Sunday, September 21, 2014

中國GSK 30億元(人民幣) 罰金能停損嗎??!!!

葛蘭素史克總公司向中國人民的致歉聲明 2014-09-19 16:34:03來源:國際線上 編輯:付承堃  國際線上消息:長沙市中級人民法院19日依法對葛蘭素史克(中國)投資有限公司(簡稱GSKCI)和馬克銳等人對非國家工作人員行賄、非國家工作人員受賄案進行審理。GSKCI被判處罰金人民幣30億元,這是迄今為止中國開出的最大罰單。對此,葛蘭素史克總公司迅速發佈了致歉聲明,稱總公司完全認同中國司法機關依法認定的事實和證據,服從中國司法機關的依法判決,並向中國患者、醫生、醫院和中國政府、全體中國人民深刻道歉,對於由此造成的損害,葛蘭素史克總公司深感痛心和愧疚。對由於受到葛蘭素史克中國公司非法調查而受到傷害的有關人員,葛蘭素史克總公司也深表歉意。

以下為聲明全文: 葛蘭素史克總公司向中國人民的致歉聲明  中國司法機關經過全面深入調查,依法認定葛蘭素史克中國公司為謀取不正當利益,給予非國家工作人員財物,構成對非國家工作人員行賄罪。葛蘭素史克總公司完全認同中國司法機關依法認定的事實和證據,服從中國司法機關的依法判決,並向中國患者、醫生、醫院和中國政府、全體中國人民深刻道歉,對於由此造成的損害,葛蘭素史克總公司深感痛心和愧疚。對由於受到葛蘭素史克中國公司非法調查而受到傷害的有關人員,葛蘭素史克總公司也深表歉意。葛蘭素史克中國公司的違法行為同樣嚴重違背了葛蘭素史克總公司的規章制度,完全背離了總公司要求員工遵守的價值觀和行為準則。這些行為未能及時被發現並被制止,葛蘭素史克總公司深感遺憾。葛蘭素史克總公司已經深刻反省,並從中吸取教訓,採取了具體措施,全面整改葛蘭素史克中國公司運營中存在的問題,盡一切努力,重新贏得中國人民的信任。今天,葛蘭素史克總公司進一步向中國政府和人民承諾,葛蘭素史克中國公司將以實際行動在中國醫藥行業樹立改革的樣板:將堅持在中國持續投資,並一如既往地支援中國的科技發展;將針對流行于中國的疾病,進一步推進藥物和疫苗的研發。葛蘭素史克中國公司還將通過擴大生產、擴大藥品價格下浮空間,讓中國農村地區和城市一樣,提高對葛蘭素史克藥品的可及性。葛蘭素史克總公司將以踐行這一系列長遠的發展戰略,致力於促進中國人民的健康福祉,為中國經濟社會發展積極貢獻力量。

GSK plc Statement of Apology to the People of China Following a comprehensive investigation by the Chinese judicial authorities, GSK China Investment Co. Ltd (GSKCI) has been identified according to Chinese law to have offered money or property to non-government personnel in order to obtain improper commercial gains, and has been found guilty of bribing non-government personnel. GSK plc fully accepts the facts and evidence of the investigation, and the verdict of the Chinese judicial authorities. Furthermore, GSK plc sincerely apologises to the Chinese patients, doctors and hospitals, and to the Chinese Government and the Chinese people. GSK plc deeply regrets the damage caused. GSK plc also apologises for the harm caused to individuals who were illegally investigated by GSKCI. The illegal activities of GSKCI are a clear breach of GSK plc's governance and compliance procedures; and are wholly contrary to the values and standards we expect from our employees. It is deeply disappointing that these issues were not identified and addressed. GSK plc has reflected deeply and learned from its mistakes, has taken steps to comprehensively rectify the issues identified at the operations of GSKCI, and must work hard to regain the trust of the Chinese people. Today, GSK plc makes a further commitment to the Chinese government and people that GSKCI will take tangible actions to establish itself as a model for reform in China's healthcare industry: by continuing to invest in China and supporting China's scientific development; and by further development of innovative new medicines and vaccines for diseases prevalent in China. GSKCI will also increase access to its products in both city and rural areas of China through greater expansion of production and through price flexibility. This long-term development strategy of GSK plc will promote the future health and well-being of the Chinese people, and positively contribute to China's economic and social development.

