Wednesday, September 7, 2011

康照洲說真話!! 相互承認…難!

兩岸醫藥臨床認證原地踏步,TFDA:全面相互承認有困難 2011-09-06 【時報】去年底兩岸第六次江陳會簽署兩岸醫藥衛生合作協議,希望透過「兩岸醫藥臨床認證」,加速台灣業者進打開中國市場。不過,迄今超過半年,似乎沒有具體的進展與突破,TFDA(台灣食品藥物管理)局長康照洲坦言,現階段兩岸在臨床要全面相互承認臨床有困難,如未來雙方能有成功的合作案例,或許能有突破。另外,大陸藥政單位是依法行政,國內業者或許可藉由工總、商總…等單位向「上位」遊說,這可能比較容易突破。康照洲表示, 合作協議簽訂是為二岸用藥的安全體質把關,在傳染病防治、緊急救治、醫藥安全管理研發、中藥材安全管理研究各方面,二岸早開始進行交流與合作。在研發合作進展上,二岸業者都想把完成臨床、取得藥證或直到的產品賣到對岸,基於保護國人健康的立場,現階段要全面相互承認是有現實上的困難。藥品部分,台灣藥品需比照進口藥,採取較高標準的審查,我方希望在程序上,能比照大陸的「國產藥」有較快速的程序,不需要經過繁瑣的程序。醫材部分,也希望大陸方面能省去重複檢驗的過程。康照洲表示,衛生署食品藥物管理局提出過許多的想法與對岸溝通,例如,大陸對台灣產品審核可設立一個「綠色通道」來加速審查,大陸表示,在緊急情況下,要進口尚未在大陸取得藥證的藥品是可行的,但針對特定地區、國家的產品設立綠色通道則有困難。 不過,康照洲強調,兩岸藥政單位在兩岸醫藥合作上,在檯面上,會就法規制度面持續進行交流,但為讓大陸藥政單位了解台灣的醫藥技術水準,檯面下也安排大陸藥政官員實地到台灣的藥廠、臨床中心...等參觀,希望能讓對方了解到台灣在這方面的領先地位,未來能接受台灣的臨床結果。不過,大陸官員參觀後表示,就行政部門立場,他們只能照章行事,業界應透過工總、商總…等其他的組織向「上位」遊說來進行突破,只要「上位」有指示,相關部門也就比較方便行事。

亞諾法與Clearbridge 開發”個人化”癌細胞檢測!!!

亞諾法與外商合作搶攻癌症檢測 (中央社201197日電)看好癌症檢測市場,亞諾法(4133)宣布與新加坡廠商Clearbridge合作銷售癌症細胞檢測儀器,預計10月起開始啟動,搶攻全球逾10億美元商機。亞諾法總經理黃韋伯表示,該檢測儀器是美國生技大廠嬌生(Johnson&Johnson)旗下子公司所推出,一般用於大腸癌、乳癌及攝護腺癌的轉移診斷。黃韋伯表示,相較於美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)認證的另一台儀器,亞諾法的儀器用血量較少、售價也較便宜,主要鎖定個人市場。由於該儀器可輔助癌症相關研究,不少研究及醫療單位都有下單意願。黃韋伯說,亞諾法檢測系統主要包括器官組織、細胞及蛋白質3大類。目前排入開發及銷售計畫的3項產品包括與新加坡商Clearbridge合作的2款檢測儀器,一款是蛋白質檢測,另一款則用於癌症細胞檢測。其中,用於癌症細胞檢測的儀器,預計10月開始銷售。黃韋伯表示,另一款儀器則是與國內廠商嘉原科技合作推出的光纖式奈米生物感測儀,屬於蛋白質的體外檢測系統,預計11月可望有首款機種問世。黃韋伯說,希望爭取相關儀器能對今年營收有所貢獻,但由於多數的研究機構預算去年已編列,對業績貢獻明年應較顯著。除檢測系統外,黃韋伯表示,在原抗體銷售部分,目前美國市場佔比為55%、歐洲30%,亞洲則佔10%。其中,中國大陸市場今年頗有進展,已有經銷商主動洽談代理  亞諾法今天公布8月營收新台幣3762萬元,月增10.56%,年減1.61%;累計18月營收3.12億元,年減3.3%。黃韋伯表示,由於新台幣兌美元匯率趨穩,後續匯率對營收、毛利率的衝擊可望降低。此外,亞諾法用於生產檢測試劑的GMP新廠,預計11月完工,未來將鎖定肺癌、糖尿病、敗血症等領域深度開發。


