Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and prevalence of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese children: the Ryukyus Child Health Study.BMC Public Health. BMC Public Health. 2011 May 21;11:358. Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan. miyake-y@fukuoka-u.ac.jp BACKGROUND: The recent increase in the prevalence of allergic disorders might be a consequence of increased intake of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and reduced intake of n-3 PUFAs. The current cross-sectional study examined the association between intake levels and the prevalence of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis in Japanese children.METHODS: Subjects were 23,388 schoolchildren aged 6-15 years residing in Okinawa. The presence of eczema and/or rhinoconjunctivitis was determined according to the criteria of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. A brief diet history questionnaire for children and adolescents was administered to acquire information on dietary factors. Adjustment was made for age, sex, residential municipality, number of siblings, smoking in the household, body mass index, paternal and maternal history of allergic diseases, and paternal and maternal educational level.RESULTS: The prevalences of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis in the previous 12 months were 7.0% and 8.0%, respectively. Consumption of PUFAs, n-3 PUFAs, α-linolenic acid, n-6 PUFAs, and linoleic acid was positively associated with the prevalence of eczema: the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) between extreme quintiles (95% confidence intervals [CIs], P for trend) were 1.26 (1.07-1.48, 0.04), 1.31 (1.11-1.54, 0.009), 1.31 (1.12-1.55, 0.003), 1.26 (1.07-1.48, 0.01), and 1.27 (1.08-1.49, 0.01), respectively. Arachidonic acid intake was independently inversely related to eczema: the adjusted OR between extreme quintiles was 0.81 (0.69-0.95, 0.0008). Eczema was not associated with eicosapentaenoic or docosahexaenoic acid intake, or with the ratio of n-3 to n-6 PUFA intake. Only arachidonic acid intake was statistically significantly related to the prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis, showing a clear inverse linear trend: the adjusted OR between extreme quintiles was 0.86 (0.74-0.997, 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs, especially α-linolenic acid and linoleic acid, may be positively associated with eczema. Arachidonic acid intake may be inversely related to eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
孕婦(21周後) 吃魚油 預防寶寶濕疹??
Fish Oil Beneficial for Mums and Babies Submitted by Annabel Tautou on Wed, 02/01/2012 It has been found that if expecting mums take fish oil then they can prevent their babies from being affected with eczema. The revelation has been made by scientists of the Adelaide University. The scientists have recommended that expecting mums should take Omega 3 fatty acids. The scientists conducted a small study before drawing the conclusion. For the study, the researchers recruited 706 pregnant mums. These women had family history of the allergies. During the study, half of the women were provided with the fish oil three times a day, beginning from the 21st week of pregnancy to the final delivery. The other half were provided with vegetable oils only. It was found that consumption of fish oil supplements reduce one-third of chances of a child towards developing eczema. In 2009, a similar study was conducted in Sweden. The findings of the study also affirmed that the fish oil supplements reduce the chances of a mother passing allergy to their children. Catrin Furuhjelm, of Linkoping University in Sweden, said, "In Sweden, the recommendation is for all mothers to eat fish three times a week during pregnancy, and future studies will tell us if there's a reason to increase this dose". It has been found that the consumption of fish would is beneficial for mothers, though it is yet to be gauged whether or not it could help in preventing the transmission of asthma. Therefore, further studies on the benefits of fish oil consumption have been called for. The consumption of fish oil is no doubt beneficial, it is necessary for women to know that the fish should not be consumed in large quantity. It has been informed that more than four portions of fish a week can put the life of the fetus at risk.
