利用多種有益活菌去發酵提煉出的「共生菌酵素」,經動物實驗證實可快速分解塑化劑污染 2011/08/31 經濟日報 知名生技公司日前發表一項針對分解塑化劑毒性的解決方案,即利用多種有益活菌去發酵提煉出的「共生菌酵素」,經動物實驗證實可快速分解塑化劑污染,餵食這種共生菌酵素的老鼠即使食用含有塑化劑的食物,睪丸和卵巢均能維持正常。共生菌酵素是利用啤酒酵母菌、嗜酸乳酸桿菌、龍根菌雙叉乳酸桿菌、靈芝、冬蟲夏草等多種有益活菌群及珍貴菇蕈食材共同發酵萃取。業者宣稱,該實驗室在SGS嚴格檢驗下,實驗證實在濃度8.1ppm的塑化劑DEHP原水中加入此共生菌酵素液,在一個小時內,就可以達到百分之百分解DEHP的效果。經過動物實驗發現,讓實驗老鼠食用含塑化劑污染的飼料,若同時餵食共生菌酵素,與餵食正常飼料的老鼠相較,公老鼠的睪丸和雌老鼠的卵巢均不受影響,和正常老鼠一致,而沒有餵食共生菌酵素的老鼠,睪丸及卵巢均則顯縮小,顯示共生菌酵素確實具保護作用。業者強調,因為酵素本身具有促進新陳代謝的作用,而共生菌酵素的活性則又更高出許多,所以將共生菌酵素用在動物實驗上,結果顯示確實具有保護作用。
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
瑞基海洋(GeneReach Biotechnology) 駿瀚生化(Synmax Biochemical)獲小巨人獎
11 Taiwanese SMEs to be named 'rising stars' this week 2011/08/30 Taipei, Aug. 30 (CNA) A total of 11 Taiwanese companies were selected to receive awards Aug. 31 as part of the government's effort to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand export trade, a government agency said Tuesday. The winners of the Rising Star Award were selected from 59 SME nominees in the biotech, transportation, machinery, and information technology sectors, according to the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. "These selected companies all have good operations in Taiwan and outstanding performance in exports. We hope they will grow bigger in the future," said Lin Mei-hsueh, deputy director general of the SMEA, at a pre-award conference. SMEs are businesses with capital of less than NT$80 million (US$2.75 million) or with fewer than 200 employees, according to the SMEA. Those with exports of more than NT$250 million or revenue of least 20 percent of total sales in a year are eligible to apply for the award the following year, it said. Now in its 14th year, the Rising Star Award has been given to 224 SMEs since 1998, with 30 percent of them expanding, Lin said. There are 1.24 million SMEs in Taiwan to date, representing 97 percent of the total number of companies in the country, she said. The 11 SMEs selected for the award his year are Win Ton Plastics Industry Co., Taiwan Express Co., Bothhand Enterprise Inc., Sunny Castors Co., Accutex Technologies Co., Kai Mei Plastic Machinery Co., Vision Wide Tech Co., Innovation & Infinity Global Co., Kiddie's Paradise Inc., GeneReach Biotechnology Corp. and Synmax Biochemical Co.
