Thursday, June 28, 2012
China & Taiwan : Investment Protection Agreement soon !!
Google 讓你看到夢想 並動態分享 !!!
嬰兒異位性皮膚炎 與 塑化劑 (n-butyl benzyl phthalate,BBP)關聯
(環境荷爾蒙) |
Butyl benzyl phthalate
Di-n-butyl phthalate
Diisononyl phthalate
Diisodecyl phthalate
Di-isobutyl phthalate
黏度調整劑 |
二已酯 |
Dimethyl phthalate
Source: TFDA & 塑化劑DEHP參考資料(醫療衛生人員版)
see also... 塑化劑 (di-ethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP) 與 幼兒肥胖 高度相關 !!
廣州久和醫療器械 (承業生醫) 佈局中國 質子治療(proton therapy)設備
儲存臍帶血? 產婦可隨時終止契約!!!!
鵝口瘡 (超痛!) 白色念珠菌感染
鈺寶 解除新任董事競業案
邦特授權台灣費尤斯 (Fresenius Medical Care) 經銷血液迴路管
研華 醫療營收 目標 15億台幣!
訊聯 龍子潮 股價飆漲 !
境外基金10強 生技占4檔
Statins for erectile dysfunction proposed
Published on June 28, 2012 By Caroline Price Family doctors should offer men with erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment with a statin - not only to improve their quality of life but also to reduce their future cardiovascular risk. So say UK researchers who report that treatment with simvastatin for 6 months improved sexual health-related quality of life and reduced 10-year cardiovascular risk in a study of 173 men aged 40 years or older with ED. The team argues that, although erectile function was not significantly improved by simvastatin, the approach was beneficial overall ‑ and cost-effective. None of the men in the study were considered to be at high cardiovascular risk, but Daksha Trivedi (University of Hertfordshire, UK) and colleagues explain that ED is often associated with endothelial dysfunction and is recognized as a marker for underlying vascular disease. In their randomized trial, conducted in UK primary care practices, men who received 40 mg simvastatin daily had a statistically greater improvement in male ED-specific quality of life measures than did men who received placebo, at 5% versus 2%. A greater benefit was seen with simvastatin in men with severe ED, with corresponding improvements of 12% versus 5%. Improvement in erectile function (on the International Index of Erectile Function-5 score) with simvastatin was not statistically greater than that with placebo, however (mean change in score, 1.28 vs 0.07). Nevertheless, Trivedi and team report, both low-density lipoprotein levels and estimated 10-year cardiovascular risk were significantly reduced in the simvastatin group. Based on their results, the probability that simvastatin treatment of ED would be cost-effective was 86% at the willingness-to-pay threshold of £ 20,000 (US$ 31,080; € 25,001), and 83% at the threshold of £ 30,000 (US$ 46,615; € 37,499). "Identifying men with ED provides the opportunity to modify future cardiovascular risk and improve male ED-specific quality of life," write the authors, reporting their findings in BJU International. They say their findings "could influence primary care practice in a number of ways, such as including questions on ED during routine consultations, relevant clinic protocols (eg, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease) and in men with lower urinary tract symptoms." Furthermore, they add: "Raising awareness of the links between ED and cardiovascular disease provides an opportunity to provide lifestyle advice." The team calls for larger trials with longer follow up and using a more potent statin to establish the effects on erectile function and cost-effectiveness.
Human study...臭氧會對心臟造成傷害 !
iPS細胞 會不會失控 變成癌細胞 !!