友華 開發 洗腎低血壓藥NOX-100, NO scavengers (Norathiol™) !!

Medinox announces the presentation of NOX-100 septic shock clinical results at the Sixth World Congress on Trauma, Inflammation, Shock and Sepsis in Munich, Germany on March 3, 2004  San Diego, March 8 /PRNewswire/ - Medinox announces today that Dr. Monte Lai presented the data from the Company's Phase I/IIa clinical trial of NOX-100, a nitric oxide (NO) neutralizer, at the Sixth World Congress on Trauma, Inflammation, Shock and Sepsis in Munich, Germany on March 3, 2004. Fifty-six patients suffering from severe septic shock (by SIRS criteria) were enrolled in the double-blind, placebo-controlled multi-center trial of NOX-100 which was completed in February, 2004. Patients were centrally randomized to doses of NOX-100 or placebo and received all other standard supportive therapies considered appropriate by the clinical investigators at the 12 academic centers in the States. The results of the trial show that the hemodynamic response rates after 48 hours for the 53 evaluable patients were: for NOX-100 patients (by infusion dose/kg/hour received) 1mg-29% (2/7); 3mg-79% (11/14); 6mg-70% (7/10); and 12mg-63% (5/8). Placebo patients had a 50% (7/14) hemodymanic response rate. In the same patients, the rates of survival at 30 days for the NOX-100 groups were: 1mg-71%; 3mg-57%; 6mg-50%; and 12mg-63%. The 30-day survival rate in patients who received the saline placebo was 43%. The analysis of clinical adverse events and adverse laboratory changes was done for all 56 patients and showed no clinically significant differences between the placebo group and the various NOX-100 groups. Only one serious adverse event (marked tachycardia and hypotension) was considered to be related to the study therapy and that event occurred in a patient who received the saline placebo. The results of this trial in patients with severe septic shock indicate a beneficial effect for NOX-100 with a possible survival advantage and an excellent safety profile. Phase 3 trials in this patient population are planned. NOX-100, also known as Norathiol?, is the first in a series of proprietary small molecule anti-nitric oxide agents that Medinox has created. These NO neutralizers represent a novel therapeutic approach by removing the dangerously overproduced NO in inflamed tissues while sparing the low levels of NO in normal tissues that are vitally necessary for many ongoing organ functions. "We are encouraged by both the positive effects we observed in this trial in patients with septic shock and also by the apparent lack of adverse events related to NOX-100," said Dr. Lai, President and CEO of Medinox. He added, "It is clearly very important that any therapy for septic shock must not cause significant adverse effects in patients who are already critically ill and NOX-100 has met that test in our trials. We look forward to confirming the efficacy and the safety of NOX-100 in the Phase 3 trials that we are planning now." Medinox is a leader in anti-NO therapeutics and is developing a broad technology platform to address a wide variety of unmet medical needs including septic chock, acute respiratory distress syndrome (including SARS) and hemorrhagic shock. In addition to its NO technology, Medinox is also developing new and safer NSAID prodrugs and MX-1520, a unique therapeutic for sickle cell anemia. For information about Medinox and its products, please visit the Company's website at, or contact Monte Lai, Ph.D.,President & CEO of Medinox, Inc., at (760) 603-8989, or by email at

