Monday, August 27, 2012
Controversial stem cell treatment put to test in groundbreaking autism
PRA sets up China shop with interest in Asia growing
基药招标或破局 新目录向老年儿童用药倾斜
Indian companies get US FDA approval for generic versions of four blockbuster drugs
霸王 眼中的中药日化市场 !!!
Technology Review: cell monitoring in vivo !
牙周病口腔健康的慢性殺手2012/08/27 【聯合線上企劃/林祐萱】 衛生署統計40歲以上的成人,九成有輕重不同程度的牙周病!什麼是牙周病,簡單來說,就是牙齒周圍支撐組織出了問題,輕微的從牙齦炎,到嚴重的牙周病,甚至牙肉與骨頭受到嚴重傷害,造成牙齒鬆動、脫落而必須拔牙。另有醫學專業人士指出,牙周病被認為是一個慢性的細菌感染,不只是口腔健康的慢性殺手,也與糖尿病有關,可能也與心血管疾病的罹患率有關,而肥胖也增加罹患牙周病的風險。目前為止多認為牙菌斑是形成牙周病的主要成因,因此避免牙周病發生最根本的作法就是勤刷牙和持續的清潔護理。
簡易判斷是否有牙周病 牙周病形成的主要原凶是在牙齒表面上產生黏性薄膜的牙菌斑,當牙菌斑未適時清除時,會在牙齒或牙齦的交接處堆積,它所釋放的有害代謝物會導致牙齦發炎、腫痛,當身體狀況較虛弱、抵抗力較差的時,會去侵犯內層的齒槽骨,就是所謂的牙周病。任何年齡都可能發生牙周病,但成人發生的機會最高,牙周病只要及早尋求專業醫師的適當治療,便可停止惡化。一般人要如何判斷是否可能患有牙周病呢?根據台灣牙周病醫學會的資料參考,牙周病大致會有下面幾種症狀,只要有任一症狀就可能有牙周問題,像是牙齦紅腫、發膿;刷牙時牙齦容易出血,甚至平時牙齦也會出血;口臭;牙齦萎縮、牙根敏感;牙齦有悶悶的痛感;牙齒縫隙愈來愈大形成牙周囊袋;牙齒搖動度變大;牙齒位移或變長;咀嚼無力感。而牙齦出血、口臭都是很容易自覺的症狀,也容易自我檢查判斷。
牙周病的階段 牙周病分成三階段,第一階段是因牙菌斑堆積導致的牙齦炎,也是早期牙周病,其症狀是刷牙與用牙線潔牙時有流血的情形;如果不積極護理牙齦炎,而任意發展到第二階段變成牙周炎,這時固定牙齒位置的支持骨與纖維已受到無法挽回的損傷,牙齦間出現牙周囊袋;到第三階段就是重度牙周炎,當症狀嚴重到這個階段時,因為牙齒的支持組織完全毀壞,而可能導致牙齒移位或鬆動,若無法治療,也只能將牙齒拔掉。如果不想成為「無齒」之人,最好是時時注意正確的刷牙、定期口腔檢查、保持良好生活習慣,以降低牙菌斑侵蝕導致牙周病問題發生。
Cell Therapy Outlook Starting To Match Clinical Results
August 21, 2012| 1 comment|includes: ASTM, BAX, NBS, OSIR, PSTI Last week, NeoStem, Inc (NBS) had some very encouraging developments. It released its quarterly report and also updated investors on its clinical trial for AMR-001, as it continues to prove itself as a leader and innovator in the cell therapies space. However, NeoStem is not alone, as there are many companies in the space that are progressing in clinical trials, seeking approvals, and earning the support of governments for the treatment of life-threatening diseases. Therefore, as we progress into the next few years, cell therapies and the results of clinical studies will be watched closely by government and both the private and public sectors. As a result, I suggest looking at some of the announcements from NeoStem over the last week and then dig into the current state of regenerative medicine and the support that its progress is earning.If Baxter's (BAX) CD34+ cardiovascular cell therapy is any indication of the success NBS investors can expect from AMR-001, then the future is looking quite bright. Yet, despite the fact that both therapies are meeting endpoints and treating conditions that no other therapy effectively conquers, there is always some underlying fear that the DSMB may cut a cell therapy trial short; seeing as how the U.S. has no approved treatments with a cell therapy as the main component, it puts NBS in a very exclusive group.As the trial progresses, safety will be an area that is watched with significant interest because safety issues having the ability to end a trial abruptly. Yet, according to the company, "the first external review of our Phase 2 trial data confirms that there are no safety signals that would preclude the trial from continuing as planned." Thus, NBS can proceed, and investors will wait patiently till 2013 for the trial's interim results; and judging by Baxter's incredible success, AMR-001 should perform well in this study. If so, it's poised to enter a large market to treat an unmet medical need, with revenue potential that exceeds $1 billion.