『生醫分子檢測產業發展聯盟』成立大會暨『分子檢測發展臺灣現狀與未來』研討會February 1st, 2012近年來,「個人化醫療保健」已成為國際醫療與健康產業的發展趨勢,相關之各類疾病檢驗、標靶治療、用藥相關基因資訊以及基因標記等分子檢測市場逐年明顯成長,分子檢測也成為全球IVD發展最快的領域。在台灣,我們也已有不少業界和研究單位陸續在個人化醫療分子檢測領域裡,投入相當多努力,也建立了良好的基礎及能量。國內業者因此也發起籌組了『生醫分子檢測產業發展聯盟』(簡稱:分子檢測聯盟),希望能藉此:(1)分享經驗資訊,共同尋求資源及協助;(2)結合各單位不同專長及優勢,提高產品及服務之市場競爭力;(3)共同拓展兩岸及國際市場。但未來,我們如何進一步成長茁壯?如何才能持續創造新技術與新產品?如何進一步拓展國際市場,在產業社群中建立出不可或缺的地位?活動時間:民國101年 2月9日 (星期四) PM 13:40 ~ 17:00活動地點:南港軟體園區生技育成中心 大會議室
地址: 台北市南港區園區街3號17樓 報名方式:(由於座位僅限三十名,敬請提前報名,謝謝!)請Email或傳真報名表至報名窗口: 世基生物醫學 蘇芳儀小姐E-mail:sophie.su@pharmigene.com TEL:(02)2695-9800 分機:228 FAX:(02) 2695-7707 5883 報名截止日: 民國101年2月7日(星期二)
時間 | 主題 | 主講人 | |||
13:40~14:00 | 報到 |
| |||
14:00~14:20 | 臺灣生技優勢的新興領域–『分子檢測』 | 李鍾熙董事長 生技中心 | |||
14:20~14:40 | 臺灣生技公司在分子檢測全球與大陸市場的定位與發展策略 | 張世忠董事長 基亞生技 | |||
14:40~15:00 | 肝分子檢測的趨勢 | 林宗慶董事長 普生公司 | |||
15:00~15:20 | 分子檢測應用開發技術平台建立 | 陳奕雄總經理 賽亞基因科技 | |||
15:20~15:30 | Break |
| |||
15:30~15:50 | 國際分子檢測市場與趨勢 | 李聖婉總經理 華聯生技 | |||
15:50~16:10 | 分子檢測試劑從開發設計到法規驗證之路 | 陳亦聖總經理 世基生物醫學 | |||
16:10~16:30 | 分子檢測儀器開發的臺灣利基 | 詹益鑑副總經理 嘉原科技 | |||
16:30~17:00 | 綜合討論 | 李鍾熙董事長 生技中心 | |||
17:00~ | 活動結束 |
朱敬一領科技部 與鄰近國家拚高下!!
Taiwan to Zero in on 8 Industries Industrial Cooperation Talks With China
生技指數寫新高 個股期貨聚焦【2012/02/01 聯合晚報】上市櫃生技指數龍年一路走紅,今天仍延續勁揚氣勢,都創下今年以來的指數新高,由於總統大選後,兩岸關係可望繼續穩定合作,生技醫療股有爭食大陸市場商機聯想,短線包括新藥研發、醫材、醫美等族群,基本面市場持續偏多,相關個股期貨可留意。生技股龍年後一飛沖天,去年股價經歷修正後,本益比來到相對偏低的位置,由於選舉不確定因素解除,加上大量專利藥陸續到期等利多助攻,生技股具想像空間,今天現貨包括葡萄王(1707)、景岳(3164)、台耀(4746)、美時(1795)、紅電醫(1799)、昇陽開(3266)、友華(4120)、健亞(4130)、晶宇(4131)、曜亞(4138)、F-康樂(4154)等逾10檔亮燈漲停。生技股去年在行政院推動生技起飛方案,以及中國大陸十二五計畫等利多激勵下,上半年曾出現一波漲勢,惟總統大選前,因為選舉的不確定因素,族群指數拉回修正,但龍年開紅盤後連續走揚,仍是政策利多受惠族群之一,加上多數個股小而美,吸引龍年買盤搶進。健身器材大廠喬山(1736)近期營運力道強勁,股價自去年第四季開始反彈走揚,法人預估,該公司去年每股盈餘將突破4元。喬山往年首季為傳統營運淡季,但今年1、2月卻出現接單好成績,歐洲及美洲包括美國及巴西等,都紛紛傳出捷報,預估將呈現淡季不淡的情況。在藥的部分,受惠專利藥陸續到期,包括輝瑞藥廠(Pfizer)的膽固醇藥品Lipitor、英國藥廠阿斯特捷利康(AstraZeneca)的精神病藥物Seroquel、必治妥藥廠(Bristol- Myers Squibb)的抗凝血藥Plavix,以及默克藥廠(Merck)治療季節性過敏用藥Singulair等暢銷藥,對國內原料藥及學名藥廠而言,商機可期。 法人點名,國內原料藥廠有機會搶食到期專利藥及學名藥商機,包括中化生(1762)、台耀(4746)、台灣神隆(1789)、永信(3705)等,後市值得留意。
複製靈長類猴= 複製人類?
