
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

中國兒童跨界打疫苗 香港水痘疫苗短缺

疫苗短缺 水痘感染風險增 Friday, March 08, 2013香港水痘疫苗短缺,令兒童面臨感染風險。一家供應商表示,疫苗短缺是因需求突然增加所致,從1月起疫苗就已缺貨。香港西醫工會會長楊超發說,兩年前廣西省一名5歲男孩因注射假疫苗死亡,之後內地對各種疫苗的需求就持續增加。食物及衛生局局長高永文昨天證實,水痘疫苗短缺。說,有些私家醫生很難再購買到水痘疫苗。港府已採取行動聯繫供應商,他們承諾將盡快增加供應量。港府去年決定從2014年起,將水痘疫苗納入"香港兒童免疫接種計劃"。目前,家長需為兒童注射的每支疫苗支付4001000港元。衛生署衛生防護中心建議,兒童先在12個月大時接種水痘疫苗,然後於12歲再種一次。楊超發說,在他私人診所接種水痘疫苗的患者,有三分之一來自內地。內地經常出現假藥醜聞。那名廣西男孩就是被狗咬傷後,注射了假狂犬病疫苗死亡。楊超發說,內地父母對香港的疫苗更有信心。賽諾菲和默沙東這兩家大國際醫療公司有提供水痘疫苗給香港,兩者都表示疫苗短缺是因為訂單突然增加。賽諾菲一位女發言人說,公司存貨1月就已售完。公司還不清楚需求激增是來自香港還是內地,也無法確定何時能提供下批疫苗。大圍私家的仁安醫院兒科專科顧問醫生劉成志說,因缺乏供應,該院已有一種水痘疫苗缺貨,預計要到5月才能再提供這種疫苗。他還說,該院向加入了他們疫苗接種方案的兒童提供其他選擇。家長可以為兒童選擇另一種疫苗,或者要等幾個月。水痘是一種傳染性極強的過濾性病毒,感染者有發燒及全身出現水泡等症狀。今年截止目前為止,已有1104名兒童患水痘。通常每年會有8000名兒童感染。一般來說,水痘算是一種較溫和的兒童疾病,但有1%的患者可能出現猩紅熱等並發症,多年來已導至一些兒童死亡。劉成志和醫學會會長謝鴻興都表示,為內地兒童接種疫苗已成慣例,近幾年來港接種疫苗的內地兒童人數未見增加。




陳竺 的 中國衛生經濟學

衛生部長:醫生收入不能靠賺最弱勢群體的錢 20130307 07:34:28來源: 健康報 5日中午,記者在代表團駐地見到了全國人大代表、衛生部部長陳竺。結合政府工作報告,針對社會關注的醫改問題,他坦然回答了記者一係列的提問。