獲許核准的年份 | 產品名稱 | 成分 | 是否仍在市場銷售 |
1981 | Zyderm® 1 | 牛膠原蛋白(Bovine collagen) | 已下市 |
1983 | Zyderm® 2 | 已下市 | |
1985 | Zyplast® | 已下市 | |
2003 | CosmoDerm® 1 CosmoPlast® Restylane® | 已下市 已下市 仍銷售中(On market) | |
2004 | Hylaform® Hylaform® Plus Captique™ Sculptra® (HIV) | 已下市 已下市 已下市 仍銷售中 | |
2005 | CosmoDerm® 2 | 已下市 | |
2006 | 仍銷售中 仍銷售中 仍銷售中 | ||
2007 | 仍銷售中 仍銷售中(改稱 Hydrelle™) | ||
2008 | Prevelle® Silk Evolence® | 玻尿酸 + lidocaine 豬膠原蛋白(Porcine collagen) | 仍銷售中 已下市 |
2009 | Hydrelle™ (先前稱為 Elevess™) Sculptra® Aesthetic | 仍銷售中 仍銷售中 | |
2010 | Juvéderm® XC products Restylane®-L Perlane®-L | 仍銷售中 仍銷售中 仍銷售中 |
Novartis International BioCamp spotlights how diversity spurs innovation across the company and inspires future science leaders
WEBWIRE – Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Basel - Today, Novartis opened its eighth annual International Biotechnology Leadership Camp (BioCamp), a three-day seminar bringing biotechnology and business experts together with 60 selected students from leading international universities in 24 countries and territories. This year, Novartis highlighted the growing role of diversity in Group Companies worldwide to drive innovation in all aspects of the company including scientific research and development. "Diversity and inclusion is a pivotal foundational stone of our core strategies. It is through diversity in people, cultures, thought and approach that leads to breakthrough medicines" said Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis. "Our goal at Novartis, beyond creating next-generation medicines, is to educate and inspire the next generation of scientists - building the talent pool not only for Novartis affiliates, but leaders for the entire healthcare industry" International BioCamp participants interact with key Novartis scientists who lead the company's unique approach to drug discovery and learn about breakthrough new medicines to address patients' unmet medical needs. The interactive program is designed to help students understand trends and challenges in the biotechnology and life sciences sectors as well as receive first-hand experience about starting and running a biotech company. BioCamp also allows students to explore career opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and network with talented students from other countries. "Innovation is enhanced by a diversity of opinions, perspectives and ideas from people with different cultural backgrounds and professional experiences. By fostering diversity in the Novartis workplace, we continue to strengthen a culture that is innovative, respectful and inclusive" commented Colin Pillai, Head of the Diversity & Inclusion Office in Novartis Pharmaceuticals Development. "Our scientific approach is open, entrepreneurial, and collegial fostering an environment that is unwilling to accept barriers or conventional wisdom. Advances in drug discovery and biomedical research increasingly require diverse, multicultural, cross-disciplinary and team-based approaches" noted Dhavalkumar D. Patel, MD, Ph.D., Head of Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) in Europe and Global Head of the Autoimmunity, Transplantation and Inflammation Disease Area. Students will also visit some of the newest Novartis laboratory facilities. The visionary Novartis Campus in Basel fosters innovation and creativity with workspace that encourages collaboration and teamwork. The Campus Project includes 14 new research and office buildings that are already open and plans are underway for 4 additional buildings. Currently, over 7,000 associates work at the Novartis Campus. Ultimately, the site will provide a work environment for approximately 13,000 associates. On the final day of the program, BioCamp participants, working in groups, will present business cases to a jury of experts. The jury will select three individual winners and one winning team based on their contribution, performance, leadership and teamwork. This year, participants for International BioCamp were chosen through an application process in 15 countries as well as through 9 local and regional BioCamp programs run in Bangladesh, India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Slovenia and Taiwan. Workshops and presentations will be led by industry experts including Joseph Jimenez, Novartis CEO; Ann Fudge, Member of the Novartis AG Board of Directors; Juergen Brokatzky-Geiger, Ph.D., Head of Human Resources, Novartis; Dr. Dhavalkumar D. Patel, Head of NIBR Europe; Dr. Rino Rappuoli, Global Head of Research for Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics; Dr. Romeo Paioni, Head of Novartis Scientific and External Affairs, Novartis Pharmaceuticals AG; Prof. Susan Gasser, Director of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research; Prof. Francis Waldvogel, Chairman of the Novartis Venture Fund, as well as Dr. Martin Horst, CEO and Board Member of MyoPowers.
