Friday, November 9, 2012
金利橡膠 8000萬元量產 gene chip 產品2015年上市 !!!
基龍米克斯 2億台幣基因體實驗室 !!!!
biometric alliance: 中国成立生物识别产业技术创新战略联盟
異體幹細胞運用市場 !!!!
The Affordable Care Act !
朱恆毅…成人幹細胞抗老 ?!
寶雅…中國市場不確定 先深根台灣400億美妝市場!!!!
安成藥業(安成生技) 研發費 >4億元 !!!!
醫師年會將探討近視手術迷思【中央社╱台北7日電】 2012.11.07 10:05 pm醫師節將屆,台灣醫學會將舉辦105屆年會,近視手術的迷思、醫療人力斷層、基因醫學、倫理法律性別議題,都將在會中討論。台灣醫學會指出,近年來醫療環境堪憂,可能導致內外婦兒科等人才斷層,其中以醫療過失課以刑責的影響最嚴重。因此醫界訴求醫療過失刑責合理化,一切醫療行為皆應依循醫療常規,以提升醫療品質。在大會中,將對易釀糾紛又被民眾關切、或具前瞻性的議題,舉辦教育演講與專題討論,包括近視手術該不該做及術前應注意事項、機器手臂輔助微創手術優缺點及未來能否成為手術主流、二代健保對醫界有何影響、從嬰兒到成人的疫苗接種、奈米醫學及遠距醫療等。大會也將邀請行政院衛生署長邱文達主講「社會正義-對弱勢者之醫療照護」,說明如何落實特殊及弱勢族群的照護,支援離島及偏鄉醫療,透過打造完善的衛生福利網,提供整合性的健康福利服務,以體現社會正義與健康人權的真諦。另外,大會將邀請國內外學者講授腫瘤免疫療法的近況與展望、巴拉刈中毒的治療、巨大或複雜性顱內動脈瘤的治療與對策等。另有以高中生為對象的生物科技研習營,今年主題為「基因醫學與個人化醫療」。大會預計10日至11日在台北國際會議中心舉辦2天,會議期間同時舉辦醫療儀器、藥品展覽會,歡迎民眾免費參觀。【2012/11/07 中央社】
創源(蔡政憲)佈局 藥業發展 結合 基因檢測!
化競爭為合作,創源四管齊下佈局藥業 精實新聞 2012-11-06 16:58:25 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 創源(4160)6日參與櫃買中心業績發表會,執行長蔡政憲表示,將以伴隨式診斷、藥物開發用資料庫、新藥開發及電子化實驗環境等四大管道,與國內、外大廠攜手切入藥業,也預期明年該部分營收將是成長主力,營收占比挑戰20%。創源是訊聯(1784)集團的子公司,今年前三季營收比重中,基因檢測48%、生物及科學資訊30% 及健康照護22%,前九月營收2.22億元,年增1.25倍,稅後盈餘年減62%至117.9萬元,每股稅後盈餘0.06元,獲利下滑主要是因上櫃、研發等一次性費用增加所致。蔡政憲指出,未來三項主力營收將均衡發展,長期營收占比都將介於25-45%,營收貢獻同步向上。而外界多將創源定位在基因檢測的資料庫,事實上,在全球藥業蓬勃發展、且強調個人化治療下,該公司也將以既有基礎佈局藥業。蔡政憲表示,台灣與國際藥廠不見得要直接競爭,反而可以思考複製IT產業的成功軌跡,與全球大藥廠一起成長。蔡政憲說,以創源來說,佈局藥業將四管旗下。首先為伴隨式診斷;蔡政憲說,根據FDA今年的新規定,鼓勵新藥核准前發展搭配式診斷,以降低用藥風險,目前至少有40項伴隨式診斷測試獲認證。以羅氏為例,2011年推出檢測皮膚惡性黑色素瘤搭配式診斷的基因檢測試劑,價格介於120-150美元,2011年8月獲FDA核准上市,以該藥物每年全球使用患者16萬人次估算,市場潛力上看1,920萬美元,商機可觀。 他也表示,未來基因檢測技術對國際藥廠發展藥業將成必要工具,大多數藥廠必須將此流程委外執行或透過併購,這也使創源有機會成為國際及台灣藥廠主要結盟對象。而根據統計,國際藥廠與基因檢測公司合作伴隨式診斷藥物,2008-2011年間產值成長5倍,2015年預估將達34.5億美元。另外,在藥業佈局方面,創源已發展最成熟的部分在於藥物開發用資料庫及新藥開發,目前與台灣主要藥廠都有往來,占營收比重約15%(合計於生物及科學資訊)。蔡政憲說,除既有基礎外,在電子化實驗室環境方面,全球市場規模達20億美元,目前滲透率小於10%,台灣更是一片處女地,因客製化比例很高,也構成進入門檻,未來在法規及實驗室認證、研發效率與效果提升、智慧財產權保護、龐大未開發市場等四大需求帶動下,成長可觀。蔡政憲說,明年藥業佈局將是主要的營收成長來源,預計營收占比有機會從今年的15%成長至20%。
芝林: 珊瑚螢光神仙魚!!!
