Wednesday, June 27, 2012

台日經濟協議 今年可望簽定 !!

 2012/06/27 14:05:00 經濟部長施顏祥27日表示,中華民國正以堆積木方式,和各國洽談經濟協議,今年已有6個經濟談判正在進行,台日可望在今年簽定經濟協議。(中央社記者林孟汝台北27日電)經濟部長施顏祥今天表示,中華民國正以堆積木方式,和各國洽談經濟協議,今年已有6個經濟談判正在進行,台日可望在今年簽定經濟協議。 中華民國對外貿易發展協會主辦的食品、食機、包裝、餐飲4項展覽,今天在南港展覽館舉辦開幕典禮。施顏祥在會後接受採訪時,作以上表示。 總統馬英九日前表示,台灣與各國簽定的自由貿易協定數目不夠多,台灣面臨關鍵路口,不能坐視機會流失。 施顏祥今天指出,今年包括兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)的後續4項談判、台星經濟夥伴協議(ASTEP)、台紐經貿合作協議(ECA)等6個經濟談判正在進行,目前進展都相當順利。 另外在「台日經濟合作」與「台歐盟經濟合作協議」方面,經濟部也會彈性運用「堆積木」(building blocks)模式,繼續推動。施顏祥表示,台日繼去年的投資協議,今年可望再簽新的經濟協議。 施顏祥說,ECFA的後續談判,包含貨品貿易、服務貿易、投保協議及爭端解決機制等。其中,投保協議應會在第8次江陳會簽定,服務貿易協議預定今年底會有進展。 另外,貨品貿易協議及爭端解決協議,以目標期程來說,希望全部在2013年底前談完。 施顏祥表示,台美自由貿易協定(FTA)仍卡在美牛問題,希望可儘快解決,在年底前重啟TIFA (台美貿易暨投資架構協定)談判。 台日兩國於20119月簽署台日投資協議、11月簽署開放天空協議、20124月簽署專利審查高速公路(PPH)協議等。  

學產連接斷層 !!!! 博士後人才 只能待學界 ?

生技3隱憂:專利、法律、銷售斷層 2012-06-28 【時報-台北電】  生醫產業人才大斷層,在生科博士大都投入研究,專利、法律、國際銷售人才欠缺中,生策會/生策中心在生技醫療產業政策體檢論壇中,生技專家建議應該建立生技醫療產業之人才資料庫,加重實務的比重,鼓勵學生新創,並引導資源走出實驗室,讓產品走入市場。據統計,國內生醫學門畢業生年約5,600人,其中大專人才有66%、碩士30%、博士4%,但學生畢業後多選擇繼續升學,博士畢業生一年後仍持續投入博士後的研究比率達63%。學生沒有進入產業發揮,業界憂心人才斷層會越來越嚴重。東洋(4105)集團董事長林榮錦即表示,未來將是專利權開打的火線戰場;而台灣浩鼎創辦人張念慈也憂心,目前是學界研發的東西多,但卻無法落實到業界,產、學間欠缺有互動的領導人才。昨(27)日生技醫療產業政策體檢論壇中,與會專家義守大學校長蕭介夫、杏輝研發長蘇慕寰即同聲建議應該建立生技醫療產業之人才資料庫,可包含生技研發、生技技術服務、生技產業經營、國際行銷等項目,如此可作為推動產業合作,規畫人才培育及產業發展的參考。合一生技(4743)總經理柯逢年表示,學校研究講究完整、深入,與產業講究速度與法規需求不同,使得高級人才難以留在業界。未來如能加重實務,再配合適當機制,導引畢業生進入產業從事博士後研究,一定能培育出生醫產業所需高級人才,為業界所用。生技中心鄭建新副執行長指出,現階段政府資源預算比例分配,有「頭重、身瘦、腳輕」現象,在生命科技領域投資分布上,第一棒研發即占70%、第二棒約9%、最後銜接至市場端的不過5%,這與各國在關注第二棒和最終端的市場比重相反;在資源配置上應該做適度調整將可利更多技術可以順利進入市場,擴大產業能量。生技人才的培育策略上,應該要擴大產業規模、鼓勵學生新創,讓好的技術有足夠的資源走出實驗室,進入市場,才是創造雙贏的機制。(新聞來源:工商時報─記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導)   

景岳/ 光惠 還是合併 !!

光惠生技:本公司與景岳生物科技股份有限公司合併案,依法對債權人進行公告 鉅亨網新聞中心  2012-06-26 15:01:48   第七條 第91.事實發生日:101/06/26 2.發生緣由: 一、依據:企業併購法第23條及公司法第73條。 二、說明:1.合併決議之內容:本公司與景岳生物科技股份有限公司依企業併購法等相關法令規定,採吸收合併之方式進行合併,以本公司為消滅公司,景岳生物科技股份有限公司為存續公司,於合併基準日民國101930日(含)後,由景岳生物科技股份有限公司概括承受本公司全部之資產、負債及截至合併基準日仍繼續有效之一切權利義務,且由景岳生物科技股份有限公司發行新股換發予本公司股東。2.本公司及景岳生物科技股份有限公司之債權人,自民國101627日起至101727日止之期間內,得檢附債權證明文件,以書面親交或郵寄(以郵戳日為憑)提出本合併案將損害其權益之異議,俾利本公司及景岳生物科技股份有限公司 提供適法之保障,逾期則視為無異議。3.公司通訊地址:台南市善化區南科七路8號。 3.因應措施:依據企業併購法第三十二條規定發布重大訊息及通知公告,凡本公司債權人如有異議,請自即日起至民國101727日止,以書面方式提出,逾期視為無異議。 4.其他應敘明事項:  