About BioCamp First started eight years ago in Taiwan, the BioCamp has developed into an international forum for science and business students from around the world to learn, exchange ideas and work together in a highly competitive business environment. Previously hosted in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Cambridge, Massachusetts, today's seminar marks the second time International BioCamp is hosted at the state-of-the-art Novartis global headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.
Taiwan investigates organ transplants from HIV-positive donor
30, 2011 (CNN) -- Taiwan's health department is investigating how the organs of an HIV-positive donor were cleared for transplant for five recipients at two hospitals. Four patients at the National Taiwan University Hospital received the man's liver, kidneys and a lung; a fifth patient at National Cheng Kung University Hospital received his heart. To restore confidence in organ transplants in Taiwan, Dr. Chiu Wen-Ta, minister of the health department, announced three task forces on Monday: an investigation team to find out what led to the incident and issue disciplinary actions; a victims' caregiving team to assist the patients and their families; and a medical consultant team to work with the hospital in monitoring the patients' health. Taiwan Today, operated by the government information office, cited sources as saying the transplant team had misheard "reactive" as "nonreactive" in reference to the donor testing HIV-positive. The sources, according to Taiwan Today, said the donor's family did not know of his HIV-positive status when they decided to donate his organs. "The major fault lies in the failure to double-check the donor's blood test results before the surgeries," the Taiwan Today report cited National Taiwan University Hospital's spokeswoman as saying. The donor has been identified as a resident from Hsinchu who fell to his death last week. The National Taiwan University Hospital has apologized to the patients who received the transplants and administered them with HIV-prevention medicine. Under regulations, HIV virus tests should be run before any transplant of organs, tissues, body fluid or cells take place, according to the health department. In the event of HIV-virus transmission as a result of a transplant, penalties for the procedure could result in a three-to-10 year prison sentence. The hospital could face penalties, including fines between 50,000-500,000 New Taiwan dollars (US$1,700-$17,000) and the suspension of the department that conducted the procedure. According to the Taiwan Organ Registry and Sharing Center, 7,536 candidates are on its waiting list; with those awaiting a kidney comprising more than three-fourths that number.
