage overseas pharma companies to manufacture these products in India, said Bhan. The guidelines should also help avoid situations emerging in which intellectual property right (IPR) disputes result in litigation, he added. India is hoping to mirror its achievement in small-molecule medicines, namely becoming the leading global source of affordable generic drugs. According to market research firm BCC, the biosimilars market was worth around $2.5bn last year, but is expected to increase to $3.6bn by 2016 and then enjoy near-exponential growth as the first-generation monoclonal antibody drugs lose patent protection. India's drugmakers are already gearing up to exploit the opportunity. For example, earlier this month Dr Reddy's Laboratories forged an alliance with Merck KGaA division Merck Serono to co-develop a portfolio of biosimilar medicines, focusing mainly on monoclonal antibodies used to treat cancer.  Published: 27/06/2012

Blood test predicts death from heart problems after surgery

 July 4, 2012 By Jim Dryden in Surgery  (Medical Xpress) -- A blood test can predict whether patients are likely to die of a heart attack in the month after surgery, according to an international study involving thousands of patients. The researchers, including a group from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that the test could predict risk of death when given during the first three days after an operation. The blood test measures levels of the heart protein troponin. Elevated troponin levels, an indicator of heart muscle damage, were linked to unexpected cardiac problems and death in the 30 days following non-cardiac surgery. Preliminary results of the study were reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers will eventually enroll 40,000 surgery patients, but the new research was published after analysis of data from the study's first 15,133 patients. "After surgery, heart attack can be a catastrophic complication," says Washington University's Peter Nagele, MD, lead investigator at the study's only U.S. site. "It's difficult to diagnose a heart attack following surgery because the pain medications patients receive often mask chest pain. This blood test may make it easier to identify patients at the highest risk of death." Nagele, an assistant professor of anesthesiology and staff physician at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, says doctors typically measure troponin levels in cardiac patients undergoing surgery, but not in patients having other operations, especially if they don't have a known risk for heart problems. But he says initial findings from this study suggest the test should become a standard part of post-operative care. Worldwide, more than 200 million adults have major non-cardiac surgery each year, and 1 million plus die within a month of their operations. Among the more than 15,000 patients followed in this study, the 30-day mortality rate was 1.9 percent. The most common operations in the study were major types of orthopedic surgery, such as total joint replacement, and general surgery, such as abdominal or vascular surgery. All patients in the study were at least 45 years old, received a general or regional anesthetic and remained in the hospital overnight following their operations. The researchers found that as troponin levels increased, so did death rates in the month after surgery. Among those with the highest post-surgery troponin readings, the 30-day mortality rate was 16.9 percent. "Surgery is a major stress test," Nagele says. "You are exposing someone to a major trauma, and those patients tend to be at a higher risk for heart attack. The presence of troponin in the blood represents a 'red flag' for potential problems during the first 30 days, and perhaps the first year following a major operation." As the study continues, newly enrolled patients will receive an updated version of the blood test that has been found to be more accurate and sensitive. That test is not yet FDA-approved for general use in the United States. "Both tests measure the same proteins, but the new one has a higher degree of sensitivity," he says. "Now we want to know whether we can measure changes in troponin levels before and after surgery." Looking ahead, Nagele says it should be possible to more accurately determine how surgery contributes to heart attacks and other cardiac problems. More information: The Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Patients Cohort Evaluation (VISION) Study Investigators. Association between postoperative troponin levels and 30-day mortality among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. JAMA, vol. 307 (21), pp. 2295-2304, June 5, 2012. Journal reference: Journal of the American Medical Association  Provided by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis   

台塑生醫 醫美新品牌,主打藥妝通路

 精實新聞 2012-07-05 07:44:46 記者 鄧寧 報導 台塑生醫昨(4)日推出醫美新品牌「Derma Formula 美肌醫生」,台塑生醫董事長王瑞瑜在發表會上強調,新品牌是運用長庚皮膚科醫師多年的臨床經驗,發展出「預防醫學」的概念,將在連鎖藥妝通路康是美,以及虛擬商城7NET販賣。 台塑生醫旗下已有一個高級保養品牌FORTE,設點包括台塑廠區的直營門市與各大百貨專櫃,此次推出的DF美肌醫生品牌,則是主打連鎖藥妝通路與虛擬商城,合作對象為統一(1216)集團旗下的康是美與7NET,定價範圍較FORTE為低。 王瑞瑜出席自家新品牌的發表會,但媒體焦點仍放在王永慶大房王月蘭辭世後,二房長子王文洋提出「合葬」的問題。王瑞瑜簡單回應,表示三房沒有資格談反對或是同意,事實上有關於下葬問題,家族成員早在民國1003月便已共同協商完成,並強調「王家是個大家族,所有決定都必須經過共同協商,家族內部也非常和諧。」對於家務事成為社會焦點,她感到相當抱歉。