降三酸甘油酯 新藥在台試驗 15:22:06 (中央社記者陳清芳台北27日電)部分高血脂病患服用降血脂藥物後,三酸甘油酯仍然居高不下,現在4家醫學中心展開新藥臨床試驗,測試魚油新藥對降低血脂的療效。 台北榮民總醫院心臟內科主治醫師常敏之指出,先前臨床報告顯示,與服用安慰劑的病患相較,每天服用2顆、每顆1魚油新藥的患者,可使三酸甘油酯降低3成到45,降低幅度視單方服用,或搭配其他降血脂藥物而定。 魚油新藥成分是提取純化魚油的多元不飽和脂肪酸,相關文獻顯示,這類脂肪酸可抑制三酸甘油酯合成所需的關鍵酵素,並減少三酸甘油酯的原料。此藥在歐盟和美國上市,現於台北榮總、台中榮總、成大醫院、台大醫院展開在台上市前的臨床試驗。 常敏之引用文獻指出,魚油新藥對於高三酸甘油酯的療效,勝過「斯達汀(statin)」類藥物,常見副作用是打嗝、噁心等輕微不適,發生橫紋肌溶解症的機率極低,在百萬分之1以下。 他表示,部分患者因家族遺傳APOA5等基因型的高三酸甘油酯體質,或是荷爾蒙異常、罹患糖尿病、飲食未節制等因素,罹患高血脂症,接受現有藥物治療,仍然無法控制三酸甘油酯等血脂肪過高的問題,只好等待新藥 現有降血脂藥物包括斯達汀、纖維酸衍生物、膽酸結合樹脂、菸鹼酸及其衍生物、小腸中膽固醇吸收抑制劑等。常敏之說,斯達汀用量最廣,能有效減少低密度膽固醇,唯少數人會有肌肉痠痛、肌肉無力、橫紋肌溶解症等副作用的不良反應,如果與纖維酸衍生物合併使用,發生率提高。 國人10大死因榜上的心臟疾病、腦血管疾病、高血壓疾病,都和高血脂症有關,常敏之提醒民眾,要維持高、低密度膽固醇、三酸甘油酯在正常標準,應減少攝取動物性脂肪、少吃甜食、控制體重、多運動、控制血糖。

百達投顧 林秋瑾...生技購併題材浮現 !!

生技類股今年以來漲幅逾2 投信:併購、新藥專利加持 具防禦作用 鉅亨網記者郭幸宜 台北  2012-06-27 受惠於臨床試驗與企業併購等利多消息,鼓舞生技醫療產業走勢異軍突起,Nasdaq生技指數更是創近12年新高。根據Bloomberg統計,生技類股累計自第2季以來上漲3.12%,今(2012)年以來漲幅更逾2成。投信業者認為,生技產業下半年在併購、新藥專利兩大利多加持下,可望在經濟成長趨緩環境下,發揮相對防禦作用。 近來醫藥大廠利多消息頻傳,包括Vertex製藥旗下研發囊狀纖維化藥物臨床測試結果獲正面評價、吉利德科學和必治妥施貴寶處於試驗階段的C肝藥物也有重大突破,加上安進收購私人製藥公司Kai等,均是激勵生技醫療產業走揚的利多訊息。 富蘭克林華美坦伯頓全球股票組合基金經理人陳韻如分析,隨著新興市場崛起,帶動中產階級成長,但由於該市場每人藥品支出平均水準仍偏低,加上生活型態改變和慢性病增加,使醫藥需求日增。她引述IMS市調機構報告指出,預期未來3年,包括中國、巴西、土耳其、印度、俄羅斯等對藥品需求成長將高達12%-13% 富蘭克林坦伯頓生技領航基金經理人依凡‧麥可羅則補充,回顧歷史經驗,當美國季度經濟成長率介於0%-3%的溫和成長階段時,生技類股平均漲幅為4.84%,表現相對亮眼,且隨著人口結構逐漸邁入高齡化,預估將可推升生技醫療產業的後市行情。 百達投顧助理副總裁林秋瑾指出,目前生技產業有高達88%的企業,其市值低於10億美金,預估在大型製藥與生技公司手中現金充裕的狀況下,今年將有許多購併題材出現,有助推升中小型生技公司股價表現。此外,2010-2011年間,已有許多生技新藥品陸續取得上市銷售核准,進而推動生技產業自2009年起來的穩定漲勢。其中2009+15.6%2010+15%2011+11.8% 今年至今+21.7%(以上均為那斯達克生技指數) 林秋瑾認為,今年下半年生技產業在併購題材、新藥專利技術等兩大利多帶動下,可望繼續維持上漲態勢。 不過,陳韻如也提醒,生技類股經過上半年的上漲,短線不排除出現漲多拉回情形,唯生技產業仍具長期營收展望及利潤率穩定等優勢,因此仍看好長線表現機會。