台灣研發全球首見粉紅螢光神仙魚 一尾10萬 時間:2012/11/8 09:07 新聞引據:自由時報中央研究院細胞與個體生物學研究所與國立台灣海洋大學、芝林公司,7日發表以珊瑚紅色螢光蛋白基因,共同研發的中型慈鯛科粉紅神仙魚,此粉紅螢光觀賞魚,不受限於暗室,就能顯現光彩奪目的顏色。台灣觀賞魚繁殖業者芝林企業與海洋大學、中研院學者花了3年的時間合作研發,在台灣附近海域的軸孔珊瑚上,找到有如Hello Kitty夢幻般的粉紅色基因,再轉殖到魚體內,研發出全球首見的夢幻粉紅色螢光神仙魚。「粉紅神仙魚」與「粉紅獅頭魚」才一亮相,就有國外買主一尾開價新台幣10萬元。但還要經過約2年的田間實驗、評估生物安全後,才能正式上市,未來也計畫與日本三麗鷗公司合作,開發Hello Kitty魚缸套組。「台灣國際觀賞魚博覽會」明天(9日)起一連4天將在台北市南港展覽館舉辦,粉紅螢光魚7日搶先曝光。芝林企業董事長林育禾表示,神仙魚為台灣觀賞魚外銷的重要魚種,原產於亞馬遜河,經30年育種,全球目前已成功開發出32種不同花紋等品系,但神仙魚的顯色細胞缺乏粉紅色系的製造機制。高雄海洋科技大學海洋生物技術學系副教授陳鳴泉從台灣沿近海的軸孔珊瑚身上,找到可表現「粉紅色」的螢光蛋白基因。台灣海洋大學水產養殖系生命科學組助理教授龔紘毅研究團隊再使用顯微注射方式,將基因轉殖到神仙魚的魚卵上,小魚出生後就能發出粉紅色螢光。至於中研院細生所特聘研究員吳金洌及副研究員陳志毅則合作研發粉紅獅頭魚。研究團隊利用顯微注射將紅色螢光蛋白轉殖進白色神仙魚中,過程卻很艱辛,因螢光基因得進入生殖細胞中、才能順利繁殖並遺傳到下一代,加上神仙魚魚卵相當脆弱,最初平均每萬顆魚卵中、僅能成功培育出1隻帶有珊瑚螢光基因的神仙魚,經3年努力,成功率則提高為1%。芝林企業總經理歐梅如指出,目前市面上的螢光魚是小型斑馬魚,以綠色與紅色為主,而且僅能在夜晚看見,但粉紅螢光魚,即便在白天,也能欣賞到亮眼的粉紅色。
趕IPO進度 ! 喬本生醫 研發/市場/公發 馬力全開 !!
生技中心、喬本生醫簽約開發抗癌"植物新藥" By Jimi Liao 台灣英文新聞 記者2012-11-09 12:51 AM 生技中心與喬本生醫簽約,雙方將合作開發「牛樟芝子實體抗肺癌植物新藥」。中國的"冬蟲夏草"、韓國"人蔘"是國際馳名的茲補藥用植物,現在台灣也有"國寶級"的"植物新藥"出現了! 財團法人生物科技開發中心執行長汪嘉林表示,「牛樟芝子實體抗肺癌植物新藥」研發,經動物實驗結果證實,萃取自牛樟芝的活性組成份,具顯著抗癌潛力。汪嘉林指出,牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea)是一種寄生在牛樟樹上的菇蕈類,早期是原住民的傳統藥方,主要用來治療飲酒過量或是過勞所引起的不適。而牛樟樹全世界僅存在於台灣,使得牛樟身價暴漲,盜採嚴重。汪嘉林指出,牛樟芝子實體中富含多醣體等成分,實驗顯示許多樟芝酸或是其衍生物具抗發炎,抗蟲與細胞毒性等作用。生技中心開發出的牛樟芝抗癌活性組成分與製程,於動物試驗顯示對肺癌有極佳的抑制效果,藥效可與市售化學藥物相比,未來學術研究價值與應用潛力可期。汪嘉林表示,生技中心研發團隊在植物新藥開發上已有多項成果,在美國和台灣申請IND成功的案件已有7件,其中一項正進行臨床三期試驗。他說,與喬本生醫共同開發牛樟芝子實體抗癌藥物,未來將以通過美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)及台灣食品藥物管理局(TFDA)的IND申請進入人體臨床試驗,並完成新藥上市為目標。11/8日生技中心與喬本生醫簽約,雙方將合作開發「牛樟芝子實體抗肺癌植物新藥」,預計2015年底通過臨床試驗審查(IND)申請,進入人體臨床試驗。喬本生醫董事長黃文田表示,在國際生技市場上,各國都有具代表性的生技產物,例如韓國人參、巴西蘑菇等,台灣也可以將牛樟芝推向國際市場,做為台灣特有的代表產物。相信人工栽培的牛樟芝,除可創造生技產業價值,未來可望在癌症治療領域持續發展,成為抗癌的新希望。喬本生醫前身是位於南部科學園區的喬志亞生技,從事超臨界流體萃取研發已12年,成功從芝麻和薏仁萃取出產物並純化,從事植物新藥和小分子藥物研發。由於新增以牛樟椴木培養台灣牛樟芝子實體的需求,在屏東農業生物科技園區斥資新台幣10億元設廠,第1期廠房已於10月28日正式啟用。由於牛樟芝具有抗癌功效,看好未來消費市場潛力,黃文田表示,第2期廠房已於日前啟動,預計斥資10億元,興建7000坪廠房,2014年6月完工,並計畫投入30億元興建3期廠房,打造全球最大的牛樟芝子實體培養廠。喬本生醫研發長曾煥中表示,喬本生醫目前資本額1億8750萬元,去年度營收1億元,較前年的2000萬元成長4倍,主要來源包括健康食品及功能性保健品等。在產品銷售成長下,預估今年營收可達1.2億元,明、後年則可望倍增至2.5、6億元。在獲利方面,喬本生醫去年每股獲利(EPS)為0.12元,法人預估今年可望達到1元水準。喬本生醫在牛樟芝相關保健產品挹注下,去年營收較前年成長4倍,預期明、後年營收也可望倍增,董事長黃文田表示,喬本生醫計畫明年初公開發行並登錄興櫃,明年底上櫃。2012/11/08
信邦連接線組 跨足 生醫產業 !!
