發展生技 政府應加強執行力2011-06-20 工商時報 生技產業在被列為是未來二十年最主流的趨勢,吸引各國紛紛端出牛肉招商引資,但相較於中國、新加坡、美國等國家的大手筆支持,國內生技廠商卻只能自求多福。藥技中心顧問田蔚城指出,政府的口號喊得響,也不斷要從海外延攬大和尚回來,但當務之急還是「執行力」。田蔚城表示,台灣生技產業十年空轉,最重要的就是政策不落實,資源浪費,導致人才也無用武之地。就現況來看,為了扶持生技產業,中國大陸從7、8年前開始,就欽選60所重點大學,每年給這60所大學的生技實驗室6千萬人民幣補助,學校師生為了消化此預算,不斷投入研發,若研發的題目有機會商品化,學校、老師還可以成立公司,而中央、地方政府和企業會投資資金加入合資行列,而針對企業研發的項目,政府都是大手筆贊助,這是造成大陸近年生技產業快速成長主因。以生產飲料元秘D韓國一洋一藥品社長金東淵也表示,韓國政府鼓勵藥廠投入生技新藥和疫苗等產業的發展,只要廠商提出申請,政府會大力給予資金上的補助,因此,韓國有部分藥廠是先建廠再開始找合作標的。美國OCT醫學影像公司董事長陳忠平說,美國政府針對學校實驗室的專案申請是採取足額的金額補助,若該專案有機會發展成為商品,學校也可以專利授權,而該授權可以是研發人員,這使得研發案可以很有系統的從原創意到成果。至於五百人以下的小公司,其研發的專案,政府也是無償又足額的贊助。相較於大陸、美國對生技產業的扶持,台灣政府的贊助力道顯然很小兒科,而且有絕大多數的資源都是由學術和機構掌握,真正落入中、小型企業的不多,甚至由於是散彈式的作法,無法創造具規模有國際競爭力的生技公司來帶領產業發展,也引發不少詬病。聯合骨科董事長林延生表示,政府再三標榜要扶持生技產業,但對本土的醫療器材和藥品並沒有信心,不僅在健保價格上,本土品牌和國際藥廠有落差,甚至也不敢鼓勵醫生使用。林延生認為,與其政府補助金是亂槍打鳥作法,不如鼓勵醫生用本土生技公司開發的藥品或醫材,讓醫生拿到國際上發表,若被肯定,就給予金額獎勵,這樣不僅可激勵醫生使用「MIT」產品,也能幫助生技廠商打開國際市場知名度。太景生技董事長許明珠認為,台灣的生技產業已慢慢醞釀出氛圍,各家公司基本上已開始知道自己的營運利基,但現在最重要的是需要有國際經驗的人才來引導,而要讓人才想要回來貢獻,就要架設一個優良的平台,吸引資金和人才來台,這樣才有機會創造台灣生技產業的利基。
Sunday, June 19, 2011
國家生技園區才核定 vs台灣生技產業將難產??!!
政府減碼生技基金 翁啟惠轟 【2011/06/20 經濟日報】行政院「生技起飛鑽石行動方案」的首檔生技創投基金將在24日將公布細節,面對由張有德領軍的首支基金國發基金投資比例腰斬的問題,中央研究院院長翁啟惠昨(19)日以罕見不滿的態度表示,該案核定過程令人失望,「顯示政府魄力不足,台灣生技產業將難產」。由全球最大醫療器材創投Vertical Group合夥人張有德領軍的TMF創投,是行政院「生技起飛鑽石行動方案」公布以來,第一支向國發基金提出申請的生技創投基金,投資方向以高階醫材為主。但原先規畫基金規模50億元,國發基金投資20億元,目前確定縮水一半僅剩10億元。翁啟惠表示,當初規畫國發基金投資TMF四成的投資比例有其用意,他舉當年扶植科技業經驗為例,就是要定調產業發展方向,並落實政府主導的能力。翁啟惠認為,目前台灣根本沒有西方國家所定義的生技產業,有的只是保健食品、溫度計、血壓計等初階醫療製造商,離真正的生技業還有一大段距離。他指出,當初由國發基金投資40%的用意,就是要讓政府能夠主導,自海外引進真正具競爭優勢的生醫技術,充實國家競爭力。翁啟惠指出,由於研發人才和成果俱足,生技業內涵遠比當年的科技業,更符合台灣核心競爭力,台灣有許多優秀生技人才,和無數具有潛力的新藥研究成果,只要政府出面主導加上資金到位,馬上可以產生爆發力。翁啟惠感嘆,國發基金投資生技業賺錢絕不是目的,不然投資股市即可,何必投資產業?但由於政府主事者軟弱,讓台灣喪失得以躋身世界市場的機會。
育成中心舵手 鎖定蘇懷仁 【2011/06/20 經濟日報】在生技起飛行動方案第一個生技創投基金台灣生技創投(TMF)有譜後,行政院政務委員朱敬一周六 (25日)將啟程前往美國華府,將延攬旅美生技專家蘇懷仁返台主持生技整合的超級育成中心(SIC)。另外,行政院生技產業策略會議(BTC)預訂10月舉行,已鎖定兩岸生技合作搶攻大陸市場、培養我國生技人才,及如何將學術研究轉為產業發展三大議題。朱敬一此行將和行政院生技產業策略會議的海外委員舉行會前會,就上述三大議題先行交換意見。他也將出席在華府當地舉行的生技大展,發表演說介紹台灣生技產業發展。中研院院長翁啟惠、中研院院士陳建仁也將一同前往。