Brain insulin resistance & Type III diabetes

Study shows how brain insulin resistance contributes to neurodegeneration in AD   Published on June 27, 2012 Rhode Island Hospital researcher Suzanne de la Monte, M.D., has found a link between brain insulin resistance (diabetes) and two other key mediators of neuronal injury that help Alzheimer's disease (AD) to propagate. The research found that once AD is established, therapeutic efforts must also work to reduce toxin production in the brain. The study, Dysfunctional Pro-Ceramide, ER Stress, and Insulin/IGF Signaling Networks with Progression of Alzheimer's Disease, is published in the June 22, 2012, supplement of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common degenerative dementias, and more than 115 million new cases are projected worldwide in the next 40 years. There is clinical and experimental evidence that treatment with insulin or insulin sensitizer agents can enhance cognitive function and in some circumstances help slow the rate of cognitive decline in AD. Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases destroy the brain until the patients finally succumb. In order to effectively halt the process of neurodegeneration, the forces that advance and perpetuate the disease, particularly with regard to the progressive worsening of brain insulin/IGF resistance, must be understood. "Brain insulin resistance (diabetes) is very much like regular diabetes," de la Monte said. "Since the underlying problems continue to be just about the same, we believe that the development of new therapies would be applicable for all types of diabetes, including Alzheimer's disease, which we refer to as Type III diabetes." She continued, "This study points out that once AD is established, therapeutic efforts should target several different pathways-not just one. The reason is that a positive feedback loop gets going, making AD progress. We have to break the vicious cycle. Restoring insulin responsiveness and insulin depletion will help, but we need to reduce brain stress and repair the metabolic problems that cause the brain to produce toxins." Ultimately, these findings will help to expand ways to both detect and treat AD.   

台灣醫生薪水人民幣20萬元 (全台資上海禾新醫院 ) !!!

上海禾新醫院開幕 走國際路線  2012-06-26 19:47 新聞速報 【中央社】台資上海禾新醫院今天下午開幕,鎖定上海外籍及本地高端人士,院方也展現兩岸豐厚政商實力,兩岸藍、綠、紅政治人物齊聚為開幕活動站台。禾新醫院是兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)簽署後首家全台資醫院,走高端路線,除一般門診服務上海台商及台幹眷屬外,還創立國際部門主攻上海外籍人士及本地高端市場,90%的醫生來自台灣,另外10%來自如美國等外籍醫師。聯新醫療集團執行長、禾新醫院院長張煥禎表示,來到上海的台灣醫師都具備10年以上住院醫師經驗,但這不會造成台灣醫療人員出走潮,因為禾新走高端路線、對醫師需求是「專精」而非「量」。而台灣醫師到大陸待遇當然會有所提高,若是在禾新醫院工作,工作品質與環境相對較好,台灣醫生每月本薪為人民幣1020萬元不等。張煥禎指出,大陸市場龐大,現在是台灣將醫療經驗帶到大陸的最好時機,藉由台灣醫師培訓更多的大陸醫護人才,或是導入台灣病歷E化的資訊系統等,這是為兩岸人民服務的好事。今天開幕活動張煥禎也展現兩岸豐沛的政商實力,包括前衛生署長葉金川、前民進黨立委沈富雄及前親民黨副主席張昭雄都現身上海站台,大陸國台辦副主任葉克冬也到場剪綵,頂新集團董事長魏應交則致賀詞。德國及美國駐上海總領事館也都派人到場致意。大陸國務院醫改辦副主任劉振秋致詞時表示,大陸的公立醫院服務一般民眾,但禾新醫院成立讓大陸醫療體系有學習效仿的好對象,兩岸間增進醫療體系的交流對雙方都有利。禾新醫院和台灣壢新醫院同屬聯新醫療集團,斥資人民幣1.5億元在上海打造面積15000平方公尺的醫療大樓,涵蓋24小時門診、住院、健康檢查及出診服務等,共20個醫療科別,100個住院床位,VIP特等病房一晚要價5888元。聯新放眼中國大陸市場,在湖南、武漢、成都、西安及北京等地設有辦事處及聯絡處  

Taiwan Biotech/Pharma needs multidisciplinary coordination !!!

Experts call for integrated approach to biotech development   2012/06/27 12:45:26 Taipei, June 27 (CNA) Government officials and medical specialists in Taipei said Wednesday better integration among different disciplines is needed in order to boost Taiwan's biotechnology industry. For example, in the planning of national health insurance reforms, the relevant authorities should take into consideration future developments in the pharmaceutical industry, said Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng at a forum on biotechnology policies in Taiwan. Taiwan can increase its competitiveness through better integration in the government, industrial and academic sectors, said Wang, founder of the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry that organized the forum. Noting that biotechnology is a priority industry in many countries, he said Taiwan already has prerequisites such as good research-and-development capabilities but lacks coordination. "In this forum, we can discuss and review the plans we have right now and see if they are effective," he said. Chen Wei-zhao, chairman of the institute, said the purpose of the forum "is not to criticize but rather to find solutions to the existing problems." The biotechnology industry needs a "favorable environment" in order to grow and thrive, he said, adding that inter-ministerial efforts are important. The forum is being held in four sessions from June 22-29 at various locations in Taipei. (By Nancy Liu)  

心臟不好不能喝咖啡?? 喝咖啡可能的保護 !!!!!

