Monday, July 30, 2012
轉身開曼公司 蘇州中化回台IPO !!
基亞與新臺合作抗體藥物 (從癌症藥, IVD, Oncolytic, 疫苗, 到 單株抗體!! 很…衝?!)
中国第一血糖仪雄心: 鱼跃
杏輝 5億元建立癌症針劑廠!!
Too Much Hype in the Mobile Health App World?
智擎MM-398(PEP02)phase III擴大收案(405人) !!
瑞寶 藍耳症次單位疫苗 銷售拼100萬劑 (5000萬元)
Par Pharma to be acquired for $1.84B by TPG
臺南生技主題館 !
物理性血栓抽吸術(Angio Jet)
台北違規食品廣告王 !!
騰訊牽手好大夫和中澳凱爾嵌入醫療服務市場 鉅亨網新聞中心(來源:北美新浪)2012-07-2609:37上周,來自騰訊醫療官網的消息顯示,其已和好大夫在達成戰略合作伙伴關係。截至目前,雙方已經在"在問診"、"預約加號"等方面展開合作。此外,騰訊醫療與專注於家庭和企業健康管理與就醫綠色通道服務的中澳凱爾也展開合作。 騰訊這一國內最大的互聯網平台為何要進軍醫療,這一市場究竟有多誘人?
騰訊切入醫療健康管理市場 與搜狐、新浪等國內互聯網門戶相比,騰訊最遲一個佈局醫療領域。不過,來自多個渠道的消息顯示,騰訊已經悄然進入了這一市場,且合作對象不止一家。據好大夫在一位高管透露,其與騰訊的合作其實早在騰訊健康與醫療頻道上線之前就已經展開。"到目前為止,我們已經與騰訊達成了戰略合作伙伴關係,我們將向騰訊開放數據介面,共同為用戶提供優質醫療導診、諮詢服務。"該位高管如是說。好醫生在目前有來自全國各地正規醫院的5萬名醫生活躍在這一平台上。而"騰訊有這麼多用戶,肯定會想辦法涉足,互相借光。"在國內另一家醫療交互平台———丁香園的一位股東看來,騰訊佈局醫療在業內預期之中。事實上,就在與好大夫在合作後不久,騰訊又牽手了中澳凱爾。中澳凱爾官網顯示,其將為騰訊網、騰訊微博提供醫療與健康管理資訊與諮詢服務,為騰訊網友提供基於互聯網的健康管理與就醫解決方案,同時提供大量專業的醫療專家,形成持續、有效、專業的在互動,基於互聯網提供更廣闊的健康管理與醫療資源服務平台。
痴心"醫療夢"為哪般? 騰訊的"醫療夢"緣起於拍拍網,這一騰訊旗下的網購平台,在此之前曾一度公開表示將進軍藥品B2C業務。不過,拍拍網在去年與部分有資質的網上藥店嘗試性地合作了一把後,就沒了下文。近期的合作,顯示騰訊這台複製機打算另辟蹊徑,准備在醫療領域大幹一場。來自騰訊醫療官網的信息顯示,得益於好大夫在的支持,其目前可以幫用戶預約的醫院專家已經多達5935位,截至目前,通過其網上轉診平台成功就診的患者已經超過22萬人次。有分析人士則指,騰訊佈局醫療不排除有以下的考慮:其第一批忠實用戶,以80後居多,他們已經開始"奔三",對醫療的消費需求將隨年齡的增加而穩步提升。
攪動行業格局 在業內看來,好大夫在、中澳凱爾之所以被騰訊看好,原因很簡單,就是病人和醫生一直在用他們的品,他們的數據一直在更新。這對門外漢騰訊來說,無疑是進入醫療行業的最佳跳板。另一個被騰訊看中的,就是好大夫在在開發的醫療A pp。目前這一業務在中國剛剛興起,但從全球而言,近年來已經開始飛速地增長。市場研究公司Juniper R esearch此前發研究結果稱,到2016年,"移動醫療"(m Health)應用的全球下載量將達到1.42億次。當然,騰訊的介入,對於好大夫在和中澳凱爾各自的競爭者而言,則意味原本均衡的市場態勢被打破,新一輪劇烈的競爭將隨之來臨。"騰訊牽手好大夫在,已經讓春雨掌上醫生感到了巨大的壓力。"一位業內人士如是說。當然,對於選擇牽手騰訊的醫療交互平台而言,在收穫"流量"的同時,也隱含風險。擅於打造"滿漢全席"的企鵝帝國———騰訊,向來以"模仿"能力突出而聞名海內外。"模仿是最穩健的創新"就出自其一把手馬化騰之口。不過,目前與騰訊尚處在蜜月期的好大夫在則並不在乎這一外界的擔憂。好大夫在稱,他們不擔心騰訊模仿。因為,醫療非常特殊。專業性非常強,好大夫在60%~70%的員工都有醫療的背景,而騰訊不是。采寫:南都記者 馬建忠
发布时间:2012-7-30 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 2012年阿尔茨海默病协会主办的国际会议上,来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的研究人员报道,一种被称作epithilone D(EpoD)的tau抗体药物能够有效地在动物模型中防治阿尔茨海默病的发展,改善神经元功能和认知,同时降低tau病理特征。 通过靶向tau,这种抗体药物旨在让微管保持稳定,从而有助于促进必需营养物质和信息在细胞之间进行传输。当tau不起作用时,微管破裂,而且tau堆积而形成纤维缠结。宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院病理学与临床医学教授John Trojanowski博士说,"在动物模型中,这种药物通过矫正tau功能丧失从而让微管保持稳定和弥补因形成神经原纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangle)而造成的tau丢失,这就表明该药物有效地攻击靶标tau,同时还提示着调控阿尔茨海默病和其他基于tau 的神经退化疾病中的tau功能将可能成为一种重要的治疗选择。除了靶向淀粉样蛋白的药物---它们可能在晚期阿尔茨海默病中不能发挥作用---之外,我们希望这种药物和其他tau抗体药物能够在阿尔茨海默病患者体内进行测试以便确定让发生功能障碍的tau蛋白破坏的微管稳定化是否可能能够改变患者的临床结果和病理结果。" 在此之前,研究人员已证实这种药物能够阻止动物模型中的进一步神经损伤和改善认知。相关结果发表在Journal of Neuroscience期刊上[J Neurosci. 2010 Oct 13;30(41):13861-6.]。
成功模式?? 生寶 訊聯 不同 發展策略 靜待市場檢驗!!
