
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

(Athersys / Healios )易體細胞治療MultiStem(R) 或日本孤兒藥資格

醫界籲:恩慈療法數據納臨床試驗 04:102021-10-04 工商時報 杜蕙蓉 台灣醫界聯盟基金會執行長林世嘉表示,細胞療法治療新冠肺炎,已吸引國際藥廠積極搶攻,而為加速我國廠商研發速度,建議可將恩慈療法數據納為臨床試驗的資料,以真實數據作為證據,加速取得藥證,前進國際打世界盃。林世嘉表示,生技投資熱潮已由免疫療法轉向再生醫療,預期全球再生醫療產值2025年將達1,240億美元,也引國際大廠爭相卡位,除了大藥廠忙於併購再生醫療公司外,新創的再生醫療也獲投資界青睞。而國內廠商在這一波新冠風暴中,也積極搶搭疫苗、藥物和細胞治療商機,政府應趁此機會,祭出符合國際的法規,帶動產業升級。 有鑑於細胞療法治療新冠肺炎已成趨勢,且目前更以治療急性呼吸窘迫症候群(ARDS)最受關注,生技中心執行長吳忠勳表示,樂觀以待以間質幹細胞治療ARDS,雖然細胞治療的運作機制比起分子藥物較為複雜,但仍應針對運作機制有充足的研究,以及在研發初期就將利益攸關者納入研究當中,以提高產品研發成功率。林世嘉表示,由美國Athersys技轉引入間質幹細胞(MSC)的日本細胞治療公司Healios,今年8月發表利用骨隨間質幹細胞藥物治療肺炎引發的ARDS、和COVID-19感染造成肺炎引發之ARDS的臨床二期試驗結果,其療效指標不僅呈現不錯的效果,其給藥90天後,用藥者平均減少死亡率39%。為此,HLCM051治療肺炎引發之ARDS已獲得日本厚生省孤兒藥資格,若HLCM051GMP生產獲得查廠通過,Healios將申請新藥上市,指標意義濃厚。林世嘉認為,若能將恩慈療法數據納為臨床試驗的資料,將可望為廠商帶來不錯的契機。(時報資訊)

HLCM051 is the stem cell product that can be mass-produced, being derived from adult adhesive stem cells that were taken from bone marrow of healthy unrelated donors from whom the informed consent was obtained, and proliferated ex vivo.


重症コロナへの効果も期待される初のARDS治療薬、年内承認申請を目指すヘリオス20210817日 細胞医薬品や再生医療製品の開発などを手掛ける製薬会社のヘリオスは86日、骨髄由来間葉系幹細胞HLCM051について第2相試験の結果(速報)を報告した。同社は急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)に対する世界初の治療薬の開発を進めており、早ければ年内にも承認申請を行う方針。新型コロナウイルス感染症(COIVD-19)重症患者への投与も期待されている。ARDSは肺炎や敗血症、外傷などさまざまな疾患の重症患者に突然起こる呼吸不全の総称で、疫学データの発症率と人口統計の日本総人口を基にヘリオスが行った推定によると、国内の患者数は年間7,000人~12,000人だという。死亡率は全体の30581)と極めて予後不良で、現在治療薬は存在しない。COVID-19重症患者でもARDSを発症することがわかっており、COVID-19初期症例群に関して発表されたデータでは、死亡した患者群の5493%でARDSを合併していたことが確認されている。23)ヘリオス副社長で医師の澤田昌典氏はHLCM051に期待される効果について、「炎症の軽減、免疫機能の調節」「血管新生の促進」「傷害を受けた細胞および組織の保護・修復の促進」「肺組織や呼吸機能の改善」と説明。HLCM051による治療が認められれば、「1回の点滴投与で治療が可能」だとした。その上で、「薬物治療のないARDS初の再生医療製品となる可能性がある」と強調した。

