Sunday, September 23, 2012
微軟全包了?!! 衛生署健康雲、醫療雲…..
台灣核準Nestle收購Pfizer (嬰幼兒事業 !)
醫事國考要考”術科” : 臨床技能測驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE)
新薬開発にスパコン「京」活用 絞り込み期間、3年半→半年
醫療Zigbee的世代 !!
只针对台资企业招商: 东莞台湾高科技园 !!
FDA phase III: Compound Danshen Dripping Pills (CDDP; 复方丹参滴丸)
蔓越莓(Cranberry)提取公司被收购: Decas Botanical Synergies
FashionGuide 謝攸升 談 醫美產業 !
愛爾蘭科學基金會&國科會: 癌症及幹細胞研討會
台愛學者研討癌症及幹細胞生物時間:2012/9/23 11:43 新聞引據: 中央社 駐愛爾蘭代表曾厚仁(前排中)與國科會國際合作處長林宗泰(前排左3)等台愛學者,20日(當地時間)在「台愛癌症及幹細胞生物學研討會」會場合影。(駐愛爾蘭代表處提供)愛爾蘭科學基金會(Science Foundation Ireland)及中華民國行政院國家科學委員會合作,日前在都柏林城市大學(Dublin City University)舉辦「台愛癌症及幹細胞生物學研討會」。國科會國際合作處長林宗泰、駐英國代表處科技組長鄒幼涵、研究員陶正統與來自陽明醫學大學及台北醫學大學教授李光申、張智芬及副教授楊慕華、何慧君及兵岳忻,代表台灣出席研討會。林宗泰表示,國科會現在已經和歐洲聯盟多數國家建立良好科技合作關係,雙方學者交流及合作計畫案日漸成長,未來盼能與愛爾蘭科學界建立更緊密互動。林宗泰等人20日和愛爾蘭都柏林三一學院(Trinity College Dublin)、科克大學癌症研究中心(Cork Cancer Centre, UCC)以及國立細胞生物科技中心(National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, DCU)的學者專家進行座談。都柏林城市大學生物醫學診斷中心主任柏恩特(Michael Berndt)表示,中心樂見繼2010年底「台愛生醫研討會」後,繼續推動台愛學者交流互動,中心特別邀請全愛爾蘭相關領域的頂尖學者與會,相信在這次研討會中雙方將收穫豐碩。 駐愛爾蘭代表曾厚仁致詞時首先感謝愛爾蘭科學基金會及國科會支持台愛科技合作交流,他說,都柏林城市大學校長馬克雷斯(Brian MacCraith)和柏恩特曾訪問台灣,對台灣資訊科技及生物醫學發展印象深刻,積極與駐愛爾蘭代表處合作推動台愛學術及科技交流。代表處將持續與愛爾蘭國家級科研機構及各大學研究中心保持密切聯繫,為未來雙方學者合作創造有利的條件。
Osmotica Pharmaceutical和Panacea Biotec宣佈策略聯盟協議
中央社-2012年09月12日 上午11:39(中央社訊息服務20120912 11:39:08)北卡羅來納州WILMINGTON--(美國商業資訊)--Osmotica Pharmaceutical Corp. 今天宣佈,Panacea Biotec與Osmotica Kft.就美國和全球關鍵策略市場中品牌藥和學名藥的研發和商業化,執行一項策略聯盟協議。根據協議條款,Panacea Biotec將主導產品開發和製造,而Osmotica將主導產品註冊和法律事宜,同時主導商業化。合作產品預計將由Osmotica 和Panacea Biotec 聯名銷售。該合作的基礎是兩家公司平等分擔風險、投資和利潤。眾多涵蓋不同治療領域的產品陣容正在各項開發階段進行,同時還有一些產品在醞釀中。在談到策略聯盟協議的宣佈時,Panacea Biotec Ltd共同行政總監Rajesh Jain博士說:「美國對高築市場准入門檻和高品質藥品的需求永無止境,我們很高興藉此獨一無二的機會與Osmotica合作來滿足這項需求。