想要更長壽 每天運動15分鐘就有效 欣傳媒 (2011-08-16 22:00) 想要更長壽,要先有長壽基因?要吃健康食品?現在有更簡單的方法,只要每天多花15分鐘運動,就能延壽三年!據今天刊登在被醫界認為最頂級的醫學期刊「刺胳針(The Lancet)」網路版中,由台灣的健檢機構美兆健管機構,和國家衛生研究院溫啟邦教授合作的研究中顯示,每天只要運動達15分鐘、每週六天共約90分鐘,就可降低總死亡率14%、癌症死亡率10%、心血管疾病死亡率20%,增長三年的壽命。要獲得健康,一般都是說要「運動333」,也就是一天運動30分鐘、每周3次、運動時每分鐘心跳達130下,現代人工作忙碌,常因為自覺可能達不到這項最低標準,而乾脆放棄,而這項研究計劃則是要找出「降低死亡率,延長壽命的最少運動量」。溫啟邦教授運用美兆健康管理資料庫中1996至2008年間,共416,175位民眾的健檢個案;其中男性199,265名、女性216,910名,平均追蹤八年以上的資料統計;研究中根據會員填寫的「健康問卷」,將個案的運動量分為不運動、低運動量、中運動量、高運動及非常高量五類,並將各分類組與不運動組做危險性比較,計算出各組的平均餘命。調查顯示,高達54%的人不運動,只有22%的人從事低量運動,分析發現,低運動量組(每天15分鐘,每週共90分鐘的運動量)與不運動組比較時,其全死因死亡率減少14%、平均餘命多出3歲。另外,每天15分鐘的運動量之後,每增加15分鐘可再降低4%的全死因死亡率。而不運動的人與低運動量組相比,死亡率則高出17%,如果他們願意改變生活習慣開始從事低量運動,則可以降低1/6的死亡率。而且這項運動標準可運用在各年齡族群、性別,且對有心臟血管疾病風險的人也適用。
Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy: a prospective cohort study The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 16 August 2011doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60749-6 The health benefits of leisure-time physical activity are well known, but whether less exercise than the recommended 150 min a week can have life expectancy benefits is unclear. We assessed the health benefits of a range of volumes of physical activity in a Taiwanese population.
Methods In this prospective cohort study, 416 175 individuals (199 265 men and 216 910 women) participated in a standard medical screening programme in Taiwan between 1996 and 2008, with an average follow-up of 8·05 years (SD 4·21). On the basis of the amount of weekly exercise indicated in a self-administered questionnaire, participants were placed into one of five categories of exercise volumes: inactive, or low, medium, high, or very high activity. We calculated hazard ratios (HR) for mortality risks for every group compared with the inactive group, and calculated life expectancy for every group.
Findings Compared with individuals in the inactive group, those in the low-volume activity group, who exercised for an average of 92 min per week (95% CI 71—112) or 15 min a day (SD 1·8), had a 14% reduced risk of all-cause mortality (0·86, 0·81—0·91), and had a 3 year longer life expectancy. Every additional 15 min of daily exercise beyond the minimum amount of 15 min a day further reduced all-cause mortality by 4% (95% CI 2·5—7·0) and all-cancer mortality by 1% (0·3—4·5). These benefits were applicable to all age groups and both sexes, and to those with cardiovascular disease risks. Individuals who were inactive had a 17% (HR 1·17, 95% CI 1·10—1·24) increased risk of mortality compared with individuals in the low-volume group.
Interpretation 15 min a day or 90 min a week of moderate-intensity exercise might be of benefit, even for individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Funding Taiwan Department of Health Clinical Trial and Research Center of Excellence and National Health Research Institutes.