複製靈長類 基因混合恆猴首度亮相 東森新聞2012-02-01美國科學家,最近利用六隻恆河猴的基因,成功複製出三隻「混合基因」的小猴子,活體幹細胞首度成功複製靈長類,科學家聲稱是科學重大突破,不過動保團體痛批,這宛如複製「科學怪物」,後果將難以預料。臉皮皺得不能再皺卻很可愛,牠們正是全球首批,以混合基因複製出的三隻小恆猴其中的兩隻,Roku以及Hex,跟鏡頭前的我們看牠們一樣,首度看到鏡頭的小猴子,超級好奇,跟人一樣,通常動物只會遺傳父母一套基因,他們卻是科學家從六隻猴子身上,所取出的六套基因,混合複製而成,堪稱科學的重大突破。研究科學家米塔利波夫:「我們希望從這實驗延伸到從人類胚胎,所取下的幹細胞能否也可研究出成熟,具功能的細胞組織與器官」,研究科學家不諱言,複製靈長類的猴子是為了未來複製人類做準備,混合基因是為了做臨床幹細胞治療,只是動保團體痛批,科學家無視這麼可愛的猴子用來當白老鼠,根本把他們當「科學怪人」,由其後果以及他們的未來,恐怕都將難以預料。其次,一旦改變動物身上的基因,會不會破壞造物者精心規劃的DNA排序,都將是見獵心喜的科學家,必須深思的課題。
懷特:公告本公司與其他人持有美吾華股份有限公司股份數額變動達其已發行股數總額百分之一之情形 鉅亨網新聞中心 2012-02-01 茲依證券交易法第四十三條之一之規定公告相關資料如下:一、被取得股份公司:美吾華股份有限公司,已發行股份總額:132,162,744股。二、取得人資料:1.取得人名稱:懷特生技新藥股份有限公司,統一編號:16766281李成家身分證字號:T101878269誠意投資股份有限公司 統一編號:22959687力領投資股份有限公司 統一編號:97466067誠心投資股份有限公司 統一編號:23535890 逸祥貿易股份有限公司 統一編號:04346223 2.持有美吾華股份有限公司股份總額及佔美吾華公司已發行股份總額百分比變動情形:(1)懷特生技新藥股份有限公司:前次申報持股總額:13,106,513股,佔10.30﹪。本次申報持股總額:12,963,700股,佔9.81﹪。(2)李成家:前次申報持股總額:3,369,124股,佔2.65%。本次申報持股總額:2,697,451股,佔2.04%。(3)誠意投資股份有限公司:前次申報持股總額:11,112,751股,佔8.74%。本次申報持股總額:12,358,819股,佔9.35%。(4)力領投資股份有限公司:前次申報持股總額:6,128,714股,佔4.82%。本次申報持股總額:6,840,556股,佔5.18%。(5)誠心投資股份有限公司:前次申報持股總額:2,625,768股,佔2.06%。本次申報持股總額:2,819,537股,佔2.13%。(6)逸祥貿易股份有限公司:前次申報持股總額:361,645股,佔0.28%。本次申報持股總額:370,686股,佔0.28%。三、取得或轉讓之股數、日期及方式:於民國九十九年五月二十七日起至民國一○一年二月一日止,主要係經由集中交易市場買賣方式取得或轉讓,累積變數股數1,346,234股。四、取得股份之目的:未變動。五、預計於一年內再取得股份之數額及方式:無。六、資金來源:自有資金。七、取得股份之股數行使計劃:無。
Antibody-equipped ZnO nanorods highlight tumours
Feb 1, 2012 Increasingly, nanomaterials are being recognized for their potential in biological and medical applications. Compared with bulk substances, they demonstrate unique properties toward cells and tissues, and their ability to detect cancer cells has been shown. Among these materials, ZnO is considered as a particularly promising candidate thanks to its large exciton binding energy, which suggests a higher luminous efficiency than other semiconductor light sources or fluorescence.
