Sunday, February 17, 2013

小龍年 200元以上生技股 誰與爭鋒 !!

名師指路/朱成志:生技氣盛 力拚股王【經濟日報╱記者張瀞文/報導】 2013.02.15 05:56 am 萬寶投顧董事長 朱成志 龍年神龍擺尾,碰上全球股市大漲,相形之下,台股雖然接近8,000點,但都還低於去年高點8,170點,與國際盤相比,台股的位階低。許多國際股市都到達45年高點,但台股4年的高點在9,200點,5年的高點更在9,309點,與現在相比,都還有一大段距離。 農曆年前國際間沒有什麼重大消息,但台股投資人態度保守,不但融資金額下滑,融券也大幅回補,融券張數從92萬張減到56萬張。展望蛇年盤勢,可以樂觀看待。首先是高價股拚股王的效應,年前多檔高價股卡在整數關卡,如股王大立光在800元附近,股后漢微科則在600元關卡附近,TPK宸鴻剛過500元關卡。相反的,生技類股則拚命往上衝,新藥股王台微體衝到352.5元,股后安成從200元攻上231.49元,基亞也一度衝到逼近200元。新的一年,生技類股會與科技類股的高價股拚股王。新內閣也對股市產生正面效應,尤其是經建會主委管中閔提出,在自由經濟貿易區內納入人民幣服務業務,有利人流物流金流,這讓金融股產生了想像空間,股價就有突破點,後續值得留意。【2013/02/15 經濟日報】

Taiwan creates new niche market through medical tourism

2013/02/12 12:02:44         Taipei, Feb. 12 (CNA) Besides the traditional sightseeing tour to Taiwan that takes visitors to the Sun Moon Lake and the mountainous region of Alishan, Taiwan is also drawing tourists that are seeking to become healthier and more physically attractive.In the eastern county of Hualien, traditionally known better for its coastal scenery than medical services, 67 local medical institutions and travel operators recently joined hands to start offering high-end medical packages aimed at luring Chinese tourists.Priced at NT$500,000 (US$17,249), a seven-day package features a combination of Western-style physical checkups and clinical cosmetology, as well as Chinese preventive medicine.A 14-day package features an even higher-end health promotion and anti-aging treatment for double the price, according to a county international medical tourism association established by the local government.Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital in Hualien also offers interesting services in the field of medical tourism. The hospital made a name for itself by making people's legs slimmer through a calf muscle-trimming procedure, which has been drawing tourists from as far as Brazil.Since 2001, the hospital has conducted procedures on 500 pairs of legs. Twenty percent of medical tourists coming to the Hualien hospital were from China, Hong Kong, Macau, the United States, Canada and Japan.What is happening in Hualien is part of a larger picture in Taiwan, where policymakers are attaching more importance to medical tourism as a new niche market and a way to boost the country's economy.According to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taiwan's top trade promoter, Taiwan recorded the arrival of 81,462 medical tourists as of the end of the third quarter of 2012, more than double the 39,428 visitors flocking to the country in 2011.Among those treated in 2012, 60 percent came to Taiwan to get treatment for their illnesses, 27 percent for health check-ups, while 13 percent came for cosmetic surgery, according to the TAITRA.Last December, Minister without Portfolio Kuang Chung-ming proposed setting up a "service industry experimental zone" near the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, the country's main international gateway that would offer "derivative services from tourism."The "derivative services" include sectors spanning travel, shopping, clinical cosmetology and financial services, which will cater to the needs of international visitors.Kuang said the idea of the zone was part of the efforts aimed at boosting Taiwan's employment by cultivating the service industry, with especially high-paying service jobs.The Cabinet-level Council for Economic Planning and Development also floated the idea of "free economic demonstration zones" that will foster the development of Taiwan into regional hubs for providing critical medical care and medical tourism, industrial innovation, international logistics, global talent training and agricultural product sales.Meanwhile, Taiwan, in particular has been striving to attract tourists from China, given the two countries' linguistic and cultural similarities.According to the TAITRA, three million people a year in China were opting for plastic surgery. The cosmetic surgery market in China had grown by 10 percent annually, which is the highest in Asia and had surpassed the global average of 6 percent, the pointed out.Taiwan also launched a 15-day medical tourism visa in January last year to cater to Chinese tourists. In August 2012, it also promoted an e-visa service that will help make things easier for Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan for physical checkups, cosmetic surgery or anti-aging treatments.