生技風雲路-張念慈&翟若適2011-06-20 工商時報 張念慈的創業史中,他於1995年以5,500萬美元創立保健食品公司Pharmanex,4年後,以1億3,500萬美元被知名的直銷商如新集團(Nu Skin)併購,最為膾炙人口。而推波這股動力,主要是1994年美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)通過一項縮短審核健康食品程序為75天,這個政策讓張念慈原本與現任中研院院長翁啟惠等人合組化學生技公司,卻因1993年時生技產業不景氣,募資不順而暫時束之高閣的計劃,至此打消念頭,轉而規劃發展天然草本營養補充品公司。而且,很幸運的,張念慈組了一個十分堅強來頭很大的Pharmanex經營團隊,口服避孕藥的發明人翟若適是Pharmanex的頭號光環。秉持著要以科學的方法來研究認證草本植物的功效的信念,張念慈找上了曾創辦過多家公司,也從事過許多重大的投資事業的馬大龍(Bill McGlashan)。由於馬大龍的父親馬大維過去曾經和口服避孕藥的發明人翟若適共事。馬大龍認為,如果有翟若適的投資加持,必然會讓Pharmanex的募資一炮而紅,對於Pharmanex的形象也有絕對的加分,因此,他們前去說服這位國際知名的科學家。 1923年出生於維也納的翟若適,16歲時隨父母移民美國,21歲就獲得化學博士學位,並應邀前往墨西哥的墨合藥廠任職。翟若適成名很早,26歲時,他就因成功研發治療不孕症和流產等問題的口服黃體素合成口服黃體素,就是後來廣為女性服用的合成口服避孕藥,而聲名大譟,也成為墨合藥廠晉身為歐美合成荷爾蒙的最大藥廠的最大功臣。翟若適在化學領域上的傑出成就,使他陸續獲得美國國家科學獎,以及美國化學學會所頒發的最高榮譽「普利斯獎」(Priestley Medal),甚至還被提名角逐諾貝爾化學獎。最後雖然未能獲獎,但他對人類生殖科技改造的重大成就,研發的口服避孕藥讓女性得以自主決定何時要生育小孩,也讓他在1999年,獲得《倫敦泰晤士報》(London Times)評選為千年來最具影響力的30位人士之一,同樣名列其中的還包括愛因斯坦、牛頓等29位已故的知名人物。長期致力於將具有活性的天然物質應用於藥物方法的翟若適,在1979年,中國大陸改革開放,中美仍處於所謂的「乒乓外交」中,中方邀請了尼克森、季辛吉訪問大陸,翟若適夫婦也是重要成員。在那次的旅程中,翟若適的太太罹患重感冒,讓中國官員大為緊張,請翟若適決定是以中醫或西醫來治?由於考慮到中國10年動亂,西醫必定大受影響,於是翟若適決定入境隨俗的試用中藥醫治,竟然完全治癒感冒。翟若適回到美國後,便將中國醫生寫給他的藥方名稱,加以研究,發現中草藥也含有天然的阿斯匹靈成分,而讓他對有千年歷史的中國中草藥有了另類的認識,因此,在史丹福擔任教授期間,他經常邀請中醫和中國有名的醫學科學家到學校訪問,因此,對張念慈和馬大龍的邀約,翟若適當場就從抽屜裡拿出支票本,開了一張50萬美元支票,成為Pharmanex的股東。這位口服避孕藥的發明人,雖然投資Pharmanex的金額並不大,但他的名氣,加上張念慈的中藥研究基礎,幾乎已經奠定了Pharmanex的成功基礎了。
研發新型光纖式感測儀,亞諾法、嘉原策略聯盟2011-06-20 【時報-台北電】亞諾法(4133) 與嘉原科技策盟,共同合作推出新型光纖式奈米生物感測儀(FO-PPR),初期先以新流感檢測做為建立感染性疾病體外檢驗醫療器材的模式系統,未來將藉著系統優勢將應用範圍擴大至其他傳染性疾病與癌症相關生物標記檢驗上。亞諾法總經理黃偉伯表示,該產品7月將在美國亞特蘭大舉行的美國臨床化學協會(AACC)會議上展出,預計年底前將完成開發可應用於研究用市場的開放性平台,並透過亞諾法的全球售管道行銷。亞諾近年營運業績三級跳,去年EPS以2.5元改寫歷史新高,而今年第1季EPS也繳出0.66元的佳績。黃偉伯表示,亞諾法已使用其開發出的新流感抗體與抗原試劑進行FO-PPR系統的性能表現測試,僅需用1個捕捉抗體,即可偵測病毒,代表這個系統可以更準確地監控季節性流感,或是大規模流感容易突變的病毒蛋白。目前亞諾法將針對研究用市場使用這套平台進行大規模的抗體驗證,讓客戶能直接於架上選購相關產品以提高使用的便利性。FO-PPR為一種無標記的蛋白質偵測系統,不僅可應用在蛋白質定量上,也可偵測蛋白質彼此之間與蛋白質與小分子間的交互作用及動力學量測;最重要的是,FO-PPR系統僅需要一個捕捉抗體即可達到高靈敏度的蛋白質定量需求。相較於一般傳統的三明治酵素免疫連結吸附分析法除了需要抗體配對才能進行蛋白質定量外,也因其有限的偵測範圍與靈敏度不足的問題而無法有效偵測許多臨床上相關檢體中各式生物標記的含量。
陸客醫美商機 仍須強化配套服務!
