Thursday, July 12, 2012
台灣藥廠呼應 "走出去" 政策 !!
Nature Genetics刊登: 單一基因突變(FAN1) 造成慢性腎臟病 (CKD) !!!
Liver stiffness predicts liver failure, cancer and mortality in cirrhotic patients
東洋: 全球癌症針劑中心(80萬劑) !!!!
Reference: PIC/S執行質量風險管理
酷熱!藥物、食物 也會引起光敏感
睡覺有益減重!!!! Sleep deprivation(熬夜) 增加體重 ~~
台灣11.87億元血管支架健保市場 (2萬7026人)!
神經病變-糖尿病引發複視 鬼影幢幢
2012-07-13 中國時報 邱俐穎/台北報導 眼睛出現複視,小心是血糖太高惹禍!68歲吳先生,罹患糖尿病20多年,一天開車突然紅綠燈分為2個,嚇得他趕緊靠邊停車,經檢查後發現右眼球無法往外側移動,竟是糖尿病引發的複視。 書田診所腦神經內科主任醫師黃婷毓表示,人的眼睛共有3對神經操控運動,診治時發現男子只有兩眼直視前方時才會出現雙重影像的複視情形,若只以單眼視物則一切正常,進一步檢查發現,男子右眼無法向外側移動。 黃婷毓說,雖病患長時間接受糖尿病藥物治療,但抽血一驗,糖化血色素竟明顯高於標準值,由於高血糖、高血壓皆是引發神經病變的危險因子,研判是高血糖造成外展神經病變,才會兩眼無法聚焦。 黃婷毓說,複試會讓人失去遠近、立體感,長時間恐影響平衡,出現頭暈、走路不穩等情形,若不治療甚至會引起視網膜、腎臟病等其他糖尿病併發症,造成不可回復的器官損傷,所幸病患經2個月治療和控制血糖,視力已慢慢恢復正常。事實上,以複視作為表現的糖尿病神經病變發生率僅3%,最常見的還是以手麻、腳麻為表現的周邊神經病變,不過民眾常容易忽略。
Gastric bypass surgery alters gut microbiota profile along the intestine
July 10, 2012 in Surgery Research to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), the foremost society for research into all aspects of eating and drinking behavior, finds that gastric bypass surgery induces changes in the gut microbiota and peptide release that are similar to those seen after treatment with prebiotics. Previous animal research demonstrated that ingestion of a high-fat diet produces weight gain and profoundly affects the gut microbiota composition, resulting in a greater abundance of one type of bacteria called Firmicutes, and a decrease in Bifidobacteria spp and Bacteroidetes. A similar pattern has also been found in obese humans. Feeding of prebiotics, substances that enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria, changes the composition and/or the activity of the gastrointestinal microbiota, to promote the release of gut peptides and to improve glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese and type 2 diabetic mice. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is considered the most effective treatment of morbid obesity and diabetes. Recent studies reported substantial shifts in the composition of the gut microbiota towards lower concentrations of Firmicutes and increased Bacteroidetes in obese subjects after RYGB. Most of the human studies on gut microbiota have been carried out using fecal samples which may not accurately represent how RYGB surgery affects the gut microbiota profile along different parts of the intestine. Because RYGB may affect how nutrients are absorbed in different portions of the intestine, a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Zurich measured the bacterial composition and the amounts of different peptides that affect food intake along different intestinal segments after RYGB in rats. They found that 14 weeks after surgery, Bifidobacteria spp, and Bacteroides-Prevotella spp content were significantly increased in several portions of the intestine in RYGB rats compared to control animals. In fact, the changes in gut microbe populations after RGYB resembled those seen after treatment with prebiotics. Gut microbiota changes were also associated with altered production of gastrointestinal hormones known to control energy balance. The lead author on this study, Melania Osto, Ph.D. said "Our findings show that RYGB surgery leads to changes in gut microbiota that resemble those seen after treatment with prebiotics. The results of this study suggest that postsurgical gut microbiota modulations may influence gut peptide release and significantly contribute to the beneficial metabolic effects of RYGB surgery." Provided by Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior New test helps evaluate cancer drug's merit July 9, 2012 in Cancer (HealthDay) -- A new genetic test to help doctors determine if the drug Erbitux would be an effective treatment for certain colorectal cancer patients has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The KRAS RGQ PCR kit checks for the presence of a certain mutation in the KRAS gene. About 40 percent of people with colon cancer are thought to have the mutation, which leaves Erbitux ineffective. The test is for people whose colorectal cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the FDA said in a news release. The American Cancer Society says more than 141,000 new cases of colon cancer were diagnosed last year in the United States, and nearly 50,000 people died of the disease. Erbitux (cetuximab), co-marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly, was first approved as a colon cancer treatment in 2004. The new diagnostic was developed by Qiagen Manchester Ltd., based in Manchester, England. More information: Visit the FDA to learn more about this approval.