我們相信,這次合作將使合作雙方取長補短,在各自的核心勝任力和能力基礎上進行建構,來幫助滿足比以往任何時候更多的美國患者的需求。」Osmotica Pharmaceutical的執行長Forrest Waldon先生也對該策略聯盟發表了評論,他表示:「Osmotica很高興與Panacea Biotec聯手,共同為有醫療需求的患者提供高品質的專科藥品。我們相信,這個機會可為患者和我們的股東、員工和其他利害關係人帶來顯著的價值。」這次策略聯盟之前,Osmotica在2011年年中收購了亞培公司(Abbott Laboratories)設在喬治亞州Marietta的製藥設施。
關於 Osmotica PharmaceuticalOsmotica Pharmaceutical是一家全球性專科製藥公司,擁有藥品開發成功上市的經過驗證的歷史。公司運用其專利滲透壓技術平臺開發高品質的專科藥品。除了目前上市和Panacea Biotec策略聯盟旗下的產品,公司的後續產品線包括若干CNS和神經科治療藥物。Osmotica Pharmaceutical及其相關公司組成了一個國際性的集團公司,主要營運部門位於美國、阿根廷和匈牙利。有關公司的進一步資訊,請瀏覽Osmotica的網站。本新聞稿針對美國居民。
關於 Panacea BiotecPanacea Biotec是印度領先的研究型健康管理公司,擁有成熟的研究、製造和市場行銷能力。Panacea Biotec是印度第二大疫苗生產商。Panacea Biotec是印度第三大生物技術公司(ABLE調查- 2011年),同時名列印度前40大(ORG IMS TSA MAT 2011年3月)製藥公司。公司的產品陣容包括重要治療領域高度創新的處方產品,例如疼痛管理、糖尿病管理、腎病管理、抗骨質疏鬆、抗結核、腸胃道治療產品和疫苗。公司與領先的國內外研究組織和公司有著合作和聯繫。公司擁有生產疫苗和各種劑型藥品的一流設施,符合US-FDA、UK-MHRA、SA-MCC和WHO-cGMP 標準。Panacea Biotec擁有五個專屬的研發中心。公司擁有約3300位員工,包括300多位科學家。公司還擁有24項產品專利,受到世界各地60多個國家的專利保護。
台灣Astellas醫藥物流合作: 大昌華嘉 ((DKSH)
瑞士大昌華嘉與日本安斯泰來簽約 擴展在台醫藥產品物流通路 2012/9/21鉅亨網提供 專注亞洲市場拓展服務「大昌華嘉」((DKSH Group) )與專精醫療護理領域的日本製藥公司「安斯泰來」簽訂合約,將醫藥產品的合作範圍擴展至台灣。大昌華嘉表示,將依合約內容,提供安斯泰來製藥公司於台灣的物流、實體配送、招標管理及信用審核暨收款服務。大昌華嘉指出,隨著市面上出現越來越多的仿冒藥品,將醫藥產品交由可信賴的夥伴管理相當重要,尤其合作夥伴必須有可靠的物流配銷網絡、誠信經營,並遵守相關法令。 台灣安斯泰來製藥公司董事長兼總經理長岡秋廣表示, 將醫藥產品的物流、配送及招標服務委由大昌華嘉公司負責,主要是因為其擁有完整的醫院、診所通路,以及提供客製化的市場拓展服務,能協助安斯泰來在台灣擴展業務。台灣大昌華嘉醫療保健事業單位總經理Teresa Chen也表示,與安斯泰來在香港、越南及泰國皆為合作夥伴,台灣合約的簽訂,在亞太區合作的另一個重要里程碑。大昌華嘉今年3月在瑞士證交所公開發行上市,是總部位於瑞士蘇黎世的全球性企業,在全球35個國家設有650個營運據點,其中630個分布於亞洲地區,擁有超過26000名專業人員,去(2011)年營收淨額達73億瑞士法郎(約合新台幣2296億元)。而大昌華嘉醫療保健事業單位,協助醫藥保健公司於亞洲成長,提供客戶全方位的諮詢及服務,涵蓋的產品包括處方藥、消費性保健產品、非處方藥以及醫療器材等,在全球13個國家150個據點由8500名專業人員運作,為160000位顧客提供服務,去年營收淨額達29億瑞士法郎(約合新台幣913億元)。
癌症 已成為型態化的”慢性病” !!!
國璽 朱耕廷…幹細胞商品化 !!
