China Corporate News: Baidu Gains Access to Official Drug Database; Sinopec Buys Chesapeake Limestone Oil Assets
Baidu Gains Access to Official Drug Database Baidu Inc (Nasdaq: BIDU) signed a deal with China's State Food and Drug Administration, where the nation's dominant search engine will have access to information about more than 200,000 medicines. The SFDA hopes the partnership will produce legal and safe search results of medicines. Illegal search results are rampant in China relating to buying advanced medicines overseas at 1/10 the prices of the same imports. Qihoo 360 Technology Co (NYSE: QIHU), the developer of China's most used antivirus software, was reportedly in talks last week with state-run search engine for cooperation to challenge Baidu, which is relatively weak in the medicine search market. Qihoo's search engine also has a deal with the SFDA for online search service based on its medicine information.
Sinopec Buys Chesapeake Limestone Oil Assets Sinopec Group, the parent of Sinopec Corp (NYSE: SNP, HKG: 0386, SHA: 600028), said one of its subsidiaries signed a deal to buy US oil assets as the company steps up overseas acquisition. Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Corp will spend $1.02 billion purchasing 50% of limestone oil assets in Oklahoma from Chesapeake Energy Corp (NYSE: CHK) and have access to half of its 850,000-acre asset that produced 46,000 barrels of oil a day in 2012. The oil block is estimated to hold reserves equivalent to 490 million barrels of oil. Sinopec Group previously said it planned to roll out the equivalent of 50 million tons oil overseas per year – or half of its total output – by the end of 2014. The number was 15.7 million tons in 2011.
CNOOC Finalizes Nexen Takeover CNOOC Ltd (NYSE: CEO, HKG: 0883), China's largest offshore energy explorer, said it has completed its acquisition of Nexen Inc (NYSE: NXY) as its largest offshore takeover. CNOOC made the $15.1 billion bid for the Calgary-based developer of oil sands resources in July 2012. The deal had been repeatedly extended for regulatory review. CNOOC chairman Wang Yilin said the company will benefit from the Nexen deal in the long run, especially in international operations.
Taubman Centers Sets Up Second JV with Wangfujing Taubman Centers Inc (NYSE: TCO), a US mall operator, has set up a second joint venture with Beijing Wangfujing Department Store Group Co (SHA: 600859) to open a shopping mall in Zhengzhou, Henan province probably in 2H 2015, the China Daily reported. Taubman will invest $35.5 million for a major stake in the project and offer its know-how in mall design, development and management. Taubman and Wangfujing set up their first joint venture in August 2012, planning to open a shopping center in Xi'an, Shaanxi province in Q3 2015.
Hainan Airlines Eyes Expansion in Xinjiang Hainan Airlines Co (SHA: 600221), China's fourth biggest carrier, said it signed a deal with the government of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, to found a local airline and cooperate in the tourism and hospitality and a string of other industries. Hainan Airlines is the second largest player in Xinjiang's air travel market, after China Southern Airlines Ltd (NYSE: ZNH, HKG: 1055, SHA: 600029), the nation's biggest carrier by passenger traffic.
Tencent Builds US Office to Market Weixin Tencent Holdings Ltd (HKG: 0700) is building an office in the US to popularize Weixin, its free text and voice messaging and photo sharing app also known as WeChat. Tencent said Weixin accounts went beyond 300 million by the end of January 2013 as it tries to edge Sina Weibo, China's most popular microblogging service that has registered over 500 million accounts. Weixin began expanding last year in Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as overseas such as Southeast Asian nations.
Semir Earnings Dive 38% on Lower Prices and Increased Spending Zhejiang Semir Garment Co (SHE: 002563), China's largest clothing retailer by market value, said its net profits slipped 38.2% to ¥756 million last year after it lowered prices to clear inventory. The company also ramped up investment in R&D, online marketing and logistics, dragging down its earnings. Revenue fell 9.3% to ¥7.04 billion in 2012.
CCB Said to Bid $300m for Rabobank Unit China Construction Bank Corp (HKG: 0939, SHA: 601939), the nation's biggest mortgage lender, offered $300 million for Rabobank's Indonesian unit, Bloomberg reported, citing a person with knowledge of the matter said. CCB has submitted a non-binding offer in the first round of bidding for the assets, said the person.