Coffee Might Actually Help Your Heart    But moderation is key for folks with heart failure, study finds Tuesday, June 26, 2012 TUESDAY, June 26 (HealthDay News) -- If you need an excuse to pour yourself that second cup of coffee, read on. Moderate, daily coffee drinking may be good for your heart -- to a point, a new study suggests. "We found that moderate consumption may, in fact, be protective," said Elizabeth Mostofsky, study lead author and a research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. "There are many factors that can contribute to a person's risk of heart failure, but moderate coffee consumption probably isn't one of them," she added. The research was published June 26 in the journal Circulation Heart Failure. In heart failure, the heart has difficulty pumping enough blood to meet the body's needs. It can be caused by such health threats as coronary artery disease or high blood pressure. About five million people in the United States have heart failure, and it contributes to 300,000 deaths annually, according to the National Institutes of Health. The study authors concluded that about two typical American 8-ounce caffeinated cups of coffee daily (the equivalent of four northern European servings) may prevent heart failure, decreasing risk by up to 11 percent. But drinking too much coffee -- more than four or five U.S. coffee shop-sized cups a day -- could raise the risk of developing the heart problem. For their analysis, the researchers reviewed five large studies of coffee consumption and heart failure risk published between 2001 and 2011. The studies included 6,522 heart failure events among 140,220 people in Sweden and Finland. The study did not distinguish between caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, but caffeinated coffee tends to be the norm in those two northern European countries. The new research adds to a range of recent studies that have shown that coffee may protect against some illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, and might improve exercise performance. While health experts still warn that people who are pregnant, have difficulty controlling their blood pressure or blood sugar, or experience palpitations or jitteriness should drink just a little java or none at all, the researchers behind the new study say most people should feel free to enjoy coffee -- within limits. The reason for the heart-protective effect is not fully understood, the researchers said. People who regularly drink coffee typically develop tolerance to coffee's caffeine, which may mean they're less likely to feel its effects. That may put them at decreased risk of high blood pressure, Mostofsky said. Also, antioxidants in the beverage may protect cells from damage, she said.
Some experts expressed some caution about the new study. "The evidence is not strong enough to recommend that people should drink coffee to protect themselves," said Dr. Arthur Klatsky, an adjunct investigator with the Division of Research at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif. Klatsky was not involved in the study. Klatsky, who has done research on the relationship between heart rhythm and coffee, said coffee drinking is a lifestyle factor. "It could be that people who drink coffee also exercise more or have better diets," he said. The bottom line, he said, is that "people should not feel they should avoid coffee if they're at risk for heart failure." The study was supported by grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health. SOURCES: Elizabeth Mostofsky, research fellow, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston; Arthur Klatsky, M.D., adjunct investigator, Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland, Calif.; June 26, 2012, Circulation Heart Failure HealthDay  

皇將 董事、監察人名單

 2012/6/27 鉅亨網提供 回應(0)列印轉寄討論推薦▼ 第三十四條 第61.發生變動日期:101/06/272.舊任者姓名及簡歷: 事:楊 輝,皇將科技股份有限公司總經理董 事:楊 豪,皇將科技股份有限公司副總經理董 事:施郭鳳珠,台灣慧士投資事業股份有限公司董事獨立董事:羅 森,佰研生化科技股份有限公司顧問獨立董事:謝 田,李洲科技股份有限公司獨立董事監 人:張 添,李洲科技股份有限公司獨立董事監 人:林 貞,東和國際旅行社專職領隊監 人:宋 玉,宋金玉代書事務所負責人3.新任者姓名及簡歷: 事:楊 輝,皇將科技股份有限公司總經理董 事:楊 豪,皇將科技股份有限公司副總經理董 事:施郭鳳珠,台灣慧士投資事業股份有限公司董事獨立董事:羅 森,佰研生化科技股份有限公司顧問獨立董事:謝 田,李洲科技股份有限公司獨立董事監 人:張 添,李洲科技股份有限公司獨立董事監 人:林 貞,東和國際旅行社專職領隊監 人:宋 玉,宋金玉代書事務所負責人4.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「解任」、「任期屆滿」或「新任」):任期屆滿5.異動原因:全面改選6.新任董事選任時持股數: 事:楊 輝,4,207,500股董 事:楊 豪,2,365,000股董 事:施郭鳳珠, 968,000股獨立董事:羅 森, -股獨立董事:謝 田, 1,100股監 人:張 添, -股監 人:林 貞, 176,010股監 人:宋 玉, 118,8007.原任期(例xx/xx/xxxx/xx/xx:98/05/08~101/05/078.新任生效日期:101/06/279.同任期董事變動比率:不適用10.其他應敘明事項:   

適量的喝咖啡 是好的 !?

 Study: Moderate coffee intake reduces risk of heart failure   Published on June 27, 2012 While current American Heart Association heart failure prevention guidelines warn against habitual coffee consumption, some studies propose a protective benefit, and still others find no association at all. Amidst this conflicting information, research from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center attempts to shift the conversation from a definitive yes or no, to a question of how much. "Our results did show a possible benefit, but like with so many other things we consume, it really depends on how much coffee you drink," says lead author Elizabeth Mostofsky, MPH, ScD, a post-doctoral fellow in the cardiovascular epidemiological unit at BIDMC. "And compared with no consumption, the strongest protection we observed was at about four European, or two eight-ounce American, servings of coffee per day." The study published June 26 online in the Journal Circulation: Heart Failure, found that these moderate coffee drinkers were at 11 percent lower risk of heart failure. Data was analyzed from five previous studies - four conducted in Sweden, one in Finland - that examined the association between coffee consumption and heart failure. The self-reported data came from 140,220 participants and involved 6,522 heart failure events. In a summary of the published literature, the authors found a "statistically significant J-shaped relationship" between habitual coffee consumption and heart failure, where protective benefits begin to increase with consumption maxing out at two eight-ounce American servings a day. Protection slowly decreases the more coffee is consumed until at five cups, there is no benefit and at more than five cups a day, there may be potential for harm. It's unclear why moderate coffee consumption provides protection from heart failure, but the researchers say part of the answer may lie in the intersection between regular coffee drinking and two of the strongest risk factors for heart failure - diabetes and elevated blood pressure.   

Women with PCOS and sleep apnea more likely to develop prediabetes

 Published on June 27, 2012 Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who also have obstructive sleep apnea have at least three times the risk of having prediabetes compared with women who do not have PCOS, according to a new study. The results will be presented Tuesday at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annual Meeting in Houston. "In the last few years, sleep apnea has been found to be a frequent comorbidity [coexisting condition] with PCOS, and our study shows that women who have both conditions are at greatest risk of metabolic disturbances such as prediabetes," said the study's senior author, David Ehrmann, MD, a University of Chicago professor of medicine and director of the University of Chicago Center for PCOS. "Patients who have one or both of these conditions should be screened early for Type 2 diabetes and should be monitored regularly," Ehrmann said. He and his colleagues studied 171 obese women: 121 with PCOS, a common female hormonal disorder that affects 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age, and 50 without PCOS. All study subjects had an oral glucose tolerance test, which measures the blood sugar level before and for two hours after the patient drinks a sugary solution. If the blood glucose level at two hours is less than 140 mg/dL, it is considered normal. Levels above 200 mg/dL indicate Type 2 diabetes, and levels between 140 and 200 mg/dL are diagnostic of impaired glucose tolerance, also called prediabetes. Prediabetes often progresses to Type 2 diabetes.   