治療灰指甲 筆塗也行

 2012-07-05 中國時報 李盛雯/台北報導  灰指甲能不能根治?張英睿皮膚專科診所院長張英睿表示,灰指甲是黴菌感染,容易復發、不易根治,治療要有耐心。灰指甲治療主流是口服藥,如Terbinafine(Lamisil)Itraconazole(Sporanox),若擔心影響肝腎功能,可選擇指甲油劑型的外用藥,或天然植物精油搭特殊載體的外用筆,更方便、更安全。張英睿指出,一般人以為灰指甲只影響外觀,無論手或腳受感染,都可能造成社交障礙,特別手部灰指甲,會讓人很不好意思,久而久之,不敢和別人握手;在夏天一些需要脫鞋襪的場合,也會因香港腳或灰指甲而不敢脫鞋,造成困擾。灰指甲不只是外觀問題,也威脅健康。張英睿說,大多數人不清楚灰指甲是怎麼回事,簡單來說,黴菌就是閩南語的「生垢」,最怕傳染。臨床上常有上了年紀的病人,因灰指甲導致指甲變厚、甲溝發炎,放任了20年、30年不管,好像都沒事,一旦演變成續發性感染,整隻腳都腫起來,增加處理難度。張英睿強調,為了社交、為了自己和家人健康,灰指甲必須治療。造成灰指甲的黴菌分三大類,皮膚表面的皮癬菌以及會深入組織的酵母菌和黴菌,三種都稱為黴菌。治療方式並非「眼不見為淨」就沒事,當黴菌深入指甲,即使全部拔掉,只要指甲再長出來,灰指甲也就又長回來。早期黴菌口服藥對肝腎傷害大,現在藥物進步很多但仍有副作用,因此回到外用藥。張英睿說,含Amorolfine成分的指甲油劑型如樂指利,雖然少了肝腎負擔,但使用前須先將指甲磨淺,老人家若自己磨,萬一眼睛看不清楚就可能磨到肉,相對危險,且很多經年累月的灰指甲非常厚,甚至有醫師出動電鑽才能把指甲變薄再用藥。市面上有外用筆型的植物精油產品例如威透甲,張英睿解釋,除了主成分茶樹精油對黴菌有效,特殊載體將有效成分穿透到指甲內部,使用安全方便,省去磨指甲的風險,減少磨出來滿是黴菌孢子的灰指甲粉塵到處散播、反而增加傳染。張英睿提醒,對抗灰指甲,一定要保持指甲清潔,指甲要剪短,修剪時要隔離,才能降低復發機率。

印度欲成立风投基金 加强药业研发

 发布时间:2012-7-5 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 北京时间74早间,《印度时报》头条刊文《印度欲成立风投基金加强制药行业研发能力》,现全文摘要如下:印度政府日前表示,计划成立一支规模达200亿卢比的风险投资基金,用于加强对该国制药行业的研发能力。印度商务部长夏尔马(Anand Sharma)在本周二召开的一制药出口咨询委员会的首轮会议上表示,目前应该为印度制药行业的增长制定一项明确的战略性规划并缓解当前市场上存在的诸多担忧。在三个月后,将会发现进展。夏尔马在接受媒体记者的采访时表示:"我们正在考虑为制药行业成立一支规模达200亿卢比的风险投资基金,目前我们正在就这一事项与印度国有银行(EXIM Bank)展开磋商,并进行相关讨论。"早前就曾有分析师表示,印度凭借制药工业成熟化和具有成本竞争力的药品,已被业界认为正在迈向制药强国的道路。印度制药业目前正处于非常乐观的增长阶段。就技术人员而言,丰富的知识积累和充足的人才数量为制药领域增长作出了巨大贡献。美国FDA驻南亚办事处落户印度班加罗尔,是对印度在规范管制区域的市场优势给予的肯定。印度制药业已显示出了适应全球化发展的特性,不仅仅表现在整合与并购业务中,而且在临床研究组织(CROs)和合同研究与生产服务体系中均证明了善于业务协作的能力,从而推动提升了整个国家制药产业科技知识的水平。在2011年,印度已处于迈向制药强国的快速发展道路。夏尔马向相关行业代表保证称,印度政府将采取措施切实消除该国与美国以及欧盟之间的某些关税壁垒,旨在确保印度的制药行业能够在符合双边利益的原则下进行贸易。夏马尔表示:"印度政府势欲兑现支持印度制药行业的承诺,并将采取切实的措施确保这一承诺的实现。"  


 2012-07-04 01:43 工商時報 【記者呂雪彗/台北報導】  行政院今(4)日政務會談將討論「健康照護升值白金方案」推動情形,檢討國際醫療及長照二大主軸。據了解,衛生署鬆綁醫療機構可直接申請引進大陸人士從事美容及健檢後,今年1~4月國際醫療業務已有顯成長,不到半年已達去年總數一半。衛生署已彈性鬆綁國際醫療醫院進入特定專區規定,不過,迄今乏人問津。衛生署坦言,目前民眾認為台灣醫療體系快崩盤,擔心國人猶照顧不足,氣氛不對,因此醫療法修法,讓參與國際醫療機構可以營利及公司化的推動,時機尚未成熟。行政院政務會談今天將了解健康照護產業推動情形,不過,較引人注目的是國際醫療業務,迄今仍難趕上新加坡及泰國。衛生署去年底已彈性鬆綁國際醫療醫院進入特定專區規定,病床數不受當地醫療資源限制,可宏觀調控,希望吸引業者進駐國際醫療專區,從事國際醫療業務,惟迄今台灣本島並無縣市或業者申請,現任國科會主委朱敬一在政務委員任內也曾提出警語,台灣僅一年的光景可發展,但一年已過去,目前對國際醫療專區打造的瓶頸,朱敬一以不在其位,不願表示意見。官員坦言,醫療法倘若無法適度鬆綁,將國際醫療視同產業發展,讓國際醫療機構公司化,很難吸引業者進駐專區發展。不過,為拓展國際觀光醫療產值,內政部移民署放寬大陸商務人士來台辦法,開放增列健檢、醫學美容等事由後,衛生署也鬆綁醫療機構可直接申請大陸人士入院,不受自由行省份限制,近幾個月,與衛生署有國際醫療計畫合作的38所院所回報的醫美人數,確有明顯成長跡象。今年1~4月住診、美容及健檢總計達8307人次,為去年總量一半。目前有不少醫師從醫院外流至外面診所,擬爭取陸客自由行或國際旅客來台醫美健檢龐大商機,但目前衛生署尚未對診所開放可直接攬陸客從事美容健檢業務。   