台灣工科技+復旦大學+軟體銀行 = 復旦-SBI創新基金

台工銀將啟動第3波海外布局 並投資兩岸三地民生醫療 201337 18:40【鉅亨網記者陳慧琳 台北】 台灣工銀集團(2897-TW)(7)日表示,今(2013)年將整合集團資源積極拓展貿易融資、財務顧問等新業務,同時啟動第3波海外布局,今年將在天津新設「台駿津國際租賃公司」;另外,將與復旦大學和軟體銀行合組的「復旦-SBI創新基金」管理公司合作募集美元人民幣平行基金,鎖定兩岸三地民生、醫療等產業進行投資;預期集團今年海內外業務都將快速成長。 台灣工銀集團暨台灣工業銀行董事長駱錦明表示,去年台灣工銀授信餘額比前一年成長16%,創下歷史新高;成立一年多的台駿國際租賃已開始獲利;波士頓生技創投基金2012年投資績效傲視同業,在新藥投資及各利基產業獲利頗豐;中華票券2012年在可轉債資產交換業務表現優異,市佔率居同業之冠。 此外,台灣工銀證券2012年自營操作的績效表現大幅超越大盤,且位居同業第5名,新團隊就位後,已逐漸讓工銀證券呈現新貌;台灣工銀轉投資的美國子行—華信商業銀行,去年獲利在美國華資銀行中名列前茅,自2007年台灣工銀入主以來,不斷優化華信銀行體質並完善其制度,使得華信銀行營運績效持續提昇,近年無論存、放款及總資產,都有顯著成長,每年平均資產成長率達12%,躍居華資銀行優等生。 駱錦明表示,今年全球經濟環境轉趨穩定,兩岸交流持續開放,因此台灣工銀集團今年將以新作為來掌握金融業大好契機。 首先,該集團已重新檢視集團資源並進行內部改造,在新的一年中,將積極開拓新業務,如發展貿易融資等業務,預期今年授信餘額可望再刷新紀錄;亦將整合集團金融服務資源,積極發展財務顧問業務,為初創或成長期企業提供合併、收購、營運計畫撰寫、協助募資、引進策略性投資人或合作伙伴等服務,針對成熟期的企業,集團亦將提供信託、證券投資等諸多方面的財務顧問服務。另外,台灣工銀集團投資國內外生技公司已十多年,具產業、市場與金融股市經驗,在生技投資界居領導地位,今年將整合集團證券、創投等資源,推出一系列研討會,強化生技專業金融集團第一品牌。 台灣工銀集團今年也將正式啟動第3波海外布局:大陸市場方面,預計今年夏天在天津新設「台駿津國際租賃公司」;另一方面,台灣工銀20124月已在天津設立代表處,今年亦將評估升格,並以天津為大陸總部,積極發展金融示範平台,以銀行、租賃為基礎,未來在符合法令規範的前提下,陸續引進創投、證券、票券等集團關係企業資源,並居間促成兩岸優質企業的合作。 此外,台灣工科技顧問公司最近已與復旦大學和軟體銀行合組的「復旦-SBI創新基金」管理公司簽訂「共同募集及管理基金備忘錄」(MOU),雙方今年將共同募集美元人民幣平行基金,投資兩岸三地民生、通訊、生技醫療與健康照護等產業。 台灣工銀表示,「復旦-SBI創新基金」是由復旦大學與軟體銀行金融集團(SBI集團)共同組成,投資教育、消費服務、醫療健康等產業。該集團是在日本和香港上市的金融集團,旗下事業包含軟銀金融(Softbank Finance)、軟銀投資(Softbank Investment)、軟銀資產管理(Softbank Asset Management) 香港市場方面,台灣工銀香港分行將聚焦於兩岸三地,深耕環球貿易融資、外匯避險、投資、財務顧問等業務,並著墨於資本市場籌資工具,協助兩岸三地客戶靈活調度資金。美國市場方面,華信商業銀行今年2月份在加州新設Irvine分行;另外今年將把總行搬遷至Pasadena且新設第7家分行。今年隨美國經濟景氣明顯復甦,華信銀行獲利前景看俏,未來將積極運用集團在亞洲的資源網絡,服務華人企業,拓展商業放款、商業不動產放款、私人銀行財富管理業務。 為了因應業務擴展的人力需求,台灣工銀集團已於年初開始招兵買馬,預計今年要增加300名人力。 『新聞來源/鉅亨網』


