Friday, August 24, 2012

Silodosin可能用於..男性早洩 (Premature ejaculation) ~~

Silodosin and its potential for treating premature ejaculation: a preliminary report.
Sato Y, Tanda H, Nakajima H, Nitta T, Akagashi K, Hanzawa T, Tobe M, Haga K, Uchida K, Honma I. Source Department of Urology, Sanjukai Hospital, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Int J Urol. 2012 Mar;19(3):268-72. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-2042.2011.02941.x. Epub 2011 Dec 20.
Abstract Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem, as is erectile dysfunction. We evaluated silodosin, a highly selective α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist, as a new treatment option for premature ejaculation. α1-Adrenoceptor antagonists are widely used for lower urinary tract symptoms, and clinical studies on silodosin have shown excellent clinical efficacy for lower urinary tract symptoms. However, compared with other α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, silodosin appeared to suppress ejaculation in a relatively higher percent of trial participants. This suppression of ejaculation by silodosin suggested its potential for treating premature ejaculation. Consequently, we evaluated the feasibility of off-label silodosin as a new treatment option for premature ejaculation. Eight patients suffering premature ejaculation were treated with silodosin. Silodosin (4 mg) was given 2 h before sexual intercourse. Intravaginal ejaculatory latency time, premature ejaculation profile item, clinical global impression change in premature ejaculation and systemic adverse events were recorded. Intravaginal ejaculatory latency time was significantly prolonged (from 3.4 min to 10.1 min, P = 0.003). All patients answered better (much better) or slightly better for their own premature ejaculation problem compared with pretreatment condition in the clinical global impression change. Premature ejaculation profile also significantly improved. Two (25%), three (37.5%) and seven patients (87.5%) experienced anejaculation, reduced semen volume and discomfort during orgasm, respectively. However, these problems were not of major concern for the participants. No systemic adverse effects were reported. The current results support the possible use of silodosin as a new treatment option for premature ejaculation, and suggest that a placebo controlled study assessing its clinical usefulness would be worthwhile.© 2011 The Japanese Urological Association.

治攝護腺肥大藥物 意外讓男性更性福   新頭殼 | 新頭殼 2012823 下午8:03. ....相關內容. .. 放大顯示.治攝護腺肥大藥物 意外讓男性更性福 ....新頭殼newtalk 2012.08.23 劉奕霆/台北報導 根據醫學統計,台灣50歲以上男性每2人就有1人可能患有攝護腺肥大,因此在醫學上治療的藥物也不斷進步,新店慈濟醫院外科部主任楊緒棣教授今(23)日舉行記者會指出,根據他的研究,攝護腺肥大患者使用攝護腺新藥(Silodosin)後,約有3成的人在做愛時間上有明顯延長的效果,未來有可能以此研發出能夠治療早洩的新藥物。在今年8月份的泌尿科醫學會年會中,楊緒棣教授發表研究報告,指出台灣上市的攝護腺肥大新藥(Silodosin),具有最高選擇性甲1A型阻斷劑的特性,除可改善攝護腺肥大頻尿、尿急、夜尿、殘尿等排尿症狀,也不會造成姿勢性低血壓或心律不整等,更意外發現此阻斷劑可造成男性輸精管收縮,進而無法射精,使得做愛時間有延長的效果。楊緒棣表示,目前治療攝護腺肥大仍以藥物為主,情況嚴重則以手術切除。此次在臨床上使用新藥後發現,有數位門診病患回診後表示做愛時間有延長的情況,因此進一步調查。在調查過程中,發現26位患有攝護腺肥大且仍有性生活者,有3成病患做愛時間變長,其中符合早洩定義者,更有近7成延長做愛時間。而攝護腺肥大患者使用此藥後平均做愛時間從5分鐘增加為6.8分鐘,符合早洩定義者平均做愛時間也從1.3分鐘增加為3分鐘,合計約有97%的病人射精功能產生改變楊緒棣說,在日本去年的研究中,年輕早洩男性服用後,約75的人做愛時間延長。台灣則是世界上首度發現中老年人使用後,會延長做愛時間這個意外好處的國家。 雖然如此,楊緒棣也提到,延長做愛時間並不代表絕對有益,在門診病患中就有360歲以上的患者,因為做愛時間長達30分鐘甚至更久,被太太要求停藥。楊緒棣表示,每個人對性的滿意度皆不同,在使用藥物前仍要仔細考慮。
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