醫美界實驗發現 復健儀器治酸痛兼溶脂 2016-03-20 15:40 中央社 台北20日電 不少人即便努力運動,仍然無法瘦到想瘦的部位,但近期一項實驗發現,利用低功率雷射光的儀器,可將脂肪中的油脂釋出,轉化為身體所需熱量來源,有助局部塑身。中華民國肥胖研究學會理事長蕭敦仁今天表示,美國於2005年發現復健院所用來治療酸痛的雷刨子低功率雷射儀器,有局部雕塑功效;他日前針對40名年約32歲的上班族進行實驗,2週內以低功率雷照射4次,發現受試者腰圍減少逾3公分。此項研究結果,今天在雷刨子學術論壇中發表。蕭敦仁解釋,人體細胞透過儀器照射約6分鐘,就可使脂肪細胞釋出甘油、游離性脂肪酸等,經淋巴循環系統運送至身體各處,供應人體能量所需;有別一般抽脂直接破壞脂肪細胞,雷刨子可維持細胞完整,但若未控制飲食,仍會再復胖。雷刨子的功效不是減肥,蕭敦仁強調,只能進行特定部位雕塑,若有肥胖問題仍應透過少吃多動改善;有嚴重心肺肝腎疾病、水腫者不宜使用,曾經剖腹產的女性因開過刀,淋巴管路被切斷無法將脂肪推至淋巴結,也不適合使用。
Low-Level Laser Therapy for Fat Layer Reduction: A Comprehensive Review , Lasers Surg Med. 2013 Aug; 45(6): 349–357.
Background and Objective Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) is a noninvasive, nonthermal approach to disorders requiring reduction of pain and inflammation and stimulation of healing and tissue regeneration. Within the last decade, LLLT started being investigated as an adjuvant to liposuction, for noninvasive body contouring, reduction of cellulite, and improvement of blood lipid profile. LLLT may also aid autologous fat transfer procedures by enhancing the viability of adipocytes. However the underlying mechanism of actions for such effects still seems to be unclear. It is important, therefore, to understand the potential efficacy and proposed mechanism of actions of this new procedure for fat reduction.
Materials and Methods A review of the literature associated with applications of LLLT related to fat layer reduction was performed to evaluate the findings from pre-clinical and clinical studies with respect to the mechanism of action, efficacy, and safety.
Results The studies as of today suggest that LLLT has a potential to be used in fat and cellulite reduction as well as in improvement of blood lipid profile without any significant side effects. One of the main proposed mechanism of actions is based upon production of transient pores in adipocytes, allowing lipids to leak out. Another is through activation of the complement cascade which could cause induction of adipocyte apoptosis and subsequent release of lipids.
Conclusion Although the present studies have demonstrated safety and efficacy of LLLT in fat layer reduction, studies demonstrating the efficacy of LLLT as a stand-alone procedure are still inadequate. Moreover, further studies are necessary to identify the mechanism of action.