亞諾法獲星企訂單 明年營運大躍進 2011/09/08 經濟日報】生醫族群下半年營運看俏,亞諾法(4133)昨(7)日傳出將與新加坡醫材廠商ClearBridge合作銷售抗體試驗機器,將自10月啟動,並已接獲訂單。法人估計,該醫材設備每部售價約5萬美元,預估全球市場金額超過10億美元,明年該公司銷售上看200部,可挹注營收逾1,000萬美元(約新台幣3億元)。 亞諾法及精華、太醫、大學光,以及友華、濟生等昨天公布8月營收,其中大學光年增率最高、達16.69%,精華、太醫、友華年增近一成,濟生則持平。據了解,亞諾法日前在日本與ClearBridge發表合作計畫,指出該抗體試驗機器為癌細胞檢驗過濾系統,可輔助癌症檢測及相關研究。亞諾法表示,該醫材目前為美國生技大廠JohnsonJohnson旗下子公司Veridex所推出,一般用於乳癌、大腸癌及攝護腺癌的轉移診斷。業者指出,該系統常被用於癌症研究,目前市場需求孔急,加上售價較一般大型醫材便宜,許多研究及醫療單位都有下單意願。分析師表示,亞諾法8月營收持平,第四季開始銷售該醫材後,將進一步挹注營收。初步預估,將有數十部器材出貨量,第四季應可進帳至少100萬美元(約新台幣3,000萬元)。亞諾法未來將專攻癌症領域,並進一步生產癌症檢測用試劑,目前已在興建新廠,預估新廠將於11月完工,生產符合CGMP標準的檢驗試劑。法人指出,癌症細胞檢測醫材全球市場約10億美元,台灣一年市場量超過新台幣10億元,亞諾法今年可望搶下10%以上市場、金額約1億元,明年將銷售達200部、營收3億元。