台灣6萬的洗腎人口 友華/Medinox (NOX-100) 搶商機

切入洗腎商機!友華與美商簽定新藥合作協議  友華生技醫藥(4120)宣布,將與美商Medinox生技公司,簽定新藥NOX-100合作發展銷售合約,在合作協議中,友華取得該藥在台灣、中國大陸、韓國、澳洲、紐西蘭與東南亞等國家的獨家銷售權;而Medinox則擁有行銷美國、日本及歐洲的權利。友華指出,NOX-100Medinox生技公司研發的一項專利新藥,是目前市場上第一個用於預防洗腎過程中低血壓併發症狀的藥物。根據最新國際洗腎率排名顯示,台灣已連續八年在洗腎發生率及盛行率,排名世界第一。自全民健保開辦後,為讓民眾獲得完善的醫療照顧,包括尿毒症病人也都可以洗腎。根據台灣衛生署的統計,腎病佔台灣十大死因第七位,據估計,台灣每年超過90%以上病人,選擇以血液透析(洗腎)做為治療方式。友華表示,低血壓是病人在做血液透析(洗腎)時,最常見的併發症之一,有別於傳統在低血壓併發症發生時才治療,此次簽定合作協約的專利新藥,其專利機制能有效預防洗腎過程中發生低血壓的副作用,提升治療效果。該公司也指出,以目前台灣約有6萬的洗腎人口,平均每天新增加20幾人,保守預估,目前國內約有近 10,800 ~ 16,200個病患,需要使用此項新藥(NOX-100)的治療 NOX-100在美已通過針對洗腎病患的第一階段人體試驗,第二階段人體試驗將於台灣進行, 其目的在於證實該藥能有效降低因洗腎而造成低血壓的機率,減少在治療過程中護理人員介入,同時減輕病患在治療中所產生的不適及預後。

友華集團研發費用2.66億 (盈餘5.84元) !

友華蔡正弘:3項新藥進入臨床3 後續營運動能強勁!鉅亨網記者胡薏文 台北2014-06-19  13:20 友華生技(4120-TW)今天召開股東會,友華集團董事長蔡正弘表示,加速新藥的研發上市和拓展海外市場,將是帶動友華集團成長的兩大核心關鍵。友華集團目前已有3項新藥進入第3期臨床試驗階段,分別為過動兒治療、頭頸癌、胰臟癌等新藥,另自創品牌玻尿酸「ArieForma 艾麗膚(水凝玻)」,也是國內第1家取得玻尿酸藥證的藥廠,預定第3季上市,營運動能強勁!友華今日召開103年股東會,去年度合併營收為46.67億元,較前年度成長3.36%,淨利為4.36億,每股稅後盈餘為5.84元,會中並通過每股配發現金股利1.67元。蔡正弘表示,友華集團去年度投入的研發費用為2.66,目前已有3項新藥進入第3期臨床試驗階段,分別為過動兒治療、頭頸癌、胰臟癌等新藥,另外已進入第2期臨床試驗階段的新藥是治療血液透析引發的低血壓及帕金森氏症病患之口水溢流。同時,子公司友霖生技已向美國FDA提出四項學名藥產品的審核,包括肌肉鬆弛劑、降血脂及兩項糖尿病學名藥,其中降血脂產品屬第四類(Paragraph IV)簡化新藥上市程序之學名藥,今年3月已收到美國FDA的書面通知,接受此案申請,一旦挑戰原廠專利成功,取得美國食品藥物管理局核發許可證,該藥品就能在當地享有180天獨賣權。另外友霖生技的產能不斷在擴充,所生產的藥品包括糖尿病及降血脂等五項產品,並已分別行銷到台灣及東南亞市場,為了再擴充產能,第6項藥品轉廠申請已在進行中。友華指出,去年在大陸、菲律賓、馬來西亞、新加坡和香港在內的海外子公司,其營收已佔了整體合併營收的32%,再創新高,友華佈局海外發展的策略已逐漸看到成效。友華營養保健事業群,海外市場持續以2位數成長,友華合作夥伴-紐西蘭羊奶合作社(簡稱DGC)在今年51日已通過中國進口乳品境外生產企業的註冊查核,「卡洛塔妮」為通過查核的合法進口奶粉品牌,繼去年度上市牛奶粉後,這項正面消息將持續為友華在大陸市場帶來更大的貢獻。至於穩定發展的西藥事業群,由於在國內受到健保藥價調查的衝擊,所以積極發展海外市場,今年下半年將在菲律賓上市主力產品氣喘用藥,友華在東南亞擁有強大的銷售團隊,成長潛力看好。友華下半年最受關注的是自創品牌玻尿酸「ArieForma 艾麗膚(水凝玻)」上市。友華對醫美市場相當熟悉,擁有紮實的銷售通路及經驗,新上市的「ArieForma 艾麗膚(水凝玻)」是由友華生技委託和康生技生產,定位為「新一代柔塑型玻尿酸」,強調輕彈柔順感與超強支撐力,可以創造柔順立體顏。今年推出的是中小分子與中大分子1.5ml的劑型,這也是目前市場上唯一有1.5ml劑型的品牌,為消費者提供更多選擇。以友華在醫美市場擁有的實力,「ArieForma 艾麗膚(水凝玻)」的上市令外界相當期待,預計也將為友華在醫美市場再創高峰。

anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 藥物 美國快速審查 (Breakthrough Therapy)

治癌藥雙結合 意外成為趨勢20140619 15:03中央社專家指出,結合抗CTLA-4抗體及抗PD-1抗體組合藥物治療難治癌症已證實可延長患者生命,「這是未來的趨勢、也非常具有潛力」。第一屆唐獎「生技醫藥獎」得主,由美國學者詹姆斯.艾利森(James P. Allison)和日本學者本庶佑(Tasuku Honjo)共同獲得,兩人分別發現CTLA-4PD-1為控制免疫系統重要關鍵,讓治療癌症曙光乍現。台北醫學大學校長閻雲表示,艾利森證明受體CTLA-4的抗體可阻斷T細胞抑制性訊息,這樣便可活化T細胞殺死癌細胞活性,已被研發成藥物「Ipilimumab」,用於治療末期轉移性黑色素瘤。閻雲指出,2011年美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)核准上市,台灣2013年健保局也核准給付末期轉移性黑色素瘤患者使用藥物,不過,這個藥物也是有副作用,包括嚴重腹痛、腹瀉及皮膚皮疹出現。針對藥物副作用,讓國際研究單位思考如何降低副作用反應,閻雲說,學者應用本庶佑發現PD-1T細胞上的抑制受體進行研究,並證實這個蛋白質在腫瘤逃避機制上扮演關鍵角色,目前已投入在臨床試驗及藥物研究。閻雲說,PD-1的出現是彌補CTLA-4的不足,在第一期臨床試驗結果證實有好的反應,且在2週後就看到效果,前述副作用情況都有減緩,將這兩個受體組合的藥物是未來趨勢。閻雲表示,未來這方面的治療以更客製化導向,治療前需測試PD-1是否存在,臨床結果顯示,若PD-1不存在或表現低的患者,治療效果是不好的,反之,若PD-1存在及表現高患者,則治療效果比較好。閻雲指出,腫瘤細胞是非常聰明的,也具有永續經營的觀念,治療時對於抗藥性則要非常注意,因此結合抗CTLA-4抗體及抗PD-1抗體組合藥物運用藥物的互補功能治療難治癌症是「非常難得的潛力」。唐獎教育基金會表示,現在正逢癌症治療史上最令人興奮時期,艾利森及本庶佑的發現,促使國際間在免疫治療法上尋求新的契機,同時也讓許多難以治療癌症曙光乍現。