Meditation training may lower respiratory illness burden
July 10, 2012 in Health Training in mindfulness meditation or exercise is linked to a decrease in the severity and duration of acute respiratory infections in adults, according to a study published in the July/August issue of the Annals of Family Medicine. (HealthDay) -- Training in mindfulness meditation or exercise is linked to a decrease in the severity and duration of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in adults, according to a study published in the July/August issue of the Annals of Family Medicine. To assess the preventive effects of meditation or exercise on incidence, duration, and severity of ARI illness, Bruce Barrett, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and associates conducted a randomized trial involving 149 adults (82 percent female; 94 percent white; mean age, 59.3 years). Participants underwent eight weeks of training in mindfulness meditation (51 participants) or moderate-intensity sustained exercise (47 participants), or were part of an observational control (51 participants). The researchers identified 27 ARI episodes and 257 days of ARI illness in the meditation group, 26 episodes and 241 illness days in the exercise group, and 40 episodes and 453 days in the control group. Data showed that the mean global severity was 144, 248, and 358 for meditation, exercise, and control, respectively, with severity significantly lower for mediation versus control. There was a trend toward lower severity in the exercise versus control group and for lower duration in the exercise and meditation groups versus control. There were significantly fewer ARI-related days of work missed for the exercise and meditation groups versus the control group (32, 16, and 67, respectively). "If these results are confirmed in future studies, there will be important implications for public and private health-related policy and practice, as well as for scientific research regarding mechanisms of health maintenance and disease prevention," the authors write. The study was funded in part by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
張善政:政府帶頭造10朵有感雲 應用、產業發展並重!!
鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:聯合報系/ 2012-07-12 07:16 行政院政務委員張善政昨(11)日表示,新出爐的「雲端運算應用與產業推動方案」,將兼顧應用和產業發展,全力推動讓民眾有感覺的「有感雲」,由經濟部和研考會帶頭推動發展雲端產業。 張善政將於7月18日參加由經濟日報主辦的「雲端大未來」高峰會,昨天接受專訪時表示,台灣很多廠商發展雲端產業「天真的不得了」,停留在幼稚園程度。舉例來說,成立貨櫃機房,就是沒有實務經驗、人云亦云的作法,面臨很多先天技術和後天營運的瓶頸。 張善政指出,政府此次發展雲端運算,有別以往發展產業時只重「產值」,不再「打腫臉充胖子」,今後要強調「價值」,「產值」和「價值」並重,發展出10個「有感雲」遠勝產值的「數字遊戲」。以下是專訪紀要:
問:政府對於雲端產業的發展政策規畫為何? 答:行政院10 日已召集各部會檢討「雲端運算產業發展方案」,並將方案調整為「雲端運算應用與產業發展方案」,強調應用及產業發展並重的精神。 當前雲端應用面臨技術開發及市場行銷兩大挑戰。實質面計畫上,將在台灣打造一個雲端開發測試平台,整合國內外可用的雲端工具及解決方案,讓開發商可以在平台上測試;一旦「試婚」成功,未來有助於爭取台灣政府雲端標案。 另由研考會打造一個共用的政府雲端運算中心,各部會共用雲端機房及伺服器,全面發展雲端應用。而未來扶植產業研究開發的過程,將要跟應用掛勾,除協助開發,政府也要成為第1個使用者,為台灣雲端應用找出路。 目前政府資通訊預算萎縮,但將優先分配給雲端應用開發。未來3年,雲端計畫每年預算可望超過10億元,將由研考會持續電子化政府的推動,發展政府雲端應用;經濟部則負責研發,並訂下3年繳出成果的落日條款。
問:如何評估政府發展雲端所帶動的產業效益? 答:我上任後刪除雲端應用及產值的目標,因為發展雲端是要讓每個應用都紮實、讓民眾有感,且有利於節能減碳。 未來雲端目標,是開發深耕且優質的雲端應用,而不單看應用數量及產值,政府計劃要推出10個有衝擊性且民眾有感的雲端服務。 部分雲端應用的軟體可能商機不大,無法賣到全球,但是對社會貢獻度大,因此看雲端效益,不僅要看產值面,更要產值跟價值並進。
問:什麼是優質且有影響性的雲端應用? 答:例如電子病歷跟食品追溯履歷,就可望成為優質且具影響力的雲端應用。衛生署推動電子病歷,台灣400多所醫療院所中,有200所已完成電子病歷。 未來由政府打造醫療雲,整合電子病歷目錄,民眾需要時可提出要求,並抓取電子病歷,落實雲端開放及分享的概念,X光片等資源共享也可以減少健保支出。