金卫医疗 甘源 (Kam Yuen) 奋斗

甘源:善于发现商机的中国企业家 2013-01-06 11:06来源:FT中文网 作者:桑晓霓  甘源(Kam Yuen)占据着香港最大的首席执行官办公室之一,位于贝聿铭(IM Pei)设计的中国银行(BoC)大楼的46层,山水景色尽收眼底。真皮沙发和按摩椅摆着一辆健身脚踏车。桌子和窗台上摆着金像。摆金像是为了带来好运。甘源一直深信运气,尤其相信自己的运气。他可能真的鸿运高照。他创立了两家企业:金卫医疗集团有限公司(Golden Meditech Holdings)和中国脐带血库企业集团(China Cord Blood Corp),如今两家企业都已上市。曾在美国收购集团德州太平洋集团(TPG)呼风唤雨的单伟建持有前者的股份,而私人股本集团KKR则持有后者的股份。分析人士估计,仅仅根据甘源在金卫医疗所持股份,他的身家就可能达到1亿美元。甘源是新中国的面孔,体现着它的力量和局限。就像很多企业家一样,他发家致富是通过发现套利机会,而不是在产品创新或科技方面取得突破。尽管甘源基本上是靠个人奋斗(而不是靠关系)取得成功的,但如今"太子"们开始拉拢他,而他与权势人物的关系帮助他的企业兴旺发达。甘源晃动着一根雪茄说:"我从没想过我不能成功。"现年51岁的甘源看起来比实际年龄年轻得多。他在北京长大,父母希望他成为一名医生,但他违背父母的愿望,去了北京第二外国语学院学习。他没学成英语,倒是把日语学得不错。毕业后,他加入了一家国有金属贸易公司——五矿集团(Minmetals),上世纪80年代末被派往日本。当时东京大概是全世界最昂贵的城市。作为一家中国国有企业中资历尚浅的员工,这名年轻的工作人员只拿到微薄的津贴。他回忆道:"我每个月拿70元人民币。我想要更加独立。"于是甘源寻觅更加赚钱的方式来养活自己。他很快发现,日本的医院总在丢弃医疗设备,用最新一代的医疗设备来替代运行正常的机器,为了扔掉较旧的型号还要向垃圾处理公司支付一大笔钱。从汽车到沙发,日本人喜欢丢掉在其他地方被认为质量还相当好的产品,这种习惯是出了名的。但甘源从中发现了商机。他拜访了数十家日本医院,说服他们把用过的X光、超声波和其他机器免费送给他。然后甘源把这些机器卖给中国的医院。当时,中国医院的成像设备只能拍黑白片。具有更高级成像技术的进口设备被抢购一空。甘源回忆道:"中国的机器拍不出颜色。这让日本人感觉良好。我让日本人觉得,他们是在帮助中国。很快我就成了百万富翁。"不过,这种高尚行为的光环最后消失。甘源说,他被告知,原先可以免费获得的设备得开始花钱买了。这对他是一个问题,因为把设备卖给中国医院时他收到的是人民币,但他需要付日元给日本人。所以他必须在日本卖些东西换取日元。甘源是名虔诚的佛教徒,他在一个出人意料的地方发现了机会。日本寺庙不必纳税,还能从举办殡葬大赚一把。这名年轻的企业家决定向寺庙供应从中国进口的大理石墓碑,"以此解决我的外汇问题"。金卫医疗称自己是中国领先的综合性医疗事业集团,这一领域"需要政府支持,符合政府政策"。这位创始人指出:"我不和国有机构竞争。我的客户都是高端客户。"这家公司拥有首家外资独资的中国全国性医院管理业务,还拥有一个医疗设备部门。截止20123月结束的财年,该公司税后利润下跌48%,至8400万港元。甘源把下跌的原因归因于金融市场动荡。鉴于他对企业的信心以及现行股价未能反应金卫医疗内在价值的感觉,今年6月份他告诉股东,他把自己所持股份增至22.2%。就像中国的很多企业一样,金卫医疗是一个人的表演。甘源身兼主席、首席执行官以及首席合规官,这让公司治理纯粹主义者不安。但在他看来,这完全合理。(译者/倪卫国)




Fitness trackers are long on hype, short on credibility

By Daniela Hernandez23 January 13 We are awash in personal data trackers. There are wristbands, headbands, watches, smart scales, helmets and even forks to help us track our weight, heart rate, blood pressure and glucose level while logging how far we walk and how many calories we burn. All this information is supposed to give us behaviour-morphing insights into our personal health habits.Trouble is, no one can say for sure that any of it makes us healthier. Oh sure, these gadgets might get us psyched up to exercise, and they might encourage us to take the stairs instead of the elevator, but there has not yet been any scientific exploration of whether fitness gadgets, like the Fitbit Flex or Withings Smart Activity Monitor, actually work like they should."The durability of the effect is still in question," said Dr Eric Topol, the director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute. "We don't have randomised [clinical] trials showing improved outcomes or durability in influencing behaviour."You wouldn't know that walking through the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Centre during CES, where more than 220 companies showed off their digital health gadgets. They all used pictures of youthful, happy, svelte people lacing up running shoes, eating salads and playing outdoors. Their booths were filled with attractive, fit gals and guys.The message is clear: These devices will help improve your health and physique.But so far there aren't many studies or trials testing the effectiveness of activity trackers or health monitors at getting us to move more and eat better foods or whether digital sensors are any better than old-school approaches like Weight Watchers.Many of these devices have been developed by startups or Kickstarter campaigns and simply don't have the deep pockets necessary to finance expensive clinical trials, says Topol.Some researchers, Topol included, are following the wave of health technology with studies testing how activity monitors and other digital health sensors influence outcomes for chronic illnesses like cardiac disease and diabetes.Other scientists at the University of California, San Francisco; Mayo Clinic; Massachusetts General Hospital; and Aurora Health Care are conducting trials to determine how digital data trackers affect activity levels, obesity and dietary intake in various populations. Some of these trials are just now recruiting patients or recently finished collecting data.Dr Anne Thorndike, a researcher at Harvard Medical School, is wrapping up a study of Fitbit's effect on activity levels among medical residents. She couldn't share all her findings because she's still submitting her study for publication, but said there was some fatigue over the course of her 12-week study, suggesting the motivating effect of information, badges and notifications might be short-lived. That's to be expected. As with any new toy or gadget, the novelty wears off.A 2007 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that using pedometers, activity monitors and step counters was associated with being more physically active and having a lower body mass index and blood pressure. But the authors note, "whether these changes are durable over the long term is undetermined."The key to prolonging people's engagement with their trackers might be to harness the social networking features built into the devices. Some research has shown social networks can impact health outcomes for patients with migraine, obesity and ALS, but whether that will translate to sensor-based social networks remains to be seen.At this point, the connection between sensor-collected data and a patient's official (electronic) health record also is not well defined. There's no simple interface to upload data collected by biometric sensors into medical health records short of printing out your data, scanning it and converting it into a PDF you can send to your doctor.That might become more of an issue as personal data trackers mature from pedometers pimped out with great user interfaces into hardware that's being added to mobile devices to gather data typically collected by physicians, like electrocardiograms, galvanic skin response and blood oxygenation and glucose levels, says Topol. And that democratisation of health care is what he sees as the biggest benefit of these devices. He predicts 2013 will see more "medical wearables," which will make studying conditions like sleep apnea more comfortable and less expensive for patients.The next step is the commercialisation of sensors floating around in our bloodstreams or implanted in our skin, teeth or brains.As these medical sensors become more pervasive, companies also will have to be conscious of how they market their products. For example, the Masimo iSpO2 pulse oximeter is approved for consumers to measure their own blood oxygen levels and pulse rates using the similar technology used in hospitals. But because it's not approved for medical use, doctors can't use it or have their patients use products like this until they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. AliveCor, which makes a portable electrocardiogram built into an iPhone case, faced similar issues until it was approved by the FDA in December."It's like the wild, wild West," said Dr Atul Butte of the Stanford School of Medicine, who just started using a Fitbit and an Aria Scale. "For a drug company, there's such a burden to show how [their product] works better. A gadget maker is … not required to show that data and that's kind of unfair.""Probably, like most gadgets, these devices help those folks on the borderline, [those] ready to make behavioural changes and looking for something to tip them into healthy behaviours," he added.