Cancer cells tagged with ZnO nanorod probes Researchers from National Taiwan University are using ZnO nanorods bonded to antibodies as cancer cell probes. Their experiments show that ZnO nanorods can be connected to antibodies that target the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a receptor that frequently overexpresses in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC).
Tumour detection technology Using ZnO/EGFR antibody probes, the cancer cells can be recognized by the naked eye or under an optical microscope with the help of purple light emission. On the other hand, for cells with less EGFR expression (in this case, Hs68) no purple light is observed as the probes are washed off.As shown by photoluminescent spectra, the peak intensity ratio between the purple light (from ZnO at the wavelength 377 nm) and the green band (from the auto-fluorescence of cells) is much higher with HNSCC, compared with Hs68. The ZnO/EGFR antibody probes have the potential to be applied in surgery for HNSCC to identify cancer cells in real-time. Using the modified ZnO nanorods, cancer cells can be easily excised thanks to the purple light emission from the probes.
About the author The research was conducted by Sheng-Chieh Yang, Yi-Chun Shen and Tzu-Chun Lu (now at Garmin Corp, Taiwan) under the instruction of Prof. JianJang Huang at the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University and Prof. Tsung-Lin Yang at the Department of Otolaryngology, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Prof. Huang's group focuses on applying nanotechnology to optoelectronics and biophotonics, and Prof. Yang's group focuses on exploring the potential biomarkers and cancer-detecting technology for clinical applications.
Health minister encourages more medical missions abroad
