Tuesday, January 10, 2012
中國醫藥不確定因素: 招標壓價!
優你康: 取的高視能商標權
優你康: 醫療奈米隱形眼鏡
Sinovac Commences the Phase III Clinical Trial for its EV71 Vaccine Against Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
2012-01-10 BEIJING,, Jan. 10, 2012 -- BEIJING, Jan. 10, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (Nasdaq: SVA), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China, announced today that the phase III clinical trial for its proprietary inactivated EV71 vaccine against hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) has begun. The Phase II trial, completed in November 2011, confirmed favorable safety and tolerance profiles, and good immunogenicity. According to the results of phase II clinical trial, the formulation of 400U with aluminum adjuvant was selected to be used in phase III clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Sinovac's EV71 vaccine in protecting against HFMD. The Phase III clinical trial is expected to enroll up to 10,000 healthy volunteers with ages 6-35 months, and was designed as a randomization, double blinded, placebo controlled study. The vaccination schedule calls for two shots at 0 and 28 days. Sinovac anticipates the trial to be completed in the first half of 2013. Dr. Weidong Yin, Chairman, President and CEO, stated, "Commencing the Phase III EV71 vaccine trial is a significant milestone. The enrollment was completed. And inoculation was initiated late last week and is going on well. The first shot to 10,000 volunteers is anticipated to be completed within one month. The advancement of the clinical program demonstrates our integrated clinical team's ability, as seen with our positive results from the Phase I and II clinical trials. The EV71 vaccine addresses a significant unmet medical need with over 5.14 million HFMD infection cases documented in China since 2007 with over 1900 fatal cases." Dr. Yin continued, "In parallel to the clinical development, Sinovac's engineering team is building a dedicated manufacturing facility for the EV71 vaccine. We aim to complete the construction and to obtain a GMP certificate in 2013."
About EV 71 Enterovirus 71, or EV 71, causes Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (or HFMD). More than 90% of the reported cases occur in children under five years old. HFMD is a common and usually mild childhood disease. However, there has been an increase in severe HFMD cases reported associated with neurological symptoms caused by EV 71. A number of outbreaks of EV 71 HFMD in the Asia-Pacific region have been reported since 1997. Outbreaks have been reported in Malaysia (1997), Taiwan (1998, 2000 & 2001), mainland China (1998-2008), Australia (1999) and Singapore (2000) among other areas in the region. No specific treatment for this enterovirus infection and no vaccine are currently available. In China, HFMD has become a very serious problem, especially in children, given that no vaccine and specific treatment is currently available to protect against this disease. A growing number of HFMD cases have been recently reported in parts of Asia, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. According to available data, from the Chinese Ministry of Health, for the period of January 1 to November 30, 2010, the disease caused 876 deaths in China and over 1.73 million HFMD infection cases. This is compared to 353 fatalities in China and over 1.15 million reported HFMD infectious cases for the entire year in 2009. HFMD is most common among infants and children under five years of age.
About Sinovac Sinovac Biotech Ltd. is a China-based biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the research, development, manufacture and commercialization of vaccines that protect against human infectious diseases including hepatitis A, seasonal influenza, H5N1 (bird flu) pandemic influenza and H1N1 influenza. In 2009, Sinovac was the first company worldwide to receive approval for its H1N1 influenza vaccine, PANFLU.1, and has received orders from the Chinese Central Government pursuant to the government stockpiling program. The Company is developing a number of new vaccine products, including vaccines for pneumococcal conjugate, enterovirus 71 (EV71) (against Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease), Japanese Encephalitis, animal and human rabies, HIB and epidemic meningitis, chickenpox, mumps and rubella. Its wholly owned subsidiary, Tangshan Yian, is focusing on the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of animal vaccines and has completed the field trials for an independently developed inactivated animal rabies vaccine, which is anticipated to be launched into market in 2011.
