Friday, June 25, 2010

Taiwan: National Cheng Kung University_How DNA 5'-cytosine-methyltransferases contributes lung cancer

Cancer Res. 2010 Jun 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Dysregulation of p53/Sp1 Control Leads to DNA Methyltransferase-1 Overexpression in Lung Cancer.

Taiwan: Tri-Service General Hospital;_ estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism reveals different role for Chinese and Caucasian women

Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Jun 22.
Diverse Associations between ESR1 Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Development and Progression.

Taiwan: National Taiwan University_a-fetoprotein as a indicator for therapeutic response of sorafenib, bevacizumab, or thalidomide in combination with

Cancer. 2010 Jun 22.
Early alpha-fetoprotein response predicts treatment efficacy of antiangiogenic systemic therapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
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