明生生技蛋白質分析實驗室 零缺失通過FDA查核 2018年03月02日 10:35 工商 杜蕙蓉 由尹衍樑主導的潤泰集團與Watson(華生)製藥創辦人趙宇天
Friday, March 2, 2018
明生生技 被委託CMC分析 (ANDA藥品查登案) 通過FDA查核
泰福 內線案: 約談 承銷 元富證券 李總經理&相關人
泰福內線案 六人遭約談 2018-02-28 00:05經濟日報 記者張宏業、王淑以、朱美宙/台北報導 潤泰集團旗下的泰福-KY去年8月在新股上市之前,競拍失利,
共信&台大醫院 phase II (30人) 2019年Q4完成: 原發性肝癌/栓塞失敗/未達標靶藥標準
共信-KY肝癌新藥PTS100啟動二期臨床 明年完成 共信-KY(6617)旗下原發性肝癌新藥PTS100正式與台
豐華生技(晟德) 3.7億 擴建嘉義廠 產能增8倍
豐華獲食品所技轉搶攻農畜牧商機 2018/03/01【江俞庭╱台北報導】
配現金股息3元 豐華為晟德藥廠旗下益生菌及發酵產品供應商,除了台南廠區外,
地院一審判決: 晟德 委託 東洋 開發Risperidone協議存在
台灣東洋 公司當日重大訊息之詳細內容 本資料由 (上櫃公司) 台灣東洋 公司提供序號2 發言日期107/03/01 發言時間18:41:47 發言人張國江 發言人職稱財務長 發言人電話26525999-2339 主旨 就晟德大藥廠股份有限公司對本公司提起民事訴訟確認 Risperidone委任開發協議之契約關係存在,
(無人式傳播) 電梯密閉空間 懸浮 流感病毒 !
流感住院年輕化 平均年齡降到44歲2018-02-27 〔記者林惠琴/台北報導〕衛福部疾管署統計,
高市類流感門診創本季新高 疾管署副署長莊人祥表示,上週類流感門急診人次高於前一週,
最新研究 流感可藉由空氣傳染 此外,最新研究發現,不一定要透過患者咳嗽、
瑞銀 黃靜怡: FDA基因療法/罕病/標靶藥 第三方審核 加速新藥審核
新藥核准數創新高 生技股利多發酵 2018年03月01日 04:10 工商時報 魏喬怡/台北報導 近期生技類股盤勢持續進入整理,
益得22億 吸入劑廠房: 2018年TFDA PIC/S GMP認證/ 2019年FDA查廠
益得將上櫃,核心產品2021年起可望陸續在美上市 MoneyDJ新聞 2018-03-01 17:53:05 記者 蕭燕翔 報導專注呼吸道用藥的特殊製藥廠益得生(6461)即將上櫃交易
譽衡葯 何賣3金雞母(上海華拓/西藏陽光/普德葯業): 輔助用藥 重點監控、中藥注射劑 受限
譽衡葯業打包出售重要資產急轉型 北京新浪網 (2018-02-25 23:44)近日,
核心產品受影響 在業內人士看來,輔助用藥受重點監控、
Tulex Pharma (易威孫公司) 替 Eton Pharma 開發 2項505(b)(2)口服液態藥
易威孫公司Tulex結盟美Eton藥廠進軍新劑型新藥市場 MoneyDJ新聞 2018-02-26易威(1799)美國孫公司Tulex Pharmaceuticals,Inc.繼日前(2月21日)
台微體 拚 亞洲第一 台美 掛牌 生技股
台微體赴美國發行ADR 生技股掀出走骨牌效應? 呂俊儀2018-02-26 台微體在美發行ADR案若順利完成,將成為亞洲首家在台灣、
台微體將成亞洲首家台美雙邊掛牌生技公司 台灣企業赴美發行ADR過去大多是科技業,如台積電、聯電、
股價偏低、拓展美國市場是赴美發ADR主因 台微體是國內指標型的特色藥公司,
生技業出走一樁樁不利產業發展 台微體有望成為亞洲第一家在美國及台灣雙掛牌的生技公司,
(長庚條款) 《醫療法》修法: 醫院 持上市櫃公司 股票 不具投票權
安成生技& Castle Creek Pharma AC-203(CCP-020) Diacerein 1% Ointment 水泡症TFDA (phaseII)
安成生技宣布AC-203獲准進行治療EB第二期臨床試驗 MoneyDJ新聞 2018-02-26 17:29:04 記者 新聞中心 報導 專注於開發抑制發炎體藥品的安成生技(6610)今(26)日宣
An International, Multicenter, Open-label, Long Term Extension Study Evaluating the Safety of Diacerein 1% Ointment Topical Formulation in Subjects With Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EBS)
This is an international, multicenter, open-label, long term extension study evaluating the safety of topical Diacerein 1% Ointment for the treatment of subjects with EBS. At Visit 1, EBS subjects who completed the CCP-020-301 double-blind safety and efficacy study or the CCP-020-101 PK study (feeder studies) without major Clinical Safety Report (CSR) reportable protocol deviations and who meet all the inclusion/exclusion criteria will be eligible to complete 2 treatment cycles of CCP-020.Each treatment cycle will consist of 8 weeks on treatment (once-daily, at home study medication applications) followed by 8 weeks off treatment (only Investigator approved bland, non-medicated emollient/moisturizer, routine cleansing products and sunscreens) with a maximum of 2 treatment cycles allowed for up to 52 weeks. At Baseline Visit (corresponding to the final study visit of the feeder study), the investigator will perform a clinical assessment and determine if any of the subject's lesions require treatment (up to 30% BSA). If the subject has active lesions as determined by the Investigator's clinical assessment, the subject will initiate a cycle of once-daily, at home study medication application to their EBS lesions for 8 weeks (treatment period) followed by an 8-week period where no treatment will be administered. Subjects presenting with no active lesions (as determined by the Investigator's clinical assessment) will not begin treatment and instead, will be instructed to return to the clinic for re-evaluation in 8 weeks or upon worsening of EBS lesions, whichever happens first.
Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of Diacerein 1% Ointment in Terms of the Occurrence of Adverse Events in Subjects with EBS [ Time Frame: From Baseline Visit to 16 weeks, not to exceed 52 weeks cyling between treatment and off treatment periods ] The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the long term safety and tolerability of Diacerein 1% Ointment in subjects with EBS that were previously enrolled in studies CCP-020-301 or CCP-020-101. Safety will be evaluated in terms of the occurrence of Adverse Events. An adverse event is defined as any untoward medical occurrence in a clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product, which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment. An adverse event can therefore be any unfavorable and/or unintended sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding), symptom, or disease temporally associated with the use of an investigational medicinal product, whether or not related to the investigational medicinal product. All adverse events, including observed or volunteered problems, complaints, or symptoms, are to be recorded on the appropriate Case Report Form.
Sponsors and Collaborators Castle Creek Pharmaceuticals, LLC