陸客自由行 醫美界盼拉長天數2011-06-20 旺報 陸客自由行即將開放,搶進大陸頂端商務客觀光醫療商機,醫美人士已摩拳擦掌。不過,醫界人士建議政府,陸客自由行單次來台天數,應延長為1個月,更符合醫美的恢復期天數。此外,包括術後陸客回診等相關再入境的配套措施仍嚴重不足,恐錯失市場商機。為期兩天的首屆台灣海峽兩岸醫事交流高峰論壇昨天閉幕。醫界人士認為未來將以微創整形、醫療美容、植牙、高端健檢等項目,鎖定大陸中高端商務客,推展陸客醫療觀光。據業界估計,觀光醫療商機至少是一般觀光商機的1.5倍到1.8倍,透過台灣先進的醫美技術與設備,再結合台灣的服務業利基,更能讓台灣軟實力的深層價值充分發揮。海基會董事長江丙坤出席時也表示,去年陸客來台約118萬人次,開放陸客自由行後,預估今年將有200萬人次陸客來台,將為台灣帶來商機。江丙坤說,過去團進團出的模式,對陸客來台做醫學美容來說,不是最好的方式,而自由行後,個人有其時間安排,對醫美產業將有較大幫助。不過,醫界人士認為,政府相關的配套措施,還未到位。亞力山大整形美容集團執行長鄭孝威指出,台灣在微創整形、醫療美容的技術,完全不輸韓國,加上兩岸語言優勢,台灣在這部分確實有利基,但目前讓他最憂心的是政府相關配套措施完全不足。他指出,南韓正在大陸各主要醫院駐點,搶進大陸觀光醫療美容市場,如果台灣相關配套措施不相對跟上,他擔心台灣可能又要錯失商機。台灣海峽兩岸醫事交流協會理事長黃松雄建議,希望未來政府可以將陸客自由行由15天延長為1個月,更能符合醫美所需的恢復期。
金門爭取國際醫療園區 瞄準金廈生活圈 (廈門、漳州、泉州)
解除鄉親的痛籌設醫療園區 動起來2011-06-20 工商時報 金門縣長李沃士表示,醫療資源不足是金門鄉親心中永遠的痛!為改善醫療問題,將催生國際醫療園區,醫學中心設立金門分院,此園區不僅服務金門鄉親,還要擴大服務大陸台商和陸客,包括對岸的廈門、漳州、泉州地區約700萬民眾的醫療需求。「金廈生活圈」醫療資源將向前邁進一大步。以人口、面積及人口淨成長速度來看,金門都超過澎湖,但澎湖已有醫療大樓,金門至今還沒有。李沃士表示,金門鄉親有70%的人認為金門施政首要之務就是改善醫療。金門鄉親心聲,中央應多關心。金門縣政府統計,金門縣人口9萬多人,每年由金門後送到台灣醫療約200至300人次,單是後送醫療交通成本就要1億元。李沃士指出,金門是最有潛力發展為兩岸醫療中心的地方。斥資12億元興建的署立金門醫院綜合醫療大樓,明年底可完工,李沃士說,未來署立金門醫院應發展成為兩岸醫療中心,不僅服務金門鄉親,還要擴大服務大陸台商和陸客。另外,李沃士也希望爭取大型醫學中心合作,請衛生署協助榮民總醫院或成功大學附設醫院等設立金門分院,金門國際醫療園區規畫也請加速醫療法規修訂配合。另外,觀光醫療、健檢、醫療美容已蔚為全球醫療產業潮流。李沃士指出,目前金門與廈門每半小時有往返的船舶航班,往來的船行交通費約僅1,400元,花低廉的交通費就能得到高水準的醫療服務,對金廈生活圈的廣大居民來說,有其吸引力與便利性,數百萬人都是金門發展兩岸「觀光醫療」的客源。對於發展醫療園區的經費來源,李沃士指出,經費部分縣府全力支援,除健保的支付,縣府也可多編列醫療基金投注在醫療上。另外,中央補助的預算也可多編一些經費用在醫療。再者,金門藏富於民,金門民間存款有800億元,相信經費不是問題,這點絕對可以承諾,就像金門大橋的興建,也是由金門出資1/3,中央補助2/3,只要有利於民,地方政府應承擔更多責任。
葡眾(葡萄王) 台灣第6大傳銷商 年營收26億 會員6萬多人!
塑化劑陰霾漸散 生技股逢低可買 2011-6-20 自由電子報 受到塑化劑波及,過去一個月來生技股跌幅遠較大盤慘烈,上市生技股跌幅將近7%,上櫃生技股跌幅更達13%,由於少數公司銷貨退回會認列在6月營收的減項,加上還有被求償的可能,因此短線應該避開曾傳出被塑化劑影響的個股,不過7月下旬生技展即將展開,若生技股6月營收在7月初公告時表現不佳,法人建議可逢低承接。生技股這波沒有被塑化劑波及的以醫療器材為主,事實上,第二季至第三季為醫療器材股的營運旺季,營收動能增強,短線選股上,以醫材股為目前投資首選,其中法人看好血糖儀廠商五鼎(1733)以及華廣(4737),以及隱形眼鏡廠的精華光(1565),另外就是這次完全沒被塑化劑影響的葡萄王(1707)。法人表示,五鼎第三季營收在美國新客戶(大型通路商)開始出貨及美國客戶Medline、歐洲新客戶開始出貨下,單月營收可望再創歷史新高。其中今年躍居五鼎第一大客戶的Medicare,去年血糖儀出貨27萬台,預計今年可望成長至35萬台,在試片數量及機台數出貨上升下,可使營收持續穩定成長,整體而言今年前三大客戶營收貢獻可望持平或小幅成長,但因試片比重上升,五鼎今年毛利率可望提升。法人指出,五鼎今年在毛利率提升下,獲利將較去年成長至少10%,每股獲利上看5.5元。至於生技股王精華光,今年5月新增4條生產線,因此法人估計預估第二季營收約8.45億元,較去年同期成長15%,只是第二季新台幣升值可能產生匯損,抵銷廣告費用減少的利益,因此預估第二季每股稅後盈餘為5.2元。法人表示,目前精華光總產品線提高至30條,產能3億片,新增產能將以生產特殊片及放大片為主,另外公司計畫今年第四季將再增4條生產線,明年成長動力仍強,今年每股獲利則上看22元。而這次躲過塑化劑風暴的葡萄王,上週五股價還大漲5%,已經回到塑化劑風暴前的位置,相較其他生技股表現相對強勢,雖然法人認為,葡萄王躲過風暴,但市面上保健食品仍受到塑化劑影響消費者信心,短期銷售恐怕不佳,不過對葡萄王中長期而言,仍有加分效果。法人表示,葡萄王轉投資持股6成的直銷事業「葡眾」為台灣第6大傳銷商,去年營收26億多,獲利3.4億元,貢獻葡萄王每股稅前盈餘1.57元,預估今年葡眾在會員數持續增加至6萬多人下,營收可成長24.8%,獲利4.2億元,貢獻葡萄王每股稅前盈餘1.94元,因此葡萄王今年每股獲利將達3.8元。