Two Immunotherapies Clear Important Regulatory Hurdles  July 08, 2014 | Matthew Tontonoz The promising immunotherapy drug nivolumab received its first regulatory approval for use, in Japan, making it the first anti-PD-1 cancer therapy to clear this hurdle. Yesterday, the Japanese health ministry approved the drug for the treatment of inoperable melanoma. Nivolumab will be marketed and sold in Japan under the name Opdivo by Ono Pharmaceutical. Ono obtained rights to the drug from the pharmaceutical company Medarex, which developed it in the early 2000s. Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) bought Medarex in 2009, but Ono retains rights to its sale in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Nivolumab is one of the most highly regarded cancer drugs to have emerged in years. It belongs to a class of drugs called checkpoint inhibitors, which "take the brakes off" the immune system, allowing a more potent anti-cancer response. The first checkpoint inhibitor molecule to be approved was ipilimumab (owned by BMS), which blocks a molecule called CTLA-4. It was approved by the FDA in 2011 for metastatic melanoma. Nivolumab targets a different molecule, known as PD-1. What sets nivolumab (and other PD-1 inhibitors) apart from ipilimumab is the fact that it operates "closer" to the site of cancer, and therefore seems to have fewer side effects than CTLA-4 inhibitors. Many cancer types have "learned" how to escape immune destruction by making a molecule, called PD-L1, which binds to and activates PD-1 on T cells, shutting them down. With T cells disarmed in this way, the cancer can proceed unchecked."Our early findings reveal tremendous promise for a desperate group of patients, many of whom have been able to return to their normal lives at school and work after receiving this new, personalized immunotherapy." Prior to yesterday's regulatory approval, the only drug available in Japan for the treatment of advanced melanoma is a chemotherapy drug called dacarbazine; ipilimumab is not approved for use there, making nivolumab (Opdivo) the first checkpoint inhibitor to be approved for use in Japan. Ono will make the drug available to eligible patients free of charge until the drug has been listed on Japan's national insurance price list.  In the U.S., several anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 inhibitors, made by several different companies, are in clinical development. These include nivolumab (anti-PD-1, BMS), pembrolizumab (anti-PD-1, Merck), MPDL3280A (anti-PD-L1, Genentech), and MEDI4736 (anti-PD-L1, MedImmune/AstraZeneca). Several of these have received "Breakthrough Therapy" status from the FDA. The FDA's "Breakthrough Therapy" designation was implemented in 2012, with the goal of expediting the development of promising new medical treatments. Only a handful of drugs have been given the coveted designation. The latest addition to this rarefied list is an immunotherapy being developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, under the direction of CRI Scientific Advisory Council member Carl June, M.D., in partnership with the pharmaceutical company Novartis. The approach, called CAR-T cell therapy, uses genetically modified T cells from a patient's own body to attack and kill cancer cells. To date, the approach has been used successfully to treat patients with a variety of childhood and adult leukemias and lymphomas. The specific CAR-T cell approach given Breakthrough Therapy status is one that targets a molecule on leukemia cells called CD19, found on cancers of B cell origin (including ALL, CLL, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma). The Breakthrough designation only applies to the treatment for childhood and adult refractory or relapsed ALL.  In one study, 89 percent of ALL patients (22 children and 5 adults) treated with the CD19-targeting therapy had a complete response to the therapy. Among this group of lucky patients is 8-year-old Emily Whitehead, who celebrated 2 years of being cancer free this past May."Our early findings reveal tremendous promise for a desperate group of patients, many of whom have been able to return to their normal lives at school and work after receiving this new, personalized immunotherapy," said Dr. June. "Receiving the FDA's Breakthrough Designation is an essential step in our work with Novartis to expand this therapy to patients across the world who desperately need new options to help them fight this disease."





