Friday, December 30, 2016

科技部 拼經濟!! 幫學校創72億未來產值/ 2.5億授權金/

科技部鏈結法人推出「產學媒合服務團」 創新產學合作模式成果展1/17登場 勁報 2016/12/29【勁報記者羅蔚舟報導】科技部創新產學合作模式,推動「運用法人鏈結產學合作計畫」,今(105)年度將計畫涵蓋層面由電子資通,擴增至機械材料、生技醫療、永續能源、土木營建等五大產業領域,並結合法人之能量,成立「產學媒合服務團」,深入服務國內各大專院校,目前已輔導53件案源,衍生10件潛力案源,預估累計總授權金達新臺幣2.5億元此計畫成果發表會將於明(106)年117日假台灣科技大學國際大樓一樓舉辦,現場將展出超過40案產學合作的豐碩成果,歡迎各界共襄盛舉。由科技部推動的「運用法人鏈結產學合作計畫」,去(104)年度首度將學研機構之研發成果,由「挖寶」輔以法人技術加值,今(105)年度計畫涵蓋層面由電子資通,擴增至機械材料、生技醫療、永續能源、土木營建等五大產業領域,並結合五個法人機構之能量,於3月成立「產學媒合服務團」,主動深入服務國內各大專院校,截至目前已走訪150系所學校達成190件諮詢案,輔導53件案源,衍生10件潛力案源,預估累計總授權金達新臺幣2.5億元、未來產業化之後衍生產值達72億元。此計畫致力於創造新型態產學合作模式,以個案評估,提供專利或技術加值與培訓,透過客製化輔導加速活化學校研發成果及專利,以法人跨領域加值,並協助辦理國際授權。本年度更以「產學合作 夢想起飛」以微電影新穎拍攝手法,取材校園教授之真人真事改編,用溫暖的運鏡,散播產學合作之實質效益。此次搶先曝光3案例,其特色如下:


(雲林科技大學「防碰撞系統技術商品化」應用先進駕駛輔助系統(ADASAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems)作為汽車自駕系統重要環節,此為國內在高速駕駛應用ADAS系統中少數能通過廠商實車驗證之產品。該技術之首項產品「汽車盲區偵測系統」為國內唯一通過車廠測試,可於車輛行駛中持續偵測後方來車,並以LED燈及警示音提醒駕駛,輔以行車錄影保護駕駛者安全。


康聯 李欣 辭職 !!

康聯-KY 發言日期105/12/29 發言時間18:25:57 發言人曹若華 發言人職稱財務長 發言人電話86-2154681666 主旨 公告本公司董事辭任 符合條款 6 事實發生日105/12/29 說明1.發生變動日期:105/12/29 2.選任或變動人員別(請輸入法人董事、法人監察人、獨立董事、自然人董事 或自然人監察人):自然人董事 3.舊任者職稱、姓名及簡歷:李欣 4.新任者職稱、姓名及簡歷:不適用 5.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「解任」、「任期屆滿」、「逝世」或「新任」):辭職 6.異動原因:辭職 7.新任者選任時持股數:不適用 8.原任期(例xx/xx/xx ~ xx/xx/xx:103/06/30~106/06/29 9.新任生效日期:不適用 10.同任期董事變動比率:2/7 11.同任期獨立董事變動比率:0 12.同任期監察人變動比率:0 13.屬三分之一以上董事發生變動(請輸入是或否): 14.其他應敘明事項:辭職生效日為1051229日。


生技類股 落後大盤 生技股價 合理化 !

生技股有錢景 分批布局 2016-12-30 01:05:10 經濟日報 記者張瀞文/台北報導生技指數八年來首度年度負報酬,政策是主要原因。不過,基金業者認為,生技股有中長線題材支撐,且股價合理,投資人可以逢低分批布局。十年來,那斯達克生技指數(NBI)只有2008年金融海嘯時有負報酬,在那以後連續七年年年上漲,但今年以來已下跌兩成,全年翻正無望。鉅亨網投顧指出,過去生技股只漲不跌,幾乎成為國內投資人對生技產業的印象。不過,在美國有意對藥價管制的聲浪下,今年生技股大跌,雖然在川普當選美國總統後有反彈,但漲幅仍落後其他類股。鉅亨網投顧表示,短期來看,川普擴大財政支出及減稅政策對生技類股幫助有限,加上川普可能取消歐巴馬健保並干預藥價,生技類股短期恐繼續落後大盤。但長期來看,全球人口老化趨勢不可逆,加上生技股價格變得合理,生技股後市可期。鉅亨網投顧總經理朱挺豪指出,從股價來看,從1993NBI編纂以來,一年及三年滾動年化報酬率平均為18.9%15.5%,居主要指數之冠;三年上漲機率則為80.5%,僅略低於美國小型股的81.7%。今年NBI幾乎跌到年線,未來可望有更多上漲空間。群益投信則看好生技產業的併購題材。群益投信統計,今年前三季,生技製藥業併購金額達667億美元,雖不如去年全年的2,418億美元,但總額與件數仍都是科技泡沫以來的第四大,且溢價併購幅度明顯高於去年,顯示企業樂於出高價收購,也代表產業前景看好,有利NBI後市。群益那斯達克生技基金經理人張菁惠說,摩根士丹利統計,美國生技醫療產業的現金部位已到歷史新高,加上利息保障倍數高,顯示償債能力佳,財報體質優異,有利於推動併購,激勵NBI上揚

CrownBio (中美冠科) 設美國子公司 加入新商機 (非人靈長類實驗; CVMD藥效評估)