人體基因解碼突破 可在1天內完成 (路透) 〔編譯管淑平/綜合報導〕科學界多年來預測1000美元就能做人體基因組解碼的願景即將實現。美國一家生技儀器公司9日發表一款新的人類基因定序儀,讓原本昂貴又耗時的基因解碼工程變得更便宜,而且只需1天就能完成,號稱效果也提高1000倍,可望讓基因定序普遍應用於臨床醫學。
美公司號稱效果提高千倍 名為「生命科技公司」(Life Technologies Corp.)旗下「離子流」(Ion Torrent)公司推出的這款桌上型基因定序儀Ion Proton Sequencer,大小如辦公室用印表機,可在1天內完成1個基因組的定序;幾年前,同樣份量的工作必須耗時6到8週。這款定序儀售價9萬9000美元到14萬9000美元(約296萬到445萬台幣),相較於現有基因定序儀價格高達75萬美元(約2241萬台幣),對大型醫院、診所來說更負擔得起。定序1組基因的價格為1000美元(約近3萬台幣),與該公司競爭對手推出的如乳癌基因BRCA檢測3000美元、或1組基因組定序費5000美元便宜許多。「離子流」總裁兼執行長羅斯柏格預期,研究機構實驗室將是主要客戶,為癌症或自閉症患者等進行完整基因定序,清楚了解導致該疾病的潛在基因以及可能的治療方式。貝勒醫學院、耶魯大學醫學院、哈佛的博德研究所等也已簽約,成為首批客戶。
定序儀大小如印表機 售價大降 相較於單一基因檢測,全基因組定序能在一次定序工程中解出人體完整基因組,有助於找出原因不明的基因疾病致病原因。全基因組定序也能確定患者使用的藥物是否有效,省去不必要的醫療花費,並可在已知的致病基因外,了解其他可能影響致病風險的「調控基因」作用。不過,也有科學家和醫學家認為,1000美元基因定序也開啟了為一般健康人士進行「全基因組定序」(whole-genome sequencing)的大門,將挑起道德、法律和醫學爭議。史丹福大學心臟病基因專家奎特莫斯說,他大力支持將基因檢驗帶入臨床醫學,「但是要適時,不是在時機未成熟之前做」。新生兒或許是第一批全基因組定序的對象,每一州都要求新生兒接受至少29種基因疾病篩檢。全基因組定序後會產生如同「資料海嘯」的龐大資料,除了醫生向病人解讀耗時,也有被誤解,或告知病患可能的染病風險後帶來的身心傷害風險。Global Traditional Medicine Market to Reach US$114 Billion by 2015
According to a New Report Published by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global outlook on the Alternative Medicine Industry. World market for Alternative Medicine is experiencing robust growth triggered by growing demand for nature-based products and a belief that herbal products cause minimal side effects when compared to modern medicines. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Treatment, Massage, and Ayurveda are widely practiced in Asian and African countries, and are gaining ground at a healthy rate in the developed world as well.
佳醫超淨養生豆漿機 25分完成養生飲品 【2012/01/10 聯合報】佳醫超淨養生豆漿機擁有獨家太極旋磨刀長短刀專利設計,形成正反兩個漩渦,每旋轉一次就等於打兩次,粉碎、研磨無死角,將核桃、紅棗等冬季溫補的材料打到細緻均勻,底盤對流加熱技術以文火加熱方式讓熬煮更均勻,不易流失營養成份。
美吾華: “慕之恬廊” 婦幼品牌!!