癌末病患當人頭 空殼公司詐貸抽佣20140622 04:09林郁平/台北報導台北自來水事業處淨水科技術員高正欣,涉嫌勾結陳姓銀行行員,專門幫信用不良的公司貸款,藉以抽取3成佣金;高嫌還找癌末病患充當人頭虛設公司,向銀行詐貸數百萬元。刑事局將高、陳等7名詐貸集團成員查緝到案,高嫌經檢方向法院聲押獲准。警方調查,39歲的高嫌,去年5月請育嬰假期間,在外成立公司,利用自己與某商銀板橋分行陳姓行員熟識關係,2人專幫資產或信用不良的公司申請貸款,核貸後收取3成佣金對分。警方追查,以高正欣為首的詐貸集團,還在去年找了邱姓、周姓人頭先後成立「顯能」、「雅仕特」2家公司。其中,周男是癌末患者。高嫌除偽造不實的財務報表與公司稅籍資料、員工勞健保及薪資轉帳紀錄等,交由陳嫌向銀行申請貸款。為騙過銀行其他的覆核人員,高嫌還向友人借錢租用辦公傢具,將空殼公司佈置成「跟真的一樣」,讓銀行誤信而放款。兩家人頭公司分別成功貸到200萬、300萬元,高嫌與陳嫌各分得75萬元贓款,其餘款項再由其他共犯、人頭均分。警方去年曾先以證人身分約談陳嫌;陳嫌事後心虛離職,銀行也察覺有異,立即將陳的主管調職。警方上周四兵分9路,到北市、新北市、桃園縣等地同步搜索,當場查獲高嫌等7人及辦理貸款、公司稅籍資料等證物。高到案後矢口否認,辯稱收取的只是協助處理貸款的手續費與服務費,陳嫌與其他共犯則坦承不諱。


醫學中心非必要 ! 北市聯合醫院 定位 社區醫院 !!!

柯文哲主張 讓聯醫回歸社區醫院2014-06-23記者黃福其/台北報導市長參選人台大醫師柯文哲昨提出北市衛生政策藍圖,表示要落實「家醫、分級、轉診、論人計酬」;若當選市長會讓北市聯醫回歸社區醫院,以社區照護、公共衛生為發展主軸。柯文哲昨受邀出席「2014台灣國際醫療展覽會暨第四屆海峽兩岸醫事交流學術論壇」演講,他說,好的醫療品質需有經費支撐;健保不開源,很難維持品質;「健保還沒垮,是壓榨醫護人員的結果,」尤其護理人員工作環境、條件應優先改善。一席話獲熱烈掌聲。他說,目前健保只重視醫療,忽略健康;醫院不做公共衛生、社區健康,只注重賺錢的效率。他提出重建醫療體系,落實國人運動習慣,從促進健康、公共衛生及社區醫療著手,對患者執行居家護理、居家安寧及個案管理,未來衛生政策將落實「家醫、分級、轉診、論人計酬」為主。他說,當年馬英九當市長時的衛生局長以北市聯醫規模約3500張病床,不輸台大醫院,可聯合10院區升格醫學中心,這是「邏輯錯誤」,台灣不能只有醫學中心和診所。他當選市長,會讓聯醫回歸社區醫院,以社區照護、公衛為主軸。北市衛生局主秘許朝程說,94年確曾提出升格醫學中心概念,但翌年市府發現市聯醫仍須著眼社區醫療,立即調整重點,且自96年起更加落實社區醫療、公共衛生,至今10個院區仍維持區域或地區醫院評鑑,並未申請升格醫學中心。

仁寶-長庚 開發健康管理 “智慧衣”

仁寶長庚合作 搶攻穿戴裝置 發稿時間:2014/06/24 16:01 最新更新:2014/06/24 16:01(中央社記者韓婷婷台北24日電)仁寶電腦宣布與長庚大學工學院合作,共同成立「健康照護科技研發中心」,瞄準智慧衣與健康照護服務雲產品開發,搶攻穿戴式龐大商機。仁寶與長庚大學共同成立健康照護科技研發中心,今天上午舉行簽約儀式,仁寶總經理陳瑞聰表示,公司設置3050人研發團隊,產品將於明年第23季推出,初期以醫療體系為主,預期推出後市占率可達5成。仁寶表示,目前市面上一些穿戴式科技產品,大多著重於監測功能,無法對使用者提出即時預警。仁寶今天攜手長庚大學展示相關智慧衣,有各式感測器可量測穿戴者心電訊號、呼吸、溫度、汗液及姿態等資料,進行24小時監控。當受測訊號變化可能造成重大疾病或死亡時,將立即發出警報告知穿戴者等功能,希望能幫助人們做到「活的好,老的慢,病的輕」的境界。