幹細胞移植 可治糖尿病
2012-06-28 15:51:24 香港2012年6月27日電 /美通社亞洲/ 中國大陸領先綜合性醫療事業集團 - 金衛醫療集團有限公司(「金衛醫療」或連同其附屬公司,統稱為本「集團」,801.HK/ 910801.TW)今日欣然公佈截至2012年3月31日止的2011/12 財政年度(「本財政年度」)全年業績。回顧年內,集團醫療服務和醫療設備兩個核心業務板塊的收入均持續增長,年度總收入上升32.1%至433,222,000港元。若不計金融負債賬面公允價值和金融資產價值等非現金變化的影響,集團未計利息及除稅前盈利同比增長12.8%,其中包括聯營公司中國臍帶血庫企業集團及樂語中國的盈利貢獻,兩家聯營公司合共為集團貢獻158,191,000港元。倘若計入上述影響,期內股東應占溢利則同比下降55.5%至152,877,000港元。 談及全年業績,集團主席兼行政總裁甘源先生表示:「回顧年內,儘管全球經濟歷盡跌宕起伏,然而憑借集團的行業領導地位及卓越的執行能力,集團各業務板塊的收入持續增長。醫療服務業務和醫療設備業務收入占集團總收入的比例分別為34%和60%。集團收入結構進一步優化,已經從最初的一家專注醫療設備的單一業務公司,發展成為以醫療服務業務和醫療設備業務相互促進、相互補充的綜合性醫療事業集團。另一方面,集團亦於年內引進新天域資本為集團的重要戰略股東,進一步充實我們的股東基礎。憑借新天域資本的豐富經驗及行業知識,我們相信這將有利集團實現長遠發展目標。」 同時,集團在本年度內用於自公開市場回購集團股份約48,619,000港元;若計入集團董事會建議派發的末期股息每股一港仙,這將等同於實際每股派發股息3.4港仙或集團年度經營溢利的40%。
醫療服務板塊 醫療服務板塊的收入同比增長84%至147,921,000港元。業務包括中國最大的血液病專科醫院 -- 在北京和上海兩地經營管理的道培醫院和上海東方國際醫院;道培血液病專科醫院本年度內的穩定業績符合管理層預期。上海東方國際醫院則自2011年8月起為集團做出重大的收入貢獻。 在2011年6月,集團成功收購北京海澱區一家新醫院物業,計劃將北京道培醫院的現有業務遷至此新址。這個已部分落成的醫院物業佔地面積約18,692平方米,獲批建築面積達74,035平方米,全部落成後將可容納500張床位,為北京道培醫院現有床位數量的五倍。新醫院的建設進展順利,預期將於2012年底前全面落成。屆時,新醫院將成為中國規模最大的血液病專科醫院,同時還能夠為附近居民提供其他專科及門診服務。 回顧年內,集團醫保管理業務的合資公司 -- 金衛醫保信息管理(中國)有限公司亦取得進展。該業務部門為醫療保險企業提供理賠和外包服務,部分業務已在本財政年度內投入運營。 集團的關聯企業 -- 中國臍帶血庫企業集團在其呈報的截至2012年3月31日止財政年度的營業收入達到人民幣380,490,000元,相比上一財政年度的人民幣339,532,000元增長12%;客戶數量增加至239,754人,同比上升29%。集團於本財政年度內增持了中國臍帶血庫企業集團,目前擁有其41.4%的股份,而中國臍帶血庫企業集團於年內為集團盈利貢獻63,683,000港元。
醫療設備板塊 隨著衛生部落實《三級綜合醫院評審標準》促進臨床科學用血等諸多利好政策,醫療設備板塊未來將能夠從中獲益。自體血液回收系統設備的臨床利用率提高,帶動了專用醫療設備耗材銷售收入的增長,同比上升了8.4%。醫療設備銷售亦增長3.4%,反映集團的產品繼續在大型醫院中獲得市場份額。 中國醫療器械有限公司(CMIC)作為集團與國藥集團藥業股份有限公司的合資企業,目前為中國最大的醫療設備分銷企業。集團目前擁有CMIC的17.5%股權,為其第二大股東;於年內CMIC作為聯營公司為集團盈利貢獻11,384,000港元。
策略投資 目前集團的策略投資包括Fortress Group Limited (Fortress)的29.4%股權(Fortress是私有化後自納斯達克市場退市的樂語中國之母公司)和中草藥業務。中草藥業務包括位於上海市重要地段佔地面積達58,000平方米的GMP認證生產設施。而樂語中國在本財政年度內為集團盈利貢獻94,509,000港元,同比增長28%。