當Big Pharma 對中藥有興趣時…

醫藥界聯名提案限外:質疑政府主導招標 北京新浪網 (2013-03-09 04:29) 政協會議開幕第二天,40余位醫藥界委員就聯合行業全部24家學會、協會,簽署了多項聯名提案。上述聯名提案稱,應該取消政府主導的藥品集中招標采購,歸還公立醫療機構的藥品采購權和定價權﹔同時,建議盡快完善藥品評價規則,不再設置原研藥質量層次,取消外資企業原研藥實施特殊定價政策,將已過專利保護期的原研藥納入仿制藥的藥品進行競價。"一個創新的藥品從研發一直到拿到生產許可證,大約有7年時間,進入醫保大約有5年時間,很多藥企可能就死在路上。"全國人大代表、康乃爾董事長宋治平表示,這些創新藥進入醫保後又面臨招標問題,門檻太多,中標後各醫院面臨的收費也是問題,有關部門應該在這些方面給創新藥、民族藥一個更好的配套措施。
外資擴張 "新醫改這幾年,實際是中國醫藥企業的整合期。"中國醫藥物資協會一位副會長坦言,眾多政策導致中小藥厂被兼並,提升了制藥工業集中度。但四年後的現狀是,有實力繼續發展的中國藥企,急需得到政策的庇佑和扶持──跨國藥企已把戰場擺到了家門口。據中國醫藥企業管理協會、中國醫藥企業家協會會長于明德介紹,2012年,雖然中國醫藥工業的主營業務收入、實現利潤總額和出口交貨值都在增長,但漲幅卻在下降,與上一年度相比,銷售收入、實現利潤總額和出口交貨值的漲幅分別下降了8.65%2.84%9.67%。與此同時,外企的市場占有率進一步擴大,據全國人大代表、天津中醫藥大學校長張伯禮介紹,通過他們對全國三級甲等醫院使用西藥的調研發現,跨國公司、合資企業生產的已經占到了70%。而且近十年間,全球15家最大的跨國醫藥集團都已進軍中國,並把研發中心搬到了這裡,在中國的科研支出年增幅達22.5%。跨國醫藥集團在中國的擴張,之前是通過對某個藥品品種的收購,現在則直接收購企業。在業態的發展上,之前對西藥感興趣,目前也已轉到了中藥方面。據了解,2012年中藥產值是4200億,占中國醫藥工業總產值的28%,全國政協委員、復星醫藥集團董事長郭廣昌和一些代表委員均表示,中國是仿制藥大國,在走向原研過程中,本身需要扶持,如果政策扶持較弱,將來無法與跨國藥企競爭,中國的老百姓也衹能繼續吃國外的高價藥,中國醫療費用的支出將會成為中國重要的財政支出負擔。全國人大代表、天津集團董事長閆希軍建議,取消外資企業原研藥實施特殊定價政策,同時對國內醫藥產業建立和提高對質量、臨床療效的觀察、評價體系。張伯禮也表示,對跨國集團和"洋藥"的保護、傾斜政策應該終止,世界其他國家沒有那么長時間的保護期,應該把國內國外企業放在一個公平競爭的環境里。
政府角色 對於完成了藥品創新和仿制的醫藥企業來說,對他們制約最嚴重的則是招標采購程序,以及爭論中的"二次議價"。全國政協委員、東科集團董事長趙東科認為,普藥招標要實行改革,政府的一衹手在招標采購降低價格,一衹手卻在"推高"價格,如原研藥單獨定價、優質優價、醫院的采購托管等,都使得藥價偏高。而另一方面,價格偏低、存在質量風險的藥品醫院不敢用,沒有利潤空間的醫院不願用﹔藥價虛低轉而提高藥事服務價格,則成為病人看病貴的推手﹔利潤進一步壓榨導致藥企生存困難。在他看來,通過對藥價的調控,現在醫院、病人和藥企都站在了有關部門的對立面。因此,趙東科認為,日用量在5元以下的藥品省去招標采購的環節。這樣在招標采購中先撕開一個口,逐漸取消招標環節,讓醫院和藥企以市場方式談判。"招標方面,我個人認為從方向上就錯了。"全國人大代表、葵花藥業董事局主席關彥斌認為,目前醫藥招標采購基本上是以政府為導向,招標成了市場的二次准入,但是政府又不完全說了算,因為二次准入之後又面臨著二次議價。他認為,藥品生產企業和醫院是平等競爭的主體,可以公開議價。政府可以把這部分錢直接補給消費者,靠市場經濟來調節矛盾。"二次議價之所以形成,是政府在整個醫改中的角色定位。"全國人大代表、輔仁藥業集團董事長朱文臣認為,現在招投標本身就是政府搭建了平台,代表醫療機構去參投,但政府又要市場化運作,又要自身參與,政府代表著幾方與制藥企業進行博弈,這本身就很矛盾。"政府可以作為最大的資源配置者出現,但資源配置者出現的話,政府要把醫藥產品的提供者作為其中一方,而不是作為對立面。"朱文臣說。

“光療”指甲! 醫療嗎?

愛美注意! 做光療指甲罹癌風險增 紫外線光療燈 長期照射罹皮膚癌 部分業者改LED 醫師:風險不大 2013/3/7張佩雅 報導愛做光療指甲的女生要注意了,常做有可能出現致癌危機。 美國最新研究發現,用來讓光療凝膠固定的紫外線 光療燈,如果長期照射,恐怕會增加罹患皮膚癌的風險,現在已經有兩個疑似案例發生了。 而國內皮膚科醫師 雖然認為風險不大,但建議做指甲光療之前,手部最好先擦防曬乳。 想讓指甲看起來有造型,不少愛美女性會選擇做亮麗持久的光療指甲,不論是有個性的豹紋風格,或者英倫甜美造型,美甲師都可以幫你完成,不過小心,可能有罹癌風險! 為了讓指甲油快速風乾,光療燈使用少不了,每塗一次指甲油,就要照一次燈,大約兩分鐘,累積十根手指頭照下來,美國研究就指出,光療燈內含的紫外線,竟然讓沒有皮膚癌病史的女性,手部長了腫瘤。就怕愛美女性擔心,有美甲業者將紫外線光療燈,改成LED燈,而醫師也建議做光療指甲前,可以先塗防曬油隔離,而且盡量不要每個月都做光療,再不然就是塗塗一般指甲油就好,畢竟使用頻率太高,總是對身體造成負擔!