國璽幹細胞獲頒第10屆金炬獎「年度十大績優企業獎」及「年度創新設計」 國璽幹細胞獲頒由第10屆十大績優潛力企業─金炬獎之「年度十大績優企業獎」及「年度創新設計」兩大獎項。金炬獎由中華民國傑出企業管理人協會主辦,從幾百家報名企業中進行甄選,除了經營績效,對於企業的未來規劃也是評審重點,金炬獎此一獎項旨在評選具有前瞻性、可塑性的企業給予鼓勵及肯定。 其中獲得金炬獎「年度創新設計」肯定的國璽SCGF蛋白,其相關研究在今年2月刊登在國際知名期刊「Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology(生物醫學與生物技術期刊)」上,是目前全球首次以「保健食品研究成果可增加體內幹細胞數目」榮登國際學術期刊,表示國璽多年研究成果備受國際學者的肯定。 國璽幹細胞為全台第一家進駐新竹生醫園區的幹細胞生技公司,也是第一家榮獲經濟部核准以幹細胞新藥符合「生技新藥產業發展條例」的生技公司。國璽長期投入此領域技術的研發,並結合產、官、學、研、醫的資源,希望能開發優質的新藥與保健品,以幹細胞再生的技術,造福全人類。 國璽董事長朱耕廷表示,國璽幹細胞的產品廣受消費者信賴與支持,其中可歸納出幾項原因。第一,國璽具研發精神,願意投入大量成本,針對市場需求,以求更有公信力的科學研究與國際認證;第二,國璽注重品質,為消費者做最嚴格的把關,對製造工廠要求其必須符合優良製造規範(CGMP)標準;最後,國璽秉持精益求精的創業精神,每項產品的成長來自於對客戶的售後服務,不斷要求自我,期望滿足每位客戶的需求。 目前,國璽已完成讓幹細胞商品化並上市的近程目標,朱耕廷董事強調,國璽將針對肝硬化的幹細胞療法,斥資五億元建立幹細胞培養與儲存實驗室,研究、生產及製造治療肝硬化幹細胞新藥。而在未來,國璽的遠程目標是發展基因工程與幹細胞的整合性應用技術,最終則期望成立人體器官銀行,實現人類再生的夢想,成為全球獨當一面的跨國幹細胞應用科技品牌。
安聯集團: 老年癡呆症4500億歐元負擔
全球老年癡呆者2050年或達1.5億 加重經濟負擔 2012-09-21 14:32:49 來源:經濟日報 編輯:王珊 每年的9月21日是"世界老年癡呆宣傳日"。安聯集團《人口結構報告》的"老年癡呆症專題"顯示,由於人類平均壽命的延長,到2050年時,如果沒有找到有效的治療方式,全球癡呆症病例將達到1.5億例,為目前的3倍。"老年癡呆症已經造成了巨大的經濟負擔,患者家屬在治療和護理上的花銷已經高達4500億歐元。"安聯集團首席經濟學家邁克爾·海瑟介紹說。最新研究表明,老年癡呆症在發展中國家和新興市場的普遍程度被低估。隨著年齡增長,患病的風險不斷增大,60歲以上的人群患病概率每5年翻一番。60歲至65歲間男性患病概率為1.6%,女性為0.5%,在70歲至74歲年齡段中,相應的比例分別增長至4.6%和3.9%。按此預估,隨著人口老齡化程度的加深,到2050年,僅在亞洲就將有6100萬老年癡呆患者。(記者 陳頤)
India Abbott sales-strategy guide... cookware ?!!
In India, gift-giving drives drug makers' marketingBy Frederik Joelving MUMBAI | Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:28pm IST (Reuters) - Sales representatives for Abbott Laboratories Inc's Indian subsidiaries know what it takes get a doctor to prescribe the drugs they market: a coffee maker, perhaps, or some cookware, or maybe a vacuum cleaner. These are among the many gifts for doctors listed in an Abbott sales-strategy guide for the second quarter of 2011, a copy of which was reviewed by Reuters. As laid out explicitly in the guide, doctors who pledge to prescribe Abbott's branded drugs, or who've already prescribed certain amounts, can expect some of these items in return. Consider the guide's entry for Nupod, an Abbott antibiotic generically known as cefpodoxime. It lists a medical textbook, a mosquito repellant and a coffee maker as incentives for doctors.It also provides a script of the social niceties for clinching the quid pro quo: "Dr presenting you advanced coffee maker from Philips which will make coffee within three minutes Dr in the box we have made advancement easy for you by giving the ideal usage guidelines of the coffee maker Dr I look forward for advancement in action i.e. our Nupod brand Dr can get just 3 Rs per day for Nupod."Especially in India's poorer areas, says one Abbott rep, "if you give them a small gift, they are happy."