信邦佈局醫療邁入豐收期 Q3營收年增近2成 創歷史新高 鉅亨網/鉅亨網記者胡薏文 台北-2012年10月08日 下午20:08 連接器廠商信邦(3023-TW)積極朝向非消費性電子領域轉型,不僅工業、節能、車用等佈局陸續發酵,在醫療方面,醫療與健康照護部分,也打進國際大廠供應鏈,第3季末效益浮現,使得信邦第3季合併營收26.61億元,較去年同期成長18.58%,也改寫單季歷史新高。同時信邦轉型效益浮現,今年前9月合併營收74.01億元,也是歷年來同期新高。信邦9月合併營收9.07億元,較去年同期7.70億元成長17.79%,也較上月8.80億元成長3.11%,單月營收數字為2007年10月以來新高,而對信邦更具意義的,這也是朝向非消費性電子產品轉型後,單月營收重返9億元高峰之上。信邦表示,9月業績超出預期的主要原因,是因為醫療及健康照護之連接線組及通訊產業連接器銷售成長,醫療及健康照護連接線組係因客戶大型醫療設備上半年度需求遞延,但9月起效益浮現,持續回補連接線組;通訊用連接器則受惠於大陸品牌智慧手機手機市場需求強勁,自6月起,出貨已連續4個月成長。信邦在轉型後,目前通訊及電子週邊產業占集團營收降至43.93%;工業應用產業占19.78%;綠能及節能產業占17.64%;醫療及健康照護產業也達10.83%;汽車產業占7.82%,隨利基型產品比重持續攀高,信邦整體毛利率也維持在上半年的高檔水準。
StemCyte's Global Leadership & Quality Standards ContinueBy StemCyte, Inc.
Published: Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 - 9:11 am COVINA, Calif., Oct. 25, 2012
/PRNewswire/ StemCyte, Inc. is proud to announce that StemCyte Taiwan has met the eligibility requirements for accreditation by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT), an organization helping to assure the highest standards in cellular therapy practices.StemCyte Taiwan's accreditation achievement matches its continued FACT accreditation at its Covina, California North American lab.The dual lab accreditation is further evidence of StemCyte's commitment to being an industry leader by maintaining the highest level of quality controls across their global enterprise."Patients and families are at the forefront of our minds in everything we do at StemCyte.We owe them our best and operating at the highest standard is an imperative," said Ken Giacin, StemCyte's Chairman."StemCyte Taiwan Cord Blood Bank takes great pride in receiving FACT accreditation knowing it demonstrates our strong focus on excellence in all aspects of what we do, patient care and lab practices alike," said Charles Lu, President, StemCyte Taiwan.FACT accredited organizations voluntarily comply with rigorous industry standards.They are the only set of accreditation requirements addressing both clinical and laboratory practices."StemCyte is committed to producing and delivering cellular therapy products that consistently meet the highest quality standards for safety, identity, purity and potency for patients in need," said StemCyte's Global Medical Director, Dr. Wise Young, MD, PhD."StemCyte Taiwan's accreditation to match our California lab's ongoing accreditation demonstrates our global commitment to delivering superior quality and consistency to the doctors, patients and parents we serve."
About StemCyte, Inc. Located in the US, India and Taiwan, StemCyte has established one of the largest, most racially diverse, and highest quality cord blood stem cell banks in the world.StemCyte has supplied over 1,750 cord blood products for over 70 life-threatening diseases to over 200 leading transplant centers worldwide.StemCyte is actively involved in the development of new umbilical cord blood-based cell therapies.The Company supports the largest clinical study for using unrelated cord blood transplantation for thalassemia, one of the most common genetic diseases in the world, and the development of trials investigating regenerative spinal cord therapies.StemCyte is one of the only for-profit companies contracted by the US Department of HHS to help contribute clinical grade cord blood units to the public National Cord Blood Inventory for unrelated transplants.Its headquarters are in Covina, CA.To learn more visit StemCyte, Inc.
Taiwan, Japan firms sign agreement to develop cancer drugs
2012/11/07 17:37:05 Taipei, Nov. 7 (CNA) Taipei-based Orient Europharma Group (OEP) and Japan's NanoCarrier Co. Ltd. inked a new license agreement on a pancreatic cancer drug on Wednesday, and unveiled their joint investment of NT$700 million (US$24 million) in a new plant to produce cancer drugs.The two companies decided to continue their joint research on Nanoplatin, a chemotherapy drug in the second phase of clinical trial, four years after they started developing the drug, said OEP President Peter Tsai at the signing ceremony.The new license agreement gives OEP worldwide, non-exclusive manufacturing rights of the drug, also known as NC-6004, in addition to rights under the original license agreement on the development and marketing of NC-6004 in the Asian countries listed in the previous deal.In light of the new agreement, OEP said it will establish a new manufacturing subsidiary with NanoCarrier in Yunlin County to produce chemotherapy drugs given in injection form, with Nanoplatin being the first in line.Construction on the new plant at the Central Taiwan Science Park's Huwei Park will begin in 2013, and the facility is forecast to generate up to US$500 million in annual sales after its scheduled completion in 2016.The companies aim to secure certification for the plant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Tsai added.The firms also plan to conduct clinical trials on pancreatic cancer patients in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Australia, Tsai said.NanoCarrier President Ichiro Nakatomi said certain measures adopted by the Taiwan government will determine the success of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan, as will the government's determination to develop the industry at the national level.Taiwan's Bureau of Industrial Development provides necessary assistance to the sector, and the Taiwan FDA has established a quick review and priority certification system that can help new drugs be certified sooner, Nakatomi noted.