PharmaEngine Appoints Dr. Alain Herrera as Senior Advisor

 TAIPEI, Taiwan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar 5, 2013 - PharmaEngine, Inc. (TWO: 4162) announces today the appointment of Alain Herrera, MD, as Senior Advisor. Dr. Herrera will advise us on our clinical strategy and operations, as well as our corporate strategy, licensing and alliance management. PharmaEngine believes that the addition of Dr. Herrera will open a new page of clinical and corporate development for PharmaEngine. Prior to founding his own consultancy firm, Alain Oncologie Consulting, Dr. Herrera headed the global oncology business at sanofi-aventis for ten years, as Vice President, Global Oncology Business Strategy and Development, and contributed to the worldwide registration of Oxaliplatiim Eloxatin®and Rasburicase Fasturtec®/Elitek®, as well as the gastric and head & neck indications for Docetaxel Taxotere® Other positions include Chairman of Chiron Therapeutics Europe, Managing Director at Pierre Fabre Oncology Laboratories. While at Roger Bellon (Rhône Poulenc), he was involved in evaluating the licensing of irinotecan from Yakult Co., Ltd (Japan) and was responsible for its early clinical development."Dr. Herrera who was introduced to us by Prof. Aimery de Gramont (Chief of Oncology Department, Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris, France) joined our Scientific Advisory Board since 2008, and has been instrumental in advising our clinical and business strategies," said C. Grace Yeh, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of PharmaEngine. "I am very pleased to have this opportunity to expand our collaboration with Dr. Herrera, and I believe that his global pharmaceutical industry experience will assist us in fulfilling our goal to be recognized as one of the successful international pharmaceutical companies based in Taiwan."Dr. Herrera said, "I am very happy to reinforce my collaboration with PharmaEngine. Since I started working with PharmaEngine more than 4 years ago, I realized that PharmaEngine has a professional team that not only successfully managed the worldwide development of PEP02, but also implemented a unique network of high level investigators from Taiwan, Asia, USA and Europe. I thank very much PharmaEngine for giving me an opportunity to involve such exciting projects to optimally develop innovative compounds in oncology globally."

About PharmaEngine, Inc. (TWO: 4162)PharmaEngine, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company established in Taipei, Taiwan in 2003. PharmaEngine adopts the business model of "no research, development only" and focuses on the development of new drugs for the treatment of cancer and Asian prevalent diseases. The lead project PEP02 (nanoliposomal irinotecan, aka MM-398) which was licensed to Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc., (Cambridge, MA, USA), is in a global phase III study for the treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer; the second is PEP503 (crystalline hafnium oxide, aka NBTXR3) from Nanobiotix, Inc. (Paris, France); and the third was a collaboration with Guangzhou BeBetter Medicine Technology, Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou, China). For further information, please visit the Company's website at



(英國癌症中心) GameJam: 手機遊戲 開發 基因資料 時代來臨 (尋找抗癌藥)!!

Facebook, Google tech gurus to design cancer research game Thu, Feb 28 2013 By Kate Kelland LONDON | Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:11pm EST (Reuters) - Scientists from a British cancer charity are teaming up with technology gurus from the likes of Amazon, Facebook and Google to design and develop a mobile game aimed at speeding the search for new cancer drugs. The project, led by the charity Cancer Research UK, should mean that anyone with a smart phone and five minutes to spare will be able to investigate vital scientific data at the same time as playing a mobile game. The first step is for 40 computer programmers, gamers, graphic designers and other specialists to take part in a weekend "GameJam" to turn the charity's raw genetic data into a game format for future so-called "citizen scientists"."We're making great progress in understanding the genetic reasons cancer develops. But the clues to why some drugs will work and some won't are held in data which need to be analyzed by the human eye - and this could take years," said Carlos Caldas at Cancer Research UK's Cambridge Institute. "By harnessing the collective power of citizen scientists we'll accelerate the discovery of new ways to diagnose and treat cancer much more precisely." After the GameJam, which runs in London from March 1-3, an agency will build the game concept into reality and the team plans to launch it in mid 2013. Cancer already kills more than 7.5 million people a year and the number of people with the disease worldwide is expected to surge by more than 75 percent by 2030, according to the World Health Organization's cancer agency IARC. CRUK's scientists are working hard to identify the genetic faults that drive cancer to try to find new ways of diagnosing and treating patients in a more targeted way based on their genetic profile and that of their tumors. In a major international study on breast cancer genetics published last year, CRUK researchers said they are now able to classify the disease into 10 subtypes - a finding that could lead to more accurate and tailored treatment in future. That study also found several completely new genes that drive breast cancer, offering potential targets for new types of drugs. Yet this type of research generates colossal amounts of data that need to be analyzed, CRUK said as it announced the gaming project. And while advances in technology mean scientists can process data faster than ever, much of it still needs to be analyzed by people rather than machines. "The human eye can detect subtle changes that machines are not programmed to look for - leading to serendipitous discoveries providing clues to the causes and drivers of the disease," the charity said. "With the collective power of hundreds of thousands of people across the globe helping our scientists to analyze this data we could drastically speed up research." Philip Su, engineering site director of Facebook London said his company believes the best way to solve a problem "is to bring smart people together to 'hack' a solution." "That approach is just as valid in the field of life sciences as it is in software engineering," he said.(Reporting by Kate Kelland)