問:政府引進國際大廠來台灣投資雲端產業,策略為何? 答: 政府面對國際廠商到台灣投資,要很小心,不是阿貓阿狗的企業都接。首先公司要夠大,例如Googl到台灣投資後,帶動臉書及微軟也評估來台投資。 Google在台灣設雲端中心,引起能源應用疑慮,不過,Google除因為台灣用電便宜外,也肯定台灣法規及資訊系統的保障,對台灣整體形象加分,在台灣帶起就業機會雖僅100 到200人,卻可拓展台灣人才國際視野。 國際大廠來台投資雲端中心,對台灣連外頻寬也是一大挑戰,政府將促使電信業者加速建設。
問:如何看待台灣雲端產業發展及商機? 答:很多台灣廠商發展雲端,還在幼稚園程度。雲端產業挑戰很大,不這麼樂觀。例如貨櫃機房的概念,還需面對很多技術及營運上的瓶頸,可能還需要更周延的思考,以硬體帶軟體銷售的方式也不可行。 廣達等硬體廠商無需政府幫忙就可做的很好,最需要扶植的是中小型軟體應用開發商。目前系統軟體已被微軟、亞馬遜及VMware等大廠盤踞,中小企業做帳軟體、人力管理、庫存管理等應用,還沒有大型軟體公司主導,這就是台廠機會。 【記者蘇秀慧、黃晶琳/台北報導】
儿童肥胖状况堪忧 中国将控制肥胖列入官方规划
发布时间:2012-7-12 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 肥胖越来越是一个大问题,目前中国已经将控制肥胖列入到了官方的规划之中,在9日卫生部举行的例行新闻发布会上,卫生部的官员做了这样一个透露。根据当前卫生部所披露的这一份官方的行动规划,到2015年,中国成年人的肥胖率将会努力控制在12%以内,而儿童青少年的肥胖率将会努力控制到不超过8%。 不过对于这样的一个目标,卫生部疾病预防控制局副局长孔灵芝她个人表示并不乐观,因为任务确实非常艰巨。过去20多年中,中国经济取得了前所未有的个增长,与此同时,中国人的体重包括饮食、运动量等等也发生了很大的变化,因此可以说肥胖越来越是个大问题。 就拿儿童肥胖的状况来讲,据国际肥胖研究协会主办的《肥胖综述》(Obes Rev)月刊近期公布的研究报告估计,中国有12%的儿童超重。在不满17岁的青少年儿童中,有三分之一的孩子至少出现了一种心血管危险因素。(详情) 实际上目前中国儿童的肥胖率已经接近8%,距离我们控制的目标已经是一个临界点,因此可以说,将儿童青少年的肥胖率定为不超过8%,就是希望这个数字不要再继续上涨。 "而要达到这样的一个目标,根据专家的测算,它不仅需要我们重视儿童的教育和行为规范等等,督促他们养成好的行为习惯,同时它也是一个社会化的工程,比如说食品加工企业的生产等等,包括具体到家里,父母在做饭的过程中,油盐要放多少等等。"孔灵芝表示。 这次的官方规划做的很细致。规划中明确指出,要积极开发低盐、低糖、低脂、低热量的健康食品,包括中小学生在校期间,每天会进行多长时间的体育锻炼活动等等,可以说规定的非常非常的细。 肥胖问题一直被我们看作是一个健康的问题,但实际上不仅仅是健康这么简单,它也涉及到人类发展的一个问题,事实上它是一个人口隐性增长的发展问题。 最近还有一条和肥胖相关的新闻很有意思,欧美的一些学者经过研究测算得出的结论,到目前为止它测算出人类超重1500万吨,这是什么概念呢?就是如果根据2005年的这种数据,测算出人类的平均体重的话,那么现在全球全部成年人口的总重量是2.87亿吨,一共超出了1500万吨,折成标准成年人的体重,就好比地球一下子多出了2.4亿个拥有平均体重的人。(详情) 可以说除了人口在增长,我们人类的平均体重也在不断增加,这就相当于我们人类的人口在增长,同时还有隐性增长,对于全球的生态系统的破坏显然是更大了。因此现在来看健康已经不仅仅是个健康的问题,还是一个人口隐性增长的大的发展问题。
发布时间:2012-7-13 来源:爱唯医学 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院上海市肿瘤研究所"癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室"覃文新研究组发表在《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》上的一项研究显示,DKK1蛋白(Dickkopf-1)可作为肿瘤标志物用于肝细胞癌(HCC)的血清诊断,可用于筛检甲胎蛋白(AFP)阴性患者,对肝脏良、恶性疾病有较好的区分效用。 覃文新研究团队于2003年首次发现并证明分泌蛋白DKK1在人类多种肿瘤包括肝癌中特异高表达,并在人类多种肿瘤细胞的培养上清和肝癌患者血清中检测到其分泌性高表达,因此DKK1可作为肿瘤血清蛋白标志物用于肺癌、肝癌、乳腺癌、宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤的血清诊断。 在此基础上,2008年,覃文新研究员率领研究团队设计并开展了肿瘤血清蛋白标志物DKK1用于HCC血清诊断的大规模临床多中心试验研究。研究者于2008年12月~2009年7月从两个中心入组HCC患者、慢性肝炎患者、肝硬化患者和健康对照者,并从另一家中心入组年龄和性别匹配的队列进行验证,采用ELISA方法检测血清DKK1水平。 共831例受试者接受DKK1水平检测,包括424例HCC患者,98例HBV慢性肝炎患者,96例肝硬化患者和213名健康对照受试者。验证队列共有453例受试者,包括209例HCC患者,73例慢性乙型肝炎患者,72例肝硬化患者和99名健康对照受试者。检测结果表明,HCC患者的DKK1水平高于其他受试者,最佳界值为2.153 ng/ml(操作者特征曲线下面积0.848),在试验队列中的敏感性和特异性分别为69.1%和90.6%(图),在验证队列中则分别为71.3%和87.2%。早期HCC和小肝癌(单个直径<2 cm)患者中的结果与此类似:试验队列中的敏感性和特异性分别为70.9%和90.5%,验证队列中则分别为73.8%和87.2%。DKK1蛋白能够弥补AFP对HCC诊断能力的不足,对AFP阴性(<20 ng/ml)HCC的诊断敏感性为70.4%、特异性为90%,并可从AFP阳性(>20 ng/ml)的慢性乙型肝炎及肝硬化等高危患者中鉴别诊断HCC,鉴别诊断的敏感性达69.1%、特异性为84.7%。若DKK1蛋白与AFP联合应用,HCC的总体诊断率可提高至88%,在试验队列中的敏感性和特异性分别为73.3%和93.4%,在验证队列中则分别为78.5%和87.2%。此外,手术后患者血中的DKK1浓度迅速下降,血清DKK1蛋白亦可作为肝癌疗效监测和预后判断指标。 研究者观点 目前,在临床常规诊断和筛查中广泛使用的肿瘤血清标志物基本为血清蛋白标志物,主要原因在于肿瘤血清蛋白标志物除具有非侵袭性特点外,还具有所需血清样本量少(通常少于100 μl)、无需对血样进行抽提纯化等前处理、检测方法简单易推广、可自动化快速批量检测、重现性高、费用低等优点。DKK1属于肿瘤血清蛋白标志物,具备广阔的临床应用前景。现已初步研制出具有自主知识产权的血清DKK1蛋白检测系统,进一步的后续临床试验在有关单位的通力协作下正在进行中。
Teach Prescribers About Dangers of Long-Acting Pain Meds: FDA