Pharmacy Divesture The sale of the company's 51% stake in the Erye Chinese generic pharmacy is much larger for NeoStem than what most investors realize, and during the company's several key developments last week, it spent a considerable amount of time discussing the financial impact. When the company invested in Erye, it was buying into the Chinese economic boom, but did not plan for the competition that existed in the market. Hence, investors speculated that it would earn very little in compensation for its large stake in the company.Yet, besides the return of shares, the company was also given $12.3 million in cash and, most importantly, eliminated over $35 million of short- and long-term debt obligations, which is crucial for a biotechnology company of NBS' size. It also frees the company from having such a large presence in China. The company can now focus on its U.S. projects and will have the leverage on its balance sheet, with less debt and more cash to avoid rounds of financing in the immediate future.
PCT Business In this most recent quarter, NeoStem added the Phase 3 company, SOTIO, to its list of clients in the PCT manufacturing segment. PCT is considered the leader in this particular space, with over 55,000 square ft. of manufacturing capabilities, located in both New Jersey and California. And although NBS is a developmental company, and its revenue is minimal, it still increased revenue by 82% in the PCT business, which shows that it is a growing segment of the business.
Cell Therapy Developments So far 2012 has been an incredible year for cell therapy companies in terms of breakthroughs and performance, as most of the major companies in the space have performed exceptionally well. NeoStem is not the only player in the space with company-changing developments. Aastrom Biosciences (ASTM) recently initiated its Phase 3 REVIVE-CLI trial of ixymyelocel-T for patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). StemCells (STEM) initiated a Phase 1/2 trial for dry AMD and announced preclinical data regarding the company's HuCNS-SC cells - which showed efficacy in patients with Alzheimer's disease.Yet, the company creating similar excitement to NeoStem is Pluristem Therapeutics (PSTI), a company that has announced many developments that have led to a one-month rally of more than 90%. The company has applied for the approval of its bone marrow drug in the U.S., as well as entering into studies in other regions around the globe, such as India and Germany. The company, which has partnered with CPC Clinical Research, is making strides towards approval and, much like NeoStem, hopes to join Osiris Therapeutics (OSIR) in having an approved treatment with a cell therapy as the main component (which OSIR achieved earlier this year).