攜手美研究中心 中美冠科藥效實驗能力躍進 2016-12-29 14:07聯合晚報 記者黃淑惠╱台北報導 中美冠科-KY6554將與全美最大靈長類動物研究中心進行策略合作攜手新伊比利研究中心強化模型開發與測試能力,隨著布局強化利多加持,29日盤中股價一度來到48.3元、漲幅3.2%。中美冠科專精腫瘤及代謝疾病研究提供臨床前技術服務CRO生技服務;是全球首家運用生物資訊學方法對大量PDX模型資料進行分析,進而找出預測藥物有效性特徵指標(Biomarker)的跨國公司。中美冠科執行長魏京平(Jean-Pierre Wery)與路易斯安那州州長John Bel Edwards,日前共同宣布冠科將與全美最大靈長類動物研究中美國路易斯安納州新伊比利研究中心策略合作,此合作案將大幅提升冠科的心血管代謝類疾病服務與藥效評估模型設計的業務發展,冠科將在路易斯安納州設立100%持有的子公司,為公司營運再擴充據點。新伊比利亞研究中心隸屬於路易斯安那大學拉法葉分校,專門從事非人靈長類實驗動物的應用和基礎研究管理,目前是也全美最大的國立靈長類動物研究中心,且該研究中心也通過AAALACOLAWUSDA等重要的認證。魏京平表示,新伊比利亞研究中心的眾多研究設施可以強化冠科-KY對於藥效學實驗和模型開發實驗與測試能力。新伊比利亞研究中心董事Francois Villinge指出,新伊比利亞中心擁有研究和分析的專業技能和基礎設施,這無疑可以協助冠科-KY更快速地回應其全球化客戶的需求。冠科-KY全球戰略合作及市場拓展部高級副總裁Laurie Heilmann表示,新伊比利亞中心非靈長類動物模型設計與服務能力的提升,將為公司現有客戶和未來客戶提供一整套的解決方案,讓客戶更專注其內部臨床前藥物開發。

Crown Bioscience selects New Iberia Research Center for pharmaceutical facility Posted: Dec 29, 2016 4:04 AM Updated: Dec 29, 2016 4:04 AM  NEW IBERIA, La. - Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards and Crown Bioscience Inc. CEO Jean-Pierre Wery announced the company will establish a pharmaceutical research and development facility in Louisiana at the New Iberia Research Center. The expansion project for the global drug discovery and development company will enable CrownBio to advance treatments for cardiovascular and metabolic disease research (CVMD research).   CrownBio will coordinate its research efforts with the New Iberia Research Center, an affiliate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, which specializes in the management of nonhuman primates for applied and basic research. At the research center, CrownBio will make a $1 million capital investment and create 10 new direct jobs with an average annual salary of $70,000, plus benefits. Louisiana Economic Development estimates the project will result in an additional 14 new indirect jobs.  "This project provides an excellent example of how Louisiana's higher education system is leveraging its strengths to attract new investment in bioscience to our state," Gov. Edwards said. "Sophisticated pharmaceutical research performed in a sensitive and progressive manner is essential for our state, nation and world to combat illnesses and diseases that continually pose new challenges. We're proud that this important work will be taking place in our state and will build upon the resources of UL Lafayette and the New Iberia Research Center."  Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, Crown Bioscience formed in 2006 and operates research campuses in China, the U.K., San Diego and Indianapolis. The company's leadership - including Executive Chairman and Chief Technology Officer Guo-Liang Yu, CEO Jean-Pierre Wery and President and Chief Strategy Officer Alex Wu, possesses decades of experience in the global biotech and pharmaceutical industry. The New Iberia Research Center (NIRC) was crucial in the company's decision to come to Louisiana.  "We chose to expand in Louisiana, and specifically the NIRC, because of the growing biomedical science community there and the operational excellence that exists at NIRC," Wery said. "It was important for us to be located at a facility with multiple research capabilities that could harmonize well with the various efficacy and model development studies conducted by CrownBio. We are confident Louisiana, and NIRC, is the place for CrownBio to grow as we engage in the next leading phase of CVMD research that brings drugs to the clinical phase. We are very excited to contribute positively to the economic growth of the New Iberia region."  The UL research center in New Iberia will enable CrownBio to expand its research and grow beyond the capacity it had in North Carolina, company officials said. The company will begin operating at the New Iberia Research Center in January and grow its research services in Louisiana over the next several years. On Jan. 5, the NIRC will host an event welcoming Crown Bioscience to Louisiana. "Our center in New Iberia has the research and analytical expertise and infrastructure in place to assist CrownBio to respond to the needs of its global clientele very quickly," said NIRC Director François Villinger. "We are committed to incubating and growing businesses in the biomedical arena, supported by the strength of UL Lafayette's research in life sciences."  The Iberia Industrial Development Foundation, One Acadiana and LED began working with Crown Bioscience on a potential project earlier this year. In addition to negotiating a facility lease at the New Iberia Research Center, the economic development partners provided project guidance and assistance that will include the company's utilization of the state's Quality Jobs Program.  "We are excited that CrownBio has chosen to invest in Iberia Parish at the New Iberia Research Center," said Iberia Parish President M. Larry Richard. "We are certain that great business investments like this will go a long way to grow and diversify economic opportunities for our citizens."  "Crown BioScience is a respected, growing company whose cutting-edge programs in disease research are well-known, and we appreciate their decision to invest in Iberia Parish," said President and CEO Mike Tarantino of the Iberia Industrial Development Foundation. "The NIRC has long played an integral role in global medical research and development, and we are certain that this partnership will ultimately result in greater success for both Crown BioScience and the NIRC, as well as Iberia Parish. This is yet another indication that Iberia Parish is open for business."  "This announcement exemplifies the Acadiana Region's continued effort to diversify our economy to provide new high-wage jobs for Acadiana families," said President and CEO Jason El Koubi of One Acadiana. "The University of Louisiana at Lafayette's New Iberia Research Center is a tremendous asset for the region, and this partnership demonstrates how we are leveraging Acadiana's cutting-edge research and engineering capabilities to grow our economy."    