Kids eat healthier when school-based nutrition programs involve teachers, staff, parents

June 27, 2012 in Health Programs to promote healthy eating can substantially reduce the amount of unhealthy foods and beverages on school grounds if the programs focus on a school's specific needs and involve teachers, parents, staff, and administrators, according to a Kaiser Permanente Southern California study published in BioMed Central's open access journal International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The Healthy Options for Nutrition Environments in Schools (Healthy ONES) study used a public health approach to change nutrition environments and policies in eight elementary and middle schools over a three-year period. The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Research Initiative and included 400 students. Researchers found that using a more participatory public health approach decreased by 30 percent the amount of unhealthy foods and beverages in intervention schools. Control schools, by comparison, had a 26 percent increase in these items. Healthy food brought from outside sources also increased during lunch in intervention schools. "Schools are an ideal place for establishing life-long healthy eating habits, but until now that's been easier said than done," said study lead author Karen J. Coleman, PhD, from Kaiser Permanente Southern California's Department of Research and Evaluation. "The Healthy ONES study helped us understand how communities and schools could work together to get kids to eat healthier at school and help address childhood obesity." This study reinforces the latest recommendations on obesity prevention from the Institute of Medicine. The new report, Accelerating Progress on Obesity Prevention, describes schools as "the heart of health." The report identifies school-based interventions as among the most promising to prevent childhood obesity and underscores the need to implement policies that change food environments within schools. "If we want to have the broad reach and impact necessary to address the enormity of the childhood obesity epidemic, it's critical that we engage children and their families within school communities," said Loel Solomon, PhD, vice president of community health at Kaiser Permanente. "Powerful results like these are why school-based interventions are a key element of Kaiser Permanente's prevention strategy, and why we will be redoubling our efforts in schools in the years to come." African healthcare - Think you know Africa? Take another look. - In the study, researchers worked with teachers and administrators to change certain unhealthy nutrition practices. They replaced food and beverage classroom rewards with nonfood prizes and implemented nutrition-conscious catering at schoolwide events and classroom celebrations. For fund-raising activities, they served healthy foods and beverages, awarded nonfood prizes, and included games such as a "prize walk," rather than a "cake walk." In addition, schools were able to make more money using healthy events like "jog-a-thons" than fall carnivals with popcorn and pepperoni pizza. According to the study, a public health approach may be more effective in changing school environments and policies because of stakeholder engagement in intervention design, implementation, and evaluation. This differs from other traditional methods that fundamentally ignore the multiple school-level issues that may affect intervention effectiveness. Although researchers hypothesized that these school environment and policy changes would reduce childhood obesity rates, no changes were observed. This is likely due to the short period of observation after the changes were implemented in the schools. Nevertheless, by building capacity within schools to make and sustain change, the Healthy ONES model could contribute significantly to efforts to prevent childhood obesity, the authors stated. "Our findings are significant because previous school-based interventions often have had little success in changing behaviors," said Dr. Coleman. "The Healthy ONES study suggests that community-driven process interventions that focus on implementation and stakeholder engagement can help schools implement their current federally mandated wellness policies. These types of interventions may have a better chance to impact child obesity than other attempts to change school health practices." This study is part of Kaiser Permanente's ongoing work to identify and treat childhood obesity through research and community programs. Previous research studies related to childhood obesity include: A study published in May in the Journal of Pediatrics found that children who are overweight or obese -- particularly older, non-Hispanic white girls -- are more likely to have a neurological disorder known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a rare condition that can result in blindness. Another study in the Journal of Pediatrics found that electronic health records and embedded tools can alert and direct pediatricians so they can better manage the weight of children and teenagers. A study in 2011 that used electronic health records of more than 700,000 patients to determine that children who are overweight or obese have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. A study in February that found the prevalence of asthma among children and adolescents who are overweight or obese varies widely by race and ethnicity. The study also found that the association between childhood asthma and increasing body mass index is strongest in Hispanics and weakest in African Americans. A study that found extremely obese children have a 40 percent higher risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease and children who are moderately obese have a 30 percent higher risk of GERD compared to normal weight children, A study that found extreme obesity is affecting more children at younger ages, with 12 percent of African American teenage girls, 11.2 percent of Hispanic teenage boys, 7.3 percent of boys, and 5.5 percent of girls 2 years of age now classified as extremely obese. Kaiser Permanente is working with HBO, the Institute of Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to address obesity as a critical public health crisis with HBO's latest documentary series: The Weight of the Nation. The series and public health campaign spotlights the severity of the obesity epidemic and showcases strategies that work in order to catalyze action to end obesity. Journal reference: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Journal of Pediatrics Provided by Kaiser Permanente   