Taiwan pushing for more post-doc fellows to work in private sector
2012/11/07 19:59:06 Taipei, Nov. 7 (CNA) Taiwan's top academic institution hopes to get at least 10 percent of Taiwan's postdoctorate fellows to work in the private sector, up from 3 percent at present, the institution's head said at a legislative hearing Wednesday.Academia Sinica President Wong Chi-huey said at a hearing on the institution's budget held by the Education and Culture Committee that while postdoctorate fellows are the backbone of basic research at the institution, there are too few of them employed in Taiwan's private sector.The institution will try to help them apply their research with private companies in the future, he said in response to a question by Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator Chiang Nai-shin.There were 300 postdoctorate fellows at the Academia Sinica in 2008-2009, according to statistics compiled by the institution, Chiang said.More than half of them continued on a research path, while only 3.6 percent made the transition to work in the private sector, Chiang said.Wong said the gap between private sector demand for these highly educated researchers and their supply has resulted in a poor utilization rate of postdoctorate fellows or doctoral degree holders by private companies.The biotechnology field, for example, not only needs expertise in biology but also in chemistry, medical biotechnology, and management, he said.Currently there are too many people doing basic research in biology and technology but not enough people are involved in other biotechnology-related fields, he said.The remarks coincide with the institute's plan to better utilize the country's top talent to be laid out at the end of the year in a White Paper to the government on policies related to higher education, collaboration between universities and industries, and the science research budget.Meanwhile, when asked about Taiwan being shut out again from Nobel prizes, Wong said Taiwan should reinforce the country's mechanism used to nominate candidates to Nobel committees.He cited Japan's approach of concentrating on a few nominees, in contrast to Taiwan's tendency to nominate several researchers from different fields and different research institutions.If a single scholar can be nominated by different domestic and foreign institutions, then the individual will have a better chance of gaining the attention of the Nobel committee in the person's field, he said.The last and so far only time a native Taiwanese has won a Nobel Prize
China : ASTRAZENECA partners with IRONWOOD on $150 MILLION CHINA drug deal
[TendersInfo (India)] Ironwood Pharmaceuticals has secured $25 million and commitments of up to $125 million more from AstraZeneca, after signing a partnership deal to push linaclotide through a late-stage study in China and on into that country's fast-growing drug market. As per the deal, both the companies will jointly work on the research that needs to be done in China to win an approval for irritable bowel syndrome, with the biotech company relentlessly hanging on to a 50% share of the profits in China. Mark Mallon, regional VP for Asia Pacific and president, AstraZeneca China said, China is one of the fastest growing prescription medicines markets in the world and linaclotide represents a valuable opportunity to meet the needs of local patients by providing an innovative new treatment option. We are pleased to be partnering with Ironwood for linaclotide in China, which capitalizes on our leadership in the gastrointestinal sector in the emerging markets, said Mark Mallon, regional VP for Asia Pacific and president, AstraZeneca China.
松山湖台湾高科技园 汪洋书记扮演“关键先生”
2012-11-07 08:06:05来源: 南方日报 暂无网友评论 松山湖台湾高科技园的成立,汪洋书记在其中扮演着"关键先生"的角色。2009年6月,汪洋在会见首批台湾高科技企业访莞代表团时发出倡导,建议台湾高科技企业与东莞松山湖高新区联姻,通过"自由恋爱"的方式,实现合作双赢。汪洋书记的动议,得到了台湾高科技企业的积极响应,台湾高科技园项目就此胎动。同年10月,他在会见第二批台湾高科技企业访莞代表团时,提出希望东莞市积极创造条件,和台湾企业家携手合作,把松山湖台湾高科技园打造成产业结构调整的示范园区。2009年底,台湾高科技园开工建设,到2010年6月,主要市政基础设施全面完工。2010年11月,台湾高科技园开园,总投资逾百亿元的联胜项目为台湾高科技园打响了"头炮"。2012年5月,在广东省第十一次党代会报告中,松山湖东莞台湾高科技园与广州南沙、深圳前海等共同列为广东省重大合作平台,台湾高科技园因此成为广东省与台湾高科技产业的对接平台。2012年6月,省委书记汪洋第四次考察松山湖,充分肯定了台湾高科技园的建设招商工作,并明确表示省里支持粤台合作生物技术产业基地的建设,台湾高科技园的发展步入新的阶段。作为东莞"三重"(重大项目、重大产业集聚区、重大科技专项)建设的主战场,松山湖目前正努力打造高端电子信息产业、生物技术产业和现代服务业三大产业集聚区,而台湾高科技园就肩负了大力发展IC设计、生物技术两大行业的发展重任。
【期许】 当前广东正处在加快转变经济发展方式、探索科学发展新路的关键时期,在招商引资过程中,要从过去的傍"资金"大款向傍"科技"大款转变。松山湖台湾高科技园经过一年的建设和完善,有了可喜的成果,令人鼓舞。希望科技园尽快建设成为东莞乃至广东省产业结构调整的示范平台,为加快推动产业结构调整和转型升级发挥更重要的辐射带动作用。中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋
【构想】 东莞台湾高科技园写进省党代会报告是对我们的巨大鼓舞,东莞将坚持按照高起点规划、高水平招商、高效能产出的要求建设东莞台湾高科技园,重点发展高端电子信息、生物科技等战略新兴产业,使之成为东莞加快科技与产业融合的重要载体和实现高水平崛起的重大发展平台。东莞市委书记、市人大常委会主任徐建华 东莞台湾高科技园现在利用的是台湾企业的概念,但将来面向的是全球,先把台资概念做起来。引入台湾高科技企业的主要目的,就是要利用台湾高科技企业的实力,台资企业在东莞有4000余家,台湾企业最大的特点是出口带动型战略。台湾企业的产品大量出口,在大陆的市场也越来越大,其设计研发中心也非常强,现在东莞也在打这个主意,想利用台湾企业的这种机制,实际上这与台资企业转型的路子也是一样的。东莞市委副书记、市长袁宝成 驾车行驶在东莞松山湖高科技园区,但见绿树成荫、芳草萋萋、湖光潋滟,一栋栋设计感十足的办公楼和厂房点缀其间,让人很难将此情景与"东莞制造"的传统印象相连。园内有一块近7平方公里的地方,就是2010年11月才开园的"园中园"台湾高科技园。"总投资逾百亿元的东莞联胜(台资企业)触摸屏项目,是台湾高科技园的首个项目,将在11月份开始投产。预计11、12两个月,联胜项目就能实现24亿人民币左右的产值,2013年联胜项目的总产值将超百亿。"东莞市政府顾问、东莞台湾高科技园的动议人宋涛在接受本报记者专访时透露。 联胜项目如期投产,为台湾高科技园开了个好头。台湾高科技园已经明确将IC设计、生物技术两大产业作为主攻方向。据悉,目前台湾高科技园已经引进了十多家IC设计企业,预计5年内将聚集60家以上的IC设计公司,10年内超过百家;而在生物技术项目方面,多家美国、中国台湾等地的公司也有意向入驻。宋涛表示,10年后,台湾科技园生物技术行业的产值将达1500亿—2000亿元,成为东莞新的支柱产业之一。