Abuse, misuse, deaths from narcotic painkillers on the rise Monday, July 9, 2012 MONDAY, July 9 (HealthDay News) -- As part of its efforts to curb the abuse of narcotic painkillers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is requiring drug makers to educate doctors about the risks of long-acting and extended-release forms of the drugs. "Prescription-drug abuse is our nation's fastest-growing drug problem," FDA commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg said during a Monday afternoon press conference. Commonly prescribed drugs that come in longer-acting forms include oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl. The continuing-education programs will be based on FDA-created blueprints. The agency expects the more than 20 companies that make these drugs to provide grants to firms that specialize in medical continuing education. These firms will, in turn, develop and administer the programs under FDA supervision and provide them to doctors for free. Although all opioid painkillers carry risk of abuse, overdose and death, the extended-release and time-release forms of the drugs are particularly risky. Because they act in the body over longer periods, they are more likely to cause problems, Hamburg said. "The number of people harmed by these long-acting or extended-release opioids due to misprescribing, misuse and abuse ... continues to increase dramatically," Hamburg said. In 2008, nearly 15,000 Americans died from overdoses of these drugs. In 2009, there were more than 15,500 deaths from opioid painkillers -- almost four times as many as in 1999, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, more than 2 million emergency-room visits in 2010 involved abuse or misuse of prescription drugs -- almost half of all drug-related visits. Of these visits, more than 15 percent involved opioid medications, Hamburg said. The drugs are widely prescribed. It is estimated that nearly 23 million prescriptions for extended-release and long-acting opioids were issued in 2011, Hamburg said. It is estimated that more than 320,000 prescribers listed with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration wrote at least one prescription for opioid painkillers in 2011, according to the FDA. Despite these problems, Hamburg said, patients who need these drugs must have access to them. "Educating health care professionals on how to safely prescribe extended-release and long-acting opioids is essential to address this critical public health issue," she said. The FDA hopes that over the next three years, 60 percent of the 320,000 prescribing doctors will have been trained, Hamburg said. Along with the programs for doctors, the FDA also is mandating that manufacturers provide FDA-approved patient-education materials on the safe use of these drugs. The material appears on a single page in consumer-friendly language, and will be given to patients every time they fill a prescription. Both the drug companies and the FDA will review the progress and success of these programs. Based on the reviews, the agency may require the companies to provide additional elements to ensure success. The first programs under the FDA's new requirement are expected to be launched by March 1. Although no doctor currently is required to take the two- to three-hour continuing-education program, the Obama administration is urging Congress to make such programs mandatory. SOURCES: July 9, 2012, press conference with Margaret Hamburg, M.D., commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FDA news release, July 9, 2012 HealthDay
專利藥到期! 醫藥大餅整體將下降.....
