德動物疫苗大廠 羅曼進駐示範區生變 記者 / 侯俐安 2014.07.04德國疫苗大廠羅曼進駐屏科自由經濟示範區計畫生變。羅曼動物保健有限公司原計畫斥資四十億元,為台灣創造廿五億的外銷年產值,但上月動工計畫、人才招聘全暫停,疑因羅曼二月被美國藥廠禮來併購,傳出各項計畫遭禮來凍結一年、再評估,外界甚至猜測羅曼已撤資。 農委會主委陳保基表示,企業併購會有一段盤點期,羅曼技轉前金已繳、每月租金沒暫停,不至於到撤資。 原文出處: 聯合報
美國禮來藥廠宣布收購德國羅曼動物保健公司 作者:台灣經濟研究院生物科技產業研究中心/組長/余祁暐2014/02/27 美國藥廠禮來公司(Eli Lilly)於2014/2/24宣布,將收購德國羅曼動物保健公司(Lohmann Animal Health),以加強其子公司Elanco動物疫苗業務。禮來正不斷通過收購來擴大其子公司Elanco的動物保健業務,而羅曼動物保健公司為其近期屬意對象,過去曾該公司目前屬於PHW集團,為德國最大的家禽養殖企業,也是飼料品牌Wiesenhof的母公司。德商羅曼公司為全球禽類第 4 大動物疫苗廠,在德國庫克斯港(Cuxhaven)和美國緬因州的Winslow設有生產廠,去年營收達2.56億歐元(約合3.52億美元),擁有640名員工。該公司為具有悠久歷史的農業生技公司,目前在 30 多個國家設有分公司及辦事處,另於德國及美國均建置有符合國際標準的動物疫苗生產廠,在雞、火雞、鴿子等禽類疫苗及其飼料添加劑等動物保健產品上具有技術領先地位,尤其是所生產的無特定病原 (SPF) 蛋,在品質、銷售上均是世界最佳。羅曼亦於2013年正式向行政院農業委員會遞件申請於臺灣屏東農業科技園區投資設廠,同時就多項技術簽訂策略合作契約。禮來公司過去曾向路透社表示此收購案約為5.5億美元,但目前不願透露實際收購金額。過去輝瑞(Pfizer)和默克(Merck)也各透過收購惠氏(Wyeth)及先靈葆雅(Schering-Plough)壯大其動物保健部門,可見未來動物保健市場為深具潛力、且值得重視之市場。
資料來源:1.Lilly to buy German animal health business Lohmann,Reuters,2014/2/24 2.德國動物疫苗大廠來臺投資 開創臺灣動物疫苗產業新紀元,農業生技產業資訊網,2013/7/8
Eli Lilly To Buy German Animal Health Business Lohmann By Linda Chiem Law360, New York (February 24, 2014, 6:16 PM ET) -- U.S. pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly & Co. will acquire German animal vaccine maker Lohmann SE for an undisclosed price in a deal that allows Eli Lilly to further expand its animal vaccine business globally, the company said Monday. Eli Lilly's animal health division Elanco has agreed to acquire all assets of the privately held Lohmann SE — which is based in Cuxhaven, Germany — and its subsidiary, Lohmann Animal Health. The assets that Eli Lilly will acquire from Lohmann's owner PHW Group, which is Germany's largest poultry breeder, include a range of vaccines and feed additives, commercial capabilities, and manufacturing sites in Cuxhaven and Winslow, Maine. While financial terms and other details of the deal were not disclosed Monday, Reuters has previously reported that buyers were offering approximately €400 million (US$550 million) for Lohmann, which is a leading manufacturer of feed additives and poultry vaccines and sells its products in over 80 countries. It's been estimated that the privately held Lohmann generated approximately €256 million in sales last year and has approximately 640 employees, according to Reuters. Eli Lilly said the acquisition will establish Elanco as a global poultry leader, solidify Elanco's vaccine presence, broaden its product offerings, and significantly boost its vaccine manufacturing capabilities. Elanco is already a global giant with more than 3,000 employees worldwide and offices in more than 40 countries. Elanco develops and markets products and services to improve animal health and protein production in more than 75 countries. "Effectively competing in the animal vaccine segment is a cornerstone of Elanco's long-term strategy and is one more way we will expand the value we create for customers," Jeff Simmons, senior vice president of Eli Lilly & Co. and president of Elanco Animal Health, said in a statement. "The addition of Lohmann Animal Health provides a unique opportunity for Elanco to expand our presence in the global poultry market and to enter the global poultry vaccine market with a solid base, established products, and global commercial and manufacturing capabilities." Simmons said the acquisition also complements the company's focus on innovation in food production and helping maintain a global food chain that delivers safe, affordable and sufficient food supply."Elanco has continued to invest significantly in animal health in the past few years, growing businesses and expanding our pipeline," Simmons said. "This acquisition will support further pipeline growth and build on Elanco's proven track record for successfully delivering new innovation and integrating acquisitions." The transaction, which is expected to close in the second quarter of 2014, is subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. As a result of business combination accounting adjustments and transaction costs associated with the acquisition, Eli Lilly lowered its full-year 2014 earnings per share guidance to be in the range of $2.72 to $2.80. hares of Eli Lilly closed at $58.03 Monday on the New York Stock Exchange. li Lilly is represented in the transaction by a Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP team led by corporate partners Raymond Gietz, Matthew Gilroy and Thomas Schmid. Additionally, partners Helyn Goldstein and Tobias Geerling oversaw tax matters, while partners Ann Malester, Douglas Nave and Steven Bernstein oversaw antitrust and competition matters. HW Group is represented in the transaction by an Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP team led by corporate partners Jörg Ritter, Stefan Weinheimer, Peter Rooney and Harry Clark. Additionally, partners Douglas Lahnborg, Till Steinvorth, Garret Rasmussen and Tony Kim oversaw antitrust and competition matters.--Editing by Philip Shea.