
Sunday, May 13, 2012

台灣醫療提供 early aging (初老症) 協助!!

Taiwan aids early aging Vietnam woman  Saturday, May 12, 2012   Taiwan has emerged as one of the most desired destinations for a great variety of medical treatments and plays an important role in providing medical relief to disadvantaged people suffering from rear diseases. Perfectly illustrating this is a recent case of the "transformation" of an early aging Vietnamese woman, jointly announced yesterday in Taipei by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the China Medical University Hospital (CMUH).   At 28 years of age, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Mai looked and walked like a saddened 70-year-old woman, with wrinkled and sagging skin due to premature aging resulting from the autosomal recessive disease encrypted on her eighth set of chromosomes, Werner Syndrome.   Upon evaluation, the CMUH medical team in charge of Nguyen's case - a group of some 40 medical professionals from 12 departments - identified the woman's main medical complications resulting from Werner Syndrome as having multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, and vascular atrophy.   Over the past month, Nguyen underwent various treatments, a sophisticated cranial operation, and has received multiple plastic surgeries to restore her external youth. She is now free of vasculitis and her lung function has improved substantially; she can now walk decent distances without fearing that she might faint. Despite slight plumpness in the face from her last plastic surgery, Nguyen smiled and said, through tears, "Thank you, Taiwan."   According to Superintendent of CMUH's International Medicine Service Center Chen Hong-ji, Nguyen has said that she has two birthdays, "One is the day I was born, and the other is the day I came to Taiwan, where I was given new hope."   Nguyen's case is a perfect example of a successful, international humanitarian medical effort, Chao Yuen-chuan, president of TAITRA, said at the press conference, encouraging further humanitarian efforts be introduced into the country. 

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