陳武雄先生續任 賽德(4156)董事長

 發言時間 101/07/0218:54:16 發言人 陳武雄 發言人職稱 董事長 發言人電話 (02)89769628  主旨 : 本公司董事會一致推舉陳武雄先生續任董事長 符合條款第6 事實發生日101/07/02 說明  1.董事會決議日或發生變動日期:101/07/02 2.舊任者姓名及簡歷:亞桐投資有限公司代表人陳武雄,賽德醫藥科技()公司董事長 3.新任者姓名及簡歷:亞桐投資有限公司代表人陳武雄,賽德醫藥科技()公司董事長 4.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「職務調整」、「解任」、「任期屆滿」或「新任」): 任期屆滿 5.異動原因:董監事任期屆滿全面改選,依法推選董事長 6.新任生效日期:101/07/02 7.其他應敘明事項: 以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.  


院士會議 人才危機仍是焦點

 中央社 (2012-07-03 23:02) 分享(中央社記者陳至中台北3日電)中央研究院第30次院士會議今天進行第2天議程,話題圍繞在台灣的「人才危機」,院長翁啟惠指出,台灣已成為高階人力的「淨輸出國」,教育、科技、產學合作都迫切需改革。 民國99年第29次院士會議,院士們對台灣的人才危機憂心忡忡;去年8月,翁啟惠與國內各界代表連署「人才宣言」,引起廣大迴響,政府也陸續進行多項改革,包括打破教授薪水齊頭式平等的「彈薪方案」、以及放寬外籍人才就業限制等;但學者仍認為,政策影響範圍不大,還有很多努力空間。 今年院士會議,話題仍不離人才危機;翁啟惠上午發表「高等教育與科技政策」專題報告時即指出,台灣經濟發展困境,可歸因於人才、科技、經濟三個層面的連結斷裂。 翁啟惠認為高等教育需負一定的責任,在教育政策、評鑑制度的引導下,台灣100多所大學的同質性過高,每間都在拚研究和發表論文,原本技職體系的優勢反而逐漸流失。 近年台灣學生參加設計比賽經常獲獎,但作品最後能變成產品、產生商業價值的寥寥可數,翁啟惠認為關鍵在於產學合作機制不完善,「研發價值鏈」上中下游的連結不夠。 翁啟惠也指出,台灣在農業科學、化學、臨床醫學、電機、地質、微生物等領域領先中國大陸和韓國,但論文被引用程度、以及與專利的關連低,問題就是台灣還是依靠外來技術的國家,沒有掌握關鍵技術,人才也較缺乏創新能力。 院士賴明詔則指出,台灣人才培育的重大缺失是大學國際化不足,大學生不出國,缺乏語言能力和國際觀,未來國家競爭力面臨很大危機。 賴明詔說,以前工科學生都要到工廠實習,現在卻只懂得理論,產業界人士常跟他抱怨學生的技術能力不足,公司找不到適當人才;學術人才也屢屢受限法規,無法發揮所長,例如大學校長有年齡限制,使國內許多校長只能當一任,無法貫徹教育理念,在在都需要全盤檢討。 院士會議下午討論院士林毓生檢討大學評鑑、重建人文精神的提案;院士孟懷縈有感而發地說,台灣學生經過多年的升學考試,沒有任何思考空間,好不容易上了大學,有機會享受學術的樂趣,卻已經沒有動力了;長期缺乏思考能力,導致「台灣22歲的畢業學生,在美國卻只有15歲的心智年齡。

GSK 不著痕跡 推廣「安非他酮」未經核實藥效 !!!!

葛蘭素藥廠被起訴 30億美元和解  [2012-07-04] 我要評論(0) 美國司法部前日宣布,英國製藥巨頭葛蘭素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)就非法推廣及銷售藥物等3項指控認罪,並同意支付30億美元(約233億港元)和解,成為美國史上牽涉罰款最多的單一醫藥欺詐和解案。但批評認為藥廠多年來以不法手段賺取暴利,總額遠超罰款數倍,今次罰款純粹是「經營成本」的一種。當局指控藥廠在1990年代末期至2000年代中期,非法行銷「帕羅西汀」(Seroxat,香港註冊名稱,下同)及「安非他酮」(Wellbutrin),及未有向美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)就暢銷糖尿病藥「安糖健」(Avandia)提供臨床數據。 慫恿違規 推廣未核實藥效法庭文件指出,葛蘭素史克透過「將現金賄賂包裝成諮詢費用、價值不菲的餐飲及奢華娛樂休閒活動」,鼓勵醫生在未得FDA批准前,向18歲以下人士開出抗抑鬱藥「帕羅西汀」,或是聘請醫生在電台節目中,「不著痕跡」地推廣「安非他酮」未經核實的藥效,如減肥及治療陽痿等。當局稱,藥廠故意將「帕羅西汀」論壇會議安排在周末,地點包括波多黎各、夏威夷海濱酒店或加州棕櫚泉。與會者免費參加,還可獲750美元(約5,816港元)津貼,有資深精神科醫生更聲稱獲發2,500美元(約1.94萬港元)。事實上,這些醫生都花大量時間在浮潛、打高爾夫球、坐熱氣球及參觀酒廠之類的休閒活動。