HLCM051投与群で死亡例の減少率は約39 同日の会見でヘリオスは、第2相試験「ONE-BRIDGE試験」の結果(速報)を報告。20194月~20213月に実施したコホート1では、COVID-19陰性の肺炎由来ARDS患者30例をランダムにわけ、HLCM051投与群20例、標準治療群10例で有効性・安全性を評価した。その結果、VFD(投与後28日間のうち人工呼吸器を装着しなかった日数)はHLCM051投与群が20日、標準治療群が11日と、HLCM051投与群では標準治療群に比べて9日(中央値)の改善がみられた。死亡率(投与後90日以内)はHLCM051投与群が26.3%、標準治療群が42.9%で、HLCM051投与群で死亡例の減少率は約39%だった。20204月~8月に実施したコホート2は、COVID-19由来ARDS患者5例にHLCM051を投与し、安全性を評価したもの。VFD25日、死亡率は0%で、安全性に問題は認められなかった。なお、最終データは全患者の経過観察期間(180日)後に確定する。ヘリオスの鍵本忠尚社長は、「HLCM051ARDSを対象に厚生労働省から希少疾患用再生医療等製品指定を受けており、早期の承認を目指す」と意欲をみせた。追加試験に実施については、「承認後などに大規模な調査を行い、有効性・安全性の確認を行う可能性はあると思っている」との考えを示した。


Athersys (ATHX) Granted Orphan Designation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Clinical Program  November 14, 2019  Get instant alerts when news breaks on your stocks. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium here. Athersys, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATHX) announced today that its collaborator in Japan, HEALIOS K.K. ("Healios") received notification this week from the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council ("PAFSC") that its acute respiratory distress syndrome ("ARDS") clinical program using HLCM051 (MultiStem® Cell Therapy), will receive the orphan regenerative medicine designation from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare within the next few weeks. This designation may be given to investigational products being evaluated for indications that have a high unmet medical need and that occur in less than 50,000 patients in Japan. In addition to priority consultation and review for potential approval of the therapy, there are several financial incentives offered with the designation, such as subsidies to reduce the financial burden of product development, preferential tax treatment and extension of the re-examination period for Healios. ARDS is a serious and life-threatening pulmonary condition that requires patients to be placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit ("ICU") and is associated with a high mortality rate. Many patients that do survive face extended stays in the ICU and experience difficult and challenging recoveries. In June 2018, Healios and Athersys expanded their existing collaboration to include the rights to develop and commercialize MultiStem (HLCM051) to treat ARDS in Japan. In May 2019, Athersys announced positive results from its Phase 1/2 clinical study (known as "MUST-ARDS") at the annual American Thoracic Society meeting. MultiStem-treated patients experienced less mortality, more ventilator-free days and more ICU-free days compared to the placebo patients. After submitting these results, Athersys' ARDS program was granted Fast Track Designation by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Healios is currently conducting the "ONE-BRIDGE" study to evaluate MultiStem treatment in pneumonia-induced ARDS patients at over 20 clinical sites in Japan. This trial began in April 2019 and is expected to enroll 30 patients. The primary endpoint is the amount of ventilator-free days at day 28 following treatment.

About Orphan Regenerative Medicine Designation in Japan In Japan, drugs and medical devices can be designated as orphan drugs or medical devices based on the Article 77-2 of the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Regenerative and Cellular Therapy Products, Gene Therapy Products, and Cosmetics if they are intended for use in less than 50,000 patients in Japan and if there is a high unmet medical need. Programs are designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the opinion of the PAFSC. While designation does not automatically lead to marketing approval, it provides certain priorities and financial incentives related to potential approval and product launch.

About ARDS ARDS is a serious immunological and inflammatory condition characterized by widespread inflammation in the lungs. ARDS can be triggered by pneumonia, sepsis, trauma or other events and represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the critical care setting. ARDS is associated with a high mortality rate and significant sequelae among survivors. The condition prolongs ICU and hospital stays and often requires extended convalescence in the hospital and rehabilitation care settings. There are limited interventions and no effective drug treatments for ARDS. There is a large unmet need for a safe treatment that can reduced mortality and improve quality of life for those suffering with ARDS. Additionally, given the high treatment costs associated with ARDS, a successful therapy could be expected to generate significant savings for the healthcare system by reducing days on a ventilator and in the ICU.