Exercise is key in the fight against Alzheimer's disease

June 27, 2012 by Danielle Gutierrez in Alzheimer's disease & dementia In a recent Journal of Biological Chemistry "Paper of the Week," research led by Ayae Kinoshita at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan reveals the benefits of exercise in combating Alzheimer's disease. The most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer's disease results in the loss of cognitive faculty. In the majority of cases, Alzheimer's disease occurs after age 65, and factors such as diet and exercise appear to play a role in its development, with high-fat diets as a risk factor. Kinoshita's research compared the effects of 1) diet control, 2) voluntary exercise and 3) diet control plus exercise in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. The results showed that exercise was more beneficial than diet control in reducing β-amyloid formation (a defining characteristic of Alzheimer's disease) and restoring memory loss induced by a high-fat diet in these mice. Moreover, Kinoshita's team found that the effect of diet control plus exercise was not significantly different than exercise alone. They attribute the positive effects of exercise to increased degradation of β-amyloid deposits in the brain. "Based on the results in this research," Kinoshita suggests, "exercise should be given priority to prevent Alzheimer's disease." From the article: "Exercise is more effective than diet control in preventing high fat diet-induced β-amyloid deposition and memory deficit in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice" by Masato Maesako, Kengo Uemura, Masakazu Kubota, Akira Kuzuya, Kazuki Sasaki, Naoko Hayashida, Megumi Asada-Utsugi, Kiwamu Watanabe, Maiko Uemura, Takeshi Kihara, Ryosuke Takahashi, Shun Shimohama and Ayae Kinoshita Read the Paper in Press version here: … 358.abstract Journal reference: Journal of Biological Chemistry    

ESCs and iPSCs demonstrate similar survival and neural differentiation capabilities

Published on June 27, 2012 Researchers in Japan who evaluated the risks and efficacy of transplanting two varieties of stem cells into mouse cochlea have concluded that both adult-derived induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells demonstrate similar survival and neural differentiation capabilities. However, there is a risk of tumor growth associated with transplanting iPS cells into mouse cochleae. Given the potential for tumorigenesis, they concluded that the source of iPS cells is a critical issue for iPS cell-based therapy. Their study is published in a recent issue of Cell Transplantation (21:4), now freely available on-line at, "Hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide," said Dr. Takayuki Nakagawa of the Department of Otolaryngology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan. "Recent studies have indicated the potential of stem-cell based approaches for the regeneration of hair cells and associated auditory primary neurons. These structures are essential for hearing and defects result in profound hearing loss and deafness." The authors noted that embryonic stem cells have previously been identified as promising candidates for transplantation, however they have also been associated with immune rejection and ethics issues. Consequently, this study compared the survival and neural differentiation capabilities of ES and three clones of mouse iPS cells. "Our study examined using induced pluripotent stem cells generated from the patient source to determine if they offer a promising alternative to ES cells," explained Dr. Nakagawa. "In addition, the potential for tumor risk from iPS cells needed clarification." Four weeks after transplantation, the researchers found that the majority of cochleae that had been transplanted exhibited the settlement of iPS or ES-derived neurons. However, there was a difference in the number of cells present based on cell lines. They noted that the number of cells able to be transplanted into cochleae is limited because of the cochleae's tiny size. Thus, the number of settled cells is low.   

旭富 愛滋病藥中間體 出貨增至10公噸!!!

旭富 今年獲利拚新高 【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.06.28 02:34 am 上海原料藥展今(28)日閉幕,原料藥廠旭富(4119)參展傳出佳績;旭富昨日表示,此次展出已完成約40次採購洽談,可望推升下半年訂單能見度。法人估,今年旭富獲利可望大躍進,改寫歷史新高。 旭富今年首季稅後純益約5,600萬元,每股稅後純益為1.16元,昨日股價收54.5元,上漲0.3元。 旭富表示,此次原料藥展每天都安排至少810個採購洽談會議,主要針對長期合作,進行意見交流。據了解,旭富大客戶羅氏、亞培等,今年都繼續追加訂單,譬如亞培愛滋病用藥,將向旭富繼續追加中間體訂單;因此今年高單價愛滋病藥物中間體,出貨量可望翻倍,約從去年的5公噸增至10公噸,提升營收占比約5% 法人表示,15月來看,旭富稅前盈餘年增率達到16.8%,下半年動能稍緩,但仍不會呈現衰退,全年出貨量可望達2,300公噸。 分析師說,今年15月旭富毛利率約達30%以上,從15月稅前自結數來看約1.03億元,推估上半年稅後純益可能進1億元,若下半年動能持平,全年稅後純益可望上攻1.82億元,將刷新歷史紀錄。在投資計畫方面,旭富說,今年桃園縣蘆竹廠由於部分產能趨近滿載,目前12條產線將再加擴1條,投資金額約8,000萬元,年底前可望投產。 2012/06/28 經濟日報】  

Simple blood test may help physicians track progression of RA disease activity

Published on June 27, 2012 A simple blood test may help physicians track the progression of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity, say researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In a paper published online on June 26, 2012, in Arthritis Care and Research, the UAB-led international research team says that a blood test measuring 12 biomarkers for RA is a valid and potentially useful tool in managing the disease. "Previously, the disease activity of RA was assessed through clinical observation by a physician, noting the number of tender and swollen joints and assessing pain and functional abilities," said Jeffrey Curtis, M.D., associate professor in the division of clinical immunology and rheumatology and lead author of the study. "This blood test measures the underlying amount of RA activity within the joints using sophisticated biochemical means intended to reflect the underlying pathophysiology of the disease. A highly reproducible, easily standardized blood test that measures multiple biologic pathways to augment a physician's and patient's clinical assessment has not been previously available to physicians." Curtis says the test emphasizes the activity of underlying biological pathways rather than external signs and symptoms and should therefore provide information that is different from, and complementary to, clinical assessment. He suggests the test may also help assess treatment response in patients. The test could show in just a few weeks whether a particular therapy is effective, rather than within three to four months as in current practice.  

