
Friday, February 15, 2013

保瑞國際 (Bora Corp) 取得Eisaia台灣廠!!

エーザイ、台湾・台南工場を台湾医薬品会社に譲渡 台湾子会社エーザイ・タイワン・インクが台南工場を台湾医薬品会社ボラ・コーポレーションに譲渡 エーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、社長:内藤晴夫)は、このたび、台湾子会社であるエーザイ・タイワン・インクが同社の台南工場を、台湾の医薬品会社ボラ・コーポレーション(保瑞國際股■有限公司(Bora Corporation)、本社:台北市、董事長・総経理:盛保熙)に譲渡する契約を締結しましたので、お知らせします。 台南工場は1974年に操業開始以来、アジアを中心とした新興国への生産基地としてその役割を果たしてきました。一方、医薬品産業を取り巻く環境変化が加速する中、多様化する顧客ニーズを的確に捉え対応していくため、当社は2012年10月に従来の地域別に存在する製造サイトを軸にした体制から、グローバルに統合された製品群別のユニット体制へと転換しました。この新体制のもと、効率性と生産性の観点からグローバルロジスティクス戦略を見直した結果、台南工場の譲渡という意思決定に至りました。今後、台湾の法規制に基づき諸手続きを進め、譲渡の完了は2013年9月を予定しています。当社は、グローバリゼーション時代における急速な環境変化においても、高品質かつアフォーダブル・プライシングを実現し、顧客歓喜に繋がる製品をお届けすることにより、世界の患者様とそのご家族のベネフィット向上に貢献してまいります。
 Eisai to Divest Taiwan plant to Local Firm Fri, 02/08/2013 - 7:58am Japanese drug maker Eisai Co. said Friday its subsidiary in Taiwan has agreed to divest its plant in southern Taiwan to Taiwanese pharmaceutical firm Bora Corp. The divestment by Eisai Taiwan Inc. of its plant in Tainan, which has served as a production base for emerging markets, particularly in Asia, is expected to be completed by September, the parent company said. The Japanese drug maker has decided to sell the plant as part of its efforts to streamline its production lines to enhance efficiency and productivity.

BIZ BRIEF: Eisai to sell drugs plant in Taiwan to Bora Corp. February 08, 2013THE ASAHI SHIMBUN Eisai Taiwan Inc., a subsidiary of pharmaceuticals manufacturer Eisai Co., has agreed to sell a plant it operates in Tainan, Taiwan, to local drugs trader Bora Corp., the company said Feb. 8.Employing about 50 workers, the Tainan plant opened in 1974 and has since been used to produce medicines mainly for markets in Asian developing nations, Eisai said.It said a recent review of corporate strategy had examined the company's efficiency and productivity and that in light of those findings, it would divest the plant to Bora. It gave no price for the deal, but said the process would be complete by September 2013.However, Eisai underscored its continuing commitment to pharmaceuticals manufacturing worldwide."Eisai remains committed to providing high-quality medicines at affordable prices and delivering products that create customer joy, regardless of the challenges posed to the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector by a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized market environment," it said in a statement.
保瑞國際董座: 盛保熙
盛保熙 運動保持健康 樂觀帶來快樂 不熬夜 不加班 不應酬【中國時報 李盛雯/台北報導】2011.03.16年輕的外型、陽光的笑容、專業的談吐,第一次看到盛保熙的人,很難想像年紀輕輕的他,竟然已經有一大串的頭銜和創業經驗,繼西藥業、金融業、娛樂業之後,他又投入保健事業,開發出針對現代人免疫力作訴求的發泡錠。一九七二年次的盛保熙,擁有高學歷,美國柏克萊加州大學經濟學系畢業之後,他除了接手家中的西藥事業,還創立了自己的公司,前後代理不少知名品牌,包括Kiehl's。接著跨足金融圈和娛樂圈,創立麻吉娛樂經紀和得藝國際媒體,出唱片、拍電影,忙得有聲有色。盛保熙的父親是知名藥商和安藥業的創辦人,當年因為肝癌而過世。他在台大醫院整整陪伴父親一年,只遺憾沒有多點時間可以相處,這也讓他更加珍惜手中的幸福,對家人、母親、妻子和他的三個小孩,無論是言談或行動上,都是滿滿的愛。「我是一個樂觀的人。」很多人羨慕盛保熙的好際遇,但他的人生也不是沒有挫折,他說有挫折才會感到人生多美好,要多麼的珍惜每一天和每一個當下,他說自己擁有一個單純幸福的家庭,身邊的人都帶給他快樂,他很惜福,因為覺得自己很幸福、很幸運,所以他不浪費自己的生命,更重視維持健康。「保持健康,第一是運動。」由於有肝癌的家族史,盛保熙特別重視保肝和持續的運動。他堅持不熬夜、不應酬、不給自己太大的壓力,少加班,多回家吃晚飯,多陪小孩。晚上八點之後不進食,家裡只有水果、沒有零食,補充需要的維他命,都是他節制飲食和養生的原則。年輕時擔任過個人健身教練,盛保熙經常舉重、跑步、游泳、做瑜珈,他說運動一定要有固定習慣,要有意志力,自然會獲得運動的種種好處。每年做一次健檢的他,從十八歲到現在三十九歲,一直維持身高一八零、體重八十一的標準身材。和盛保熙談話,很容易被他的樂觀和熱情感染,他有很多事業,卻可以保持笑容和活力,他認為人要學會看開,不要計較一些小細節,很多事不要放在心上,要往前看,自然充滿希望。很多人終其一生只做一種行業,盛保熙卻嘗試過很多領域,最後決定「做自己喜歡的工作,比什麼都重要。」,他可以是一個很好的律師或銀行家,但他自己決定不要那種上班的方式,要聰明賺錢而非用時間買錢,如此一來,可以同時得到成就感、自由和空間,這是他在台大醫院陪伴父親的一年中,得到的領悟。「工作很重要,但生活更重要。想要什麼就要去做,不要等到以後後悔。」

看 合富~~ 如何佈局中國醫改商機

醫療管理服務產業如日中天~兼論合富在中國醫療經營卓越~2013/2/7 2012全美醫藥管理服務年產值1,419億美元,年成長16%,估至2015年年複合成長率15%。原生態中,產業前三大公司市佔率66%。本文要論的是第四大公司Catamaran(CTRX,市值109億美元)的快速崛起內容,其CEO Mark A. Thierer(1960~)在推出『異於同業新服務』的戰略下,強勢崛起, 2010~12年市佔率已由2.2%提升至5.9%,在我第一線走訪請益中,多次向即將在台灣掛牌的F-合富醫療控股董事長王瓊芝請教內容裡,完整的看到了Catamaran『異於同業新服務』強勢戰略在合富強勢成長的戰略裡重現,也看到了台灣菁英在中國醫療管理服務平台展現的地盤占領之優質。Catamaran為北美地區提供醫藥管理服務平台,服務內容為降低上游大型藥廠行銷費用及統合終端醫療機構採購成本。09~12年營收從14.4億成長到79.9億美元,成長464%;淨利從0.46億成長到1億美元,成長117%,成長性優於產業龍頭United health Care14.5%24%。從股價看,131/25股價53.23美元,創歷史新高,一年漲幅67.7%,目前本益比78倍,成長內容被高度肯定,台灣公司王瓊芝與李惇夫婦創立的合富同樣在這樣的軌跡內容裡。Mark A. Thierer(1960~) 08年接任CEO至今,市值由8億成長至109億美元,他以『產品獨特性』及『改變服務』,強勢崛起:


2.改變服務,建立專人24小時服務:對比同業只以線上醫藥管理系統平台服務客戶,Catamaran除本身管理系統外,2011年起針對大型藥房、醫療機構,提供24小時人力服務。人力成本大幅增加,銷管費用從0.89億增加到1.31億,但卻有大收穫,10~12年交易成交筆數從7.3億筆增加到8.7億筆,成長率190%,高於競爭對手9.7%。大型客戶09~12年營收從10億成長到55億美元,淨利從0.28成長到0.7億美元,策略相當成功。Mark A. Thierer在強敵環伺中,大膽放手一搏,不在意『短期營運成本提高』,冀望提升服務密度及上游廠商合作關係,先突破競爭重圍,搶佔市佔率,成功在三年後擊敗領先對手,爾後再進一步改善自身獲利能力,成果令人敬佩,也給了投資者另一種新觀察內容。F-合富醫療控股(4745)2005年成立,股本5.4億,以大陸醫療通路為市場,營收為檢驗試劑銷售(70%)、獨家代理國際放射腫瘤大廠AccurayCyberknife(射波刀)設備銷售與維修(30%),營運據點在上海,客戶多為中國境內二、三級醫療院所及軍系醫療機構。董事長王瓊芝(1957~,台大商學系畢),執行長李惇(1956~,清大化工系畢) 1997年成立合富,王董以其優質學養與敏銳力和李執行長以『不斷創新』為唯一戰略,切入臨床檢驗設備和試劑的提供,在中國白手奮鬥起家,成就非凡。F-合富醫療控股,以提供更多中國醫院醫療檢驗試劑服務的戰略,在快速成長的卓越績效下,已順利打下『中國醫療通路的大潤發』雛形。從開創『醫院只出少量錢就可獲得檢驗設備、設備配套試劑必須向合富購買』模式,結合耗材與設備成本長時間分攤,減輕醫院一次性投入壓力,在當時中國國內因信用體系不完善而無人敢為下,王董事長夫婦就是領先征戰,10年內打進中國500多家醫院,立下第一波基礎,如此『異於同業新服務』戰略,幾乎就是Catamaran的翻版。2014中國年醫療器材市場總值將達280億美元,是06年的2倍以上,換言之,中國在09年啟動8,500億人民幣醫療改革已產生明顯效果。合富醫療在中國市場主要成長動力有二:

一、腫瘤放射儀器:中國每年新增癌症病患約230萬人,死亡率估達七成 (160-170萬人),到2020年,估中國每年新增病患達550萬。目前約有九種不同放射線腫瘤治療儀器,合富代理的Cyberknife(射波刀),能以療程次數少(1-5)、治療時間每次僅30-60分鐘、超過一千個方位、誤差小於1mm精準度,鎖定腫瘤發射高能量放射線,而不及周邊組織,深獲醫療院所與病患青睞,在售價逾500萬美元單價設備中,市佔率逾五成。

二、體外試劑:中國體外檢驗市場將由2010122億人民幣,成長至2014267億人民幣,合富將醫院所需診斷試劑進行統包,透過大量採購方式壓低進貨價回饋給醫院,醫院也省去與個別供應商採購成本,以中國二及院所共用八千家,合富目前市占率為5%,未來成長空間大。合富醫療09~11年合併營收9.07億、11.11億及16.64億,稅後EPS 0.440.231.172012年前三季合併營收17.8億,稅後EPS3.05元,正進入高成長高獲利期,合併負債、流動、速動比分別為52%93%78%,未來發展值得留意。今周刊841



人社部門或介入藥品采購 北京新浪網 (2013-02-05 02:56) 分享| 每經記者 王雅洁 發自北京繼公立醫院試點醫藥分開後,新醫改專門針對藥品流通領域再出大動作。昨日(24),《每日經濟新聞》記者從《醫藥經濟報》報導獲悉,北京市醫改辦主任韓曉芳日前在北京市"兩會"的新聞發布會上透露,北京將探索通過集團采購,或者由北京人社部門參與采購藥品的方式,推動流通領域改革。"這是繼醫藥分開後,又一次既敏感又重大的舉措,利益格局面臨重大調整。"24,一名醫管局內部人士表示,此項新措的具體配套細節正在規划中。這一"既敏感又重大的舉措",尤其是醫保部門牽頭,將給醫院、藥品流通企業、患者,乃至監管部門帶來什麼樣的利益調整呢?


付費方介入利于控制藥價 一直以來,醫保部門主要代表參保人員的利益,通俗地說是患者的付費方,其在招標采購過程中控費的動力將明顯增強。從這一點上來看,選擇醫保部門操盤招標是有一定道理的。中投顧問醫藥行業研究員蔣華陽認為,將醫保部門納入到集中采購的行列中主要由其工作性質來決定。在由藥企、醫院、醫生、患者所組成的藥品采購鏈條中增加醫保部門,有利於整體結構的完善,可有效降低采購費用。此外,醫管局和醫保局共同牽頭醫藥采購是加強醫藥行政機構間相互監督的重要途徑,醫藥流通過程中的水分將得到更大程度的減少。朝陽醫院執行院長陳勇也認為,藥品集中采購由醫保部門來牽頭是合乎情理的。由藥品的付費方來操作,有望把藥品價格控制到更合理的區間,從而有效減輕醫保資金的負擔及支付壓力。而從醫院方面看,取消藥品加成後,藥品從一個能帶來利潤的工具轉化成了醫院的經營成本,因此醫保部門加入和藥厂談判、競標時,有最大的動力把藥品價格推向合理化,這在一定程度上對於控制醫院的成本也是有好處的。以往單純由衛生部門牽頭的藥品集中采購,由於不能准確預估醫保資金的缺口,在產業鏈對接中往往不能完全順應市場需求。如今醫保部門加入後,將給准確預估醫保資金缺口提供了可能。"醫保部門進來後,蛋糕不會變小,衹是會刺激其更合理地分配。"趙鎮表示。




醫療可以健康 可以致富 !!

醫療業蓬勃發展,如何借機致富? Tuesday, February 05, 2013 亞洲醫療業蓬勃發展,令醫藥股成為投資保值的最佳選擇,但應該選擇什麼類型的醫藥股呢?西方的醫療行業受到政府支持,亞洲醫療業與之相比規模較小,而且亞洲的醫藥股知名度不高。但與此同時,亞洲醫療業規模小,許多小盤股極具上漲潛力,成為亞洲醫藥股的吸引之處。當下有兩股明顯的趨勢:內地醫療費支出增加,以及新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞和印度的醫療旅遊業蓬勃發展。在內地市場,熱門醫藥股主要是從事製藥和中藥的公司,另有小部分為醫療器械廠商。造成這種局面的原因之一,是內地目前仍未允許醫院以全面私營模式運作。分析師們指出,內地醫藥業正在整合,國藥控股、上海醫藥集團和中國生物製藥等最大型的上市公司將從中受益。中國上市醫藥公司在200910年間的股價處於空前低位,原因之一是政府要求降低藥價。據瑞銀財富管理投資總監辦公室的研究報告顯示,內地政府仍在控制藥價,但政策重點已轉向提高生產質量和行業整合。內地正在擴大基本藥物目錄,並將給予補貼,勢必會推高需求。香港上市的國藥控股是內地最大醫藥公司之一,投資醫藥股適合從該公司入手。紐約上市的邁瑞生產醫療檢查設備和診斷器械,則是內地醫療器械市場的標竿企業。而香港上市的同仁堂是中藥行業的領軍企業。花旗醫藥行業分析師葉霖認為內地的醫療需求將激增,問題是政府將如何應對這一需求,以及需求大增會對醫藥行業帶來何種影響。葉霖認為,內地政府很有可能放鬆管制,准許私營醫院在內地經營。他預測大型醫藥企業的收入會因此增加,如醫院經營機構等業內企業也將陸績上市。葉霖認為,對醫療的強烈需求會迫使政府放鬆管制,相信一個完整的醫療服務行業將會在中國興起。換言之,內地醫療市場將在十年內出現明顯變化,而現有的醫藥股無法反映這一趨勢,會有新的醫藥股湧現。接下來談談新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國和印度醫療旅遊蓬勃發展的問題。由於印尼國內缺乏優質醫療服務,很多印尼人到新加坡接受外科手術或其它重病治療。泰國也吸引很多人前去接受整容手術。里昂證券醫療行業分析師Wong Yew Kiang指出,亞洲的醫療費僅約為美國的五分之一。新加坡政府於2000年制定目標,每年要吸引一百萬醫療旅遊人士。2006年,到新加坡接受醫療服務的遊客高達41萬人。Wong Yew Kiang透露,2008-09年全球金融危機期間人數有所下降,而由於大批旅客入境成為敏感問題,新加坡政府及後已不再公布有關醫療旅遊的數據。Wong Yew Kiang表示,過去五年新加坡的人口增長已超過其基礎設施的承受能力,當地的公立醫院已接近滿負荷,因此推廣醫療旅遊只會在短期內為醫院帶來更大壓力。希望從這一行業獲利的投資者,可以選擇亞洲地區醫院運營商的股票,例如綜合保健控股(IHH)、柔佛醫藥保健(KPJ)、阿波羅醫療集團(Apollo Hospitals)和曼谷達斯特醫療集團(Bangkok Dusit)。聯昌國際分析師Kasem Prunratanamala指出,泰國醫療旅遊的發展始於1997-98年亞洲金融危機之後,當時泰國當局發現本國一些新醫院未得到充分利用,於是開始向亞洲、澳大利亞和中東的患者推介這些醫院,宣傳泰國是醫療服務費用低廉的好地方。與此同時,印度也在當地打造了上市醫院連鎖運營商,例如富斯保健集團(Fortis Healthcare)和阿波羅醫療集團(Apollo Healthcare),吸引了亞洲地區的客戶。印度也已發展成仿製藥製造中心。仿製藥是指專利已過期、不再受專利法保護的藥物。分析師根據人口老齡化和收入增加的綜合趨勢,預測醫療旅遊這一行業的收入應會呈現兩位數增長。