New study suggests moderate alcohol consumption may help prevent bone loss
July 11, 2012 in Health This is an electron microscope image showing osteoporotic architecture in the fourth lumbar vertebra of an 89-year-old woman. Credit: Photo courtesy of Alan Boyde. (Medical Xpress) -- Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle may benefit women's bone health, lowering their risk of developing osteoporosis. A new study assessed the effects of alcohol withdrawal on bone turnover in postmenopausal women who drank one or two drinks per day several times a week. Researchers at Oregon State University measured a significant increase in blood markers of bone turnover in women after they stopped drinking for just two weeks. Bones are in a constant state of remodeling with old bone being removed and replaced. In people with osteoporosis, more bone is lost than reformed resulting in porous, weak bones. About 80 percent of all people with osteoporosis are women, and postmenopausal women face an even greater risk because estrogen, a hormone that helps keep bone remodeling in balance, decreases after menopause. Past studies have shown that moderate drinkers have a higher bone density than non-drinkers or heavy drinkers, but these studies have provided no explanation for the differences in bone density. Alcohol appears to behave similarly to estrogen in that it reduces bone turnover, the researchers said. In the current study, published online July 11 in the journal Menopause, researchers in OSU's Skeletal Biology Laboratory studied 40 early postmenopausal women who regularly had one or two drinks a day, were not on any hormone replacement therapies, and had no history of osteoporosis-related fractures. The researchers found evidence for increased bone turnover – a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures – during the two week period when the participants stopped drinking. Even more surprising: the researchers found that less than a day after the women resumed their normal drinking, their bone turnover rates returned to previous levels. "Drinking moderately as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and exercise may be beneficial for bone health, especially in postmenopausal women," said Urszula Iwaniec, associate professor in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at OSU and one of the study's authors. "After less than 24 hours to see such a measurable effect was really unexpected." Iwaniec, OSU's Skeletal Biology Laboratory director Russell Turner, and researcher Gianni Maddalozzo assisted OSU alumna Jill Marrone with the study, which was Marrone's master's thesis. This study is important because it suggests a cellular mechanism for the increased bone density often observed in postmenopausal women who are moderate drinkers, Turner said. The researchers said many of the medications to help prevent bone loss are not only expensive, but can have unwanted side effects. While excessive drinking has a negative impact on health, drinking a glass of wine or beer regularly as part of a healthy lifestyle may be helpful for postmenopausal women. "Everyone loses bone as they age, but not everyone develops osteoporosis," Turner said. "Being able to identify factors, such as moderate alcohol intake, that influence bone health will help people make informed lifestyle choices." Journal reference: Menopause Provided by Oregon State University
中化生Tacrolimus 將出貨500公斤!!
刮痧可治病防病 却不是人人适合
来源:寻医问药网社区 时间:2012-07-12 刮痧可以预防以及治疗疾病,具有强身健体等养生效果,但是,并不是人人都适宜进行刮痧的,下面一起看看不适合刮痧的人群。
刮痧知识:刮头面部不要强求出痧 常刮头面轻松通气血 刮拭头部具有改善头部血液循环,疏通经络,促进全身阳气运行等作用。刮拭头部后,患者一般有轻松舒服和精神焕发的感觉。另外,刮拭头部还可防治脑栓塞、脑血管意外后遗症、神经衰弱、头痛(各种类型)、高血压、眩晕、记忆力减退、头发早白、感冒、脱发等。刮拭面部,以患者感觉面部气血通畅,肌肉放松,轻松舒服为目标,对面部保养及防皱美容有一定效果,另外还可防治如鼻病、耳病、面瘫、口腔疾病、雀斑、痤疮等病症。
生技基金 本季將續旺
2012/07/12 【經濟日報╱記者何佩儒/台北報導】 美股近來震盪,惟生技類股相對強勁。根據統計,那斯達克生技指數今年以來仍有二成以上的漲幅,加上歷來的第3季生技指數多處上揚,資產管理業者表示,在併購效益帶動,生技股多頭氣勢可望延續,有助生技基金表現。 富蘭克林證券投顧指出,統計2002年至2011年10年期間那斯達克生技指數的季度表現,第3季平均漲幅約3.09%,優於S&P 500指數的下跌0.54%,即使是2002年的科技泡沫或是2008年的金融海嘯發生期間,生技指數第3季的表現都優於大盤。 富蘭克林坦伯頓生技領航基金經理人麥可羅表示,繼製藥大廠葛蘭素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)延長收購美國生化藥廠Human Genome的邀約期限後,近期市場傳出生技公司Celgene亦有意爭取收購,顯示大型生技公司及製藥大廠欲透過併購來壯大企業收入來源及成長動能的意圖,統計2007年以來,主要生技併購案的併購溢價達50%,顯示併購案為生技股帶來強勁的漲升動能。 德盛安聯生技大壩基金經理人傅子平指出,目前市場關注焦點落在幾個潛在的購併案,與幾項在FDA審查階段的藥物是否能如期通過上市;看好購併中小型生技公司的趨勢。
Study reveals new mechanism that might promote cancer's growth and spread in the body
July 10, 2012 in Cancer Researchers have discovered a previously unknown mechanism that promotes the growth and spread of cancer. The mechanism involves key immune cells and a new role for small regulatory molecules called microRNA. The findings suggest a new strategy for treating cancer and perhaps diseases of the immune system. Tiny vesicles released by tumors cells are taken up by healthy immune cells, causing the immune cells to discharge chemicals that foster cancer-cell growth and spread, according to a study by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC – James) and at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. The study uses lung cancer cells to show that the vesicles contain potent regulatory molecules called microRNA, and that the uptake of these molecules by immune cells alters their behavior. The process in humans involves a fundamental receptor of the immune system called Toll-like receptor 8 (TLR8). The findings, published in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest a new strategy for treating cancer and diseases of the immune system, the researchers say, and a new role for microRNA in the body. "This study reveals a new function of microRNA, which we show binds to a protein receptor," says principal investigator Dr. Carlo Croce, director of Ohio State's Human Cancer Genetics program and a member of the OSUCCC – James Molecular Biology and Cancer Genetics program. "This tells us that some cancer-released microRNAs can bind and activate a receptor in a hormone-like fashion, and this has not been seen before." MicroRNAs help control the type and amount of proteins that cells make, and they typically do this by binding with the messenger-RNA that encodes a protein. "In this study we discovered a completely new mechanism used by cancer to grow and spread, therefore we can develop new drugs that fight tumors by entering this newly identified breach in cancer's fortress," says co-corresponding author and first author Dr. Muller Fabbri, assistant professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Biology and Immunology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. "Equally exciting, we show that this mechanism involves a fundamental receptor of the immune system, TLR8, suggesting that the implications of this discovery may extend to other diseases such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases," Fabbri says. Key findings of the study include the following: Lung tumor cells secrete microRNA-21 and microRNA-29a in vesicles called exosomes, and these exosomes are taken up by immune cells called macrophages located where tumor tissue abuts normal tissue. In human macrophages, microRNA-29a and microRNA-21 bind with TLR8, causing the macrophages to secrete tumor-necrosis-factor alpha and interleukin-6, two cytokines that promote inflammation. Increased levels of the two cytokines were associated with an increase in the number of tumors per lung in an animal model, while a drop in those levels led to a drop in the number per lung, suggesting that they also play a role in metastasis. Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Provided by Ohio State University Medical Center
