Thursday, February 10, 2011

兩難: 翁啟惠挺朱敬一; 表現不錯的 張進福(科技政委) 要下台嗎?


2011-02-11 中國時報 【謝錦芳/專訪】 中央研究院院士朱敬一內定接任行政院政務委員的人事迄今未定案,中研院院長、行政院首席科技顧問翁啟惠表示,朱敬一做事積極,做人直爽,分析能力極強,對事情看法深入,是相當難得的人才,若能入閣貢獻專長,可為行政團隊帶來新氣象。 翁啟惠接受本報專訪表示,一個比較進步的國家,科技研發與產業之間有密切關連性;遺憾的是,台灣的科研與產業之間距離非常遙遠。他認為,目前很重要的一項任務是將「科技產業化,把知識變成經濟。」 對於台灣科研與產業之間缺乏銜接的問題,翁啟惠憂心忡忡表示,這在生技方面特別嚴重,至於電子業較沒有問題,但電子業偏重在代工業務,欠缺關鍵性技術;如果台灣要走向知識經濟,就必須面對問題,積極檢討,以落實科技產業化。 翁啟惠認為,科學園區發展迄今相當成功,但多數由國外引進技術,很少是國內自主研發成果而加以產業化,這是台灣迫切要加強的,須由主管科技的相關部會單位共同來努力。 「學術界不只發表論文就好,還必須努力在制度與環境面加以改善,讓研發成果帶來價值。」翁啟惠指出,經濟部主要推動成熟技術的產業化,至於尚未成熟的技術之產業化,台灣必須加強。他說,朱敬一在這方面有很好的看法,從經濟方面看產業發展,對於科技與經濟面的結合有很大幫助。 翁啟惠指出,朱敬一對於六大新興產業、兩岸關係、教育議題都非常關心,尤其對推動爭取優秀人才的「彈薪專案」、修訂科技基本法等出力甚多,他是一個非常有心且做事積極的人。 近年來朱敬一在報章雜誌上發表許多評論,對政府施政提出針砭,翁啟惠表示,這是出自知識分子的責任感,儘管有些人有不同意見,不過,學者出身的他是就事論事。對於朱敬一即將入閣,翁啟惠表示,樂觀其成。

朱敬一封筆入閣 將與筆下的「Z咖」共事

【聯合晚報】 2011.02.02 內閣改組幅度擴大,中華經濟研究董事長朱敬一將擔任行政院政務委員,曾經是最年輕的中研院院士,朱敬一秉持文人報國的理念,時時關切國家大小事,從教改到金改稅改再到兩岸經濟協議 (ECFA),朱敬一不但能侃侃而談,也有很多不同意見,期待未來內閣運作中加入這位大師級人物後,能擦出不一樣的火花。即將入閣的朱敬一1955年次,台灣大學商學士,美國密西根大學經濟學博士,著作等身,算是當今國內財經學界重量級學者。1989年返台擔任台灣大學教授,1999年到2000年擔任國科會人文處處長,2000年到2003年擔任過中經院副院長,政黨輪替馬英九總統上任後,20087月起接掌中經院董事長至今。朱敬一的研究領域包括人口經濟、法律經濟和財政學,具有濃厚使命性與滿腔熱血,雖然多次婉拒入閣,但教書、寫書和研究工作之外,對於國家社會的發展仍保持高度關切,尤其在教育、財經、司法等事件上都有獨到見解,並常常為文針貶時事見諸報章,筆鋒犀利文思泉湧,批判往往一針見血。觀諸朱敬一過去多篇專欄,就有多篇文章直指政府官員大多是「C咖」。他從吳揆的「大嘴巴條款」說起,指絕大多數不適任的官員問題都不是「大嘴巴」,而是「既無觀念、亦無理想原則」,只是知識與專業上的「C咖」。他甚至還在去年底一篇文章,批評一位財經官員建議設立「國際醫療基金」,指其蒙蔽資訊、欺瞞長官,根本是「財經昏官」、「Z咖」。如果朱敬一果真入閣,未來豈非「A咖」對上「Z咖」?朱敬一文采洋溢,展現鴻儒氣勢,相當受到總統馬英九的信任,但對於政府的政策也絕對不是全盤接受,例如稅改大降富人稅,朱敬一持保留態度,甚至為文批判。這樣一位會「唱反調」的人進入內閣,未來是否牽動內閣運作,朱大俠要堅持己見或是委屈妥協?朱敬一文章最後一次見諸報端是124日聯合報,標題為:朱大班的最後評論,文章最後提到農曆年後他在報紙的若干專欄將封筆,這篇封筆之作的出現時間點對照入閣時機,朱敬一似乎早已在文章中預告他將入閣。