科技會報: 規劃國家科技投資

行政院科顧會議閉幕 達成八大類結論20110906  行政院第31次科技顧問會議於日前閉幕,由中研院院長暨首席科技顧問翁啟惠代表顧問群報告九大建議,呼籲台灣必需採取:更追求原創性研發、儘早完備創新生態系統、建置世界級大學做為創新引擎、更積極招募全球優秀人才等四大行動,才能使我國由效率導向型經濟轉型為創新經濟。除顧問建議,本次會議共達成八大類結論,包括政府組改後,科技會報應扮演整合國內政策智庫與政府部會的平台,與科技部密切合作,每四年制定國家科技政策;科學園區應逐步轉型為高風險但高附加價值之新創事業發展園區等。顧問群期許,科技會報扛起三項任務:策略規劃國家科技投資的原則架構、負責並促進跨部門的協調、整合與政策推動,定期進行績效評估與策略性預算分配。顧問具體建議還包括,台灣的國家型計畫應不同於好奇心導向的研究計畫,僅以論文發表或專利取得數做指標,而應為任務導向,設計不同的評鑑標準與成功指標。另外,台灣亦應開放研究人員到企業進行研究的休假制度(Sabbatical),以促進產學交流。本次科顧會議主軸為「蛻變與躍升的科技發展新局」,共分「科技政策形成與治理」、「科技研發與產業應用」兩項議題。在「科技政策形成與治理」部分,行政院科技顧問組執行秘書陳炳煇報告指出,未來政府組織改組後,行政院科技會報應扮演整合國內政策智庫與政府部會的平台,並與科技部密切合作,每四年制定國家科技政策。在科技資源分配部分,研議改善做法為:部會科技施政計畫應有保障額度,但一定比例科技預算將由部會競爭。保留一定比例科技預算可配合具時效性的政策規劃推動,並容許計畫因時境變遷而有事後調整機制。國科會副主委周景陽報告「科技研發與產業應用」主題結論,政府應提供機制,鼓勵大學進行「學術成果」與「商業應用」之組合,以強化產業界與大學的合作誘因,而研究成果之價值創造也應列入績效評量指標。非研發性質的專案計畫如科技創新應用等,宜提供充裕科技經費予以支持。國家型計劃部分,將可針對總經費佔科技預算比例、退場機制進行檢討,其績效評量應以計劃原始設定之目的作適當分類。在園區部分,由於台灣土地資源有限,因此台灣科學園區應逐步轉型為高風險但高附加價值之新創事業發展園區。將思考成立種子基金以克服產業先期發展障礙,帶動創投業投資新興產業意願。在農業科技部分,應依據農業智財機制,擬訂跨單位之智財合作,鼓勵集體營造行銷,以增進學研機構智財之應用與商品化。行政院政務委員朱敬一表示,感謝各界積極參與31次科技顧問會議,共同面對時代的挑戰。會議結束後,行政院科技顧問組將儘速協調各相關部會提出會議結論與建議之處理原則與執行時程報院,依據會議的結論與建議,使這些重要建言融入政策推動落實,以創造國家競爭優勢。

台灣..華人界矽谷?? 中國…!!??

美專家:台灣可成華人界矽谷  時間:2011/9/5 宏觀周報即時新聞網  美國史丹佛研究中心(SRI)總裁、身兼美國總統研發專案小組成員的卡爾森,建議台灣產業轉型,加入新創事業文化,建立完整生態體系,強力延攬人才,就有機會像矽谷成為創新基地。行政院第31次科技顧問會議2日閉幕,科技顧問們針對台灣科技政策形成與治理、科技研發與產業應用兩個議題提出建議與觀感,科顧組請來卡爾森提供建議。 行政院首席科技顧問翁啟惠表示,史丹佛研究中心將智慧財產移轉給世界各地的做法,可以說是全球最成功的,人們常說SRI就是美國矽谷的靈魂,正是因為如此;而矽谷又是全世界創新最成功的地方,因此矽谷的經營模式,值得台灣借鏡參考。卡爾森提出他的觀察,他說,台灣有很多優勢,也是到亞洲的門戶;矽谷因為網路而成長快速,而這樣的成長也可以在台灣發生,因為這些矽谷產品尚未在大陸市場普及,對於台灣而言,這將是很好的機會,可以比大陸早一步進入此領域。但卡爾森也說,台灣同時有自己獨特的挑戰,包括出生率是全球最低;另外,台灣有亞洲甚至大陸都願意挖角的人才,必須面對人才外流的危機。卡爾森表示,台灣現在正在轉型,必須成為吸引人才的磁鐵,要吸引華語世界的人才,甚至全世界的人來,政府必須要積極延攬。而台灣也需要完整的生態體系,創新要達到一定規模,需要非常多的成分,依卡爾森觀察,台灣就缺少了初期投資,他建議台灣務必要重視。另外則是典範轉移,台灣從講究效率的經濟轉向追求創意的經濟,卡爾森建議,台灣需要加入更多新創事業的文化,他相信台灣絕對有機會像矽谷一樣,成為創新基地。


