Sunday, October 16, 2011

business development, web research and writing and translating (English and Chinese)

I hear the bell tingling over the autumn sky

Like the apple dropping without a sound

My village is full of dust

I see the black smoke drifting from the chimney

Dear Sir / Madam,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is Oliver Haiqing Hua, a writer, poet, business developer, blog editor, and translator.

I am writing to you and I want to be your web researcher and editor (Egnlish and Chinese), can you support me?

I am also a business developer specialized in the Asia / China area with a focus on new materials, new energy, new technology, new lights now, so please send me your enquiries in this regards to allow me a humble opportunity to serve you.Thank you.

Oliver Haiqing Hua

Economist, Business Consultant, Report Writer
Skype: oliverhua1
cell in China: +86-137-01879982

Please visit my blogs below to know more:

My blog in Chinese:
My blog in English: (new)


The future history of the strongest super-nano-materials --- v1 armor steel (composite materials)


Use of materials;


(1) carbon fiber (carbon-carbon composite materials - Nano-diamond carbon fiber - Nano-graphite carbon fiber - carbon asphalt fiber - plastic carbon fiber);


(2) nano- metal-ceramic



(2011-10-12 22:44)  

Analysis on Asian market potential of marine composite materials


A wide range of marine composite materials are available, and is widely used in the manufacture of a variety of boats. With the development of Asia and the Chinese shipbuilding industry, marine composite materials development will be very rapid, domestic enterprises should carry out scientific and technological innovation, and actively develop new products and new technologies to enhance their competitiveness.


Despite the financial crisis, the Asian shipbuilding industry is still developing very fast, which bring the Asian marine composites industry a strong growth momentum. Recently, although the production of marine composite mate

(2011-10-12 20:48)  

Phenolic Resin, Daily Review, October 12


Light stable domestic phenolic market mainly, finishing run. The raw material phenol resin will be still in a doldrums situation in the foreseeable future, phenolic resins market is equally difficult to get excited, still no significant improvement in downstream consumer demand, most manufacturers execute the production in view of order, short-term run-based consolidation is expected after the holiday, difficult to boost domestic phenolic resin market, and due to the cost impact lately, price tend to weaken; downstream procurement still present light, manufacturers mainly execute production upon orders, demand has not improved significantly, as the market is slump to run, alerting t

(2011-10-12 20:28)  

Unsaturated Resin, Daily Review, October 12,



Unsaturated polyester resin market, domestic prices have raised. International economic situation remains unstable, oil and other large commodities in greater volatility, domestic price for unsaturated resin raw material having a mixed fluctuation, the demand is still weak, the cost-price gaming with relatively stability, but as the economy seems to have some downturn space, and crude oil shock, the trend is not very clear, so the resin prices in the near future is still unpredictable.


Downstream demand access to late September, though a slight increase in demand from the glass steel plant, but t

(2011-10-12 20:02)  

Sinochem-Honeywell joint venture to produce green foam



China Sinochem and Honeywell jointly announced yesterday in Shanghai that they have signed an agreement to invest approximately $ 100 million to the formation of a 50/50 joint venture that will produce 12,000 tons HFC-245fa foam agent.


Joint venture will be located in the city of Jiangsu Province Taicang Chemical Industry Park, scheduled to put into production by the end of 2013, to meet the growing demand for green foam agent in the development of the thermal insulation materials the Asia Pacific region.



(2011-10-12 19:04)  

Shaanxi Aircraft: aircraft special materials localization base in China


After four years, the development and application of special aircraft aluminum alloy by Shaanxi Aircraft ( achieved substantive results.


Shaanxi Aircraft has worked on the difficulties of chemical composition control, the squeeze disappearing effect caused by the replacement of squeezing boards by the pre-stretch panels, extrusion technology of the very asymmetric super wide extrusion wall, the forging molding and dimensional accuracy problems, and also paid a systematical study on the effects on mechanical properties of alloys of quenching, parking and aging, init

(2011-10-12 17:45)  

August 2011 customs import and export statistics data

(2011-10-12 17:21)  

Kingfa Technology 300 million investments of carbon fiber and composite materials industry



Although the 'new materials industry '12th five' development plan' has not been released, but the high-performance carbon fiber and composite materials industry will be supported by the state is a consensus in the industry, so the few listed companies involved in the industry have performed very well in an adverse economy in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, such as Jinlin Carbon, Kingfa Technology, and Boyun New Materials.