生技「金童」章修綱 帶領生寶集團邁向國際市場2012/07/31■王慰祖/撰稿■ 由章修綱一手打造的生寶臍帶血集團,從10年前從臍帶血儲存起家,發展至今,成功跨入動物疫苗與人用疫苗,外界很好奇章修綱是如何辦到的。因為不論是臍帶血幹細胞儲存到現在成功研發動物用疫苗,以及正進入緊鑼密鼓研發階段的人用疫苗,創造的產值與市場潛力都相當驚人,更讓外界對於這位生技產業的「金童」充滿好奇。章修綱說,發展臍帶血幹細胞儲存與動物/人用疫苗,看似中間沒有關聯性,其實是息息相關、環環相扣。因為臍帶血保存的是造血幹細胞,從醫學上加以定義,造血幹細胞就是免疫系統的上游,中間的關聯性其實很大。章修綱日前在獲頒「2012年傑出生技產業潛力新秀獎」時,談到生寶集團的發展,他表示,2003年台灣爆發SARS疫情時,生寶思考如何將臍帶血幹細胞與傳染性疾病結合,研發突破性的關鍵產品,日後發展做為預防之用,之後走上研發融合蛋白疫苗開發之路。雖然後來SARS受到控制,針對SARS研發出來融合蛋白疫苗最後沒能派上用場,原本看似計畫告炊,但是章修綱仍然繼續加碼,將研發方向轉了個彎,朝子宮頸癌疫苗與動物用疫苗繼續發展。也因此,瑞寶基因公司將生寶累積多年幹細胞研發經驗,希望能解決免疫系統異常所產生的疾病,專注於動物疫苗的研發,才有今天成功研發全球第一支PRRS次單位疫苗的成果。章修綱說,他對於發展生技產業一直懷抱著很大的夢想,這幾年一頭鑽進陌生的生技領域,在外人看來是相當冒險的事。但就是憑藉著這股堅持,最終還是讓他殺出一條血路。他強調,其實生寶集團發展生技產業是有脈絡可循,除了有瑞安藥廠cGMP的高規格,加上長達20年的市場經驗,還有生寶過去10年在臍帶血儲存的GLP國際認證雙重基礎,才能成就今天生寶控股集團展現的豐碩成果。章修綱舉了一個例子,就是瑞安藥廠18年前在英國進行一項新藥臨床試驗,當時就遵循國際藥廠的模式與規範,不論是驗室或生產工廠均建立一套標準,還有建置自己的研發團隊,經過20年的「蹲馬步」,才能今天的成績展現。章修綱說,生寶集團有豐富的國際行銷能力,近幾年成功跨出台灣,陸續在香港、泰國、美國設立實驗室與營業據點,在當地成功塑造第一品牌的形象,以及極高的市占率。正因為多年來奠定穩固的基礎,未來將更有信心將PRRS次單位疫苗推向國際市場。談到布局國際市場的計畫,章修綱說,PRRSFREE疫苗的創新研發,未來發展潛力無限,尤其是幾家國際動物藥品大廠對瑞寶基因公司表達高度的興趣,他認為未來不管是瑞寶基因自行操盤國際市場,或是採取授權合作的方式,商機發展無限。他以目前中國大陸對於藍耳病疫苗用藥,其中市占率最大的國際動物用藥大廠銷售業績約兩億元人民幣來看,瑞寶基因PRRS次單位疫苗的業績將是該國際大廠的2到4倍,同理可證,未來發展其它外銷市場的成績勢必更為亮眼。章修綱說,除了已推出市場的PRRSFREE次單位疫苗,未來將繼續研發環狀病毒、萎縮性鼻炎、黴漿菌等衍生性疫苗產品,他也對於生寶控股集團未來的發展深具信心。
Silk Proteins in Vaccinations – Manufacture, Ship, Use. Hold The Ice!
by JANELLE CHANG on Jul 18, 2012 • 1:28 pmA large number of life-saving pharmaceuticals such as MMR, penicillin, and tetracycline rely on temperature control from the manufacturing site through utilization at the delivery location in order to maintain their effectiveness. In the developing world where storage facilities may be limited this is an obvious challenge, but even in industrialized nations, pharmaceuticals and/or drug/device combination products that require temperature regulation could also benefit from a room temperature cocoon.Researchers at Tufts University have demonstrated that silk protein (made from silkworm cocoons) can be used to stabilize some vaccines and antibiotics at temperatures above 43C for months and possibly multiple years. Additionally, this new method of vaccination preservation would aid in different storage methods such as microneedles and films.
Some details on the technology from the announcement: Protein function depends on chains of amino acids folding into specific shapes. At higher temperatures or in the presence of water, the chains tend to unfold, then clump together, which renders them inactive. Silk fibroin is composed of interlocked crystalline sheets with numerous tiny hydrophobic pockets. The pockets trap and immobilize bioactive biomolecules — keeping them from unfolding — and also protect them from moisture. The end result is like enveloping a fragile material in a nanoscale Bubble Wrap.Two examples: MMR and Tetracycline. Tuft's researches showed that 85% of the MMR vaccine could retain its potency after 6 months of storage in freeze-dried silk films between 37C and 45C. For Tetracycline, an antibiotic, no activity loss was recorded for samples stored in silk films at body temperature compared to 80% for samples stored in solution. Similarly, samples stored in silk films lost only 10% activity after two weeks when held at 60C compared to 100% for samples stored in solution.
國家轉譯研究中心 強化台灣 “優勢”!
2012臺北生技大師圓桌論壇 佈局亞太展望全球2012/07/30賴鴻政(三軍總醫院婦產科主任/國防醫學院婦產學科教授) ■劉美恩/記錄、毛洪霖/攝影■ 前言:「2012臺北生技大師圓桌論壇」26日舉行,今年探討國際生技市場新機與挑戰,探討布局全球及兩岸生醫市場的策略,提升生技業者實力。
從亞太看全球 掌握國際趨勢 江惠華(行政院科技會報執行秘書):這2年生技產業有不錯的表現,而政府部門的發展也有很大進步。現在由行科技會報辦公室制定生技產業發展政策和方向,由3個部門推動執行:(一)國科會指導超級育成中心,將學研單位產出的智慧成果產業化;(二)衛生署成立TFDA協助國內醫藥發展推動國際市場包含兩岸市場。(三)經濟部2個核心單位生技中心與工研院,從事轉譯及技轉。行政院也預計在2個月後,有新的推動生技產業修正方案出爐。
牛肉端出來 北市府展誠意 黃啟瑞(臺北市政府產業發展局局長):臺北市政府對於生技產業推動投入相當多資金,包括融資利息補貼最高到5,000萬元,補助生技產業研發費用,可申請100至300萬元。用地方面,北市預計106至108年落成的士林北投科學園區將有產業用地釋出,以及預計在102年在內湖科學園並規畫興建產創交流中心。此外,還有勞工薪資補貼及租金補貼。臺北市政府將牛肉端出來,協助推動生技產業。
資金需求大 產業應謀對策 張念原(中裕新藥執行長):新藥開發投資金額龐大,如果進入臨床3期沒有7,000、8, 000萬美元的資金根本是走不下去,不能只靠政府的協助。因此,產業必須自己尋求生存之道,找到資金。台灣推動生醫產業,有些可循電子產業發展模式,但新藥產業卻不適用,因資金需求太大。再者,法規嚴格出發點雖好,也不適用推動新藥產業。
尋國際合作 加快產品上市 John Cannings(PWC澳洲合夥人):生技業者不僅要尋求政府支持,也要設法尋求國際各方的資金或協助,因為單打獨鬥成本太高。現在許多大型製藥公司都與私人基金會或組織合作,甚至與其他藥廠合作,共同分享資源、資金,及基礎建設,透過合作不僅能加速進行1、2、3期的臨床實驗,並加快產品上市。