Doctors see Apple's iPhone as life saver in 'the future of medicine'

 By Kevin Bostic Friday, January 25, 2013, 02:37 pmWhile some iPhone users see their smartphones as a figurative life saver, Dr. Eric Topol put Apple's popular smartphone to such use literally on a recent flight from Washington, D.C., to San Diego. As Rock Center with Brian Williams details, Topol used his iPhone, in combination with an AliveCor — an iPhone-mounted sensor capable of delivering clinically accurate electrocardiograms — to measure the vital signs of a passenger experiencing severe chest pains at 30,000 feet.When the readings indicated that the passenger was, in fact, having a heart attack, Topol recommended an urgent landing. The passenger survived after being rushed to the hospital.According to Topol, the proliferation of apps that allow patients to measure and monitor their vital signs represents a revolution in the medical world. Devices like the iPhone, he says, will soon be able to pair with ingested or injected sensors: monitoring blood flow, sugar levels, sleep habits, heart rates, and more.When one of these sensors picks up data of note, it will be able to contact a patient's smartphone, or even a patient's doctor in order to alert the physician and schedule an appointment. Such technology could cut down on inefficient practices such as mass screenings for things like breast cancer, with patients instead monitoring their own hormone and blood chemistry levels with smartphone-paired sensors.The medical community is moving toward and adopting technologies such as these in fits and starts, encouraged by the utility and portability of devices such as the iPad mini, but occasionally stymied by regulatory concerns. Physicians have by some accounts, been quicker to adopt the iPad for use in their practices than they have the electronic health record systems mandated by the Affordable Care Act.The other end of the medical future that Topol envisions, though, will be slower to come. While advancements have been made in wireless technologies and sensors, the medical community has been slower to adopt those devices than it has tablets and smartphones.The pace of improvement in those devices continues to accelerate, though, and it may not be too far in the future when smartphone users won't have to call their doctor for an appointment, because their smartphone will have already done so for them.



 2013012710:38来源:搜狐数码 作者:搜狐数码【搜狐数码消息】iPhone不仅可以进行娱乐,还可以发挥更加重要的作用。根据Rock Center网站的报道,一个旅客在飞行途中突然胸口剧痛,而一位名为Topol的医生则成功使用iPhone配合AliveCor(一款可以安装在iPhone上的传感器,可以显示患者的心电图)在30000英尺的高空对其实施了医治。通过解读心电图,Topol医生发现这位旅客是心脏病突发,他随即建议飞机紧急降落。落地后,这名旅客被立即送往医院,最终保住了性命。Topol表示,可以测量监控病人身体情况的应用程序的数量在不断增加,这为医学界的变革带来了机遇。而类似iPhone这样的设备可以轻松与注入型/服用型传感器匹配,从而完成对病患血流量、血糖水平、睡眠习惯、心率等基本数据的监控。当传感器监控的数据出现异常情况时,设备会自动向病人或者主治医生的手机发送提醒。通过使用这样的技术,用户能够在自己家中监控自己的健康情况,这可以大大减少医学实践上低效率行为的数量(比如大规模筛查乳腺癌)。随着iPad mini这样便携实用设备的普及和无线技术的进步,医学界目前已经开始慢慢接纳这样的技术。有些时候,管理制度上的因素还是会限制该技术的发展和普及速度。不过医生们还是非常欢迎利用iPadiPhone这样的电子产品来帮助自己建立医疗健康系统,从而方便为患者进行诊治。Topol表示,这样的技术是医学界发展的未来趋势。也许在不久的未来,智能电话和平板电脑便可以成为我们的健康管家。(康平)



2013-02-13 00:01:00 来源: 香港成报 核心提示:DR醫學美容集團(見下圖)靜脈輸液導致病人死亡事件,發生至今超過四個月,有消息表示調查已有進展,最快一至兩周內交律政司決定下一步行動。有線電視引述消息指出,警方及衞生署和專家就事件進行蒐證,而負責培植病人血液的亞太幹細胞科研中心,在樣本內找到膿腫分枝桿菌超出正常水平,而專家報告仍要一至兩個星期才完成,警方屆時會徵詢律政司意見,以決定下一步行動。另外,私營醫療機構規管檢討督導委員會轄下區分醫療程序和美容服務的小組,曾先後兩次開會,但第二次有四名美容界代表離場,因雙方就美容院可否進行較高風險的激光和射頻療程存在分歧。


Test may predict eye disease outcome

 January 25, 2013 14:47 About 20 percent of patients with macular degeneration will at some time in their life develop the wet version, which leads to irreversible vision loss. "Since we don't have a way to predict the precise timing of this event, we have no way of preventing it," says Sai H. Chavala. (Credit: Community Eye Health/Flickr) UNC-CHAPEL HILL (US) — A new study is the foundation for a promising stem cell blood test that may detect the progression of macular degeneration to its more serious form, which can lead to blindness.