智擎9/1每股50元登錄興櫃交易 胰臟癌新藥年底進入3期臨床 2011/08/30 台灣東洋藥品將於9月1日以每股50元登錄興櫃交易,今(30)日召開法說會,智擎生技總經理葉常菁表示,目前與美國藥廠Merrimack合作胰臟癌新藥PEP02年底前可望進入FDA三期臨床,而胰臟癌二線治療的全球產值至少上看3億美元,未來研發仍以小分子及蛋白質藥物抗癌新藥為主。智擎生技成立於2002年8月,主要股東包括台灣東洋、國發基金、中華開發、玉晟創投、生華創投、台灣工銀、富邦創投、統一國際及誠信創投。公司今年在新藥授權金挹注下,獲利大爆發,開始賺錢,前7月營收2.85億元,稅後淨利2.45億元,EPS達3.31元,正式擺脫過去新藥研發虧損階段。智擎生技目前進行中專案PEP02(Liposome irinotecan)為抗癌藥CPT-11利用奈米技術開發之微脂體製劑,從臨床前試驗開始到目前的第二期臨床試驗,開發於胰臟癌、胃癌、大腸直腸癌、肺癌與腦癌。公司以2.2億美元授權給美國Merrimack Pharmaceuticals藥廠的PEP02,經美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)認定為治療胰臟癌的罕見疾病藥物,為此將可大舉縮短臨床時間,第一期臨床是在台灣完成,第二期則在台灣、韓國及歐盟等6個國家及22個地區進行臨床。智擎生技總經理葉常菁指出,國內新藥開發擁有良好研究單位基礎及臨床研究的基礎,並由傳統學名藥廠負責市場行銷,只要能作好轉譯的工作就可以整合。而智擎生技是NRDO(No Research Development Only)的整合型新藥開發公司,主要是從候選藥物確定適應症開始,從外In License,進行藥物臨床的CRO,完成臨床後再尋求對外授權機會。目前進度最快的胰臟癌完成臨床二期後,今年5月已授權美國大廠Merrimack,除首批簽約金1000萬美元入帳外,未來將依據銷售數字分拆2.2億元授權金。葉常菁表示,全球癌症藥產值於2009年約550億美元,2016年將成長至800億美元,每年癌症病患約以9-12%速度成長。智擎合作夥伴Merrimack 7月中已獲FDA認定治療胰臟癌的罕見疾病藥物(Orphan-Drug Designation)資格,最快今年底進入臨床3期,以病患人數預估,胰臟癌二線治療藥品的全球市場至少將看3億美元。
溫啟邦教授與美兆合作 刊登The Lancet
每天運動15分鐘 每週90分鐘死亡率降低14% 壽命延長3年 2011/08/31 經濟日報 美兆健管機構與國家衛生院溫啟邦教授合作的「降低死亡率、延長壽命的最少運動量」研究報告,日前刊登在醫學權威期刊-《The Lancet》網路版搶先向全球放送。結論是溫啟邦教授提出的運動建議為「每天15分鐘、每週90 分鐘」,也就是每天只要運動15分鐘,每週六天共約90分鐘,就可降低總死亡率14%,癌症死亡率10%,心血管疾病死亡率20%,延長壽命3年。這項突破性的新發現顛覆「運動333」,即每週三次運動、每次30分、維持每分鐘心跳達130下,或每週運動150分鐘的現有觀念,讓世人首度了解到:少量而持續的運動對健康大有益處,而且容易達成。這項研究報告是溫啟邦根據美兆健康管理資料庫,從1996年至2008年,共計41萬6,175名(男性19萬9,265名、 女性21萬6,910名)個案,平均追蹤8.05年的資料統計分析。調查顯示,高達54%的人不運動,只有22%的人從事低量運動,結果發現:低運動量組(每天1分鐘,每週共90分鐘的運動量)與不運動組比較時,全死因死亡率減少14%,平均餘命多出3歲。另外,每天15分鐘的運動量之後,每增加15分鐘將再減少4%的全死因死亡率。相反的,不運動的人與低運動量組相比,死亡率多出17%,但要是他們願意改變生活習慣開始從事低量運動,則可以減少六分之一的死亡率。這樣的發現,可運用在各年齡族群、性別,且對有心臟血管疾病風險的人也適用。
成大醫院口醫部矯正科經過20年不斷的改良與進步 發展出一套完整的成功矯正法 2011/08/31 經濟日報 成大醫院口醫部矯正科經過20年不斷的改良與進步,結合電腦輔助診斷,以改善患者美觀為前提,依患者個別差異擬訂個人化治療計畫,並搭配高效率的矯正裝置、記憶合金矯正線與骨釘輔助治療,發展出一套完整的成功矯正法。成大醫院表示,對於孩童的阻生牙,若是能以矯正治療方式拉出,不僅能保存牙齒亦有助於齒槽骨發育,將是較佳的治療選項。此外,關於成人的咬合重建,有時後經由矯正治療的幫助,亦可大幅簡化假牙設計,並提高假牙的使用年限。因此,在尋求牙科咬合重建治療時,除了活動假牙、固定假牙與人工植牙外,某些條件下矯正治療亦是須要加以思考的方案。這套針對個人推出的「個人化治療計畫」,將優先用在成大醫院接受矯正治療的患者,讓患者能在舒適的矯正療程中獲得最佳矯正治療效果。