Menopausal women could "work out" their hot flashes

June 27, 2012 in Health (Medical Xpress) -- Menopausal women who exercise may experience fewer hot flashes in the 24 hours following physical activity, according to health researchers. In general, women who are relatively inactive or are overweight or obese tend to have a risk of increased symptoms of perceived hot flashes, noted Steriani Elavsky, assistant professor of kinesiology at Penn State. Perceived hot flashes do not always correspond to actual hot flashes. Most previous research analyzed only self-reported hot flashes. This is the first study known to the researchers to look at objective versus subjective hot flashes. Elavsky and colleagues studied 92 menopausal women for 15 days. The women recruited for this study were different from many earlier menopause studies, said Elavsky. In the past, women in menopause studies were experiencing severe symptoms and seeking help. They were probably not representative of the general population. "Our sample included women with mild to moderate symptoms and they were recruited for a study of physical activity, not for a study of menopause," said Elavsky. "We recruited women residing in the community. We used recruitmentsources that included a variety of outlets in the community frequented by women, like libraries, fairs, gyms, advertisements in local newspapers, etc." The women were 40 to 59 years old, with an average of two children and were not on hormone therapy. During analysis the researchers separated the women into normal weight and overweight/obese categories and higher fit and lower fit categories. These categories were not necessarily mutually exclusive. The participants wore accelerometers to monitor their physical activity and also wore monitors that measured skin conductance, which varies with the moisture level of the skin. Each participant recorded the individual hot flashes she had throughout the 15-day period on a personal digital assistant. African healthcare - Think you know Africa? Take another look. - Through these two methods of recording hot flashes, the researchers found the frequency of objective and subjective hot flashes. Objective hot flashes occurred when the monitor recorded them; subjective hot flashes occurred when the woman reported them. When an objective and a subjective hot flash were recorded within five minutes of each other, it was considered a "true positive" hot flash, the researchers report in the current issue of Menopause. "Some physiological explanations would suggest that performing physical activity could increase hot flashes because it acutely increases body core temperature," said Elavsky. To the contrary, the researchers found that this premise was not true, as on average the women in the study experienced fewer hot flash symptoms after exercising. However, the women who were classified as overweight, having a lower level of fitness or were experiencing more frequent or more intense hot flashes, noticed the smallest reduction in symptoms. It is not yet known if a woman could use diet and exercise to lose weight and become more fit and therefore experience fewer hot flashes, but it is a possibility worthy of future investigation, noted the researchers. "For women with mild to moderate hot flashes, there is no reason to avoid physical activity for the fear of making symptoms worse," said Elavsky. "In fact, physical activity may be helpful, and is certainly the best way to maximize health as women age. Becoming and staying active on a regular basis as part of your lifestyle is the best way to ensure healthy aging and well being, regardless of whether you experience hot flashes or not." Also working on this research were Joaquin U. Gonzales, assistant professor of exercise physiology, Texas Tech University; David N. Proctor and Nancy I. Williams, both professors of kinesiology and physiology, Penn State; and Victor W. Henderson, professor of health research and policy and neurology and neurological sciences, Stanford University. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development supported this research. Provided by Pennsylvania State University   

塑化劑 (di-ethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP) 與 幼兒肥胖 高度相關 !!

Obese children show greater exposure to phthalates   Published on June 27, 2012 Obese children show greater exposure than nonobese children to a phthalate, a chemical used to soften plastics in some children's toys and many household products, according to a new study, which found that the obesity risk increases according to the level of the chemical found in the bloodstream. The study will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annual Meeting in Houston. The chemical, di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), is a common type of phthalate, a group of industrial chemicals that are suspected endocrine disruptors, or hormone-altering agents. In the study, children with the highest DEHP levels had nearly five times the odds of being obese compared with children who had the lowest DEHP levels, study co-author Mi Jung Park, MD, PhD, said. "Although this study cannot prove causality between childhood obesity and phthalate exposure, it alerts the public to recognize the possible harm and make efforts to reduce this exposure, especially in children," said Park, a pediatric endocrinologist in Seoul, Korea, at Sanggye Paik Hospital and professor at Inje University College of Medicine. Phthalates are found in some pacifiers, plastic food packages, medical equipment and building materials such as vinyl flooring, and even in nonplastic personal care products, including soap, shampoo and nail polish. Prior research has shown that phthalates may change gene expression associated with fat metabolism, according to Dr. Park. Because past research suggested a link between concentrations of phthalate metabolites and increased waist size in adults, her group studied a possible connection with childhood obesity.   



(一) 本次食品添加物起雲劑含DEHP之食品污染事件,係屬黑心廠商惡意將不得添加於食品中之成分添加於食品中之犯罪行為。
(二) 原公告之用意為希望透過政府、企業及民間的共同努力,迅速平息事件,恢復市場次序。
(三) 目前犯罪嫌疑人已羈押,且政府經過2個月努力,涉案廠商及產品已無新增,未發現有惡意污染產品,已無系統性污染。

(一) 全面掌控:自6月14日起,即無增加涉案廠商及涉案產品。
(二) 輿情平緩:消費者專線、長官信箱、輿情報導、健康諮詢人數、消保申訴案件、記者詢問皆大幅下降、漸趨平緩。
(三) 產品淨化:市售抽驗產品完成檢驗,未發現有惡意系統性污染產品。
(四) 全數銷毀:除檢察機關查扣證物暫緩銷毀外,其餘受污染產品全數於7月29日前銷毀。