合併治療 糖尿病足壞死免截肢  2011/9/7【記者陳鈞凱台北報導】糖尿病患足壞死未必得全部截肢,五十八歲劉先生即是一例 ,他有七年糖尿病史,但未妥善控制,日前發現左腳腳趾全部發黑,屬嚴重壞死的糖尿病足,若要保命,傳統治療須截掉整隻小腿,但經署立雙和醫院問題傷口中心合併清創手術、高壓氧治療與特殊敷料搶救,僅截去壞死的腳趾頭部分。雙和醫院高壓氧治療暨問題傷口中心主任蔡文平表示,傷口癒合最怕發生感染、血液灌注不足或是局部缺氧,造成傷口久久不癒,但糖尿病患常有嚴重動脈血管硬化,合併血液循環障礙,只要四肢或腳趾有小傷口,都可能引發嚴重的感染或組織壞死。若超過四周未能癒合,就是問題傷口,但有別傳統「斷尾求生」,蔡文平強調,照護糖尿病足壞死,非單一科別、單一醫師可獨力完成,結合清創手術、感染控制、血管治療合併高壓氧治療、特殊敷料的團隊治療,患者有機會不截肢,留住正常走路、工作的機會。問題傷口癒合耗時,院方也推出「遠距問題傷口照護」服務,讓原本需要每天回診的病患,只要定期用相機或手機拍下傷口,電腦回傳到醫院,由醫護人員判斷傷口變化,省去臥床、有工作病患舟車勞頓的折騰,一周回診一次即可。

醫療產業 “高賣低買”!!

甘源:市場不好正是併購良機 (中社記者羅秀文台北201196日電) 歐美債信危機未除,影響全球股市重挫,金衛醫療集團(910801)主席甘源表示,市場不好的時候反而是收購的機會,集團會持續在醫療產業尋找適合的標的,擴充營運及獲利規模。金衛醫療2011會計年度(201041日至2011331)營收為3.28億港元,年增率14.9%;稅後盈餘3.59億元,年增近1.9倍,每股稅後盈餘0.199港元。甘源表示,獲利成長主要來自本業及轉投資利益。雖然全球經濟大環境不好,影響投資市場氣氛,但是他認為中國大陸經濟在政府的調控下,不致於硬著陸,而醫療產業因需求穩定,受經濟景氣的影響相對較小。甘源指出,金衛醫療集團近幾年都是趁經濟大環境不佳的時候「高賣低買」。例如2008年收購澳洲上市公司CBB的股權,當時澳幣兌美元匯率一度由0.9跌到0.61,目前不論股票部分,光是澳元兌美元匯率就漲到1.05,匯差利益可觀。甘源說,市場不好的時候,反而是收購的機會。他認為,之前資本市場的本益比 (P/E)太高,現在合理一些。由於集團對現金流很重視,未來將持續在醫療產業,尋找具有互補效益的併購標的。金衛醫療是中國最大的血液相關醫療設備製造商,旗下也投資臍帶血事業及經營專科醫院。甘源表示,大陸政府近日開始補助14歲以下兒童先天性心臟病及白血病治療。以白血病來說,大陸每年新增兒童病患約34萬人,每年成長率為4%,由於集團經營的道培醫院為病床數最多的血液專科醫院,未來將受惠。至於臍帶血業務,甘源表示,臍帶血在大陸屬於管制產業,目前總共只發出7張牌照,金衛醫療集團擁有3.5 (山東為合資事業)。他指出,大陸每年新生兒人數約有1500萬,各省臍帶血儲存率因收入及知識水平有很大差異,如北京約15%、廣東約4%,由於執照不易取得,短期內看不到競爭,未來市場成長潛力大。金衛與龍邦(2514)2月宣布在台成立合資公司,第一階段資本額預計為新台幣1億元,雙方持股各半。甘源表示,目前還在等待台灣投審會批准。而除了該合資案外,看好台灣醫療產業的軟實力,也積極尋找機會,與台商在醫療設備、醫療服務及醫院管理等方面進一步合作。

BioDelivery Sciences Announces Positive Results Supporting BEMA Buprenorphine/Naloxone Formulation for Opioid Dependence