Study eyes stem cell blood test to detect macular degeneration progression

 25/01/2013 23:56:00A study led by researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine is the foundation for a promising new blood test to detect the progression of macular degeneration to its more serious form, which can lead to blindness. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – A study led by researchers at the University of North Carolina is the foundation for a promising new blood test to detect the progression of macular degeneration to its more serious form, which can lead to blindness. Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the most common cause of central vision loss in the western world. Those affected by macular degeneration find many daily activities such as driving, reading and watching TV increasingly difficult. In the United States as many as 11 million Americans have some form of macular degeneration, including both early and later stages of the "dry" and wet" forms. The eye condition deteriorates the macula, the central area of the retina, causing blind spots and blurred or distorted vision."People with macular degeneration start out with the dry type, which we can detect with a simple dilated eye exam," says Dr. Sai H. Chavala, Director of the Laboratory for Retinal Rehabilitation and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Cell Biology & Physiology at the UNC School of Medicine. He practices at the Kittner Eye Center at UNC Health Care in Chapel Hill and New Bern."But about 20 percent of patients at some time in their life will develop wet macular degeneration, which is characterized by blood vessels that grow under the surface of the retina. These abnormal vessels can leak blood and fluid, which causes irreversible damage to the cells of the retina leading to irreversible vision loss.Since we don't have a way to predict the precise timing of this event, we have no way of preventing it." he adds. Currently, no test is available to predict the conversion from dry to wet ARMD. But the new paper, published online Jan. 24, 2013, in the journal PLOS ONE, describes how it could be accomplished. The ability to predict the conversion from dry to wet age-related macular degeneration is one of the most coveted achievements in vision science, according to Chavala. "A clinical test that predicts impending conversion is the first step in developing treatments to prevent the switch to wet macular degeneration."In the study, the researchers used the Cell Search system, an FDA-approved technology for automated rare cell analysis (ARCA), which Chavala and colleagues applied to the identification and analysis of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). These cell types are rare compared to other blood cells. EPCs are a stem cell subset that give rise to the endothelium found in the inner lining of blood vessels.EPCs are liberated from the bone marrow and circulate in the blood in response to signals for new blood vessel growth. Previous studies using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), or flow cytometry, have demonstrated that EPCs are elevated in patients with wet macular degeneration compared to patients with the dry type.However, FACS measurements are subject to substantial variability between observers, along with an element of subjectivity when measuring rare cell populations challenging its clinical use.Chavala and colleagues thought that ARCA, a new technology capable of measuring rare cell populations reliably, was better suited as a diagnostic blood test. This technology is currently being used in clinical practice for cancer patients so the technology can be readily adopted for macular degeneration patients.The study compared traditional FACS and ARCA in 23 subjects with age-related macular degeneration, both dry and wet. The samples were "masked" so that no one involved in the sample assessments at the two labs where the analyses were done knew the type of macular degeneration the patients had."We found a promising trend favoring the ARCA technology in detecting a higher number of EPCs in the wet macular degeneration group compared to the dry. And that trend was not observed with traditional FACS," Chavala said."We were surprised that we needed to analyze relatively few patients to detect this trend.""Our 'proof of concept study' suggests that the ARCA technology could be a powerful tool for monitoring progression in macular degeneration.Further study is required to validate this test for detecting and preventing the conversion from dry to wet macular degeneration."The next step is to do a prospective study in a greater number of subjects having the known criteria that puts them at higher risk of progressing from dry to wet macular degeneration," Chavala said."Co-authors include lead author Emil Anthony T. Say, MD, at UNC Kittner Eye Center; Alex Melamud, MD, Retina Group of Washington, Washington, D.C.; Denise Ann Esserman, PhD, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health; and Thomas J. Povsic, MD, PhD, Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C.Support for the study came from the Adler Foundation, Hope for Vision, and Research to Prevent Blindness grants.Disclosure Statement: Dr. Chavala has filed a patent surrounding this technology and is founder of Serrata, LLC, a company that plans to market diagnostic testing for ocular disease.



The angiogenic gene profile of circulating endothelial progenitor cells from ischemic stroke patients

The identification of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) has introduced new possibilities for cell-based treatments for stroke. We tested the angiogenic gene expression of outgrowth endothelial cells (OECs), an EPC subtype capable to shape vessel structures.Methods: OECs (at colony or mature stages) from ischemic stroke patients (n=8) were characterized using the RT2 ProfilerTM human angiogenesis PCR Array, and human microvascular endothelial cells (hCMEC/D3) were used as an expression reference of endothelial cells.Results: Colony-OECs showed higher expression of CCL2, ID3, IGF-1, MMP9, TGFBR1, TNFAIP2, TNF and TGFB1.However, BAI-1, NRP2, THBS1, MMP2 and VEGFC expression was increased in mature-OECs (p<0.05). ID3 (p=0.008) and TGFBR1 (p=0.03) genes remained significantly overexpressed in colony-OECs compared to mature-OECs or hCMEC/D3.MMP9 levels were significantly increased in colony-OECs (p=0.025) compared to mature-OECs. Moreover, MMP-2, VEGF-C, THBS1 and NRP-2 gene expression was also significantly increased in mature-OECs compared to hCMEC/D3 (p<0.05).Some of these genes were positively validated by RT-PCR.Conclusion: Our study shows that OECs from stroke patients present higher levels of pro-angiogenic factors at early stages, decreasing in mature OECs when they become more similar to mature microvascular endothelial cells.Author: Míriam Navarro-SobrinoMar Hernández-GuillamonIsrael Fernandez-CadenasMarc RibóIgnacio A RomeroPierre-Olivier CouraudBabette Barbash WekslerJoan MontanerAnna Rosell Credits/Source: Vascular Cell 2013, 5:3