Facebook谷歌专家将参与设计开发癌症研究游戏 来源:网易网站 | 2013-03-01 13:26:30网易科技讯 31消息,据路透社报道,英国癌症研究中心的科学家们将联手来自亚马逊、Facebook、谷歌等公司的技术专家,共同设计与开发一个旨在加速新癌症药物研究的移动游戏。该由英国癌症研究中心(以下简称"CRUK")领导的项目意味着,任何拥有智能手机和5分钟碎片时间的人,将能够在玩移动游戏的同时,研究癌症相关的重要科学数据。项目的第一步是,40名电脑程序员、玩家、图形设计师和其它专家将参与一个名为"GameJam"的周末活动,为未来的"平民科学家"而将CRUK的原始基因数据转化为游戏格式。"我们在理解癌症形成的基因原因方面正获得很大的进展,但有关有的药物有效有的没效的线索仍隐藏在数据当中,那些数据需要人眼进行分析——这会耗费数年时间。"CRUK剑桥研究所的卡洛斯?卡尔达斯(Carlos Caldas)表示。"通过利用平民科学家的集体力量,我们将会加速发现更加精准地诊断和治疗癌症的新方式。"GameJam 在伦敦举行,从31持续到33。之后,将会委托一家代理商将该游戏概念变为现实,该团队计划在2013年年中推出。根据国际癌症研究机构(IARC)的数据,每年因癌症死亡的人数超过750万,到2030年,患有癌症的人数预计将飙涨逾75%CRUK的科学家们正努力鉴定引发癌症的基因问题,试图以更加精准的基于患者基因和肿瘤档案的方式,寻找诊断和治疗患者的新方式。CRUK研究人员在去年发布的一项乳癌基因国际研究报告中称,他们如今能够将乳癌归为10个子类——这一调查有望使得未来的治疗变得更加精准。该研究还发现了数个全新的引发乳癌的基因,为新式药物的开发指明了方向。然而,CRUK在公布上述游戏项目时指出,这类研究会产生大量需要分析的数据。尽管技术进步意味着科学家们能够空前快速地处理数据,但其中的大部分工作仍需要人力亲自进行分析,而非机器。该慈善机构说道,"人眼能够发现受编程机器所不能察觉的微妙变化——以致出现很多带来癌症的主要诱因线索的意外发现。""集合全球数十万人的力量帮助我们的科学家分析这种数据,我们将能够大大加速研究进程。"Facebook伦敦工程网站主管菲利普?苏(Philip Su)表示,其公司认为"汇集聪明的人研发解决方案"是解决问题的最佳途径。"那种方式在生命科学领域里会跟在软件工程领域一样有效。"(乐邦)



資本行銷戰 !隱形眼鏡相繼擴充產能

精華光新產線 可望提前投產【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2013.03.12 04:17 am 生技股王精華光(1565)昨(11)日受到外資點名看好,加上第2季擴產、外銷訂單續衝,利多頻傳;精華近期證實,6新產線有機會在4月提前投產,挹注6,000萬片產能,預估下半年可望再擴充產能。對於將再擴產一事,精華表示,若訂單持續成長當然有機會,目前還在審慎評估中。今年國內首場外資論壇「美林台灣科技及產業發展投資論壇」今日登場,但美林證券為國內外投資機構所舉行的產業之旅,已率先在昨日開跑。美林昨日分別拜訪精華、F-康聯、F合富、承業生醫、台灣浩鼎等。對於新規劃的6條新產線,原預定年中投產,精華光證實,若順利應該最快將在4月可以加入生產行列,大舉投入日本客戶彩片生產需求。法人指出,6,000萬片產能估算,產量可以放大到約8,000萬片。【2013/03/12 經濟日報】


杏國SB04 (MacuCLEAR MC1101) 老藥新用...

Description MacuCLEAR Inc. is a specialty clinical-stage pharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel solutions for vascular disorders of the eye. It's first target is Age Related Macular Degeneration, (AMD), the leading cause of blindness for people over 50 years of age, affecting 30 million people worldwide, representing a $5Billion market, for which there is currently no approved treatment for 90% who have this terrible disease. It is at the Phase II human clinical trials stage.

Products / Services The company currently has 4 patents around this technology. MacuCLEAR obtained, through an exclusive worldwide license from Texas A&M University, MC-1101 and numerous other compounds. Additional research continues in this area and MacuCLEAR intends to file additional patents in the near future.