台湾高科技园应运而生 东莞制造业的起步,与台资企业特别是台湾的电子信息制造业有着很深的渊源。在上一轮的制造业转移浪潮中,东莞抓住了机遇,成为台湾电子信息制造业产业转移最大的"接盘者",大量台湾电子信息制造业落户东莞,成就了东莞全球电子信息产品生产基地这一"桂冠"。然而,东莞电子信息制造业一直处在产业链中低端,绝大多数属于劳动密集型产业,如传统的鼠标、键盘、电源、机箱、板卡等,随着劳动力成本和原材料成本的上升,这些产业的利润空间越来越薄。推动东莞制造业转型升级,早在2008年金融海啸之前,就已经成为共识。2008年广东推出"腾笼换鸟"政策,东莞的产业升级就成为聚焦点。转型升级势在必行,但如何转、如何升,各地要因地制宜,个性化发展。东莞的特色,就是与台资企业有着良好的合作基础。"最高峰的时候,东莞的台资企业多达6000多家,是台资企业落户内地最集中的地方。可以说,东莞的制造业与台湾制造业有着密不可分的血脉关系。"宋涛强调。因此,如何加大与台资企业的合作力度,引进台湾的高新技术,就成为东莞转型升级的一大突破口。正是基于这一考虑,松山湖台湾高科技园应运而生。东莞台湾高科技园的诞生,离不开省委书记汪洋的大力推动。从2009年至今,汪洋"四会"台湾高科技企业代表团,倡导成立台湾高科技园,并向台资企业大力推荐,引来台资企业的积极响应。宋涛表示,东莞台湾高科技园并不仅仅以招商引资为目的,而是追求合作共赢理念,这也符合台资企业的诉求。 东莞市委书记徐建华在接受本报记者采访时曾表示,过去东莞产业一直比较低端,满天星斗却缺乏明月。现阶段东莞经济工作的重心就是推进产业高级化。近几年,东莞市都一直积极响应省里"腾笼换鸟"政策,积极推动产业转型升级。松山湖产业开发区自2010年9月升格为国家级高新区以来,更是力求打造成为东莞乃至珠三角的"科学发展示范区"和"转型升级引领区",而作为"园中园"的台湾高科技园是重中之重。 中央台办、国务院台办主任王毅今年在北京会见广东省政府顾问、联电集团荣誉副董事长宣明智和宋涛时明确表示,东莞是传统产业集聚区,也是投资传统产业的台商集聚区。如果松山湖的台湾高科技园与台湾方面合作发展成功,也将是东莞产业转型升级的成功。
IC设计、生物技术双轮驱动 2010年11月21日,东莞台湾高科技园正式开园,这是东莞面向台湾高端产业的主题园区,也是粤台产业合作示范园区和广东省产业结构调整示范园区。联胜项目是首家入园企业,首期投资37亿元、总投资逾百亿元。该公司的触摸屏产品,主要供应给苹果、三星、诺基亚等巨头。 松山湖工委书记、管委会常务副主任刘宁在接受专访时表示,省党代会报告中提到东莞台湾高科技园很振奋人心,台湾高科技园是松山湖科技园的"重中之重"。"松山湖有望在年内成立专门的国有全资企业,密切与台企的合作,由此加快台湾高科技园的建设。" 作为与台湾高科技产业对接的平台,东莞台湾高科技园该如何选择产业发展方向?在这方面,台湾高科技园的管理层可谓殚精竭虑。"我们没有跟风,先后否决了晶圆制造、高世代液晶面板、LED、光伏等热门领域,最后聚焦在集成电路(IC)设计、生物技术两大行业。这两大行业符合东莞产业发展的方向,且台湾在这两大产业上拥有全球领先优势。将这两大产业作为发展方向,符合台湾高科技园的定位。"宋涛说。 作为全球电子信息产品制造基地,东莞占中国IC市场用量的60%。但芯片主要依赖从国外进口,或者从国内其他地方采购,在芯片设计环节更是几乎空白,缺口很大。东莞对IC设计有着庞大的需求,而台湾在IC设计领域具有全球竞争力,因此,引进台湾的IC设计公司,对完善东莞电子信息制造业产业链,提升产业竞争力,无疑是一大捷径。 为加速IC设计产业的落户发展,东莞台湾高科技园积极与台湾IC企业接触。今年以来,已经聚集合泰半导体(东莞)有限公司、东莞晶宏半导体有限公司、东莞市泰斗微电子科技有限公司等近20家IC企业,同时盛群半导体等一批知名的IC设计公司表达了明确的入园申请。IC设计产业发展势头迅猛。如果说IC设计是台湾高科技园未来5年重点发展的产业,那么生物技术则是未来十年的发展方向。宋涛告诉记者,"美国生物技术领先全球,很多台湾IT企业看准了这一趋势,纷纷向这一领域转型。台湾本土市场较小,因此十分看重内地市场。台湾高科技园将生物技术列为主要发展方向,得到了众多美国和台湾生物技术企业的响应。" 据悉,台湾科技园正积极推动生物科技产业投资基金的设立。已与台湾富鑫创投、台湾生物技术与医药工业发展推动小组以及宣明智等多家机构和投资人洽谈,探讨共同设立松山湖生物医药产业发展基金。目前,已与富鑫创投、联电集团及进洲投资等台湾投资者达成明确意向,共同设立前期规模为1000万美元、远期规模为3亿美元的风险投资基金。作为两岸产业交流合作的平台,生物产业交流的良性机制已经初步形成。
积聚效应和溢出效应初显 推出台湾科技园的目的,不仅仅是将台湾高科技企业引进到东莞,还要借助台湾高科技企业的力量,在满足台资企业自身发展的基础上,推动东莞乃至珠三角的产业升级。宋涛表示,基于东莞现有的产业基础和未来的产业发展前景的判断,台湾高科技园在推动东莞产业全面转型升级中将起到不可估量的作用,"台湾高科技园将发展成为东莞未来的产业高地"。随着联胜项目的启动,松山湖台湾科技园目前已经产生了相当的积聚效应。"产业要具有竞争力,必须形成产业链经济。一个重大项目落户台湾高科技园,往往会吸引众多配套项目落户,从而形成一个产业链闭环。"据宋涛介绍,目前,台湾高科技园已经成功吸引了数十家台湾和美国企业落户。"我每个月都要往台湾跑至少两次去谈合作,台湾的企业家也经常来松山湖,可以说双方的关系已经非常密切,接下来就是要加强合作出成果。" 除了积聚效应之外,作为重大产业平台的溢出效应,也开始显现出来。以联胜项目为例,在这一项目带动下,很多新兴显示技术领域的高端人才汇聚东莞,并带动了配套产业(很多都是本土企业)与之配套,联胜项目的成功引进,将改变东莞目前高端显示产业上中下游发展极不平衡的被动局面,使东莞高端显示产业整体竞争力跃升至全国前列。 一家落户台湾科技园的台湾IC设计负责人在接受记者采访时表示,相比其他产业园区,松山湖台湾高科技园的一大特色,就是双方追求合作共赢的理念。"在这个共同理念下,园区不会简单地将我们当做租户看待,园区的责任感会更强。""未来的台湾高科技园将在产业布局方面有所调整,这与原来大部分土地都用来发展高端生产制造环节的思路不同。"刘宁说,台湾园将以莞深高速为分割线,莞深高速以南主要承接高端电子信息产业和生物医药产业;而莞深高速以北的地块则拿来做研发、企业总部和配套。未来的台湾高科技园,将会被打造成为一个具有浓郁台湾特色、高科技含量和高环境质量的国际一流高科技园区,并将成为松山湖乃至东莞的一张靓丽名片。刘宁透露,按照新的国际设计方案和松山湖管委会的发展思路,台湾高科技园中将建立起一座标志性建筑,而且将拿出一半的土地用来做研发和企业总部。"在资金上,除了靠政府财政,松山湖5年需要150亿左右的资金,不排除与台湾财团合作。"刘宁说。
Europe Approves High-price Gene Therapy
Sunday, 04 November 2012 00:00 (Reuters) - European officials have approved the Western world's first gene therapy drug from a small Dutch biotech company, in a milestone for the novel medical technology that fixes faulty genes. The formal clearance from the European Commission paves the way for a launch next summer of the treatment for an ultra rare genetic disease that will cost around 1.2 million euros ($1.6 million) per patient, a new record for pricey modern medicines.After more than 20 years of experiments and a series of disappointments, the EU approval of Glybera, which treats the genetic disorder lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD), is a significant boost for the gene therapy field.Joern Aldag, chief executive of Amsterdam-based uniQure, said more such treatments would follow and argued a high price was justified because gene therapy restored natural body function and did not just offer a short-term fix."This provides higher benefit to patients than the classical protein replacement strategy and this is why we think we should be fairly and adequately compensated," he said in a telephone interview on Friday.Patients with LPLD, which affects no more than one or two people per million, are unable to handle fat particles in their blood and are at risk of acute and potentially fatal inflammation of the pancreas.The approval follows a positive recommendation from the European Medicines Agency in July.The privately owned firm is now working with governments on potential pricing strategies, which are likely to vary from country to country, ahead of the commercial roll-out from the second half of 2013.Aldag said some countries preferred the idea of a one-off payment at the time of treatment but others were interested in an annuity system, which would probably involve charging around 250,000 euros a year for five years.That kind of annual charge would put Glybera in a similar price range to expensive enzyme replacement therapies for other rare diseases, such as Cerezyme for Gaucher disease from Sanofi's Genzyme unit.UniQure is also preparing to apply for regulatory approval for Glybera in the United States, Canada and other markets.
