
Friday, December 2, 2016

(Pyrimethamine; Daraprim) 17歲 學生 20美元 合成 11萬美元藥

澳洲學生成功合成抗愛滋藥 價格親民 聯合新聞網 2016/12/02英國廣播公司(BBC1日報導,澳洲雪梨文法學校一群17歲的男學生成功做出對抗愛滋病的學名藥「達拉匹林」Daraprim),且價格只要20美元(約台幣640元)。美國圖靈藥廠廠去年惡意哄抬美國的達拉匹林價格,藥價從每粒13.5美元(約台幣432元)飆漲到750美元(約台幣24000元),漲價55倍,但這種藥的成本僅1美元(約台幣32元)。圖靈藥廠執行長史克瑞里(Martin Shkreli )被認為是操控藥價的幕後黑手。這群澳洲學子在學校實驗室合成活性成分「乙胺嘧啶」,成功做出抗愛滋藥,且每3.7克售價20美元(約台幣640元);同樣的藥劑分量在美國要價高達11萬美元(約台幣352萬元)該藥在澳洲、英國等大多數國家的批發價約每粒1.5美元(約台幣48元)。

Pyrimethamine, Pyrimethamine, sold under the trade name Daraprim, is a medication used to treat parasitic infections, namely toxoplasmosis and malaria (both as treatment and prevention). Pyrimethamine is often given with sulfadiazine, a sulfonamide antibiotic, when treating and providing secondary prevention for people with HIV/AIDS. Common side effects include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also cause a skin rash and hematologic changes. The medication is classified as a dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor, causing the inhibition of folic acid metabolism. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system. Gertrude Elion at Burroughs-Wellcome (now part of GlaxoSmithKline) developed pyrimethamine with the intention of treating malaria. No manufacturers of the medication are in the United States. Currently, the medication rights are owned by Turing Pharmaceuticals. Turing Pharmaceuticals decided to increase the price, causing a controversy.  Source: Wikipedia


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