Tuesday, March 20, 2018

哈佛大學&元培 合作 “智慧運動” (未病先防/ 未衰先動/ 未動先行)

美國哈佛大學與元培醫事科技大學 簽訂合作意向書 20180320日【記者林寶雲/新竹報導】美國哈佛大學與元培醫事科技大學321日為全球健康服務簽訂合作意向書,6月凱博文教授(Professor Arthur Kleinman)專程來台簽署合作協議書,「i SoConIoT+ ICT+SIS培養健康新習慣」。福祉產業學院陳俊忠院長推動及指導的智慧精準運動健康產學研發中心(AIPEX) 也在當天正式成立揭牌。i SoCon IoT+ICT+ SIS協助民眾養成健康促進新習慣的解決方案。目標: 未病先預防、未衰先動、未動先行。強調透過資訊及通訊科技(ICT)、網際網路(IoT)、系統整合(SIS),養成規律新習慣的健康促進與「智慧生理運動量測器材」制定全球性規格,增進人與人之間的社群連結與互動,並產生相互激勵與正向作用。元培與美國哈佛合作,並作為示範點,期能為全球養成規律新習慣的健康促進與「智慧生理運動量測器材」制定全球性規格。AIPEX中心所關注的個體為中高齡亞健康者、或術後病後出院患者、或失能失智前期高齡者,他們比其他的族群更需要適當的增加身體活動量,才能預防疾病發生或惡化,但是因為相對的體能與運動技能弱勢,沒有規律運動習慣又缺乏專業指導,遭遇的運動傷害風險極高,急需一套有效的服務模式,針對這群個體所設計的服務方案,除了提供合宜的運動處方,也需要創造支持的社會環境,才能培養規律的運動習慣,達到健康促進與疾病預防的效果AIPEX 精準運動中心目前將先設置:機能評估、垂直律動、水平律動、等速肌力訓練、睡眠紓壓、芳香療育、有氧運動、健康管理。未來將擴大推廣:術後健身度假、職場與社區運動健康。

聯生藥:皰疹HSV抗體UB-621核准備查 (phase I); 布局113億美元市場

聯生藥 發言日期107/03/20發言時間16:20:24 發言人孫潤本發言人職稱副總經理發言人電話03-5979288#6808 主旨公告本公司抗單純皰疹病毒(HSV)單株抗體新藥UB-621臨床一 期試驗報告經衛福部食品藥物管理署核准備查 符合條款第43款事實發生日107/03/20 說明1.事實發生日:107/03/20 2.公司名稱:聯合生物製藥股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由:本公司接獲衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(TFDA)函文通知本公司抗單純皰疹病 (HSV)單株抗體新藥UB-621臨床一期試驗報告已核准備查,可供未來申請新藥查驗登記 用。 6.因應措施:無。7.其他應敘明事項: (1)研發新藥名稱或代號:抗單純皰疹病毒(HSV)單株抗體新藥,UB-621(2)用途:治療單純皰疹病毒(HSV)感染。資訊連結網址:https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02346760 (3)預計進行之所有研發階段:第二期臨床試驗、第三期臨床試驗及新藥查驗登記審核。(4)目前進行中之研發階段:A.提出申請/通過核准/不通過核准:第一期臨床試驗報告已取得TFDA函文核准備查,以供未來申請新藥查驗登記用B.未通過目的事業主管機關許可者,公司所面臨之風險:不適用。C.已通過目的事業主管機關許可者,未來經營方向:將以此臨床試驗結果為基礎接續進 行下階段試驗。D.已投入之累積研發費用:為保護商業競爭機密及保障投資人權益,故不予揭露。(5)將再進行之下一研發階段:提交第二期臨床試驗申請。A.預計完成時間:第二期臨床試驗預計於今年第三季提出申請,惟實際時程將依執行進 度調整。B.預計應負擔之義務:不適用。(6)市場狀況:Global Information公司2016年的一份研究報告指出,單純皰疹病毒感染 治療藥物之全球市場預估在2021年達到113.7億美元,年複合成長率約13%(7)新藥開發時程長、投入經費高且並未保證一定能成功,此等可能使投資面臨風險,投資人應審慎判斷謹慎投資。