Mainland, Taiwan join forces seeking global recognition of traditional Chinese medicine
2011-06-19 XIAMEN, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has for a long time been fighting for status in a world dominated by Western medicine, and now advocates from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan are joining forces to pursue global recognition for TCM. Both the mainland and Taiwan attach great importance to TCM, calling it "an indispensable part of Chinese culture," State Administration of TCM Deputy Director Yu Wenming told a seminar on June 11 at the third Straits Forum in the southeastern city of Xiamen. Taiwan has more experience and advantage in "hospital management, health care, drug research and development and international marketing," whereas the mainland boasts great development resources and a huge market, Yu said, adding that the government has made TCM vital in its medical reform plan. "The two sides have broad room for collaboration," he said. Cross-Strait cooperation on TCM started in the late 1980s, but in the past, both sides focused more on short-term benefits, but now they have a shared goal -- to jointly promote TCM globally, which would benefit both in the long run, Yu said.
DIFFICULT ROAD ABROAD A European Union directive on traditional herbal medicinal products, fully implemented in May, shocked China's ambitious TCM sector that has been wanting to enter the global market. The directive requires that all herbal medicinal products obtain a medical license from any EU member state before it can be allowed in the EU market. However, not a single Chinese herbal medicinal product has been granted a license so far, mainly due to the prohibitive registration cost and lack of required evidence to prove the product has a 30-year history