罰單遠遜暴利阻嚇力不足 有批評指,「帕羅西汀」過去十多年來為葛蘭素史克賺得116億美元(約900億港元)、「安糖健」104億美元(約806.5億港元)、「安非他酮」59億美元(約457.5億港元),數字遠超今次罰款,阻嚇性不足。根據和解協議,葛蘭素史克同意讓華府加強監管其銷售行為,至於10年前舉報藥廠不法行為的數名線人,則可瓜分部分罰款。■路透社/綜合外電消息/中新社/英國《金融時報》


 台湾 201274(水曜日) 医薬品メーカーのダイト(富山市)はこのほど、同業の杏輝薬品工業と乳がん向けなどの抗がん剤の開発に向けて新たに契約を結んだ。同様の契約は3回目。 両社は先月、乳がんや非小細胞がん、頭頸部(けいぶ)がん向け1品目と大腸がん、直腸がん向け1品目についてそれぞれ開発契約を締結。ダイトが技術を主導し、杏輝の設備を使って共同で製品を開発する。開発後は杏輝が生産し、ダイトが日本で販売する。両製品とも3年以内に販売許可取得を見込んでいる。 両社は2010年5月に乳がん向けの経口抗がん剤、11年8月には慢性骨髄性白血病の治療薬と乳がん向けホルモン剤について同様の共同開発契約を交わしている。このうち乳がん向けの経口抗がん剤はすでに量産を始めている。今年8月にも日本の厚生労働省から認可を取得し、年内に販売できる見込み。生産能力は将来、年間300万錠に達する見通しだ。 3日付工商時報によると、両社がこれまで契約を交わした5品目の日本の市場規模は、約13億米ドル(約1,035億円)に上るとみられている。 杏輝は今年5月から抗がん剤(注射薬)の第2工場の建設を始めている。投資額は5億台湾元(約14億円)。13年4月の稼働予定で、年産能力は500万本を見込んでいる。

杏輝與日本大東(DAITO) 合作口服乳癌藥 8月取得日本藥證 !!!!

杏輝癌藥,搶攻13億美元商機 2012-07-03 【時報-台北電】 杏輝(1734)與日本大東(DAITO)結盟投入癌藥研發有成,雙方將搶灘5項癌藥合計逾13億美元市場,其中委由杏輝生產治療乳癌的口服錠劑,第三季底、第四季將出貨至日本,年銷售量至少300萬粒,未來亦將在台灣取藥證。積極搶進癌藥商機的杏輝,在今年即可望出貨到日本的藥品貢獻營收中,昨日股價強勁拉漲停,在攻擊量能釋出中,後市股價頗有想像空間。 杏輝5月才斥資5億元建立癌症製劑第二廠房,董事長李志文表示,該癌藥廠為台灣第一棟全新隔離式自動化癌症針劑廠,預定20134月完工投產,未來針劑每年產能最高將可達500萬支,足以面對未來5年杏輝成長的需求。據統計,杏輝與日本大東製藥已簽訂5項抗癌藥物開發案,大東負責日本市場開發銷售,杏輝代工生產。其中,抗乳癌口服錠劑契約,已依進度順利進入量產,預定今年8月可通過日本厚生勞?省查核取得藥證,年底正式在日本上市,預估未來年出貨量至少300萬粒。另外,該公司6月初也與大東新簽訂兩項抗癌藥物開發案,包括用於乳癌、非小細胞肺癌、前列腺癌、頭頸癌及胃腺癌的臨床治療,此藥物2010年全球銷售金額高達30億美元以上,日本本地銷售金額也高達1.86億美元。另一項治療轉移性大腸直腸癌藥物,2010年全球銷售在20億美元以上,日本本地銷售則為2.66億美元。該兩項合作開發項目也將循前此開發合作模式推動,預計3年內取得日本銷售許可,未來的生產製造也將由杏輝負責。李志文表示,杏輝目前治療乳癌、卵巢癌的紫杉醇製劑在台灣市佔率達7成,而為日本大東藥廠代工的癌藥也是穩定成長,因此光是日本現在客戶和台灣的市場,新建的自動化癌症針劑廠,預計2016年成本即可全部回收。(新聞來源:工商時報─記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導)  

國維聯科(4734) 稽核辭職 !!

  發言時間 101/06/2718:55:34 發言人 張鋒琪 發言人職稱 總經理 發言人電話 02-28865111  主旨 : 公告本公司內部稽核主管辭職 符合條款第11 事實發生日101/06/27 說明  1.人員變動別(請輸入發言人、代理發言人、財務主管、會計主管、研發主管 或內部稽核主管):內部稽核主管 2.發生變動日期:101/06/27 3.舊任者姓名、級職及簡歷:黃敏玉/稽核副理 4.新任者姓名、級職及簡歷:遺缺待補 5.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「職務調整」、「資遣」、「退休」、「死亡」或「新 任」):辭職 6.異動原因:家庭及個人生涯規劃 7.生效日期:10106/27 8.新任者聯絡電話:不適用 9.其他應敘明事項:新任內部稽核主管待董事會決議後另行公告 以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責