EARLIER SETBACKSThe idea of treating disease by replacing a defective gene with a working copy gained credence in 1990 with the success of the world's first gene therapy clinical tests against a rare condition called severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).People with SCID - also known as "bubble boy disease" - cannot cope with infections and usually die in childhood.The field then suffered a major setback when an Arizona teenager died in a gene therapy experiment in 1999 and two French boys with SCID developed leukaemia in 2002.In China, Shenzhen SiBiono GeneTech won approval for a gene therapy drug for head and neck cancer in 2003 but no products have been approved until now in Europe or the United States.More recently, some large pharmaceutical companies have also been exploring gene therapy. GlaxoSmithKline, for example, signed a deal in 2010 with Italian researchers to develop a SCID therapy. ($1 = 0.7730 euros)Hepatitis E vaccine debuts Success of Chinese biotech partnership raises hopes for prevention of overlooked diseases.
China and India in Global Drug R&D Outsourcing Find out how the two nations play different roles.
Jim J. Zhang, Ph.D.By 2017, China and India, combined together, will likely account for about 10% of the global CRO market. [© Elena Kovaleva -] The rises of China and India as two key emerging markets provide enormous opportunities to both multinational drug companies and professional outsourcing service providers. However, there are significant differences between these two countries, in particular in the areas related to drug R&D. Although multinational companies now could have more choices than ever, China and India each actually play different roles in the long value chain of drug R&D.We recently conducted an in-depth study and analysis on the drug R&D capability of China and India. This article summarized part of the results found in our study.
Current Service Capabilities At present the most popular services offered by majority Chinese CROs are early-phase drug discovery research, such as lead generation and optimization, assays and assay method development, etc. Only a handful of them are able to provide advanced discovery research services, such as high-throughput/content screening, computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), and structure-activity relationship (SAR) study. However, more CROs in India than in China are able to provide integrated discovery services besides the routine medicinal chemistry research services that are also offered by the Chinese CROs. A number of Indian CROs also have internal R&D programs. They thus generally have stronger capabilities and richer experiences than their Chinese counterparts in the SAR-based lead optimizations and pharmacological property optimizations.However, the service features in preclinical development in these two countries seem just opposite. China is currently leading over India in drug testing in large animals such as nonhuman primates, as a large number of Chinese CROs possess good capability in this area. But in the in vitro studies and in small animal in vivo testing, the two countries have almost equal service capabilities.In clinical development, India currently is a more ideal choice than China in terms of the service capability, experience, and CRO choice. However, if considering the factor of the attraction of the local pharmaceutical market, China seems to be more attractive than India as its current pharmaceutical market is much larger than the Indian market and, more importantly, poised to still grow faster than India.Besides the professional CROs, a number of Indian major pharma companies are also involved in R&D outsourcing services. In contrast, at present, none of the Chinese major pharma companies have dedicated divisions that provide R&D outsourcing services to multinational companies. As they started R&D earlier than Chinese companies and currently have products in middle-to-late development stages, many Indian drug companies have gained experience in most stages of the drug R&D value chain, whereas the majority of the Chinese drug companies are currently still significantly inexperienced, in particular in terms of their ability of moving a drug from one development stage to the next. However, China currently is becoming one of the most focused countries for global pharmaceutical and biotech companies to look for outlicensing or co-development opportunities for their new products, largely because of the attraction of its pharmaceutical market.
