針灸啟動細胞的鈣 等同止痛藥作用 2011-08-22 新聞速報 【中廣新聞】 一項研究發現,中國傳統針灸能夠啟動細胞中的「鈣」,發揮等同止痛藥的作用,為針灸找出科學論證的支持。 這項研究分別由多位中、港、台學者所進行,其中港大醫學院助理教授李耕表示,研究利用磁共振攝影技術發現,針灸所形成的聲波可以啟動細胞的鈣,如果針在穴位所形成的聲波會更強,療效會更好。港大前醫學院院長林兆鑫表示,這研究為一向被西方醫學界認為是另類療法的針灸,建立了科學基礎,使中醫學發揚光大。
Physiology and cell biology of acupuncture observed in calcium signaling activated by acoustic shear wave. Pflugers Arch. 2011 Jul 28.
This article presents a novel model of acupuncture physiology based on cellular calcium activation by an acoustic shear wave (ASW) generated by the mechanical movement of the needle. An acupuncture needle was driven by a piezoelectric transducer at 100 Hz or below, and the ASW in human calf was imaged by magnetic resonance elastography. At the cell level, the ASW activated intracellular Ca(2+) transients and oscillations in fibroblasts and endothelial, ventricular myocytes and neuronal PC-12 cells along with frequency-amplitude tuning and memory capabilities. Monitoring in vivo mammalian experiments with ASW, enhancement of endorphin in blood plasma and blocking by Gd(3+) were observed; and increased Ca(2+) fluorescence in mouse hind leg muscle was imaged by two-photon microscopy. In contrast with traditional acupuncture models, the signal source is derived from the total acoustic energy. ASW signaling makes use of the anisotropy of elasticity of tissues as its waveguides for transmission and that cell activation is not based on the nervous system.