糖尿病治療新解/SGLT2抑制劑 靠小便排出葡萄糖 2017-09-22 23:51聯合報 曾宇婷醫師/好心肝門診中心主治醫師第2型糖尿病病人除了靠飲食
SGLT2抑制劑 減少腎臟吸收糖分 SGLT2抑制劑的降血糖原理不同於既有的降血糖藥物,
輕微利尿效果 可望改善腎病變 研究發現SGLT2抑制劑還有輕微利尿效果,可使收縮壓約降低5
糖尿病治療新解/SGLT2抑制劑 靠小便排出葡萄糖 2017-09-22 23:51聯合報 曾宇婷醫師/好心肝門診中心主治醫師第2型糖尿病病人除了靠飲食
SGLT2抑制劑 減少腎臟吸收糖分 SGLT2抑制劑的降血糖原理不同於既有的降血糖藥物,
輕微利尿效果 可望改善腎病變 研究發現SGLT2抑制劑還有輕微利尿效果,可使收縮壓約降低5
延緩腦部退化的一盞明燈 神奇沙漠人蔘―管花肉蓯蓉萃取物 2017-09-24 12:00 預防腦部退化有解! 管花肉蓯蓉萃取物(TianLife®),
失智症的成因與預防 失智,與年齡老化密切相關 今年,台灣人口老化指數正式破百,國家發展委員會也預估2026
小心!記憶變差、缺乏生活興趣可能是失智症前兆 導致失智症的原因非常多,但目前以病態性腦退化的阿茲海默症(A
預防與提早治療是關鍵 形成AD的假說很多,因病因不明,故目前並無有效的治療藥物,
管花肉蓯蓉萃取物(TianLife®) 思緒清晰 記憶力與精神也加分! 三重區 李先生 62歲 墨水製造業 過去覺得早上起床時有腦袋渾沌的感覺,
幹細胞研究有成 花蓮慈濟醫院再次獲獎 好醫師新聞網 2017/09/24好醫師新聞網記者吳建良/花蓮報導 幹細胞研究是醫學下個世代的治病利器,
比起新藥公司,更推薦學名藥廠 許多人對生技股會有一個刻板印象,一旦新藥研發成功,
台灣藥廠難成功,不是研發差而是通路弱 阿格力進一步指出,台灣生技產業受阻的癥結點,「新藥成功後,
生技產業最需要「懂法規的人」,而非研發人員 蔡英文政府上任後,不斷重申對台灣生技產業的支持。
[註1] 藥品要經過第一、二期臨床測試,進入人體實驗階段時,
[註2] 原廠藥的專利過期後,
宣明智:政府莫忘發展生技承諾 2017年09月23日 16:28 杜蕙蓉 科技大老宣明智今天在「2017間質幹細胞治療用於小兒肺支氣管
宣明智呼籲政府 莫忘發展生技承諾 宣捷生技與北醫大合作開發早產兒支氣管肺部發育不全新藥,
詹啟賢不談政治 打算靠「豬仔」賺錢文 黃亞琪 對國光生技董事長詹啟賢來說,今年過得特別有意思。
中药注射液再涉不良反应 明星产品被勒令停用召回 2017-09-25来源:证券日报 本报记者 张敏9月23日,国家食药监总局发布了《
再涉不良反应 国家食药监总局公布的信息显示,2017年8月底,
曾提示风险 值得一提的是,监管部门曾提示医疗机构等警惕有关喜炎平注射液、
中药注射液面临洗牌 频现质量危机的中药注射液面临行业洗牌。
癌症化療副作用多 針灸止痛不輸嗎啡!【新唐人亞太台 2017 年 09 月 24 日訊】罹患癌症的患者,在接受化療時,
國光四價流感疫苗投產,H7N9疫苗將入三期試驗 工商時報記者/彭暄貽2017/09/19 國光生技(4142)宣布,
高醫大台北論壇/精準醫療×銀光健康 開創新時代 2017-09-24 聯合報 記者劉嘉韻、張益華╱即時報導 大牙 精準醫療時代來臨!未來透過精準醫療模式,不但可對症下藥、
台微體法人董事前掌門人Steven Burrill 在美因詐欺逃稅等案面臨最高30年刑期http://www.