 20130206 16:14来源:中国经济网加快培育发展战略性新兴产业,是党中央、国务院统揽经济社会发展全局做出的一项重大战略决策,是对未来产业结构调整和科技发展做出的方向性重大战略部署。去年7月,国务院发布了《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》,提出了2020年将战略性新兴产业培育成为国民经济支柱产业的宏伟目标。党的十八大提出了更明确的使命和更高的要求,即:"使经济发展更多依靠现代服务业和战略性新兴产业带动","推动战略性新兴产业、先进制造业健康发展"。生物产业是七个战略性新兴产业之一,继节能环保、高端装备制造、新能源、节能与新能源汽车四个专项规划公布后,近日国务院正式印发《生物产业发展规划》(以下简称《规划》),对我国今后一段时间培育发展生物产业作出了总体部署。贯彻落实好《规划》,对于培育发展生物产业,促进人口健康、粮食安全和推进节能减排等,具有十分重要的意义。为此,国家发展改革委有关委领导接受了记者采访。






问:《规划》定位和编制《规划》的原则是什么? 答:《规划》是《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》、《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》有关内容的深化和细化,是今后一段时间引导我国培育发展生物产业的总体部署,是指导地方和行业编制相关规划的重要依据。《规划》突出了生物产业阶段性发展特征,明确了发展方向、发展目标、标志性重大任务等,提出了重点领域发展的行动计划,以及强化组织实施的具体措施。按照上述定位,《规划》编制体现了以下原则:一是充分贯彻体现《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》的精神,加强与《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》等有关规划的衔接,体现宏观性和指导性。二是重点突出近期的目标和任务,并适当展望"十三五",体现阶段性和针对性。三是明确相关领域的行动计划、国家引导产业发展的具体举措和政府推动产业发展的主要抓手,体现操作性和引导性。

问:《规划》提出的指导思想、基本原则是什么? 答:《规划》的指导思想、基本原则与《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》中生物产业相关内容保持基本一致。《规划》的指导思想是:以邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想、科学发展观为指导,面向健康、农业、能源、环保等领域的重大需求,以掌握核心关键技术、形成产业内生发展能力为主线,把握新兴产业发展规律,坚持企业主体作用,着力优化政策法规体系,营造产业创新发展环境,着力培育特色产业集群,建设现代生物产业体系和生物安全保障体系,加快推进生物产业高端化、规模化、国际化发展,为国民经济和社会可持续发展作出更大贡献。
































Amgen 2017將計畫上市7個 biosimilars

Amgen biosimilar push takes aim at blockbusters Thu, Feb 7 2013(Reuters) - Amgen Inc said it expects generic versions of biotech drugs, known as biosimilars, to be a multibillion-dollar opportunity for the company and has targeted some of the industry's biggest sellers, including the main rivals for its own blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis drug Enbrel. The company on Thursday also said that between this year and 2016 it will have key late-stage data from eight experimental medicines. Amgen Chief Executive Robert Bradway, at a meeting in New York to update analysts and investors on business strategy, said the company plans to launch six biosimilars beginning in 2017 - four cancer drugs and the two Enbrel rivals - Abbvie's Humira and Remicade, which is sold by Johnson & Johnson and Merck & Co Inc.It also plans to launch biosimilar versions of Roche Holding AG's multibillion-dollar cancer drugs Avastin, Herceptin and Rituxan, as well as Eli Lilly and Co's Erbitux. "They went after six of the largest biologics in the market with a total of over $40 billion in revenue. But they laid out this big goal without a lot of specifics," said RBC Capital Markets analyst Michael Yee, who is looking for details on pricing and the types of studies the company will conduct to bring its biosimilars to market."Certainly biosimilars are an important driver to 2017 and beyond, but we'd like more specifics."The world's largest biotechnology company believes it has a unique capability to become a major player in biosimilars once U.S. health regulators finalize the approval pathway for such drugs, which are not identical matches of the branded medicines in the manner of traditional generic versions of pills."The company is clearly straddling two business opportunities that sometimes seem in conflict with each other - a defender of the innovative products and a participant in biosimilar products. That tension is going to continue to be difficult for them to manage," said Sanford Bernstein analyst Geoffrey Porges.Amgen research chief Sean Harper said the company was viewing biosimilars as more of a global opportunity. "We feel that these medicines are very valuable and in many parts of the world patients have no access to them because they are so expensive," he said.Enbrel, which had 2012 sales of $4.2 billion and has patent protection into 2028, will become more profitable at the end of the year, when a profit-sharing arrangement with Pfizer becomes a royalty payment. That will result in an operating profit of about $800 million in 2014, the company said.Amgen raised its 2013 earnings forecast to account for a tax credit due to federal settlements for prior years. Amgen now expects adjusted 2013 earnings of $7.05 to $7.35 per share, and said it would record the credit in the first quarter.The company last month forecast earnings per share of $6.85 to $7.15. The 2013 revenue forecast remains unchanged at $17.8 billion to $18.2 billion.Chief Financial Officer Jonathan Peacock said Amgen will continue to return more than 60 percent of adjusted net profit to shareholders through dividend increases and some share buybacks.The company also said it plans to continue to pursue strategic acquisitions, and that it expects to expand its business into major Asian markets in 2015 and 2016. "The fact that Amgen was not present in Japan and China was a noticeable gap," Bradway said. The cancer drugs include trebananib for ovarian cancer with key late-stage data expected in mid-2013, and rilotumumab for advanced gastric cancer, a huge unmet need in China and emerging markets. Late-stage data on that drug is due in 2016, just about the time the company sees making a move into China. Amgen's highest-profile drug in development is AMG-145, its cholesterol fighter from a closely watched new class of medicines called PCSK9 inhibitors meant to be taken by patients unable to tolerate statins, like Lipitor and Zocor, or those who fail to reach LDL goals with statins. In earlier clinical trials, PCSK9 inhibitors have dramatically reduced bad LDL cholesterol. The class, which blocks a protein that prevents the body from removing artery-clogging LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream, is a hot area of research being pursued by several companies, including Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc in partnership with Sanofi SA, and Pfizer. Amgen has begun a Phase III AMG-145 program with more than 26,000 patients over seven studies. It expects to have initial Phase III data in early 2014, and estimates having results in 2018 from a large so-called outcomes study to demonstrate that it can reduce heart attacks and strokes. Harper said he was confident that AMG-145 would show "a decrease in cardiovascular outcomes". He added: "This will be the biggest study Amgen has ever done." He expressed similar confidence that romosozumab for post-menopausal osteoporosis would prevent fractures in a pair of late-stage trials of about 6,000 women, with data expected in 2015.Tony Hooper, Amgen's head of global commercial operations, said AMG-145 would compete in a market estimated to be 17 million high-risk patients. Amgen shares were off 96 cents, or 1.1 percent, at $85.63 on Nasdaq, on a generally down day for the broader market.