疾管署 上週類流感門急診 破10萬人次

流感就醫破10 冷氣團來應注意 20180320日【台北報導】衛福部疾管署20日公布最新流感疫情,上週類流感就診人次超過10萬,新增25例流感重症病例,以及11例流感死亡。衛福部疾管署副署長莊人祥表示,流感疫情趨緩,晚上又有冷氣團,民眾要注意自己的身體。上週類流感的門急診就診人次為102,677人次,較前一週呈現持平。衛福部疾管署疫情中心副主任郭宏偉說,近期陽性檢體逐漸下降趨勢,近4週流感陽性群聚案件數也持平,流感重症、流感住院近期也呈現下降。他表示,去年10月起到今年319日為止,全國累計流感重症635例,其中99例死亡,確定及死亡病例感染型別以B型為多,占8成左右。關於國際間的流感疫情,北半球大部分國家都呈現下降為主,都脫離流感高峰。衛福部疾管署疫情中心副主任郭宏偉說明上週流感疫情。衛福部疾管署疫情中心副主任郭宏偉說明上週流感疫情。衛福部疾管署防疫醫師吳佩圜說,上週新增的25例流感重症,年齡介於1388歲,其中年紀最小的13歲女童併發神經學,經治療後已經康復出院;11例流感死亡病例,年齡分布4893歲,其中10例為慢性病患者、未接種流感疫苗,皆以感冒症狀為表現,後來出現呼吸急促、呼吸衰竭,併發肺炎或敗血症過世。她強調,流感疫情雖趨緩,但是天氣變化大,民眾不要掉以輕心,嬰幼兒、65歲以上長者、慢性患者、孕婦等,一旦出現呼吸急促等症狀,應儘速就醫。

低頭族角膜受損 生技醫美布局 靈芝/蘭花 多歧醣

創新醫材臨床新商機 產學合作加速商品孵化 更新:20180320 (記者 陳亦仁 新竹報導低頭族玩手機,忘記眨眼導致淚液蒸發,長期恐引發慢性局部發炎、角膜嚴重受傷與失明。目前對於角膜潰瘍的治療方式大致可分為抗生素類、類固醇、隱形眼鏡、或外科手術等,希望既能促進角膜的傷口癒合,其中從天然植物或發酵工程提取的多歧醣 因同時具備抗發炎與支持組織再生的潛力 成為研究與商業開發的非常好來源 例如松衫靈芝作為創傷敷料之原料,具抗菌特性,且促進角質細胞增生,亦抑制傷口中過度活化之蛋白質(MMP),進而減少組織細胞基質的過度分解,達到更有效的癒合,也幫助纖維母細胞的增生和位移與控制生長因子的釋放、能夠個別調控兩個以上的分子以及能讓特定的細胞增生。現今經許多臨床研究也發現 MMP的過度活化與皺紋的產生有高度關聯性。另外 新竹生醫園區研發團隊亦發現從蘭科植物萃取的多歧醣也具備很好的抗發炎與調控免疫因子(NO, TNF-α, IL-1β) 加值利用專利特殊的製程 (Polysaccharide Enriched Glycopid Lyophilized, PEG-Lyophilized: Sérum-élastique paire) 來保留活性與增加臨床運用的潛力。
Corneal chemical burns are common ophthalmic emergencies accounting for 7.7–18% of all ocular traumas, with alkali injuries being more common than those from acid. In severe cases, the eye limbus and central epithelium can be lost leading to loss of vision. Slow epithelialization, persistent ulceration, corneal perforation and angiogenesis are the main complications and result from the processes of inflammation, neovascularization, and conjunctivalization of cornea. Strategies to treat corneal chemical burns include antibiotics, tear substitutes, corticosteroids, ascorbic acid, collagenase inhibitors and surgical treatments such as penetrating keratoplasty and amniotic membrane transplantation. However, the structural and functional restoration of alkali burn-injuries to the cornea remains a challenge, despite these therapies and thus prompting the search for novel treatment strategies including the use of polysaccharides and stem cell based therapies. Polysaccharides are high molecular weight carbohydrates composed of long chains of monosaccharide units bound together by glycosidic bonds. At least five different types of polysaccharide exist in corneal stroma, i.e. keratin sulphate, chondroitin-4-sulfate chondroitin, dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate which play important roles in maintaining the water content and transparency of the cornea . It was reported that the levels of endogenous polysaccharides were reduced in the healing area of perforating corneal. Treatment with sodium hyaluronate promoted corneal wound healing through the stimulation of epithelial cell proliferation, the promotion of epithelial cell adhesion to stroma fibronectin and the suppression of inflammatory cell infiltration. Polysaccharides may also be beneficial in the treatment of corneal diseases involving neovascularization and inflammation. The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of polysaccharides and their impacts on cellular proliferation and the immune response have been widely reported as well. Hardy Orchid has been shown to facilitate the treatment of canal mucosal damage, ulcers, bleeding, bruises and burns. Luo et al. found that Hardy Orchid polysaccharide controlled the inflammatory responses and accelerated the wound closure in a mouse model of cutaneous trauma. Diao et al. reported that Hardy Orchid polysaccharide modulated the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines including NO, TNF-α, and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) in a murine macrophage-like cell line. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent stromal cells derived from the mesoderm that can differentiate into a variety of cell types. MSCs are relatively easy to isolate and expand making them promising candidates for cell replacement therapy. Recently, MSCs have been studied for the treatment of corneal chemical burn with encouraging results. Treatment with subconjunctival MSCs has been found to significantly enhance the recovery of the corneal epithelium and decrease the area of corneal neovascularization. Transplanted MSCs are thought to promote corneal wound healing through secretion of anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic cytokines.