集團發展策略和展望 展望未來,甘先生表示:「集團堅信中國醫療行業的整體發展前景依然向好,集團將一如既往專注於醫療行業,積極建構在中國的綜合性醫療事業平台。建成開業後的新北京道培醫院將成為該業務板塊的另一個增長點,並將有助鞏固集團在快速增長的醫院管理市場的地位。在此基礎上,我們會大力擴展醫院市場業務,加強其品牌和收入基礎,並會繼續積極而審慎地探索進一步擴展醫院管理市場的機遇。另一方面,我們認為集團的醫療設備板塊將進一步受惠於國家鼓勵臨床科學用血的有利政策環境。我們相信,集團產品滲透至中低端醫院及其利用率的提高將有利於醫療設備板塊的長遠發展。」
關於金衛醫療集團有限公司 金衛醫療為中國領先的綜合性醫療事業集團,為推動行業發展的先行者。在過去幾年中,金衛醫療憑借積極創新、進取的精神以及對醫療市場先機的把握能力,在醫療設備和醫療服務領域內的臍帶血干細胞儲存及醫院管理業務均取得領導性地位。金衛醫療將繼續實踐其使命,通過有機增長和其他策略發展計劃,力爭成為中國領先醫療集團。 【中央網路報】智擎治胰臟癌藥 (MM-398) phaseIII
智擎生技 解除董事競業限制
2012/6/28 鉅亨網提供 回應(0)列印轉寄討論推薦▼ 第三十四條 第22款1.股東會決議日:101/06/282.許可從事競業行為之董事姓名及職稱:林榮錦 董事長,蕭英鈞 董事,陳啟祥 董事簡伯武 董事,林欣誼 董事,葉常菁 董事,賴坤鴻 獨立董事3.許可從事競業行為之項目:與本公司營業範圍類同他公司董事或經理人4.許可從事競業行為之期間:任職本公司董事之職務期間5.決議情形(請依公司法第209條說明表決結果):經主席徵詢全體出席股東無異議照案通過6.所許可之競業行為如屬大陸地區事業之營業者,董事姓名及職稱(非屬大陸地區事業之營業者,以下欄位請輸不適用):不適用7.所擔任該大陸地區事業之公司名稱及職務:不適用8.所擔任該大陸地區事業地址:不適用9.所擔任該大陸地區事業營業項目:不適用10.對本公司財務業務之影響程度:無不利影響11.董事如有對該大陸地區事業從事投資者,其投資金額及持股比例:不適用12.其他應敘明事項:無
基亞 解除董事競業限制 !
發言時間 101/06/2814:16:15 發言人 歐朝銓 發言人職稱 財會管理處副總 發言人電話 [02]2653-5200 主旨 : 公告本公司股東會決議解除董事競業禁止之限制事宜 符合條款第21款 事實發生日101/06/28 說明 1.股東會決議日:101/06/28 2.許可從事競業行為之董事姓名及職稱: (1)董事:張世忠 (2)董事:鄭毓仁 3.許可從事競業行為之項目: (1)董事:張世忠----------擔任TBG INC.董事 Power Ability Ltd.董事 鴻亞生物科技(股)公司董事 德必碁生物科技(股)公司董事長 上海浩源生物科技有限公司董事長 (2)董事:鄭毓仁----------擔任TBG INC.董事 Power Ability Ltd.董事 德必碁生物科技(股)公司董事 上海浩源生物科技有限公司董事 4.許可從事競業行為之期間:至任期屆滿。 5.決議情形(請依公司法第209條說明表決結果):本案經主席徵詢全體出席股東 無異議照案通過。 6.所許可之競業行為如屬大陸地區事業之營業者,董事姓名及職稱(非屬大陸地區事業之 營業者,以下請輸〝不適用〞):董事-張世忠、董事-鄭毓仁 7.所擔任該大陸地區事業之公司名稱及職務: (1)張世忠:上海浩源生物科技有限公司 董事長 (2)鄭毓仁:上海浩源生物科技有限公司 董事 8.所擔任該大陸地區事業地址:上海是青浦區?清平公路2933弄2幢 9.所擔任該大陸地區事業營業項目: 主要產品包括:用於測試B型、C型肝炎及愛滋病毒的聚合脢連鎖反應(PCR)試劑, 以及量化微流體晶片試劑。 10.對本公司財務業務之影響程度:無。 11.董事如有對該大陸地區事業從事投資者,其投資金額及持股比例:不適用。 12.其他應敘明事項:無。 以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.
快速轉變 只為求生: 康聯
揚博科技 結合 亞諾法 敲開醫療檢測大門 !!