反骨陳培哲…工作很科學 下班前愛揮毫   記者湯佳玲/專訪 2012-7-5 在肝炎防治上享譽國際的台大醫學院臨床醫學研究所教授暨中研院院士陳培哲,自稱很「反骨」,就像他從事的工作很科學,卻特別喜歡人文藝術,現在每天下班前還會信手揮毫,是他怡情養性的最大嗜好。
對任何事都要批判 不能全然接受 陳培哲認為「反骨」其實就是「科學家精神,對任何事都要批判、絕不能全然接受」。陳培哲三十歲到國外讀書、就時常參加當時海外舉辦的「黨外運動」;回台後,他參與爭取民主自由的「廢除刑法一百條」運動,也於上屆院士會議中當場簽署反對國光石化開發,認為「工廠要設在哪裡都可以,但破壞的濕地不可能再回復,是憑常識而非專業」,更直言中研院南港生技園區的群聚效應,「台灣那麼小,差不到幾小時,不需要方便到這個程度。且生技發展為何不交給工研院,而要由研究單位的中研院來做?」 他也表示,大一、大二的物理、化學、經濟、法律等不出十門基礎學科必須學得扎實,應該要由最優秀的老師來教,非交由博士班學生代打。優秀的老師也不該只願意教研究所以上的研究生,造成學生欠缺基礎學科涵養,思考邏輯不足。
大學應建立評鑑法 淘汰不適任教師  陳培哲說,要讓學生優游於學習的過程,「只要曾被啟發一、兩次,大學就值得了。」他說,現在已經在研擬法官評鑑法,汰換不適任法官,大學也應要建立教師評鑑法,淘汰不適任教師。 帶點灰白頭髮的陳培哲說,小時候與祖父住在一起,「鄰居的春聯都請祖父幫忙」,耳濡目染下,十分欣賞書法的文字藝術美感。陳培哲書櫃前、隨時放著紙筆硯墨,只要心裡煩躁,他就寫書法,讓自己平心靜氣。 這位很「反骨」的生科組院士,奉行真理越辯越明,雖然有時引人側目,但是他說:「正確的事要堅持、不能妥協。」  


鉅亨網新聞中心(來源:華人健康網)2012-07-04 10:53:47華人健康網 記者張雅雯/台北報導 國際醫療援外是我國打開「活路外交」的重要策略,衛生署透過評鑑,要求醫學中心要負擔一定角色,外交部今進一步提出,希望醫院成為更主導的角色,以增強國際醫療的能量。  醫策會舉行「國際醫療暨人道援助分享會」,外交部進一步提出,希望醫院成為更主導的角色,以增強國際醫療的能量。 醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會今4日舉行「國際醫療暨人道援助分享會」,醫策會董事長張珩表示,醫學中心的任務指標基準,有一項目就是國際援助,但政策上沒有明確的界定:哪些國際服務屬於國際援助?哪些是配合國家政策或是自己想去?透過分享會的平臺,讓外交部、衛生署、醫院等國際合作參與者建立共識,讓國家得到更大利益。 外交部部長楊進添表示,醫療援助是台灣在國際上的軟實力展現,目前可分為兩方面:一是對當地提供立即與優質的照顧,因此派遣了行動醫療團、常駐醫療團以及醫療衛生替代役男,到當地提供醫療服務。 另一方面則是提升對方的能力與系統發展,實際作為包括開辦短期醫事訓練班、長期醫事人員培訓以及醫療器材捐贈。比如非洲的甘比亞,由於孕產婦的公衛條件不佳,對新生兒產生強大的健康威脅,因此發展出孕產婦計畫,提供獎學金與訓練機會,讓甘比亞的醫護人員來臺進修,這項計畫今年也推展至布吉納法索。 國合會祕書長陶文隆表示,過去由政府發起派遣常駐醫療團與行動醫療團,行政成本較高,因此未來希望改由各承攬的醫院擔起這份工作,從醫療的專業看能提供對方什麼協助,透過長期計畫與對方建立固定聯繫窗口。 台北醫學大學董事長李祖德建議,我國已有不少常駐當地的一般性醫療團,但對於災難型的急難援助,缺乏固定設置,恐影響動員的速度,因應現在國際災難事故愈來愈常見,應考慮建立固定的平臺。 此外,楊進添部長舉我國自製的國光疫苗,當時想捐給國際卻捐不出去為例,希望藉由國際醫療合作,同時把國內的醫療生技推展出去。  


 鉅亨網新聞中心(來源:華人健康網)2012-07-03 19:47:10 華人健康網 記者駱慧雯/台北報導 現代人工作壓力大,無論晚間睡多久,早上起床沒多久又是呵欠連連,讓人忍不住問一句:「你累了嗎?」其實,「疲勞」是一種主觀的感覺,通常是因身體能量無法應付平日的活動,所產生的生、心理負擔,如果短期「疲勞」未能獲得緩解,容易變成慢性病症。有研究指出,長期感覺「慢性疲勞」的人比一般民眾更容易罹患憂鬱症。  

長期疲勞卻不改善,容易演變成慢性疲勞,嚴重時可能引發憂鬱症。 「疲勞」是一種缺乏動力和活力的感覺,是體力消耗大、情緒緊張或睡眠不足的反應。臨床上會依患者病史和症狀區分「疲勞」的類型: 生理性疲勞:經常會在運動、休息與飲食時,因過量或不足的失衡現象感覺不適,但是症狀通常可在充分休息後恢復,且時間不超過一天。 急性疲勞:不屬於生理性不適,即使臥床休息也無法改善,症狀多持續在6個月內。

