
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

肺癌药培美曲塞二钠 (Alimta) 未达三期临床试验主要目标 !!!

Lilly's Alimta Fails to Extend Survival in Cancer Study By Shannon Pettypiece - Sep 7, 2012 4:04 AM GMT+0800 Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) said its cancer drug Alimta didn't extend overall survival when combined with Roche Holding AG (ROG)'s Avastin in patients with a form of lung tumor. The combination, which was in the final stage of testing required to get U.S. approval, did delay the progression of tumors, Indianapolis-based Lilly said today in a statement. The company will present the full results tomorrow at a medical meeting in Chicago. The study was intended to look at whether adding Alimta to Avastin provided an additional benefit for patients with nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer. Lilly is trying to expand use of Alimta, which had $2.5 billion in sales last year. Alimta is the second late-stage testing setback for Lilly in as many weeks. The drugmaker halted testing on Aug. 29 of a schizophrenia treatment after determining it was unlikely to provide a benefit. The company needs to get new products to the market and expand sales of existing products to offset the potential loss of $7 billion in revenue to generic competition over the next five years. Lilly rose 2.2 percent to $46.81 at the close of New York trading. In the study, called Pointbreak, patients were given either Alimta combined with Avastin and the generic drug carboplatin or a combination of Avastin with the generic paclitaxel. The Alimta patients were then given Alimta plus Avastin as a follow-up therapy while the other group of patients received just Avastin.


 发布时间:2012-9-14 来源:药品资讯网信息中心据悉,本周四,制药商Lilly公司称其治疗肺癌药物未能到达三期临床试验改善非鳞状非小细胞肺癌患者的总生存期的主要目标。三期临床试验中的一组患者(称之为POINTBREAK)接受Lilly公司的注射用培美曲塞二钠(Alimta)和贝伐单抗(商品名为阿瓦斯丁)及卡铂联合治疗,随后接受Alimta和贝伐单抗治疗。将该组与接受紫杉酚、贝伐单抗联合卡铂治疗,随后接受贝伐单抗治疗的患者进行比较。尽管如此,本研究达到了Alimta治疗组改善疾病无进展生存期的次要目标。"这种联合治疗在二期临床试验的结果中显示是有希望的,因此我们希望能够证实其对非鳞癌(非小细胞肺癌)患者的生存率有改善,然而本次实验结果令我们很失望"Lilly肿瘤科主任、Allen Melemed博士在一份声明中说,"尽管本试验没有达到整体生存优势,但是POINTBREAK试验显示其可以改善无恶化生存期"。所有结果将被提交到97在芝加哥举办的胸部肿瘤多学科研讨会上。

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