Major Pharma's Different R&D Strategies Attracted by the fast growth of the pharmaceutical markets in both China and India, coupled with the fact that the skills and experiences of the scientists in these two countries are fast catching up and have become acceptable, it appears to most major pharma companies that the full-scale drug R&D outsourcing practice in these two countries has now become not only feasible but also meaningful. However, major pharma companies have also been implementing different outsourcing strategies in these two countries.For example, China has so far been the main place for global drug companies to source focused compound libraries, especially those derived from the natural products isolated and purified from the Chinese herbal medicines. In the past few years almost all major pharma companies have sourced various sizes of compound libraries from China through hiring hundreds of scientists in Chinese CROs. On the other hand, almost at the same time many major pharma companies have also forged long-term, close partnerships with a number of Indian companies including both professional CROs and drug companies for both discovery research and early phase development. Their collaboration even included risk-sharing components.As the life science research and technologies in China are better advanced than in India, China possesses advantages for conducting drug R&D over India in that it provides ease for major pharma to form a networked partnership with a variety of desired local capabilities while it is still easy for them to establish their own R&D facilities in the country, a similar operating model to what they have been doing in their home countries. This advantage has indeed been attracting more and more major pharma companies, making them willing to be committed to big R&D investment in China. In contrast, in India they more tend to conduct R&D in a model of partnership with local companies. To a large extent, to these major pharma companies, China seems to be aligned better with their long-term growth goals than India. The last several years have witnessed the fast growth of the CRO markets in both China and India. According to our research, the current market size of the Chinese CRO industry is about $1.58 B. It has been growing in a CAGR of about 31% in the past five years. The current market value of the Indian CRO industry is about $1.3 B. Its CAGR in the past five years was around 21.5%. In the global CRO market, which, according to our research, is about $42 B at present, the Chinese and Indian CRO markets currently account for about 3.8% and 3.1%, respectively, or about 7% if combined together.As both China and India currently still possesses a number of advantages over other emerging countries, there is almost no doubt that the CRO markets in both countries are expected to still experience healthy growth in the foreseeable future. However, as the Chinese pharmaceutical market is currently larger and still exhibits stronger future growth potential than the Indian market, and as targeting the local market will still be the key motivation of major pharma companies in all emerging markets, it is thus expected that the Chinese CRO market will likely still experience more robust growth in the near future than its Indian counterpart.We thus forecast that the Chinese CRO market will likely grow in a CAGR of around 16% in the next five years or so and the Indian CRO market will likely grow in a CAGR of around 9% during the same time period. Accordingly, the market value of the Chinese CRO industry will likely reach close to $4 B by 2017 and the Indian CRO market will be likely around $2.2 B by then (Figure). According to our research, by 2017 China and India combined together will likely account for about 10% of the global CRO market.
日本大東藥廠 委 杏輝針劑廠生產 !!
台日搭橋,製藥業搶千億商機 2012-11-08 【時報-台北電】台灣食品藥物管理局(TFDA)局長康照洲7日透露,年底前將與日本厚生省簽署雙邊合作協議,今年先以藥品和廠房認證為主,明年則擴大至醫材,為此,中化(1701)、永信(3705)、杏輝(1734)等國內藥廠前進日本市場,也將由過去代工的領域延伸至進口,搶賺逾千億商機。隨著日本政府進行醫改,並規劃2012年將學名藥的使用率提高至30%中,國內至少已有南光(1752)、中化、杏輝等17家生醫公司藥廠接受日本厚生勞(人動)省(MHLW)實地查核。杏輝興建的第二座針劑廠產能多半也要供應日本大東藥廠。康照洲表示,除了日本外,TFDA也會與馬來西亞對口單位接觸,年底前有機會建立雙邊合作協議,而中日韓先前一直有意建立醫藥合作的聯盟,如果聯盟建立,台灣恐有角色弱化的危機,因而轉向尋求與個別國家的協商突破,目前規劃的方向還包括東協、菲律賓等地區。備受矚目的兩岸醫藥合作協定,預計12月在成都舉行,目前已送件的25件醫藥臨床合作認證,應會有較明確的結果。 康照洲指出,與日本厚生省的接觸是透過日本交流協會及亞東關係協會,希望爭取在相互查廠、查驗登記的合作,而因台日雙方藥材往來已久,因而日方希望先從藥材開始,明年再逐步擴及醫材。 據了解,為了降低醫療支出,美國、中國合計在5年內將創造高達30兆醫改商機,美國在去年1月1日加入PIC/S GMP組織後,已與歐盟接軌,而台灣由於已成為PIC/S會員國,而讓國內已獲PIC/S認證的藥廠,已成為美、日釋單的大贏家。初步統計,國內包括中化、杏輝、健亞(4130)、南光等公司都已獲代工訂單,而蘇州中化和台灣微脂體(4152)打進日本最大通路商調劑製藥的行列,生達(1720)可望與日本藥廠聯手至美國申請降血脂藥證,健喬(4114)技轉橘生的攝護腺用藥未來也可望回銷至日本。據了解,日本目前日對荷爾蒙、抗生素、頭孢子菌素及抗癌用藥等「高致敏性」藥品需求強勁,由於該類藥品容易造成交叉汙染,因此需設立獨立廠房,而PIC/S就符合該規定,這也讓國內PIC/S藥廠營運水漲船高。(新聞來源:工商時報─記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導)
美兆 医院就诊绿色通道服务!!