Study shows why hypertension increases damage to eyes of diabetic patients
July 12, 2012 in Diabetes Hypertension frequently coexists in patients with diabetes. A new University of Georgia study shows why the co-morbid conditions can result in impaired vision. "Results showed early signals of cell death in eyes from diabetic animals within the first six weeks of elevated blood pressure. Later, the tiny blood vessels around the optic nerve that nourish the retina and affect visual processing showed signs of decay as early as 10 weeks after diabetic animals develop hypertension," said Azza El-Remessy, assistant professor in the UGA College of Pharmacy and director of the UGA clinical and experimental therapeutics program. The study examined animals with early and established stages of diabetes that also had hypertension. The results, which highlight the importance of tight glycemic control and blood pressure control to delay diabetes-related vision loss, were published in the June issue of the Journal of Molecular Vision. The study was the first to understand or explain why combining increased blood pressure with diabetes would hurt blood vessels in the eye. "The fact that controlling blood pressure in diabetic patients is beneficial has been shown through many major clinical trials," said Islam Mohamed, a third-year clinical and experimental therapeutics graduate student who co-authored the paper with El-Remessy. "Our study highlights the synergistic and immediate interaction between systemic hypertension and diabetes as two independent risk factors for persistent retina damage known as retinopathy. This emphasizes the importance of addressing different cardiovascular risk factors in a holistic approach for improving management and prevention of retinopathy." According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 45 percent of adults in the U.S. suffer from diabetes, hypertension or high levels of cholesterol in the blood called hypercholesterolemia. Approximately 13 percent of U.S. adults suffer from a combination of two of the conditions, and 3 percent have all three. Early intervention is a key factor in improving the outcome for patients. "Health care providers, including pharmacists, should stress the importance of the tight control of blood sugar and blood pressure levels for their patients," El-Remessy said. "Providing patient education and counseling on how each of these metabolic problems independently can have accelerated devastating effects is critical and can result in better prevention and outcomes for the patients."
Cell-Based 'Tracking Devices' Might Help Monitor Treatments
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 TUESDAY, July 10 (HealthDay News) -- Call it a fantastic voyage. Scientists have successfully found a way to inject tiny iron filings into the human body to potentially monitor medical therapies. The particles work as tracking devices that may help physicians determine if certain treatments are working. The development of methods to track cells is critical to stem-cell and other therapies that rely on the delivery of particular cells to a target site, such as the heart or other organ, according to the authors of a small new study. "Eventually we'll be able to prove stem cells are going where they are supposed to be and track cells going into other tissues," said Dr. David Newby, study co-author and professor and chair of cardiology at the Centre for Cardiovascular Science at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland. The study, published July 10 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, showed that immune cells tagged with nano-sized iron filings and injected into the bloodstream can be tracked by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as they move through the human body. The researchers also demonstrated that the process was safe and did not interfere with normal cell function. A type of normal white blood cell known as macrophages ingest pathogens and cellular debris -- including the filings -- and take them along wherever they go. The iron filings are only about 20 nanometers across. In comparison, the average red blood cell is 8,000 nanometers wide. Newby said the critical question the researchers wanted to answer was whether the tracking cells, once injected into the body, would migrate where the researchers wanted them to go. "We needed to be able to know if they wander off," he said. The research showed it is possible to track tagged, injected cells for seven days. Because MRI technology is nonradioactive, the tracking system would not subject patients to radiation exposure, Newby noted. The study involved two phases. First, the researchers determined that blood cells with attached iron filings moved normally, and were indeed able to survive. Twenty study volunteers participated. Some people were given injections into their thigh muscles of either unlabeled cells, iron-filing labeled cells or just the filings. Others received intravenous injections of the labeled blood cells. To show that the tracking method could be used to facilitate the development of cell-based therapies in the future, the researchers injected one person with labeled immune blood cells, and they tracked the cells as they migrated to an inflamed area of skin on the thigh. The inflammation was caused by a Mantoux tuberculosis test, an injection just under the skin that typically becomes slightly inflamed. "This is a pretty convincing demonstration that there's real merit to this idea of using cells as carriers," said Matthew Tirrell, a professor and Pritzker director of the Institute for Molecular Engineering, at the University of Chicago. Tirrell said the research opens up new territory for other kinds of visualization experiments. "There are few examples of any kind of targeting particles in humans," he said. "To have the confidence and guts to do it is impressive, and I think other people will be building on this work," he said. Newby said that the research team hopes to investigate the use of these techniques to diagnose inflammatory conditions of the heart, such as transplant rejection, myocarditis or inflammation of the heart, and sarcoidosis, where there is inflammation in multiple organs. The work may also be useful in five to 10 years in stem-cell research, he added. SOURCES: David Newby, M.S., professor and chair of cardiology, Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Matthew Tirrell, professor and Pritzker director of the Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago; July 10, 2012, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
Moderate Drinking May Cut Women's Odds for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Study