攜手中國廠商 打開海外市場 張祥漢(中化合成生技總經理):中化合成生技為API原料藥廠,現階段沒有在中國設廠,原因是法規還不明確,而且本身在大陸也無管理團隊。因此中化利用大陸低價原料優勢,與中國廠商合作做中間體,再運回台灣完成成品,透過台灣優異品管能力打開歐美日市場。此外,也可運用中國研發能量做前期開發,降低研發人力成本,又利於快速將產品上市。
生技研發東移 亞太市場興起 John Cannings(PWC澳洲合夥人):全球生技研發基地有東移的趨勢,許多新興亞洲國家開始投資生技研發,例如印度將投資2.7億美金成立國家生物資訊中心、韓國投入50億美元發展生技聚落、新加坡將投資28億元、馬來西亞近期投資也30億美元,而中國更打算在5年內投入3,000億美元在科學及技術產業上,而生技是重點項目。許多跨國製藥中心也成立亞洲研發中心,因此全球新藥發展,必須注意亞太的布局策略。
發展研發中心 新藥廠商契機 張念原(中裕新藥執行長):全球大藥廠為控制成本,策略開始在改變,將研發轉移到開發中國家。台灣目前學界豐富的研發能量及人力優勢,發展研發中心是產業的契機。也由於大藥廠策略的改變,與大藥廠合作交易模式及付款模式也在改變。另外,台灣新藥業者在找尋機會時,不見的只看國內的研發,國際大藥廠釋放的低價或免費的Out-licensing新藥,也可從中找到機會。
善用產業優勢 進行垂直整合 張祥漢(中化合成生技總經理):目前台灣原料藥產業優勢在於:人民守法的觀念較強,GMP水準高,歐、美、日客戶對台灣原料藥廠較為信任,加上靠近原料市場,且外銷拓展能力強等。在原料藥的開發策略上,可以思考與產、官、學、研共同研發,從客戶、技術、原料上分析什麼是利基產品,並且要與製藥廠垂直整合。
特色藥開發 注意風險均衡 陳正(健亞生技公司總經理):特色藥廠的「成功模式」,在於以具競爭力的產品或技術,建立風險均衡產品組合,並且針對特定族群、疾病、區域等利基市場開發。另外,要建立經驗豐富的專業團隊、健康的產品及財務規畫,並且強調開發時程及策略,積極尋求合作與聯盟,以期早日進市場,創造利潤。
投資中國市場 諮詢專業建議 曾惠瑾(資誠聯合會計師事務所副所長):全球生技醫療企業競相爭逐中國市場,中國企業也不例外。中國生技醫療企業,有銷售通路、生產成本的優勢;外國生技醫療企業,具有品牌、資金優勢;台灣企業則有創新、管理、文化優勢。台灣的企業若透過參股/併購、技術授權、產品代理等,進入中國生技醫療市場,對合作廠商財務、法規、投資架構等都應諮詢會計師、律師專業建議。
加快臨床效率 強化轉譯實證 梁啟銘(中研院公共事務組主任):台灣生技新藥的產業發展策略應可善用學研界在分子基因、生化免疫檢測的發現,配合在我國的「主場優勢」來加快臨床試驗的效率。並且,加速轉譯醫學研院,聘僱有多年成功臨床前及臨床測試新開發經驗專家,主持籌備國家轉譯研究中心,協助開發新藥,並培育相關人才。
產學合作技轉 專利布局趁早 賴鴻政(三軍總醫院婦產科主任/國防醫學院婦產學科教授):本實驗室2006年起建立開發未知甲基化基因技術,以婦科癌症為標的,發展子宮頸癌新一代的分子篩檢方式。在208年產出第一批基因並申請專利。2009年與日本醫事管理顧問公司進行產學合作計畫,並於產學合作執行同時完成技轉程序,並由產業於全球市場進行產品行銷及專利布局。(臺北市政府產業發展局廣告)
治療癌症絕對需內外多面向改變與調整 !!
癌症治療朝新的方向發展2012/07/30臨床醫師郭建廷將在27日生技展中發表專題演講。郭建廷/提供 【台北訊】從近幾年全球的醫學研究來,對於癌症的治療,朝基因醫學的研究愈來愈多。過去,很多的癌症治療死亡率都很高,因此全球醫學都希望能尋找更有效的癌症治療方式,最後研究發現癌症其實是基因的突變,但傳統的治療方法,手術並不能夠改變基因的問題,而且有時候癌症是幾十個基因病變的問題,之後的標靶療法,卻只有單一基因的處理,仍無法完全解決問題。因此,現在全球醫學談到解決癌症的方向都朝解決基因根本問題的方向發展。 此次2012年生物科技大展中,也請到國內癌症臨床醫師郭建廷發表專題演講,針對全球癌症療法新的發展方向。郭建廷表示,癌症並不是開刀就可以解決問題,因為癌症的原因是基因的突變,要解決基因的問題,將基因控制好,癌症才會好,而且同時也能夠解決很多癌症開刀後的復發和轉移的問題。
幹細胞複製治罕病 郭建廷指出,去年的諾貝爾醫學獎探討抗原呈現、抗原辦識、PRR模式識別受體及PAMP病原相關分子模式,討論先天性免疫反應,和後天性免疫反應,而身體上的癌症經由樹突細胞裂解其蛋白質,讓癌症的抗原呈現出來,使T細胞辨識殺掉癌細胞,其中讓T細胞產生的抗原辨識作用是經由樹突細胞的抗原呈現作用。一般來講,抗原呈現的細胞都是不成熟的,透過一些多醣體食物的補充,才可以讓抗原呈現出來,使樹突細胞成熟。郭建廷表示,幹細胞醫學研究最早的發展是從試管嬰兒開始發展而來,試管嬰兒是用胚胎幹細胞形成一個個體。但如果人類生病,所需的是裡面的基因零組件,不需要形成一個個體,因此全球醫學也在探討成年人幹細胞的研究提供編碼基因零件所形成的蛋白質,和非編碼基因的核醣核甘酸做調控使用。郭建廷表示,成年人幹細胞因為出生之後,人體上還有,因此現代醫學想辦法讓人類體內的成年人幹細胞大量複製,大量複製可以修復的零組件就大量增加。這將改變人類的醫學的新方式,未來很多疾病都可以用此概念發展治療,因為很多的疾病都是基因缺陷造成,甚至未來很多罕見疾病都可以用這種複製成年人幹細胞的概念方法去治療。設法增加成年人幹細胞,如造血幹細胞,從增加造血幹細胞,增加抗原呈現。
一. 增加成年人幹細胞數量、增加正常編碼基因所製造的蛋白質含量及非編碼基因所製造的微RNA和小RNA含量。一個生命體的形成,是由一個單一受精卵細胞形成一個生命體,因此蛋白質的製造組織的形成與發育,都仰賴於該受精卵蛋白質的基因軟體,而疾病的發生就是基因軟體的調控出問題,或是缺損一般編碼基因是屬於零組件(蛋白質)的供應,基因外的調控就是屬於轉譯後的修飾作用,也就是基因表觀學,而衰老會使得其喪失功能,造成一些退化性的疾病,因此提供重灌正確的基因軟體及恢復正確的基因調控開關,必須了解幹細胞如何形成與運作的過程形成正確的組織與器官因此增加幹細胞運用其多功能性以行分化和自我更新-複製的能力,使細胞恢復其正常功能與運作,疾病才得以治癒。所以幹細胞數量的多少決定了疾病是否能治癒,國內在幹細胞數量與標記的檢查技術還尚未發展成熟,在未來仍有待加強,在調控基因內的非編碼基因(小RNA調控、和微RNA調控)的研究與DNA外的轉譯後修飾(基因表觀學),國內小RNA調控方面研究不多,另外(基因表觀學)的研究則有國科會進行大量的研究,但在臨床醫師極少運用此研究結果來治療病患,因此如何善用國科會的研究結果,來達到治療病人的目的,是傳統醫學目前必須克服的問題。
二. 增加粒腺體內的KREB CYCLE活性使ATP含量增加使幹細胞內編碼基因和非編碼基因轉錄作用和轉錄與修飾作用加強。
三. 利用1999年諾貝爾醫學獎蛋白質輸送理論,使幹細胞在基因轉錄後的蛋白質,加上訊號胜月太依造細胞內的郵遞區號,傳送蛋白質的補充才能達到類似電腦中毒後重灌軟體獲得新生之功效。20世紀的最後一次的的諾貝爾醫學獎(1999年蛋白質輸送理論),用蛋白質輸送的觀念來詮釋編碼基因表達的輸送理論。郭建廷說這種療法從國內外臨床醫學文獻上,對於口腔癌、腦神經病變、腦癌、乳癌、前列腺癌、肺癌、胃肺癌、大腸癌、淋巴癌等都有治癌成功的案列,病癒後都還存活很久,但如果癌細胞太大,仍必須與傳統開刀治療併用。他總結,現在,全世界對抗癌症,逐漸朝同一個方向發展,不再單純只依造傳統手術、化療等治療方式,有些可能朝向合併治療,方可提高存活率與治癒率,減少轉移和再發。
(發布日期2012-07-30) 針對報載質疑食品安全協議執行成效乙事,衛生署說明如下:海峽兩岸食品安全協議於97年11月4日簽署,此協議之目的在於建立兩岸食品安全預警制度及重大食品安全事件處理機制,以落實「反黑心、嚴把關、有保障」的食品安全管理目標,以維護兩岸人民的健康權益。 海峽兩岸食品安全協議執行至今,雙方已設立緊急通報窗口,並確實依「海峽兩岸食品安全快速通報系統」,即時相互通報涉及兩岸貿易的食品安全訊息如邊境查獲不合格食品資訊、民眾高度關切議題及其他高風險產品與兩岸食品中毒事件資訊等,以利雙方就相關事件預做因應及處理,並有效將問題產品阻擋於境外。 兩岸食品安全業務主管機關每年定期舉行專家會議,就雙方關切之食品安全法規制度、檢驗技術及進出口監管措施等議題進行業務交流,至今達成多項具體共識,包括在塑化劑期間,除透過雙方主管機關之合作追溯不合格產品流向外,更協助廠商解決輸陸食品之通關障礙;及解決臺灣輸大陸食品之原產地標示問題。除此,共同辦理「兩岸食品安全法規研討會」等7場,協助生產業者與食品廠商瞭解兩岸食品安全規範之差異性,強化兩岸食品安全管理與兩岸食品貿易往來。 有關臺灣三聚氰胺受害廠商面對面溝通求償事宜,衛生署與陸委會本於協議機制,仍持續積極協助及安排臺灣三聚氰胺受害廠商面對面溝通事宜,如台灣東碱公司與陸方山東都慶公司已進入實質面對面協商,惟雙方廠商並無共識;及101年5月也順利協助安排臺灣金車公司赴中國大陸山東「實地瞭解都慶公司破產等事宜」。
Making New Corneas from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by GENE OSTROVSKY
on Jul 3, 2012 • 12:14 pm Slit lamp image of the cornea, iris and lens. (Wikimedia Commons) Scientists at International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO) of Carlsbad, California have been working on generating human corneal tissue for transplantation and research purposes from parthenogenetic stem cells. To that end, they just announced a big step in that direction by developing a method to produce corneal endothelium-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells.