揚博(2493) 攻光學生物檢驗器 【經濟日報╱記者龍益雲/桃園報導】 2010.03.12 01:58 am 揚博科技(2493)轉投資亞諾法生技(4133)上市,董事長蘇勝義昨(11)日表示,已進一步進軍生技檢測設備,開發的光學式生物快速檢驗儀器,可望在第三季商品化,爭食全球10億美元商機。揚博主要生產印刷電路板(PCB)濕製程設備,去年受金融海嘯衝擊景氣恐小虧,但轉投資的亞諾法約7.42%股權在前年底上市,以每股取得成本僅16.4元,昨天收盤價110.5元計算,潛在利益近3.71億元,貢獻揚博每股純益3.33元。揚博昨天股價表現強勢,上漲1.35元,以漲停板21.2元作收。蘇勝義表示,亞諾法在抗體領域快速發展,讓揚博了解生技業,並藉此尋求相關技術,前年成立生技開發部門,在取得檢驗技術授權合約後,初期鎖定的光學式生物快速檢驗儀器(AROM)已開發完成,近期將發表產品,估計第三季商品化。揚博指出,AROM藉著雷射光、螢光固定波長的光線二合一檢測系統,最大優勢是操作簡單、檢測快速與結果精確的平台,僅需要30分鐘就可完成檢測,精確度不輸傳統俗稱96孔盤(ELISA)的檢測方式,靈敏度可達每毫升10奈米克(ng/ml)等級,未來將納入冷光三合一檢測。蘇勝義說,蛋白質或是抗體的定量檢測是全新技術競爭的市場,規模逾10億美元且每年成長,應用面除醫療檢測,還可擴及動植物的各種檢測,揚博已研究蘭花病毒與口蹄疫的檢測一段時間。但他強調,AROM初期設計朝實驗室使用規格,希望可加速實驗速度與創新實驗設計,待檢測抗體開發完成後,即可推出專用版本,如海鮮檢驗版、豬牛檢驗版、水稻或是蘭花甚至特殊版本。
浙江医药多品种布局 全方位打造医药龙头地位
文章来源:证券日报·中国资本证券网 更新时间: 2012-06-28 20:51 本报记者 赵家福 浙江医药股份有限公司日前公告:6月21日公司与太景生物科技股份有限公司及太景医药研发(北京)有限公司正式签署《技术授权及合作协议》。就太景向浙江医药授予新药"奈诺沙星"在中国境内的专利权独占许可和转让相关新药技术进行了详细约定。 浙江医药是国内最大的生命营养类和抗耐药抗生素、氟喹诺酮类抗生素生产和销售企业。1999年8月经中国证监会核准,向社会公开发行了人民币普通股A股5800万股,同年10月公司股票在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。 公司2011年度报告显示:实现营业收入约48.26亿元,实现归属于上市公司股东净利润约10.12亿元,基本每股收益2.25元。 据公司副董事长司张国钧介绍,公司从上世纪70年代开始生产合成维生素E,经过多年技术积累,所有生产VE的中间体全部实现了国产化,生产维生素E及其衍生物的技术、工艺已达到国际先进水平,产品品质在全球处于领先的地位。 近年来,公司在确保维生素业务稳定增长的同时,不断加大产品研发和创新的投入,以增强公司核心竞争力。公司在建立自主研发体系的同时,先后与30多家国内外著名高校和科研机构建立了合作关系,形成了具有企业自身特色的新药研究和技术开发的创新体系。目前,公司在维生素类原料药、医药特色原料药及医药制剂领域拥有一批达到国内及国际先进水平的核心技术。多个项目已被列入国家"重大新药创制"科技重大专项。还有多个医药特色原料药通过国际认证,并出口国际高端规范市场。抗耐药抗生素、氟喹诺酮类抗生素如盐酸万古霉素、替考拉宁、左氧氟沙星以及国际合作项目抗疟药本芴醇、蒿甲醚等,都处于国际、国内领先地位,已成为公司新的利润增长点。 张国钧告诉记者:公司的核心竞争力就是技术创新。截止目前,公司获得了一个国家技术发明二等奖,三个国家科技进步二等奖。公司目前有4个在研一类新药。公司自主研发的国家一类抗感染新药-盐酸昌欣沙星一期临床试验已经结束,正在申报二期临床。自主研发的抗肿瘤靶向新药甲磺酸普喹替尼是目前国际上抗癌药研发的热门靶点。一期临床试验已经结束,正在申报二期临床。公司与北京美福润、MediciNova公司共同设立合资公司--浙江森迈医药生物技术有限公司,合作开发新药MN-221(贝托拉君)。