NIH停止供养科研用黑猩猩引发争议 来源:科学网 2007-06-07 09:21无忧购全程保障交易安全,实验满意再付款  生物谷援引:美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)近日宣布,考虑到终身照料的庞大费用,该机构将永久性地停止供养科研用黑猩猩。动物权益保护者对NIH的这一决定表示赞扬,而一些科学家则担心这一举措会对生物医学研究产生显著的负面影响。根据NIH国家研究资源中心(National  Center  for  Research  Resources,简称NCRR)的一份声明,NIH"承认黑猩猩在生物医学研究中的持续重要性",但却不能继续承担动物终身照料的费用。由于黑猩猩是唯一能够和人类一样感染C型肝炎病毒的动物,因此,它们最重要的作用就是协助C型肝炎的疫苗研制和疗法研究。此外,黑猩猩还被用于开发单克隆抗体,治疗一些自体免疫疾病,比如狼疮、肠炎、风湿性关节炎等目前全美国大约有1000只研究用黑猩猩,其中一半归NCRR有,分布在全国4家研究机构之中。1995年暂行延期付款(moratorium)以来,NCRR就没有在经费上支持这些黑猩猩的抚养。而在新的决议中,这一制度被永久化了。不过,NCRR还是会继续拨款抚养现有的黑猩猩。2000年,国会通过了《黑猩猩健康改善、维持和保护法案》(Chimpanzees  Health  Improvement,  Maintenance,  and  Protection  Act),要求研究用黑猩猩在"退休"后进入看护所,而不能被施以安乐死。然而,因为黑猩猩的寿命可长达50年,它们一生的养护费用可高达50万美元。NIH的决议受到"美国人性社会"、Project  R&R等动物权益保护组织的热烈欢迎,这些组织以结束科学研究中使用黑猩猩为目标。一些科学家对于NIH的最新决定表示乐观,他们认为这对生物医药研究影响甚微。新伊比利亚研究中心(New  Iberia  Research  Center)主任Thomas  J.  Rowell认为,制药和生物技术公司将介入并为下一代研究用黑猩猩提供资金支持。不过,另外一些科学家并不这样认为。美国国家敏感症和传染病研究所(National  Institute  for  Allergy  and  Infectious  Diseases)的Robert  H.  Purcell表示,科研需要足够的遗传多样性,尽管目前的黑猩猩数量还算充足,但如果NIH在未来没有相应的支持计划,那么这种状况不会持久。美国西南国家灵长类动物研究中心(Southwest  National  Primate  Research  Center)主任John  VandeBerg估计,每年要新生59只黑猩猩才能满足未来的研究需要,而目前美国全国每年出生的研究用黑猩猩只有1015只。此外,VandeBerg表示,"我不相信会有其他组织机构介入,制药公司并不愿意进行长期的投资。某些种类的生物医学研究势必会被削弱。"不过,美国Jackson实验室科学家、NCRR黑猩猩管理计划工作小组的Barbara  Knowles表示,只要黑猩猩的养护者能够制定出新的商业计划,科学研究并不会受到很大的损害。她说,应该重新考虑经费支持的方式了,养护者必须找到经费的合适来源。     

Gains to limit animal research and testing in 2016  December 27, 2016  At The HSUS and Humane Society International, as part of our commitment to all animals, we put our shoulder into the moral and scientific problems of using animals in research and testing. In doing this work, we follow the framework of the Three Rs – refining, reducing, and replacing the use of animals. That approach resonates with so many researchers, since no one should want to use animals if there are alternatives. There's a consensus that hurting animals in research and testing is a moral problem, and we can get past it entirely if there are alternative methods and other strategies that work, and are actually superior, in their place  Today, I run down some of our most important gains in this realm, and note that so much work lies ahead. 

NIH announces plan to retire chimps:  In August, the National Institutes of Health released an official plan for the retirement to permanent sanctuary of hundreds of government-owned and -supported chimpanzees. The development followed prior NIH announcements that it was getting out of the business of using chimps in invasive experiments. The decision to end decades of invasive government-funded experiments on chimps came after expert deliberations concluded with a declaration that chimpanzees are no longer necessary for biomedical research, given the development and recognition of alternative methods and approaches. It also followed a momentous 2015 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in response to an HSUS-led petition, to close the gate on invasive chimp experiments by listing captive chimpanzees as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, providing them the same level of protections as wild chimpanzees. 