Recently, Kingfa Technology announced its investment with its own funds of no more than

(2011-10-12 16:28)  

Carbon Fiber Composite Continuous Pumping Rod Produced by Jilin Petrochemical


Jilin Petrochemical carbon fiber plant announced that the factory had successfully developed the carbon fiber composite material pumping rod, and the application field trials in 50 deep wells will launched soon.


According to project manager, Cai Xiaoping, operation with the carbon fiber rod is faster than that with the steel rod, more prolific oil, will save 70,000 to 80,000 kwh power annually.


Now, with the rapid expansion of carbon fiber reinforced composites in aerospace, wind turbine blades, pressure vessels an


降藥價 歐商:迫業者縮減在台規模2011/10/14 聯合晚報】歐洲商會今天在年度建議書中指出,二代健保法案雖已通過,但中央健保局卻仍計畫在今年第四季執行10年來第七次的藥價調降措施。歐洲商會直言,此舉將會干擾業界營運,阻礙研發方面的投資,甚至迫使製藥公司縮減台灣的營運規模。台灣出生率創下歷史新低,人口正快速老化,對於就業市場、經濟及醫療保健體系都將有所影響。歐洲商會認為,若要解決台灣醫療保健制度的問題,應從「減少浪費與提升效率」與「醫療保健技術」二大措施做起,並呼籲中央健保局應停止定期干預市場的行為。歐洲商會表示,從過去的6次調價行動,已證明無法有效降低藥品費用支出,因為處方數量的成長才是支出增加的癥結。此外,認為台灣的藥品許可與藥費給付流程太緩慢,加上資訊不甚透明化,更採用不符合國際標準的藥品效能指標。建議政府應在醫療保健領域運用新的技術,才可為病患與醫療保健體系帶來成本與健康方面的效益。在永續發展方面歐洲商會認為,台灣在研擬永續發展政策方面的腳步,尚未跟上國際趨勢,希望政府應針對溫室氣體減量法正式立法,並且建立跨部會的共識,實施二氧化碳減量的詳細法律架構,並針對二氧化碳的排放建立訂價制度。歐洲商會指出,民間投資是再生能源加速發展的關鍵,目前雖有整合式的固定保證優惠收購價格制度,但實際設立的再生能源發電廠卻令人失望,建議加速推動再生能源計畫的申請流程,並實施再生能源裝置的性能報告與監控制度。 此外,建築物佔台灣能源用量的40%,但台灣卻缺乏整體的建築規範,建議政府應制定並實施嚴格的建築規範,才可提升所有建築物的節能效益。


生技風雲路-蘇懷仁與SIC32011-10-17 工商時報 即將於111SIC的蘇懷仁,對國內生技產業懷抱的理想,起源於2004年,而他對SIC完整的架構設計其實早在2007年即醞釀,只是由於政黨輪替,SIC的理想在行政部門中,居然游走了5年,才正式登場。蘇懷仁說,2004年扁政府執政時,行政院科技顧問室曾舉辦美東生技之旅,在參訪各大生技藥廠下,當時他擔任Biogen Idec資深副總裁,也因緣際會了解台灣生技產業,並接受政務委員蔡清彥力邀,使這位去國22年的遊子終於踏上回鄉之途。當時蘇懷仁就認為台灣的產、官、學資源未能整合,即使有醫院或個別的研究單位可能在國際有了聲譽,但是整體國家在生技發展的形象並不突出。為此,2007年在扁政府也有意發展生技產業下,蘇懷仁也應當時的行政院副院長蔡英文之邀著手規畫SIC,政黨輪替後,在生技產業已成先進國家規畫為振興經濟的重要產業下,SIC的想法也成為馬政府發展鑽石行動方案的4大支柱,今年年初蘇懷仁再度返台,在密集拜會產、官、學界下,設計出一套適合台灣發展且具體可行的計畫。蘇懷仁認為,以他長期在國際藥廠的經驗和觀察各國發展生技產業狀況,台灣SIC最重要的目的是:一、有效率。二、有商業競爭力。三、一站式服務(One stop shop),也就是能提供包括法務、智財、技術、營運等方面的服務,甚至有官方窗口提供快速便捷的申請服務。四、人才培訓,打造一流的人才,甚至讓學術界人士也願意轉往產業發展。另外他也認為,SIC也必須要和生技園區連結,創造一個完整的生技產業的模式,從標的物的研發、動物實驗、臨床等,甚至生產線都以符合國際標準為前提,吸引廠商進駐。蘇懷仁表示,SIC和園區是脣齒相依的關係,就像世界非常珍貴生長於西藏的羚羊,要有一個天然湖泊來保護,而為了尼泊爾的雪豹,尼泊爾也有一個國家公園特區,因為如果沒有這些保護特區,動物就無法生存,而沒有這些動物,保護區也沒有意義。因此,SIC和生技園區是讓生技產業可以生根並達到商品化的目的。 為了讓台灣的生技產業可以快速和國際市場接軌,蘇懷仁將優先從過去10年的生技製藥國家型計畫、基因體醫學國家型計畫、與現行生技醫學國家型計畫中,篩選新藥與醫材各3~4項優質案源,進行產業化輔導,選定案源後,SIC將開始募集種子基金,提供創投前,潛力案源資金協助。 蘇懷仁也將協助組成海內外顧問團,強化政府新藥醫材研發價值鏈能力、人才遴選培訓及技術移轉等事宜。生技產業界認為,以蘇懷仁過去的完整經歷,SIC必將能為台灣生技產業創造奇蹟。

