看不到政策牛肉 生技股等無人 2016-10-31 〔記者陳永吉/台北報導〕上週生技股利多頻傳,甚至基亞疫苗(6
Monday, October 31, 2016
陳建仁 加持 馮京(基亞生) OR馬涼(基亞)!!
浩鼎(2016-10-31 ) 有禿鷹放出對該公司不利傳聞/ 人心浮動
政策利多 帶旺新藥族群 2016-10-31 00:00:32 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導浩鼎(4174)近日股價跌至相對低點,
中裕 TMB-355/ibalizumab樞紐試驗 2016年10月24日結束/ 29日 感染性疾病研討會 報告 !!
中裕愛滋新藥 臨床三期數據佳 2016年10月31日 04:10 杜蕙蓉/台北報導 中裕新藥(4147)昨(30)日公告,該公司於美國時間10月
台灣保健聯盟協會 結盟 中國長三角營養保健產業聯盟 !!!
台灣保健聯盟 布局長三角 2016-10-30 00:40:23 經濟日報 記者戴瑞芬/台北報導 台灣保健聯盟協會結盟大陸長三角營養保健產業聯盟,
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沈榮津: 95家生技新藥公司上市櫃 (2015年底前)
政策助攻 打造台灣成亞太生醫重鎮 2016年10月30日 2016新藥與生技產業前瞻發展高峰會昨(29)
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實驗結果無法重複 陸學者論文或被撤 2016年10月28日【記者許蒔/綜合報導】
北檢 偵搜 查扣管制物品 (犀牛角、麝香)
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永信 子公司CARLSBAD 財務長 黃建信 卸任 !
永信 2 發言日期105/10/28 發言時間18:14:17 發言人李仰哲 發言人職稱資深專員 發言人電話04-26875100 197 主旨 代子公司CARLSBAD TECHNOLOGY, INC.公告 Chief Strategy Officer、Chief Operation Officer及 Chief Financial Officer異動 符合條款 第8款 事實發生日105/10/28 說明1.人員變動別(請輸入發言人、代理發言人、重要營運主管(
(柏登/賴弘基) 2016年現增價 調降 (46元--> 37元) 退回款差 提高認購意願 (~1.66億) !!
柏登 3 發言日期105/10/28 發言時間19:18:27 發言人 賴弘基 發言人職稱董事長兼總經理 發言人電話+886226597698 主旨 公告本公司經主管機關核准調整105年度現金增資每股認股價格 符合條款 第43款 事實發生日105/10/28 說明1.事實發生日:105/10/28 2.公司名稱:柏登生醫股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由:本公司105年度現金增資發行新股案,因考量市場
芝林/歐梅如 (全球TOP3神仙魚 出口商) 3億屏東蓋 旅館 !!!
芝林跨足觀光業 內埔蓋頂級旅館 2016年10月29日 04:10 林和生/屏東報導 全台最大神仙魚出口商芝林公司,近期投資3億元,
工業局: 2015年 台灣 生技產業 營業額 2986億元 (醫材1330億)
醫材聚落興起 串聯全球商機 2016-10-28經濟日報 記者李珣瑛/台北報導 高齡化社會驅動醫療照護需求持續攀升,在經濟部工業局支持下,
天狮集团 (李金元) 投資 泰济生医院 借力美日韩 布局精准医疗
天狮集团:一体两翼促转型 2016年10月31日 沿着京沪高速驶向天津,路边,天津天狮学院的广告牌颇为显眼。
养生平台"管理"健康" 打造'泰济生医院'国际健康管理中心,
兴办大学储备人才 "我们将投资超过100亿元,在这里建设天元大学的新校园。"
福永 拚上櫃 (郭鳳琳/ 血糖產品2015年營業4.25億) !!
福永生技上櫃案 11/4審議 2016年10月31日 04:10 林燦澤/台北報導 櫃買中心預計本周五(11月4日)召開上櫃審議委員會,
聯生藥 取得工業局 上櫃 推薦函 !