Work to support chimpanzees abandoned by New York Blood Center in Liberia gains momentum:  Since 2015, The HSUS and HSI, with the support of the government of Liberia and others, have been taking care of a group of more than 60 chimpanzees abandoned on a series of islands in Liberia, without food and water, by the New York Blood Center. In 2016, as the chimps continued to thrive under our care, we announced a collaborative campaign with former New Mexico governor and U.N. ambassador Bill Richardson to secure a safe future for the chimpanzees. The Richardson Center for Global Engagement is committed to holding the Blood Center accountable for its responsibility to chimpanzees but also to provide support for proper sanctuary of the beleaguered chimps until that responsibility is reclaimed. Insurance giant MetLife said it was ending its support for the New York Blood Center until the company resolves its dispute with The HSUS and other groups over the medical charity's abandonment of the chimps. Citibank, after learning the facts of the case, took a similar action, disassociating itself from NYBC and then donating $50,000 to The HSUS to be used to care for the chimps. A number of celebrities, including sisters, actresses, and New York natives Kate and Rooney Mara, stepped up to draw the world's attention to the plight of the chimps and to demand that NYBC work with The HSUS to ensure their care. The EPA is moving away from its long-standing requirement for pesticide manufacturers to perform dozens of tests on dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, and guinea pigs, including six extremely cruel tests – perversely nicknamed the "six-pack" – carried out on more than 500 new pesticide products brought to market each year in the United States alone. The EPA is moving away from its long-standing requirement for pesticide manufacturers to perform dozens of tests on dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, and guinea pigs.

Project Chimps partners with New Iberia Research Center with plans to retire 200 chimpanzees:  In May, a partnership agreement was announced between Project Chimps—a new sanctuary in northern Georgia backed financially by The HSUS and other parties—and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's New Iberia Research Center laboratory to retire 220 chimpanzees. NIRC had been the subject of an HSUS undercover investigation in 2009, and the transfer of these chimps was a remarkable conclusion to a saga that included hundreds of steps to get to this point where invasive experiments have ended and the chimps are on their way to a new life. In September, nine chimpanzees from NIRC safely arrived at Project Chimps, starting the process of moving all of the 220 chimps from laboratories to sanctuaries. The HSUS provided the capital to buy the land for Project Chimps, and we're proud to be so deeply immersed in this project. 

Obama Administration upgrades Toxic Substances Control Act:  In June, President Obama signed into law a bill that upgrades the Toxic Substances Control Act, a 40-year-old federal law regulating the use of chemicals. The bill contains – for the first time in any broader environmental and health protection statute – an explicit decree from Congress to minimize animal testing and to create a clear preference for the development and use of alternative methods and strategies. This will accelerate the movement away from animal tests for safety substantiation of chemicals, as well as pesticides, biocides, cosmetics, and other regulated substances. 

EPA will phase out obsolete animal testing practices in favor of alternatives:  The EPA is moving away from its long-standing requirement for pesticide manufacturers to perform dozens of tests on dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, and guinea pigs, including six extremely cruel tests – perversely nicknamed the "six-pack" – carried out on more than 500 new pesticide products brought to market each year in the United States alone. Following negotiations with The HSUS and other stakeholders, the EPA, in November, announced a plan to allow pesticide manufacturers to waive acute dermal toxicity tests for pesticide formulations. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group of 34 member nations, approved four new non-animal test methods to assess the safety of chemicals, and a guidance document that describes how to reduce animal use for acute or lethal toxicity tests. 

Ending cosmetics testing worldwide:  We have seen a cascade of successes in ending cosmetics testing worldwide, since HSI and The HSUS launched our  BeCrueltyFree campaign in 2012. Today, 1.7 billion people, or one quarter of the world's population, live in countries where the sale of animal-tested cosmetics is banned. Thanks to our BeCrueltyFree campaign, we worked to ban animal testing for cosmetics in Taiwan in 2016, while South Korea has made it a legal requirement for companies to use animal testing alternatives where available, and the Australian government pledged to ban cosmetics animal testing and trade in the coming year. Many other countries, including Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, and Russia, are considering bans on animal-tested cosmetics. Here, in the United States, the Humane Cosmetics Act was introduced in Congress. So far, 195 companies in the cosmetics industry have endorsed the legislation. 

USDA imposes record penalty for animal abuse in testing:  In May, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Santa Cruz Biotechnology – one of the world's largest suppliers of antibodies for biomedical research — came to a $3.5 million settlement agreement, the largest in the 50-year history of the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act. Over the years, the USDA found serious violations of the law at this laboratory, including numerous severely sick and injured animals, inadequate veterinary care, failure to avoid and minimize pain and distress, and failure to consider alternatives to procedures involving animal pain and distress. SCBT lost its license to operate as a dealer, as well as its registration to operate as a research facility with the USDA, essentially shutting the business down. 

New York passes law to find homes for dogs, cats used in biomedical research:  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law to require that publicly-funded institutions of higher education give dogs and cats used in biomedical research and testing a second chance at adoption into forever homes—a lifeline for hundreds of dogs and cats in state-funded institutions.  In the year ahead, we'll be pushing for the United States to ban cosmetic testing by enacting the Humane Cosmetics Act, we'll continue our efforts to get all chimps out of labs, and we'll drive ahead our campaigns to replace animal testing with non-animal methods throughout the world.

葡萄王 幫員工交保: 林嘉倫(5萬) 黃新發(5萬) 張安靜(10萬) 曾政富(6萬) 廖士榮(3萬) 蘇家瑮(7萬) !