of safe use, including 15 years in the EU. Actually, by elevating the threshold, the directive is trying to force China's TCM producers to abandon the EU market. "On one hand, the EU doesn't believe that science can prove the efficacy of TCM, which is used by the EU as a reason for its policy," said Shau Yio-Wha, general director of the Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories of Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute. "On the other hand, the EU member states covet the profits of the herbal medicine market and have invested heavily in it themselves," he said. "Germany began herbal medicine research many years ago; therefore, the directive also aims to protect its own industry." In spite of this, TCM's globalization ambition has not been doomed by the directive. On June 1, the Foci Pharmaceutical Company, based in Lanzhou of China's northwestern Gansu Province, applied for a product license for a medication containing concentrated Chinese angelica, a type of herb, from the Swedish drug administration, becoming the first TCM producer to apply for a license in an EU country. If the company's medication is authorized in Sweden, it will be accepted by other EU countries. As the world's largest market for herbal medicinal products, the EU takes up more than 40 percent of the market share. With a history of more than 2,000 years, TCM did not enter the EU market until mid-1990s, where it has been sold to customers as food supplements instead of drugs. While TCM's export value to the EU only made up 14 percent of the total in 2010, industry insiders still have had serious concerns about its future. "Actually, it's unnecessary to worry about TCM's development following the EU ban, as the mainland's huge market is there, complemented with strong official support," Shau said. But he added that the world heritage should be "widely promoted and shared by all mankind in order to pass it to future generations." Last November, acupuncture, a TCM therapy, was listed by the UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage.