美吾華12月營收年增24% 【記者柯安聰台北報導】美吾華公司(1731)12月營收1.8億元,較前年同期的1.45億元增加24%;累計去年度營收22.3億元,較前年的20.6億元增加8.25%。去年度美吾髮事業部挾著台灣百大品牌及台灣精品的優勢,開發大陸市場業績較去年成長7.12%。醫藥品事業部由於糖尿病用藥及『慕之恬廊』系列O婦幼皮膚保養品熱銷,較去年成長8.59%。(自立電子報2012/01/10)
醫療開支成長率 創51年最低
美聯社華盛頓9日電 世界新聞網 January 10, 2012 聯邦食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)9日警告說,諾華藥廠(Novartis)在內布拉斯加州林肯市的工廠,因為一項生產錯誤,可能把強力止痛藥混在不需處方藥購買的普通止痛藥和胃藥,如Excedrin、Gas-X等的藥瓶中。 諾華藥廠8日已經全面召回該工廠生產的止痛藥和胃藥。諾華公司收到投訴說,發現殘破和碎屑藥片,以及不一致的藥品包裝,該公司說,消費者應該停止使用這些藥,並與該公司聯絡以獲得退款。諾華藥廠8日宣布召回2014年12月20日失效的頭痛藥Excedrin,和咖啡因藥片NoDoz,以及2013年12月20日及更早失效的止痛藥Bufferin和胃藥Gas-X。消費者可以打電話888-477-2403詢問,諾華藥廠建議消費者檢查藥片的形狀、顏色、大小和印記是否一致,如果有一片或更多藥片看來不一樣,應把藥退回給藥局。 FDA官員9日說,諾華藥廠生產的止痛藥可能混入了也在該內州工廠製造的強力止痛藥,包括Endo藥廠的類鴉片藥物Percocet、Endocet、Opana和Zydone。Endo藥廠說,沒有確證的混合藥片讓消費者生病的報告。 FDA的官員考克斯說,該局並未召回這些止痛藥,因為許多病人需要這些藥,而買到錯誤藥的機會也很低,所以病人不需過度緊張。考克斯說,該局目前正在檢查該工廠,發現一個生產錯誤,可能使藥片卡在機器中,並進入其他藥品的包裝內。考克斯說,該局擔心未來數周Endo廠止痛藥的缺貨,因為諾華藥廠在上個月已經停止該工廠的生產。FDA在一項聲明中說,缺貨的程度將取決於工廠能多快設立安全機制,防止未來發生類似的情況。
瑞基海洋生技: 農委會菁創獎
農委會今頒發第3屆科技農企業菁創獎 〔鳳凰網記者歸鴻亭台北報導〕 農委會今日頒發第3屆科技農企業菁創獎,以肯定農企業在科技研發及應用的優異表現。農委會表示,這次由70家業者中選出10家,創新研發類得獎業者為立川農場、生百興業、京冠生技、睿嘉生技及蕈優生技農場;科技應用類得獎業者則是立川農場、瑞基海洋生技、達邦蛋白、綠盈國際花卉及蜜蜂故事館。農委會指出,農企業在農業加值轉型升級扮演重要角色,本獎項之設立除了鼓勵農企業投入科技研發及應用,並藉此吸引更多菁英投入創新研發與應用,以厚植台灣科技農業發展實力。
塑化劑涉案廠商 輸陸解禁
l 李遠哲(前中央研究院院長)
l 楊育民(瑞士羅氏製藥廠全球技術營運總裁)
l 陳建仁(中研院院士、前衛生署署長、國科會主委)
l 陳定信(中研院院士、前台灣大學醫學院院長、美國國家科學院院士)
l 孔祥重(中研院院士、哈佛大學Bill Gates電機講座教授、美國國家工程學院院士)
l 李明亮(前衛生署署長)
l 許照惠(IVAX製藥創辦人、The Frost Group生技創投創辦人)
l 李文雄(中研院院士、美國國家科學院院士
l 莊明哲(中研院院士、哈佛大學Stanley Cobb 講座退休榮譽教授、美國國家醫學科學院院士)
l 廖述忠(中研院院士、芝加哥大學生物化學教授)
l 張傳炯(中研院院士、台灣大學醫學院教授)
l 李文華(中研院院士、加州大學爾灣校區Donald Bren講座教授)
l 廖運範(中研院院士、長庚大學醫學院教授)
l 陳垣崇(中研院院士、前中研院生醫所所長)
l 洪明奇(中研院院士、美國德州大學Ruth Legett Jones講座教授)
l 王惠鈞(中研院院士、前中研院副院長)
l 陳培哲(中研院院士、台灣大學醫學院教授)
l 胡勝正(中研院院士、前經建會主委)
l 陳良博(中研院院士、哈佛大學退休榮譽教授)
l 李遠鵬(中研院院士、交通大學應用化學教授)
l 潘玉華(中研院院士、美國加州大學爾灣校區教授)
l 李敦厚(哈佛大學病毒學教授)
l 林衡哲(林哲雄)(花蓮門諾醫院小兒科主任、台灣文庫創辦人)
l 賴其萬(和信治癌中心醫院醫學教學講座教授、前堪薩斯大學學醫學院教授)
l 游正博(中研院細生所特聘研究員、前細生所所長)
l 陳鈴津(中研院基因體中心特聘研究員)
l 鄭泰安(中研院生物醫學研究所特聘研究員)
l 湯竹林(美國加卅大學舊金山校區醫學院教授)
l 謝奇璋(成功大學醫學院臨床醫學研究所所長)
l 羅世皓(美國加州大學戴維斯校區生化及分子醫學教授)
l 林靜竹(芝加哥大學退休榮譽教授)
l 潘世賢(美國Bristol-Myers Squibb製藥公司生技製造研發主任)
l 李世雄(新加坡A-Bio Singapore Ltd.執行長)
l 許文玲(美國AT&T Labs Research資深技術經理、前美國卡內基梅隆大學教授)