搶醫藥搜索富礦,百度牽手SFDA 2013-02-27 07:46 來源:南方都市報 2013年才剛開了個頭,互聯網搜索市場已經劍拔弩張,這一次大家的槍口一致對準「醫藥」市場。日前,百度與國家食品藥品監督管理局(S F D A )簽署戰略合作,國家藥監局的三大藥品數據庫,總計20餘萬個權威藥品信息全面入駐百度。今後在百度搜索藥品或藥店,經國家藥監局備案的會以醒目的認證標志顯示。無獨有偶,去年9月人民搜索旗下的「即刻搜索」獨家獲得藥監局的權威數據和信息,而不到一周前,奇虎360公司宣布與「即刻搜索」展開戰略合作,全面接入藥監局的藥品查詢數據。
藥品數據入駐搜索 此次國家藥監局向百度開放的三大數據庫包括:藥品數據庫,包括18餘萬種國產和進口藥品信息;藥品說明書範本數據庫,包括近6000餘種非處方藥(O T C)化學藥品說明書範本及中藥說明書範本;經過認證的可向個人售藥的網站的數據庫信息。用戶在百度搜索藥品,可以通過對通俗的商品名、專業的藥品名、批準文號等多個途徑,得到權威準確的藥監局認證藥品數據。相比此前網絡上魚龍混雜未經認證的藥品搜索結果,相當於每種藥品獲得了一個「身份證」。百度副總裁朱光表示,網民在進行醫藥信息搜索時,可認準藥監局認證的權威信息標志,一旦發現虛假醫藥信息,可通過每個搜索結果頁下方提供的舉報通道進行舉報。而奇虎360則「借道」即刻搜索,全面接入國家食品藥品監督管理局的藥品查詢數據,聯合運營網絡曝光台以及食品安全欄目,相關功能將於近期上線。據了解,即刻搜索「藥品類網頁搜索」收錄了國家藥監局2008年以來所有網絡藥店認證信息和18 .8萬餘條藥品信息,雙方展開合作後數據將會引入到360搜索的結果頁面當中。
爭奪醫療搜索市場 南都記者嚐試在百度搜索中輸入藥品名「開瑞坦」,搜索結果頁第一項即顯示「開瑞坦」的2種同類產品的具體信息,提供包括商品名稱、產品名稱、批準文號、生產企業的信息,並標明由「國家食品藥品監督局批準藥品信息」。而奇虎360搜索只顯示商品名稱、批準文號,搜索結果出現「即刻醫藥」的標志。此外,經國家藥監局備案的網絡藥店認證信息也入駐百度。當網民在百度搜索「藥品名+網上藥店」,或直接搜索某藥店名稱時,可通過「認證」標識進入藥監局權威認證的正規藥店。而這項功能,奇虎360搜索並未具備。有搜索行業的人士透露,百度在一年前已經開始與藥監局商談合作。此次各家搜索企業爭相與國家藥監局合作,聯手嚴打虛假醫藥信息,意在爭奪醫療搜索市場的版圖,防止對手入侵。(南都記者 謝睿 高淩雲)
(佈局中國醫美) 雙美: 膠原蛋白製造商 取得"玻尿酸"代理權
每CC萬元人民幣...雙美代理玻尿酸搭膠原蛋白 攻陸金字塔頂市場!2013/02/26 19:35 記者胡薏文 台北 雙美生技今天與歐洲知名藥廠CROMA-PHARMA GmbH舉行簽約儀式,獲得玻尿酸醫學美容植入劑總代理權。雙美董事長王進富表示,雙美去年底也取得第2張膠原蛋白執照長效劑型執照,未來2項產品將進行搭配,搶攻大陸金字塔頂級市場,包括眼科、牙科及骨科等領域產品也將共同開發及行銷。雙美透露,長效型膠原蛋白的定價,每CC達1.3萬元人民幣。CROMA-PHARMA GmbH成立於1976年,致力眼科、骨科、醫學美容領域等專科醫療產品研發與行銷,總部位於奧地利,版圖擴及歐美國家,產品行銷全球62個國家,王進富表示,CROMA-PHARMA GmbH是全球數一數二的玻尿酸醫療產品專業製造廠,看重雙美在大中華地區醫學美容通路的經營經驗,決定將玻尿酸醫學美容植入劑產品總代理權交給雙美。王進富指出,雙美獲得大陸玻尿酸醫學美容植入劑代理權,未來獲得認證後將納入港澳地區,而亞洲代理權將是下一階段目標。雙美預定將玻尿酸搭配長效劑型膠原蛋白,搶攻大陸金字塔頂市場,每CC提高定價為人民幣1.3萬元,包括醫師施打費用等,新策略包括選定與中國大陸各省業績前5大的醫美診所合作,並提供培訓醫生與醫生、諮詢服務,目前已與中國大陸醫美四大家族之一洽談合作,未來並將推出「雙美卡」,年費人民幣30萬元,提供套裝服務。
雙美 代理奧地利玻尿酸【聯合晚報╱記者徐睦鈞/台北報導】2013.02.26 02:52 pm 膠原蛋白廠雙美生技(4728)今天上午與奧地利知名藥廠CROMA-PHARMA GmbH簽署大中華區總代理權合約,未來CROMA將把其玻尿酸醫美植入劑產品總代理權交給雙美,雙美也將因此成為大中華區同時擁有膠原蛋白及玻尿酸兩類產品的醫美廠商。雙美董事長王進富表示,雙方未來也將在眼科、牙科及骨科產品進行共同開發及市場行銷合作。雙美去年底取得大陸第二張膠原蛋白執照-長效劑型,王進富表示,該產品將發展雙美的自有品牌,鎖定高端市場,每CC售價將提高為人民幣1.3萬元,初步規劃在每個省選定業績前五名的診所合作,今年效益將逐步顯現。【2013/02/26 聯合晚報】@
雙美已取得陸長效劑型膠原蛋白執照【聯合晚報╱記者徐睦鈞/即時報導】2013.02.26 01:00 pm 膠原蛋白製造商雙美生技 (4728)去年底取得大陸第二張膠原蛋白執照-長效劑型,董事長王進富今表示,該產品將發展雙美的自有品牌,鎖定高端市場,每CC售價將提高為人民幣1.3萬元,初步規劃在每個省選定業績前五名的診所合作,同步提供產品、醫生服務,並結盟大陸四大家族的第一大家族,今年效益將逐步顯現。王進富表示,長效型針劑屬奢侈品,一年僅需施打一次,奢侈品就該以奢侈品的價格銷售,鎮定金字塔頂端的客戶。目前雙美正在組織經營團隊,也已經和大陸四大家族的第一大家族談定合作。【2013/02/26 聯合晚報】