From ISCO: This work represents a significant step towards the creation of complete cornea tissue that can be used for transplantation and supports prior data showing indications of corneal endothelium generated by ISCO's collaborators at Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital, India. Such cells by themselves may potentially promote wound healing and regeneration of the cornea and therefore could be used as a standalone medical treatment.Development and commercialization of ISCO's stem cell-derived cornea tissue along with manufacturing of Lifeline Cell Technology's media and cellular products are the foundation for our expansion to the Asian markets and for clinical collaboration with Indian biomedical organizations including Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital and All-India Institute for Medical Sciences.
Milk thistle extract doesn't ease liver infection
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 By Genevra PittmanNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A popular but unproven alternative therapy for liver disease may not offer any relief for those with chronic hepatitis C infection, a new study suggests.Extract from milk thistle known as silymarin is sold over-the-counter as supplements, and research has suggested as many as one-third of people with hepatitis C, a virus that causes liver swelling, have tried it.But in the new study, the extract was no better than a drug-free placebo at easing signs of the disease among people who hadn't responded to traditional remedies, such as peginterferon and ribavirin."Taking (silymarin) would be unlikely to have any benefit for them," said Dr. Michael Fried, the lead researcher on the new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."Focusing on keeping a healthy lifestyle to try to minimize liver damage - that's probably more important than taking these supplements," Fried told Reuters Health.
NO 'REAL RATIONALE' FOR USEIn his new study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, 154 people with chronic hepatitis C who hadn't gotten any better taking standard prescription drugs were randomly assigned to down one of two doses of silymarin or a placebo, three times a day for almost half a year.Both doses of silymarin - 420 milligrams and 700 milligrams - were higher than the traditional amount in most supplements.At the beginning and end of the study period, the researchers measured levels of liver enzymes in the patients' blood, which reflect how well the liver is working.And after 24 weeks of treatment, only six people - two in each silymarin group and two in the placebo group - saw their enzyme levels return to normal or at least drop enough to suggest significant improvement, according to findings published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.That finding "certainly does not provide any real rationale or reason for patients with chronic hepatitis C to use milk thistle or silymarin in hopes of having a beneficial effect," said Dr. Herbert Bonkovsky, head of research at the Liver-Biliary-Pancreatic Center at Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte, North Carolina.Chronic hepatitis C infection can eventually lead to liver scarring or cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 3.2 million Americans have the disease, although most don't know it because they often don't have symptoms.Bonkovsky said it may be that doses of silymarin, an antioxidant, are just too low when the extract is taken orally. Preliminary research, he noted, suggests daily intravenous versions may be a better - though less convenient - option.In the United States, silymarin supplements can be bought at pharmacies or over the internet without a prescription. They sell for about $15 per month for a dose similar to the lower level used in the study.The supplements tested by Fried and his colleagues were donated by Rottapharm Madaus, which markets silymarin in Europe and Asia, and some of the researchers have received grants from that and other pharmaceutical companies.