Bay Area VC could get 30 years for fraud, tax evasion By Riley McDermid–Digital Producer, San Francisco Business Times 2017/9/21 A Bay Area venture capitalist who was indicted earlier this week by a federal grand jury in San Francisco on charges of wire fraud, tax evasion and investor advisor fraud could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted. Well-known biotech VC Steve Burrill, 72, was indicted on 34 counts that could add up to 30 years in prison if he's convicted on a myriad of accusations, including looting his own fund for personal gain and splashing investor money on his wife and girlfriend. Last March, Burrill was permanently banned from the securities industry by the Securities and Exchange Commission. He settled with the SEC and agreed to pay back $4.8 million that he allegedly took from investors, as well as pay a $1 million fine. Burrill Capital Management invested on behalf of major companies like Celgene (NASDAQ: CELG), Unilever (NYSE: UL) and Monsanto (NYSE: MON) as well as institutional investors including the Treasury of the State of North Carolina and the Oregon Investment Fund. At the time of his ouster in 2014, the fund involved was worth $283 million. "According to the SEC's litigation, Burrill's money problems started in 2007, when he first dipped into the $283 million Fund III to cover expenses at his management company," Endpoints News reports. "Over the next seven years, such transfers became routine, including tapping the fund to top up his personal bank account. About $4.6 million was allegedly used to cover personal costs, including jewelry from Tiffany's. "The man who allegedly helped him prepare fraudulent tax returns, Marc Howard Berger, was also indicted this week.
醫衛新南向 衛福部前進越馬印 時間:2017-09-21新聞引據:採訪 撰稿編輯:張德厚 配合政府新南向政策,衛福部日前率團前往越南、馬來西亞、
臺泰簽訂合作備忘錄 攜手共進第三國食品市場 (中央社訊息服務20170921)外貿協會與泰國國家食品院(
养血就是养根本,秋季养生调理为先 2017-09-21 来源: 新华网过了秋分,就标志着秋天来了。熬过了高温的盛夏,
养血就是养根本 每个人的一生都需要补血、养血,对于女人来说更是如此,
"秋冻"适度 放松身心 秋天养生,很重要的是养情志。俗话说,秋风秋雨愁煞人,
药食同源 适量小酌 随着生活水平的不断提高,很多人尤其是中老年人,
生醫新南向 貿協率20廠商前進胡志明醫療展 2017-09-21 20:11經濟日報 記者黃文奇╱即時報導 2017年越南胡志明市醫療醫藥展(PHARMEDI 2017)」於20日開展,共計15國超過400家參展商展出,
遠見/前進聖地牙哥 直擊精準醫療大潮 遠見雜誌)文/林讓均 你所認識的聖地牙哥,是陽光普照的觀光城市,
生技老三引領風騷 躍居全美基因體首都 不過,在風景如畫的悠閒氛圍中,
基因教父助陣 解出首套人體基因草圖 例如,在研發與人才培育上,它是全美基因體專利最密集、
聖地牙哥三條公路 串起生技黃金三角 人們藉由解碼基因,得以找出疾病與基因之間的關係。而後,
6大學、80研究機構 打造144億美元產值 該區的實驗室與研究空間,加起來總計高達4200萬平方英尺,
CONNECT基金會 輔導逾2000家企業 事實上,加大聖校早在1985年就設立一個名為「CONNECT
政府資金挹助不多 倚靠民間豐沛能量 財經雜誌《富比世》(Forbes)曾在2014年,
黃仲崑省60萬 頭部超音波手術當教材 2017年09月22日 【毛敬智╱台北報導】黃仲崑日前透露右手抖20年,
盼根治手抖 黃仲崑解釋該病是大腦視丘後的神經不正常放電導致,
麗臺科技:公告本公司減資換發股票相關事宜 鉅亨網新聞中心※來源:台灣證券交易所2017/09/21壹、
台鹽售輻射鹽 原能會:食用無影響 2017年09月21日【記者吳旻洲、施芝吟/台北報導】
天然放射物質鉀-40 食藥署:無危害 針對低鈉鹽含鉀-40的疑慮,衛福部食藥署21日下午對外表示,
精準醫療新突破──新穎基因標記預測藥物抗體反應的發生 作者 TechNews | 發布日期 2017 年 09 月 21 日 中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所鄔哲源研究員、羅傅倫研究員,
智擎胰臟癌新藥獲韓國上市許可 亞洲首個上市國 2017年09月21日11:57 智擎(4162)宣布,已接獲授權夥伴Ipsen公司的通知,
Ipsen Completes Acquisition of ONIVYDE® (irinotecan liposome injection) and Additional Oncology Assets from Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Ipsen announced today that it has completed its acquisition of global oncology assets from Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, in Cambridge, MA., focusing on ONIVYDE® (irinotecan liposome injection) for the treatment of patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas after disease progression following gemcitabine-based therapy, in combination with fluorouracil and leucovorin.1,[1] Ipsen has gained exclusive commercialization rights for the current and potential future indications for ONIVYDE® in the U.S., as well as the current licensing agreements with Shire for commercialization rights ex-U.S. and PharmaEngine for Taiwan. The acquisition also includes the Merrimack commercial and manufacturing infrastructure for Onivyde®, and generic doxorubicin HCl liposome injection."The addition of ONIVYDE® to Ipsen's Oncology portfolio is very important, first and foremost for patients with pancreatic cancer across the U.S., as there are limited approved therapies," said Cynthia Schwalm, Executive Vice President and President, North American Commercial Operations, Ipsen. "Together with our experienced commercial and medical teams and the legacy we have gained through the acquisition of ONIVYDE®, we are confident in our ability to meet the growing needs of these patients." Along with this acquisition, Ipsen will continue to advance the clinical development program for ONIVYDE®. Financial terms of the acquisition include an upfront cash payment of $575 million to Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, and up to $450 million upon the approval of potential additional indications for ONIVYDE® in the U.S.
About Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer is a rare and deadly disease with approximately 338,000[2] new patients diagnosed globally each year, approximately 50,000 of which are in the United States[3]. More than half are diagnosed with metastatic disease, which has an overall 5-year survival rate of less than three percent4, and often rapidly progresses during or shortly after receiving chemotherapy[4]. Pancreatic cancer is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States, surpassing breast cancer.4 It is expected to become the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S. by the year 2030, surpassing colorectal cancer.4,[5]
About ONIVYDE® ONIVYDE® is an encapsulated formulation of irinotecan. This long-circulating liposomal form is designed to increase length of tumor exposure to both irinotecan and its active metabolite, SN-38. ONIVYDE® was approved by the U.S. FDA in combination with fluorouracil and leucovorin for the treatment of patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas after disease progression following gemcitabine-based therapy. For full prescribing information, including Boxed WARNING, please visit www.ONIVYDE.com.
Sources :
[1] ONIVYDE® Full Prescribing Information Oct 2015 (v0.1) p. 2.
[2] World Cancer Research Fund International. Cancer Facts and Figures. Pancreatic Cancer Statistics. Accessed on March 27, 2017. http://www.wcrf.org/int/
[3] American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2017. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2017. https://www.cancer.org/
[4] Ammermann et al. Decision Resources. Disease Landscape and & Forecast: Pancreatic Cancer. June 2016.
[5] Rahib et al AACR 2014
France's Ipsen to buy Merrimack's pancreatic cancer drug, assets in $1 billion deal Reuters Staff JANUARY 9, 2017 / (Reuters) - French drugmaker Ipsen SA (IPN.PA) said on Monday it would buy some assets of Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc (MACK.O), including pancreatic cancer drug Onivyde, for up to $1 billion, barely a month after the U.S. company stopped a breast cancer drug trial. The deal would give Merrimack the resources to fund the development of three new compounds targeting pancreatic, lung, and other types of cancers. It would boost Ipsen's portfolio, which has traditionally focused on endocrinology. Ipsen will pay $575 million at the closing of the deal and up to $450 million more, contingent on some approvals for Onivyde in the United States. Ipsen would get U.S. commercialization rights for Onivyde and Merrimack's current licensing agreements with Shire Plc (SHP.L) outside the United States and with PharmaEngine Inc (4162.TWO) for Taiwan. However, Merrimack said it will retain up to $33 million in milestone payments pursuant to its licensing deal with Shire. The French company would also buy Merrimack's generic version of ovarian cancer treatment doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection, marketed as Doxil, in the United States. The deal includes Merrimack's commercial and manufacturing assets, Ipsen said. Merrimack's chief executive resigned in October as it embarked on a restructuring, including job cuts to save costs and focus on research and development. Merrimack said it plans to return at least $200 million to stockholders through a special cash dividend of about $1.54 per common share. It will also return all of the expected $450 million payment to shareholders. Upon completion of the deal, Merrimack would have about 80 employees, just a fifth of its strength prior to the restructuring initiated in October. The deal, to be funded by Ipsen's existing cash and lines of credit, would be dilutive to the drugmaker's earnings in 2017 but will add to earnings from 2018, the company said. MTS Health Partners LP and Dechert LLP advised Ipsen on the deal. BofA Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC were advisers to Merrimack. Reuters reported the deal earlier on Sunday, citing people familiar with the matter. Reporting by Ismail Shakil and Rama Venkat Raman in Bengaluru; Editing by Peter Cooney and Gopakumar Warrier
智擎新藥獲韓國藥證 授權金再進帳7.5億元 2017-09-21 20:28經濟日報 記者黃文奇╱即時報導 智擎(4162)新藥授權再傳捷報,該公司宣布授權夥伴Ipse