l 范清亮(穩達生物科技董事長)
l 李世仁(浩理生技管理顧問公司董事總經理)
l 黃瑞蓮(上智創投董事、前台灣生技中心執行長)
l 許友恭(台灣浩鼎生技公司執行長)
l 陳隆紀(紐約大學醫學院教授)
l 謝中誠(美國麻州大學醫學院教授)
l 黃碩文(美國佛州大學醫學院退休榮譽教授)
l 朱真一(美國聖路易大學醫學院退休榮譽教授)
l 楊明倫(邁阿密大學醫學院榮譽教授、Joe DiMaggio 兒童醫院心臟電生理學主任)
l 溫碧謙(美國南佛州JFK醫學中心主冶醫師、前邁阿密大學醫學院教授)
l 蔡尚穎(臺北醫學大學精神科主任)
l 莊曜宇(台灣大學醫學院及電機系教授)
l 王秀雅(紐約州立大學Albany分校生物學教授)
l 陳紀雄(慈濟大學分子生物暨人類遺傳學系教授)
l 詹長權(台灣大學公共衛生學院教授)
l 王榮德(成功大學醫學院公共衛生研究所講座教授)
l 陳榮基(臺灣大學醫學院附屬醫院及恩主公醫院神經學教授)
l 黃崇立(陽明大學公共衛生研究所教授)
l 宋維村(若瑟醫院院長)
l 陳紀雄(慈濟大學分子生物暨人類遺傳學系教授兼所長)
l 邱鐵雄(慈濟大學教授)
l 周照芳(臺大醫學院護理學副教授)
l 林克明(美國加州大學洛山磯校區退休榮譽教授)
l 許景盛(美國Exxon-Mobile退休資深主管、前芝加哥大學教授)
l 梁信忠(前成大客座教授、前英國臺灣協會會長)
l 邱貞嘉(陽明大學醫學院副教授、前高雄榮民總醫院主治醫師)
l 王經國(哈佛大學醫學院副教授)
l 湯秀士(哈佛大學醫學院助理教授)
l 吳瑞宏(哈佛大學醫學院助理教授)
l 陳安安(哈佛大學醫學院助理教授)
l 王必達(喬治華盛頓大學醫學院助理教授)
l 莊瑞源(美國J. Craig Venter 研究所助理教授)
l 游維文(哈佛大學醫學院講師)
l 游維筃(哈佛大學醫學院講師)
l 林嘉賢(哈佛大學牙醫學院講師)
l 楊清勇(前歐洲國際大學國際關係學系系主任)
l 蘇騰宗(美國紐澤西關懷台灣基金會會長)
l 謝達斌(國立成功大學醫學院口腔醫學研究所教授兼所長)
l 邱英明博士(國家衛生研究院特聘研究員兼主任、俄亥俄州立大學醫學院榮譽教授)
生技本無色 大選惹塵埃
李遠哲領軍 87位學術界人士連署反抹黑 【2012/01/10 聯合晚報】民進黨陣營今天刊登一波最新廣告,由前中研院長李遠哲領銜,計有87位學術界人士連署、題為「科學家的良知、蔡英文的承擔」廣告,為民進黨總統候選人蔡英文的人格及宇昌案背書,要大家還給蔡英文公道,不要讓抹黑決定台灣的未來。站出來力挺總統候選人,對李遠哲來說,並非頭一次。早從2000年總統大選前,李遠哲公開發表「向上提升或向下沈淪」的呼籲挺扁。投票前夕,又以錄影帶,力挺陳水扁,這些舉措,後來被解讀為綠營勝選關鍵因素之一。陳水扁執政後,李遠哲更出任國政顧問團的首席顧問。2004年,陳水扁爭取連任,李遠哲和前民進黨主席林義雄公開發表「掌握歷史時刻,完成改革使命」的書面聲明,呼籲總統候選人要完成國會席次減半的修憲提案,符合當時陳水扁的競選主軸之一,等於是暗助扁。2008年總統大選,李遠哲也沒有缺席,當時代表民進黨角逐總統大位的謝長廷,前往中研院拜會李遠哲,兩人一起在媒體面前現身,儘管李遠哲當時未發表談話後,但後來接受日本媒體專訪時,也公開提出他對謝長廷的期待。今天的連署名單計有23位中研院院士參加,包括陳建仁、陳定信、廖運範、陳垣崇、王惠鈞、胡勝正、陳良博、吳茂昆等人,由李遠哲掛名第一位。
「宇昌案是很好的生技成功典範」 此外,生技產業界人士,包括羅士藥廠總裁楊育民、IVAX製藥創辦人許照惠、Bristol-Myers Squibb藥廠研發主任潘世賢、上智創投董事長黃瑞蓮、穩健生技董事長范清亮、浩鼎生技執行長許友恭等人,均加入了連署。民進黨發言人陳其邁表示,連署仍在持續進行中。 這份連署書聲明,希望大家還給蔡英文公道,別讓抹黑決定台灣的未來。過去一個月來,宇昌案給科學工作者很深感觸,生技本無色,但選舉政治正踐踏生技幼苗,宇昌案是很好的生技成功典範,卻難逃政治抹黑。
2012 ELECTIONS: Lee Teng-hui to endorse DPP ticket
Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝), the nation's first directly elected president, is expected to publish an endorsement of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ticket in seven Chinese--language newspapers today, one of Lee's close aides said yesterday. The ad, to be titled "Give Taiwan a Chance," will express Lee's hopes for the country from his perspective as the nation's former