Regenerative Medicine At A Glance The regenerative medicine space is a somewhat young industry that presents the possibility of finding a cure for diseases that were previously untreated, or simply managed. The healthcare system consists of an aging population, and with a growing healthcare burden, it seems reasonable that the approval of cell therapies could be a part of our immediate future. Already we are seeing a change in government outlook, as many governments and economies invest millions into the research of cell therapy and regenerative medicine.For the first time, regenerative medicine is more than skin cream; instead, it has become medical therapies that treat or cure cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. With the number of companies beginning clinical studies for cell therapies, investors should feel optimistic, as companies such as those discussed may be the most noted; but, there are many in the space that look poised to benefit, including NeoStem, a company with a diversified presence with its manufacturing, storage, and preservation of cells.The cell therapy industry is a more risky investment, yet presents the potential for a large return. At this point, the data proves efficiency for many of the top candidates, therefore, leaving the question regarding approvals and regulator acceptance as the only relevant discussion. Some countries are already warming up to the idea of using cell therapies to treat unmet medical needs, seeing as how we recently saw the first approval with OSIR's Prochymal.The Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) is the world's largest professional organization for tissue engineers; and it just recently announced the results from a survey of 37 organizations for public and private sectors. The results showed that government remains highly invested in regenerative medicine, with more than 55% investing over $5 million in the space. In addition to strong government support, both the public and private sectors showed an increase in interest and investments in the space.NeoStem and the other companies in this article represent the primary investment interest as new cutting-edge successful therapies. In fact, TERMIS showed that musculoskeletal disorders are the most interesting indication for cell therapies, followed by cardiovascular disorders. This reflects the majority of investments, and also informs investors of where innovation is present.As we progress into the next few years, several companies will inch closer to regulatory decisions, and the space itself will be determined by the outcome of candidates such as Baxter's CD34+ cell therapy and the regulatory acceptance of Osiris' Prochymal. It will be an interesting space to watch, but with key developments and progress that continue to shine, it does appear the future is bright for innovating cell therapies.Disclosure: I am long BAX:, NBS.
醫美: 醫療專業VS 專業經營 ! 孰輕孰重?
詹本立三劍客 打響醫美名號【經濟日報╱記者宋健生/台中報導】 2012.08.27 03:47 am風格美學診所院長詹本立。 記者宋健生/攝影年輕人創業不容易,風格美學診所院長詹本立和高中同學簡銘成、張簡仕煌組成「三劍客」,共同創業,3個人在醫學美容領域各有所長,個性又能互補,使風格美學診所很快就在市場上嶄露頭角。 「三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮」。詹本立很清楚單打獨鬥力量單薄,尤其國內醫美診所常是1名醫生「全包」,與先進國家由4、5名醫生組成1家診所有很大差距,對消費者而言,也是不負責任做法。今年36歲的詹本立,是在台中市開業近30年、骨外科權威醫師詹復國之子。畢業於中山醫學大學醫學系,曾任國泰醫院外科專科醫師,並取得南韓E1整形外科專任醫師、澳洲雪梨植髮認證醫師資格,擅長領域為整形手術、植髮手術及專業醫美諮詢。為了創業,詹本立找來同窗好友組成三劍客,他說,3人個性互補,專長領域也不一樣,是一個理想的組合。尤其團隊合作力量大,3名醫師共組診所,各有專業分工,也是在市場競爭上的最大利器。他說,例如皮膚科專科醫師簡銘成擅長與病人溝通,也是1位很好的執行者。詹本立不諱言,有許多事他可能想得不夠仔細,簡銘成就會在一旁提供意見。而他的個性比較勇於冒險,有些新想法,也會鼓勵簡銘成勇敢踏出第1步。至於曾任萬芳醫院顏面整形外科醫師的張簡仕煌,不但將微整型的專業訓練與最新微整技術接軌,更擅長管理面工作,例如診所的管銷、進出貨及員工教育訓練,都是由他負責。詹本立指出,台中市整型及醫美診所可分為由醫師經營、商人經營及全國連鎖品牌等3大類型。其中醫師經營的診所多為整形外科或皮膚科醫師,但近來一般科轉型的比率有增高趨勢。商人經營多以營利為導向,醫師陣容不固定,例如許多是由SPA或美容院轉型。全國連鎖品牌則是靠強力的行銷,花大筆經費在廣告行銷上。詹本立建議消費者,應先了解醫療本質及醫師專業,同時認清過度行銷廣告充滿著陷阱與危機;醫療還是應該由醫師主導,手術及治療不可以只比價錢,必須確認是否有固定的醫師,提供長期治療及追蹤,才能得到有保障的醫療服務。【2012/08/27 經濟日報】
農業生技股 !! 瑞寶基因 拼營收 申請股票上市
藥品擴廠軍備競賽 法規緊縮 中小藥廠尋求轉型 !!