About MultiStem MultiStem cell therapy is a patented regenerative medicine product in clinical development that has shown the ability to promote tissue repair and healing in a variety of ways, such as through the production of therapeutic factors in response to signals of inflammation and tissue damage. MultiStem therapy's potential for multidimensional therapeutic impact distinguishes it from traditional biopharmaceutical therapies focused on a single mechanism of benefit. The therapy represents a unique "off-the-shelf" stem cell product that can be manufactured in a scalable manner, may be stored for years in frozen form, and is administered without tissue matching or the need for immune suppression. Based upon its efficacy profile, its novel mechanisms of action, and a favorable and consistent safety profile demonstrated in clinical studies, MultiStem therapy could provide a meaningful benefit to patients, including those suffering from serious diseases and conditions with unmet medical need.

晶鑽 三年前 代理 超音波拉提: 2021 年6月獲銷售許可

晶鑽生醫發表線雕線材、超音波新品,Q4營運添動能 2021104日【財訊快報/記者何美如報導】次世代醫美領導廠晶鑽生醫(6815)3日發表自有品牌全品項線雕線材,以及全台獨家代理的第三代超音波探頭,從臉部延伸到身體,隨著二大醫材產品線的正式到位,新品效益有機會於第四季逐步展現,為營運開啟新一波成長動能。晶鑽生醫3日舉行自有品牌「MIRACLE THREAD提美拉外科用可吸收性縫線」全品項線雕線材,以及全台獨家代理唯一兼具緊膚與溶脂的「寇斯特優緹偲第三代超音波探頭」新品上市發表會,同時邀請到包括維格醫美董事長林銘德、淨妍醫美集團醫務總監陳宏政,以及多位醫美菁英醫師等蒞臨觀禮見證。晶鑽生醫總經理謝佳憲表示,自有品牌「MIRACLE THREAD提美拉」線雕線材今年4月獲TFDA同意核准新增醫材規格並延長保存期限,搭配既有的「玫瑰線」,再推出「寶寶線」、「鳳凰線」,大幅提升臨床應用的廣度與深度。三種產品相互搭配使用,可針對不同年齡、不同肌膚狀況,客製化設計更貼近人體結構的線雕療程。此外,三年前即率先取得台灣獨家代理韓國原廠寇斯特(KORUST),做為臉部拉提的優緹偲第三代超音波系統,搭配使用的身體用第三代超音波探頭也於今年6月正式取得TFDA醫療器材銷售許可,拓展該音波治療儀的應用市場從臉部拉提,延伸到溶解身體脂肪並達緊實雕塑效果。根據臨床研究,優緹偲第三代超音波探頭能有效消除腹圍平均約2公分,獲醫美業界譽為「戰斧探頭」。維格醫美集團董事長林銘德認為,非侵入式療程已成微整形市場主流趨勢,「提美拉」線材挾台灣自主創新技術不僅成功打破原本進口線材壟斷市場,這次上市的新品補強了現有產品的缺口且達到更佳效果,料將帶動線雕技術的升級,相信可取代傳統的整形外科手術。淨妍醫美集團醫務總監陳宏政也指出,根據集團內部的調查顯示,近五年音波拉提是前五大熱門療程之一,顯示市場仍具有相當大的成長潛力。謝佳憲強調,現代醫學美容導入線雕技術或其他非侵入技術,在台灣才正在興起,需要快速且大量培訓醫師的專業技術與經驗,晶鑽生醫將致力扮演上游材料供應與技術整合的平台。在營運策略方面,將以發展自有品牌為主、代理為輔,今年將是營運邁向快速成長的關鍵元年,有機會於第四季逐步展現新品上市對公司的營收挹注效益。