leader, said the aide, who asked not to be named. Lee is of the opinion that Taiwan needs a head of state who is competent, strong, responsible, approachable and harbors compassion for the people, and that these traits are especially obvious in Taiwanese women, the aide said. However, it is still not clear if Lee, who had a cancerous tumor removed in early November, will personally attend a campaign rally to endorse DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) before the elections on Saturday. The aide said Lee, who turns 89 on Sunday, remains weak and he still is at risk of infection after the surgery. Even if he does appear at a rally, he will only be present for three to five minutes, the aide said. In an advertisement yesterday, Nobel laureate Lee Yuan-tseh (李遠哲) and 86 scientists defended Tsai's role in the TaiMed case, calling her "capable, rational and trustworthy." The ad referred to Tsai's role in the establishment of TaiMed Biologics Co (中裕新藥股份有限公司), formerly known as Yu Chang Biologics Co (宇昌生技股份有限公司), in 2007. In March of that year, Tsai approved government investment in the new biotech venture in her capacity as vice premier. She then stepped down from her post in May and became chairwoman of the company in September. The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), led by President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), has accused Tsai of a conflict of interest. Academia Sinica president Wong Chi-huey (翁啟惠) denied the charges at the time, saying Tsai was invited by the company's executive team to be its chairwoman. In a newspaper ad titled "Scientists' conscience," the scientists yesterday said: "The TaiMed case is a successful example of a biotech venture, but has fallen victim to a smear campaign." The ad was co-signed by Lee and 86 other scientists, including Patrick Yang (楊育民), executive vice president of Switzerland-based Roche, 23 Academia Sinica researchers and Hsu Chao-hui (許照惠), founder and vice chairman of US-based IVAX Corp. The scientists also praised Tsai's contribution to the venture, saying she had done her best for the country's biotech development, and appealed to people to give Tsai justice.