癌復發? 「林百里上下班正常」

【聯合報╱記者江碩涵/台北報導】 2013.02.06 04:13 am「壹週刊」昨天報導,廣達董事長林百里癌症復發,去年九月下旬切除一片肺葉,休養四個月沒有公開行程,直到前陣子廣達尾牙才公開露面。廣達發言體系昨天回應,林百里上下班情形正常,公司不對個人隱私做任何評論。二○○五年底林百里傳出得到癌症,隨後因為調整生活作息、改有機飲食,成功抗癌。不過,昨天「壹週刊」報導,林百里去年九月在台大醫院追蹤檢查時發現癌症復發,切除一片肺葉,並要求醫療團隊與集團親信保密,術後四個月未有公開行程。「壹週刊」報導,今年一月廿五日林百里出席廣達集團尾牙旺年會時,他僅以簡單的「雲中君」扮相上場,還需人攙扶上、下台,並且提前離席,引起外界議論。廣達發言體系表示,去年十月卅一日舉行的第四季法說會前記者會,林百里親自主持,且在會場上與媒體有說有笑;林百里上下班正常,公司運作如往昔,內部重大決策會議及每周與主管例行開會都正常參與,針對媒體報導,公司不評論。廣達主管透露,最快今年三月底,林百里會與媒體召開第一季法說會前記者會。昨天傳出林百里癌症復發消息,廣達股價最後小跌一點三元,收在六十七點九元。法人分析,電子代工整體股價不強,廣達股價昨天下跌應與林百里健康狀況無關。【2013/02/06 聯合報】



正崴跨足醫療雲 創造新價值 2013-02-08 18:03 新聞速報 【中央社】(中央社記者韓婷婷台北8日電)正崴集團積極多元化發展,繼朝通路、文創產業發展後,也跨足醫療雲端及綠能產業。董事長郭台強表示,微利時代,要創造新價值。正崴今天舉辦旺年會,一如慣例,由愛爬山的郭台強率領約1750名員工,一大清早揮汗攀爬圓山步道;60歲的郭台強,一路健步如飛,讓後面跟隨的記者個個氣喘如牛,佩服他的好體力。途中,許多員工爭相與郭台強合照,他熱絡地問候員工,並不時問員工還要多久到終點?有趣的是,沿路每個員工的回答都不同,從5分鐘到10分鐘、20分鐘,甚至有人回答還要3天,郭台強還是滿臉笑容的回應,並自我調侃「由此可見,當老闆還是要有自己的判斷力」。與兄長郭台銘嚴肅的個性迥然不同,「他沒有派頭與架子,很容易跟大家打成一片」,這是正崴員工對郭台強的印象。面臨IT產業進入微利時代,正崴積極轉型,郭台強說「只做硬體賺不到錢,要靠軟體結合的利基創造新價值」,通路、文創產業外,正崴也跨足醫療雲的產品,生產兼具監控心跳、血壓等設備的手環,未來也將結合手錶及手機功能。去年已開始小量出貨,今年開始大量生產。節能相關事業也逐步成型,負責太陽能電廠及維修事業的星崴,去年太陽能發電量達1.1MW(百萬瓦),今年可望達到5MW,營收貢獻可望從去年的新台幣8000餘萬元進一步擴增到45億元水準,去年已開始小額獲利。除了電廠、節能服務業外,集團從系統應用端發展儲能電池及LED節能照明。另外,正崴在IT產品逐步從元件整合到週邊成品,並朝高階領域發展,例如,已跨足高階耳機市場,無線充電器也進行一段時間,近來與美商合作代工,日系品牌也可望有斬獲,預估今年進入量產階段。1020208



心理健康 與 口腔健康 關聯??

爭取設口腔健康司 牙醫︰我們準備好了!2013-01-11 中國時報 黃天如/台北報導針對未來衛生福利部擬成立心理及口腔健康司,日前遭到心理衛生界大動作反彈,牙醫界昨天召開記者會強調,他們已作好承擔社會責任的準備,將藉由提升國人口腔健康,讓台灣的笑容更美麗,「希望心理與口腔界能好好合作,共創『心口合一』的理想境界。」但心理健康行動聯盟召集人張玨表示,牙齒是身體器官,牙醫則屬於醫事人員的一類,與衛生福利部原欲成立心理健康司促進國人心理健康,完全扯不上邊。若牙醫界一定要成立司級中央專責機構,不如與醫事司合併為醫事與口腔健康司,會更為妥適。牙醫師公會全聯會理事長黃建文說,台灣牙醫師、牙醫助理、牙體技術師等口腔健康相關人員逾10萬人,每年光是服務因牙病使用健保就醫的民眾便多達1200萬人,如此龐大的服務團隊多年來竟無中央專責單位統籌,也算是另類「台灣奇蹟」。衛生署口腔醫學委員會主委藍萬烘表示,民國92年公布實施的《口腔健康法》就明訂「中央政府應設口腔健康專責單位」,牙醫界的要求是有法律保障的!台大名譽教授韓良俊強調,口腔與心理健康都很重要,卻至今都沒有中央專責機構,好不容易等到政府組織改造,希望心理界能基於「同病相憐」及「共創雙贏」,接受心理及口腔健康司的設立。衛生署企劃處長石崇良表示,行政院原始設計就是在衛生福利部之下分別成立口腔健康會及心理健康司,兩者均屬直接由部長指揮的中央專責單位。但既然立法院作成了心理健康司應改為心理及口腔健康司的主決議,衛生署還是會基於行政慣例遵守,並於近期內將草案送行政院核定。




二次植髮優先考量重點是什麼?2013/02/06      ■林宜蓉醫師/口述、吳冠廷/整理 植髮在台灣現今已受到重視,並非陌生艱難之外科手術。但毛髮移植並非單純的毛髮搬運而已,而是"搬運自體毛囊,且讓毛髮再度新生的手術",也就是把健康不易受DHT攻擊之毛囊,移到禿髮區準備再度毛髮新生。所謂健康的毛囊來自後枕部之毛髮皮膚組織,因此,植髮的過程,對於頭頸部皮膚組織及外科手術技術,必需有相當成熟的經驗技術及專業知識。這是影響植髮效果的首要關鍵步驟。所以植髮也並非容易的外科手術,有計劃或必須接受二次植髮手術的患者,務必思考「植髮三忌」之重點,並尋找具備3D立體毛囊移植技術,建全3P三步曲之診所。 何謂3P呢?: 1. 術前頭皮環境重建(Pre-op Scalp Preparation),2. PRP韓式毛髮移植(Platelet -rich Plasma & One step implanter Hair Transplantation),3. 術後定期頭皮管理(Post-Op Permanent Scalp Management)機制。至於術中四個堅持(No scar, No pain, No bleeding, No follicle damage)和通過ISO認證的植髮診所,才可發揮二次植髮之最佳成果!早先15年前,台灣剛開始輸入傳統植髮技術時,非常耗時且生存率也讓人頗為失望。維多莉亞發毛診所林宜蓉醫師表示:「近期二次植髮門診量增加約三成,當中原本使用傅統植髮方式的患者也不在少數。」目前患者對於植髮的要求類似整型手術,因為患者對於效果不滿意,與期待值有所差異,想要尋求二次植髮,以解決上次植髮的外觀窘境!維多莉亞發毛診所林宜蓉醫師指出,「植髮手術通常12個月後才有穩定結果,植髮是否成功需要一年半載長時間的追蹤,所以是否接受二次手術務必停、看、問,給予充分的時間讓毛髮完全反映移植結果,再決定二次植髮數量及日期,較妥善!其實二次植髮手術過程類似第一次植髮,但因接受第一次植髮手術後,後枕部頭皮較緊崩,毛髮密度也相對略少。此外,無論第一次使用FUTFUS技術,二次植髮需要考慮是否在第一次疤痕上動手取毛囊,有傷口疤痕及毛囊密度的問題。不論是機器人、FUEFUT方式,都有供體部密度減少彈性下降的問題,因此必須謹慎評估配合高技術專業進行才能呈現成功的二次植髮!」患者之術後期待值非常主觀,所以術前應檢視該診所是否有類似的二次植髮成功範例,並與醫師充分溝通,才不會二度遺憾!有些患者憶起第一次植髮的不舒服經驗,往往猶豫二次植髮的決擇,沒錯,二次植髮要比第一次更縝密慎重考量後再決定,不但由敗轉勝且美觀更上層樓!台灣頭皮健康管理學會 創始人鄒積鎮醫師最後提醒患者,「近期不少年輕人為求頭髮、鬍鬚及鬢角的濃密,在自身臉部、眉毛、及鬍子處塗抹廣告誇大之生髮水」、此舉不僅未經「衛生署」許可,甚至造成毛囊發炎的現象。在此提醒患者,為了自己的美麗帥氣,也為了自己的毛髮健康,植髮手術務必記住「三忌原則」: 1.忌廉價、2.忌美感不足、3.忌成功案例不足。除了三忌之外還必須選擇有3P技術,四個堅持及品牌優良、ISO認證之植髮診所,不僅是效果的保障,也避免患者遺憾終身。唯有尋找眾多成功案例及有口碑經驗的植髮醫師諮商討論,才能在醫療安全保障下,同時恢復毛髮的豐盛,讓您的臉部造型再度青春洋溢。」