Technology / Differentiation MacuCLEAR's lead proprietary compound, MC1101, is being developed to treat the dry form of AMD. Challenging conventional wisdom, this novel compound is delivered preservative-free by a proprietary eye drop delivery system. Diabetic retinopathy and other retinal diseases will also be investigated with MacuCLEAR's portfolio of drug candidates. While novel in this ophthalmic application, the active ingredient of MC1101 has been previously approved by the FDA as an oral antihypertensive drug. Its safety and toxicity profile is well characterized. MC1101 has been granted 505 (b) 2 status and has formal Fast Track designation by the FDA. MacuCLEAR's Technology Objective is to prevent progression of Dry AMD to Wet AMD by: 1) restoring choroidal blood flow, 2) thus preventing the rupture of the Bruch's Membrane, the integrity of which is known to be the fundamental difference between the dry and wet forms of AMD; 3) treating aging effects of inflammation and oxidative stress. MacuCLEAR's successful completion of its Phase Ib/POC not only proved MC-1101 is safe and well tolerated by all study subjects, it further proved MC-1101 gets to the back of the eye, and when it gets there, significantly improves choroidal blood flow. Since impaired blood flow has been shown to contribute to the progression of dry AMD, the consensus is these study results suggest MC-1101 may be a useful therapeutic agent for the treatment of dry AMD and the potential multifunctional benefits of MC-1101 to subjects with dry AMD should be further explored.

Market / Customers Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness in the world, with the early stage, or dry form affecting 90% of the millions who suffer from this pandemic problem of our aging population. The market is huge, representing billions of dollars, and as of now, no approved treatment is available.

Revenue / Funding MacuCLEAR will grow through strategic alliances, consistent with the industry trend of large pharmaceutical and biotech companies seeking novel drugs to fill their product pipelines and diminishing intellectual property portfolios. The company intends to out-license its portfolio of novel drug formulations for various ophthalmic diseases and will derive income from licensing fees, milestone payments and royalties. MacuCLEAR completed its Series A Preferred Stock sale, raising $3.8M, including $1.7M from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund. These funds were used to complete its Phase I Human Clinical Trial. MacuCLEAR is seeking $7M which will be used for its Phase II Human Clinical Study. Stock Purchase details are available through the "Contact Us" page.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Oct. 3, 2011 - Based on its recent analysis of the retinal diseases market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes MacuCLEAR, Inc. with the 2011 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation for its flagship drug, MC-1101. This drug treats very early stages of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) before it can progress to wet AMD and eventually, blindness. When people age, the blood flow to the eye reduces, resulting in a build-up of waste, particularly in the Bruch's membrane. This thickening of the membrane causes it to rupture. When the body tries to form new vessels to compensate for the reduced blood flow, they too will breakdown and bleed in the retina when the Bruch's membrane ruptures. MacuCLEAR's MC-1101 has the ability to restore blood flow by causing vasodilation of the choroid vessels, removing the accumulated waste, and delivering anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects. An analysis of the choroidal blood data suggests that MC-1101 may reach the back of the eye at the macular area to improve choroidal blood circulation following topical ocular instillation. "Unlike the currently available AMD treatments that are injected into the eyeball, MC-1011 is a topical drug," said Frost & Sullivan Industry Manager Jennifer Brice. "MacuCLEAR has evaluated several novel eye drop delivery systems to facilitate the most effective delivery of MC-1101." MacuCLEAR has had a collaborative business relationship with Mystic Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to combine MC-1011 with its novel VersiDoser™ delivery system. Standard eyedroppers often deliver too large drops into the eye causing product waste and compliance issues, especially with the elderly population. The VersiDoser™ delivery system, however, consists of individually packaged drops which can be precisely sized and accurately delivered with a unique dispenser that makes it a safe, effective, and easier way to deliver ophthalmic medicine versus traditional eyedroppers. The choice of which novel delivery system will primarily depend on MacuCLEAR's strategic marketing partner. Due to the high unmet need and lack of treatments for dry AMD, MacuCLEAR has been granted Fast Track status by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Going through the abbreviated approval pathway will require less data collection, lower cost of production, reduced time for approval and, ultimately, diminished prices for consumers. MacuCLEAR's team has a combined experience of more than 75 years in the development and commercialization of life science technologies. The dry AMD market has a potential of more than $5 billion, especially with the rise in population of the elderly and a doubling of AMD cases by 2050. So far, MacuCLEAR is unique in its focus on increasing the blood flow in dry AMD patients. Its competitors are working on uncovering the potential causes of cellular debris and none of them have been able to progress past Phase II for the treatment of dry AMD. "MacuCLEAR's MC-1101 has already completed Phase Ib, a Proof of Concept human trial," said Brice. "The results of the study demonstrated that MC-1011 is safe with a low incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events that were generally mild in severity." MacuCLEAR is ready to initiate Phase 3a efficacy trial. Upon successful conclusion of this trial, the company expects to secure a strategic partnership with a big pharma company to complete a 3b study and bring this drug to market. Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that demonstrates innovation in developing a product. The recipient leverages leading edge technologies to offer value-added features while increasing the ROI for customers. In turn, the innovation enables the company to acquire new customers and increase their market penetration. Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

杏國SB04 (MacuCLEAR MC1101) 老藥新用 !