【聯合報╱朱敬一】 2011.01.24  在李明博剛接大統領時,曾經提出CEO接閣揆的訴求。其實不只是總理一職,若將國家比喻一家公司,則人民是股東、立法院是董事會、內閣是經營團隊,而內閣裡有許多部會首長,都可以類比為公司裡的某一職務。既然坊間有人想找公司CEO做閣揆,那麼自然也會有人想找念財務出身的人做財政部長。我在此文中要從五點切入說明:國家與公司的類比有其限度,而搞企管財務的人往往不適合做財政部長。一、公司幾乎所有的支出都是為了牟利—人事費是為了聘能夠賺錢的人、買機器是為了生產營利、租店面是為了零售營收。在「一切為賺錢」的大前提之下,公司財務長找錢融資的原則就很單純:尋找最低的資金來源、減低公司的財務風險。但是國家則不然;國家的財政支出有絕大部分是沒有收益能力的—社福、國防、環保、文教,每項都很難從支出衍生收益。公司財務長評斷支出是否允當只要比一比內生報酬率(IRR),但國家財政部長評斷各項社福或減稅政策,就得有相當的社會科學專業訓練。二、對公司而言,股東是「匿名」的,平地股東與山區股東並沒有任何不同。但是國家有職責要提供中低收入者社會福利、健康保險、學費補貼等,而由於中低收入者無力負擔,故前述這些支出必須要來自於社會上較有錢的家庭。簡言之,國家的財政收支背後,有非常強烈的所得重分配功能,但是公司財務長卻完全不必有「股民之間財富重分配」的考量。三、公司向外借錢,期滿就必須還本付息,否則債權人就可提起清償之訴,必要時法院可以依破產程序處分這家公司。但是當國家向人民發行公債時,幾乎可以無限制地借新還舊。就算債務偏高或信評下跌,很少有國家會真正面臨破產。而且即使政府破產(如加州),主政者也幾乎沒有責任。準此,公司財務長比較會對公司債務謹慎,但國家財政部長通常卻不會對信評敏感,而政客更是對財政赤字視若無睹。四、在公司之內,基本上是不講民主的;財務長下令,財務與稽核下層部屬就只有服從的分。在國家則不然。不要說財政部長,就算是總統,全國上下也有得是嗆聲之人。財長如果施政不當、經常劫貧濟富,則後果是怨聲載道,累積民怨。五、單一公司財務長端出一項政策,大概不太需要考慮廣大人民的反應,但是政府部會在制定政策時,都要考慮人民的反應與影響。例如,政府要對遊艇汽車課奢侈稅,大老闆原本是自掏腰包買車,現在車價因奢侈稅加徵而變貴了,他們就改由公司買。於是,所有的費用全部轉到公司股東身上。上有政策則下有對策是鐵的政治邏輯,不思對策而瞎搞政策,其後果注定是一事無成,甚至是天翻地覆。農曆年後,我在報紙的若干專欄即將封筆。值此「朱大班的最後一夜」,乃提出以上最後的評論。(作者為中研院院士、中華經濟研究院董事長)

An conference organizing company in China

BIT organized conference in China

March, 2011

ü        BIT's 4th World Annual Protein and Peptide Conference  (pepcon2011)

Time: March 23-25, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Sally Guo    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 3rd Annual World Vaccine Congress  (wcv2011)

Time: March 23-25, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Monica Fu    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 3rd Annual International Congress of Antibody  (ica2011)

Time: March 23-25, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Jenny Zhang    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of BIO-SOFT  (BIOSOFT2011)

Time: March 23-25, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Candice Gao    E-mail:


April, 2011

ü        BIT's 2nd Inaugural Symposium on Enzymes & Biocatalysis-2011  (seb2011)

Time: April 25-30, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Sandy Lee    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 4th Annual Congress of Industrial Biotechnology  (ibio2011)

Time: April 25-30, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Amy Qiao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World World Congress of Bioenergy  (wcbe2011)

Time: April 25-30, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Bella Yu    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology  (WCMB2011)

Time: April 25-30, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Doris Han    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd World DNA and Genome Day  (DNAday2011,WDD2011)

Time: April 25-30, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Alina Qian    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Petromicrobiology-2011  (WCP2011)

Time: April 25-27, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms.Olivia Zhang    E-mail:


May, 2011

ü        BIT's 4th World Cancer Congress  (cancer2011)