阻断NF-κB 治疗COPD
治疗COPD有望探出新路径 发布时间:2012-8-23 来源:药品资讯网信息中心慢性阻塞性肺疾病具有高致残率和高致死率,临床上该病继发的肺动脉高压治疗困难,成为影响患者生存的主要原因。广西桂林医学院附院王昌明教授等历时3年,首次从整体动物实验水平证实:采用特异性抑制剂吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸盐(PDTC)阻断核因子-κB的作用,可延缓慢阻肺大鼠模型的气道、肺血管重构。该研究为慢阻肺继发肺动脉高压的防治提供了新的干预靶标。研究人员介绍,核因子-κB是一种能与免疫球蛋白特异结合的蛋白因子,与炎症反应、免疫应答以及细胞的增生、转化和凋亡等重要的病理生理过程密切相关。课题组用PDTC抑制核因子-κB的表达、活化,探讨核因子-κB在慢阻肺肺动脉高压形成过程中的作用及其可能的相关途径。实验结果表明,核因子-κB表达及活化水平与慢阻肺大鼠模型气道、肺血管重构呈正相关,腹腔内注射PDTC可部分延缓慢阻肺大鼠模型的气道、肺血管重构,核因子-κB特异性抑制剂有望成为防治慢阻肺进展的有效干预措施。日前,科研项目《核因子-κB对慢性阻塞性肺疾病肺动脉高压形成过程的影响》已通过成果鉴定。课题组已在国内外发表论文11篇,其中国外发表论文1篇,被SCI收录。
美兆集团: 世界三大健检机构之一
访上海美兆健康体检中心王正昌副总经理 2012-08-10 14:47:41 来源:千龙网
把健康作为事业来经营 我们常说,衣食住行是必不可少的生活需要。当生活条件日益改善,健康作为优质生活的基础,越来越受到我们的重视。在就医时,我们会根据医院的等级、专业强项作为第一参考指标。在积极治疗疾病的同时,我们更加意识到,预防疾病的发生远比病了再治更重要,因此开始关注饮食健康、生活环境。为了增强身体机能,各式各样的健身机构在城市中星罗棋布。而身体健康检查,毋庸置疑是个人健康状况的重要依据。 体检模式林林总总,有详有略、有优有劣。一次体检能在多大程度上反应我们的健康状况?怎样的健康体检能够真正为健康负责?应该如何通过体检来管理我们的健康?带着这些问题,记 者独家专访了上海美兆健康体检中心的王正昌副总经理。 作为世界三大健检机构之一的美兆集团由曹纯铿先生于1988年创立于台湾,美兆拥有专业的医疗检验仪器、专利认证的AMHTS自动化健检软件系统、MAJOR客服系统以及经验丰富的专业健康管理团队。美兆在上海、北京、香港、台北、高雄、桃园、台中、吉隆坡等建立了九家连锁性国际化自动健检服务机构,是华人地区第一家国际级专业连锁健康管理机构。美兆于2006年被授予世界健检界的诺贝尔奖——日野原重明奖。基于丰富的健康管理经验以及建立功德事业的创业理想,王正昌副总经理向记 者细细介绍了美兆的经营理念。
完整性:流程一项都不能少 就记 者经历过的体检而言,体检的发生地通常是医院。首先拿到一张体检表,然后到各个站点检查,不讲求次序,看哪里人少就去哪里排队。体检完之后,领一份食物,一般都是面包和牛奶。一个礼拜内会有通知去领取报告。有些项目不想检查,医师会在体检表上写一个"拒"字,然后PASS。 来到美兆进行体检,首先你将面对的却是一份详尽的"健康问卷",内容包括你的生活习惯、个人和家族病史、饮食情况等,如果你拒绝这份问卷,美兆是不会让你继续接下来的项目的。随后,你将得到一张专用体检卡,通过一道道刷卡,完成23大站、35大项,多达115小项的全方位体检。每一步的流程都不能缺少,可能你会觉得很"烦",但美兆会保证所有过程在4小时内完成。 "经常会有客人challenge我们的套餐内容说,这几项我要拿掉不用检查了。我们会很果断地拒绝这样的要求。流程的完整性不容挑战,这是为客人负责。"王正昌副总经理非常坚定地说。 体检之后,不仅当场就能拿到报告,你还会收到一份"活得久、活得好、老得慢"的健康管理促进书:有专业医师对你生活习惯和饮食内容的建议、有你实际年龄与健康年龄的比较、有你在美兆数百万计相似年龄健检族群中的体质排序,有对你未来5年中发病率或在职场进行简易运动的图文说明……不仅让你更了解自己的身体,也让你知道,你能为你的身体做些什么。而这一切,无疑都有美兆的专业性作为后盾。
可持续性:建立可供实用的数据库 王正昌副总经理回忆道:"美兆的创始人并不是学医的,他有一次在《读者文摘》上看到说:国外的家庭医生有一个苦恼,如果能够把社区里所有病人的健康状况标准化,建立一个统一的数据库,那管理起来就会非常方便。"也就是这样的灵光一闪,今天的美兆数据库在经历了24年的积累之后达到153万份之巨。 不要小看这样一份数据,它之所以备受国内外研究机构的推崇和重视,其根本原因在于资料的完整性,数据库既拥有每个受检者的完整生理数据,还拥有与之相关的人口学、生活形态、个人及家族疾病史,个人健康及医师近况等100多条信息,对进行高端学术研究极具参考价值。截至目前共有25个研究项目在进行中,基于美兆数据库是一个相当完整的世代数据库,这些研究结果具有高度的权威性、指导性和比对性。 迄今为止,引用美兆资料而进行的学术研究多达76项,已发表的研究论文有10多篇。更值得一提的是,美兆将这些取之于客户的数据,最后所获得的成果,最终还是用在提升健康检查的精确性等真正使客户能够切身受益的地方。正可谓:"取之于客户,还之于客户。"