杏國開發5項新藥Q2申請登錄興櫃 今富族網記者陳伃安/報導2013-03-12 杏國新藥應用於黃斑部病變新藥,獲准在台灣執行人體臨床二/三期試驗。公司計畫今年第2季辦理公開發行,並登錄興櫃,預計明年上市櫃。杏國是由杏輝(1734)及國家衛生研究院合資成立的新藥公司,杏輝持股86%,成立於2008年。公司目前共計有5項新藥發展中,分別落在臨床前試驗至藥品查驗登記階段。 其中,抗癌用藥的SB01在一期臨床,而SB02則為軟膠囊,是處於臨床前的評估階段。與德國藥廠MediGene合作,用於治療生殖器疣的新藥SB03,預計明年上半年可取得國內藥證及上市,並在亞洲尋求策略夥伴,積極搶攻年逾30億元商機的亞洲市場。還有SB05用於治療三陰性乳癌,以及治療乾式黃斑部病變的SB04 根據統計,全球治療生殖器疣藥品約100億元,亞洲占三分之一,商機逾30億元,公司產品將透過杏輝代銷,可望成為未來營收成長的主力。公司表示,SB03取自綠茶萃取物,相較現在市面上用來治療生殖器疣的藥品,復發率低很多,副作用也較少,將在台灣先取得藥證,並以自費藥品先行上市,未來再尋求馬來西亞、越南等地的合作對象,以進行銷售。

Nobel laureate to speak on human genome in Taiwan

CNA March 10, 2013, 12:13 am TWNTAIPEI--Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner will deliver a lecture in Taiwan March 11 on human gene and genome evolution, the organizers said Friday.Brenner, recipient of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, will share his insights and new methods of gene sequence analysis during the lecture titled "Reading the Human Genome," Academia Sinica said in a statement.He was awarded the prize along with H. Robert Horvitz and John E. Sulston for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death.Brenner's lecture will be followed with one by Robert Baughman, vice president of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, of which Brenner was appointed its first president in 2005 and with which he has maintained close ties, the statement said.


美國藥品專利堅持 !!

美捍衛專利藥年限 卡住TPP【聯合報╱新加坡記者林以君/十日電】 2013.03.11 02:18 am 製藥業帶來的龐大商機,美國對藥品專利保護年限的堅持,可能變成「跨太平洋夥伴協議」(TPP)今年十月難以完成談判原因之一。來自美國等十一國的談判代表,本月四日起在新加坡舉行TPP第十六回合閉門談判。馬來西亞貿易部長穆斯塔帕‧穆罕默德(Mustapa Mohamed)在新加坡外籍記者協會說,「達成目標變得更困難、更有挑戰性,這也可能無法在二○一三年十月準時完成談判。」三月六日在一項與該項談判有關的「利害關係人」議題發表會中,製藥業者幾乎占了四分之一,投入龐大財力研發新藥的藥廠,與代表發展中國家人民的「非政府組織」,彼此對TPP是否引用美國現行十二年專利藥保護期限立場鮮明。大藥廠投資研發藥品並取得專利,希望在專利期限內獲利;與專利藥相對的「生技仿製藥」或「學名藥」,是在原廠藥專利過期後,其餘藥廠以同樣成分、製程,生產藥效相同的藥品。人道組織「無國界醫生」要求發展中國家談判代表,拒絕美國推動的專利規定,讓學名藥生產能更早上市以造福更多人。「無國界醫生」組織引用一份外洩的草案,內容指美國談判的立場就是「壟斷保護,以維持高藥品價格」。該組織也說,美國談判代表在TPP一度主張對現有藥品修改專利期限達廿年,將更難取得便宜的藥品。兩方對專利期限的看法差距,影響病人是否能以更便宜的價格取得藥品。以二○一○年為例,目前的十一個TPP會員國間就有三千五百五十億美元的藥品產業價值,美國公司又占其中八成。「美國藥品研究與製造協會(PhRMA)」泰勒表示,研發新藥需要十到十三年以及十億美元經費,也不是每項研發都能成功,錢砸下去,常什麼結果都沒有。2013/03/11 聯合報】

賺錢為王 ! 台灣浩鼎 蓋 “超規” 蛋白藥廠 生產 肉毒桿菌!!!

