生技F4加持 環瑞醫興櫃超爭氣【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇╱即時報導】 2013.11.08 02:12 pm環瑞醫昨(7)日舉行上櫃前說會,會後公司經營團隊合影,前排左五為環瑞醫董事長李祖德。記者黃文奇/攝影生技F4加持,環瑞醫興櫃超爭氣。高階醫材研發製造環瑞醫(4198),今天以每股55元在興櫃掛牌,今早開盤以87元開出,大漲32元,漲幅近六成(58%),在大股東鑽石生技投資、中天生技集團、承業醫集團等富爸爸加持下,備受市場支持。 環瑞醫雖午盤以後「漲聲」稍歇,來到75元附近,但法人預估,在公司今年攜手美Novadaq的高階醫材銷售動能下,應可望續獲投資人支持,近日內股價繼續創可期。環瑞醫的大股東中,以生技F4(Fortune 4)潤泰總裁集團尹衍樑、富邦金控董事長蔡明忠、台新金控董事長吳東亮、中天集團董事長路孔明所合資成立百億規模的「鑽石生技投資」,最受到市場矚目,目前鑽石生技持有環瑞醫股權約6.5%。環瑞醫股東承業生醫董事長李沛霖指出,環瑞醫此次簽約的對象Novadaq,代理旗下內視鏡螢光影像系統PINPOINT及外科手術SPY影像系統,近一年來在美國一年內即售出1,100套佳績,業界表示,未來環瑞醫在澳洲、東南亞銷售,透過在當地綿密的通路佈局,加上產品市場潛力,可望創造另一波佳績。Novadaq旗下SPY影像系統及內視鏡螢光影像系統等,主要應用於整型重建外科、腹部外科、心臟外科以及一般外科等,主要銷售市場為北美地區,市占率達13%以上,另外,Novadaq的產品,目前在美國前50大腫瘤治療中心有90%醫院使用。【2013/11/08 經濟日報】
Toronto, Ontario - November 7, 2013 - Novadaq® Technologies Inc. ("Novadaq" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: NVDQ, TSX: NDQ), a developer of clinically-relevant imaging solutions for use in surgical and outpatient wound care procedures, as well as Swissray Asia, a leading distributor of radiation oncology and medical imaging equipment in Southeast Asia, today announced that the companies have entered into an international distribution agreement pursuant to which Swissray Asia has become the exclusive distributor of Novadaq Imaging Systems for the regions of Australia and Indonesia, as well as other Southeast Asia and Oceania countries. Novadaq and Swissray have agreed upon minimum annual purchase commitments for each country in the territories."The agreements signed today cover markets representing more than 400 million people," stated Dr. Arun Menawat, Ph.D., M.B.A., president and chief executive officer of Novadaq. "Swissray is a leading manufacturer and distributor of global medical equipment brands to hospitals in these territories, and we believe they will be a strong partner to introduce Novadaq's point-of-care fluorescence imaging technologies into these large and growing markets.""Since its introduction of the world's first-ever digitized X-ray system, Swissray has consistently delivered world-class performance and quality with its ddR (direct digital radiography) devices," said CEO of Swissray, Jack Lee. "We are proud that in the ever-growing Asian markets, our company can form an alliance with Novadaq, an innovative pioneer in the field of fluorescence imaging. The two companies share the same passion and persistence in creating high quality medical devices and caring for patients. We look forward to the success and growth of our collaboration with Novadaq in the APAC region."
About Novadaq Technologies Inc Enabling medical professionals with clinically-relevant, point-of-care imaging solutions to enhance the lives of patients and their caregivers, while reducing health care costs, is Novadaq's global mission. SPY® fluorescence imaging technology provides surgeons with real-time visualization, leading to improved outcomes and reduced costs without exposing the patient to radiation. More than 80 peer-reviewed publications demonstrate that the use of SPY imaging during complex surgery, leads to fewer post-operative complications and lower hospital costs. SPY Imaging Systems are United States Food and Drug Administration 510(k) cleared for use in seven surgical specialties. The endoscopic version of SPY called PINPOINT®, combines the capabilities of SPY Imaging with high definition ("HD") visible light visualization offered by conventional endoscopes. LUNA™ is used to assess perfusion in patients being treated for non-healing wounds. In August 2013, Novadaq acquired the surgical scintigraphy imaging technology, which is being developed for perioperative imaging of sentinel lymph nodes and tumor margins. Our unique business model of partnering with market-leading companies to drive adoption of our fluorescence imaging technology, while building our own commercial infrastructure, is the cornerstone of our corporate strategy for growth.
PINPOINT Imaging for Minimally Invasive Surgery Novadaq's PINPOINT Endoscopic Fluorescence Imaging System combines all of the fluorescence imaging capabilities of SPY Imaging with the HD visible light imaging capabilities of a traditional endoscopic imaging system. PINPOINT can be used as a traditional endoscope and to obtain fluorescence images either on demand or in a simultaneous imaging mode during minimally invasive surgery. The demand for minimally invasive procedures is rapidly growing as patients enjoy the cosmetic benefits and faster recovery times as a result of the small incision. However, small incisions result in reduced visibility for surgeons, and therefore increase the complexity of procedures and the potential for complications. Based on experiences using the SPY System in open surgery, minimally invasive surgeons anticipate that the use of PINPOINT Imaging may assist surgeons by enabling better visualization of important anatomic structures and providing functional imaging information, thereby resulting in reduced incidences of post-operative complications and lower costs of care.