A LARGER PROBLEM The Abbott guide -- reps say the company produces them regularly -- is evidence of a larger problem in India. In interviews with Reuters, dozens of doctors, drug reps and other healthcare insiders said domestic and multinational drug makers routinely shower Indian doctors with gifts, posh junkets abroad, and cash payments disguised as consultancy or other types of fees."Indian CRM," or customer-relationship management, is what industry insiders call this system of inducements. None of the doctors or reps who described their participation in this trade would speak on the record. Under Indian law, doctors are prohibited from accepting cash, gifts or travel from drug companies. Still, enforcement is rare, and drug makers may lavish gifts on doctors with impunity, though their home countries may punish the practice.In a country where doctors often make less than $10,000 a year, it can be an effective strategy."Somebody is doing something for you," says a Delhi-based cardiologist. "Obviously you will want to return the favor." He says he prescribes more drugs from companies that provide gifts and send him on paid vacations to Thailand, Hong Kong and elsewhere. One of those companies, he says, is the India-based Ranbaxy unit of Japan's Daiichi Sankyo Co."We do not sponsor vacations for doctors," a Ranbaxy spokesperson said. "We are viewed as a scientifically and academically orientated company and our promotional activities are built around academics and science."In response to questions from Reuters, Chicago-based Abbott said that it complies with local laws and regulations in India. It added that company policy forbids employees to "offer or give a sponsorship, gift, meal or entertainment in exchange for an explicit or implicit agreement that Abbott Products will be used, purchased, ordered, recommended or prescribed or that Abbott or any Abbott products will receive any favorable treatment."
SO MANY CHOICESThe Indian market is particularly vulnerable to corruption because of the intense competition here. Until 2005, India flouted drug patents, refusing to rein in domestic copycats of Big Pharma's blockbusters. Brands proliferated. Today, an Indian doctor can choose from among 224 registered brands of the cholesterol-lowering drug atorvastatin, sold by Pfizer Inc as Lipitor in the U.S. and elsewhere.Foreign companies that want a piece of this crowded market "have to adapt, or they are not going to survive," says an executive with Biocon, a leading Indian biotech company. The executive says Biocon routinely gives doctors iPads, iPods, mobile phones, "you name it."A Biocon spokesperson said the executive's statements are "incorrect and absolutely untrue" and added that the company operates "in strict compliance" with the law.Public health experts and some Indian doctors say that as a result of drug companies' tactics, drugs are dangerously overprescribed and expensive brands are prescribed instead of cheap ones. That can be devastating for patients -- physically and financially -- in a country where health care is mostly private and unsubsidized and 400 million people live on less than $1.25 a day.At the Amrita Clinic, a private practice in Pune, Maharashtra State, physician Vinay Kulkarni says he refuses to accept gifts from reps, in part because he believes drug makers overcharge for their products to recoup marketing expenses. "Ultimately," he says, "everything is being paid by the patient."As Big Pharma has pushed into emerging markets like India in recent years, companies have been running into trouble with their home-market overseers. Many of the world's top drug makers have warned in recent regulatory filings of potential costs related to charges of corruption in foreign markets.
TEA SETS IN CHINALast year, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay $70 million to settle U.S. charges that it paid bribes and kickbacks to win business in Greece, Iraq, Poland and Romania. Pfizer Inc recently agreed to pay $60.2 million to settle a U.S. government probe of the drug maker's use of illegal payments to win business overseas, including gifts such as cellphones and tea sets to doctors in China who prescribed the company's products.Abbott became the No. 1 pharmaceuticals company in India in 2010, when it paid $3.7 billion for the branded generics business of Mumbai-based Piramal Healthcare. Its thousands-strong Indian sales force has helped buoy the parent, as sales in emerging markets rose 23 percent to $2.59 billion in the second quarter of 2011 -- more than twice Abbott's global growth rate.Reps from Abbott True Care, Abbott Healthcare and Abbott Primary Care - all formerly part of Piramal and now subsidiaries of Abbott -- say sales plans are revealed to them at "cyclical sales meetings" every three or four months. These meetings, they say, sometimes include studying printed strategy guides like the one for second-quarter 2011 that Reuters reviewed.That guide offers no clarity on why particular gifts are paired with particular drugs. None of the items that come with Nupod, the antibiotic, go to doctors who prescribe Pantagon IT. That drug - a combination of itopride, for bloating and indigestion, and the antacid pantoprazole - comes with a stapler, a set of six glasses and a jar from Luminarc, and a Forbes Trendy Nano vacuum cleaner."THE PANTA REWARDS INPUTS MUST ONLY BE PRESENTED AT THE DRS HOME," the guide tells reps. When delivering the glassware, reps are instructed to say, "Thus Dr requesting your continuous prescription support for Pantagon IT."Prescriptions for Paraxin, a drug for typhoid fever, are rewarded with a hand sanitizer and an antique pen. Prescriptions for Lysupra, a multivitamin supplement, could earn a beaded car-seat cover "for the relaxation when you are traveling."Depending on the drug, a doctor might find himself the owner of a Kiwi shoeshine kit, an Ambi Pur car air freshener, a Birla steam iron, or a Pure Relaxation CD series. And if that's not enough, participation in a "Doctor Talent Contest" judged by Bollywood actor Boman Irani might seal the deal.