大突破 葡萄王職員坦承竄改期限 鏡週刊作者鏡傳媒 | 鏡週刊  20161230日以康貝特、靈芝王的健康食品走紅國內、已有47年歷史的葡萄王生技,才剛榮獲2016天下雜誌最佳聲望標竿企業,卻被本刊踢爆,涉嫌販賣過期改標產品靈芝王等多項保健食品,台北地檢署分案調查後,昨天指揮調查局北機站兵分多路赴桃園帶回葡萄王副總經理陳勁初及前行銷總監許昭成等10名員工查證,晚間移送北檢複訊,案情有重大突破。葡萄王涉改標販賣過期保健食品,北檢今指揮調查局北機站發動大約談。北檢複訊時,有人已坦承本刊所踢爆內容屬實,葡萄王確曾竄改有效期限再販售保健食品,檢方依詐欺罪將葡萄王6名中高階主管分別以10萬到3萬元不等金額交保。葡萄王深夜緊急派人送錢到北檢替涉案員工辦保,這6名遭列為被告的包括營業處經理林嘉倫(5萬元交保)、成品課主管黃新(5萬元交保)、成品課主管張安靜(10萬元交保)、經理曾政(6萬元交保)、成品課員廖士榮(3萬元交保)及副理蘇家瑮(7萬交保),預料案情還會向上延燒。調查局幹員早上11點多將葡萄王員工帶到北檢後,經檢方人別訊問後,再交由調查局帶回北機站隔離訊問,據了解,這批被約談的員工都是負責葡萄王產品包裝的基層員工及小主管,檢調首要任務就是要追出究竟是誰下令竄改有效期限,由於根據葡萄王內部流出文件顯示有多位高層主管核章,檢調研判是集團犯罪,正釐清共犯有哪些人。根據葡萄王內部的「成品報廢報表」可見,葡萄王將靈芝王等91項報廢產品後,部份產品明明已過期,有效期限卻被延長到2015年,表單下面還有當時的執行副總、現任董事長曾盛麟竟然蓋章核准。照《健康食品管理法》規定,若健康食品腐敗、逾保存期限、攙偽、假冒或含有害人體物質,就不得販賣、贈與或公開陳列,最重可處30萬罰鍰,若危害人體健康,還可判刑3年以下並廢照。台北地檢署上週接獲檢舉,已指派重案專組檢察官梁光宗調查,全案朝違反食品安全衛生管理法等方向偵辦。葡萄王生技董事長曾盛麟昨天召開記者會表示,最近外界連串散播公司不實訊息,已查出是家族內部人士刻意抹黑,將採取法律途徑追究責任,有媒體甚至影涉是曾盛麟的哥哥曾盛陽向媒體爆料,不過,曾盛陽今天發出聲明稿強調,退出後葡萄王2年遭無故牽連,強調與葡萄王遭爆料無關。桃園市政府衛生局昨天會同衛福部食藥署,稽查葡萄王中壢廠、平鎮廠及龍潭物流中心,針對多醣靈芝王、靈芝王等6項產品進行查核,檢方先透過行政稽查方式了解原委,目前已指揮調查局追查業者所涉刑責。

台葡萄王涉嫌窜改效期 多名员工北检复讯 更新: 2016-12-29 10:55 PM涉嫌窜改效期葡萄王【大纪元20161229日讯】台北地检署侦办葡萄王涉嫌窜改效期事件,今天指挥调查局,约谈10名葡萄王员工作证,厘清相关案情,直到晚间10时许,至少有6人移送北检接受复讯。据媒体报导,葡萄王集团惊爆涉嫌将过期产品回收改标,改瓶装后再上架的丑闻,疑被改标的产品包括灵芝王、多糖灵芝王及Q10纳麹E晶识王等共6项产品,总数近20万颗。台北地检署日前已收到相关资料并分案调查,厘清并查证,全案朝伪造文书、食品安全卫生管理法等方向侦办。(转自中央社)

2016年底前 浩鼎連3漲 保衛300落空

浩鼎又漲停 生技族群齊狂歡 20161230 04:10 許庭瑜/台北報導 新藥股王浩鼎(4174)連3漲,且本周已經出現2根漲停板,帶動昨(29)日櫃買生技類股指數大漲1.72%,並激勵商之器(8409)、醫揚(6569)、美時(1795,跟中裕(4147)等個股趁著年底前股價「開趴踢」。近期浩鼎傳出癌症新藥進入美國美國食品藥品監督管理局FDA小三期」,股價在周三攻上漲停後,昨日又再度於特定買盤擁簇下收下本周第2根漲停板。大慶投顧分析師陳杰瑞表示,身為新藥股指標的浩鼎股價一動,自然會給予市場信心,拉抬其他新藥、原料藥、甚至醫材股的表現。加上櫃買市場在大戶、中實戶的引領下,本周走勢有強過集中市場的跡象,內資偏好的生技股便有表現空間。從漲跌幅來看,截至昨日為止,今年來加權指數上漲9.77%,櫃買指數則是小跌3.46%,不過,櫃買生技指數今年來卻是走弱12.5%,明顯落後許多,所以在年底外資放假,內資控盤下,位階低的生技股便成為短線上內資的關注焦點。就明年展望來看,陳杰瑞指出,新藥股的好消息就不是這麼多,畢竟目前全球政策對於新藥都相對不利,在美國健保可能取消,台灣健保也有疑慮的情況下,醫院對使用價格較昂貴新藥的意願都會降低,改為傾向使用原料藥與學名藥,所以對於明年的生技族群來說,反而是個利多。此外就技術線型來看,櫃買指數昨日開低走高上漲0.36%,比起集中市場尾盤走弱還要強勢,且連兩個交易日收在季線之上。陳杰瑞認為,短線上櫃買多頭的氣氛可望延續,在尚未碰到上方的半年線與年線之前,農曆新年之前櫃買市場都有表現機會。(工商時報)