美兆体检:提供检查 分析 对策的全面健康管理 2012-11-08 17:44来源:搜狐健康 世界排名前三位的健康管理机构 美兆集团成立于1988年,连续15年获得美国病理医学学院(CAP)能力试验,并取得证书,与英国BUPA、日本PL并列为世界三大健康管理机构,至今已在北京、上海、江阴、海南、台湾、香港、马来西亚设立10家分支机构。
北京美兆体检中心 北京美兆是美兆集团在大陆地区的第一家旗舰店,投资500万美元,体检面积3000平方米。融健康体检、健康促进、健康管理为一体,具有一站式健检、艺术式健检环境、精良的检测仪器、健康管理促进书、个性化健康评估及疾病风险评估等独特优势。2004年通过ISO-9001国际品质认证的首家体检机构,连续多年荣获消费者评选的国内最受欢迎之健康体检机构,客户满意度达98%以上。
体检最好提前一周预约 美兆体检绝大多数采取电话预约方式,一般需要提前3-5天进行预约。客户可直接拨打美兆体检中心的预约号码或者与美兆体检的健康顾问联系。预约时需要提供本人有效证件,身份证、护照均可。美兆体检有专门的呼叫中心以及50余人的专职健康管理顾问团队,保证电话预约渠道的畅通。
美兆体检报道前台 美兆体检时间分为5个梯次,分别为7:45-8:15、8:15-8:45、8:45-9:15、9:15-9:45、9:45-10:15.在预约体检时,相关工作人员会告知体检当天体检者所属的具体梯次以及体检开始时间,并通过手机平台为体检者发送检前提醒。体检者当天按时到达即可,无需等待。 美兆体检目前提供136个单项的体检项目。特色项目有标准营养餐指导以及相关卫教、中医保健咨询、健康评估及疾病风险评估、《健康管理促进书》。全球唯一当天可以拿到体检报告的体检机构。
成为会员可以享受体检产品6折优惠 美兆体检实行会员制。在美兆体检单人申请会员第一年需要交纳3000元的入会费用,随后可以享受体检费用的6折优惠;第二年若想继续续约会员,缴纳250元续约费用即可。除单人会员之外,美兆体检也办理双人会员卡、三人会员卡、四人会员卡、五人会员卡、六人会员卡和七人会员卡,入会费用分别为6000元、9000元、12000元、15000元、18000元、21000元;续约费用分别为500元、600元、600元、800元、800元、800元。推行多人会员制的目的是以家庭为单位进行健康管理。而第一次交纳的入会费用为会员终身会籍,且可以在会员直系亲属内变更会籍资格。
39名退休医生保证健康质量 北京美兆成立于2003年12月12日,每日接诊人数上限170人次,至2012年累积接诊:236,229人次。美兆体检有医生42位(主任医师17位、副主任医师8位、主治医师17位)、护士54位(主管护师9位、护师14位、护士23位)、检验技师6位(检验技师5位、检验技士1位)、放射技师12位(放射技师5位、放射技士3位、文员4位)、营养师6位(营养师4位、营养保健师2位)、系统工程师2位。美兆体检的大多数主诊医生是公立医院退休专家,也有少数公立医院医生兼职坐诊。3名在职医师,39名退休医师。美兆体检所有分支机构的设备与试剂都是相同厂家的进口产品,以便达到世界顶级水准,避免在不同国家地区体检时出现较大差异。
健康资料全自动化管理 美兆体检所有检查室均在一个楼层。体检者体检当天会先填写/提交美兆体检设置的健康问卷,问卷中的信息会被扫描输入美兆的信息系统,并存储在一张磁卡上。体检者持这张磁卡进入体检区,按照导医引导进行24站100余项的体检。每到一站、一个项目检查室,体检者都需要先行刷卡,使相关信息录入美兆体检的自动化交叉排检系统。每项体检完成后体检者也需要刷卡,相应的体检结果会直接录入美兆体检的排检系统。健检顾问可以从电脑上直接了解所有体检者的体检进度,并及时在体检者完成体检后提供咨询服务。基本的体检项目将在2小时内完成,各诊室间的往返时间小于5分钟。在进入体检中心体检第一站,所有的体检者会先来到问诊室,这里有资深的医师询问体检者具体的健康状况,并分析体检者选择的体检项目,问诊医师会就具体情况给出体检及减选建议:删除套餐中体检者不必要的项目或者增加体检者需要的另外体检项目。 美兆体检设6条线许多体检项目均分设6个诊室,保证体检者能够分流,减少每一诊室的等候时间。每间诊室上方都有LED显示屏,会清晰的显示下一个体检者的姓名,提醒其进入检查。 美兆体检认为健康体检主要目的的了解正常人的健康状况,发现健康危险因素,所以仪器设备能满足正常体检所需即可。不主张盲目进行CT、核磁、PET等大型仪器的检查。所以,在体检开始之前,美兆会有专业人员对所有体检者进行问诊,查看健康调查问卷,建议删除不必要的体检项目,避免造成体检者的身体损害以及资源的浪费。
体检报告当天就拿到 美兆体检的体检报告会在4小时内完成,并由体检者于体检当地带走。处于告知结果的义务和为体检者的隐私保护考虑,美兆体检强烈建议每个体检者自取检查报告。但如无法自取,美兆体检也提供快递体检报告的服务。如果体检者是美兆体检的会员,在美兆体检的官方网站上会有体检者的个人健康网页,输入密码后即可查看在美兆体检的多次检查结果,特别方便体检者在外地看病时向医生随时提供以往的健康状态数据。
美兆体检中心的健康促进书 如果多年在美兆体检,体检者最近一次的体检报告中会显示近3次的体检结果,以便体检者自己进行健康状态比较。在体检者完成全部体检项目并进行中西医医师总结后,美兆体检还提供健康追踪管理服务。由体检者的个人健康顾问,定期提供健康咨询,解答体检者检后的疑问;美兆护理咨询师也会在体检者检后7天内去电回访,针对体检者有风险数据给予进一步就医的建议,检后追踪直到体检者可以提供相关专科医院检查、就诊与治疗情况后才会停止。戴增先院长在采访中表示,如果在体检中检查出相关的健康问题,美兆会提供相应的"医院就诊绿色通道服务",合作方包括协和、301等著名医院,能够满足体检者的就医需求。