LACK OF REGULATIONThe supplements were not tied to any side effects in the new study, and Bonkovsky said milk thistle seems to be safe. But he still cautioned that because dietary supplements "are not really regulated in any meaningful way," it's hard for patients to know exactly what they're buying.Besides silymarin, another alternative for people with liver disease who also have high iron levels is iron-reduction therapy to prevent liver scarring, according to Bonkovsky, who wasn't involved in the new research.Fried said the focus for people who don't respond to traditional liver drugs should be on improving their lifestyle."Avoiding things like alcohol and maintaining your ideal body weight will go a long way toward maintaining liver health in people with hepatitis C," Fried said.In addition, he added, "It's important to stress that there are a lot of advances in hepatitis C (treatment) for people who previously didn't respond to interferon-based medication."SOURCE: Journal of the American Medical Association, online July 17, 2012.Reuters Health
Need to Get Walking More? Clip on a Pedometer
Tuesday, July 24, 2012TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) -- Many people say they want to get out and walk or exercise more, but following through is another matter. Now, a study suggests that simply wearing a pedometer can help boost walking rates.The study of more than 300 New Zealand seniors found that weekly walking times nearly doubled when they wore the devices."Use of pedometers, as a mechanism to monitor physical activity, was beneficial to older adults as they improved their levels of activity," said study lead author Gregory Kolt, head of the School of Science and Health at the University of Western Sydney in Penrith, Australia."Pedometers allowed users to check their progress throughout the day against activity goals they had set for themselves," Kolt said.The study, published in a recent issue of the Annals of Family Medicine, tracked walking rates for over a year among 330 relatively non-active people aged 65 or older.At the time of the study's launch in 2006, all of the participants were deemed healthy enough to engage in physical activity, including walking, but most admitted they got little regular exercise.Participants were randomly separated into two groups: one group received pedometers to track their step-by-step movements, and the other group did not.All were then asked to follow New Zealand's so-called "Green Prescription" for physical activity -- a government-funded initiative aimed at getting people to engage in 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day.Participants were encouraged by both a doctor and in regular telephone counseling sessions to get active via leisure-time walking.Over the course of a year, both groups of seniors boosted their activity levels significantly, the researchers found. However, those who had been given pedometers increased their average weekly walking time by almost twice as much as those who didn't have pedometers -- about 50 minutes per week for pedometer-wearers versus 28 minutes for those without the devices.While neither group saw any change in their weight (as measured by body mass index or BMI), both groups did experience significant improvements in blood pressure, the researchers noted.How did pedometers work to boost walking rates? According to Kolt, wearing the device apparently "allows users to see how much physical activity they are accumulating through their general daily routines," upping the odds they'll stick with the program.Pedometers' cheap price tag may also make them an ideal component of public health efforts aimed at boosting exercise habits, said Kolt, who is also affiliated with the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.One expert in the United States agreed. David Bassett Jr. is co-director of the Obesity Research Center and a professor of health and exercise science in the department of kinesiology, recreation, and sport studies at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He said the New Zealand research is "consistent" with prior studies."In general, researchers have found that pedometer-based exercise prescriptions elicit greater changes in walking than equivalent time-based exercise prescriptions," he said. "The study shows that pedometers can be used in a minimal contact, cost-effective manner within health care systems, to encourage healthy lifestyles."SOURCES: Gregory S. Kolt, Ph.D., head of the School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Penrith, Australia and Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; David Bassett Jr., Ph.D., professor, health and exercise science, department of kinesiology, recreation, and sport studies, and co-director, Obesity Research Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.; May/June 2012, Annals of Family MedicineHealthDay
Pre-hospital EKG worthwhile for chest pain: study
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 By Frederik JoelvingNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Having paramedics do field EKGs in patients with chest pain instead of waiting until they get to the hospital hasn't caused undue delays in San Diego, California, researchers said Wednesday.In fact, patients whose EKGs showed they'd had a serious heart attack were brought in faster after the city equipped its ambulances and fire trucks with machines to do the test.Pre-hospital EKGs are recommended by medical groups because they cut the time it takes hospitals to get heart attack patients the care they need, with every minute saving heart tissue.But some researchers had feared that doing the tests in the field would slow down the paramedics instead, producing no or little net benefit."This study shows that out in the real world those concerns were not true," said Dr. Umesh Khot, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, who wrote an editorial about the findings.The City of San Diego began training paramedics in doing EKGs, or electrocardiograms, after it received a donation of half a million dollars from a heart attack patient.Until the end of 2005, San Diego emergency medical services had been taking people with chest pain to a hospital of their choice. But since the pre-hospital EKGs were rolled out, patients who test indicated a massive heart attack, called STEMI, have been directed to the nearest hospital that can care for them.The new study, led by Dr. Ehtisham Mahmud of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), used data from nearly 22,000 patients evaluated for chest pain before and after the new system was put in place.On average, paramedics spent only 18 seconds more on the scene after they started doing field EKGs, and the transportation time rose by just 12 seconds.By comparison, the advance notice saves about 15 to 20 minutes once patients get to the hospital, said Mahmud, whose study appears in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.And with the new system, it took considerably less time for STEMI patients, who have completely blocked heart arteries, to reach the hospital."The paramedics are getting those patients to the hospital even faster than the rest," Mahmud told Reuters Health. "They were shaving off about three minutes."He added that for every additional 15 minutes a heart attack patient goes without treatment, one in 100 will die - so although three minutes isn't a lot, it could still be meaningful, according to Mahmud.Pre-hospital EKGs have now been rolled out across San Diego County, and the Cleveland Clinic's Khot said most other places in the U.S. have adopted it as well.Mahmud said death rates from heart attacks have dropped from between six and seven percent to less than four percent at UCSD over recent years, although it's hard to pinpoint the exact reasons. While medical treatments have been refined, he ventured, "this is more a system-of-care thing."Khot praised the study for looking at the whole picture instead of just focusing on the faster treatment once patients reach the hospital."This is part of making sure there are no untoward effects" of the new system, he said.SOURCE: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, online July 25, 2012.
Yoga may help stroke survivors improve balance
July 26, 2012 EMBARGOED UNTIL 3PM CT/4PM ET, Thursday, July 26, 2012 DALLAS, July 26, 2012 — Group yoga can improve balance in stroke survivors who no longer receive rehabilitative care, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke. In a small pilot study, researchers tested the potential benefits of yoga among chronic stroke survivors — those whose stroke occurred more than six months earlier. "For people with chronic stroke, something like yoga in a group environment is cost effective and appears to improve motor function and balance," said Arlene Schmid, Ph.D., O.T.R., lead researcher and a rehabilitation research scientist at Roudebush Veterans Administration-Medical Center and Indiana University, Department of Occupational Therapy in Indianapolis, Ind. The study's 47 participants, about three-quarters of them male veterans, were divided into three groups: twice-weekly group yoga for eight weeks; a "yoga-plus" group, which met twice weekly and had a relaxation recording to use at least three times a week; and a usual medical care group that did no rehabilitation. The yoga classes, taught by a registered yoga therapist, included modified yoga postures, relaxation, and meditation. Classes grew more challenging each week. Compared with patients in the usual-care group, those who completed yoga or yoga-plus significantly improved their balance. Balance problems frequently last long after a person suffers a stroke, and are related to greater disabilityand a higher risk of falls, researchers said. Furthermore, survivors in the yoga groups had improved scores for independence and quality of life and were less afraid of falling. "For chronic stroke patients, even if they remain disabled, natural recovery and acute rehabilitation therapy typically ends after six months, or maybe a year," said Schmid, who is also an assistant professor of occupational therapy at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis and an investigator at the Regenstrief Institute. Improvements after the six-month window can take longer to occur, she said, "but we know for a fact that the brain still can change. The problem is the healthcare system is not necessarily willing to pay for that change. The study demonstrated that with some assistance, even chronic stroke patients with significant paralysis on one side can manage to do modified yoga poses." The oldest patient in the study was in his 90s. All participants had to be able to stand on their own at the study's outset. Yoga may be more therapeutic than traditional exercise because the combination of postures, breathing and meditation may produce different effects than simple exercise, researchers said. "However, stroke patients looking for such help might have a hard time finding qualified yoga therapists to work with," Schmid said. "Some occupational and physical therapists are integrating yoga into their practice, even though there's scant evidence at this point to support its effectiveness." Researchers can draw only limited conclusions from the study because of its small number of participants and lack of diversity. The study also didn't have enough participants to uncover differences between the yoga and control groups. The scientists hope to conduct a larger study soon. Researchers also noticed improvements in the mindset of patients about their disability. The participants talked about walking through a grocery store instead of using an assistive scooter, being able to take a shower and feeling inspired to visit friends. "It has to do with the confidence of being more mobile," Schmid said. Although they took time to unfold, "these were very meaningful changes in life for people." Co-authors are Marieke Van Puymbroeck, Ph.D., C.T.R.S.; Peter A. Altenburger, Ph.D., P.T.; Nancy L. Schalk, R.Y.T.; Tracy A. Dierks, Ph.D; Kristine K. Miller, P.T.; Teresa M. Damush, Ph.D.; Dawn M. Bravata, M.D.; and Linda S. Williams, M.D. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.