工研院雷達感測衣服: 測心跳/呼吸 (奈米銀線天線 轉印)

心跳呼吸不漏拍 智慧衣 24 小時照護你健康 作者 TechNews | 發布日期 2016  11  10  在各方看好下,智慧衣要成為市場的主流趨勢,還是得先面對產品價格、款式設計、穿著舒適感等課題,並且克服頻繁水洗的挑戰,消費者才有辦法下手。為此,工研院聚焦在材料上,研發出奈米銀線,具備導電、導熱和抗菌等功能,一舉解決過去不耐水洗的缺點。另外,以往智慧衣必須緊貼身體,才能具有量測功能,但加入工研院的雷達感測技術,讓智慧衣即便在相隔 20 公分的距離,也能測得心跳及呼吸。智慧衣的款式再也不用受限,無論短袖長袖、恤外套皆可,能滿足不同族群、不同情境的穿戴需求。工研院量測技術發展中心前瞻微型感測實驗室主任林宏墩指出,雷達感測的被動元件之一是天線,它的硬式結構難以整合在衣服裡不過透過材化所對奈米銀線和高分子材料進行研發,將天線的線路圖轉印到衣服,就能讓感測元件和織布順利結合。而在天線微小化的部分,則可做到接近口袋尺寸,從衣服表面完全看不到天線,穿戴上也不會產生任何的不適,還能達到準確、高效能、高感度的量測整合。所有穿戴裝置還必須克服的另一個問題,就是想要電力持久,電池的體積也必須隨之增大。工研院藉由調整韌體達到最省電的模式,又能符合生活型態的監測,目前已可連續使用 12 小時。工研院材料與化工研究所經理孫文賢表示,由於工研院掌握材料與製程等核心技術,因此材化所的團隊能以奈米銀線為基礎,每年至少推出一至兩項新產品。而現有技術的持續改進又是另一個亮點,在原本的網印之外,天線印製新增了轉印紙的選擇,只要熱壓在衣服上,就能以商標圖案或名牌的形式呈現,完全不受布種的限制。能印得漂亮、平整且具備功能性,還可以耐拉扯、搓揉和水洗。值得一提的是,智慧織品不是只有智慧衣,而是以此為基礎,延伸到智慧居家的環境,甚至進一步應用到專業市場,像是軍警、消防或救災方面。舉例來說,消防用智慧衣能從遠端獲取打火弟兄的生理資訊,瞭解他是否適合繼續執勤或身陷危險,進而確保其人身安全。

吳英俊: 音波拉提 效果 是 電波拉提2倍 !

DR.WU吳英俊 崇尚健康自然的醫美 20161230 07:46 /洪寶山 擁有專業皮膚科醫師及堅強研究團隊為背景的醫美保養品牌「DR.WU」,甫一上市就深受消費者的信賴,醫學美容之父吳英俊以其四十年的豐富臨床經驗,將本來只提供給診所病患使用的處方開發成為商品,讓廣大消費群眾得以受惠,同時也為達爾膚生醫帶來了亮麗的營收成績。提到今天的成就,吳英俊說從學醫到從醫再到成立「DR.WU」,這一切都不在他當初的計畫之中。高中熱中於踢足球的吳英俊,每天回到家裡打開課本就想睡覺,就算認真考慮將來的志向,也以當時熱門的物理化學或電子專業為優先選項。母親雖然表面上不干涉他,但心裡還是希望家裡至少可以出一個醫生,做為家裡最小的孩子,哥哥姊姊們都已選定志向,只有吳英俊是母親最後的希望。

喜研究開發 投入皮膚科醫學領域 吳英俊的母親什麼都不要求,只要求第一志願由她來填,吳英俊不認為自己能考上第一志願,因此也不以為意,沒想到聯考放榜居然考上了母親幫他填的第一志願─台大醫科,吳英俊說,或許是老天給他安排了什麼特殊任務吧。進入醫科的頭幾年,教授不鼓勵學生思考,只要求博學強記的教學方式讓吳英俊感到很鬱悶。直到三、四年級有機會走入研究室,他才發現原來學醫不只是背書,還有很多主題可以研究開發,從此真正開啟了吳英俊對醫學的興趣,也讓他有機會接觸到皮膚科的領域。吳英俊說,過敏性皮膚是皮膚科主要的服務項目,其中有很多患者是因為使用保養品或化粧品而產生過敏,廠商遇到這類問題也會找皮膚科醫生諮詢,希望瞭解產品中的哪些成分會造成使用者過敏。吳英俊表示,以往消費者都以為如果使用A牌產品過敏,只要換成B牌就沒有問題了,事實上大部分的產品成分都類似,最重要的還是要找出引發過敏的成分並且避開它。但是三十年前的保養品及化粧品廠商都把成分視為機密不輕易公布,而吳英俊在當時就力倡廠商應該清楚標示產品成分。以往的消費者都喜歡有香味或色澤鮮豔的產品,歐洲產品就是以香味取勝,而美國的彩妝產品顏色都很誘人,但「DR.WU」追求的是健康的皮膚。由於自己及家人都有皮膚過敏的問題,再加上行醫多年接觸過不少皮膚過敏的患者,因此吳英俊致力於開發不添加香精的產品。