Sept. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. (Nasdaq: BDSI) announced positive preliminary results from its Phase 1 study assessing the pharmacokinetics of a BEMA Buprenorphine/Naloxone formulation.  BDSI is seeking to develop and commercialize a high dose formulation of buprenorphine combined with naloxone (abuse deterrent agent) for the treatment of opioid dependence. This study assessed buprenorphine and naloxone absorption profiles from BDSI's BioErodible MucoAdhesive (BEMA) formulation of buprenorphine/naloxone versus the FDA approved and currently marketed opioid dependence product, Suboxone.  Results of the study demonstrated the ability of the BEMA formulation to meet the key pharmacokinetic goal of delivering plasma concentrations of buprenorphine in the range needed to treat opioid dependence while minimizing the exposure of naloxone.  "We are pleased with the results of this study as they are consistent with our expectations and allow us to now optimize our BEMA Buprenorphine/Naloxone formulation prior to conducting the pivotal bioequivalence study," stated Dr. Andrew Finn, Executive Vice President of Product Development at BDSI.  "We expect to initiate the pivotal bioequivalence trial in December of this year with results expected during the first quarter of 2012.  If the results from this pivotal study are positive, we could be in a position to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) for BEMA Buprenorphine/Naloxone in the second half of 2012." BEMA Buprenorphine/Naloxone is the first BEMA formulation to include two drugs – high dose buprenorphine which reduces the craving and withdrawal effects from the dependent opioid, and an opioid antagonist, naloxone, to deter abuse. Opioid dependence is a significant healthcare concern in the U.S. with nearly 2 million people dependent on prescription opioids.  Suboxone is the most widely prescribed treatment for opioid dependence, with annual sales exceeding $1 billion in the U.S. and continuing to grow steadily according to data from Wolters Kluwer.  BDSI believes that the BEMA delivery technology may offer a convenient alternative to Suboxone for the treatment of opioid dependence.

About BioDelivery Sciences International BioDelivery Sciences International (NASDAQ: BDSI) is a specialty pharmaceutical company that is leveraging its novel and proprietary patented drug delivery technologies to develop and commercialize, either on its own or in partnerships with third parties, new applications of proven therapeutics.  BDSI is focusing on developing products to meet unmet patient needs in the areas of pain management and oncology supportive care.  BDSI's pain franchise currently consists of two products utilizing the patented BEMA technology.  ONSOLIS (fentanyl buccal soluble film) is approved in the U.S., Canada, and the E.U. (where it will be marketed as BREAKYL), for the management of breakthrough pain in opioid tolerant, adult patients with cancer.  The commercial rights are licensed to Meda for all territories worldwide except for Taiwan (licensed to TTY Biopharm) and South Korea (licensed to Kunwha Pharmaceutical Co.).  BDSI's second pain product, BEMA Buprenorphine, is being developed for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic pain and is in development in a high dose formulation for the treatment of opioid dependence.  Additional product candidates are being developed utilizing the BEMA technology for conditions such as nausea/vomiting (BEMA Granisetron).  BDSI's headquarters is located in Raleigh, North Carolina.  For more information, visit