五鼎血糖測試 開枝散葉成就新產業2013/02/06       五鼎生技(1733)是10家卓越中堅企業中,唯一的生技廠,該公司在國內血糖測試領域具有領導地位及技術獨特性,佔有產業鏈不可或缺的關鍵地位,並以台灣為主要生產基地、具有高度國際市場競爭力。 台灣在1980年代,將生物科技列為8大重點發展科技,五鼎生技成立15年,在國內生技業的發展史起步不算早,卻是國內血糖測試業的始祖,由五鼎向外開枝散葉的血糖測試同業數量多達20家以上,密度居全球之冠,且血糖測試組(儀器、試片)已連續三年佔台灣出口醫材第一名;若稱:「五鼎為台灣創造一個產業」,並不為過。雖是「隱形冠軍」,五鼎在國際市場卻必須以硬底子與RocheAbbottBayerJohnson&Johnson等國際大廠直接PK。在各國下調健保補助的趨勢下,已突顯物美價廉的台製血糖試片及測試儀的優勢,佔有率持續上升。五鼎的營運及獲利穩健成長,放眼各產業,只有部分績優IC設計廠及晶圓代工業者能達到此一水準。五鼎除了新竹廠,新年度也在桃園投資設立新廠,預定年中啟用,全產能運轉,法人樂觀看待今年營收將持續登上高峰。


追求醫療產值 成就 低利潤醫療 = 無效醫療?

左右看:觀光醫療與全民健保 台灣立報 (2013-02-03 21:35)

左看:商品化的危機 二代健保在20131月踉蹌上路,採費率雙軌制,企圖嘗試以補充保費挽救瀕臨破產的健保財務。於此同時,台灣觀光醫療產業正要開展新頁。由外貿協會牽線,台灣18家醫院、診所與醫美企業,包含台北榮總等國立醫院簽署合作備忘錄,針對陸客健檢、醫美與重症醫療需求建立轉介平台。台灣觀光醫療雖已非新鮮事,但健保改革困境下,卻被視為各級醫療體系新生機會。綜觀台灣醫療改革,可見公共醫療的維繫逐漸被追求醫療產業產值給取代,醫美、觀光醫療的興盛就是例證。但醫療產值的提昇絕不是健保困境的答案,反而赤裸裸呈現醫療商品化的殘酷。表面上產值可解各級醫療機構、健保的燃眉之急,卻必然加速向私人企業靠攏。私人企業追求的私人資本利潤與經濟效益將對公共醫療造成長遠的傷害,無法轉化成營業額或利潤較低的醫療行為逐漸被劃歸無效醫療。這次是植物人,下次就是給付低廉的慢性病。觀光醫療等商業模式不斷擴大也將侵蝕本已逐漸崩解的公共醫療、防疫體系的人力及資源。正視醫療商品化,其實在於重新檢視台灣如何看待醫療這個普遍、公共的基本需求。若不能以公共化的角度重新建構台灣醫療體系,參考英國公醫或古巴社區醫療的經驗,有錢人才能看病的日子不遠了!林子暉/台灣公共化協會成員

右看:產業化的契機 201322台灣最大的國際醫療服務平台成立,在外貿協會牽線下,國內18家醫院、診所和醫美生健康事業公司簽署合作備忘錄,將對中國大陸觀光客提供健檢、醫美及重症醫療服務,預計將大大提昇醫療、觀光產值。反觀全民健保負債破千億,補充保費政策備受責難。兩相對比,更突顯台灣醫療資源分配的根本問題。首先,成本控管失當,如無效醫療、濫用藥物等,造成每年大量的NHE(國民醫療支出)不能發揮正常的醫療效益。其次,收入來源狹隘,各大醫院、醫療企業在未有其他充分收益來源時僅能就現有健保支出項目能挖則挖。上述收支兩端的困境形成惡性循環:健保無充分收益,醫院為維持收支平衡,持續惡性操作無效醫療與藥價差,健保消極地持續刪減限制給付項目。歸結上述兩個層面,台灣醫療資源分配往往將「公平」二字政治化,未能務實地看待醫療仍為一門產業,既透過企業經營模式來進行嚴密的成本控管,同時發展潛力產值。唯有在醫療產業茁壯,才能讓各級醫療組織得以營利結餘,進而以政策輔導將一定比例的利潤用於社會救助,滿足社會底層的醫療需求。國際醫療服務平台的建立不僅作為觀光醫療的第一步,更為醫療產業化的重要起始,讓台灣醫療能真正跳脫假公平真負債的窘境。林泰佐/社會評論者


原料藥大廠躍進 中化生營收倍增

【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2013.02.09 03:38 am原料藥大廠中化生(1762)、生技股后F-金可昨(8)日1月營收同步躍進,中化生約1.11億元,月增98.07%,年增超過200%,出貨大幅回溫;而F-金可則淡季不淡,元月營收約3.44億元,月減13.89%,但年增仍超過74%。中化生去年12月受到歐美客戶假期影響,訂單驟減拖累當月表現,營收低於6,000萬元,今年元月營運爭氣,訂單出貨有回溫態勢,營收回到億元之上關卡。中化生6日股價收50.8元,下跌0.2元。法人表示,該公司本季營收會有不錯表現,營運更將優於上季;中化生表示,去年12月營收「意外」被聖誕假期所擾,今年元月起訂單回補,對本季表現樂觀看待。中化生近期在「降膽固醇用藥原料」EPAE領域備受矚目;公司表示,今年成長動能,除了抗癌、抗真菌原料藥外,最看好降膽固醇產品「EPAE」,未來可望搶進美日市場,而今年在先導原料供應方面則可望翻倍演出。展望本季,法人估,該公司今年首季營收可望突破3億元,季增率至少兩位數,全年也有上看15%的成長動能,毛利率可望挑戰四成,每股稅後純益也有3.4元的水準。F-金可方面,今年元月進入淡季,營收僅3.44億元,而去年12月又是歷史新高,導致營收呈現月減走勢,但相較於去年同期仍有好表現,成長超過七成。F-金可6日收383元,下跌2元。法人預估,F-金可去年稅後純益約11億元,每股稅後純益達12元以上,今年營收可望繼續成長,而獲利也仍優於去年。其中,金可新增兩岸總計5條新產線,年後將逐步到位。此外,金可子公司海昌眼鏡近期斥資人民幣2,200萬元(約新台幣1.04億元),收購通路公司「上海海儷恩」,金可表示,上海海儷恩原是海昌重要的通路經銷商,由於該公司內部變故因此海昌順勢承接,未來將控有該公司500個銷售通路,將直接降低銷售成本、提升毛利。