More than 3 weekly glasses of beer, wine or liquor halved risk of the autoimmune disease Wednesday, July 11, 2012 TUESDAY, July 10 (HealthDay News) -- Drinking more than three alcoholic beverages a week for at least 10 years may halve a woman's risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to a large new study from Sweden. The findings, which appear online July 10 in the journal BMJ, add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that moderate alcohol consumption may have health benefits. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body engages in friendly fire -- attacking its own joints and tissues. According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 1.3 million people in the United States have rheumatoid arthritis, which disproportionately strikes women. Family history is a risk factor for developing the condition. Other than quitting smoking, little is known about how to lower the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. The new study included more than 34,000 Swedish women born between 1914 and 1948. Researchers gathered information about their alcohol consumption, diet, smoking history, physical activity and education in 1987 and 1997. Participants were then followed for seven years. During this time, nearly 200 women were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Women who reported drinking more than three glasses of alcohol per week in both 1987 and 1997 were 52 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than their teetotaling counterparts. A difference in risk, although less marked, existed when light drinkers were included with nondrinkers. In that case, women who drank more than more four glasses of alcohol per week had a 37 percent lower risk for rheumatoid arthritis. These findings held regardless of whether women consumed wine, spirits or beer. In the study, a standard glass of alcohol was defined as approximately a pint of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.7 ounces of liquor. Exactly how alcohol may lower arthritis risk is not fully understood. The researchers speculate that it may turn down the body's immune system and decrease the production of proteins involved in the inflammatory process. Inflammation is a hallmark of rheumatoid arthritis. "This study adds more fuel to the fire regarding the beneficial effects of alcohol," said Dr. Martin Jan Bergman, a clinical associate professor of medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia. "This is one of multiple studies that have shown that alcohol can have a beneficial effect on risk for [rheumatoid arthritis]."
But the key word is "moderate," he said. Additionally, alcohol may do more harm than good for people who already have the condition. "A lot of [rheumatoid arthritis] medications are liver toxins and so is alcohol, so you have to weigh the risks and benefits if you are on any of these medications," he said. Smoking and alcohol consumption often go hand-in-hand, said Dr. David Pisetsky, chief of rheumatology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C. "Stopping smoking or never starting is the best thing to do for your health if you are at risk for [rheumatoid arthritis]." He added that "moderate alcohol [use] may also help lower this risk." Although the study found an association between alcohol and rheumatoid arthritis risk, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. SOURCES: Martin Jan Bergman, M.D., clinical associate professor, medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia; David Pisetsky, M.D., chief, rheumatology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.; July 10, 2012, BMJ, online HealthDay
Health Tip: Poor Air Quality Affects Kids With Asthma
By Diana Kohnle Wednesday, July 11, 2012 (HealthDay News) -- When the weather heats up and ozone infiltrates the air, kids with asthma should limit their time outside, experts say. The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions for the parents of asthmatic children when the air quality is poor: Run the air conditioner, and don't let your child spend too much time outside. If your kids participate in outdoor activities, limit them to the early morning hours and away from high-traffic areas. Talk to your child's sports coach about practicing in an indoor, air conditioned environment on very hot days. Send your child to practice with a rescue inhaler, just in case. Ensure that your home is well-ventilated, use an air purifier and avoid wood-burning fires inside the home. Discuss your child's asthma action plan with the pediatrician. HealthDay
Diet, Weight Loss Ease Menopause Symptoms: Study
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 WEDNESDAY, July 11 (HealthDay News) -- Menopausal women who lose weight eating a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables could reduce or eliminate their hot flashes and night sweats, a large new study suggests. One reason the researchers looked at weight loss as a way of dealing with menopausal symptoms was because of long-standing research linking hormone-replacement therapy to heart disease and breast cancer. "We wanted to see if this could be an alternative to hormone therapy," said lead researcher Candyce Kroenke, a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente's Northern California Division of Research in Oakland. "Indeed, women who lost weight in the context of this healthier diet -- decreasing fat, increasing whole grains, fruits and vegetables -- were significantly more likely to reduce or eliminate symptoms," she added. Reduced hot flashes and night sweats, the key menopausal symptoms, were seen in both overweight and normal-weight women who lost weight, Kroenke noted. And the reason for that is fairly simple, she said: Fat tends to retain heat and losing weight helps the body dissipate heat more easily. The report, which was published July 11 in the online edition of Menopause, involved data on more than 17,000 women who took part in the Women's Health Initiative study. The women with menopausal symptoms who were on a low-fat diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, who were not taking hormone-replacement therapy and who lost at least 10 pounds in a year were more likely to see night sweats and hot flashes reduced or disappear after a year than did women who maintained their weight (the "control" group), the researchers found. Dr. Jennifer Wu, an obstetrician/gynecologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, commented that "this definitely goes along with the idea that good diet and exercise and losing weight contribute to general health." And, she added, "It's a quick and easy fix for hot flashes and night sweats." Wu noted that doctors are still reluctant to offer hormone-replacement therapy even though it works. "This is a low-risk fix," she said. "I think it will work for some patients, and patients may only get a partial relief of their symptoms, but any help is good," Wu pointed out. "Diet and weight loss is a healthy habit that will hopefully help menopausal symptoms. There is very little downside to doing it," she added.