上市之后有望填补全球哮喘治疗针剂近30年没有新产品问世的空白。目前MediciNova公司已完成美国二期B临床试验,即将进入三期临床。 公司近日与太景生物科技股份有限公司及太景医药研发(北京)有限公司正式签署《技术授权及合作协议》。协议显示:浙江医药将一次性支付签约金800万美元,并在不同阶段支付约定的里程碑费用;同时在协议有效期内,将根据销售协议产品的净销售额按7%至11%的比例向太景支付专利许可使用费、技术诀窍使用费及新药技术转让费。买断该产品在国内的经营销售权。目前奈诺沙星在美国已完成phaseⅡ临床。 公司还积极努力开拓国际制剂市场,加快制剂向国际市场的出口,实现原料药和制剂业务的协同发展,进一步加快公司的转型,提升公司的国际形象和地位。 公司在医药商业进行了大量的投入,销售网络遍布浙江省,并辐射全国。目前有2000多个药品、医疗器械等品种销售。医药商业规模增长迅速,销售额已超过10亿元。今年5月公司现金出资1.58亿元,新设立全资子公司浙江来益医药有限公司,为医药商业进一步扩张打好基础。 张国钧介绍说:为加快公司转型升级,进一步提升公司的国际形象和品牌。公司拟非公开发行股票数量不超过7000万股,募集资金总额不超过16亿元,对公司全资子公司浙江昌海生物有限公司进行增资,用于实施生命营养品、特色原料不药及制剂出口基地建设项目。项目投资总额为29.12亿元,此次发行募集资金不足部分,公司将自筹资金予以解决。 张国钧告诉记者:公司的发展思路分三步。第一步,近两年靠维生素的稳定增长和抗生素的快速增长来支撑公司的业绩,稳定发展。第二步,到2014年,随着募投项目的逐步完成和投产,公司的经营业绩将进一步增长。第三步,下一个五年计划,公司的创新药物上市将给企业带来巨大的增长优势,实现公司新一轮的跨越式发展,全方位的打造浙江医药的医药龙头地位。未来几年,公司将呈现生命营养品稳定增长,医药特色原料药和制剂快速赶超,共同发展的双引擎驱动的模式。公司将逐步发展成为国际知名的生命营养品供应商、非处方药和保健品供应商、非专利药品供应商和原创新药药品研发商。 浙江医药的经营理念是,品质标准化,管理国际化,研发原创化,资本市场化。公司将坚持发展医药主业为目标,坚持主业不放松。以发展、创新作为公司的原动力,努力为社会提供优质的医药产品和服务。坚持股东利益做大化为己任,努力提高公司的经营业绩,回报投资者。同时要成就员工,为员工提供一个稳定的工作环境和发展空间。
基因國際生醫 解除董事競業限制 !!
發言時間 101/06/2816:43:39 發言人 黃筱玲 發言人職稱 財務長 發言人電話 02-27511005 主旨 : 公告本公司101年股東常會解除董事競業禁止之限制 符合條款第21款 事實發生日101/06/28 說明 1.股東會決議日:101/06/28 2.許可從事競業行為之董事姓名及職稱: 徐洵平:基因國際生醫股份有限公司:董事長兼總經理 曹明世:基因國際生醫股份有限公司:董事 3.許可從事競業行為之項目: 徐洵平擔任生技達人股份有限公司:董事 曹明世擔任生技達人股份有限公司:董事 4.許可從事競業行為之期間:任職期間 5.決議情形(請依公司法第209條說明表決結果):股東會決議通過解除。 6.所許可之競業行為如屬大陸地區事業之營業者,董事姓名及職稱(非屬大陸地區事業之 營業者,以下請輸〝不適用〞): 徐洵平: 董事長兼總經理 7.所擔任該大陸地區事業之公司名稱及職務: 基茵微閣國際貿易(上海)有限公司董事長 8.所擔任該大陸地區事業地址:上海市靜安區成都北路333號南幢707,708室 9.所擔任該大陸地區事業營業項目: 預包裝食品批發:非實物方式;日用發貨,服裝服飾,化妝品,玩具,家具的批發,進出口。 10.對本公司財務業務之影響程度:無 11.董事如有對該大陸地區事業從事投資者,其投資金額及持股比例: 投資金額:美金40萬 持股比例:40% 12.其他應敘明事項:無 以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.