以人为本:把健检理念带回家 美兆以"全球唯一的家族式健康管理机构"为自身定位,谈及"家族式"该怎么理解,王正昌副总经理说:"每个人都不是孤立的,你的家族基因、你和家人雷同的生活方式中都会存在疾病发生的原因,它们往往是潜在的,但通过以家庭为单位来管理健康,可以尽早地发现问题。"因此,美兆推广家庭式体检卡,所有家庭成员的健康信息都在一张卡内,不仅便于查询,更带动了一家人对于健康检查的重视度。 对于健康的影响,来自于生活的方方面面。这只是美兆的健检理念之一,对于美兆而言,未来的发展方向之一,是让更多人了解到医检分离的好处。病人才需要去医院,健康的人应该去体检中心。王正昌副总经理说:"因为在医院里,你需要跟病人共用检验器材,很容易交叉感染。医院会给人一种紧张感。但体检并不是一件需要紧张的事。你可以带着轻松的心情去了解自己的身体状况。" 除此之外,为自己建立一个健康数据库则是美兆的核心,美兆喜欢用数据说话,最好的器材(专利认证的AMHTS自动化健检软件系统以及进口的仪器设备),最好的医师(三级甲等医院副主任及以上级别的医师才有美兆的面试资格),最好的管理模式(MAJOR客服系统)意味着顾客可以最大程度地了解自己的身体状况,以延缓甚至避免疾病的发生。 "这些'最好'确实是以较高的资本投入为基础,但高端并非美兆的目的,关爱健康需要投入,以人为本才是美兆的信念。"王正昌副总经理自信满满地告诉记 者。(责任编辑:徐海波)
India Private healthcare accounts for over 77% of spend and 74% of hospital beds
Nandita Vijay, Bengaluru Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 08:00 Hrs[IST] India's private sector accounts for more than 77 per cent healthcare spending and 74 per cent of the country's hospital beds. Yet the growth of private hospitals has also been inequitable, with more than a third of all hospitals present in the metros and Tier I cities.It is the private hospitals which clearly dominate Indian healthcare delivery, especially in tertiary care. A large part of the population relies entirely on the public sector for their healthcare needs which remains inadequate for the rapidly increasing needs."It is ironic that although Indian healthcare has made rapid strides, basic issues of affordability, availability, and quality continue to persist and affect a large section of the population. Driven by the pressures of increasing costs and reducing margins, healthcare providers are also grappling with challenges around improving productivity and efficiency of healthcare services," stated Charu Sehgal, senior director, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited.Delivering affordable and quality health care to India's billion-plus people presents enormous challenges and opportunities. Innovations could be a way out for a large number of people get quality care at a cost that the nation can afford. "This is where Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are emerging as a successful model that integrates the private sector expertise, quality and efficiency with the reach and scale that is possible with the public sector," she added.The various mechanisms involved in PPP include contracting in, contracting out, subsidies, leasing or rentals etc. PPPs are being experimented within various spheres of healthcare including healthcare delivery, medical education, diagnostics, medical devices etc. A few illustrations in the health sector include the Urban Slum Healthcare Project in Andhra Pradesh which is a partnership between State Commissionerate of Family Welfare and NGOs. Another is outsourcing emergency transport services in 14 states in the country where state governments are in partnership with private providers like EMRI, Ziquitsa etc. Further there has been the practice of contracting management of PHCs and CHCs to NGOs in Karnataka and Gujarat. GE Healthcare too has partnered with public hospitals to set up diagnostic centres within the hospital.Addressing healthcare challenges is a complex proposition. It requires a thorough understanding of the continuum of care as well as the various stakeholders involved, said Sehgal.It also becomes equally important to appreciate the role various stakeholders play along the care continuum. The stakeholders are across a wide spectrum, including the Government, insurance providers including public and private players, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment players, NGOs and the academia. A number of enabling functions, including hospital management, ancillary services maintenance, IT systems, supply chain systems are all advanced in the private healthcare compared to the public and government hospitals. Understanding the dynamic interplay between the various stakeholders will form the basis for addressing key challenges around availability, cost and quality of care besides improving efficiency and productivity, she stated.The enormity and diversity of the challenges faced by the healthcare sector calls for large scale interventions that yield desired results, that too, in a timely fashion, Sehgal said.