Samsung unveils mhealth app to take its first steps into the growing marketplace
Written by:Chris TaylorWritten on:July 4, 2012New S Health application available on its newest smartphone model. The mhealth industry is drawing an increasing number of major players and Samsung has no intentions of being left out of the millions of dollars it could take from this massive industry segment.The S Health app has now been released and is available for the Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.This application works by collecting various different types of information about its user so that it can help that individual to build and maintain a healthier way of living. Moreover, it doesn't just work on its own, but is also compatible with other sensor devices, such as blood pressure and blood glucose monitors, and even some types of scales, using USB or Bluetooth to transmit and receive the data.The S Health mhealth app is designed to go above and beyond acting as a warning system.It uses its ability to gain data from the user in order to provide various formats of helpful mhealth information in formats that are easy to understand, such as in tables and graphs, so that the user can better understand his or her habits and trends, and track changes that occur over a length of time. These can include everything from blood sugar levels to weight or blood pressures.This is only Samsung's first move into the mhealth sector, which is expected to grow very rapidly.In fact, the Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), a mobile operators' group that is dedicated to deployment, standardization, and promotion of mobile systems, has predicted that it will be one of the fastest growing sectors of that marketplace. It has forecasted that by 2017, the mhealth marketplace will be worth 2017. By the end of 2012, there will already have been approximately 44 million app downloads of this nature.The S Health app can help an individual to better design a healthy nutritious diet that will help with weight loss, gain, or maintenance, and can show an individual how much he or she exercises in relation to how much he or she should be exercising.This mhealth app will soon be available in the United States as well as five European countries, though it has already had its initial release in its home country of South Korea.
AFrame Digital receives a second CRCF award for mHealth innovation
July 30, 2012 AFrame Digital, Inc., a provider of wireless mobile monitoring solutions supporting the safety, independence and health of patients and residents in hospital, long term care, senior living, and home settings, received its second CRCF award from the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology (CIT). CRCF awards recognize Virginia-based researchers like AFrame Digital who develop innovations with commercial promise in alignment with Virginia's Research and Technology (R&T) Strategic Roadmap.AFrame Digital will use the award to expand the scope of a telemonitoring study it is leading with health care providers and researchers from Commonwealth Care of Roanoke, Florida State University (FSU), George Mason University (GMU) and Washington D.C.'s Healthcare for the Homebound. The team is conducting the research under a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Aging, "Non-Intrusive Automated Portable Data Collection System for Aging Surveys" (Award Number R44 AG29196-02)."As the U.S. population aged 65- years and older increases, it will become extremely important for telemonitoring solutions to integrate not only clinical factors such as physiological data but also other important aspects of wellness – including activity levels, sleep patterns, and behavior patterns – into analytical models that trend and alert on changes in health status," explains Amy Papadopoulos, DSc, the Principal Investigator for the project and Senior Researcher at AFrame Digital. "The CRCF award allows us to expand the behavioral parameters that we can examine during the NIH study in order to determine and maintain wellness.""AFrame Digital is very appreciative of the Commonwealth of Virginia's recognition of our efforts to develop and commercialize cost-effective, easy-to-use mHealth innovations that improve clinical outcomes and quality of life for our citizens," said Cindy Crump, AFrame Digital Founder, President, and CEO. "As the state of the art advances, we continue to lead by example, building systems that provide comprehensive, real-time, actionable data that caregivers need to help individuals stay healthy and achieve greater independence,
