Tuesday, March 27, 2012

健喬信元SIR-SpheresR 於轉移性肝癌正面結果!

Study Establishes Safety and Clinical Benefit of SIR-SpheresR microspheres in Treating Metastatic Liver Tumors in Patients who Failed Systemic Chemotherapy   March 27, 2012, 12:05 p.m. EDT    SAN FRANCISCO, Mar 27, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SIR-SpheresR microspheres are safe and provide clinical benefit for patients with colon cancer liver metastases who have previously received liver-directed and systemic chemotherapy, according to the results of a prospective clinical study announced today at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 37th Annual Scientific Meeting. The data were presented by the interventional investigator Constantinos T. Sofocleous, M.D., in collaboration with Nancy Kemeny, M.D., GI Medical Oncologist from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. SIR-Spheres microspheres are manufactured by Sirtex, a leading developer of targeted, innovative liver cancer therapies.   The prospective single-center study assessed the safety, dose-limiting toxicities and the maximum tolerated dose of SIR-Spheres microspheres in a population whose cancer had progressed despite hepatic arterial and systemic chemotherapy treatments. Over the two year period, from September 2009-2011, 19 patients received SIR-Spheres microspheres in three escalating dose levels. The first group received 70%, the second group received 85%, and the third group received 100% of their specific calculated dose. Common side effects from the SIR-Spheres microspheres were mild-to-moderate (grade 1 or 2) fatigue and mild (grade 1) fever, which were self-limiting and transient. One patient experienced grade 3 nausea and pain, and two patients had elevated bilirubin levels attributed to progressive disease.   Evaluations 4-8 weeks post-treatment showed 12 patients (65%) with stable disease, while five (29.4%) saw disease progression. Median progression-free and overall survival were 6 (95% ci:3.2-9.7) and 16 (95% ci:5.8-17.6) months, respectively. All patients received further chemotherapy, 9 further HAI therapy, with 4 having a decrease in CEA.   Based on these findings, researchers concluded it is safe to administer the entire dose of SIR-Spheres microspheres in patients with colon cancer metastases who progressed despite prior pump and systemic chemotherapy.   "This study helps to confirm that we need to identify more effective treatment options for patients with colorectal liver metastases," said Dr. Sofocleous. "These results have met our expectations regarding safety of SIRT in heavily pre-treated patients with good liver functions."   For more information, visit www.Sirtex.com or find the latest updates on the SIR-Spheres microspheres Facebook page ( www.Facebook.com/SIRSpheresmicrospheres ).   

About Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) using SIR-Spheres microspheres   Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT), also known as radioembolization, is a novel technology for inoperable liver cancer that delivers doses of radiation directly to the site of tumors. In a minimally invasive treatment, millions of radioactive SIR-Spheres microspheres are infused via a catheter into the liver where they selectively target liver tumors with a dose of internal radiation up to 40 times higher than conventional radiotherapy, while sparing healthy tissue.   Clinical trials have confirmed that patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with SIR-Spheres microspheres have response rates higher than with other forms of treatment, resulting in increased life expectancy, greater periods without tumor activity and improved quality of life. SIRT has been found to shrink liver tumors more than chemotherapy alone.   SIR-Spheres microspheres are approved for use in Australia, the United States of America (FDA approval), and the European Union (CE Mark) and additionally supplied in countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Israel and Turkey. Available at more than 400 treatment centers, over 20,000 doses of SIR-Spheres microspheres have been administered worldwide.

多醣(Ambrotose(R)) 補腦!!