2013生技產業 前景樂觀

產業基金旺 生醫吸睛 2013/02/07 【經濟日報╱記者 夏淑賢】景氣循環性產業有機會成為今年資金追逐的標的,生技產業受惠題材豐富,行情有機會續旺。 (新華社)今年一開始,全球股市普遍迎接開門紅運,富蘭克林證券投顧表示,全球股市於1月的好表現,主要受惠於美國成功避開財政懸崖問題;中國和美國製造業等相關數據再傳佳音;加上全球央行積極撒錢救經濟,流動性增加也激發投資人的風險偏好,帶動全球股市普遍上漲。1月各主要產業型基金績效普遍上揚,尤以生技與醫療類股基金漲幅最大,月線平均上漲8.80%7.35%富蘭克林坦伯頓生技領航基金經理人依凡‧麥可羅表示,生技與醫療產業於1月績效大放異彩,主要受惠獲利前景樂觀,如生技公司Celgene公布對至2017年前獲利樂觀的展望,而製藥公司必治妥施貴寶公布盈餘優於預估,且與輝瑞研發的抗凝血劑Eliquis,獲得食品藥物管理局核准上市,未來收益可期,股價雙雙大漲,帶動類股漲勢。雖然美國科技大廠蘋果因財報不如預期,月線重挫,不過,許多科技大廠浮現營運轉機,如黑莓機製造商RIM推出使用新作業平台的智慧型手機,惠普在去年第4季從聯想集團手中奪回PC市場第一寶座,前景轉趨樂觀,股價相繼大漲,帶動科技股票型基金月線上揚4.55%。針對今年的產業投資趨勢,富蘭克林華美坦伯頓全球股票組合基金經理人陳韻如表示,全球股市多頭的3大絆腳石都逐漸被移開,包括歐債問題情勢改善、美國避開財政懸崖、且中國經濟軟著陸並開始復甦,市場預期全球經濟改善,風險偏好提升,景氣循環性產業有機會成為資金追逐的標的,科技與天然資源股票型基金後市看俏。另外,生技產業受惠題材豐富,且獲利成長動能不墜,在去年大漲後,今年行情有機會續旺。

啤酒花藥用成分: 律草酮 (hunmulone)

啤酒中特殊成分可用于治疗糖尿病 发布时间:2013-2-6 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 据国外媒体报道,目前,最新一项研究显示,啤酒花可潜在合成律草酮,这种带有苦味的化学成份能够制成药物。但是这并不是人们过度饮酒的借口,人们并不适宜每天饮用2-4瓶啤酒。 科学家最新研究显示啤酒中包含着一种特殊成分,可用于治疗糖尿病、炎症和一些类型的癌症 研究报告作者在新闻发布会上称,不提倡过度饮用啤酒,这并不是一种健康的生活习惯。从啤酒中提取律草酮和它的衍生物有益于人体健康,这种物质可用于治疗糖尿病、炎症和一些类型的癌症。研究人员将该研究报告发表在《国际应用化学》月刊杂志上。 研究人员在X射线结晶技术下发现律草酮的结构,这项技术是20世纪初研制的。在啤酒酿造过程中,这些分子重新排列,使其包含一个由5个碳原子构成的环状结构,而替代了原有的6个碳原子结构。 通过绘制这一过程,研究人员能够哪些分子能够形成啤酒的辛辣口味,这将有助于研究在治疗特殊疾病时最有效的原子排列。这是非常重要的,因为这种成分能够用于治疗特殊的疾病。 华盛顿大学化学副研究员维尔纳-卡明斯基说:"目前我们拥有正确的研究结果,发现苦味啤酒花对于啤酒酿造过程具有重要意义。" 研究人员基于这项研究结果研究如何将这种分子结合其它化学物质来研制一种治疗糖尿病的药物,但将这种物质应用于药物治疗仍有一定的差距。


细胞培养流感疫苗成本高 技术难 ! 獲益高!

利用细胞培养技术生产流感疫苗 发布时间:2013-2-6 来源:药品资讯网信息中心第一次通过基于细胞培养技术生产流感疫苗的报道受到了广泛的关注,这是因为利用细胞培养技术生产疫苗具有生产速度快的优势。这一优势对目前的形势来说具有实质性的益处,因为如果采用另一种较慢的方式(需要病毒在鸡胚中生长),那么则必须在季节性流感爆发前的6个月就对每一次的季节性流感疫苗中所含有的疫苗成分(流感病毒株)做出选择。历史资料表明,由于研制周期(从最初设计到投产的时间)过程中所发生的变化不可预测,专业人员对于疫苗中应含成分的判断常常是错误的。而细胞培养技术的发展使得研制周期缩短,从而有助于做出更好的预测。许多研究都强调这样一个事实,即流感疫苗只能起到部分的保护作用,并且人们需要更好的手段来进行疫苗生产。尽管目前还没有证据显示这种新疫苗的效果会更好,但存在这种可能性。对于美国来说,额外的益处在于,将会在北卡罗来纳州生产这种新疫苗。这一点看起来似乎无关紧要,但是目前几乎所有的疫苗都是在欧洲生产的,一旦发生严重的流感疫情,疫苗的配送可能更倾向于首先满足当地的需求,而不是遵守已签订的合同。因此,美国的目标是实现在美国本土生产流感疫苗。最后,对于药物研发来说,通过细胞培养技术制造流感疫苗是一种重要的手段。因为这个项目是由诺华制药公司和美国卫生与公众服务部门以及生物医学高级研究和发展管理局(BARDA)之间的政府与民间合作伙伴关系共同提供资金支持的。由于流感疫苗的发展是国家卫生工作的优先重点,因此联邦政府的支持也是合乎情理的。在新抗生素研发的危急时期,这个案例中取得成功的合作伙伴关系(通过细胞培养技术制造疫苗),代表了一种新颖的、成功的新药研发模式。


OCTMI陳忠平Optical coherence tomography (OCT) 結合 超音波技術

2013 OCT技術暨投資說明會 2/26 February 8th, 2013 Optical coherence tomography,簡稱OCT,本技術是利用光學信號的獲取與處理,對生物組織進行掃描並獲得影像。美商OCTMI的技術能力,在現有OCT影像醫學領域上領袖群倫,其心血管OCT和超音波相結合的影像醫學診斷技術(IVUS/OCT)國際領先;在腦血管瘤影像診斷,至目前獨步全球,臨床上是唯一突破技術發展的公司。其Larynx人體試驗已進行400多個案例;在眼睛及心血管的診斷也已進行多項人體試驗,結果發表在各大醫學期刊,享譽國際市場。未來美商OCTMI將主力目標設定在心血管、眼科及腦部的醫療診斷市場上,並將在台引入並發展OCT技術以形成醫療產業聚落,未來在台灣,將不僅是單一醫療設備的技術開發,還有OCT相關設備製造、銷售及維護,對於一次性使用耗材市場上,預期將會有傑出的表現。生技產業係一需高度研發投入之知識與技術密集型產業,涵蓋醫學、農業、食品、能源與環保等領域,成為驅動未來經濟成長與永續發展的新引擎。觀察臺灣歷年優勢產品的變化,逐漸從低階耗材轉往高階製品,臺灣產官學研界希望能透過發展高階醫療器材,爭取到更多的商機。此次,OCT技術暨投資說明會將邀請美國加州大學爾灣Irvine分校Beckman實驗室計畫主持人,同時是OCTMI董事長陳忠平博士介紹OCT技術及技術運用範圍,如黃斑病變、青光眼、早期糖尿病視網膜病變;醫療美容、大腸癌研究、心臟支架開發、血管成像攝影等。OCTMI成像技術解析度比傳統,如CTPETX-RayMRIUltrasound,高出10100倍且能即時觀察。與會將同時說明商業營運投資計畫與未來市場潛力商機,冀能利用此次來台投資說明會尋求有興趣之合作夥伴及投資者,故誠摯邀請業界先進共同參與指教。經濟部生技醫藥產業發展推動小組 敬邀指導單位:經濟部工業局 主辦單位:經濟部生技醫藥產業發展推動小組報名窗口:經濟部生技醫藥產業發展推動小組林經理(E-mail:電話: 02-2655.8133 ext. 103)會議時間:民國102226() AM 09:30 ~ 11:30 會議地點:經濟部生技醫藥產業發展推動小組會議室(台北市南港區園區街3F17) 參加費用:免費