About AFrame Digital, Inc.AFrame Digital is a provider of wireless- and mobile-based monitoring solutions that support the safety and health of patients and residents in hospital, long term care, senior living and home settings. Its industry-leading MobileCare Monitor™ system provides continuous monitoring of seniors, patients managing chronic conditions and other at-risk individuals as they go about their daily activities, with real-time fall detection and proactive, exceptions-based status reports and alerts based on personalized wellness profiles to help caregivers quickly attend to or avert crises. AFrame Digital is the recipient of multiple industry awards, including the Cellular Technology Industry Association's Emerging Technology Award for Health and Wellness Solutions (Enterprise Class), the Northern Virginia Technology Council's Destination Innovation Award for Small Business and the Virginia Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund.
About the CRCF and R&T RoadmapThe Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund advances science- and technology-based research, development, and commercialization to drive economic growth in Virginia and to encourage collaboration among its institutions of higher education and partnerships between these colleges and universities and business and industry.The Commonwealth Research and Technology Strategic Roadmap is a comprehensive planning tool that the Commonwealth will use to identify research areas worthy of economic development and institutional focus. It provides elected and other officials with priorities in key industry sectors that have commercial promise and that will be eligible for new CRCF awards.
About the Center for Innovative Technology, CIT is the state-chartered nonprofit corporation that conducts the business of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority (IEIA) and accelerates innovation and the next generation of technology and technology companies. CIT creates new technology companies through capital formation, market development, and revenue generation services. To facilitate national innovation leadership and accelerate the rate of technology adoption, CIT creates partnerships between innovative technology start-up companies and advanced technology consumers.
健保支出 牙齒疾病(350億)大於慢性腎臟病(320億) !!
健保牙疾病支出 去年花350億元【聯合報╱記者張嘉芳/即時報導】 2012.07.28 01:20 am健保局公布99及100年的醫療服務利用情形,若以健保支付費用排名,去年蛀牙、補牙、拔牙及牙周病等牙齒相關疾病350億元,慢性腎臟病花掉320億元,急性上呼吸道感染約220億元。健保局醫務管理組組長蔡淑鈴說,牙齒相關疾病花費主要是全民會就醫,隨著人口老化,日後牙齒疾病支出費用還會增加。【2012/07/28 聯合報】
刮痧有 暈針現象 應立即停止
注意刮痧禁忌 避免傷身 自由時報-2012年07月29日 上午05:00 〔自由時報記者謝佳君/新北報導〕針對刮痧去暑,恩主公醫院中醫內科主治醫生楊登凱表示,刮痧主要適應症為中暑或因熱毒性引發的疾患等症狀,不過,刮痧也有禁忌,如肝功能不正常、空腹、孕婦、生理期等情形,不宜進行刮痧,此外,若有出現「暈針現象」應立即停止並休息。恩主公醫院中醫內科主治醫師楊登凱則表示,刮痧主要適應症為中暑或因熱毒性引發的疾患等,但刮痧也有幾個禁忌,包括有出血傾向、皮膚傳染病、及空腹、疲倦、孕婦、女性生理期來等情形,較不適宜進行刮痧,否則不僅未消暑,反而傷身體。楊登凱說,由於刮痧可能會出血,有出血傾向患者,包括有服用抗凝血劑、血小板問題及肝功能不正常者,皆應特別留意;皮膚病患者則可能透過刮痧傳播病菌。另外,刮痧也可能會有「暈針現象」,容易緊張、敏感的人較易發生,因此,一旦出現臉色蒼白、冒冷汗、噁心想吐等症狀,就應停止並休息。
来源:凤凰网发表时间:2012-07-26 14:09 中医认为,刮上肢可防治多种病症。需注意的是刮上肢时,关节损伤不宜刮痧。这是因为上肢肌肉相对于其他部位少,刮拭时应避开手部的骨骼暴露处,手法宜轻柔,不可过力。另外,上肢肘、腕关节急性创伤、挫伤时,不可进受伤部进行刮拭。
刮上肢防治病症多 刮拭后患者会自感上肢放松,轻松自如。另外,如刮拭上肢内侧前部的手太阴肺经循行部位可防治咳嗽、哮喘等呼吸系统病症。如刮拭上肢内侧中、后部的手厥阴心包经、手少阴心经循行部位可防治心痛、胸闷、心烦、癫狂等心血管系统病症。如刮拭上肢外侧前部的手阳明大肠经循行部位可防治腹痛、肠鸣、泄泻、便秘等病症;如刮拭上肢外侧中部的手少阳三焦经循行部位可防治腹胀、水肿、遗尿、小便不利、耳鸣、耳聋、咽喉肿痛、目赤肿痛等病症;如刮拭上肢外侧后部的手太阳小肠经循行部位可防治少腹、腰脊痛引睾丸,耳聋、目黄、咽喉肿痛等病症。
刮上肢可少许出痧 患者躺在床上,取仰卧位,刮者站或坐其一侧。患者需暴露待刮拭皮肤,刮者先涂沫刮痧润肤油或润肤乳。刮上肢内侧5~10次。刮者以刮痧板薄边为着力点,用补法或平补平泻法刮拭上肢内侧部,从上向下经手三阴经即手太阴肺经、手厥阴心包经、手少阴心经。刮拭时从肩部内侧开始向下至腕横纹处,在肘横纹处可做停留或以肘横纹处为中点,先从肩部内侧刮到肘横纹处,再从肘横纹处刮到腕横纹处。重点刮拭肘横纹处的尺泽、曲泽、少海穴及内关穴。手法宜刚柔相济,可让其少许出痧。 刮上肢外侧5~10次。刮者以刮痧板薄边为着力点,用补法或平补平泻法刮拭上肢外侧部,从上向下经过手三阳经即手阳明大肠经、手少阳三焦经、手太阳小肠经。刮拭时从肩部外侧部(肩髃、肩髎、肩贞)开始到肘尖、天井和曲池一带;再从曲池开始,从上向下刮至臂外侧桡腕关节处。手法宜刚柔相济,可让其少许出痧。点按曲池等穴1~2分钟。刮者以刮痧板厚边棱角边侧或面侧为着力点,点按手三里、曲池、合谷、内关1~2分钟。点按时力度应从轻渐渐加重,至受术者自感局部有酸、麻、胀、痛感为度,并停留10秒左右,提起再点按。刮拭手部1~2分钟。刮者以刮痧板厚边或棱角之间凹陷处为着力点,对手掌面、手背面及手指刮拭。友霖更換簽證會計師
友霖(4166) 公告本公司因會計師事務所內部調整,更換簽證會計師 發言時間 101/07/0418:17:06發言人 楊正梅 發言人職稱 工廠營運處副總經理 發言人電話 (02)2325-7621主旨 : 公告本公司因會計師事務所內部調整,更換簽證會計師符合條款第7款事實發生日101/07/04說明1.董事會通過日期(事實發生日):101/07/042.舊會計師事務所名稱:勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所3.舊任簽證會計師姓名1:吳怡君4.舊任簽證會計師姓名2:張日炎5.新會計師事務所名稱:勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所6.新任簽證會計師姓名1:吳怡君7.新任簽證會計師姓名2:郭政弘8.變更會計師之原因:配合會計師事務所內部調整9.說明係由公司主動終止委任或不再繼續委任或前任會計師主動終止委任或不再繼續接受委任:不適用10.公司通知或接獲通知終止之日期:101/06/1911.最近二年度已申報或即將編製之財務報告是否曾經會計師調整或提出內部控制重大改進事項之建議:否12.公司對上開調整或建議事項有無不同意見(若有不同意見,請詳細說明每一事項之性質、公司原處理方法與最後處理結果暨繼任會計師對各該事項之書面意見):無13.公司正式委任繼任會計師前,是否曾就上開前任會計師所做調整及建議事項之處理及其對財務報表可能簽發之意見,諮詢該會計師(若有,請輸入詢問事項及結果):否14.說明是否授權前任會計師對繼任會計師所提合理之詢問(包括上開所述不同意見之情事)充分回答:否15.其他應敘明事項:無以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.
