友霖結盟美Supernus藥廠 技轉中樞神經疾病新藥 2015年 10月 27日09:39 記者許家禎/台北報導 友霖生技今(27)日宣布與美國Supernus藥廠策略結盟,Supernus藥廠將授權技轉旗下一項中樞神經疾病新藥給友霖,技轉成功後將供應全球市場。此為友霖第一個獲美國藥廠技術轉移的合作案,可以擴大製造領域,整體產能也能提高。友霖研發重點向來以中樞神經用藥領域為主力,尤其以自擁專利的多層次藥物控制釋放技術(MPRT)研發的過動兒新藥,以及治療巴金森氏症病患口涎溢流症狀的涎漏新藥,備受外界關注其進展,目前兩項新藥已分別進入第二、三期臨床試驗階段。 另一方面,通過國內PIC/S GMP及美國食品藥物管理局查廠認證的友霖雲林廠,在膠囊藥物的年產量可達1.6億顆,能充份供應國際市場,專業的製造能力是獲得此次技術轉移合作的重要因素。 友霖執行長蔡孟霖表示,友霖和Supernus藥廠都是專注於中樞神經醫學方面的藥物開發,此次雙方合作,是看好全球中樞神經用藥市場的需求與發展,結合彼此的研發優勢及產製能力所促成。友霖目前擁有糖尿病學名藥Miglitol 錠劑 (25, 50, 100mg)以及肌肉鬆弛劑 Carisoprodol Tablets USP (350mg)兩張美國學名藥藥證,並正依照計劃陸續生產中,另外美國FDA也已受理降血脂用藥Pitavastatin第四類學名藥(Paragraph IV)專利挑戰之申請案,現在加上中樞神經藥物的技術轉移,預估未來因應全球市場的產能將大幅提升。
Supernus Pharmaceuticals Coverage Initiated at Northland Securities (SUPN) Posted by Pezhman Azimi on Oct 30th, 2015 Supernus Pharmaceuticals logoAnalysts at Northland Securities began coverage on shares of Supernus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SUPN) in a research note issued on Tuesday, The Fly reports. The firm set an "outperform" rating and a $26.00 price target on the specialty pharmaceutical company's stock. Northland Securities' price objective points to a potential upside of 57.29% from the stock's current price. Shares of Supernus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SUPN) traded down 2.25% during trading on Tuesday, hitting $16.53. 473,945 shares of the stock were exchanged. Supernus Pharmaceuticals has a 52 week low of $7.64 and a 52 week high of $23.30. The firm's 50 day moving average price is $16.66 and its 200-day moving average price is $16.46. The stock has a market cap of $800.81 million and a P/E ratio of 28.02. Supernus Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SUPN) last released its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, August 5th. The specialty pharmaceutical company reported $0.03 earnings per share for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $0.02 by $0.01. The business earned $35.10 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $34.07 million. On average, analysts predict that Supernus Pharmaceuticals will post $0.12 EPS for the current year. Several other brokerages also recently commented on SUPN. Zacks upgraded shares of Supernus Pharmaceuticals from a "sell" rating to a "hold" rating in a report on Wednesday, October 7th. Piper Jaffray restated an "overweight" rating and issued a $24.00 price objective on shares of Supernus Pharmaceuticals in a research report on Tuesday, September 22nd. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and eight have issued a buy rating to the company. Supernus Pharmaceuticals presently has a consensus rating of "Buy" and a consensus target price of $22.22. Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a specialty pharmaceutical company. The Firm concentrates on developing and commercializing products for treating central nervous system ailments. The Organization launched its two products in neurology for treating epilepsy, which include Oxtellar XR and Trokendi XR. Additionally it is participated in developing multiple product candidates in psychiatry to deal with the medical demands and market opportunities in impulsive aggression across several areas (NASDAQ:SUPN), autism and bipolar disorder), and ADHD. The Business markets its products in the United States through a unique specialty sales force and has cooperation with other pharmaceutical companies to license its products outside the United States. Its neurology portfolio consists of Oxtellar XR and Trokendi XR, which are indicated for epilepsy in America. Its product candidates contain Oxtellar XR, SPN-810, Trokendi XR, SPN-812 and SPN-809.
ScinoPharm 台灣神隆to manufacture Supernus epilepsy drug 10 September 2013 Trokendi XR is a novel once-daily extended-release formulation designed to improve compliance and reduce blood level fluctuations that can be associated with side effects and breakthrough seizures Taiwan-based ScinoPharm will commercially manufacture topiramate API for Supernus Pharmaceuticals' Trokendi XR Singapore: Taiwan-based ScinoPharm will provide commercial manufacturing of topiramate active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for Trokendi XR, which was developed and recently launched by Supernus Pharmaceuticals in the US market. Supernus received approval to market Trokendi XR by the US FDA in August 2013. Trokendi XR is a novel once-daily extended release formulation of topiramate for the treatment of epilepsy. Unlike other antiepileptic drugs (AED) that require multiple doses, Trokendi XR is a novel once-daily extended-release formulation designed to improve compliance and reduce blood level fluctuations that can be associated with side effects and breakthrough seizures. According to the data from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, there are approximately two million epilepsy sufferers in the US. The new drug is expected to attract market attention after being offered to the public. "ScinoPharm is proud of our longstanding partnership with Supernus. We are committed to providing Supernus and our other customers with high quality APIs, combining with a flexible, reliable, and competitive approach, "remarked Dr Jo Shen, president and CEO, ScinoPharm.