
Monday, February 9, 2015

曜亞: 讓ALLERGAN付錢的韓國夥伴(Medytox)!!

曜亞攜韓廠 攻肉毒桿菌素 2015-02-09 03:21:31 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 曜亞國際6日宣布與韓國上市生技大廠Medytox簽約,合資成立台灣美德妥股份有限公司(Medytox Taiwan),聯手進入肉毒桿菌素市場。曜亞國際董事長傅輝東表示,這是曜亞重要的里程碑之一,曜亞公司過去以醫學美容設備代理為主,累積非常豐富的市場經驗與行銷團隊,近年積極布局產業上下游的整合。這次與韓國Medytox攜手合資合作,台灣美德妥公司初期資本額為4,500萬,曜亞國際持股40%Medytox持股60%Medytox執行長ung Hyunho表示,該公司花了一年多的時間在台灣尋找合作夥伴,最後選擇曜亞,主要是Medytox深入了解台灣的醫美市場後,發現曜亞公司確實有引領醫美市場趨勢的經驗與實力。據悉,Medytox在肉毒桿菌素的研發上擁有獨步全球的技術能力,20139月美國愛力根公司(Allergan)破天荒宣布與Medytox簽署一份3.62億美元(約新台幣為110億元)的技術授權協議,Medytox技轉新劑型肉毒桿菌素產品。曜亞表示,Medytox雖然是全球第四家成功研發生產肉毒桿菌素的公司,但其技術能力卻領先,其生產肉毒桿菌素「優諾適」(Neuronox)於2006年上市後,幾年內已超越AllerganBOTOX成為韓國市占率第一的肉毒桿菌素品牌,目前優諾適已在全球27個國家獲准上市。根據台灣食藥署統計,歷年來肉毒桿菌毒素產品之檢驗封緘數量,2006年僅4432瓶,至2013年則逾16萬瓶,短短七年內成長四倍,反應市場需求明顯增加。曜亞表示,目前已展開產品登記作業,此次合資將會結合Medytox領先的產品技術與曜亞國際卓越的行銷能力,以台灣為基礎,提供國內醫美市場更好的產品選擇,未來再擴大合作市場,拓展肉毒桿菌素的版圖。

MEDYTOX, INC. RECEIVED MILESTONE PAYMENT FROM ALLERGAN, INC.​  SEOUL, Korea (August 20, 2014) – Medytox, Inc. today announced that it has achieved a milestone which is that Allergan, Inc. received confirmation from both the FDA and the EMA on future development and regulatory requirements for the new formulation botulinum toxin products. Under the terms of Medytox's exclusive license agreement with Allergan first announced in September 2013, Allergan has paid Medytox a milestone payment of U.S. $15 million. Medytox has granted Allergan exclusive rights, worldwide outside of Korea and co-exclusive rights inJapan, to develop and commercialize certain neurotoxin product candidates currently in development. Pursuant to the agreement, Allergan paid U.S. $65 million as an upfront payment upon the closing of the transaction in January 2014, also agreed to make additional contingent payments, including up to an aggregate of U.S. $297 million upon achieving certain development and commercialization milestones, and separately royalties on product sales.​

Allergan bags neurotoxin products in $362M licensing deal with Medytox September 26, 2013 | By John Carroll  Building on its expertise in neurotoxins, Allergan ($AGN) has in-licensed some new product candidates in a deal with Korea's Medytox. Allergan is paying $65 million upfront, promising $116.5 million in development milestones plus another $180.5 million in sales milestones. The release on this deal is noticeably lacking in detail. Medytox was founded back in 2000 and focuses on the development and sale of neurotoxins as its main business. Allergan is gaining worldwide rights to new drugs outside of Korea. Just a few weeks ago Allergan won a new approval to sell Botox as a treatment for crow's feet. That was a rare bit of good news for the company, which has had to absorb the impact of new guidance from the FDA that would allow for the early entry of generic competition to its best-selling drug Restasis, the rejection of its migraine drug and the loss of patent protection in India.

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