OCTMI光學成像光學成像(OCT medical image) 來台募資



Tang Prize complements Nobel Prizes by promoting public spirit

(CNA) Publication Date02/10/2013 Source Taiwan Today ByC.V. Chen More than 100 years ago, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel got extremely rich after improving on nitroglycerin to make dynamite. A scientist and pacifist, Nobel was distressed by the use of dynamite in war. In his 1895 will, he used his estate to establish a foundation to honor important contributors to world peace; scientists making crucial findings in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine; and authors of moving literary works.The significance of the Nobel Prizes is not just that the large monetary awards encourage outstanding inventions and writing; even more important is that they give a chaotic world a positive link to doing good, a platform where exceptional people can work for a better and more peaceful world.Unfortunately, perhaps due to the language barrier, the ethnic Chinese world has always been somewhat cut off from the Nobel Prizes; at the same time, the 21st century is a different world from that in which Nobel lived, with high-speed communications technology and reduced barriers to movement across borders creating new demands based on developments that Nobel could never have imagined a century ago.This is exactly what motivated Dr. Samuel Yin, born in Taiwan and proud to be ethnic Chinese, to establish the Tang Prize. This prize is not meant to compete with the Nobel awards, but to address the demands of progress and share the spotlight. In other words, the Tang Prize has its own independent progressive spirit, an extension of the progressive spirit of the Nobel Prizes.Yin said his idea for the prize developed out of his admiration for Nobel's selfless foresight, coupled with the desire to make up for what the Nobel Prizes fail to encompass, thus carrying on and enhancing their spirit. The Tang Prize Foundation, launched with NT$3 billion (US$101.72 million), was approved by the Ministry of Education and courts in December 2012, and plans are to award prizes every two years in sustainable development, biopharmaceutical science, Sinology and rule of law.In terms of sustainable development, mankind has to a certain extent overcome the challenge of peace among peoples. Although scattered conflicts still break out, there has been no large-scale war in more than 60 years. The next step is how humanity can peacefully coexist with the environment. This is an area not addressed by the Nobel Prizes.The award for biopharmaceutical science recognizes that respect for life is a universal value. Innovative research in this field improves human health through disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.The ethnic Chinese have 5,000 years of history and culture, and have absorbed many other cultures. In religion, for example, the Chinese have become a second home for Buddhism. The Sinology prize is dedicated to bringing the riches of this culture to greater world attention, and by providing international recognition, injecting more vitality into the field.In 2012 the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution affirming the indispensable role of rule of law to achievement of the three pillars of the U.N., viz., peace, human rights and development. Thus the Tang Prize stands out for encouraging work in this field, crucial to the reform of political, economic and social systems but not covered by the Nobel Prizes.The distinctiveness of the Tang Prize lies not in its huge monetary awards—NT$40 million for each prize, plus a research subsidy of NT$10 million—but in the independence and objectivity of its selection process. The Tang Prize Foundation will sign an agreement with Academia Sinica the same day this commentary is published, commissioning the research institution to organize four independent selection committees of local and international scholars, with the latter predominating.Invitations will be issued to prominent individuals and institutions around the world for nominations in each category, with the first prizes to be announced June 18, 2014. The prizes will then be awarded every two years in perpetuity.Academia Sinica is Taiwan's premier research body, so its handling of the selection committees can be said to represent the country's entire academic community in guaranteeing the validity of the selection process. It will also expand the reach of Taiwan's research, while serving as its ultimate test.Yin's donation to found the Tang Prize is significant on several levels. It supplants criticism with affirmation by honoring the contributions of others—not limited to ROC citizens—thus balancing the unhealthy state of journalism in Taiwan in which interest in negative news coverage far outstrips that in good news.The prize also serves to promote public spiritedness. The late U.S. steel magnate Andrew Carnegie once said the man who dies rich, dies disgraced. Yin, who has been quietly contributing to education and charity work for several decades, has announced he will donate 95 percent of his wealth to philanthropic causes, giving the ethnic Chinese community its own model.With the Tang Prize, the ethnic Chinese will go from looking to others for recognition to providing recognition to others, from award recipients to award granters. (THN)C.V. Chen is a lawyer and professor of law. These views are the author's and not necessarily those of Taiwan Today. Copyright © 2013 C.V. Chen(This commentary originally appeared in the China Times Jan. 28, 2013.)


Taiwan phony sexual enhancement drugs

CIB breaks up ring allegedly selling phony sexual enhancement drugs The China Post news staff February 5, 2013, 12:14 am TWNTAIPEI, Taiwan -- A criminal ring accused of distributing sexual enhancement drugs via cable television infomercials was dismantled by authorities yesterday, according to the Criminal Investigation Bureau.The ring had been selling purportedly SGS-certified medication under the guise of several brands and dummy biotechnology companies setup by its ringleaders on cable TV infomercials, according to police. They were doing so without prescription verification, police added.The medication in question contained N-ethyltadalafil and Nortadalafil, chemical variants of Tadalafil — the active ingredient in popular erectile dysfunction medication Cialis.The distribution of regulated medications without prescription and the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (食品藥物管理局) is illegal.The ring's activities caught the attention of the National Communications Commission (NCC, 國家傳播委員會), who began to monitor the televised content and notified the authorities once sufficient evidence had been established, said police.In simultaneous raids of the ring's dummy biotechnology company offices located in Luzhou (蘆洲) and Yunlin (雲林), the authorities uncovered over 300,000 pills representing a market value exceeding NT$15 million.Police urge the public to not purchase medicine of unclear and dubious origin as it may place one's health at risk.


Taiwan and the Netherlands: Taiwan attracting Dutch biotech companies with niche technology, manufacturing, and markets

(BiotechEast staff)5 February, 2013 So far in this series of articles featuring the growing ties between Taiwan and the Netherlands in the life sciences, we've looked at the roots of the relationship and at the attraction of Leiden Bio Science Park for considering options for their European offices. Let's not forget that ties between the two countries are two-way, so today we'll examine some of the companies from the Netherlands that have built or are building a presence in Taiwan. And we'll talk to the DCB's Dr. Chi Wei-Kuang, director of the Biopharmaceutical Pilot Plant, on the plant's Netherlands connection.

to-BBB Technologies BV Willem van Weperen and Pieter Gaillard are CEO and CFO respectively of brain disease drug-development company to-BBB Technologies, based out of Leiden. We talked to them both during their visit to Taipei in July to attend BioBusiness Asia conference, and asked them to explain their Taiwan link."The company was founded on a technology that I discovered that can enable a drug to cross the so-called blood brain barrier. But we ran into some technical problems that needed solving, and one of the solutions that we came across was what we now call 'G Technology,'" began Gaillard.Founder and CSO Dr. Pieter Gaillard (left) and CEO Willem van Weperen of to-BBB technologies BV.This liposome-based technology came to to-BBB via Dr. Maggie Lu, originally a part of the drug delivery development team at Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Lu had worked in Holland for a time and was back for a visit in 2007 when she met Gaillard."We talked and I thought, 'that's a very good solution to the problems we have'. That's when we started to build the relationship, and licensing from ITRI was discussed."After some visits back and forth between Taiwan and the Netherlands, and many meetings, the technology licensing deal was eventually finalized. to-BBB set up a local entity in Taiwan to handle the transfer, and were assisted in the process by the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office (NTIO) here in Taipei. VC firm IBT Management Corp of Taiwan through Assistant VP Dr. Yi-Chen Li became involved with an investment in the company, and helped them find a local manufacturing partner in TTY Biopharm.The company's business model is to cooperate with other pharmaceutical and biotech companies to combine their drugs with to-BBB's drug delivery technology to produce newly formulated drugs to target brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. to-BBB has an impressive list of research partnership agreements in place already with companies such as Abbott, Genzyme, GSK, Janssen Pharmaceutical, MedImmune and Shire Human Genetics.For to-BBB, Taiwan has a special attraction and connection to their core technology focus, new drug delivery formulations. In fact, this is one area where Taiwan can claim a world-leading technology position. As Gaillard put it:"More than in other place in the world, in Taiwan there is an appreciation of using existing drugs and giving them new life, such as what we do with bringing existing compounds to the brain. In other countries a lot of the time people want novel drugs and compounds, which makes it more risky. And in that field [liposome encapsulation], Taiwan is number one, for sure. All the big liposome stories around the world have a link to Taiwan."For IBT Management Corp., to-BBB was its first investment in the Netherlands. We talked to Dr. Li Yi-Chen about the investment decision."I met the to-BBB team at Bio Europe [large annual industry conference held in Europe]. I have the habit of going to Bio Europe, because it's not so large, and you can still meet everyone you need to and have time to talk. I learned about the story of the Taiwan connection from to-BBB. At that time they had already signed the collaboration and also the in-licensing deal. So during the due diligence process I had the opportunity to look at the licensing agreement, and evaluate the technology," said Li.They were particularly attracted to the number and quality of the global pharmaceutical companies that were working with them."If they can eventual sign a big deal with just one of these, it would be a big story," Li concluded.Having received her Masters and PhD degrees in Europe, Li is familiar with that environment and is particularly impressed with what the Netherlands has been able to achieve, particularly in talent recruitment."For example, at one medical devices company in Leiden Bio Science Park I visited, out of twenty staff three were from Germany and three from India. The Indians were working in software, and the Germans were focusing on optical technology. So they can attract people from all over the world to work together. And they also had a Chinese employee for the product development phase because they want to meet the market needs of China.""And it was an interesting environment, to see all different kinds of people speaking English in their company. And people can do what they are good at. This is unique in Europe. Even in the UK you'll have difficulty attracting people from other countries. In the Netherlands they offer a working visa and housing and a health insurance program. So this will keep them competitive with other countries," she added."And, although Netherlands is a small country, they see Europe as their whole market. If you are filing for regulatory affairs, if you are successful in the Netherlands you get approval for the whole of Europe," remarked Li.