The challenges of ageing
Friday, June 15, 2012 by Mario Galea World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is celebrated every year on June 15, must this year be viewed within the context of a wider European agenda. The European Union has proclaimed 2012 as the Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity. The Parliamentary Secretariat for the Elderly and Community Care has undertaken a number of initiatives to bring ageing and solidarity to the attention of the public. But the challenges of ageing and their economic, social and health implications go beyond 2012 and the government has acknowledged that these challenges require a longer term perspective and commitment. Although notable improvements have occurred in recent decades, positive attitudes towards older persons need to continue to be fostered. Twenty per cent of our population is aged 60 years and over and we therefore need to encourage more opportunities for and better and fuller participation by older persons in public life. Discrimination on the basis of age must be tackled and eliminated. A nationwide exercise is needed to assess and improve the age friendliness of the physical and social environments within our towns and villages. In October 2011, the Office of the Commissioner for Older Persons started to operate. Foremost among its aims are the specific rights and interests of older persons and of the need to safeguard those rights and interests. The commissioner is expected to keep under regular review the adequacy and effectiveness of all services provided for older persons by all relevant authorities and to encourage best practice in the treatment of older persons. The commissioner is expected to hear the views of older persons and encourage and empower older persons to voice their ideas and concerns wherever and with whoever is in duty bound to act in their interests, be it public, private or commercial entities. The rights of older persons and their protection from abuse eventually need to be weaved into national legislation to guarantee universal protection of those rights. This becomes more relevant as older citizens become frailer and, therefore, potentially more amenable to abuse. Abuse of older persons has social and moral significance. It can take various forms, such as physical, psychological or emotional, sexual and financial abuse and can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect. The World Health Organisation states that estimates exist only in selected developed countries – ranging from one to 10 per cent – and that, in many parts of the world, elder abuse occurs with little recognition or response. The elderly person is especially vulnerable because of cognitive deficits such as dementia, physical frailty and general dependence on others. Information from police reports indicates that elder abuse in Malta ranges from verbal abuse, to anonymous telephone calls to domestic violence together with cases of elder abuse within a residential setting ranging from financial to physical abuse as well as neglect. A policy on the prevention of abuse on older people living within St Vincent de Paule Residence and other homes for the elderly in the public sector has been in place for many years. This policy promotes the safety of residents and encourages residents, their families and staff members to raise any concerns they may have about the abuse or possible abuse of residents. It also obliges management to deal with these concerns appropriately and immediately through clear and established protocols. On this occasion, I call upon the health care and social service sectors to continue with their efforts in identifying and dealing with problems related to abuse. Society is urged to stamp out elder abuse with courage and determination.
KKR to Invest in Healthcare Specialist Genesis Care
Article June 27, 2012, 9:38 AM By David Winning KKR & Co. is poised to invest in closely held Genesis Care, which provides services to patients with cancer and cardiovascular disease at public hospitals and private clinics in Australia, two people familiar with the matter told Deal Journal Australia. The move is the latest by KKR and rival private equity firms like TPG Inc. and Carlyle Group to capitalize on rising demand for healthcare services in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in Australia where the World Health Organization forecasts the number of people aged 65 or more will nearly triple by 2050. Sydney-based Genesis Care was founded about seven years ago and has grown into a business with 1,000 employees and 75 facilities across Australia providing radiotherapy treatment to cancer patients and cardiovascular care. Teaming up with KKR opens up the potential for Genesis Care to expand in areas of Australia where it doesn't have a big presence, perhaps partnering with more state governments following a landmark agreement with Western Australia early last year to provide cancer care services in some public hospitals.
Associated Press A patient is prepared for daily radiation treatment It could also enable Genesis Care to offer new services to patients, such as dialysis. In recent years, the company has added sleep medicine and treatments for related respiratory illnesses to its cardiovascular services, and medical oncology – such as chemotherapy – to its cancer clinics. UBS AG advised Genesis Care, which had earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of 60 million Australian dollars (US$60.3 million) in the most recent fiscal year. Record Point provided financial advice to KKR. The deal was agreed at a multiple of around 10 times forward earnings and KKR will take a stake of more than 60%, one of the persons said. Healthcare has proved to be a bright spot for private equity, which has struggled to complete deals in other sectors like retail in recent months. In 2010, TPG Inc. and Carlyle Group acquired hospital operator Healthscope in a deal that valued the company at A$2.7 billion dollars. That was followed by Archer Capital's purchase of private hospital operator Healthe Care last year. Driving these deals is the increasing sums that Australians require to stay healthy. According to March figures from the Australian government, real total health spending per capita was A$5,479 in the 2009-2010 fiscal year, up from A$4,710 just four years earlier. Moreover, citizens aged over 65 spend more on their health than those in their twenties. That's significant as the World Health Organization predicts the number of Australians aged 65 years or more will increase from 3 million in 2010 to 8.1 million in 2050, when they will represent just under a quarter of the total population. The burden of rising healthcare costs is prompting many Western governments to seek more help from private operators. This move toward outsourcing services mirrors public-private partnerships in prisons, toll roads, and other key infrastructure. Genesis Care's agreement with Western Australia included a joint commitment to invest up to A$200 million to expand radiotherapy services, including in the Royal Perth Hospital and the South West Health Campus in Bunbury. Outreach clinics were also set up to boost access to care in rural regions of Western Australia. Private healthcare providers say patients using their facilities benefit from accessing treatment faster than if they solely relied on state-provided care. This includes being assessed by a team of specialists, rather than a patient having to book separate appointments at different times. In April, KKR said it will invest US$65 million in China Cord Blood Corp., an operator of services for umbilical cord blood that is rich in stem cells, to capitalize on China's fast-growing health-care services industry.