Taiwan among participants in oral cancer drug trial

GAME-CHANGER:The clinical trials of the drug hope to change the role of immunotherapy from a therapy of last resort to a first-stage treatment Taiwan will join a global clinical trial of a biopharmaceutical drug developed to treat oral cancer, one of the participating hospitals said on Wednesday. Eight countries, including Canada and the US, will be taking part in simultaneous phase III clinical trials beginning this month, said Hao Sheng-po (侯勝博), chief of otolaryngology at Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital. Eight-hundred patients worldwide, including 88 in Taiwan, will be participating in the trials. Biopharamaceuticals are drugs manufactured through the use of live organisms or their active components. Examples of these drugs include insulin and vaccines. The importance of the new clinical trials is that the drug being tested would change the role of immunotherapy from an aid and last resort in cancer therapy to a first-stage treatment, Hao said. In the trials, immunotherapy in the form of biopharmaceutical injections will be administered to 88 cancer patients with oral tumors, Hao said. The aim is to strengthen the immune system against cancer before turning to traditional forms of therapy, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy, he said. The survival rates of the patients in the trials will be tracked, he said. Only patients with late-third or fourth-stage oral cancer or those who have not received chemotherapy would be allowed to participate in the clinical trials, he said. This is because it has been found in previous research that immunotherapy tends to fail in patients who have already received traditional cancer treatments, he said. In such cases, immunotherapy drugs are less effective because the patients' immune systems have been battered by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, he said. In the phase II clinical trials of the biopharmaceuticals, it was found that on average the treatment helped reduce the size of tumors in oral cancer patients by 50 percent. In 12 percent of the cases, the tumors disappeared after one month of treatment. The overall survival rate among the patients in the trial increased by 33 percent over a period of three-and-a-half years compared with the control group. No poisoning or autoimmune disorders were observed in the first two phases of the clinical trials and other studies have indicated the biopharmaceutical drug was also found to be capable of suppressing cervical cancer.


彥臣生技:公告本公司取得美國專利局核發US 8,008,344 B2專利 2011/10/14  鉅亨網  第三十四條 第391.事實發生日:100/10/142.公司名稱:彥臣生技藥品股份有限公司3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用5.發生緣由:取得美國專利6.因應措施:不適用7.其他應敘明事項:(1) 專利名稱:COMPOUNDS FOR THE INHIBITION OF HISTONE DEACETYLASE(抑制組織蛋白去乙醯?之化合物)(2) 其他說明:以台灣綠蜂膠之propolins為前趨物,經半合成得到NBM-HD-1NBM-HD-3等一系列新的組織蛋白去乙醯?抑制劑(Histone deacetylase inhibitor, HDACi)。專利申請範圍:NBM-HD-1NBM-HD-3等相關衍生物之化合物專利,及該等化合物用於用於癌症、退化性神經疾病及罕見疾病脊髓肌肉萎縮症 (SMA)之治療藥劑;另外亦可作為促進神經生長的藥劑。


南光無菌製備之注射劑生產線獲TFDA核准通過PIC/S GMP標準

2011/10/14 1.事實發生日:100/10/14 2.公司名稱:南光化學製藥股份有限公司3.與公司關係[請輸入本公司或聯屬公司]:本公司4.相互持股比例:不適用5.發生緣由:申請注射液劑(無菌製備)乙案,經行政院衛生署TFDA派員實地查核認定符合規範6.因應措施:7.其他應敘明事項:依據行政院衛生署1001013日來文第1001101637號辦理