長子做創投 催生DR.WU品牌 吳英俊希望消費者用了他們的產品後,是由內而外的改善膚質,打造裸妝的效果,讓「素顏」看起來也很美。同樣的,對於他們的醫美患者,吳英俊也希望能夠達到讓患者走出診間看起來好像什麼都沒做過一樣自然的效果。吳英俊的兩個小孩從小就是過敏體質,為了減少過敏發生的機率,同時讓他們在更開放、更自由的環境下學習,他把孩子送到美國讀書。吳英俊的長子吳奕叡在紐約華爾街的薰陶下放棄學醫改而學商,雖然很多人認為這樣很可惜,但吳英俊覺得行行出狀元,不是非要學醫不可,只要孩子有興趣就好,這個決定或許也是後來「DR.WU」品牌誕生的重要轉折之一。吳奕叡從學校畢業後留在美國做創投,回到台灣後也從事相關行業,在產業動態、市場趨勢及投資評估方面累積了不少功夫。吳奕叡看到了醫學美容及生物科技的發展前景,同時也發現父親有這麼多好的處方,卻只有來診所求診的患者可以享受得到,但同樣深受皮膚問題所擾的人還有許多,他們就沒有福氣用到父親精心調配的處方,若是能把父親的配方製作成商品,不是能夠讓更多人受惠嗎?於是吳奕叡說服父親創立品牌,吳英俊也欣然同意。雖然同意兒子創業,但對於使用「DR.WU」做為品牌名稱,吳英俊坦承剛開始心裡有很多牴觸。兒子認為吳英俊從醫多年累積了幾十萬的患者,這些人都信任他的專業,因此以「DR.WU做為品牌名稱是最好不過了,但也因為如此,吳英俊有點擔心,怕創業不成反而會砸了自己的招牌,現在看起來他當時是多慮了。現代人愈來愈長壽,要想活得健康快樂,除了身體要保養外,面子問題也不能疏忽,畢竟面容保養得好,人看起來就精神漂亮,人一漂亮就有自信,心情就會好,連帶著身體也會好。吳英俊說,要想長保青春美麗不是等年紀大了再去找整形醫生,而是從年輕就要保養起,只要保養做得好就能凍齡,從什麼時候開始做好保養,就能把肌齡凍在什麼時候,如果三十歲起開始勤保養,到了五十歲還能看起來像三十歲,心情也能像三十歲那樣青春有活力。

肌膚最佳狀態 天天保養不懈怠 吳英俊說,平時不懈怠的保養可以讓肌膚保持在最佳狀態,醫美療程則是可以快速達到想要的目標,而最嚴重的問題就要靠整形手術來解決。很多人以為做整形手術可以保持一輩子的效果,但吳英俊說最多維持十年,如果想做得自然一點就只能維持五年左右。醫美的效果可以維持一至兩年,日常保養則可維持一週,但是保養品使用簡單而且可以天天使用,就像每天都要吃飯一樣,保養也要天天做,才能給予肌膚必要的養分。許多醫美使用的儀器都是從國防及航太科技轉換過來的,這些儀器的技術都掌握在一些國防大國的手中,進口這些儀器的成本很高,因此愈先進的醫美技術所需要的費用也就愈高,像是相較於前陣子流行過的電波拉提,新引進的音波拉提價格就比較昂貴,當然新的技術一定有其特殊的地方,消費者可以依自己的需求及能力來選擇。吳英俊說,電波拉提是利用電流使皮膚發熱,讓膠原蛋白收縮製造新的膠原蛋白,使皮膚變緊實,其作用的深度為12毫米,所以皮膚表面的細緻度、毛孔收斂及皮膚拉提的效果都不錯,3040歲的人因為膠原蛋白增生的量足夠,做一次最多可以撐兩年。波拉提則可以將深度推到3.54.5毫米,除了表皮之外,還可以把老化下垂的肌肉拉提上去,效果是電波拉提的兩倍有人說做了醫美以後就必須常常做,否則醫美效果退去後會比原來更顯老。吳英俊說這是錯誤的觀念,以前面所提到的電波或音波拉提來說,這樣的療程是在刺激膠原蛋白的增生,讓皮膚變得更緊實,達到凍齡的效果,假設效果可以維持兩年,就可以比別人延緩兩年老化,兩年後也只是回到當初沒有做拉提療程的狀態罷了,並不會加速老化。

訴求健康 被身體自然吸收  吳英俊一直提倡健康的醫美,不贊成使用將外物留在體內的美容方式,雖然訴求健康自然的醫美療程其效果可以維持的時間有限,但多做幾次也不會對身體造成傷害。就算是療程中需要注射或埋線,吳英俊都希望朝向可以被身體自然吸收的方向來發展,讓愛美的人不需要為將來的後遺症而擔心。由吳英俊創辦的英爵醫美診所現在已經有四家醫美館,吳英俊說他對未來沒有什麼特別的規劃,一切的發展就像他當初學醫後來創立「DR.WU」一樣,都是自然而然,水到渠成的事。要說有什麼期望,就是希望所有的醫美同業都能好好的從事這一行,用專業的技術來獲得社會上對這個行業的認可。

獲准Medtronic 世界第一人工智慧胰島素自動注射 (Minimed 640G insulin pump)

「人造胰臟」測試結果出爐了! 健康醫療網/記者蘇湘雲報導2016-12-30糖尿病可不只一種,糖尿病主要分為第一型糖尿病、第二型糖尿病、其他型糖尿病與妊娠糖尿病等。第一型糖尿病又稱為「胰島素依賴型糖尿病」或「幼年型糖尿病」,屬於自體免疫疾病,由於身體淋巴細胞中的T細胞攻擊胰臟內的「貝他細胞」,導致胰島素分泌大量減少、血糖上升,患者必須終生接受胰島素治療。在台灣,每年每10萬人口就有1.5人罹患第一型糖尿病。