Wong was not among the signatories to the ad. When asked by the press for comment, DPP spokesperson Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) said it was understandable that Wong did not sign the statement, given his official status as head of the academy.
台灣墮胎導致男女比失衡 僅次中國!!
Sex selective abortions in Taiwan By Simon Cotterill The Foreign Desk - International dispatches from Independent correspondents - Tuesday, 10 January 2012 at 10:40 am Last year, Taiwan's fertility rate became the world's lowest, dropping from 1.03 in 2010 to a record low of just 0.9 in 2011. The government blamed the decreasing birth rate on people's superstitions about which zodiac years were best for bearing children. It seems many people were waiting for the year of the dragon, which starts next week and is considered a particularly auspicious period to be born in. However, the government does not seem to want to leave an increase in the birth rate to chance. They have now put official measures in place which they hope will not only ensure a higher birth rate, but will also mean more girls are born. Sex-selective abortions in Taiwan create a serious gender imbalance, which is second only to that of China. Between 2004 and 2010, the Taiwanese gender ratio at birth was between 108 and 112 boys for every 100 girls, compared to the worldwide average ratio of around 106 males to 100 females. The government estimated that there were around 3,000 'missing' female babies each year. Taiwan has an amazingly high number of abortions each year. The official figure is around 90,000 but experts estimate more than 300,000 occur annually in a country whose population is only 23 million. Like in China, India and Pakistan, sex-selective abortions are common because male children are traditionally valued more highly than females. The Taiwanese government now want to make the practice impossible by preventing doctors from gender screening of foetuses. A number of reports have emerged about this policy since 30 December 2011 and some in English can be found online. But most seem to wrongly announce that this is a new law, while, in fact, it is a reinterpretation of an older one. Since 2000 a government directive has stated that doctors should not carry out gender screenings of foetuses, unless the screenings were related to the x-linked recessive disease, a genetic disorder related to the X chromosome. The fines for doctors ignoring this have been outlined since 2001. However, it seems that the directive was pretty much ignored until last year. On 13 January 2011 the directive was re-emphasised by the government and sex-selective abortions were banned. However, it is only recently that doctors seem to have responded to this. My wife is Taiwanese and her pregnant friends and family members (of which there have been many!) were able to find out the gender of their babies months before birth, as women in the UK are able to. However, now doctors all across Taiwan are refusing requests for gender scans. This will mean that Taiwanese women giving birth in the year of the dragon will need to travel abroad for a scan or, for some, risk the possibility of having an unwanted girl. The policy has enraged many of those pregnant women who would not mind either a male or a female baby because it is preventing them from making advanced plans based in the sex of their coming child, such as what colour to paint bedrooms or what style of baby clothes to buy. This time next year, it will be interesting to see how successful the government's policy has been, as its impact could trigger similar policies in larger countries like India and China were imbalances in the gender ratio at birth result in much larger numbers of 'extra' men in the world.
所謂的”複合式微整” !!
