Wednesday, November 2, 2011
翁啟惠..”台灣有八十四項新藥在人體試驗階段!” 包含外商上市前試驗??
兩岸基因相似度高 製藥分工共同開發5新藥???
Taiwan looks to recruit high-tech talent in U.S.
Central News Agency 2011-11-01 Taipei, Nov. 1 (CNA) Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Francis Liang is set to lead a business delegation on an eight-day visit to the Silicon Valley and Boston on Thursday. With over a thousand opportunities on offer, Liang said the trip was part of the Cabinet's 2009 goal to develop six emerging industries (biotechnology, green energy, tourism, long-term medical care, high-end agriculture, and cultural and creative industries), four smart industries, and other areas in the service industry. The four key smart industries are electric vehicles, cloud computing, green architecture, and the intellectual property industry. The Department of Investment Services (DIS) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said a total of 30 corporations and research institutes will participate in the upcoming recruitment drive. They will be looking for senior executives, engineers, and research and development experts, the DIS said. Key research institutes involved in the trip include the Industrial Technology Research Institute, the Institute for Information Industry, Metal Industries Research and Development Centre, Taiwan Textile Research Institute, and the Development Center for Biotechnology. Meanwhile, technology companies to participate include Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company --the world's No. 1 contract chip maker, Chimei Innolux Corp., one of Taiwan's leading flat-panel makers, Macronix International Co., and United Microelectronics Corp., the world's second-largest contract chip maker. The government has been involved in foreign recruitment drives since 2003. Since that time, a total of 3,672 foreign-based talent with high-tech backgrounds have been attracted to work in Taiwan. (By Huang Chiao-wen and Ann Chen)
Taiwan-China Pact to Sharpen Local Pharma Ind. Global Edge
業者:兩岸都渴望遠端醫療2011-11-02 旺報 摩根士丹利中國投資銀行業務創始人、信中利資本集團董事長汪潮涌表示,大陸已經快速進入老齡化社會,醫療產業將會有大量的創業機會。 昨日的華人企業領袖高峰會論壇中,許多人都談到大陸「三網融合」政策會帶來的影響和商機,天成醫療體系董事長張育美表示,他在活動中與IBM聊到,是否會出現「沒有醫師的醫院」,現在的雲端科技就能達成,遠距照護正是兩岸都在熱烈談論的話題。汪潮涌表示,大陸有一胎化政策後,老人醫療、養護都是很重要的問題,目前的科技創新、三網融合等正可以解決這個老齡化需求,包括遠端醫療、電子病歷等,是很重要的機會。 台灣工研院生醫所所長邵耀華則建議,遠端醫療在設備上最好採取「傻瓜機」的方式,讓一般使用者能安心、正確操作,才是重要的突破。汪潮涌表示,大陸近年來醫藥行業成長比GDP還多2倍,產值超過1.1兆元人民幣,正規醫院超過2萬家,然而還有很多改進空間,包括體質、觀念、藥物和醫療器具的創新。 汪潮涌表示,大陸醫療體系80%是公營機構,需要引進更多民營資本,而長期資源不足,使醫生與護士從業人員觀念不對,不會把關懷放在第一位,也缺乏精神上的溝通。
三高用藥 年花健保逾300億
【2011/11/02 聯合晚報】國衛院教授蘇益仁日前投書媒體,擔憂肥胖帶來的慢性病,成為拖垮健保的負擔,根據健保局統計,光是跟肥胖息息相關的高血壓、高血脂、高血糖等三高用藥,近三年每年都花掉健保逾300億元,占健保藥費的四分之一。
如惡意添加 衛署不排除重罰2011-11-02 中國時報 營養午餐竟檢出人、動物都不能使用的禁藥「氯黴素」,林口長庚臨床毒物科主任林杰樑感到不可思議,因氯黴素恐引起骨髓再生不良性貧血、白血病。衛生署食品藥物管理局科長鄭維智表示,將追查來源依《食品衛生管理法》,處以六萬元以上、六百萬元以下罰鍰。營養午餐原意要讓孩童吃得營養、健康,現在卻檢出多項農藥、動物用藥殘留不合格。鄭維智表示,不合格的食品業者,將依六月底新修正的《食品衛生管理法》開罰,若情節重大、惡意添加,不排除祭出最高六百萬重罰,至於最上游的農戶、養殖業者則由農政單位做處分。 鄭維智強調,食品藥物管理局每年會定期抽驗市售肉品的動物用藥殘留及農產品的農藥殘留量,今年度抽驗目標肉品為三百件、農產品二千件,違規者皆追查來源開罰。
Breast cancer screening not a surgeon's privilege: gynecologists
Taiwan opens integration and incubation center
Publication Date:11/02/2011•Source: Taiwan Today The Supra Integration and Incubation Center (Si2C), the first government-sponsored agency in Taiwan dedicated to promoting the nation's biotechnology industry, was formally inaugurated Nov. 1, according to Si2C organizer the Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan. "The primary purpose of our center is to allocate resources to the nation's biotech industry and pharmaceutical companies, so that they can develop new and innovative biotech products," said Soo Whai-jen, managing director of the Si2C. In addition, Soo added, the Si2C will provide Taiwan's biotech