坐擁百億 張念慈、陳志明 打造台灣生技品牌

張念慈、陳志明 生技老兵擦亮台灣品牌 要證明台灣人有能力研發新藥 拼登國際舞台 20130212【姚惠珍╱台北報導】將景美女中拔河隊奪得世界冠軍故事搬上大銀幕的《志氣》,上映感動無數觀眾。無獨有偶,國內生技業近年也上演一齣「志氣」,由台灣浩鼎董事長張念慈及安成董事長陳志明擔綱。兩人同為1951年出生,儘管年過六旬、坐擁百億資產,卻放棄美國優渥生活、重回台灣創業,要證明「台灣人有能力研發新藥」,打造台灣生技業的「台灣品牌」(Taiwan Brand)。在27,台灣浩鼎(4174)臨時股東會,創辦人張念慈回鍋擔任董事長,重新掌舵的他並未出現在當天股東會上,而是攜家帶眷到中南美洲旅遊。在美國時喜歡駕遊艇四處遊玩的張念慈,度過2012年事業上的驚濤駭浪,將繼續未完成的航程,讓浩鼎一步步航向「乳癌新藥OBI822/OBI821獲准於全球上市」的目的地。
乳癌新藥留台灣 張念慈在華人生技圈鼎鼎有名,1995年以5500萬美元(約16.3億台幣)創立中草藥健康食品公司Pharmanex1998年後以1.35億美元(約40.1億台幣)賣給美商如新(NU SKIN)集團。 同年,張念慈與麻省理工學院求學時的好友、現任中研院院長翁啟惠成立美商OPTIMER製藥公司,美方資金過半,2002年心繫台灣的張念慈在台灣成立OPTIMER子公司「台灣浩鼎」,OPTIMER持股53%,他出任董事長,並分享OPTIMER資源,為台灣植下新藥研發的種子。 2011年,美國OPTIMER新型抗生素Dificid2.24億美元(約66.5億台幣),將歐洲市場授權給日本藥廠安斯泰來,而台灣浩鼎的OBI822/OBI821也完成二期臨床。不料,OPTIMER看好OBI822/OBI821研發成功後1200億美元商機,要求張念慈將所有權交回美國,張堅持OBI822/OBI821要根留台灣,成為第一個「台灣研發、台灣生產」的新藥,雙方理念不合,埋下經營權之爭伏筆。
坐擁百億元資產 隨後,OPTIMER資方以「張念慈拿了台灣浩鼎技術股」的莫須有罪名,解除他台、美兩地董事長職務,如同當年創立蘋果的賈伯斯一樣,張念慈被自己引進的OPTIMER團隊解職,隨後他尋求台灣浩鼎大股東、潤泰集團總裁尹衍樑奧援資金,以6000萬美元吃下OPTIMER手中台灣浩鼎所有持股,讓美資全面撤出台灣,成功將研發中的OBI822/OBI821留在台灣。 而在美華人生技圈同樣享有盛名的陳志明,因創立特殊學明藥公司Andrx名列全美第4大學名藥廠,於2006年以約當600億台幣被美國藥廠Waston收購,身價暴增震撼生技業。當人生攀上巔峰,身價高達數百億元的陳志明卻放下一切光環,選擇退隱山居,回到故鄉竹東過著閒雲野鶴退休生活。 「結果,1年就閒到發慌,覺得自己的經驗也許會對台灣生技發展有點幫助,所以才又創立安成」,鮮少現身的陳志明面對媒體仍有點靦腆,他在安成董事會後被媒體包圍說出自己復出的理由。年過6旬、坐擁百億資產,陳志明不願享樂人生,只因心中仍有一個夢,「就是希望安成未來能像全球最大的學名藥廠Teva一樣,走入世界!」