Review of the Effects of Polysaccharides on Brain Function is Published Mechanisms that might explain the cognitive benefits of Mannatech's glyconutrients and other polysaccharides are explored         COPPELL, Texas, Mar 27, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Mannatech, the leading innovator and provider of nutritional supplements based on Real Food Technology® solutions, recently announced the publication of a comprehensive literature review reporting the effects of polysaccharides on brain function. Dr. Erika Nelson, a neuroscientist, and her colleagues reviewed controlled studies assessing various roles of exogenous saccharide compounds and polysaccharide-rich extracts on brain function, with a significant focus on benefits derived from oral intake. Her review includes a discussion of five randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials that indicate that Ambrotose® complex, a Mannatech product, positively impacts well-being, memory, cognitive function and mood in healthy adults.* Numerous preclinical studies were also identified that indicate various polysaccharides can modify behavior, enhance synaptic plasticity and provide neuroprotective effects.   "Mannatech has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to evaluating the impact of oral polysaccharide compounds on human health," said Dr. Robert Sinnott, CEO and Chief Science Officer at Mannatech. "In 2010, we published a review--which has been of great interest to the scientific community--which consolidated the extant literature reporting significant impacts of oral polysaccharides on immune function. Today, we are once again pleased to offer an important consolidation of the literature investigating the impact of oral polysaccharides on brain health and function. This literature review both clarifies the current state of the science in this area and suggests appropriate avenues for future research that will help us better understand the benefits of these important compounds."   Dr. Nelson earned her BS in Genetics from the University of Kansas in Lawrence and went on to obtain her PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. She has published a number of papers on neurodevelopmental disorders and brain epigenetics. A candidate for a Masters of Business Administration at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dr. Nelson is also a consultant for Mannatech. Co-authors of the review include Dr. Robert Sinnott; Dr. Talitha Best, a scientist with dual appointments at the University of South Australia, Adelaide, and Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia; and Jane Ramberg, Director of Product Substantiation at Mannatech.   Individuals interested in Mannatech's products or exploring its business opportunity are encouraged to learn more at Mannatech.com.   

About Mannatech   Mannatech, Incorporated, develops high-quality health, weight and fitness, and skin care products that are based on the solid foundation of nutritional science and development standards. Mannatech is dedicated to its platform of Social Entrepreneurship based on the foundation of promoting, aiding and optimizing nutrition where it is needed most around the world. Mannatech's proprietary products are available through independent sales Associates around the globe including the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Estonia, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Czech Republic, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Namibia. For more information, visit Mannatech.com.

長效抗體藥物(AMG 145, anti- PCSK9) 降膽固醇 每月一次!!

每月打一針壞膽固醇降66%  2012/3/26撰稿‧編輯:黃啟霖法新社   美國心臟病學會年會上公布的一份小型研究報告顯示,根據美國生技龍頭安進公司(Amgen)進行的一項實驗,如果每個月注射一劑他們公司製造的實驗新藥,患者的壞膽固醇可以降低66%。  報告指出,初期第一階段的臨床試驗,有51位病人接受新藥AMG145注射,分別有每2週注射一次以及每4週注射一次兩種。  在接受試驗的病人中,不乏有已經在持續服用高劑量降膽固醇藥物斯達汀(statins)的患者,他們接受每2個星期注射一次AMG145,到第八個星期時,血管中壞的膽固醇,也就是低密度膽固醇,下降了63%。至於在服用低劑量斯達汀,也就是低密度膽固醇普通高的患者,接受每4個星期注射一次AMG145,在到第八個星期時,患者的低密度膽固醇下降了66%。  報告指出,根據初步研究,在實驗過程中,並沒有紀錄到有患者死亡,也沒有患者出現不良反應。  這份研究是在25日召開的美國心臟病學會(American College of Cardiology)年會上首度發表。

AMG 145 is a fully human monoclonal antibody to Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 (PCSK9), a negative regulator of low-density lipoprotein receptor. AMG 145 is being investigated for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

TMF若難產 國發基金不排除直接投資生技標的!!

