Monday, May 25, 2015

環瑞醫 內視鏡螢光影像系統(Novadaq PINPOINT)& 手術影像整合(SPY) : 澳/菲/日 將陸續出貨

環瑞醫延後出貨 首季每股虧1.26 20150525 環瑞醫因新機型銷售延後出貨等因素,首季財報虧損。莊宗達攝 【黃馨儀╱台北報導】醫學影像診斷廠環瑞醫(4198)1季因加速新產品推廣與銷售,導致新機型銷售延後出貨,加上中國春節連節影響機台銷售,及埃及300萬美元數位X光機標案遞延至第2季入帳,影響整體營收與毛利表現;首季合併營收為1.13億元,稅後虧損1.91億元,每股虧損1.26元。

虧損金額大於營收 環瑞醫已於台灣設立研發中心,今年並將部分X光機生產線移回台灣,希望開發具全球競爭力及適合亞洲人的新型數位X光機產品及供應鏈。今年首季已全面啟動新機型銷售計劃,包括移動式CruzeCorelab立柱型等新機型出貨及完成Versa天井式X光機之安裝與測試等。環瑞醫表示,未來將持續開發下一代X光機產品,如低劑量嬰幼兒移動式數位X光原型機,已在今年128日正式驗證,預計於11月北美放射醫學年會上進行新產品發表,預期2016年正式上市。此外,Norland骨質密度測量儀器部份,未來將以中國為主要銷售市場,並重啟歐洲市場銷售,加上原有北美銷售市場,預期第2季營收有高度成長。 Novadaq內視鏡螢光影像系統PINPOINT及外科手術SPY影像整合系統,目前已取得澳洲、菲律賓當地輸入許可,並在去年度銷售出貨,日本則預計在2016年銷售出貨。 環瑞醫表示,為提升營運成長空間並改善獲利能力,已全面展開營收倍增計劃。此外,環瑞醫重新評估人力計劃,預計自第2季起即可達有效管控成本費用與毛利率提升綜效,仍樂觀看待2016年營收獲利成長。

PINPOINT Increases Confidence in Minimally Invasive Procedures  One of the most significant developments in surgery over the past few decades has been a shift towards minimally invasive (MI) procedures. This change in methodology has been driven by the associated reduction in trauma to the patient from smaller incisions, which results in shorter hospital stays and reduced recovery times. One major obstacle of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is the lack of visibility to the area being operated on. While imaging scopes are continually improving, none have been able to offer angiographic image functionality along with high definition white light until now. The PINPOINT Endoscopic Fluorescence Imaging System may be used similarly to other endoscopes commonly used in laproscopic surgeries performed today. In addition to providing the typical images obtained through a conventional endoscope, PINPOINT enables surgeons performing minimally invasive procedures to visualize blood flow in vessels and tissue perfusion in real-time while in the operating room. PINPOINT also offers surgeons the unique ability to view images in an "overlay" mode, which displays a combined visible and fluorescence image. The overlay mode allows surgeons to clearly visualize both anatomical structures and physiologic information in a single image - which has been described as the best of both worlds. The overlay mode can act as a surgical map allowing the surgeon to clearly identify nodes and leaks while still remaining keenly aware of anatomical orientation. By providing clinically relevant anatomic and physiologic information simultaneously and in real-time, PINPOINT can equip surgeons performing MIS procedures with the information they need to make critical decisions in the operating room. PINPOINT can increase surgeon confidence in performing MIS surgeries and its use has been associated with lower rates of potentially costly post-operative complications. 

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