WuXi PharmaTech Named a Top Ten Outsourcing Enterprise in China for Five Consecutive Years
By WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. Published: Thursday, Jun. 28, 2012 - 3:18 am SHANGHAI, June 28, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- WuXi PharmaTech (NYSE: WX), a leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device R&D services company with operations in China and the United States, announced that it has been selected as one of the Top Ten Outsourcing Enterprise in China for 2012 by China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC). The list was announced at China's Fifth Annual International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference, held in Nanjing on June 20, 2012. WuXi PharmaTech is the only life science R&D service company among the top ten outsourcing enterprises. Because of its creative business model of serving life science R&D industry and contribution to China's life science industry, WuXi PharmaTech has been selected into the Top 10 list for five consecutive years since the selection was initiated in 2008 by MOC. Earlier in 2011, Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and CEO, was named a Top Ten Contributor to China's Outsourcing Industry. "We are honored to be consistently recognized as a top outsourcing company in China," Dr. Li said. "This speaks volume for WuXi's service business model. As a leading life science R&D service company, we will strive to improve our capabilities and capacities to better serve our pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device customers and partners, to help bring new products into market sooner and more cost effectively to benefit patients in needs." Issued annually by Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP), a non-profit organization under Ministry of Commerce, the Top Ten Outsourcing Chinese Enterprise List recognizes the best outsourcing enterprises in China that have achieved great business growth on a yearly basis.
About WuXi PharmaTech WuXi PharmaTech is a leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device R&D outsourcing company, with operations in China and the United States. As a research-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi PharmaTech provides a broad and integrated portfolio of laboratory and manufacturing services throughout the drug and medical device R&D process. WuXi PharmaTech's services are designed to assist its global partners in shortening the cycle and lowering the cost of drug and medical device R&D. WuXi PharmaTech's operating subsidiaries are known as WuXi AppTec. For more information, please visit or contact: SOURCE WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc.China Medical Services Market Seen Hitting $500 Billion
By Bloomberg News - Jun 26, 2012 4:05 AM GMT+0800 China, where 260 million people suffer from cancer, diabetes and other diseases, is in a hurry to bolster its medical services. Investors are ready to help. The latest is Carlyle Group LP-backed Concord Medical Services Holdings Ltd. (CCM), which last week completed a deal for a 52 percent stake in Chang'an Hospital, a 1,000-bed facility at the eastern end of the Silk Road. The acquisition comes three months after China announced it wants 20 percent of its hospital beds privately owned by 2015. Other investors in China include Kuala Lumpur-based IHH Healthcare Bhd. (IHH), Asia's biggest hospital operator, which plans to build a hospital in Shanghai, to add to seven clinics it owns in Shanghai and one in Chengdu. Chang' an Hospital, a 1,000-bed facility at the eastern end of the Silk Road. Source: Chang'an Hospital via Bloomberg Wang Jingming, head of Chang'an Hospital said, "We have some of the world's best hotels, and it's now our hospitals that need to be better managed." Source: Chang'an Hospital via Bloomberg The push for private hospitals in China is part of a broader drive to improve care in a country where 95 percent of people had health insurance as of 2011. China's medical services market is growing 18 percent annually and projected to reach 3.16 trillion ($500 billion) in 2015, accountancy firm Deloitte China said. Concord Medical's shares rose 1.7 percent to $2.95 as of 4 p.m. in New York trading. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 1.6 percent. "China's gross domestic product has grown by leaps and bounds, but the quality of medical care has lagged far behind," said David Chow, chairman of Harvest Medical Investment and Operation Group, a Taiwanese private equity firm that's planning to buy stakes in mainland hospitals this year. "The potential for China's hospitals to improve is massive, both in the overall number of beds and the fees charged for each bed." As of last year, China had 3.7 million hospital beds, up 54 percent from 2005. Besides an increase in the proportion of beds run by private operators -- it was 12 percent last year -- the government wants at least one or two hospitals in each of its 2,853 counties by the end of 2015, according to an outline of the country's health-care policies. China's central government spent 450.6 billion yuan between 2009 and 2011 to improve the country's medical services, which included building and upgrading county hospitals, setting up basic medical insurance and a promise of further investments, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Monday, citing a State Council document. Annual revenue from private hospitals in China may reach 2.4 trillion yuan ($377 billion) by 2015, said Yvonne Wu, national life science and health care industry leader at Deloitte China in Shanghai. 