Thursday, October 16, 2014

美時 營收60億元?! 併購效益

艾威群結盟實質效益日現,美時營收步步高  MoneyDJ新聞 2014-10-03 11:01:45 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 特殊學名藥廠美時(1795)近日完成董監改選,艾威群(Alvogen)正式完成入主,取得主要董事席次,且派任總經理與執行長,雙方合作將進入實質階段。法人預期,第三季美時在計入艾威群四家子公司的營業額下,營收將創下新高,單季也將力拼由虧轉盈,明年在代工、併購效益發揮下,營收將倍增至2億美元,營運也將邁入逐年增溫的成長期。美時今年2月股東臨時會通過私募引進艾威群,該募資案也於今年7月底通過投審會審議,資金順利到位,上月底股東臨時會完成董監改選,由艾威群取得過半董事,且派任新任總經理及執行長。外界解讀,必要程序完成後,雙方合作將進入實質加溫階段,據了解,艾威群高層近月也有機會親赴亞洲,對外說明長期發展規劃。事實上,美時在艾威群入主之前,就是台灣少數有能力攻入美國特殊學名藥市場的廠商,先前已獲准一張一般劑型(2/)抗癲癇用藥,開始在美銷售,今年一天一次的改良劑型也獲准上市,近日在美銷售。外界認為,雖該抗癲癇用藥的競爭對手較多,營收實質挹注不大,但因抗癲癇用藥屬中樞神經領域,且製程具一定門檻,算是技術層次的肯定。該公司先前送件申請藥證的鎮痛解熱學名藥,該藥品的原廠年銷售額有12億美元,競爭者不算多,在敲定行銷夥伴及完成必要程序後,9月底已在美上市。展望明年,新美時的動能來自既有產品線、代工線與併購效益。其中既有產品線中,最受期待的當屬日本腸胃癌學名藥TS-1,原廠為大塚製藥,每年銷售額有430億日幣,約合台幣120億元,目前日本6家取得藥證的學名藥廠中,4家為美時客戶,顯示掌握其特殊製程的優勢,法人估計,今年出貨量已可望較去年倍增,明年有望續揚。代工線的部分,美時將為原艾威群韓國子公司代工的一款抗發炎用藥,一年需求量5千顆,因法規及生產查廠問題,預計將遞延至明年第一季出貨,是明年的成長動能。併購的部分,最大挹注則為美時收購韓國藥廠Dream Pharma,據了解,該廠主要以自費減肥藥品為主,收購前的年營業額約1億美元,EBITDA(稅前息前攤提前淨利)率約二成,今年11月完成收購交割後,明年可望挹注營收及獲利。法人估計,美時上季營收因開始計入艾威群四家子公司挹注,營收將創新高,並挑戰由虧轉盈,未來單月營收將是2億起跳,第四季營收也將續創新高。明年在併購及其他效益發揮下,營收倍增至2億美元,獲利將達新高,以目前股本計算,每股稅後盈餘3.5-4元水準。

艾威群結盟美時完成,拚成為亞洲學名藥TOP5 MoneyDJ新聞 2014-08-13 13:33:42 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 國際製藥公司艾威群(Alvogen)今日宣布,正式完成與美時製藥(1795)的策略結盟關係,艾威群已成為美時的最大股東,持股67%。美時也因同時持有艾威群集團旗下的韓國、中國、台灣、印度等四家子公司,成為艾威群布局亞洲市場的關鍵樞紐。雙方也將朝亞洲前五大學名藥廠邁進。艾威群的優勢市場涵蓋美國與中東歐,美時則是以台灣做為拓展亞洲市場的戰略根據地,目前美時的產品也持續打進日本與美國市場。如今雙方展開強強合作,預料將創造更多的市場機會,帶動營收的強勁成長、擴大獲利空間,同步提升兩家企業的價值。針對合併案的完成,艾威群公司理事主席兼執行長Robert Wessman表示,很高興完成了此一交易,與美時建立起具有價值且令人注目的夥伴關係,未來再結合其與韓國Kunwha的夥伴關係,對艾威群與美時成為成長最快速的國際性醫藥集團目標,將向前邁進一大步。此外,他也說,與美時的合作,除了在亞太市場可望創造更廣泛的產品組合與品項外,也將開創區域內製造、銷售與通路的領先專業知識。期待與新夥伴美時在台灣與亞太市場,就上述兩大層面共同合作,在國際上則攜手開發高附加價值的產品品項,進軍美國市場。美時董事長林東和補充表示,雙方的夥伴關係,對美時的業務、美時的股東,以及美時的客戶,都帶來顯著的利益。在成為跨國藥廠的一份子後,透過艾威群提供的集團資源,美時的銷售行銷網路將延伸至亞太地區的11個國家,有效提升營運規模、擴大產品組合與銷售區域。同時,我們也會引進艾威群旗下的優良產品至台灣銷售。由於艾威群擁有傑出的營運表現紀錄,將提供許多的寶貴經驗與資源投入,可望提升美時的業務能量,帶領公司營運走向一個全新的發展階段。

Feb 13, 2014

Alvogen, Hospira Launch Remicade Biosimilar in Central, Eastern Europe

Alvogen said today it launched a biosimilar version of the Johnson & Johnson/Merck & Co. blockbuster arthritis drug Remicade™ (Infliximab) into Central and Eastern Europe, through its three-year-old partnership in those regions with Hospira. Inflectra™ will be marketed by Alvogen in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania. Europe's largest markets, however, are unlikely to see that biosimilar, and another Remicade copy by Celltrion, begin commercial sales until February 2015, when patents for those areas of the continent expire. A tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) antagonist, Inflectra is the first biosimilar monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy approved for the continent through the European Medicines Agency (EMA) biosimilars regulatory pathway. Inflectra is indicated for inflammatory conditions that include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and psoriasis.


"Inflectra offers a more affordable—but equally effective—treatment option for sufferers of inflammatory conditions, offering compelling cost saving opportunities within the European Union," Petar Vazharov, Alvogen's evp for Central and Eastern Europe, said in a statement. Inflectra will be priced at a 39% discount to Remicade in Norway, regulators there disclosed late last month, based on results of that nation's central tendering process for buying medicines used in hospitals. Alvogen and Hospira have marketed biosimilar drugs in Central and Eastern Europe since forming their partnership in 2011. Hospira's biosimilar portfolio includes Inflectra and two other marketed products in nephrology and oncology. According to Alvogen, Hospira also plans to launch a number of new biosimilar monoclonal antibodies, including one that is now in late stages of development. Alvogen's sister company Alvotech said late last year it will spend $250 million to develop and manufacture biosimilar monoclonal antibodies, expanding a portfolio of biosimilar mAb molecules the company plans to bring to market by 2018. The initiative includes construction of a new 11,800 square meter (about 127,000 square feet), fully vertically integrated biologics development and manufacturing facility, set to open in early 2016 at the science park of the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. Alvogen was one of two companies to win European approval last year for biosimilar versions of Remicade. The other was Korea's Celltrion, which has said it plans to launch its Remicade copy called CT-P13 this year. Remicade is Johnson & Johnson's best-selling drug, with its share of sales rising 8.6% last year compared with 2012, to $3.891 billion—including a 13.8% year-over-year sales jump during the fourth quarter of 2013, to $1.712 billion. Merck's portion of Remicade sales increased 7% year-over-year during 2013, to $2.271 billion, including $620 million racked up during Q4, up 13% from fourth quarter 2012. While the drug's patents for the largest European markets expire next year, Remicade remains patent-protected in the United States until 2018.

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