策略調整 安成藥擬全數出脫南華益泰康藥業持股2016年12月01日07
Thursday, December 1, 2016
安成藥 變更 增資計畫(28.36億): 擴建投資中國藥企 (南華益泰康) 不做了 !
生華生科(宋台生) 投入生技產業是因為它…….困難 !!!!
生技老兵宋台生 談翻轉台灣生技業關鍵日期:2016.11.30 ◎ uho新聞部(優活健康網記者湯蕎伊/採訪報導)
台灣生技隱憂 充斥偽科學無專業利基 在生技界打滾多年,宋台生多年累積的所見所聞,
台灣把生技產業 淪為代工產業 這幾年台灣的生技公司如雨後春筍大量冒出頭,
投入生技產業是因為它困難不是因為它容易 宋台生說:「發展生技產業是因為它困難,不是因為它容易,
生華科 解除競業:王律傑(台耀)/ 洪志峰 (巨生生醫/海立爾/雙子星雲端運算/泓瀚/光麗光電)
生華科 1 發言日期105/11/30 發言時間15:20:15 發言人宋台生 發言人職稱總經理 發言人電話(02)89131956 主旨 公告本公司董事會通過解除董事競業禁止之限制 符合條款 第22款 事實發生日105/11/30 說明1.董事會決議日期:105/11/30 2.許可從事競業行為之經理人姓名及職稱: 董事:定利開發有限公司 代表人:王律傑 董事:漢大創業投資股份有限公司 代表人:洪志峰 3.許可從事競業行為之項目: (1)解除董事王律傑先生擔任:台耀化學(股)公司董事 (2)解除董事洪志峰先生擔任:海立爾(股)公司董事長 雙子星雲端運算(股)董事長 泓瀚科技(股)公司董事 巨生生醫(股)公司監察人 英屬開曼群島光麗光電科技(股)公司董事長 4.許可從事競業行為之期間:擔任本公司董事職務期間 5.決議情形(請依公司法第32條說明表決結果): 董事王律傑及洪志峰致因利害關係而迴避,未參與討論案表決; 經主席徵詢全體出席董事無異議照案通過。 6.所許可之競業行為如屬大陸地區事業之營業者,
基亞&日本Oncolys 2016年5月專屬授權 江蘇恒瑞 (11月30日Oncolys董事會通過)
基亞 1 發言日期105/11/30 發言時間17:34:13 發言人歐朝銓 發言人職稱管理部副總 發言人電話[02]2653-5200 220 主旨 肝癌新藥OBP-301對外簽署授權書 符合條款 第51款 事實發生日105/11/30 說明1.事實發生日:105/11/30 2.公司名稱:基亞生物科技(股)公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例:不適用 5.發生緣由:基亞生技與日本上市公司Oncolys BioPharma Inc (以下簡稱Oncolys,東京證交所代號45880)共同開發
テロメライシン®の中国ライセンス契約締結に関するお知らせ (開示事項の経過報告) 当社は、平成28年5月20日開示の『OBP-301(テロメラ
(2)テロメライシン®(OBP-301)について OBP-301(テロメライシン®)はヒトアデノウイルス5型の
他的一句話 讓張世忠賭對了 2016年12月01日 04:10 杜蕙蓉/台北報導 基亞和Oncolys共同開發溶瘤病毒藥物OBP-301授權給
兩岸「4+4」臨床認證模式首例 基亞肝癌新藥 授權江蘇恒瑞 2016年05月24日 04:10 杜蕙蓉/台北報導 兩岸「4+4」臨床認證模式首例 基亞肝癌新藥 授權江蘇恒瑞 基亞肝癌新藥OBP-301授權概況 基亞(3176)與日本Oncolys(東京證交所代號4588
Protocol Submission of OBP-301 (Telomelysin®) for Phase II Clinical Trial in the United States Published on Wednesday, 07 September 2016TOKYO, Japan I August 31, 2016 I Oncolys BioPharma ("Oncolys") is pleased to announce that today it submitted a protocol of OBP-301 (Telomelysin®) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for a Phase II clinical trial in the United States. The aim of this clinical trial is to research the efficacy, safety and tumor immunity of Telomelysin administered locally on unresectable or metastatic melanoma patients in clinical centers in the US. Once the submission is accepted by the FDA, Institutional Review Board (IRB) and other relevant bodies will review the protocol before Oncolys initiates the trial. After obtaining the results of the trial, Oncolys will also consider an additional clinical trial of Telomelysin in combination with immune check-point inhibitors in the US. The safety of Telomelysin was observed in a Phase I clinical trial for various solid tumors, where some of the cases showed tumor shrinkage and relevant immune response following a local administration of Telomelysin. Several cases also indicated an abscopal effect where a cytoreduction in non-Telomelysin-administered tumor was observed. Currently, Oncolys has a Phase I/II clinical trial for hepatocellular cancer in progress in Taiwan and Korea, while in Japan, an investigator-initiated clinical trial of a combination therapy with Telomelysin and radiation for esophageal cancer by Dr. Toshiyoshi Fujiwara, Okayama University is on-going. Recently Oncolys also signed a new investigator-initiated trial agreement with a group led by Dr. Toshihiko Doi, National Cancer Center Hospital East, to study the efficacy of a combination therapy, with Telomelysin and other cancer treatment. The announcement above will not affect Oncolys' earnings for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2016.
About OBP-301 (Telomelysin®)Telomelysin® is a therapeutic modality derived from adenovirus. Telomelysin® is generated by replacing the normal transcriptional regulatory element of the E1A gene in the human adenovirus type 5 with the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) promoter. Telomerase is an enzyme expressed in approximately 90% of all types of cancer cells. The hTERT promoter is the key for the expression of telomerase, as well as for the complete replication of chromosomal ends. Telomelysin® is able to achieve a high replication rate, due to the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) gene inserted between the E1A and E1B genes. Clinical Research: esophageal cancer (clinical investigation, in combination with radiotherapy, Okayama University, Japan), hepatocellular cancer (Phase I/II, with Medigen Biotechnology Corp., Taiwan/South Korea)
About Oncolys BioPharma Inc.Oncolys BioPharma is a TSE Mothers-listed biopharmaceutical company with focuses on the development of novel biologics for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. The company's lead product for the treatment of cancer, OBP-301 (Telomelysin®), is based on replication-competent oncolytic virus, and is being tested in Phase I/II clinical trial in Asia, for various solid tumors. A novel cancer diagnostic product, OBP-401 (TelomeScan), is expected to be effective in detecting various types of cancer and inflammatory diseases and adopted in several private practices. The company also has a major program OBP-601 (Festinavir) for infectious diseases, which has completed Phase II clinical trial in the U.S. for HIV/AIDS therapy, supported by BMS. OBP-601 is a novel NRTI with highly promising safety and resistance profiles. For more additional information, please visit www.oncolys.com SOURCE: Oncolys BioPharma
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