慢性疲勞:症狀持續達6個月以上。 如果「疲勞」的症狀持續兩周以上,建議盡快就醫,確認引發疲勞的病因後再行治療。除了感冒、發燒之外,下列幾項病症也經常引起慢性疲勞的疾病: 慢性肝炎:疲勞是肝功能異常的典型症狀,患者常會出現經常想睡卻永遠睡不飽的情況。 糖尿病:初期糖尿病的血糖值還不太高,多水、多食、多尿的情況不多見,較常見的症狀反而是疲勞。 貧血:例如缺血性貧血、海洋性貧血或女性月經量過多等。 甲狀腺疾病;甲狀腺機能亢進時,新陳代謝率高,能量消耗快,容易有疲勞感;但甲狀腺功能低下時,人則會變得無力,對凡事都提不起勁。 自體免疫疾病:例如類風濕性關節炎、紅斑性狼瘡、混合性結締組織炎、乾燥症候群、硬皮症等。 早期腎臟病:常見症狀是全身倦怠,有時伴有些許腰部不適。 高血脂症:如果長期飲食不節,三酸甘油脂經常在800mg/dl以上,除了疲勞感之外,還有罹患胰臟炎的危險。 惡性疾病:例如癌症、白血病等。 除了疾病所引發的慢性疲勞之外,經常在日常生活中引發疲勞的非疾病因素也不容忽視,例如缺乏運動、睡眠不足、工作過量、精神壓力過大、不當的勞動方式、女性生理變換期,以及肥胖等。  

陳武剛 克麗緹娜 回台掛牌 !!!

【經濟日報╱記者柯玥寧/台北報導】 2012.07.05 03:29 am  克緹集團董事長陳武剛 記者徐世經/攝影克緹集團董事長陳武剛表示,看好大陸人均所得提高,連鎖品牌將更受重視,今年集團旗下克麗緹娜美容連鎖店要加速擴點,年底前新增1,000家店,在大陸連鎖店達到5,000店;集團明年並規劃讓克麗緹娜回台掛牌。 克緹集團事業橫跨多領域,在台灣以直銷事業起家,大陸在法規限制下,自1997年起先發展克麗緹娜美容連鎖店,至2009年才獲准經營克緹直銷事業,此外,集團在台灣還擁有無毒的家、佰研生技、台東鹿牧場等事業,大陸也握有亞力山大健身房經營權。 陳武剛表示,克緹在兩岸採直銷、店銷及經銷三銷並進方式發展,大陸政府批准出32張直銷證,克緹目前已到大陸政府發出的第23張牌。至於克麗緹娜美容連鎖店,至今年初已達到4,000據點,為大陸最大的連鎖加盟美容商。 克麗緹娜執行長余敬倫表示,目前全中國美容店共30萬至40萬家,未來10年還將以每年20%的速度成長,但其中僅有2%3%的市場為連鎖品牌所擁有,其他多是個人工作室,與已開發國家歐美市場,連鎖加盟品牌占市場份額達65%差距甚大。 克麗緹娜自今年起啟動加速擴點計畫,今年在大陸要新增1,000店,較以往每年新增500600店,倍數成長。 克麗緹娜從上海為中心,往華中、華東地區的一線城市陸續擴點,目前華中、華東地區的店數占總店數的50%,並擴張至西藏、南寧等內陸城市。 針對大陸直銷市場,陳武剛分析,當地市場規模太大,有人民幣2,000億元的胃納量,但目前大陸直銷業一年僅達人民幣500億元,成長空間大,克緹2010年正式從台灣轉進大陸市場,「就像溪裡的魚,游到大海,還不知道邊際在哪」,因此在2015年前都為打底階段。 除了華東地區,包括遼寧、江蘇、北京、福建等,都是重點佈局城市。 展望今年,陳武剛表示,克緹集團事業版圖以大中華區為主,預估今年因為大環境不景氣,更多人希望追求業外收入,大中華區的直銷業將持續成長。  2012/07/05 經濟日報】

Taiwan's ScinoPharm invests NT$1.1 billion in cytotoxic injectables facility

Article | 3 July 2012 Print This ShareThis Taiwan based active pharmaceutical ingredients maker ScinoPharm (TWSE: 1789) says it plans to invest NT$1.1 billion (around $37.6 million) in the construction of a high potency cytotoxic injectable plant suitable for production of oncological injectable products at the company's premises on the Tainan Science Park. ScinoPharm say it currently has the most number of oncological APIs for the generic industry. "By expanding into the field of oncological injectable formulation, ScinoPharm will be able to provide a vertically integrated, one-stop-shop service for our existing API customers," remarked Jo Shen, president and chief executive of the company. Enjoying this article? Have the leading Biopharma news & analysis delivered daily on email by signing up for our FREE email newsletter here. Current demand of oncology injectables exceeds supply "The global demand for oncological injectable production capacity far exceeds the supply. Many international generic customers of ours have been eagerly searching for partners who can provide a high quality and stable supply of oncological injectable drug products not to mention meet GMP requirements," Dr Shen added. The entire facility will include space for R&D, quality control, washing, sterilization, manufacturing, filling, lyophilization, packaging, and storage. There will be one line for the oncological production, capable for producing liquid vials as well as lyophilized vials. In a separate, isolated area, there will also be equipment for prefilled syringes dedicated for non-cytotoxic products. This special capability was added again as a response to the severe shortage of capacity in the market. The entire injectable plant will meet the international cGMP standards of the sterile facility. For the cytotoxic area, where high potency oncological products will be produced, sophisticated containment equipment will be installed with proper safety protection, the company noted. Design and construction of the plant is expected to begin in the second half of 2012, with completion expected in 2014. ScinoPharm's main objective is to provide value-added services to the existing customers through contract manufacturing services of oncological injectable form. Through the expanded capabilities, ScinoPharm hopes to further solidify its leadership position in the oncological area with enhance support to its customers. 