台微體 外資比重拉高至29.8%

生技小龍登高!精華躋身F4 隱形眼鏡、新藥領攻高價股版圖 鉅亨網記者胡薏文 台北2013-02-14 11:50:29 台股小龍年接棒,「生技小龍」可望成為今年高價股中的奇兵!龍年封關前2天,隱形眼鏡大廠精華(1565-TW)盤中均曾突破500元大關,收盤價491元,也正式躋身台股高價F4!目前台股300元以上的高價股共有11檔,生技股已有3檔,百元俱樂部49檔中,生技股也有7檔,其中隱形眼鏡、新藥搶攻高價股版圖氣勢已成,小龍年「登高」可期!高價股的興衰,不僅是股市的重要觀察指標,更是產業景氣的風向球,台股龍年封關,高價F4中,股王大立光(3008-TW)站上800元遙遙領先,股后漢微科(3658-TW)站上600元,F3TPK(3673-TW)收盤價為516元,精華登上F4,封關收盤價為491元,與TPK的股價差距拉近,也拉開與王品(2727-TW)的差距,多年來,也宣告生技族群正式進入台股F4行列!而在300元俱樂部中,生技股還有F-金可(8406-TW)與新藥股王台微體(4152-TW),台股300元以上高價股中,生技股已占11分之3,比重達27%。生技股目前暫時在200元俱樂部中缺席,但躋身百元俱樂部也有7檔,分別是基亞(3176-TW)、智擎(4162-TW)、醣聯(4168-TW)F-馬光(4139-TW)、承業醫(4164-TW)、東洋(4105-TW)與基因(6130-TW),比重也達7分之1。分析目前生技高價股,主要是隱形眼鏡光學以及新藥等2大族群,精華擁有基本面的強勁支撐,營收連續8個月創歷史新高,毛利率維持在45%上下,且今年營運展望能見度高,都是吸引法人中長線買盤的要件,因此去年底以來一路加碼,目前外資持股比重已達49%。而在新藥族群部分,主要題材仍在於新藥的臨床試驗進度,以及權利金收入,雖不易有逐月營收、逐季獲利等軌跡可追蹤,但在耕耘佈局多年後,每家新藥廠商手上均有多項新藥臨床試驗、認證同步進行,只等水到渠成。以新藥股王台微體部分,外資也有提前卡位的動作,持股比重也拉高至29.8%證券分析師呂漢威指出,高價股向來是台股資金匯集的風向球,以龍年封關生技在高價股領域中,已出現族群效應來看,證所稅正式實施後,股本小、不占權值股較易表現,且生技同樣有兩岸政策加持,業者耕耘多年後,即將邁入收成階段,在這些條件配合下,也將是今年法人在選股佈局上,不可或缺的一塊。

黃立民…幹細胞治療愛滋病 需要進一步研究 !!

移植造血幹細胞 愛滋治癒現契機 中央廣播電台/沈雅雯-20130215 上午09:25愛滋病毒在人類史上確診已經超過30年,除了目前最被廣泛使用的「雞尾酒療法」以外,醫學界近幾年也發現移植造血幹細胞可望完全治癒愛滋病,目前全球就出現一名愛滋病完全治癒的「柏林患者」。專家表示,移植造血幹細胞可被視為治療愛滋病的契機,不過要到廣泛應用,還需要進一步研究。愛滋病曾經被視為世紀黑死病,讓民眾聞之色變,不過,世界上卻有一群人相當特殊,他們居然對愛滋病毒免疫。台大醫院小兒感染科主任黃立民表示,醫學界在十多年前就從非洲的性工作者中,發現有一群人長期暴露在愛滋病毒中卻沒有感染,原因是他們的受體比一般人少了32個胺基酸,讓愛滋病毒無法進入細胞,反而形成保護。2007年,美國一名醫師透過造血幹細胞的移植方法,將一名具有對愛滋病免疫體質民眾的骨髓移植到另一名同時患有白血病與愛滋病的患者身上,成功治癒患者的愛滋病與白血病,成為醫學上有名的「柏林患者」。黃立民說:『(原音)柏林患者就是有1個美國人在柏林,他因為得到愛滋病,可是又得到白血病,所以他的醫生決定幫他進行骨髓移植。醫生因為知道他有愛滋病,所以特別幫他找到受體有缺陷的捐贈者,換了這個捐贈者的骨髓。他的骨髓長回來以後,竟然愛滋病毒都不見了,他是全世界唯一被證明愛滋病痊癒的人。』黃立民表示,除了「柏林患者」以外,目前全球尚有2名愛滋病患者一邊接受雞尾酒療法,同時接受一般人的骨髓移植,重新長出來的骨髓細胞也都沒有遭到愛滋病毒感染,成效堪稱良好。黃立民指出,以幹細胞移植治療愛滋病的方法,提供了醫界一線曙光,不過要到廣泛使用,還需要進一步研究。



粤港干细胞及再生医学实验室在香港揭牌 2013-02-16 10:39:03 来源: 南方网  由中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院与香港大学联合共建的"粤港干细胞及再生医学实验室"于201326在香港大学举行了揭牌仪式。香港大学徐立之校长、广州生物医药与健康研究院裴端卿院长以及中科院国际合作局港澳台办公室等单位领导和相关人员出席了仪式。"粤港干细胞及再生医学实验室"将充分发挥粤港两地在干细胞及再生医学领域的互补优势,推动粤港双方干细胞与再生医学领域人才交流与培养和科研项目的合作开展;共同推进干细胞与再生医学的基础研究与临床应用,促进干细胞与再生医学研究向应用领域的转化。 (本文来源:广州市科技和信息化局)

鼓勵學名藥未必降低整體醫藥花費 !!