尹衍樑攻肉毒桿菌 搶千億商機【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2013.03.12 04:39 am 潤泰集團總裁尹衍樑進軍生技再度出手,台灣浩鼎董事長張念慈表示,他和尹衍樑將以個人名義合資10億元,在竹北生醫園區建造「P3等級蛋白質藥廠」,首選新型肉毒桿菌,新廠目標明年投產,預估市場規模逾40億美元(約新台幣1,189億元)。 此外,由張念慈創辦的美商Optimer最近也傳出大異動,原已代張念慈為Optimer董事長的漢克(Hank McKinnell),近期被董事會解職,Optimer計畫以10億美元價值對外出售。張念慈證實,目前已有多家買主洽詢,正進入談判,預定明年初可望完成交割。張念慈表示,他和尹衍樑兩人已共同出資10億元,在竹北生醫園區成立高階蛋白質新藥研發、製造公司潤雅生技,該家生技公司將由尹衍樑親自設計、監造一個全球最高階「P3等級」蛋白質藥廠,研發全新的肉毒桿菌新藥。預計今年第2季動工。張念慈說明,現在全球只有一家叫做Allergan的公司在生產肉毒桿菌,由於1公克肉毒桿菌原料可製成3.3億針的針劑,一針可以賣300美元,堪稱藥中之鑽。換句話說,1公克原料有近百億美元市場價值。未來,台灣開發的肉毒感菌可以應用在疾病治療、醫學美容,疾病治療應用在治療中風後肌肉癱瘓、偏頭痛等症狀,有超過10億美元市場,另外在醫美市場則有30億美元的規模。張念慈說,未來這座蛋白質新藥廠也將成為台灣浩鼎抗乳癌疫苗生產基地。針對Optimer公司,張念慈說,雖然Optimer與台灣浩鼎兩家公司已分家,但是他和尹衍樑仍握有一席美國Optimer董事,持股介於25%30%之間,並由他任代表人。據了解,若Optimer正式出售,則尹衍樑、張念慈兩人將共獲得2.5億到3億美元不等的股權處分金額。還不包括張念慈正向美國浩鼎追討的90萬張獎勵股票。張念慈也宣布,台灣浩鼎將改變策略,邁入「急行軍」階段,提前啟動美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)臨床3期試驗,希望提前1年推動新藥上市,並於近期將提交董事會同意。據悉,台灣浩鼎旗下的抗乳癌疫苗OBI-821822,在美國仍在進行2期臨床;市場預估,如果提前1年上市,則至少讓浩鼎多收入3億到4億美元(約新台幣100億到120億元)營收。 2013/03/12 經濟日報】

(通路為王) 葡眾 營業額破40億元

葡眾業績增速 稱冠直銷業 2013-03-12 01:39 工商時報 【記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導】葡萄王董事長曾水照(中)表示,葡萄王、葡眾業績一路長紅,靠的是一條鞭的策略,圖左是葡萄王執行副總曾盛麟、右為葡眾總經理曾美菁。圖/杜蕙蓉據直銷世紀統計,2012台灣十大直銷公司仍由安麗以99.7億元坐穩業績第一寶座,而以新生代挑戰者之姿搶進第四的葡眾,則以年增率26%奪冠。法人推估,葡眾不僅挹注母公司,讓葡萄王去年締造EPS4.8元的歷史新高紀錄,葡眾EPS更挑戰300元。就初步統計,2006年起即進入營運的高成長期的葡眾,近三年營收平均年成長超過25%,去年營業額已突破40億元大關,以42億元直逼第三名的賀寶芙。由於葡眾對葡萄王獲利貢獻度約達8成,也激勵昨(11)日葡萄王股價重回80元大關,上揚0.7元以80.2元收盤,市值也以104.45億元,躋身百億市值行列。葡萄王集團董事長曾水照表示,葡萄王和葡眾近年能創造佳績,主要是一條鞭的策略。執行副總曾盛麟指出,集團在保健食品奏捷,靠的是標準的微笑曲線,從上游原料端的全數自產,中游的製造生產,到下游葡眾超過9萬名會員的自有通路,及葡萄王透過實體(藥房+藥妝店)及虛擬(網路+電視購物)經營的四大銷售管道,由於不同通路,有不同的客群,而他們針對客群設計差異化的商品,也讓每個通路都出現不錯的利基。據了解,由於年年創造的高成長業績,葡眾已於2011年入選為全球百大直銷公司,且是唯一只以台灣市場為根基地,而未向海外發展的直銷業者。曾盛麟表示,過去葡眾的品項很集中,約只有20種,為延續成長動能,葡眾未來的成長將靠新產品、新會員及既有會員的產品滲透率提高。在新產品方面,因該公司會員目前79%屬女性,去年11月推出女性飲品─靚妍飲後,帶動銷售熱潮,也使單月營收一舉衝上新高。葡眾資本額僅1,600萬元,葡萄王的持股占7成以上,該公司在每年都維持2~3成的成長力道中,由於股本很小。法人認為,以葡眾前年EPS即超過270元估算,去年EPS應已突破300元,是葡萄王旗下最肥的金雞母。