Golden Meditech Celebrates Grand Opening of Taiwan Representative Office

HONG KONG, Sept. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Golden Meditech Holdings Limited ("Golden Meditech", together with its subsidiaries collectively as the "Group", - 801.HK; 910801.TW), which embodies a leading medical devices enterprise, a major brand name in haematology hospital and the largest stem cell cord blood banking operator in China, is pleased to announce the launch of its Taiwan representative office today. With a track record in China for establishing the largest stem cell cord blood banking corporation, developing a premium hospital service business, and now, building a cross-straits healthcare enterprise, Mr. Kam Yuen, Chairman and CEO of Golden Meditech, in known as a pioneer in China's healthcare industry. With his remarkable insights and ability to stay ahead of industry trends while having the attention and tenacity as an entrepreneur, Mr. Kam has set his sight on the substantial opportunities in Taiwan's medical and bio-tech industries. The Group has already set foot in Taiwan via issuing Taiwan Depositary Receipts ("TDR") on the Taiwan Stock Exchange in January 2011. Mr. Kam is of the view that the launch of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement ("ECFA") and the policy allowing for easier access between the straits will foster the development of premium healthcare service sector. Whereas Taiwan has readily accessible medical expertise and resources, with the launch of the new Taiwan representative office, the Group will be able to better leverage its operative advantage, expand its industry reach and create greater opportunities with its Taiwan counterpart for greater growth.  Golden Meditech is the first and one the largest blood-related medical device manufacturers in China with its key product, the Autologous Blood Recovery System ("ABRS") accounting for 80% share of the top-tier hospital market. China's ongoing medical reform has created an excellent opportunity for the Group as a pioneer in the areas of hospital services and hospital management. The Group's hospital management business is the first wholly-owned foreign entity to provide nation-wide hospital management services in China while its specialist haematology hospitals, operated under the "Daopei Hospital" brand, is a name to be reckoned in its specialty. Just recently, the Group has acquired a reputable operation, the Shanghai East International Medical Centre in Shanghai, to further strengthen its strategic position as a premium medical service provider  The Group's healthcare service portfolio also includes the first dedicated medical insurance information process and claims settlement business process outsourcing (BPO) service provider, GM Medicare Company Limited, launched in April 2011, and a stake in China Cord Blood Corporation ("CCBC"; NYSE listed stock code CO:US), the largest cord blood banking operator in China and a major shareholder of CORDLIFE LTD, a leading pan-Asian cord blood bank operator.   China's medical reform will be a key focus in the Twelve National People's Congress's Five-Year-Plan. The Group's healthcare services business will be a key beneficiary of the reform and a key growth driver to its growing business operations. Mr. Kam believes the progressive nature of the new medical reform and the ECFA has orchestrated the perfect opportunity for healthcare enterprises across the straits to form strategic partnerships and create a platform to connect and leverage on each other's strengths and capabilities. Golden Meditech maintains a positive outlook on Taiwan's healthcare industry, as the Group anticipates new opportunities for growth and collaboration with its ample resources in experience and competitive advantages. As it expands it foothold in Taiwan, the Group is also looking forward to identify suitable management talents and medical professions with its Taiwanese partners for even greater achievements In the future.

About Golden Meditech Holdings Limited  Golden Meditech Holdings Limited is China's leading integrated-healthcare devices and service operator, and the first medical device enterprise that was publicly listed outside of the PRC on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEx) and the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE). Golden Meditech is a first-mover in China, having established dominant positions in medical devices and healthcare services markets over the years, thanks to its strengths in innovation and market expertise and the ability to capture emerging market opportunities. Going forward, the Group will continue to pursue a leading position in China's healthcare industry both through organic growth and strategic expansion.

China Cord Blood Corporation Announces Participation in Upcoming Investor Conferences

Published: Tuesday, Sep. 6, 2011 HONG KONG,, Sept. 6, 2011 -- HONG KONG, Sept. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- China Cord Blood Corporation (NYSE: CO) ("CCBC" or the "Company"), China's leading provider of cord blood collection, laboratory testing, hematopoietic stem cell processing, and stem cell storage services, today announced that the Company will participate in the following investor conferences:The Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference, to be held September 13-14, 2011 at the Grand Hyatt New York, and the Morgan Stanley China Healthcare Day, to be held September 15, 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston. Management is scheduled to present and to meet with institutional investors throughout both days of both conferences.The UBS Global Life Sciences Conference, to be held September 19-21, 2011 at the Grand Hyatt New York. Management is scheduled to present and to meet with institutional investors throughout the first two days of the conference.