末梢血液循環障礙應正視 以免造成日後中風危機 2011/08/31 經濟日報 「醫生,我的母親近半年經常突然出現手麻腳麻、頭昏走不穩,還一度耳朵聽不見,但過幾分鐘又沒事了。請問這是中風嗎? 要如何改善? 」。豐原市梅明因診所院長梅明因醫師指出,經常在神經內科門診有不少出現上述症狀的老人家求診,這種就是因為小血管循環出現障礙,造成的「小中風」症狀。如果家中老人家有這些症狀,應給予積極的治療,例如使用德國銀杏葉製劑,可以發揮改善末梢血液循環的效果,避免日後造成更嚴重的中風問題。梅明因指出,小中風是因為身體中的小血管循環不好所造成。一旦血栓打到狹窄的血管,就會出現上述的症狀,但正因為它的症狀不明顯,而且通常症狀出現只有短暫時間就恢復,所以多數老年人在症狀過後都不以為意。但是,就因為末梢血液循環不好引起的症狀看似輕微,老人家即使出現這些警訊,卻不去理會它,經年累月處於小血管循環不佳的狀態下,一旦發作將一發不可收拾,造成嚴重的中風更是時有所聞。梅明因強調,如果末梢血液循環不佳,又合併有高血壓、糖尿病、高血脂的毛病,而且經常熬夜與抽菸習慣,造成中風的憾事也是屢見不鮮。曾有一位患者突然覺得手麻腳麻、全身無力,以為是感冒而去耳鼻喉科就診,但隔天狀況更嚴重,根本無法站立。梅明因判斷他的狀況就是小中風,建議住院治療,最後診斷真的是因為小血管阻塞造成的小中風。出院後,梅明因建議他多吃有助於抗血小板凝結的食物,例如黑木耳、大蒜(勿熱炒)、洋、蕃茄、等,一天至少喝2,000cc的水。此外,油炸類、肥肉、海鮮、重口味食物儘量少碰。此外,該名患者也固定幾個月就回診接受注射銀杏葉製劑,現在已不需要倚靠枴杖就能夠走路了。他表示,在中風一開始三個月內,可以早晚各合併使用阿斯匹寧與銀杏葉製劑(如循利寧),因為銀杏葉具有活化神經細胞與保護神經的作用,可以發揮效果。三個月後若情形改善,可請醫師調整減量使用。梅明因指出,臨床上已有不少使用銀杏葉製劑改善末梢血液循環障礙的經驗,因為銀杏葉製劑具有抗自由基、抗血小板凝結、保護神經等功能,但是並非所有的銀杏葉製劑都有效果,因為銀杏葉原料約76%來自德國,而德國也掌握銀杏葉製劑最關鍵的萃取技術,例如循利寧就是用來改善末梢血液循環障礙最常見的植物製劑。他建議有末梢血液循環問題者,可以先諮詢神經內科醫師,再到藥局購買銀杏葉製劑較好,對於改善末梢血液循環障礙問題有很大的幫助。
Japanese mushroom grower is considering investing US$43 million to expand production
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 Hokuto Corp, a Japanese listed company that produces mushrooms, will sign a letter of intent today to increase its investment in Taiwan, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said in a statement yesterday. Hokuto president Masayoshi Mizuno will represent the Japanese firm in signing the pact with Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Francis Liang (梁國新) in Taipei, the ministry said. Department of Investment Services director-general Ling Chia-yuh (凌家裕) said last week that Hokuto would likely invest NT$1.25 billion (US$43.1 million) to expand its production in Taiwan. Hokuto is among 30 foreign companies that have expressed an -interest in boosting investment in Taiwan, with many of them planning to sign letters of intent with the ministry at a Taiwan investment summit in October, the ministry said. Headquartered in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, Hokuto set up a branch at the Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park (屏東農業生物技術園區) in southern Taiwan in 2008. In March, the company upgraded its Taiwanese branch into a wholly owned subsidiary — Taiwan Hokuto Corp (台灣北斗生技公司) with a paid-in capital of NT$700 million — to focus on the production and marketing of edible mushrooms. The ministry said that if Taiwan could reach a cross-strait intellectual property rights protection pact with China under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, Hokuto could use Taiwan as its base of production to tap into the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. To meet that goal, Hokuto would invest NT$1.25 billion to further expand its annual mushroom production in Taiwan to 3,200 tonnes from the present 1,100 tonnes and create 70 jobs, the ministry said.