Ypsomed Eyes Taiwan’s Bionime To Gain Blood-Sugar Strips

By Simeon Bennett - Jul 4, 2012 9:06 PM GMT+0800 Ypsomed Holding AG (YPSN), a maker of devices for diabetes patients, is interested in buying Bionime Corp. (4737) of Taiwan to gain control of the blood-sugar strips that are the Swiss company's main profit driver, said Simon Michel, Ypsomed's head of marketing. Ypsomed has sold Bionime's strips in Europe since 2008, and buying the Taiwanese company would give it the ability to sell the products in all 60 countries in which it operates, he said in an interview at the company's headquarters in Burgdorf, near Bern. Ypsomed holds 8.7 percent of Bionime, which has a market value of NT$3.6 billion ($120 million), according to data compiled by Bloomberg. An acquisition would allow Ypsomed to expand in one of the fastest-growing disease areas. Rising obesity rates globally are spurring a surge in Type 2 diabetes. About 346 million people globally have the illness, and the number of deaths may double from 2005 to 2030, the World Health Organization says. Buying the rest of Bionime is "certainly something we look at," said Michel, who is the son of Ypsomed Chief Executive Officer Willy Michel. Still, while Bionime shares are cheap, it's "the wrong time to raise capital" because of a slump in Ypsomed's stock price, and because the company has a policy of not borrowing from banks, he said. The two companies aren't in talks over an acquisition, he said. Marina Lai, a spokeswoman for Bionime, said she wasn't aware of Ypsomed's interest in acquiring the company. Share Drop Bionime rose 0.5 percent to close at NT$81.90 in Taipei trading. Shares of the Taichung-based company have dropped 28 percent from a record close of NT$113 on Sept. 16. Bionime sells for 19.6 times profit for the past year, compared with an average price-earnings ratio of 26.1 over the past five years. The company has recorded average sales growth of 50 percent for the past five years, according to Bloomberg calculations. Ypsomed rose 0.9 percent to 51.50 francs at 3 p.m. in Zurich, giving the company a market value of 651.5 million francs ($680.9 million). The stock peaked at more than 210 francs in 2006. Ypsomed, founded by Michel's father, who is also chairman and the main shareholder, is reinventing itself after the company's main customer, Sanofi, decided in 2006 to make its own insulin pens. Sales slumped to 248.6 million Swiss francs in the year ended March 31 from a peak of 310 million francs six years ago. The company has pursued a strategy of selling the pumps, glucose monitors, infusion sets and other equipment that diabetics need to inject the hormone that keeps their blood sugar in check. 'Not Acceptable' "The market hasn't appreciated the time for the transition," Michel said. "They expected we could handle it in three years, and it took five, and this was not acceptable to the market." Bayer AG (BAYN), Roche Holding AG, Abbott Laboratories and Johnson & Johnson control 85 percent of the $12 billion market for blood-glucose strips, the disposable cards for inserting in glucose monitors to measure the level of sugar in a person's blood, Michel said. While Ypsomed sells monitors, the strips are the biggest contributor to profit, he said. Michel expects the company to return to profit growth in the second half of the year, he said. Type 2 diabetes, largely the result of excess body weight and lack of exercise, accounts for 90 percent of cases, according to the WHO.   

Experts say medical malpractice law needs to be revised

 Thu, Jul 05, 2012 - Page 5 Staff writer, with CNA  Academia Sinica and members of the medical community on Tuesday called for the revision of a law that treats medical malpractice as a criminal act, amid an increasing shortage of doctors. In a presentation on improvements to the National Health Insurance system at an Academia Sinica meeting, Chen Ding-shinn (陳定信), a chair professor at National Taiwan University Medical College, said he supports the decriminalization of medical negligence. He said obstetricians and gynecologists are particularly vulnerable to lawsuits and medical disputes, which dampens medical students' willingness to enter that branch of the profession. Noting that about 43 percent of Taiwan's 211 townships and districts do not have any ob/gyn doctors, he warned that women might one day be forced to go overseas to have their babies. Medical lawsuits against doctors in five specialties — internal medicine, external medicine, ER, ob/gyn and pediatrics — accounted for 85 percent of all medical disputes between 1987 and last year, with neurosurgeons listed as the most vulnerable, followed by obstetricians and gynecologists, Department of Health Minister Chiu Wen-ta (邱文達) said. In an advisory paper on medical and health policies proposed by the institute, experts suggested regulating medical malpractice under the Medical Care Act (醫療法) instead of criminal law and pushed for bills that support "appropriate punishment" in cases of medical negligence. They also urged the administration to set up a system of medical compensation for death or injury caused by medical treatment. The Ministry of Justice is scheduled to hold a public hearing to discuss the criminal responsibility of medical practices tomorrow. Over the past six years, lawsuits against doctors for causing death through medical negligence have numbered about 100 per year, the ministry said. Over the past three years, one in 10 of these cases have ended with indictments against the doctors involved.   