林桓;TMF募資,沒那麼悲觀2012-03-2708:17時報資訊【時報-各報要聞】國發基金執秘林桓昨(26)日表示,過去這一年景氣不好確實讓台灣生技創投基金(TMF)募資不甚順利,但距離募資期限616還有兩個多月,隨著景氣好轉,募資情況未必如外界想像的這麼悲觀。 林桓表示,TMF的規模是50億元,他們必須在所承諾的期限616之前找到投資人,募集40億元,國發基金才會投入10億元。過去這一年全球景氣低迷,在資本市募資確實不易,但這並不代表最後一定募不到,因為近來景氣已有好轉的現象。 林桓表示,TMF在募資過程中,感興趣的投資人很多,只是要簽署承諾投資協議時就轉趨慎重,在景氣不好時,投資人這種觀望的態度是很合理的,他認為隨著景氣復甦,投資人觀望的情況也許會有所改變,到616還有兩個多月,募資情況沒有那麼悲觀。 對於外界認為宇昌案影響了TMF的募資並讓生技專家們感到灰心,林桓表示,宇昌案是過去行政院專案核定程序所引發的爭議,是程序上的問題,而TMF的程序沒有問題,外界實在無需做過度的聯想。 林桓表示,現在說TMF募不到資金,言之過早,但屆時如果真的無法順利募得資金,國發基金將會在方向上及策略上做一些調整,生技起飛鑽石行動方案仍將繼續推動。 林桓說,國發基金投資生技產業除了透過創投基金間接投資生技產業,如果有好的標的,也可以直接投資,目前國發基金所投資的生技創投有有11家,絕不會讓好的標的卻沒有投資的情況出現,國發基金投資生技產業的方向並沒有改變。(新聞來源:工商時報─記者于國欽/台北報導)

幼童疑似皮膚病的”腸病毒”易被忽略 !!

腸病毒病例超過預警值恐爆大流行2012-03-28中國時報 腸病毒疫情拉警報!疾病管制局公布三例新增腸病毒七一型重症病例,分別為中部一歲男童、四歲女童及南部兩歲男童,皆康復出院。疾管局表示,急診腸病毒就診病例連續兩周上升,且在昨日超過預警值,比去年提早兩周進入流行期。研判今年疫情與二○○八年大流行疫情類似,近期內恐會急遽上升,家有幼童的家長應特別留意。 疾管局副局長周志浩表示,三例腸病毒重症個案中,兩歲男童就讀國小的姐姐在男童發病前,曾罹患腸病毒,班上同學也出現腸病毒症狀,並停課一周;中部一歲男童托兒所同學也感染腸病毒,疑似互相感染。 疾管局疫情中心主任莊人祥表示,這波疫情從去年秋冬開始活躍並陸續出現重症,上周首度突破腸病毒預警值千分之三.○四,到千分之三.一六,比往年提早進入腸病毒流行期。他說,相較去年同期完全沒有重症個案,今年已累計廿例重症,高於往年同期,且與二○○八腸病毒大流行同期出現廿九例疫情相似,今年可能會爆發大流行,民眾應提高警覺。 周志浩表示,目前仍授權地方衛生主管機關評估決定是否停課,因小學低年級以下學童或學齡前幼童互相傳染機會高,診斷為腸病毒感染的學童,應請假在家休息。 書田診所小兒科主任醫師潘俊伸表示,今年腸病毒疫情提早報到,有些罹患腸病毒的幼童不會出現發燒症狀,口腔黏膜也看不出異狀,易被家長忽略,以為是皮膚病,繼續讓病童上課,傳染給其他幼童,造成群聚感染。 家長或老師若發現幼童手掌虎口部位、膝蓋、腳掌出現小水泡,應盡速帶小孩就醫,並讓小孩請假三至五天在家休息。

治療紫斑症 糖寶 佈局糖尿病腎病變!!