仁寶電腦與長庚大學產學合作簽約,研發智慧衣明年Q2上市 撰文者:劉建宏  發表日期:2014/06/26目前已有一些穿戴式科技產品問世,然現有產品大都只有監測的功能,但穿戴式科技應用於健康照護技術仍有許多發展空間,而且也還有很多服務模式可展開。仁寶電腦看好醫療照護商機,宣布與長庚大學工學院共同成立「健康照護科技研發中心」,並著手開發智慧衣包括可偵測心電訊號、身體姿態等,並進軍醫療通路,目標鎖定要拿下50%的智慧衣市占率,最快明年第二季就會上市。仁寶總經理陳瑞聰也指出,穿戴式科技是藉由資通訊ICT技術與感測晶片來達到身體健康狀況監控及預防目的,目前全球許多科技大廠皆加快腳步競相投資此技術及相關服務商機的發展,特別是人口老化問題逐漸嚴重早已是各國的重要問題,其帶來的龐大醫療花費將是各國政府的重大負擔。雙方合作的研發中心首要產品為「智慧衣與健康照護服務雲」,其中智慧衣是內衣上有各型感測器可量測穿戴者的心電訊號、呼吸、溫度、汗液及姿態等資料,進行二十四小時監控。一些受測訊號變化可能將造成重大疾病或死亡時,則立即發出警報以告知穿戴者,且這些訊號資料透過手機傳至雲端,可用以判斷健康長期趨勢的變化而提出預警,以協助使用者更為健康,日後這些長期資料也可提供研究者找出更多健康異常預警資料,使人們可逐漸作到「活的健康、老的慢、病的輕」。陳瑞聰也指出,這次與長庚大學合作,也期望未來更多企業、研究人員及醫師加入此中心,共同開發更多以「個人導向,預防為主」的穿戴式健康照護產品及服務體系,以台灣的ICT技術能量,共同發展健康照護科技產業。

APP行動醫療(健康) 9600萬人使用市場

從保健到醫療 穿戴技術仍未到位【作者: 丁于珊】   20140623 星期一午餐開動前,先拍張照上傳,不過這可不是要傳到Facebok分享的美食照,而是要透過App來檢視自己一天攝取的卡路里。想運動,卻又怕自己偷懶,現在也有App可以督促你嚴格實行你的健身計畫,如果沒有做到,那麼你將會為了你的偷懶付出罰金。圖一 : 健身與健康的應用程式越來愈多,讓行動裝置成為促進用戶維持健康生活習慣非常有用的工具之一。 App監督 健康自我管理隨著行動裝置滲透率不斷提高,這一類的健身與健康的應用程式也越來愈多,根據Juniper Research2013年的一份研究報告指出,未來五年,行動醫療與健身的應用程式將會大幅度成長,有越來越多的App將會用在遠程監控,智慧手機也會大量用於病患的遠程監控上,以達到更好的遠距照護品質,同時也減少人力、物力與時間成本,預估節省的醫療成本將會高達350億美元。Juniper也預測,到了2018年將會有9,600萬人使用行動醫療設備或相關應用程式。近十萬個與健康照護有關的應用程式,證明了消費者對於使用行動裝置來改善健康有著極大的興趣。加州大學聖地亞哥分校預防醫學系教授Dr. Kevin Patrick的研究證實,行動裝置確實是能夠促進用戶維持健康生活習慣非常有用的工具之一。

iWatch不夠看 蘋果擬建立健康服務平台看準這樣的趨勢,許多科技大廠也開始佈局市場,例如蘋果。儘管還未推出iWatch,但蘋果卻已經對此產品做了許多規劃。先前已有許多市場報告都指出,iWatch將會具備一些與健康相關的功能,例如量測血壓或心律等功能。事實上,除了穿戴式裝置外,蘋果更想建立一個完整的健康與健身服務平台,就如同App Store

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