2012/08/23 ■王慰祖/撰稿■ 高血壓患者自行忘記服藥、減藥、停藥,是常見的服藥順從性隱憂,未能好好用藥,使得血壓「失控」,經常是造成心肌梗塞與中風等心血管疾病風險的主要原因。新一代的三合一複方藥物,一天只需服用一次,不僅能提高服藥順從性,還能夠減低藥物個別使用時的副作用,幫助病患血壓安穩控制達標。中華民國心臟學會理事長林幸榮醫師表示,未定期量血壓與按時服藥是高血壓無法良好控制達標的主要因素,高血壓患者多伴隨有其他慢性疾病需長期同時服藥,服藥顆數與頻率增加,容易忘記或輕忽服藥。擔心副作用也是患者未能按時服藥的疑慮之一。台灣高血壓學會秘書長王宗道醫師指出,根據研究顯示,高血壓患者若未按時服藥,血壓無法得到控制,會增加心肌梗塞風險15%、中風風險28%。林幸榮說,針對病患對於藥物副作用的疑慮,目前國內醫師處方多以血管收縮素受體阻斷劑-ARB類降血壓藥物為主,它相較於ACEI類藥物,ARB類藥物的乾咳副作用少很多。他表示,新一代以ARB為基礎的單錠複方藥物,結合另外兩種使用最為廣泛的降血壓藥物-CCB與利尿劑,三合一的複方藥物減少個別藥物的劑量與副作用,一天使用一次就能穩定控制血壓,提供患者更方便的用藥選擇。這種新藥今年也取得健保給付。
松山湖的未来 六大支柱产业托起3500亿营收
2012年08月24日 07:07 来源:东莞时间网-东莞日报 松山湖有关部门负责人详解2016年松山湖营业总收入构成 东莞时间网讯 近日,《东莞市人民政府关于把松山湖高新区建设成为国家创新型科技园区的若干意见》(以下简称《若干意见》)正式下发,根据《若干意见》,至2016年,松山湖力争全区营业收入超过3500亿元。日前,松山湖科教局局长邓国军对这一数据进行了解读。
采用营业总收入为体现产业优化升级 在《若干意见》中提到的经济指标值采用营业总收入而非工业总产值或工业增加值,邓国军表示,主要基于以下两点考虑: 一方面,高技术产业和服务业日益成为国民经济发展的主导部门,全国各地正在逐渐向以高新技术产业为先导、基础产业和制造业为支撑、服务业全面发展的产业格局转变,代表地区工业产品总量的工业总产值已不能全面体现该地区经济总量,取而代之的指标是营业总收入(或技工贸总收入)。 另一方面,《国家高新技术产业开发区评价指标体系》对各国家高新区"产业化和规模经济能力"的考核指标中,将营业总收入作为体现各高新区经济总量的重要指标之一。 按照松山湖高新区产业发展规划,园区除发展高端电子信息、生物技术及其他战略性新兴产业外,还重点发展现代服务业。因此,采用营业总收入是全面体现松山湖高新区经济发展的最合适指标。
未来五年松山湖第三产业比重上升为40% 未来五年,松山湖力争全区营业收入超过3500亿元,各大产业所占比例如何?邓国军表示,在松山湖重大项目布局及产业集群效益下,园区呈高速增长趋势,近年来园区经济增速都在45%左右,松山湖"十二五"规划提出,松山湖高新区工业总产值平均增速为50%。 2011年松山湖高新区企业信息库调查和全区经济统计数据显示,2011年全区营业总收入为438.6亿元。其中,电子信息产业企业总收入283.7亿元,占园区总收入64.7%;生物医药产业企业总收入1.18亿元,占园区营业总收入0.3%;新能源及节能产业总收入43.3亿元,占园区营业总收入9.9%;第三产业(包括文化创意、金融以及高科技服务业、商贸等)总收入90.5亿元,占营业总收入比例为20.6%。 松山湖高新区作为我市"科学发展示范区、转型升级引领区",积极引进"三重"项目,发展莞台合作生物技术产业基地,加快松山湖金融改革创新服务区建设。 随着松山湖高新区的发展,总部型、技术服务型等企业的增长,松山湖全区的生物技术产业、现代服务业等比重将不断提高,预计第三产业比重将从现在的20.6%上升为40%。3500亿营业总收入预计来自六方面 据介绍,按照松山湖高新区产业布局的分布情况,全园区至2016年总收入的预计分布情况有新的图谱。 高端电子信息产业、先进生产制造业(含总部)营业收入力争达到约2000亿元,主要包括北部的大型工业企业以及一批发展势头迅猛的"启航企业"。 生物技术产业(含新药生产、医疗器械、健康产品、基因产品等)营业收入力争达到约300亿~500亿元,松山湖将在市委市政府的全力支持下打造这一战略产业,在支持现有生物技术产业企业发展的同时,积极引进生物技术高端项目。 现代服务业营业收入力争达到约300亿元。其中,文化创意产业力争达到约50亿~100亿元;现代金融服务业力争达到约150亿元;贸易型企业预计约为80亿~100亿元;此外,目前松山湖已开始全力打造电子商务,作为现代服务业的一个支柱产业,预测五年后总收入达到50亿元。 其他产业的总部型企业营业收入力争达到约300亿元,除园区现有的总部型企业外,未来5年预计将招引10家总部型企业入驻。 科技服务行业营业收入力争达到约200亿元,现有的12家公共技术创新平台是提升科技服务业竞争力的中坚力量。 新增过百亿企业营业收入达到约200亿~300亿元。未来五年,松山湖希望通过努力增加2~3个过百亿企业。(孙维锋)