companies with legal counsel, help them with patent applications, and offer them technical assistance. STAG Vice Convener and Minister without Portfolio Cyrus C. Y. Chu said that with the establishment of the Si2C, the government set up all "four pillars" needed to develop a complete value chain for the nation's biotech industry. The other three pillars, Chu said, are creating the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, a task accomplished in 2009; setting up the NT$60 billion (US$2.03 billion) Biotech Venture Capital; and underwriting research investments in genetic translation and rapid prototyping production of medical devices. These efforts are part of the government's 2009 plan to double the biotech industry's output value in four years, according to the STAG. "Erecting these four pillars is only the first step," Chu said. "The government still needs to respond to the needs of industry and help firms overcome many difficulties." Soo, a former researcher and executive for Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. and Shire PLC, both in the United States, assumed his present position after he was strenuously recruited by STAG. STAG said it is also working to have Shaw T. Chen, deputy director of U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Drug Evaluation, join the Si2C team as soon as possible. (HZW)
Taiwan launches government-sponsored biotech incubator
輔大醫院變更案通過 102年開發
自由時報2011-11-02 內政部都市計畫委員會昨天審議通過輔大醫院變更案,新北市政府城鄉局說,預計明年都市計畫發布實施後,輔仁大學將在一○二年辦理醫院開發作業,順利的話,一○四年即能完成,提供新莊、泰山優質的醫療環境。城鄉局解釋,輔仁大學為落實深耕台灣醫學教育、培養優秀醫護人才、符合國際醫療品質標準,擬興建輔仁大學附設醫院,將位於輔大運動場西側一.七九公頃土地,由住宅區及宗教專用區變更為醫療專用區,這項都市計畫變更案昨天經內政部都委會審議通過。
未來免費接駁 城鄉局主任秘書邱敬斌說,這項都市計畫變更案位在輔仁大學西北側,屬於泰山都市計畫塭仔圳地區,計畫區東鄰新莊市,南至貴子路,西接貴子路六十七巷,北界三十米計畫道路,計畫範圍總計一.七九公頃;基地交通條件相當良好,未來將鄰近捷運機場線與新莊線輔大站,加上輔大允諾未來醫院營運後,將提供免費接駁公車,方便民眾就醫。輔仁大學校長黎建球提到,依據衛生署新制醫療資源劃分,輔大附設醫院位於台北醫療區西北次區域(含泰山、三重、蘆洲、林口、八里與五股),目前在急性、一般病床上短缺三千多床,加上新北市人口持續增加,輔大附設醫院的設立,可兼負起當地急重症醫療,提升對病患的照顧。
Par Pharmaceuticals builds up generics business
Par Pharmaceuticals (NYSE: PRX) revved up its generic drugs category with two substantial acquisitions in the third quarter as several companies seek to benefit from the imminent expiration of exclusive patents.In August, the Woodcliff Lakes, New Jersey drug company agreed to acquire Anchen Pharmaceuticals, a privately-held company focused on developing and commercializing extended release and niche generic products, for $410 million in cash. It expects the deal to be completed by the end of the year.
Advertisement In a conference call earlier this year, Paul Campanelli, president of the company's generics division, said the deal "will expand our portfolio of high-value market products, including sustainable products with longer life cycles." Last month Par acquired rights to three products from Teva Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: TEVA) in connection with Teva's $6.8 billion acquisition of Cephalon in Frazer, Pennsylvania: fentanyl citrate lozenges, a generic version of Actiq, and cyclobenzaprine ER capsules, the generic version of Amrix, and modafinil tablets, the generic version of Provigil. In October, Par began shipping all strengths of olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets, the generic version of Eli Lilly's (NYSE: LLY) Zyprexa Zydisto. The company had $77.6 million loss for the third quarter partly due to acquisition and restructuring costs on revenues of $672.5 million. Watson Pharmaceuticals (NYSE: WPI) is poised to launch a generic version of Lipitor once Pfizer's (NYSE PFE) patent on the blockbuster drug expires this month. Teva is expecting to release a generic form of Lilley's schizophrenia drug Zyprexa in the fourth quarter in a move it believes will boost sales.