Another expert agreed. "Adopting a healthy diet is always a good idea," said Samantha Heller, a nutritionist, exercise physiologist and clinical nutrition coordinator at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Conn. "Healthy foods, including vegetables, soy, whole grains, legumes, nuts and fruits, decrease the risk of many chronic diseases and can improve health and well-being considerably. In this case, along with weight loss of 10 pounds or 10 percent of body weight, women who made healthy dietary changes tended to have decreased symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats," Heller noted. "This study also highlights the positive effect of ongoing nutrition education by registered dietitians," she added. "Women in the intervention group, who were counseled by registered dietitians, were three times more likely to lose weight than women in the control group. A big factor in unsuccessful weight loss attempts is people not knowing how or where to begin. Nutrition counseling takes the guesswork out of creating a healthy lifestyle and helps motivate and empower people to stay on track." The research was published just days after a coalition of leading medical groups concluded in a joint statement that hormone-replacement therapy can be useful and safe for many women suffering from the symptoms of menopause. The coalition includes 15 medical groups, including the North American Menopause Society, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Family Physicians. SOURCES: Candyce Kroenke, Sc.D., M.P.H., research scientist, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research, Oakland, Calif.; Jennifer Wu, M.D., obstetrician/gynecologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; Samantha Heller, M.S., R.D., exercise physiologist, clinical nutrition coordinator, Center for Cancer Care, Griffin Hospital, Derby, Conn.; July 11, 2010, Menopause, online HealthDay
Smartphones may aid eye diagnoses in emergency room
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 By Genevra Pittman NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Sending patient images to ophthalmologists via smartphone may be an option for emergency room doctors looking to make a quick eye-related diagnosis, a new study suggests. Two ophthalmologists gave higher quality ratings to inner-eye photos when they looked at the images on an iPhone as compared to a desktop computer, according to results published Monday in the Archives of Ophthalmology. That may mean the phones can be used to diagnose and plan treatment for more obvious eye conditions - even when an ophthalmologist isn't available at the hospital, researchers noted. "Not every hospital in the country in the ER has access to an eye doctor always," said Dr. Rohit Krishna, an ophthalmologist from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, who wasn't involved in the new study. Non-eye doctors, Krishna added, "don't always feel really comfortable with eye care. So having tools in your pocket that enable you to do ophthalmologic examination elements are a great asset." He said smartphones could be used to take and send pictures of damage to the eyelid or the front of the eye. When it comes to complicated, inner-eye photos, using a more advanced camera to take a photo - and then sending it to an ophthalmologist via smartphone for diagnosis - is also a good option, he told Reuters Health.
USING AN IPHONE FOR TRIAGE For the new study, Dr. Valerie Biousse from Emory University in Atlanta and her colleagues collected information on 350 patients with a headache, changes in eyesight and other signs of vision problems who came to the ER for treatment. Emergency staff took photos of the interior of their eyes, including the retina, using an ocular camera. Two ophthalmologists looked at those photos and rated their quality on a typical desktop computer, and later assessed 100 of the images on an iPhone. Both reviewers consistently rated the phone images as the same or higher quality on a one-to-five scale than the same photos viewed on the computer. One ophthalmologist said 53 of the photos were the same quality, 46 were better on an iPhone and one was better on the desktop. The other ophthalmologist rated the photos equally 56 times, the iPhone images better 42 times and chose the desktop photos twice. Consulting electronically with an ophthalmologist can give ER staff a better idea of what a patient's prognosis will be, Krishna said, as well as the severity of the eye injury. "Using (an) iPhone to transmit images to colleagues as a help with patient triage in the ER is a new concept," Biousse told Reuters Health in an email. "ER departments are working at improving acute patient care by developing ways to access specialty consultations such as ophthalmology." The next step, Biousse said, is to show whether or not "the triage and acute patient care are expedited and ophthalmologic consultations can be obtained faster and more accurately" when photos are sent from the ER to an ophthalmologist's smartphone. Dr. Charles Wykoff, an ophthalmologist from Retina Consultants of Houston, said his one worry would be doctors using smartphone pictures to rule out all eye problems and then having a patient sent home. "The concern for me is possibly false reassurance when there's a normal picture," he told Reuters Health. "I don't think it replaces the need for a complete eye exam." But if using a smartphone does help ER patients get faster and accurate diagnoses, Wykoff, who wasn't involved in the new study, said he'd be all for it. SOURCE: Archives of Ophthalmology, online July 9, 2012. Reuters Health