MAKE IT UNDERSTOOD The key for TCM's globalization is to make it understood by Westerners, Shau said, adding that efforts should be made to "modernize it and use science to prove it" by answering the question, what kind of mechanism on Earth uses TCM for treatment? "But never use the concept of Western medicine to explain TCM," he warned. The concept of TCM is a reflection of China's dialectic philosophy. In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe as described in Taoism, and the treatment of illness is based primarily on the diagnosis and differentiation of syndromes. Traditional Chinese culture, with thousands of years of history, enabled TCM to pass from one generation to another. TCM includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage and dietary therapies, which are a common part of medical care throughout East Asia but are considered alternative medicine in the West. Western medicine, developed in only hundreds of years and encompassing methods such as surgery and radiation, cannot cure all diseases and is weak at infectious disease prevention, which is exactly TCM's strength, according to Shau, who said that TCM "has every reason to develop and thrive." Honeysuckle, a major TCM ingredient, sold out during an outbreak of the A/H1N1 influenza in 2009, which caused nearly 180 deaths in China, as the herb was said to prevent the infectious disease. Its price surged ten fold due to the intense demand. Despite TCM's magical effect, it's not a testable method, which complicates research on TCM's efficacy. TCM uses different physiological and disease models from that of modern medicine, and makes a number of assumptions that are inconsistent with scientific principles. "It's very difficult to explain TCM to Western medicine practitioners, as the two have fundamentally different language systems and for them, TCM is a foreign language," said Prof. Wang Yanhui of Xiamen University's Medical College. To make TCM a universal language, Shau said the mainland and Taiwan should join to improve TCM's "clinical evidence," introduce new methods such as "using genes to prove its curative effect," and draw up a standard in order to break its international hurdles. "Currently, there are no standards for TCM, so the mainland and Taiwan should work together to formulate one accepted by the global market," Shau said. However, Prof. Wang said a standard is "hard to establish," as it is difficult to "quantify" TCM therapies. For example, different physicians would prescribe different medicine to different patients even if they share the same illness, but practitioners of both sides look forward to a standard.
SEEK STATUS In Taiwan, efforts of seeking status for TCM have never ceased, as the herbal medicine's development there is far less rosy than that on the mainland, Shau said, adding that TCM accounts for less than one twentieth of the entire medical sector on the island, whereas it takes up about one quarter on the mainland. TCM in Taiwan is considered an alternative medicine, and TCM hospitals are banned, whereas such hospitals are thriving on the mainland, and its development has been put into the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015)."In order to promote TCM in Taiwan, many practitioners turned to outside markets, especially the West, decades ago, to persuade Westerners to understand or accept TCM," Shau said. Taiwan should share with its mainland counterpart its experience of overseas promotion and the medicine's modernization, he said. Traditional TCM holds that doctors prescribe medicinal ingredients for patients who will decoct them in pots at home or ask pharmacists to do so, but it's not convenient for the users to always take decoction with them. "Busy people prefer a 'pill' instead of decoction, and instead of pure treatment, some use TCM for health care and disease prevention," Shau said, adding that Taiwan is working hard to modernize TCM manufacturing and service. However, both TCM sectors of the mainland and Taiwan still cannot reach a consensus on some modernization methods. Mainland practitioners usually stick to the traditional way of decoction, but some Taiwan doctors believe that the efficacy would be greatly differentiated after the prescribed ingredients are watered. Instead, Taiwan manufacturers use modern technology to extract ingredients into powders so that when taking medicine, users can take the powders while drinking some water. "TCM physicians across the Taiwan Strait should conduct exchanges more often to discuss the differences and improve the medicine," Shau said. Wang Chengde, director of the department in charge of exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan under the State Administration of TCM, said that Taiwan boasts "abundant experience and channels for TCM's international marketing." "Before the mainland's reform and opening up in the late 1970s, Taiwan TCM practitioners set up clinics overseas, helping the medicine's overseas promotion," Wang said. Moreover, granular formulation's production on the island is more mature than that of the mainland, and Taiwan's TCM granules have been exported to many countries, he said, adding that the island's TCM could "seek development with the help of the mainland's huge market." According to a cross-Strait medical cooperation agreement signed last December in Taipei, the mainland and Taiwan will conduct more cooperation on measures ensuring safety of herbal medicinal materials and TCM clinical research and academic study, which Shau said establishes "a solid platform for TCM's joint promotion." Based on the agreement, Wang said the two sides could jointly develop new drugs and share qualification and clinical data, which would help accelerate the process for new drugs to hit the market. However, as for TCM preparations, produced by both sides respectively, they could not enter the other's market due to different drug standards, he said. The two sides started TCM cooperation as early as the late 1980s when some Taiwan medical students came to study in mainland schools such as Xiamen University's Medical College in Fujian Province, facing Taiwan across the Strait, where people used the same Minnan dialect with that used in Taiwan, Wang said, adding that TCM cooperation across the Strait had never been affected by political changes. Mainland-Taiwan relations entered a tense era after the Kuomintang lost a civil war with the Communist Party of China and fled to Taiwan in the late 1940s. In the 1980s, Taiwanese were allowed to visit the mainland, and TCM became the earliest field of cross-Strait exchanges. Currently, TCM cooperation across the Strait covers education, academic research and trade. More than 90 percent of Taiwan's TCM raw materials are imported from the mainland, Wang said. He said the two sides would jointly develop new drugs for the international market to combat cancer and other major infectious and autoimmune diseases.
