
Friday, October 5, 2012

TaiGen and Medigen of Taiwan to be in Cross-strait Drug Project

 2012/10/02 Taipei, Oct.2, 2012 (CENS)--TaiGen Biotechnology Co. and Medigen Biotechnology Corp., both reinvestment companies by Yuen Foong Yu Paper Mfg. Co. (YFY), Ltd., are selected by DOH (Department of Health Taiwan) to be the first companies to apply for new-drug certification simultaneously in Taiwan and China under the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement). A reliable source says the DOH has announced TaiGen's "Nemonoxacin", a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic, and Medigen's "PI-88", an anti-relapse medicine for liver cancer surgery, are selected for a cross-strait pharmaceutical R&D project. Such cooperation project will help new drugs go to market simultaneously in China and Taiwan. Medigen's PI-88 is currently undergoing third phase clinical trials in 23 medical centers in Taiwan, S. Korea, and China. A representative of TaiGen says the Phase-3, cross-strait clinical trial for Nemonoxacin has been completed in August this year, with the drug to be certified in 2013 and on market in 2014. M.C. Hsu, chairman of TaiGen, emphasized that Nemonoxacin complies with regulations in China to significantly reducing the time to go to market, adding that other new drugs as Burixafor and TG-2349 will follow Nemonoxacin's model for clinical trials and go to market in Taiwan and China at the same time.(by Andrew Wang)


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