臉上動手腳 複合式微整考驗醫師功力 uho新聞部 2012-01-10 注射美容近年來已發展成專業的治療項目,不管是除皺、肌膚拉提、豐頰、隆鼻及豐唇等,幾乎都能藉由注射的方式達到效果,比傳統開刀方法安全、效果較佳。但注射產品選擇這麼多,容易讓消費者搞混,到底該如何選擇?知名醫學美容專科陳美齡醫師表示,每種注射產品都有它的特性與特色,有時候同個部位,卻有很多種打法,或是需要注射兩種分子的填充物;因此消費者可提出需求,讓醫師來評估與規劃個人化的微整療程。目前在台灣的注射微整主要分為動態神經阻斷與填補凹洞或細紋兩個部分,以下是陳美齡醫師簡單將各種注射療程分類說明,提供民眾基礎的微整概念:
●肉毒桿菌 肉毒桿菌是一種神經阻斷劑,透過針筒注入肌肉以阻斷神經傳導,來降低肌肉過度收縮,所以能消除因表情或說話時,臉部肌肉動作而產生的動態皺紋如抬頭紋、皺眉、魚尾紋及皺鼻紋等,效果約可維持4到6個月,也可改善國字臉及蘿蔔腿,但限制是劑量不能使用過多,施打位置也很重要,以免造成臉部表情僵硬不自然,因此醫師經驗相當重要。
●玻尿酸 玻尿酸是最常見的靜態紋注射填充產品,目前玻尿酸按照分子大小與特性的差異,使得施打部位及劑量不同,大原則是大分子或中分子玻尿酸主要用於填補較深層凹陷,如豐頰、下巴、蘋果肌、淚溝等。而小分子玻尿酸Vital Light於今年才剛上市,主要訴求可增加肌膚保水、緊致度,減少肌膚乾燥,淡化眼周細紋,除眼周細紋外,在頸紋及手背細紋也有不錯的效果。藉由大小分子由深至淺,層層打造自然、穩定與持久的微整形效果。比較美中不足的是,玻尿酸依分子大小不同注射後大約只能維持6到18個月。
●雅得媚長效型填充 因屬於化學聚合物不會被身體組織吸收,效果至少可以維持三年以上。但不適合使用於眼周旁的細紋及抬頭紋,或是先前已植入永久性填充物的部位。
●微晶瓷 微晶瓷也是一種填充物,主要成分是鈣跟磷,可針對法令紋、隆鼻、下巴等位置進行填補改善,而且微晶瓷成份是類骨粉,注射後具有立體骨感,因此可使鼻型與下巴更自然逼真,據臨床研究至少可以維持8到18個月。此外,術後若造成局部組織的刺激,產生輕微紅腫的現象屬於正常情況。
●3D聚左旋乳酸 一般的注射填充大多是將凹陷處填補起來,而3D聚左旋乳酸的作用原理是透過刺激周圍的自體膠原蛋白纖維生成,來達到填補凹陷的目的,因此在施打後效果無法立即顯現,但也因這樣的特性而受到消費者歡迎,因為幾乎不容易在施打初期被人發現臉上動了手腳,但經過作用時間後,就好像電影情節一樣,會有逐漸年輕的感覺。不過,3D聚左旋乳酸不適用於嘴唇,而且注射後可能會出現腫脹、發紅、疼痛、癢、變色、結痂、脫皮及出現輕微疤痕等症狀。
獎別 | 得獎者 | 產品名稱 | 獎勵金 | ||||
金質獎 | 順天生物科技股份有限公司 | 順天生技-STD07(台灣第一件由國人自行研發進入FTIH人體臨床之小分子新藥) | 380,000 | ||||
銀質獎 | 藥華醫藥股份有限公司 | 藥華-抗癌Gemcitabine創新製程 | 350,000 | ||||
銀質獎 | 美時化學製藥股份有限公司 | 美時化學-Desud Plus Sublingual Tablets | 350,000 | ||||
銅質獎 | 正和製藥股份有限公司 | 正和-Fenolip-U | 270,000 | ||||
銅質獎 | 生達化學製藥股份有限公司 | 生達-麥若醣膜衣錠50毫克 | 270,000 | ||||
銅質獎 | 美時化學製藥股份有限公司 | 美時化學-Lidopat Patch 5% | 270,000 |
獎別 | 得獎者 | 產品名稱 | 獎勵金 | ||||
銅質獎 | 聯合骨科器材 | 聯合骨科器材-康膝人工膝關節系統穩定加強型 | 330,000 |
獎別 | 得獎者 | 產品名稱 | 獎勵金 | ||||
金質獎 | 中國化學製藥股份有限公司 | 中國化學-口服滲透泵設計之長效藥物控釋製劑:Xadosin SR F.C. Tablets 4mg之研發以及量產新設備裝置之建立。 | 380,000 | ||||
銀質獎 | 濟生化學製藥廠股份有限公司 | 濟生化學-利用注射乳劑技術與設備開發藥品靜脈注射乳劑。 | 330,000 | ||||
銅質獎 | 歐舒邁克有限公司、濟生化學製藥廠股份有限公司 | 歐舒邁克和濟生化學-易倍心注射液1毫克/毫升。 | 270,000 |