(澳洲最強抗氧化蘋果: Activated Phenolics) 抗氧化飲食與減重的潛力&免疫強化

Scientist claims his 'revolutionary' antioxidant diet will help you lose weight and boost your immunity - so would YOU try it?PUBLISHED: 06:41 GMT, 20 March 2018 | UPDATED: 07:09 GMT, 20 March 2018 We all know that a healthy diet rich in antioxidants is good for us, but can it actually assist with weight loss?An Australian scientist claims he has discovered a breakthrough antioxidant diet that can help people lose excess kilos, while boosting their immunity levels. Dr Vincent Candrawinata, who produces of the world's most potent dietary antioxidant made from Australian apples, said there are many benefits to ''The Renewal Diet''. Australian scientist Dr Vincent Candrawinata, who produces of the world's most potent dietary antioxidant made from Australian apples, claims he has discovered a breakthrough antioxidant diet. 'Antioxidants travel through the body mopping up free radicals [smoke and pollution]. Free radicals damage our cells which can lead to the development of chronic and severe illnesses such as cancer, so it is important that we consume as many antioxidants as possible,' he added. 'Unfortunately we don't eat enough antioxidants to keep up with our body's restorative and cell renewal needs. We need antioxidants more than ever. Dr Candrawinata said the diet encourages people to eat more fresh fruit and berries which are rich in antioxidants as well as supplement their daily routine with 'Activated Phenolics' a powder created by Renovatio - a company he founded. 'In short ''The Renewal Diet'' helps people to renew and restore their cells, supporting their health and wellbeing and reducing the risk of chronic disease,' he explained. 'It also supports weight loss and increases energy and alertness levels,' he added. 'Growing up you are always told ''an apple a day keeps the doctor away'', and there is truth in that. The phenolic antioxidants in apples do fantastic things for the human body like protecting us from inflammation and cell mutations.'In a world where consumers are bombarded with new fad diets and other weight loss programs, Dr Candrawinata believes his diet formulation is the best solution to improving your health and staying in shape. 'So many diets on the market encourage unhealthy eating which harms overall health and puts peoples' wellbeing at risk,' he said. 'I wanted to create a diet that would help people to lose weight while still supporting their overall health and wellbeing.'

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