日本TaKaRa Bio於中國進行TCR細胞治療

中日合作研發新型抗腫瘤免疫治療項目  20111014日新華網 天津市腫瘤醫院與日本寶生物株式會社13日簽署協議,雙方將共同開展腫瘤抗原特異性免疫細胞治療技術的研發。天津市腫瘤醫院生物治療中心主任任秀寶教授介紹,此次雙方協議共建的以新型TCR基因修飾為基礎的抗原特異性T細胞治療技術平臺,是近年來發展起來的研究熱點之一,在治療惡性腫瘤方面具有巨大的發展潛能。任秀寶說,TCR是一段可以識別腫瘤抗原的基因,是專門針對癌細胞的"瞄準器",它表達在T細胞表面,而T細胞是人體內的免疫殺傷細胞,TCR基因修飾的T細胞對腫瘤的識別殺傷能力會大大提高。而雙方合作研發的就是給T細胞裝上TCR"瞄準器"技術以及如何讓這種裝上TCR"瞄準器"的T細胞成倍增加。任秀寶教授介紹說,通過此次合作,將克服傳統細胞治療方法中制備時間長、程序繁瑣、特異性差、適用范圍有限等問題,大大提高T細胞免疫治療的臨床療效,為腫瘤患者提供更為有效的治療手段。日本寶生物株式會社是專門從事生物工程相關產品和健康食品的研發、生產及銷售的高科技企業,也是亞洲地區最大的生物高科技企業,其研發和生產的生物工程技術相關產品在日本市場佔有率達60%以上。 天津市腫瘤醫院是亞洲規模最大的腫瘤防治研究基地,該院擁有國內最大的T細胞繁育基地和完善的生物治療中心,在免疫細胞治療、腫瘤疫苗以及腫瘤免疫逃逸機制等方面,處于國內領先水平。


日本寶生物工程株式會社(TaKaRa Bio Inc)是日本TaKaRa 集團(TaKaRa Holdings Inc 東京一部證券市場上市企業, 1925年成立)旗下的核心企業之一,是專門從事生物工程相關產品和健康食品的研發,生產及銷售的高科技企業,也是亞洲地區最大的生物高科技企業,並於200412月在日本東京Mothers證券市場成功上市。其研發和生產的生物工程技術相關產品在日本市場佔有率達60%以上,並暢銷國際市場。多年來,公司利用其生物高科技的技術優勢,從事健康食品的研發工作。其代表產品海維康自十一年前在日本上市以來,一直暢銷日本市場。 日本寶生物工程株式會社一直重視在中國的事業發展。其于1993年在中國大連設立的寶生物工程(大連)有限公司已經成為公司生物工程相關產品的主要生產基地,TaKaRa品牌的產品已經成為中國生物工程研究領域最著名的品牌。寶日醫生物技術(北京)有限公司是日本寶生物工程株式會社在北京中關村生命科學園成立的獨資子公司。公司主要開展和中國醫學科學院腫瘤醫院聯合開發癌症的免疫細胞療法以及和中國疾病預防控制中心聯合開發治療愛滋病的基因療法的研究,銷售生物工程研發用試劑和儀器;推廣日本研發生產的健康食品。