(一) 源頭管理:衛生署與環保署針對列管塑化劑毒化物強化運作管理,建立兩署間業務通報機制,強化勾稽及異常警示功能機制,防杜不法。
(二) 強制登錄:強制落實食品添加物產業登錄制度,並將食品中塑化劑之含量列為市場監測之例行稽查抽驗項目。
(三) 風險偵測:進行國產及進口食品塑化劑含量之調查與追蹤系統,建立國人攝取暴露量之風險評估,瞭解食品中塑化劑背景值外,偵測異常,防止其他可能污染源。
(四) 容器管理:蒐集資料,修正塑膠類食品包裝及食品容器之規格、衛生標準及使用規範,期以降低食品中塑化劑之含量。
(五) 製程改善:研擬工業準則,透過製造過程或器具之改善,降低食品中塑化劑之含量。
(六) 稽查取締:實施全面性食品稽查計畫,監測任何可能污染源,並加強衛生、檢調及各相關單位之合作及取締工作,嚴懲不法之業者。

(一) 持續關懷:衛生署已研擬申訴者主動醫療輔導及追蹤評估標準作業流程,對申訴人進行關懷。
(二) 後續追蹤:國家衛生研究院將成立”國家環境毒物研究中心”,持續針對塑化劑追蹤並研究塑化劑對國人健康影響之流行病學研究。

【食品藥物管理局Q&A】(100.07.29更新)Q1. 什麼是「塑化劑」?Q2. 常見的塑化劑之毒性為何?
Q3. 什麼是「環境荷爾蒙」? 
Q4. 為什麼我們會吃到塑化劑? 體內會有塑化劑?Q5. 經由飲食進入人體的塑化劑會排出體外嗎? 多久才會排出?Q6. 是不是吃過受DEHP污染的食品或飲料,就會影響身體健康?Q7. 曾食用或飲用受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物,對人體影響為何? 會不會影響生殖功能?Q8. 曾食用或飲用受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物,會不會引起癌症?Q9. 食用或飲用多少受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物才有危險性? Q10. 懷孕的我需不需要去接受特別產檢呢?Q11. 小孩吃了含有塑化劑的食品怎麼辦? 我需不需要特別帶小孩去接受血液、尿液檢驗?

Q1. 什麼是「塑化劑」? 1.塑化劑並不是合法的食品添加物。

Q2. 常見的塑化劑之毒性為何?判斷依據:

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate

Butyl benzyl phthalate

Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diisononyl phthalate

Diisodecyl phthalate



Di-isobutyl phthalate



Dimethyl phthalate




Q3. 什麼是「環境荷爾蒙」? 1.環境荷爾蒙泛指「來自環境的內分泌干擾物質」。

Q4. 為什麼我們會吃到塑化劑? 體內會有塑化劑?1.因為塑化劑用途廣,對環境造成不小的污染,通常透過飲水、食物鏈及空氣接觸或呼吸進入人體,其中又以食入為主,例如:
(2)當應用塑膠容器或包材(尤其是PVC類)儲存食物時,DEHP會微量溶出殘留在食物中;所以,平時國內、外對市售食品中塑化劑殘留量的調查結果,均可發現DEHP等塑化劑的蹤影,DEHP的殘留量,在每毫升茶飲料中約為2.0×10-6~4.8×10-6 毫克、每毫升植物油則約為8.35×10-4~2.387×10-3毫克,而國外針對乳製品所作之調查結果,乳酪(起士)中DEHP的殘留量約為3×10-4~5.5×10-3

A. 不管是水性的茶飲料或油性的植物油等食物,在貯存過程中,塑化劑均會微量從塑膠容器釋出。
B. 因為植物油與塑化劑皆是油性物質,故導致塑化劑的溶出量會較一般非油性食物高。
C. 此外,由於乳酪的原料是牛奶,除了含油脂外,亦經加工過程層層濃縮,所以會有較高的殘留量。
3.根據調查國人每日自食物攝入DEHP的量推估約為1.029 mg。
Q5. 經由飲食進入人體的塑化劑會排出體外嗎? 多久才會排出?1.會。

Q6. 是不是吃過受DEHP污染的食品或飲料,就會影響身體健康?
1.目前各國對DEHP規範的每日可容忍攝取量(TDI)上限範圍為0.02~0.14 毫克/公斤,以60公斤成人為例,每日攝取量上限為1.2~8.4毫克;亦即每天吃進的DEHP含量在上限範圍內時,就算吃一生對身體都不會造成影響。

Q7. 曾食用或飲用受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物,對人體影響為何? 會不會影響生殖功能?1. 根據相關文獻顯示,自從DEHP開始使用40年以來,發現有許多對人體可能之影響,例如:男性陰莖短小、隱睪症、女性性早熟 (一般指小於8歲的女生)。
2. 但是以上研究皆未顯示多少血中濃度的DEHP或累計多久時間的使用會造成傷害,所以大家不用為此過度驚慌。

Q8. 曾食用或飲用受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物,會不會引起癌症?

Q9. 食用或飲用多少受塑化劑DEHP污染的食物才有危險性?

Q10. 懷孕的我需不需要去接受特別產檢呢?產檢不易看出胎兒有無生殖系統影響,可藉由新生兒出生後仔細檢查,但塑化劑DEHP在停用後會迅速排出體外,孕婦不需太過擔心,只需定期作產檢、遠離塑化劑、心情上保持愉悅即可,如有相關疑慮,可以與您的產檢醫師討論。
Q11. 小孩吃了含有塑化劑的食品怎麼辦? 我需不需要特別帶小孩去接受血液、尿液檢驗?1. 目前血液、尿液檢驗,並沒有相關文獻數據,以供判讀塑化劑對人體的影響。
2. 因此兒科醫學會並不建議進行血液尿液的例行性檢查,重要的是兒童飲食應均衡,多吃富含維他命的蔬果、白開水及湯品等有助於排泄,不用刻意長期補充保健食品。

【 PVC醫療器材相關問題】






Source: TFDA

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