美國處方藥大漲價 逾通膨1 編譯中心綜合14日電 February 15, 2013 06:00 AM在部分醫療費用下跌之際,處方藥過去四年卻不斷漲價,經濟分析局14日公布資料顯示,處方藥的價格2012年上漲3.6%,高於1.7%的通貨膨脹率,與診所就診、化驗和養老院等其他健保費用的下跌,形成鮮明對照。 去年全國銷售藥物3100億元,其中以胃病藥耐適恩錠(Nexium)高居榜首,價格去年上漲7.8%,每張處方平均262元。其次是治療神經障礙藥Abilify,上漲10.4%,每張處方平均642元,第三為降膽固醇藥冠脂妥(Crestor),提價9.7%,每張處方平均193元。處方藥的價格在經濟衰退期間下跌,但隨後重新升高,回到十年前的漲幅。而其他健保費用的價格,過去兩年都已降至通膨率以下的水平。處方藥價格上漲的因素,是保險公司支付的品牌藥,常要投入高額費用來做廣告。專利藥的漲幅抵銷了仿製藥帶來的結餘。許多公司都生產學名藥,在價格上互為競爭,市場上每五種處方藥就有四種為學名藥,但價格卻是品牌藥的四分之一甚至更低。市場供應的昂貴品牌藥與價格低廉的學名藥,消費者既可低價買藥,藥廠也可把利潤投入研發新藥。過去兩年,聯邦食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)批准了70種新藥,包括治療囊腫性纖維化症的突破性藥物,和治療常見皮膚癌的首批藥物。耐適恩錠藥商AstraZeneca說,制定藥價有許多因素,要考慮病患和股民的利益。但多數消費者可免受漲價影響,2006年開始的聯邦醫療保險(Medicare)的醫藥福利規定,老年人用藥主要由政府承擔。


FDA核准Second Sight Medical Products人工視網膜

人工視網膜系統 造福盲人 (中央社台北15日電)美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)昨天批准能讓盲人獲得有限視力的首個療法,採用稱為人工視網膜的技術。「紐約時報」報導,這種裝置可讓罹患特定盲眼症的民眾,辨識街道上的行人穿越道、行人或車輛,有時甚至可以看到大型數字或字母。當局批准這套系統,代表視力研究新領域的一個里程碑,科學家正使用基因治療、光遺傳學、幹細胞等策略,在這個領域大有進展。美國國家眼科學院(National Eye Institute)視網膜疾病計畫主任謝恩(Grace Shen)說:「這只是剛開始而已。」美國國家眼科學院協助資助人工視網膜研究,且正在支持許多其他盲眼症治療計畫。她說:「有很多令人興奮的事情等著我們去做。」人工視網膜是植入眼球的一片電極。患者也會獲得一副附加攝影機的眼鏡,與一台可攜帶的影像處理器。這種系統稱為阿格斯第2代(Argus II),可以讓視覺訊號繞過受損的視網膜部位,傳送到大腦。有了人工視網膜或視網膜義體,盲人雖然無法跟正常情況一樣看見景物,但可以辦認出物體的輪廓與邊界,尤其是在光暗對比下,像是夜空中的煙火,或是混在白襪中的黑襪。74歲的巴爾的摩退休電工康斯坦普羅斯(Elias Konstantopolous)說:「沒有這套系統,我什麼也看不到,如果你站在我前面,左右移動,我也無法曉得。」約有50名美國人與歐洲人已經在臨床試驗中使用這種系統,康斯坦普羅斯是其中之一。他說,這可以協助他認出道路上的路緣。他說:「當你一籌莫展的時候,這就是有所幫助的東西,能幫上很大的忙。」美國食品暨藥物管理局同意讓第二視覺醫療器材公司(Second Sight Medical Products)製造的阿格斯第2代人工視網膜系統,治療罹患嚴重視網膜色素病變(retinitis pigmentosa)的病患。眼鏡攝影機會捕捉影像,影像處理器接著會將影像轉譯成光暗像素模式,然後把這些模式傳送到電極,電極之後再傳給大腦。初期階段,阿格斯第2代將可在紐約、加州、德州、馬里蘭州與賓州的7家醫院使用。這套系統要價約15萬美元,不包含手術與訓練費用。第二視覺醫療器材公司說,它對保險支付能涵蓋這項系統,抱持樂觀態度。1020215



小心健康殺手!免費癌症篩檢 有4成民眾不知道 今日新聞網 2013216 10:22生活中心/綜合報導過年難免大魚大肉,再加上熬夜,健康維護上比平時更加鬆懈,雖說現在醫學發達,但是癌症還是一直都列為國人十大死因,政府及相關單位都有提供不少免費癌症篩檢,不過根據國民健康局調查發現,竟然有4成民眾不知道政府有這項補助的服務,衛生署國民健康局特別呼籲,請民眾多多利用政府免費癌症篩檢。許多癌症初期是不會有任何症狀的,若是沒有透過篩檢發現,民眾根本不會發現自己的健康出了狀況。篩檢主要目的在於早期發現、早期治療,過去一年國民健康局已提供473.5萬人癌症篩檢,其中發現3.2萬名癌前病變與9千名癌症。國民健康局推動的4大癌症篩檢服務,包含子宮頸癌(補助30歲以上婦女每年1次抹片檢查)、大腸癌(50-69歲民眾21次糞便潛血檢查)、乳癌(40-44歲有乳癌家族史婦女以及45-69歲婦女21次乳房攝影檢查),以及口腔癌(30歲以上吸菸或嚼檳榔者21次口腔黏膜檢查),民眾只需持健保卡,前往健保特約醫事服務機構,就可以獲得檢查。


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