懷特糖寶報喜!獲中國專利國際大廠談授權再添金雞2012/3/27鉅亨網懷特(4108)生技新藥研發再傳喜訊!懷特糖寶獲得中國專利,已獲得中國知識產權局通知核准領證,而糖寶目前正在進行美國食品藥物管理局核准的二期臨床試驗,預定年底前可完成,為國際大廠洽談授權再添1隻小金雞。懷特積極研發的植物新藥6寶,其中懷特血寶注射劑獲得台灣首張植物新藥藥證,而將血寶適應症擴及治療原發性血小板低下紫斑症注射注射劑,以及懷特骨寶、懷特咳寶等3寶,均已完成美國FDA二期臨床試驗,進入洽談授權金的收成階段。如果懷特糖寶二期臨床試驗年底前如期完成,懷特即可再孵出第4隻「小金雞」,與國際大廠洽談授權。懷特指出,懷特糖寶正於台北榮總、三軍總醫院及台中榮總執行,美國食品藥物管理局核准的二期臨床試驗,預計今年底將可完成試驗,目前參與試驗病患數已達8,正等待試驗結果數據。懷特表示,糖寶的藥理機制為促進清除糖尿病患者體內造成血管併發症的糖化終產物(AGE, Advanced Glycation End Products),可望發揮預防和治療糖尿病腎病變之功效。而懷特糖寶專利佈局完整,以及產品特殊療效將是國際授權成功的保證。



觀光醫療 微創當道!

台灣醫美兩大優勢 微創與回春術引陸客鉅亨網 (來源:華人健康網) 2012-03-27台灣經營醫美的密度,特別是台北民眾接受度,大概是全世界第一高,也因為這樣,台灣醫美相關醫師的經驗足夠且專業,國外有很多人也想來台灣接受醫美治療,特別是陸客也於近年紛紛來臺體驗,因為台灣的經驗與技術都相對領先。台北美麗爾醫學美容整形診所張光正院長表示,最適合陸客來臺進行的整形醫美部分,大概以微創手術為主,包含微整形或一些傷口比較小且恢復期較短的手術,甚至連眼科的近視雷射等精密性手術因恢復期短,做完治療就可以去玩,且回國後也不用擔心安全或回診的問題,所以十分適合。台灣微整形優勢在於使用的器械、材料和藥劑一定都是合法的,因為這在大陸有很多山寨產品,使用了會覺得不安心,其次就是台灣的抽脂補脂技術,尤其臉部回春的經驗多,加上恢復期短,所以接受度也很高,所以這兩項算是台灣醫美的較大優勢。曾經有陸客貴婦一次就做了20萬人民幣約100萬臺幣的醫美整形項目,令人大吃一驚。去年的陸客多是散客,可能透過網路平臺或別人口碑介紹才來台灣,今年希望透過外貿協會建構的這個平臺推廣,吸引更多陸客來臺,希望可以突破去年達到3050團。


牙齒微笑美學技術純熟 陸客來臺體驗鉅亨網 2012-03-27你知道嗎?陸客近年來台灣牙科診所進行牙齒美容,竟然指名想訂做一副大陸女星如范冰冰、趙薇等人的微笑曲線,可見,愛美的陸客也深受台灣微笑美學純熟的技術所吸引。響應外貿協會推廣國際醫療服務,今年玩美牙醫診所再度加入服務陣容,尤其對於歡迎陸客來臺進行牙齒疾病治療,以及牙齒美學療程,都已經準備就緒,並有把握能提供滿意且高品質的服務。玩美牙醫集團品牌推廣部經理張強表示,陸客來臺不僅希望能將牙疾徹底治療,尤其也非常在笑起來時牙齒的外觀。而台灣已有進步的前牙美學、微整型超薄貼片、整體齒形輪廓美塑技術,把整形美容的概念帶進牙醫治療,也使得台灣的牙科治療水準,在世界聞名。此外,無痛、微創的科技與技術,不需麻醉,傷口幾乎無創,沒有腫痛的術後恢復期問題,也讓為牙痛所苦的人,大喊不可思議。結合科技、醫術與美學三者美妙的結合,將能滿足源源不絕的陸客需求與期望。






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