Mercachem b.v Mercachem is a chemistry contract research organization also based out of Leiden Bio Science Park, offering chemistry services worldwide, particularly to the life sciences community. We talked to Frank Leemhuis, managing director of Mercachem, about opportunities in Taiwan."We started off in the Netherlands, and in that first year we attracted a lot of business in the Netherlands and the wider European Community. We expanded it also into the United States and more recently we saw a great opportunity in the pharmaceutical industry in Japan. That's when we attracted a Japanese business developer. He actually lives in the Netherlands, but travels once a month to the Far East. And we've seen opportunities to start developing business in Taiwan as well.""Since our Asia sales representative joined us in 2010 he has visited Taiwan many times already. I can't disclose names but I can say that we have completed several research projects for clients already in Taiwan."In Taiwan the company intends to support biotech companies or small pharmaceutical companies in their drug discovery efforts. Also, because quite a few companies in Taiwan are working in the natural products field, this is a good fit—and opportunity—for the company."We have a long track record in difficult chemistry, including the synthesis of natural products. So we try to provide support in that area as well. So far we have quite a lot of traction in Taiwan with this already," said Leemhuis.Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB), Biopharmaceutical Pilot Plant The Biopharmaceutical Pilot Plant at the Development Center for Biotechnology headquarters in Xizhi, east of Taipei, has enjoyed a strong partnership with Dutch vaccine company Crucell N.V. since it licensed its PER.C6 cell line to the plant in 2007 for the use in creating therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Crucell is also based at the Leiden Bio Science Park. We asked Dr. Chi Wei-Kuang, director of the plant, about this partnership and the growing number of inquiries from the Netherlands. First he explained how the plant differentiates itself from growing competition in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing field. The Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB) headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan"Our specialty is pre-clinical volumes. From lead optimization to IND. The cGMP plant was initially established to support local biologics development, especially the Taiwanese biopharmaceutical industry, with our ability to produce clinical-trial batches of the highest quality," said Chi.The facility has an established set up of mammalian cell lines and a new microbial cell line, set to become operational at the end of the year. The plant is also equipped with a GLP facility for the testing of cell banks that are used to produce these biologics drugs. This is a unique feature for such a plant in Asia, according to Chi.With all the activity and rising competition in the biologics manufacturing arena from locations around Asia, the plant positions itself as a quality option but with Asian cost advantages: cheaper than biologics materials produced in Singapore, Japan, the US and Europe, and around the same price as Korea, China and India but with a higher quality resultant product. This quality has been validated, as biological material produced by DCB's plant has been accepted for use in US FDA and EMA authorized Phase I and II clinical trials both in Taiwan and abroad.Regarding the licensing deal with Crucell for its cell line, Chi is very satisfied. "So far, the experience with the PER.C6 cell line has been great. Crucell have extremely good technical support. Their technology teams have been here in person to visit, and they have a support center that we can access through Skype or email for any trouble shooting purposes. With this support we were able to practice our techniques with cell technologies and so help our antibody development program," said Chi.Crucell has another Taiwan connection, partnering with local vaccine company Adimmune for influenza vaccine manufacturing at Adimmune's plant in Tanzi, Taichung County.Chi mentioned that he could feel something special was building up in the relationship between Taiwan and the Netherlands."Actually, the country that we have the most contact with out of any in the world is the Netherlands. Why? They have an innovation mindset, and they are easy to communicate with. We have a very good working relationship and experience with these companies. I'm always amazed at the level of their innovation. So I'm very interested to keep up with what's happening in Netherlands biotech," explained Chi."In total seven companies from the Netherlands have visited us at the DCB in the past year. That's more than from any other single country," he added.




Institute calls for government support for industry, academia cooperation

 Staff writer, with CNA Academia Sinica, the nation's top research institute, on Thursday proposed that the government provide full scholarships to students who intern at companies, as part of efforts to foster cooperation between academia and industry. The research body suggested that the government could learn from the US and Singapore and expand its scholarship program that funds study at major universities abroad to also cover local and international students working as interns in businesses. In the proposal covering higher education and technology policies, the research body advised the government to provide incentives, including funding or tax breaks, to persuade more businesses to accept interns. A Cabinet program that funds 100 biotechnology PhD holders in Taiwan each year to train at government-funded organizations is one example of bridging the gap between academia and industry, and an effort to make use of the surfeit of biotechnology doctoral graduates in the nation, said Academia Sinica president Wong Chi-huey (翁啟惠), who led the proposal. However, the government should expand its reach to other sectors, Wong said. The government should also take the initiative to understand the needs of industry to ensure that the research projects cover issues that are vital to these industries. An example of this issue-oriented approach is a call in the US for gene-related research projects in return for US$3.8 billion in funding, a decision that generated hundreds of billions of US dollars in revenue, he said. The project benefitted various sectors ranging from precision instruments and nanotechnology to agricultural biotechnology and environmental protection, he added. Wong suggested that Taiwan should learn from the US in fostering discussion between education institutions and industry to identify projects deemed important, so that limited resources can be put to their best use.


Chang Gung Biotechnology (長庚生技) 與Tonicology LLC 合作美國通路 !

Tonicology LLC Partners with Taiwan's CGB, Corp. to Offer Pure Extracts of Rare Herbal Supplements Tonicology LLC, an American distributor of rare herbal supplements, has partnered with Taiwan's premiere health organization, Chang Gung Biotechnology, Corp., to offer a line of Chinese Medicine's Herbal that provides specific trace elements and polysaccharides essential to healthy living.Tonicology LLC, an American distributor of rare herbal supplements, has partnered with Taiwan's premiere health organization, Chang Gung Biotechnology, Corp., to offer a line of Chinese Medicine's Herbal Supplements that provides specific trace elements and polysaccharides essential to healthy living. With authenticated strains of Cordyceps Sinensis, Antrodia Cinnamomea and Agaricus Blazei Murrill, Tonicology looks to help those with various kidney, lung and liver conditions, among others. "We are extremely excited and honored to be able to offer our clients the latest in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chang Gung Biotechnology has achieved combining Ancient Healing with Western Science by cultivating ingredients that have been used for thousands of years, but are rare in nature due to extreme growing conditions, pollution and environmental devastation. These pure extracts exceed 99.2% rDNA identification, are SGS inspected and are produced in cGMP certified facilities. Safe, clean and reliable products are our priority and that will never be compromised," said Tonicology's Sean Hsueh. Chang Gung is an organization whose history runs deep, with multiple hospitals, medical universities and nursing schools. Today, Chang Gung's hospitals treat over 35,000 patients daily. Their retail health division,Chang Gung Biotechnology, has over 90 retail health centers and has been named 1 of Taiwan's top 3 most recognizable health food brands (by Business Today Taiwan). Their facilities in the United States house state-of-the-art greenhouses and equipment for microorganism research. Taiwan's strict dietary supplement laws also govern the integrity of each offering. PURE EXTRACTS Cordyceps Sinensis Pure Extract, once called the "Elixir of Life", is found in the low temperature regions of the Himalayan mountains. It's been used for thousands of years as a kidney, lung and fertility tonic but illegal harvesting has caused the price of Cordyceps Sinensis to skyrocket over $2,000 a kg.* Antrodia Cinnamomea Pure Extract is a medicinal fungus found only in Taiwan. Researchers have deemed it as a possible holistic approach for liver deficiencies but its rarity makes it expensive and often unattainable.* Agaricus Blazei Murrill Pure Extract, also known as the Brazilian Mushroom, is saturated with beta-glucans and polysaccharides. Studies have shown potential benefits for the immune system and other chronic conditions.* These tonics are designed to provide the trace elements, minerals and nutrients the body needs to function optimally. Most of the food today lacks these important nutrients, especially trace elements, due to the way food has been planted and harvested for the past several hundred years. Chang Gung Biotechnology's nanoscience platform extracts elements in a size so small, they are at least one thousandth smaller in size than regular complexed elements. In this elemental form, they are soluble and are easily assimilated by life-forms, including plants and humans.* *Legal Dislaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




博士生 何去何從?