400,000 Beds The targets could translate to 400,000 new private hospital beds over the next few years, said Roberta Lipson, chief executive officer of hospital operator Chindex International Inc. (CHDX) U.S- and European-owned companies previously had a hard time entering the Chinese hospital market and tended to invest instead in clinics and diagnostic centers. They have only been able to independently invest in hospitals since Jan. 30, when the government took the industry off a so-called restricted list that required non-Chinese investors to have a local partner and capped foreign ownership at 70 percent. Chindex, based in Bethesda, Maryland, started China's first foreign-owned hospital in Beijing in 1997, six years after commencing negotiations with the government, Lipson said. It took only a year to obtain a license to operate Chindex's latest hospital, in the port city of Tianjin, she said. Friendlier Now China has become a "friendlier environment" for foreign companies investing in hospitals, Lipson said in an interview in Beijing. "There's a large unmet need for health care in China and the potential is huge," she said. Chindex, whose shares trade on Nasdaq, is nearing completion of a fourth hospital in the southern city of Guangzhou and is studying opportunities elsewhere in China. Other private hospital operators in China besides Concord Medical and IHH Healthcare include Shanghai-listed Topchoice Medical Investment Corporation (600763), which is based in Zhejiang province, and Shenzhen-listed Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015), based in Hunan province. The increase in hospitals is also boosting demand for medical equipment. General Electric Co. (GE), which makes ultrasound, CT and MRI machines, opened an innovation center in May in the western city of Chengdu to be closer to its rural-hospital customers. The Fairfield, Connecticut-based company intends to open a second China innovation center this summer in the Shaanxi provincial capital, Xi'An, where Concord Medical's Chang'an Hospital is located. Preliminary Agreement Concord Medical signed a preliminary agreement with GE last August that includes using GE medical products in its treatment centers and helping promote GE equipment in rural China. Concord Medical, based in Beijing, operates 131 radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging centers in 24 provinces in China. It spent two years trying to buy its stake in Chang'an Hospital for 248 million yuan, delayed by "unclear rules" and bureaucracy, said Yang Jianyu, Concord Medical's chief executive officer. New policies encouraging private hospital ownership will spur more investment, he said. Concord Medical intends to set up as many as eight private hospitals in the next decade, starting in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Yang said in an interview. Chang'an Hospital last year posted its first annual profit in 10 years of business, helped by the changes introduced by Wang Jingming, a former senior colonel and head of the People's Liberation Army's 251 Hospital in northern China's Hebei province. Chang'an Hospital Wang, who advises the Chinese government on medical information technology systems, was hired to run Chang'an Hospital by the original owner three years ago under Concord Medical's recommendation. He installed a system of electronic swipe-cards at the hospital to reduce patient waiting times and identify under- performing doctors by gauging treatment times. He's also introducing a program for doctors from Philadelphia's Fox Chase Cancer Center to work there, with diagnostic and management support from their colleagues in the U.S. A graduate of China's top army medical school, Wang brims with ideas on how to generate more income from the hospital's facilities, including extracting more profit from its convenience store, canteen, and even the six-bed mortuary, where he sees the potential for earning money from funeral and religious services. "There should be a dignified way of handling the deceased, like how it's done overseas -- not just dressing up the corpse but also taking care of the psychological and religious needs of the families," he said, adding that China's hospitality industry improved when foreign investment and management knowhow was encouraged in the 1980s. "We have some of the world's best hotels, and it's now our hospitals that need to be better managed."