聯生藥 1 發言日期105/10/31 發言時間06:27:00 發言人孫潤本 發言人職稱行政法務處副總經理 發言人電話03-6684800, 3808 主旨 公告本公司取得經濟部工業局出具之「係屬科技事業暨產品 或技術開發成功且具市場性之意見書」 符合條款 第43款 事實發生日105/10/28 說明1.事實發生日:105/10/28 2.公司名稱:聯合生物製藥股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由:依財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證櫃審字第1
北京太景 3.35億元人民幣(無形資產) 與 東陽光藥 共組公司 開發口服C肝藥 (DAG-181/ Yimitasvir + TG-2349/ Furaprevir)
東陽光藥設合營從事丙肝新藥研發產銷 東陽光藥(01558)宣布,與太景醫藥(北京)於中國共同設立
TaiGen Biotechnology To Establish a New Company With HEC Pharmaceutical in China for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C NEWS PROVIDED BY TaiGenOct 30, 2016, 08:18 ET TAIPEI, Taiwan, Oct. 30, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- TaiGen Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ("TaiGen") announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, TaiGen Biopharmaceuticals Co. (Beijing), Ltd. has signed an agreement with YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd ("HEC") to establish a new company ("Newco") in mainland China for the joint development, manufacturing, and commercialization of direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) for all-oral interferon-free treatments of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the Greater China region (mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau). The Newco will be the first of its kind in a cross-strait partnership in the pharmaceutical industry. It also formalized the collaboration in the MOU signed in February 2016. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Newco will be capitalized at RMB 680 million (US$102 million). TaiGen will use the intellectual property rights of furaprevir (TG-2349) in Greater China as contribution in kind for 49% equity in the Newco. HEC will use the intellectual property rights of yimitasvir (DAG-181) in Greater China as contribution in kind and an additional cash investment in exchange for 51% equity in the Newco. TaiGen will be responsible for research, clinical development, and registration and HEC will be responsible for operation, manufacturing, sales and marketing of HCV treatment based on furaprevir and yimitasvir. Upon the establishment of the Newco, TaiGen and HEC will execute a separate share transfer agreement where TaiGen will receive from HEC a sum between US$20 to 40 million based on the Phase 2 clinical trial results. After the share transfer is complete, TaiGen will hold 40% equity and HEC 60% equity in the Newco.TaiGen's furaprevir, a HCV NS3 protease inhibitor, is completing a Phase 2 clinical trial in HCV genotype 1b patients in Taiwan. HEC's yimitasvir, an NS5a inhibitor, has completed in Phase 1 trial in mainland China. Both furaprevir and yimitasvir are DAAs, classified as Class 1.1 by CFDA, and were discovered and developed in-house by TaiGen and HEC respectively. According to the estimates from WHO and IMS, the number of HCV patients in mainland China ranges from 10-40 million making it the largest HCV market in the world. At present, less than 10% of the HCV patients are receiving treatment. This is due to low awareness of the disease and the severe and intolerable side effects of interferon-based treatment. Although all-oral interferon-free DAA-based HCV regiments are already available in many countries, none of these are currently approved in mainland China. To expedite the approval and availability of the revolutionary treatment, China's Center for Drug Evaluation has begun to grant priority review status to HCV drugs in development. Furaprevir was granted priority review in April 2016 and TaiGen is the only Taiwanese firm among the seven companies that receive priority review. Dr. Ming-Chu Hsu, Chairman and CEO of TaiGen said "Mainland China remains the largest untapped HCV market. We are confident that combining both drugs and company expertise will accelerate the development of our DAA regiment and become a formidable competitor in the Greater China HCV market. This partnership with HEC will be another significant milestone in TaiGen's history and take TaiGen to the next level."Mr. Show-Chung Ho, Chairman of TaiGen's Steering Committee commented, "TaiGen has a successful track record in clinical development and obtaining market approval in mainland China. HEC has the integrated marketing and distribution channels. The synergy that the two companies and their drugs create will bring tremendous benefits to the HCV patients in this region."
About YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical YiChang HEC ChangJiang Pharmaceutical, a public listed company in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (1558.HK), focuses on the development, manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical products in viral infections, endocrine, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. HEC's leading product, Kewei (oseltamivir phosphate) is the No. 1 selling influenza drug in China from 2013 to 2015. YiChang HEC is part of HEC Pharmaceutical Group. Its products are exported overseas to the US, Japan, Germany and Australia. HEC Pharmaceutical Group is part of the HEC Group with businesses in materials, healthcare, cosmetics, tourism, and hospitality.
About TaiGen Biotechnology TaiGen Biotechnology, a public listed company in Taipei Exchange (4157.TWO), is a leading research-based biotechnology company in Taiwan. TaiGen's pipeline includes other in-house discovered and developed new chemical entities: Taigexyn®, a novel antibiotic, is one of the first NCEs developed by a Taiwanese company that received market approval and launched in Taiwan and mainland China. Burixafor, a chemokine receptor antagonist, is in Phase 2 clinical development for stem cell transplantation and chemosensitization in the US and mainland China.
復星醫藥 (陳啟宇) 看準健康中國政策 布局 精准醫療
創新醫療——大健康產業潛力可期 2016-10-31 近期,中國政府印發了《健康中國2030規劃綱要》,以 「共建共用、全民健康」為主題,
精準醫療為首 文件中,健康中國的概念第一次被提升到前所未有的高度,
建立完整產業體系 政策還指出,到二○三○年,要建立起體系完整、