Time: May 22-25, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms.Nancy Shao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2011  (NT2011)

Time: May 22-25, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms.Rose Chen    E-mail:


ü        Bit's 2nd Annual World Congress of Well Stimulation and EOR  (wseor2011)

Time: May 17-19, 2011   Place: Chongqing, China

Contact: Ms.Marry Yin    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual International Symposium of Unconventional Oil & Gas  (UOG2011)

Time: May 17-19, 2011   Place: Chongqing, China

Contact: Ms. Julia Zhang    E-mail:


June, 2011

ü        BIT's 1st Annual Inaugurate Symposium of Human Papilloma Virus  (HPV2011)

Time: June 11-13, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Karen Li    E-mail:


July, 2011

ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Microbes-2011  (WCM2011)

Time: July 30-August 1, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Dora Feng    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Virus and Infections

2nd Annual Inaugurate Symposium of Hepatitis Virus

1st Annual Symposium of Bacteriology and Infection

1st Annual International Symposium of Mycology

1st Annual Symposium of Antiparasites


August, 2011

ü        2nd Annual Inaugurate Symposia on Cancer Drug Discovery  (Anti-cancer-2011)

Time: August 8-10, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Nancy Shao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology  (CMCB2011)

Time: August 6-8, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Judy Du    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual International Conference of Medichem-2011  (ICM2011)

Time: August 9-11, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Race Wang    E-mail:


ü        BIT 2nd Annual World Congress of Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis  (WCCAS2011)

Time: August 9-11, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Mr. Ryan Zhang    E-mail:


September, 2011

ü        BIT's 2nd MarineTech Summit  (MTS2011)

Time: September 23-25, 2011   Place: Busan, Korea

Contact: Debra Zhao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 4th Annual Congress and Expo of Molecular Diagnostic  (CEMD2011)

Time: September 22-24, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Tina Lee    E-mail:


October, 2011

ü        Low Carbon Earth Summit-2011  (LCES2011)

Time: October 19-26, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Ashley Han    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Hi-Tech EXPO Asia


ü        BIT's 1st Annual Congress of U-World  (U-World-2011)

Time: Oct. 23-25, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Lily Guo    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Environmental Biotechnology  (WCEB2011)

Time: October 19-22, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Betty Ma    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T  (NANO-S&T2011)

Time: October 23-26, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Stella Gao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Petroleum Greentech 2011  (WCPG2011)

Time: October 19-22, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Mandy Xue    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual Intenational Congress and Exposition of Oil Field Chemicals 2011  (OFC2011)

Time: October 19-22, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Lucy Wang    E-mail:


ü        2nd World Congress of Forensics  (WCF2011)

Time: October 15-17, 2011   Place: Chongqing, China

Contact: Ms. Nina Zhao    E-mail:


ü        The 2nd Annual World Congress of Hydraulic Fracturing &Acidizing  (WCHFA2011)

Time: October 19-22, 2011   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Maggie Sun    E-mail:


November, 2011

ü        BIT's 9th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology  (IDDST2011)

Time: November 3-6, 2011   Place: Shenzhen, China

Contact: Ms. Catherine Wang    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd World Congress of Immunodisease and Therapy  (WCIT2011)

Time: November 18-20, 2011   Place: Guangzhou, China

Contact: Ms. Kayla Liu    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd World Breast Cancer Congress  (WCBC2011)

Time: November 18-20, 2011   Place: Guangzhou, China

Contact: Ms. Cathy Han    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual Congress of Biomarkers  (WCB2011)

Time: November 12-14, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Anna Zhao    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine  (NanoMedicine2011)

Time: November 3-6, 2011   Place: Shenzhen, China

Contact: Ms. Eva Guo    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems  (sdds2011)

Time: November 3-6, 2011   Place: Shenzhen, China

Contact: Ms. Grace Yang    E-mail:


ü        The 5th China Medicinal Biotech Forum  (cmbf2011)

Time: November 10-12, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Joyce Lee    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st World Congress of Small RNAs-2011  (WCSR2011)

Time: November 3-6, 2011   Place: ShenZheng, China

Contact: Ms. Mandy Fang    E-mail:


December, 2011

ü        BIT's 2nd World AIDS Day  (HIV2011)

Time: December 1-3, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Rainy Chen    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 1st Symposium of Antimicrobial Research  (SAR2011)

Time: December 2-4, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. June Du    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 2nd International Congress of Cardiology  (ICC2011)

Time: December 4-6, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Ruby Chen    E-mail:


ü        BIT's 4th Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell  (RMSC2011)

Time: December 5-7, 2011   Place: Beijing, China

Contact: Ms. Laura Fu    E-mail:


January, 2012

ü        BIT's 2nd World Congress of Personalized Medicine  (WCPM2011)

Time: January 10-12, 2012   Place: Dalian, China

Contact: Ms. Vicky Lee    E-mail:


BITeomics, Inc., founded in China in 2003, is a company established by Chinese scientists living abroad. It specializes in the integration of current Chinese social and technological resources with resources from overseas, providing frontier technologies and product services for human health and biological careers. BIT Life Sciences is a subsidiary company of BITeomics, Inc. It is dedicated to creating a global life science intelligence exchange channel by simultaneously addressing professional needs for information and technology sharing and eliminating culture divergence in bio-industries. BIT Life Sciences aims to be the world leader in intelligence exchange. BIT Life Sciences integrates intelligence resources through well-organized events, courses and talent searches. We establish collaborations and licensing by tech trade Affairs and Tech-Tour, and visualize milestone achievements through reports, publications and e-newsletters.

Services As a full-service event planning and consulting company, we have collaborated with numerous large national and international associations and prestigious corporations in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology. We specialize in organizing and marketing professional conferences, seminars, workshops and corporate events. We are fully equipped to offer total event management to our clients who need to stay competitive in their current business or industry. Our experience ranges from arranging small board meetings to large global conferences.No matter the size of your event, BIT, together with our strategic partners, offers a wide array of services which can be tailored to your event.

Conference Organizing Besides organizing BIT's own brand conferences, BIT also works as a consultant for academic organizations, and professional associations and companies. We provide full service management for conferences including, but not limited to: conference design, program development, registration, venue selection and booking, logistics, leisure management, marketing, sourcing speakers, funding and sponsorship, talent search, project matchmaking, financial management and budget control.

Venue selection We have an advantage in the selection of a Chinese venue. We offer venue booking and liaison. We will handle reservations and management of the venue as well as delegate accommodations. 

Event marketing We have designed all kinds of scientific programs and promotional materials; through our huge database, we are able to market your event effectively.

Program planning We will plan the program of your event, including selecting the Advisory board members, keynote speakers, and other speakers.


Registration We will handle delegate registrations, recruitment and briefing of conference staff, and coordinating delegates travel arrangements.

Social programs We will organize an optional tour for delegates and partners in the conference.

Talent Pool Globalization has been a trend in both the business and academic worlds, and the demand for top talents has never been greater. How to find these new talents is always a major concern for all organizations, regardless of industry or location. At the same time, top talents are seeking new opportunities to build up their careers. We understand this perfectly and would like to provide such a platform for employers and talents worldwide.BIT has accumulated a database including over 2,000,000 professionals, in the field of life sciences and other related areas, through well-organized events, courses and talent searches. Through our conferences, we have built up good relations with individuals, universities, institutions, companies, and societies in China and beyond. Through BIT's talent pool, you can easily build and manage your confidential resume and be entered into our worldwide database or advise your job openings in order to attract desirable candidates.

Perfect information

In order to obtain a competitive advantage in the market, research and development is the key for most high-tech companies; therefore, leaders in many scientific fields are urgently needed. With the database we have gathered, we are confident that we have the ability to find the suitable candidate for your organization. BIT is dedicated to building up a recruiting channel in the field of life sciences that brings together students, Ph.D.s, professors, universities, and research institutions to find a perfect match. Our advantage is based on our database which includes over 2,000,000 professionals. Our specialty is Chinese students; as we all know, there are thousands of Chinese graduates going abroad to pursue further studies each year, and they have proven to be intelligent and hardworking. We would like to help you recruit more of these Chinese talents. When you advertise your vacancies on our website, your ads will also appear at some of our related events.

Technology Pool

With competitive pressures increasing relentlessly, where to locate productive assets and source contract manufacturing services has become a main concern of business executives and entrepreneurs. Most giant pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have set up research and development centers in China. China has emerged as a major location to outsource in the world. In addition, the Chinese government has invested enormous funds into the development of science and technology and Chinese professionals are eager to seek collaborations with professionals outside China. BIT has built up good reputations with both Chinese and foreign organizations through conferences. We have gathered a pool of technologies and investors, and we hope that more and more collaborations will be realized through BIT. Both service providers and service seekers can communicate and establish potential co-operations. By submitting your project form, you will have an important opportunity to find a suitable partner for your great ideas.

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