閎康獲歐盟認可 跨足奈米生醫 2016年05月09日 04:10 涂志豪/台北報導 半導體檢測分析廠閎康(3587)公告第1季獲利表現優於市場預期,第2季開始進入半導體檢測分析旺季,法人預估單季營收應可順利改寫歷史新高,全年營收逐季走高趨勢明確。另外,閎康跨足奈米生醫產業有成,子公司閤康生物科技通過歐盟研究組織EUREKA審核並加入ITEA3專案,正式成為發展全球醫療檢測與生醫研究領域所需的各類型先進3D數位影像技術先驅。閎康受惠於主要客戶14/16奈米製程進入量產、10奈米製程開始展開認證,對於材料、故障、可靠性等檢測分析的需求強勁,因此第1季合併營收達3.12億元為歷史次高,雖然因為工作天數減少導致平均毛利率降至34.0%,但歸屬母公司稅後淨利0.46億元,仍較去年同期大增約77%,每股淨利1元優於市場預期。閎康公告4月合併營收達1.16億元,雖較3月小減1.1%,但仍是單月營收歷史第3高,並較去年同期大增45.4%。累計今年前4個月合併營收達4.28億元,與去年同期相較已明顯成長42.1%,同樣優於市場預期。由於台積電、三星等晶圓代工廠今年全力搶進10奈米世代,閎康可說直接受惠,去年第4季以來檢測分析開案量明顯轉強。事實上,閎康雖然營運仍以半導體檢測市場為主,但近年來投資各種高階分析儀器,已經順利跨足電動車及先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)等新市場。此外,閎康也宣布獲得歐盟研究單位認可,成功跨足奈米生醫檢測領域。閎康子公司閤康生物科技正式成為參與ITEA3專案執行的成員。歐盟專案EUREKA ITEA3的創新研發主題為「三維病理(3D Pathology)」,為發展全球醫療檢測與生醫研究領域所需之各類型先進3D數位影像技術的先驅。閤康生物科技「穿透式電子顯微鏡生物樣品連續切片3D影像技術開發及應用」專案,能大量連續切片及定序排列的樣品快速製備自動化系統,大幅縮短樣品觀測時間。閎康表示,閤康生物科技專案同時已經通過經濟部的「歐盟多邊創新研發成員補助計畫」審核,預計3年內可獲得3項專利,同時將技術導入市場,應可爭取到至少30%市占,並創造超過4千萬元以上營收。(工商時報)
3DPathology (Developing 3D Digital Pathology with Spectroscopy) Project 14001/ A strong growth forecast in the digital pathology market for the next five years combined with a decreasing number of qualified pathologists will lead to a tremendous increase in workload in the pathology departments of clinical and pharmaceutical organisations. On top of this there is an urgent need for higher quality diagnostic information enabling more effective and efficient treatments. The 3DPathology project will address these needs by creating a fast, digital, quantitative, spectroscopic and multimodal 3D pathology analysis system.
Project name 14001 3DPathology, Status Running, Period Jul 2015 - Jun 2018, Call ITEA 3 Call 1 Challenge Healthcare, Partners 17, Costs 17,247 k€, Effort 150.95 PY Countries Belgium, Finland, Korea, Republic of Netherlands, Romania, Taiwan
About ITEA ITEA is the EUREKA Cluster programme supporting innovative, industry-driven, pre-competitive R&D projects in the area of Software-intensive Systems & Services (SiSS). SiSS are a key driver of innovation in Europe's most competitive industries, such as automotive, communications, healthcare and aerospace.
Our vision There is a wide consensus that change and disruption will be permanent features in society from now until 2030, with the way of living and doing business becoming fundamentally different from what it is today. In 2030 the world population will reach the magic number of 8 billion people, only 23% of whom will live in Europe and the Americas, so it is important to adopt a global view. In positive terms, this development should be seen as '8 billion opportunities'. Digital Technology has a major role to play in mastering the changes. And it is within this domain of Digital Technology that ITEA is addressing innovation in Software, IT Services, Internal IT and Embedded Software, collectively denoted as 'Software innovation'. For Europe, an industry strong in Software Innovation is a prerequisite for maintaining global competitiveness and in securing high-value jobs in Digital Technology and in other, more traditional industries that are dependent on Digital Technology.
Our mission ITEA stimulates projects in an open community of large industrial players, SMEs, universities, research institutes and user organisations. As ITEA is a EUREKA Cluster, the community is founded in Europe based on the EUREKA principles and is open to participants worldwide. ITEA's mission is to be the recognised partner for European industry, optimising support for companies and R&D actors active in ITEA projects in the area of SiSS, thus making best use of funding made available by the ITEA supporting countries.
Dynamic approach The current and third instalment of the ITEA programme, ITEA 3, is built upon the rich heritage of ITEA 1 and 2. Based on this heritage, several improvement priorities were set for ITEA 3, offering an even more dynamic approach. ITEA 3: Represents an agile organisation with a Quality Management System in place to ensure adaptability to the forthcoming changes in industry. As of 1 April 2014, this QMS is ISO 9001:2008 certified (by DEKRA). Created a living roadmap to support the launch of new ITEA projects as a continually updated baseline for innovation. Has a global approach to research and innovation in cooperation with the EUREKA Network. Is including customers and end users in its software innovation projects. ITEA 3 has a restructured annual Call calendar to be able to achieve a 10-months period from project idea to project start.