百济神州 (BeiGene) 取得癌症藥MTKi-327授權

BeiGene in-licenses two clinical-stage oncology compounds BEIJING, Oct 14, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- BeiGene, Ltd., today announced that it has entered into exclusive in-licensing and co-development agreements with Janssen Pharmaceutica NV and its affiliates ("Janssen") for two clinical-stage oncology compounds. Under the terms of the agreement, BeiGene will in-license intetumumab (CNTO-95) for clinical development and commercialization within Australia, China, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. It will engage in a global co-development program with Janssen for intetumumab in multiple cancer indications and receive a royalty on global sales outside of these regions. BeiGene will in-license MTKi-327 and retain global rights for development and commercialization for human pharmaceutical uses. BeiGene is making an undisclosed upfront payment to Janssen for in-license of MTKi-327. As BeiGene and Janssen are entering into a co-development of intetumumab, no upfront licensing payment from BeiGene is involved, however, both parties will share in the development costs. Furthermore, Janssen is eligible for milestone and royalty payments from BeiGene for MTKi-327. For intetumumab, Janssen and BeiGene are each responsible for royalty obligations to each other based on sales in their respective territories. Intetumumab is a fully humanized monoclonal antibody against av integrins that binds to human integrins, including avB3, avB5, avB1, and avB6, and blocks their interactions with the extracellular matrix resulting in inhibition of angiogenesis and disrupted tumor cell growth, development and metastases. Previously Janssen completed phase I and phase II clinical trials with intetumumab in melanoma, prostate cancer, and solid tumors. BeiGene will collaborate with Janssen in phase III clinical trials in melanoma and explore additional solid tumor indications in solid tumors prevalent in China and Asia. MTKi-327 is a novel macrocyclic multi-targeted kinase inhibitor with potent inhibitory activity against several tyrosine kinases such as EGFR, erbB2, erbB4, VEGFR3, Ret, Ack-1, and Yes. Its pharmacological profile from preclinical studies based on in vitro, cell-based and animal xenograft studies suggests that MTKi-327 inhibits directly tumor growth as well as prevents tumor invasion and metastases by interfering with cancer cell motility and tumor-associated lymphangiogenesis. Phase I clinical trials in cancer patients have been conducted by Janssen. "We are extremely excited to progress these two promising compounds in clinical trials and delighted to be able to initiate a co-development program with intetumumab," said Peter Ho, M.D.-Ph.D., President and co-founder, BeiGene. "Both intetumumab with its encouraging data from phase II clinical trials and MTKi-327, an inhibitor of several critical cancer signaling pathways, represent promising molecules that have great potential to address the unmet medical needs of oncology patients in China and the Asia-Pacific region." "We look forward to working with Janssen as a strategic collaborator as we strive to build world-class oncology capabilities in China," said John Oyler, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, BeiGene.

About BeiGene  BeiGene is a Chinese life sciences biotechnology company based in the Zhongguancun Life Science Park in Beijing that is focused on discovering and developing innovative oncology drugs that encompass novel small molecules and biologics. BeiGene is pursuing this through its own internal discovery laboratories in China and by in-licensing from pharmaceutical partners investigational therapeutics that address unmet medical needs for Chinese and Asian patients with cancer. BeiGene is also creating a robust biomarkers and bioinformatics platform to enable the identification of specific subsets of patient populations who will most likely benefit from the use of specific drugs or treatments. For more information, please visit .


世華生技金線連 通過健康食品認證 2011-10-15 工商時報 台灣原生蘭科植物-「台灣金線連」流傳具有保肝、增強免疫力等廣泛效果,素有「藥王」、「藥虎」之稱,深受民間喜愛沿襲使用至今,近代科學實驗數據顯示其確具上述各種功效,為極具經濟開發價值的台灣本土藥用植物。 世華生物科技在參與農業生物技術國家型科技計畫「台灣金線連保肝原料生產與品質管制之建立」及「台灣金線連產品保肝功效安全性評估」等產學合作計畫之後,除了完成了台灣金線連保肝原料製造、確立保肝功效指標成分與品質管制方法之外,並證實「世華台灣金線連膠囊」有助於降低血清中GOTGPT值之功效,並於今年榮獲行政院衛生署第3類健康食品護肝認證。世華生物科技董事長陳桐彬表示,世華生技獲得經濟部農業生技產業化技術推廣計畫補助執行「保肝健康食品-台灣金線連產品之開發研究計畫」完成開發之「世華台灣金線連膠囊」,歸屬於第3類健康食品。其審查條件嚴格許多,除要提出功能性評估報告外,安全性評估部分必須出示包括急性暨28天餵食毒性試驗報告、13周口服亞慢毒性試驗等6種報告。「世華台灣金線連膠囊」獲得衛署健食字第A00189號健康食品認證通過,根據動物試驗結果,對四氯化碳誘發之大鼠肝臟損傷,有助降低血清中GOTGPT值之功效。陳桐彬並表示,世華台灣金線連膠囊通過健康食品認證對受肝病威脅之國人確是一大福音。該產品不但具有護肝功能認證,而且世華生技為確保台灣金線連品質,今年3月份在草屯建置「世華植物工場」自行栽種金線連原料,從組織培養品種篩選、馴化栽培到採收、產品製造等採一貫作業,並以農業生技植物工廠技術栽培無農藥、無重金屬零污染的台灣金線連原料,讓消費者吃得健康又安心。
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