2012年07月24日 19:38來源:科學網-kexue.com探索幹細胞臨床應用猶如開啟潘多拉魔盒,雖然福禍未知,好奇心還是驅使人們充滿遐想和期待。近年來,幹細胞移植技術十分盛行,據傳幹細胞美容可以讓人"返老還童"。 據美容機構介紹,幹細胞美容可達到除皺、美白、祛疤等神奇效果。那麼,幹細胞究竟是何方神聖,到底能否幫人們實現青春不老的美麗夙願呢?
幹細胞與人體衰老之謎 幹細胞是具有自我更新和多向分化潛能的原始細胞群體,是形成各種組織器官的起源細胞。蜥蜴的尾巴被切斷後可以重新長出,就是由於體內保留著一些非常原始的幹細胞在發揮作用。"幹",譯自英文"Stem",意為"樹榦"和"起源",類似于一根樹榦可以長出樹杈、樹葉、開花並結果等。幹細胞具有三方面迷人的特徵:首先,幹細胞恰似睡美人,一般情況下95%以上的幹細胞沒有活性,而當組織受到損失時,這些幹細胞便甦醒過來開始增殖。第二,幹細胞非常聰明,像天空中的小鳥知道如何歸巢,能夠自行向目標組織遷移。第三,幹細胞非常能幹,一旦身體需要,這些幹細胞可按照發育途徑分化出不同的功能細胞。 人可以活到100歲或更長,而單個體細胞往往沒有那麼長的壽命,例如,上皮細胞每27~28天更換一次,腸黏膜細胞每2~3天就要換一次。機體成熟體細胞會因衰老或受傷死亡,這些幹細胞隨時生產它們的替代品來維持各種的細胞更新和組織修復。在理想的情況下,這些幹細胞可以維持我們一生的需要。可惜的是,隨著年齡的增長,人體中的幹細胞族群增殖和分化的能力會嚴重減弱,新生的細胞補充不足,衰老細胞不能及時被替代,全身各系統功能下降,讓人一天天老去。 從這個角度看,通過某種方式干預和恢復幹細胞的活力就有望修復組織功能,達到延緩衰老的效果。近年來科學界在幹細胞研究上取得的突破性進展使細胞治療疾病正在成為可能。
危險的幹細胞美容 所謂的幹細胞美容術,一般都是直接注射所謂的幹細胞美容針,而根據目前的醫學水準,幹細胞研究主要用於治療血液病等疾病,還沒有到美容這個層次。而且,目前幹細胞研究更多是在實驗室的研究階段,在我國還沒有一種幹細胞產品真正推向了市場,利用幹細胞進行美容完全是一種概念炒作。 首先,只有活的幹細胞才有作用,幹細胞必須養在培養液中,或超低溫冷凍保存才會有活性,普通條件下放置的幹細胞原液或凍乾粉製劑很快就成了死細胞,不再有幹細胞的特性。其次,即使這些製劑中真的有活的幹細胞,那麼把幹細胞注射到體內,體內的免疫系統將會攻擊這些外來的異物,產生有害身體的排異、過敏反應。直接注射早期的胚胎幹細胞很容易發生癌變,並且在這些細胞發育成熟後會變成體內的"定時炸彈",不知幾年後會爆發,攻擊受者的組織器官。第三,幹細胞組織來源多樣,供者遺傳背景複雜,體外分離、培養等過程漫長,很容易引起幹細胞的遺傳特徵和生物學行為改變,從而帶來免疫毒性和致瘤風險,而且還會帶來多種外來物質,甚至污染病毒等病原體。在缺乏有效的控制手段的情況下幹細胞應用的安全性和有效性無法實現,在非專業機構進行的幹細胞移植是極不科學,也是極其危險的。 幹細胞技術無疑將為改善人類健康水準、提高生活品質帶來嶄新的變革,但無論是消費者還是開發人員都應該對這項新技術的應用保持必要的謹慎和耐心,不可急功近利。相信在科學的指導下規範、有序地開展研究,幹細胞技術在不久的將來終將走入我們的生活。(來源:中國科學報,作者:張磊,係細胞產品國家工程研究中心副主任)
慈濟發起驗血 幹細胞助病患【聯合報╱記者黃宣翰/台南報導】 2012.07.30 02:46 am慈濟基金會昨在安南區海東國小舉行造血幹細胞驗血活動,38歲市民李秋雯感念父親生病時,有慈濟志工善心陪伴,他捐血建檔,感恩響應。李秋雯表示,她父親生病住院,住院期間受到慈濟志工和醫護人員妥善照顧,她滿心感謝,因此意願捐血建檔,如有機會願捐贈造血幹細胞,幫助更多血液疾病病患。慈濟基金會昨天上午在海東國小舉行造血幹細胞驗血活動,共有110人捐出10cc血液,在慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心的「造血幹細胞志願捐贈者資料庫」建檔。林淑芬說,血液疾病等病患如在親屬間找不到合適捐贈者,病患會透過移植醫院,向慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心尋求人類白血球抗原配型配對,如在資料庫中找到相符捐贈者,並經捐贈者意願,才可進行造血幹細胞移植。8月12上午8點至12點,在佳里區佳興國小舉辦另一場造血幹細胞驗血活動,林淑芬歡迎18歲至45歲、身體健康男女踴躍參與。【2012/07/30 聯合報】
佳醫:公告本公司董事會決議與子公司佳醫資產管理股份有限公司簡易合併案 鉅亨網新聞中心2012-07-30 19:17:49第二條第11款1.併購種類(如合併、分割、收購或股份受讓): 合併2.事實發生日:101/7/303.參與合併公司名稱(如合併另一方公司、分割新設公司、收購或受讓股份標的公司之名稱:佳醫健康事業股份有限公司。佳醫健康事業股份有限公司(以下簡稱:本公司)與佳醫資產管理股份有限公司(以下簡稱:佳醫資產公司)合併後,以本公司為存續公司,佳醫資產公司為消滅公司。4.交易相對人(如合併另一方公司、分割讓與他公司、收購或受讓股份之交易對象):佳醫資產管理股份有限公司。5.交易相對人為關係人:是6.交易相對人與公司之關係(本公司轉投資持股達XX%之被投資公司),並說明選定收購、受讓他公司股份之對象為關係企業或關係人之原因及是否不影響股東權益:一、佳醫資產公司為本公司100%持股之子公司。二、本公司為整合集團資源及提昇營運效能與競爭力,乃依企業併購法第十九條規定與佳醫資產公司進行簡易合併。三、本合併案不會發行新股亦不影響股東權益。7.併購目的:為發揮經營效益,以達到整合資源及節省成本之目的。8.併購後預計產生之效益:充實營運資金並節省不必要之相關支出與提升公司整體經營績效。9.併購對每股淨值及每股盈餘之影響:無。10.換股比例及其計算依據:佳醫資產公司為本公司100%持股之子公司,故無換股比率之情形。11.預定完成日程:預定合併基準日為101年08月03日。12.既存或新設公司承受消滅(或分割)公司權利義務相關事項(註一):自合併基準日起,本公司(存續公司)應概括承受佳醫資產公司(消滅公司)所有之權利與義務。13.參與合併公司之基本資料(註二):(1)本公司F108031 醫療器材批發業F113010 機械批發業F113020 電器批發業F107080 環境用藥批發業F113030 精密儀器批發業F113050 電腦及事務性機器設備批發業F113070 電信器材批發業F117010 消防安全設備批發業F118010 資訊軟體批發業F401010 國際貿易業I301010 資訊軟體服務業CB01030 污染防治設備製造業F113100 污染防治設備批發業F213100 污染防治設備零售業F108021 西藥批發業H703100 不動產租賃業JA02010 電器及電子產品修理業IF01010 消防安全設備檢修業JA02990 其他修理業JE01010 租賃業F401021 電信管制射頻器材輸入業F208040 化粧品零售業ZZ99999 除許可業務外,得經營法令非禁止或限制之業務(2)佳醫資產公司F108031 醫療器材批發業F113010 機械批發業F113020 電器批發業F113030 精密儀器批發業F113050 電腦及事務性機器設備批發業F118010 資訊軟體批發業F401010 國際貿易業I103060 管理顧問業I301010 資訊軟體服務業H701010 住宅及大樓開發租售業H701020 工業廠房開發租售業H701050 投資興建公共建設業HZ02010 金融機構金錢債權收買業務H703090 不動產買賣業H703100 不動產租賃業H703110 老人住宅業JA02010 電器及電子產品修理業JA02990 其他修理業JE01010 租賃業ZZ99999 除許可業務外,得經營法令非禁止或限制之業務14.分割之相關事項(含預定讓與既存公司或新設公司之營業、資產之評價價值;被分割公司或其股東所取得股份之總數、種類及數量;被分割公司資本減少時,其資本減少有關事項)(註:若非分割公告時,則不適用):不適用。15.併購股份未來移轉之條件及限制:無。16.其他重要約定事:無。17.本次交易,董事有無異議:否18.其他敘明事項:無。註一、既存或新設公司承受消滅公司權利義務相關事項,包括庫藏股及已發行具有股權性質有價證券之處理原則。註二:參與合併公司之基本資料包括公司名稱及所營業務之主要內容。
整型 少迷思 多自然【聯合晚報╱邱瓊平】 2012.07.29 02:57 pm 有讀者拿著平日使用的防曬產品詢問張宜菁,她耐心回應,並提供各人建議。 記者邱瓊平/攝影 現代人愛美,整形診所林立,不僅是上了年紀的民眾,就連年輕人也爭相微整形。北醫皮膚科與美容醫學科主治醫師張宜菁強調,醫學美容時代來臨,許多的夢想可以被實現,但美麗必須在自然的前提之下,若沒有做好或不適合自己,可能會得到不同的效果,反而會得不償失。 「走在路上,是否有覺得有一些人的臉看起來怪怪的?」張宜菁說,每一個人老化的情況都一樣,為了使自己看起來更年輕,越來越多人想要藉著微整形,看起來更自信,但她認為一定要經過事先評估,千萬不要購買坊間的療程券,政府已認定這是違法行為。為了破解觀眾對微整形的迷思,張宜菁說明肉毒桿菌與施打皮膚填充劑「除皺」,可能產生的負面效果。她說,肉毒桿菌最先引進台灣,施打的目的是讓臉部肌肉放鬆,但打得不恰當會導致臉部僵硬,或有不規則的表情,無法達到變漂亮的目的。張宜菁指出,近來也有許多人想透過施打皮膚填充劑減少臉部皺紋,除了玻尿酸,還有微晶瓷、膠原蛋白、3D聚左旋乳酸、矽膠和自體脂肪移植等,每一種療程維持的有效時間都不同,但她認為臉部的表情是為了傳達自信、丰采與想法,該有的自然表現都不能少。張宜菁利用多張術前、術後的繪圖,讓台下觀眾能有深切的體會。她說,有患者想改善抬頭紋、皺眉紋,微整注射後的表情卻看起來較為挑釁;還有人想要變成有鼻樑的美少女,竟變成鬥雞眼,也有人想要改善眼下皺紋,但表情變得較不自然。張宜菁看診經驗發現,有年輕女生想把眼睛下方的「臥蠶」打掉,但她建議不要,因為不適合的微整,反而會看起來更老。另外她也分享,男性做微整型的前兩名是去除抬頭紋和黑眼圈。「醫學就是一種藝術!」張宜菁強調,雖然醫美時代來臨,但民眾依然要三思,除了與醫生溝通,還要選擇有口碑,重視術後關懷的醫師,且不要追求過於新的治療,更不要以為施打的劑量越多越多,有了正確的觀念,才會美得更自然。【2012/07/29 聯合晚報】