台酒中塑 Q10清酒酵母膠原錠回收 2011-6-18 自由電子報 衛生署公布的問題產品清單,昨日新增台灣菸酒公司的「Q10清酒酵母膠原錠」,回收數量仍在統計中。外傳桂格產品也中「塑」,衛生署食品藥物管理局官員表示,據了解該公司自行送驗的逾百種產品並無驗出塑化劑,也與昱伸、賓漢等上下游廠商沒有關係。衛生署仍會持續了解情況。至於台灣菸酒公司的清酒酵母膠原錠則疑似用到昱伸下游原料。總計目前受到波及廠商共四百二十九家,共八百五十八項產品受到波及。桂格食品販售的桂格蜜人蔘養生飲品傳出遭塑化劑污染,大潤發、家樂福和愛買等量販店業者已陸續將該商品下架回收。台中市衛生局表示,該產品檢驗出含有塑化劑含量達一.四PPM。因為數值低於一.五PPM,正複檢中。台北市衛生局長林奇宏則說,已抽驗桂格產品送驗,結果最快下周一出爐。桂格食品否認蜜人蔘下架回收,強調產品沒問題。消保會昨天表示,截至本月十六日,已受理四百四十四件與塑化劑污染食品有關的消費爭議申訴案件。其中百晟、景岳、食益補、友華、天賜爾、統一及萃研工坊等七家保健食品生產廠商,佔總申訴案量八十%。消保會表示,不排除協助消費者接洽優良消保團體,進行團體訴訟或洽請義務律師研提集體訴訟。消保會直指,雖七家廠商的退貨(款)條件,經協調後逐漸放寬,惟高達五十一%以上的申訴者,要求業者除退貨外,應給予精神損害賠償或健檢費用賠償。
LP33塑化劑檢驗結果不同 問題到底是…..?
統一LP33膠囊 會員全額退費2011-06-18 中國時報 塑化劑風暴中,統一LP33膠囊發生前後檢驗結果不同,為展現誠意,統一企業昨發表聲明,經與行政院消保會在十四日討論退換貨機制後,即日起全額退費,針對有訂購記錄的LP33會員進行退費服務,以示負責;原7-11及康是美門市則不再受理憑外包裝盒退貨。為了幫助塑化劑受害消費者求償,行政院消保會已要求食品廠商提出退貨方式及補償措施。其中統一企業已經決定大幅放寬退貨標準;另一大廠白蘭氏則堅持民眾需憑發票或外包裝,才肯全額退費。消保官將持續與業者溝通,否則不排除協助消費者進行團體訴訟。截至昨日的最新統計,自塑化劑風暴發生以來,消保會一共受理四百四十四件塑化劑汙染食品爭議訴訟,其中就有三百五十五件集中於統一、白蘭氏、萃研工坊等保健食品生產廠商,占所有申訴案件八十%。 衛生署食品藥物管理局昨日並公布最新含塑食品清單,台灣菸酒公司出產的美容保健聖品「Q10清酒酵母膠原錠」也中塑,回收數量仍在統計中。 台灣菸酒繼「台啤益兒酵母口嚼錠(橘子、櫻桃口味)」、「S11益生菌」後,旗下的美容保健聖品「Q10清酒酵母膠原錠」又中箭,赫然出現在昱伸公司起雲劑的供應鏈中,上游問題原料經協成化工、金饌生技、金佳峰生技,最後進入台灣菸酒。此外,養生大廠桂格也傳出塑毒疑雲,而且還摻雜破碎玻璃瓶的複雜情節,衛生署食品藥物管理局副局長許銘能表示,當時起雲劑暴發惡意添加塑化劑之際,已請廠商緊急清查盤點,並比對內部原料進貨紀錄,原料來源不是來自昱伸、賓漢二家黑心業者,桂格旗下一百多項產品自行送驗也都合格。