第一型糖尿病 患者多為兒童、青少年 第一型糖尿病患者必須長時間注射胰島素,胰島素用量也必須精準,胰島素劑量太低,血糖控制效果就不好,長時間下來,心血管疾病、腎臟疾病等各式糖尿病併發症就會提早報到。若胰島素劑量過高,則會引發低血糖,患者嚴重時可能昏厥、休克,加上第一型糖尿病患者多為兒童、青少年,血糖控制更需謹慎。美國醫師協會期刊(JAMA)刊出一篇研究報告顯示,專為第一型糖尿病病患量身打造的「人造胰臟」通過安全性測驗。這種人造胰臟可幫助血糖維持穩定,降低血糖過高或過低的風險 

人造胰臟 有助降低糖化血色素值 另有研究發現,人造胰臟也可降低糖化血色素值,研究顯示,一群糖化血色素平均為7.4%的受試者,在使用期間平均降至6.9%。然而,這些受試者至少年滿14歲,第一型糖尿病病史也多在2年以上,且原已使用胰島素幫浦。對於未滿14歲的兒童、未有使用胰島素幫浦經驗的患者來說,安全性仍有待檢驗。 這類「混合性封閉式人造胰臟」(Hybrid Closed-loop artificial pancreases)使用皮下血糖感應器針測量血糖,並傳送訊號至胰島素施打系統,經由演算法精算出所需劑量。該系統納入患者進食需求考量,所以餐前還是必須計算胰島素劑量,手動調整幫浦參數,以調整藥物劑量。

台灣多數患者 以注射胰島素為主 成大兒童遺傳代謝暨內分泌科主治醫師蔡孟哲指出,因醫療技術、衛教、照護制度的進步,第一型糖尿病患者的疾病控制獲得很大改善,在現行健保制度中,第一型糖尿病患可以無後顧之憂地使用胰島素、血糖試紙,台灣醫藥界對第一型糖尿病患者的照護程度,可能不輸其他先進國家。 而針對人工胰臟在台灣推行的可能性,蔡孟哲醫師表示,現在絕大部份的病人還是以自行注射胰島素為主礙於自費價格的緣故,只有一小部份的人使用胰島素幫浦,而使用幫浦的病人需要搭配使用即時血糖監測機,這部分也仍未普及。人工胰臟雖然通過美國食藥署核可,目前還無法在台灣使用,未來能否在台灣上市、普遍使用還是未知數。


1.翻譯作者:國立成功大學醫學院公共衛生研究所兼任助理吳懷玨2. Bergenstal, R. M., Garg, S., Weinzimer, S. A., Buckingham, B. A., Bode, B. W., Tamborlane, W. V., & Kaufman, F. R. (2016). Safety of a hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system in patients with type 1 diabetes. Jama, 316(13), 1407-1408.  3. Voelker R. "Artificial Pancreas" Is Approved. JAMA. 2016;316(19):1957. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.16344/  4. The Journal Of The American Medical Association Publishes Medtronic's Hybrid Closed Loop System Pivotal Trial ResultsSeptember 15, 2016  5. Diabetes Patients Design Their Own 'Artificial Pancreas'April 21, 2016 6.資料出處:科技部補助「新媒體科普傳播實作計畫」執行團隊、科技大觀園


Medtronic PLC (MDT) Soars With The Approval Of CoreValve Evolut R System

Published on December 27, 2016 at 11:08 am by MARKET EXCLUSIVE in News Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT) is expanding, thanks to the reimbursement approval and launch of its CoreValve Evolut R System. The system, which has been implanted in more than 120,000 patients around the world, gained its approval in Japan in March 2015. It is the first self-expanding TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) in the country to get such an endorsement and it is used to treat patients who are at intermediate risk for open-heart surgery. Given the patient population in Europe, director of the Structural Heart Program at University Hospital in Bonn, Germany, Prof. Eberhard Grube says, "The highly-anticipated intermediate risk indication marks an important milestone for the industry as we look to safely expand TAVI access to younger and less sick patient populations." Today's world is all about growth, innovation, and expansion. Grube says that the Evolut R System's ability to recapture and reposition the heart valve that improves positioning accuracy and control is one of the many advances in the industry. It will play a vital role in the growth of the transcatheter space. According to the general manager and vice president of the heart valve therapies business, Rhonda Robb, the system is the first of its kind, which demonstrates competency of benefits that new patient populations will get. Robb also outlines their commitment to supporting global heart teams through advanced training and education facilities.

Addition Of Key Products By Medtronic For Potential Growth Being one of the major industry players, Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT) has also been focusing on its diabetes portfolio in recent years. Its aim is to accelerate the growth of its market share. For this purpose, the company has not only added key products to its portfolio through acquisitions but it has also set the pace of various launches. One of the additions is that of the Minimed 640G insulin pump to its diabetes range. It has also received an approval of the Minimed 670G, which is the world's first approved hybrid closed-loop (or HCL) insulin delivery system. Medtronic's diabetes segment is the company's fastest-growing segment and continues to gain several approvals. This may have occasioned its current partnership with Fitbit Inc (NYSE:FIT), which will necessitate the creation and integration of diabetes care platforms for type 2 diabetes patients. The company, which employs more than 85,000 people worldwide, is now striving to continue offering the broadest range of innovative medical technology to healthcare consumers and providers around the world. Meanwhile, Medtronic PLC (NYSE:MDT)'s stock closed at $71.95 witnessing an increase of $0.21 or 0.29%.

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