SCANNERS AND STEAM IRONS Abbott reps say that so far this year, they have doled out, among other things, scanners, steam irons, shoes, stethoscopes and gift vouchers worth more than $100 to doctors - both private and government-employed.Amitava Guha, a member of the national working committee of the Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives' Associations of India, worked as a rep for decades, including for Piramal from 1997 to 2008, when he retired. "Everybody is doing it," he says. "I was doing it when I was in service.... They said that it is your job to go and give to the doctors."He says he resisted giving anything but the smallest gifts, like pens. Today, he says, he receives frequent complaints from reps across the country about the practice. It taints their professional image, he says. Also, it's hard work toting around all those gifts. "They have been given huge extra bags to carry," he says. "One on the shoulders and two others in the hands."The managing director of a large diabetes clinic in Calcutta says he sees as many as 25 reps a day. "Whatever you like, they can provide you," this doctor says.His interview with Reuters was interrupted when a man squeezed into his office and placed a big yellow box on the table. "Sir, this is an exquisite casserole set," the visitor said, slipping the doctor a note bearing the brand name Rostar, a cholesterol-lowering medicine from Mumbai-based Unichem Laboratories Ltd.Unichem did not respond to requests for comment.Guha, the union federation official, says that reps have begun reporting a shift in emphasis away from the types of gifts listed in Abbott's guide toward free "foreign tours" and outright cash payments, often made under the guise of public health initiatives or research.Every year, Abbott, collaborating with doctors and other groups, conducts hundreds of "health camps" across India to raise awareness about conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, anemia, breast cancer, sleep problems and thyroid disease.Abbott says these programs "generally incorporate diagnosis, prevention and education. � The focus of these camps is around disease and not products."
IN THE NAME OF SCIENCEReps say public health isn't always the point. "This is a business transaction," says one. This rep says that at a diabetes camp he worked on, patients were given random blood-sugar tests - not a valid means of diagnosing diabetes - and based on the result, were prescribed Abbott oral diabetes medications by the participating doctor.Similarly, reps and doctors say companies try to boost sales through so-called non-interventional post-marketing studies, commonly used around the world to monitor the safety and efficacy of drugs after they have been approved for sale.Doctors and reps say that often, companies use these studies as cover for paying doctors to prescribe the drugs under study. According to one Abbott rep, the company doesn't pay doctors if sales at nearby pharmacies don't increase.A doctor who has done post-marketing studies in India says the companies rarely monitor the studies or check the data. "We all understand that post-marketing studies are not really true studies," says the doctor, a diabetes specialist at a Calcutta hospital. They're "just a way to offer an honorarium. So we also don't take them seriously." (Editing by John Blanton)
大葉大“新穎” 抗高血壓多肽 保健品OR藥品 ?!
