
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

(MIT: iGEM) F明道中學 採血測酒精濃度(血酒機) 獲金牌 (國際基因工程生物競賽) !

酒測新方式 高中生研發「血酒機」奪國際金牌 2016-11-08 〔記者陳建志/台中報導〕現有的「呼氣酒測法」容易出現誤差,台中私立明道中學師生以血糖機的原理研發出「血酒機」,組隊參加美國麻省理工學院舉辦的「國際基因工程生物競賽」,由於以採血針取得受測者的一滴血液就可測出酒精濃度,誤差值降低至○.○○一%,提供酒測的方便性和準確度,一舉拿下金牌與最高榮譽的「最佳元件獎」。 由美國麻省理工學院舉辦的國際基因工程生物競賽(簡稱iGEM,今年共有來自全世界二五四個大學隊伍及四十五個高中隊伍參賽,私立明道中學在陳沛鴻博士帶領下,組成廿五人的團隊參加。師生發現,台灣目前酒測採行的呼氣法存在很大的誤差,決定改良酒測方法,以血糖機的原理研發「血酒機」進行酒測,並以酒精氧化酵素取代血糖機原有的葡萄糖氧化酵素,來催化酒精進行氧化反應。此方式只要以採血針取得受測者的「一滴血液」,放於測試晶片上,透過氧化產生的過氧化氫與血酒機的電極反應,便可獲得血液中的酒精濃度,更可將誤差值降低至○.○○一%,因而拿下「金牌」與最高榮譽的「最佳元件獎」。 代表隊隊長林軒毅說明,為瞭解台灣酒測程序和法令規定,特別前往警局、法院參訪。發現受測者若無法呼氣,需送至醫院抽血,不但程序繁複,受測者身體代謝也會影響受測結果,決定以血糖機的原理研發「血酒機」,只需受測者一滴血,就能測出身體酒精濃度,希望提供員警更方便的酒測方案。 指導老師陳沛鴻博士表示,這是學校第三年參賽,此次因實驗成果、學術交流、實驗價值貢獻等領域獲評審高度肯定,才能拿到這麼好的成績,為台灣爭光。

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to education and competition, the advancement of synthetic biology, and the development of an open community and collaboration. iGEM runs three main programs: the iGEM Competition - an international competition for students interested in the field of synthetic biology; the Labs Program - a program for academic labs to use the same resources as the competition teams; and the Registry of Standard Biological Parts - a growing collection of genetic parts use for building biological devices and systems.   

Competition iGEM runs the premiere student competition in synthetic biology. Student teams are given a kit of biological parts and work over the summer to build and test biological systems in living cells, ranging from bacteria to mammalian cells.  

Labs Program Academic labs can also be part of the iGEM community. They can subscribe to the Labs Program to conduct their own research using synthetic biology\ and have access to the same resources as the iGEM competition teams. 

Registry  iGEM runs the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. The Registry has over 20,000 standard biological parts, with open access to all participating groups.  

Values The iGEM competition also promotes strong values in the teams. Students are expected to be honest with their research, cooperate with one another, practice good sportsmanship, be respectful of their peers, and celebrate everyone's efforts. The team that best embodies these values as determined by the judges will receive the Chairman's Award at the Giant Jamboree and the respect of the entire iGEM community.   

Read more about the iGEM Values.  iGEM is a multifaceted program in which students can develop new skills. The different components of the competition not only make it a strong and thorough program but also allow students to be involved in outreach and education, development of new technologies, an international community, responsible and safe research practices, and project design.   

Read more about the iGEM Facets.  Previous Years iGEM began in January 2003 as an independent study course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where students developed biological devices to make cells blink. This course became a summer competition with 5 teams in 2004 and continued to grow to 13 teams in 2005; it has now expanded to 280 teams in 2015, reaching over more than 30 countries.  The competition was originally aimed at college students but it has grown to include overgraduate and high school students. The competition's projects also grew in complexity. Tracks where introduced to the competition to give teams focus areas for their projects and Regional Jamborees and World Championships where held in the past. Past projects have ranged from a rainbow of pigmented bacteria, to banana and wintergreen scented bacteria, to the development of an arsenic biosensor to screen drinking water. 

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