團購醫美優惠券 想預約排不到【2012/02/02 聯合報】微整形美容盛行,但市議員李慶元接獲民眾投訴,有醫美診所透過團購網或自行架設網站促銷醫美療程券,但購買後卻遲遲預約不到。另一名王小姐更痛訴,本來要打肉毒桿菌消除國字臉,雖一邊臉消瘦,卻有一邊臉在注射後淤血烏青。王小姐表示,去年底看到「凱渥診所」在網站上的促銷廣告,花了近萬元施打肉毒桿菌瘦臉。她說,到診所時,未看到牆上懸掛醫師的執照及開業證明,為她進行療程的男子,也未穿著醫師袍或配戴識別證。王小姐被注射肉毒桿菌後,一邊臉頰雖有消瘦,但另一邊卻瘀血腫起,嚇得她不敢再打肉毒桿菌。 另一名陳小姐則指出,透過團購網站,花了999元購買「激光診所」醫美療程券,療程包括大小腿除毛及杏仁酸換膚,但診所要求大、小腿要分開做。 她進行第一次療程後,卻一直無法預約看診,後來才知道,多達2萬人購買團購券,診所根本無法消化。 衛生局醫護管理處技正杜仲傑表示,去年即已接獲許多民眾檢舉,衛生局數次派員前往兩診所稽查,沒有發現有不具醫師執照人員進行療程的狀況,不過有駐診醫師因未報備支援,已分別針對醫師及診所開罰。由於有民眾提供現場影像,已移送台北地檢署調查。另外,依法不得於網路販售醫療療程,違反者將處5至25萬元罰鍰。 記者昨電訪凱渥診所,由一名吳姓美容師接聽電話,她表示昨天並未安排醫師駐診,且因診所的駐診醫師不固定,無法告知由誰回應。 激光診所執行長張家興則表示,由於許多購買團購券的消費者都指定下班後時段看診,可能無法短期內預約到療程,但一定會讓消費者預約使用。他強調,院內施行療程的都是合格醫師,並非密醫。
議員指激光凱渥用密醫 衛生局:未查獲2012-02-02 8 中國時報有民眾向議員陳情指出,購買「激光診所」與「凱渥診所」美療券,卻是由不具醫師識別證人員執行雷射手術,議員要求衛生局及警方加強清查密醫行為、團購網吸金問題。衛生局表示,稽查兩家診所時皆有醫師在場,若查獲密醫會移送法辦。 凱渥診所表示,店長昨天都沒進來,連絡不上。激光診所電話只有語音表示,昨天為春酒聚餐,晚間六點半後打烊。 台北市議員李慶元昨日記者會,兩位曾在激光診所與凱渥診所接受微整型手術陳情人表示,診所內均未懸掛醫生執照;接受肉毒桿菌注射改善國字臉的王小姐表示,她是在凱渥診所以九千元現場價,由「朱醫師」注射(市價為一萬五千元),但返家後發現一邊有效一邊無效,還瘀血。 另一位在激光診所接受小腿除毛手術的陳小姐指出,該診所網站公布八位駐診醫師照片,卻沒有醫師姓名,她進入診所發現只有一位坐鎮,其他是未配戴醫生識別證「醫生」,她是由一位不具名、不出示醫師識別證的人員執行雷射手術,非常沒有安全感。 衛生局技正杜仲傑指出,民眾多次檢舉醫美診所,去年該局曾稽查凱渥診所三次、激光診所二次,當時都未查獲不具醫師資格人員看診,因衛生局不具強制處分權,已將民眾檢舉案件全移送地檢署偵辦。 台北市消保官王治宇表示,只認序號不認券的消費模式,其履約保證毫無保障,消費者若覺得權益受損可撥打一九五○申訴專線,由消保官協助處理。
外貿協會開春傳捷報 邀請陸客來台醫療19團 預期今年國際醫療成長101% 2012/02/02 經濟日報【台北訊】配合移民署針對大陸地區人民以「健檢醫美」為事由的簽證開放,首批來自大陸瀋陽的26位陸客,預計在13日由搶得頭香的新光醫院接待,在台進行7天6夜的健檢行程。外貿協會將搭配開放熱潮,加強行銷與宣傳,並協助醫療業者引進更多陸客來台,期待今年國際醫療服務的商機與人數都有101%的成長。根據外貿協會海外活動業者資料統計,協助來台使用醫療服務、醫美健檢人次大幅成長,高達3萬9,428人次。其中由外貿協會協助邀請來台醫美健檢的共計100團,是民國99年2倍多。包含來自北京及上海等自由行城市,也觸及高所得的內蒙古及深入內陸的的長春、新疆及吉林等,顯示台灣國際醫療服務知名度已逐漸在中國大陸遍地開花。外貿協會長期藉由展團活動,協助醫療業者拓銷港、澳、中國大陸市場,而部分醫院如新光醫院除了搭配貿協展團活動拓銷外,亦積極布局長期耕耘中國大陸市場。新光健康管理公司總經理洪子仁表示,只要事先接洽溝通,安排填好整個醫療的行程,再按照一般申請入台簽證的流程,移民署還會依照規定增加3天的時間,讓使用醫療服務的病患可以有時間在台灣消費觀光。而外貿協會在今年開春已協助轉介平台邀請來自中國大陸19團來台從事商務活動的同時,也使用台灣的健檢醫美服務。