Research and Markets: Chemicals in Taiwan

June 22, 2012 08:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time  DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Chemicals in Taiwan industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value 2006-10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the Taiwan chemicals market. Includes market size and segmentation data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information.

Highlights: -The chemicals market consists of base, consumer, pharmaceutical, specialty and fine chemicals. Market values are taken at producer selling price (PSP). Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates. -The Taiwanese chemicals market had total revenue of $112.1 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% for the period spanning 2006-2010. -The base chemicals segment was the market's most lucrative in 2010, with total revenue of $35.4 billion, equivalent to 31.6% of the market's overall value. -The performance of the market is forecast to accelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 11.7% for the five-year period 2010-2015, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $195.1 billion by the end of 2015.

Features: - Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the chemicals market in Taiwan - Leading company profiles reveal details of key chemicals market players' global operations and financial performance - Macroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the Taiwan economy

Key Questions Answered: - What was the size of the Taiwan chemicals market by value in 2010? - What will be the size of the Taiwan chemicals market in 2015? - What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the Taiwan chemicals market? - How has the market performed over the last five years? - What are the main segments that make up Taiwan's chemicals market?  

Amarillo Biosciences Announces Plan to Open Asia Operations Center in Taipei, Taiwan

 AMARILLO, Texas, June 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. (ABI) (OTCBB: AMAR) today announced a plan to open its Asia Operations Center in Taipei, Taiwan. This new center will enable ABI to increase its presence in Taiwan in order to access growing markets in mainland China and in other Asian countries. Dr. Stephen Chen, ABI's Chairman & CEO, said, "This new Asia Operations Center will explore new business opportunities in Asia, seek licensing opportunities, and evaluate investment proposals. Interviews for its new staff will begin immediately in an effort to have the center fully operational in the third quarter of this year." "The new staff will include a general manager, scientific and business administrators, and numerous project managers," Dr. Chen added. The mission of the Asia Operations Center is fourfold. First, the Asia Center will introduce novel healthcare products and technologies from the U.S. into the Asian markets. Second, the Asia Center will be responsible for identifying and developing new strategic partners in the region. Third, the Center will be poised to seek out new sources of financing when the need arises. Fourth, the Asia Center will identify new healthcare products and technologies that can be brought into the U.S. from the Asian regions to be distributed by ABI. About Amarillo Biosciences Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology firm operating in global partnership with Hayashibara Company, Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Nagase Group, which also holds 4% of Amarillo Biosciences shares and has provided over $18 million in loans, grants and equity investments. The Company's primary focus is ongoing R&D into the use of low-dose, orally administered interferon as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including influenza, hepatitis C, chronic cough, and opportunistic infections in patients who are HIV positive. The Company has invested nearly $40 million to establish oral interferon as a therapeutic agent. The majority of those funds were invested in clinical trials in an effort to achieve FDA approval for interferon. Additional information is available on the web at Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to product development, uncertainties related to the need for regulatory and other government approvals, dependence on proprietary technology, uncertainty of market acceptance of oral interferon or the Company's other product candidates and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see "Item 1. Description of Business" and "Item 7A. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures about Market Risk" of the Company's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. Source: PR Newswire 

Taiwan health industry targeting Indonesian market

2012/06/28 22:55:39  Jakarta, June 28 (CNA) Taiwan's health industry is eyeing the Indonesian market and its burgeoning middle class consumer base, said a member of a Taiwanese trade delegation to the Southeast Asian country Thursday.  The delegation of over 100 representatives from 68Taiwanese companies, organized by the Ministry of EconomicAffairs, is visiting Indonesia, where they participated in atrade promotion event in the capital city of Jakarta.  Besides executives from the chemical, construction materials, electrical and mechanical industries, representatives of several companies from the health industry were in the delegation.  This is the first time a nutritional supplement company has been invited to take part in an official foreign investment mission, said Tseng Sheng-lin, a member of the delegation and representative of the supplement company.  Tseng noted many Indonesian buyers were interested in Lingzhi mushroom products, which are popular Chinese herbal medicines.  An Chih-chung, representative of a hyaluronic acid company, said there are a lot of opportunities in Indonesia, especially in the aftermath of the European debt crisis, because developed markets have reached a bottleneck and developing markets have more potential.  An said the company's hyaluronic acid products were targeting high-end consumer markets in Indonesia because Taiwanese productswere of a higher quality and had fair prices.  Indonesia's growing economy has produced more jobs and a growing middle class consumer base, An said, adding his firm will target the its middle class.  Hsun Hsi-tai, a general manager of a health food company, said Indonesia's large population of over 248 million people and strong consumer base are the reasons his company has participated in MOEA-led delegations to the country in the last three years.  Wang Hui-chen, a general manager of an aromatherapy biotechnology company, said many Indonesian companies found the combination of aromatherapy and medicine a new idea and not only wanted to buy the Taiwanese products, but also learn how to make them.  Indonesia was Taiwan's 11th largest trading partner in 2011, with bilateral trade reaching US$12.26 billion. Taiwan exports to Indonesia valued US$4.8 billion last year, and the country imported US$7.4 billion of goods from Indonesia.  As of the first quarter of 2012, Taiwan was the ninth largest investor in Indonesia, with US$15.5 billion of investments in the Southeast Asian country.  

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