遠離高血壓 新穎抗高血壓肽受矚目鉅亨網新聞中心(來源:華人健康網)2012-09-2120:05 中興大學研發長陳全木與大葉大學研發長陳小玲教授研究團隊,歷時5年時間,運用共生微生物「多肽」發酵系統,在動物與細胞實驗中,成功研發「新穎抗高血壓肽」,有效預防高血壓前期發生機會,不僅獲得多國專利,更獲得經濟部「國家發明獎」銀牌,受到醫藥生技界高度矚目。夫妻檔陳木全與陳小玲教授,花費5年時間,成功研發「新穎抗高血壓肽」。曾榮獲中華民國十大傑出青年、總統農業創新獎的中興大學研發長陳全木教授表示,高血壓是心血管疾病的隱形殺手型,1年約有180萬人因高血壓至門診就醫,花費健保醫療費用高達250億元。國內20歲以上民眾平均約4人就有1人罹患高血壓,且多數患者在高血壓前期,若未能預防或改變飲食型態,往往終身必須與高血壓藥為伍。 「新穎抗高血壓肽」特色在於從發酵乳中開發新式「多肽」,不僅可作為調節及降低血壓的關鍵活性成分,且成分取自天然、無副作用。未來若以保健食品上市,可用來調節血壓、降低心血管疾病發生率,為國人預防高血壓帶來具體成效。陳全木教授表示,高血壓是心血管疾病的隱形殺手型,1年約有180萬人因高血壓至門診就醫,花費健保醫療費用高達250億元。換句話說,若此一專利結合研發團隊既有的「哺乳動物乳腺表現系統」專利技術,在法令條件許可的情況下,未來可望透過繁衍抗高血壓肽基因轉殖牛(或羊),讓消費者喝牛乳(或羊乳)就能輕鬆預防高血壓。連續3年榮獲國科會特殊優秀人才獎勵的大葉大學研發長陳小玲教授表示,現有研究已證實乳蛋白質中的生物活性肽,具有促進健康的應用潛力。特別是牛乳中含有高含量的勝肽,透過一種特殊「克菲爾」菌種,水解效果,產生「多肽」酵素。 陳小玲教授表示,目前研發團隊已與中化生醫科技簽約進行技術轉移,開創台灣預防高血壓的健康新世代。(攝影/黃志文) 「多肽」來自於天然的蛋白質,本次獲獎專利屬於新穎成分的核心技術,提供一種新穎且純化的抗高血壓多肽,關鍵序列可源自於天然蛋白質,或是藉由化學合成和基因重組的方式產製,能被廣泛應用於食品、類藥劑營養品以及醫藥製品,用以調節血壓或是降低心血管疾病發生率。 這項國內抗高血壓成分的重大發明,目前已獲得台灣、美國及中國專利,為了能將產品打入國際市場,後續將持續申請多國專利,嘉惠更多民眾。目前研發團隊已與中化生醫科技簽約進行技術轉移,開創台灣預防高血壓的健康新世代。
台灣產官學聯合出招 生技強心劑?!!
发布时间:2012-9-21 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 根据美国威尔康乃尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medical College)研究人员近期发表在Cancer Research期刊上的一篇论文,基于紫杉烷(taxane)的化疗药物的威力一直被误解和潜在地低估。大多数医生和研究人员认为紫杉烷类化疗药物(紫杉醇、多西他赛和卡巴他赛)只发挥一种作用,即阻止癌细胞分裂,但是威尔康乃尔医学院研究人员揭示出它们发挥出更加强大的和更加广泛的作用,特别是在抵抗前列腺癌中,尤其如此。紫杉烷是一类化疗药物,能够被用来治疗癌症病人,但是尽管它们能够有效地抵抗一系列肿瘤,但是它们并不总是那么有效,而且病人也经常产生耐药性。在这项新研究中,论文通信作者Paraskevi Giannakakou博士和她的同事们强调他们必须把对紫杉烷在细胞分裂中所发挥功能的重点关注转移到这些药物在停止癌细胞内蛋白的每天运动和蛋白间通信上的影响,这样就有可能理解癌细胞为何和如何仍然能够存活下来。研究人员提出,对紫杉烷不敏感的癌症可能转换到另一种不依赖于细胞骨架来运输蛋白的模式,其中细胞骨架是紫杉烷疗法的作用靶标。在这项研究中,研究人员发现促进前列腺癌生长和转移的雄激素芴?androgen receptor, AR)沿着微管进行迁移而被运输到细胞核中。当紫杉烷结合到微管时,它阻止雄激素受体迁移,因而抑制它的活性。紫杉烷类化疗药物如紫杉醇、多西他赛和卡巴他赛都是通过结合到微管蛋白来发挥作用的。Giannakakou博士说,"微管是细胞内高度动态的网络结构。当加入紫杉醇时,这种网络结构就停止移动。"她说,当癌细胞试图分裂时,观察到的结果才是最好的。"这在实验室中是容易观察的:前列腺癌细胞每隔30至49小时就倍增一次,而紫杉醇阻止它们倍增,因而促进这些细胞死亡。这就让人们认为这就是紫杉醇发挥作用的方式,即它们阻止癌细胞分裂。"但是Giannakakou博士和她的同事们指出,在他们的最新研究中,在病人体内的肿瘤中,癌细胞的分裂速度要比它们在实验室中的慢很多。事实上,前列腺癌病人体内的癌细胞每隔33到577天才分裂一次。因此,紫杉醇在微管上发挥出的治疗性效应不止是阻止细胞分裂。这些研究有助于解释这些药物在临床治疗前列腺癌中的疗效,与此同时也有助于更好地理解为什么病人可能或不可能对紫杉醇疗法作出反应。这种理解可能在未来有助于人们设计出个人化的化疗药物。