台灣醒報實際入稿日期: 2013-02-07 政府為了解決生技博士就業的問題,「行政院科技會報」宣布將斥資三億元,三年補助三百位生技博士培訓後進入業界實習,每位博士的薪資加上勞、健保等相關費用,每年開銷高達近百萬元,等於由政府為業界提供免費的博士人力。但三年過後呢?可以保證企業正式僱用這些博士嗎?而且失業的只有生技博士嗎?

流浪博士問題 少子化衝擊一波波迎面而來,生員不足,也衝擊到了高等教育,讓流浪教師問題升級到流浪博士問題,影響日趨嚴重。為了解決博士失業問題,教育部和國科會在過去幾年中提供了大量博士後研究名額,讓博士在大學和研究機構暫時棲身,但這並非長遠之計;現在所提出的方案則是將博士送入業界(而且只有生技博士),然而若產業不思升級或不賺錢,這些政策也僅是鋸箭法而已。就以台灣最自豪的資訊工業而言,我們很多的產品「產量」世界第一,但只是賺取代工或組裝的辛苦錢而已。例如蘋果公司的i 產品行銷世界,台灣是其最大代工廠,但大錢都被人賺走,為什麼?我們有沒有能力來賺蘋果那種錢?

忽略未來的發展 代工的廠商迷失在目前的容易賺錢模式,而忽略了未來的發展和升級。宏達電、聯發科、廣達等廠商,每年可以發出幾十億甚至上百億的股利,其實只要拿出其中的幾千萬就可以組成一個不錯的博士研發團隊,廠商應該去做;今天教育系統已培養出足夠的博士,研發的能量和人力已在那裡,政府更應該鼓勵和要求廠商去做。博士們本身也要改變心態,不再以進大學教書為唯一志願;放眼業界,工業需要發明或改良技術的研發,商業需要製造流程的改變、服務心態的改變、組織的動態調整等,足以讓博士們可以一展長才,也使有心突破的讓廠商不必再土法煉鋼。沒有天然資源的台灣,人力和腦力就是一切,現在國家有那麼多的高級人力,卻任其在兼課和找工作中消磨殆盡,這將是國家的重大損失。倘若政府再提不出對策,這些高級人力一定投奔外國或大陸的工作機會。人才跑掉就是國力的外移,國家競爭力不再,我們能不憂心乎?圖說:少子化衝擊一波波迎面而來,生員不足,也衝擊到了高等教育,讓流浪教師問題升級到流浪博士問題,影響日趨嚴重。


浩鼎DIFICID將獲健保價 !

張念慈回任浩鼎董事長 股價飆新高!乳癌新藥後年3期臨床 鉅亨網記者張旭宏 台北2013-02-07 17:30:18興櫃新藥廠台灣浩鼎(4174-TW)7日召開臨時股東會,完成董監改選,新任董事會也通過選任創辦人張念慈為回任董事長,由於市場相當看好張念慈擔任董事長,股價先行反映大漲逾2成。浩鼎今年新型抗生素鼎腹欣(DIFICID)可望取得健保核價,另外乳癌末期的新藥OBI822OBI821預計2015年第二季完成國內的三期臨床,循ECFA模式進入兩岸市場,並同步推動全球3期臨床,揮軍國際。市場看好張念慈重回董座,激勵浩鼎股價最高曾來到136元的新高價位,總計自去年121345元登錄興櫃以來,短短約2個月,股價漲幅高達187%,相當驚人。浩鼎成立於2002年,是專注於新藥研發的生技廠商,最初是由創辦人張念慈邀集許友恭共同創立,核心技術為醣基新藥研發,旗下最快新藥包括用於乳癌末期治療的OBI822OBI821,分別在台美進行人體臨床3期及2期試驗;同屬多醣癌症疫苗的OBI833,現則在臨床前試驗 ,目標明年進入人體1期臨床。浩鼎表示,目前台美同步進行342個病患的臨床試驗,在國內屬3期臨床試驗,美國及韓國等地則屬2期臨床。其中台灣三期試驗預計2015年第二季完成,除乳癌末期外,浩鼎也將開發OBI822OBI821的其他適應症,如卵巢癌,最快今年年中啟動。浩鼎抗生素鼎腹欣已取得國內藥證,並提出健保核價,預估今年可取得,新藥研發還包括Global H-KLH乳癌免疫療法、新世代癌症治療性疫苗、醣類生物標的癌症檢測試劑、肉毒桿菌素等。浩鼎新任董事會也完成新任董事長遴選,由創辦人張念慈回鍋出任董事長,其他新任董監事名單包括董事7人曾達夢、卓隆燁、張念慈、許友恭、李世仁;獨立董事有蔡揚宗、蘇懷仁及監察人王淑玲、陳國統。


兒童醫學中心 年中可望設立 2013-02-08  中央社 在兒福界期盼下,衛生署修訂設置標準,林口長庚、台大、馬偕、中國醫藥大學附設醫院、彰基、高醫附設醫院可望設兒童醫院。衛生署長邱文達今天表示,設置醫學中心級的兒童醫院,以家庭為中心照顧兒童家庭,可提供兒童更完整的照顧。有意設置兒童醫院的6家醫院位在台灣西部,花東地區則無,將要鼓勵設置。衛生署醫事處長許銘能說,預計春節後公告醫療機構設置標準修正草案,納入「專供診治兒童的綜合醫院」項目,相關醫院需要經過減床、新設醫院擴床的流程,預計今年78月,就會出現兒童醫學中心。綜合醫院設置標準規定應設內、外、婦、兒、麻醉、放射科,邱文達說,將來兒童醫院可以免設內科、婦科,總病床200張床以上,不需要達到400床,得免設單獨急診,可與母院共用。私立的兒童醫院可能會比公立來得快,醫事處評估,以往長庚醫院在林口院區設立獨立建築的長庚兒童醫院,後因為醫院評鑑規定,被迫撤銷,回復設置並不困難。台大醫院兒童醫療大樓原始規劃為台大兒童醫院,後因受限組織編制,變成兒童醫療大樓,爭取回歸原始規劃,有待教育醫療兩個主管機關同意。邱文達說,日本的兒童醫院全球最多,達569家,美國的兒童醫院245家,分為完全獨立設置、大型醫院附設兒醫部門、獨立兒童復健中心、兒童精神醫療中心等。國內的兒童醫院設置標準,可採分棟、分幢,或同建築,在同建築者,應有單獨的出入口 1020208


走過鬼門關 胖教授研發血管偵測儀器


慈院、東華齊發表成果 花蓮慈濟醫院與東華大學產學合作,前天發表初步研究成果,包括應用於癌症治療的「奈米鑽石」、可以早期發現動脈硬化等血管病變的「非侵入性血管健康偵測器」,雙方就共享教學、研究及人才資源進行簽約。「八年前,我發現對車子的了解比對自己身體的了解還要多!」吳賢財說,當時胖到近一百公斤,有一天突然因心肌梗塞倒下,所幸送醫搶救撿回一命,當時驚覺自己會記得按時保養車子,卻長期忽視保養身體,於是開始運動、節食瘦身,並著手研究低成本的居家醫療系統。

非侵入性偵測血管病變 吳賢財與醫學資訊實驗室研究生開發的非侵入性血管健康偵測儀器,包含六通道動脈硬化量測儀、氣壓感測系統及氣血循環檢測儀等,儀器插電後將連接線貼在頸動脈、股動脈上,電腦程式就會像心電圖般偵測動脈血流,從信號研判是否有異常現象,可評估身上動脈血管硬化程度、偵測血管病變,目前已和多家醫療院所進行初步臨床實驗。慈濟醫院院長高瑞和說,研發是讓人類社會進步的必要過程,跨領域的合作可以加速激盪出不同的成果。東華大學校長吳茂昆也說,現代許多便利的儀器設備,都是醫療與科技工程合作的成果,希望未來能研發出更多有用且輕巧方便的設備。