康是美醫美促銷 業績拚增兩成 2011/09/07 經濟日報】康是美提前搶攻百貨周年慶化妝品商機,今(7)日起推出醫學美膚大賞,跟進百貨化妝品促銷活動,首度推出買千折百、買千送百等活動,預期業績可較去年成長兩成以上。 目前國內醫學美容保養品市場規模約20億元,每年以約三成速度成長,增速較美容保養品更快。康是美總經理高敏航表示,十年來醫美市場已成長超過10倍,藥妝店已成為醫美品的主要銷售通路,康是美醫美品銷售成長超過三成。 康是美今年營收成長約一成,獲利成長15%,醫美品成長幅度超過整體業績,顯示醫美品市場持續成長。

Daily exercise 'may prolong life'

 (AFP) – Aug 15, 2011  PARIS — People who exercise just a little bit each day may boost their lifespan while TV addicts could be taking years off their life, two studies published on Tuesday suggest. Chi-Pang Wen of Taiwan's National Health Research Institutes and Jackson Pui Man Wai of the National Taiwan Sport University looked at more than 400,000 people who took part in a medical screening programme between 1996 and 2008. The volunteers were then followed for eight years on average. Compared with individuals who said they were physically inactive, people who were in a group of "low-volume" exercise had a 14-percent reduced risk of premature death from all causes, and a 10-percent reduced risk of death from cancer. The "low volume" category applied to people whose total amount of exercise of all kinds averaged 92 minutes per week, or about 15 minutes a day. On average, their life expectancy was three years longer than inactive counterparts. The benefits applied to all ages and to both sexes and are roughly equivalent in health impact to a successful campaign to discourage smoking, say the authors, who publish their work online in The Lancet. Separately, researchers in Australia found that watching TV or videos for an average of six hours a day could shorten the viewer's life expectancy by almost five years. The investigators used data from a cross-sectional survey of 11,000 Australian adults who were aged at least 25 at the turn of the millennium. The data were then checked against Australia's national population and mortality figures for 2008. The researchers estimated that in 2008 Australian adults aged 25 and older spent 9.8 billion hours in front of the small screen, and that this time was associated with 286,000 years of life that ended prematurely. Every single hour of TV watched after the age of 25 shortened the viewer's life expectancy by just under 22 minutes, according to an extrapolation of these figures. In actuarial terms, an hour in front of the box had roughly the same effect on life expectancy as smoking two cigarettes. In an extreme case, someone who spends a lifetime average of six hours a day watching TV -- in the top one percent of the viewing population -- can expect to live 4.8 years less than someone who does not watch TV, according to their calculation. The study, headed by Lennert Veerman of the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland, is published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The investigators point the finger at TV watching not because of the programmes themselves but because of the dangers of physical inactivity that come from prolonged spells on the sofa. A sedentary lifestyle is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, excess weight and other health problems.

Cross-Strait medical hotline!!

The China Post August 30, 2011 A cross-Taiwan Strait medical emergency hotline will soon be officially launched in order to provide an open and direct channel of communication for visitors of the two sides when encountering medical emergencies during travel. The hotline phone number 79595 will be available by the end of this year to offer a joint platform in offering emergency medical services to Taiwanese and Chinese travelers in need when they are traveling across the strait, said Huang Ming-he (黃明和), secretary-general of local Cross-strait Health Care and Leisure Activities Association, yesterday in a press conference in Taipei. Huang said that currently both Taiwan and China have their own emergency medical care systems, but that the two are interlinked and with the increasing volume of travelers between the two sides, it is a priority to establish a joint system soon. The fatal train accident that killed five Chinese visitors in central Taiwan's Alishan in April and the recent tour bus disaster in China's Jilin Province killing four Taiwanese earlier this month both serve as examples to prove the importance of the joint emergency platform, Huang said. Once an accident occurs, victims and their families can contact private and governmental authorities of both sides by calling the phone hotline, which can serve as a single emergency contact platform, Huang said. One can also receive related information including which hospital in Taiwan or China can offer the best service and where to book homecoming flight tickets, he noted. Wang Tzong-luen (王宗倫), president of Taiwan's Society of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, noted yesterday that the hotline will soon to be completed on Taiwan's side. However, Chinese government's approval for the joint platform is still pending.  Hopefully the hotline can be officially kicked off by the end of the year, Wang said.

金衛醫療 不錯過兩岸醫療業商機

金衛醫療慶祝成立台灣代表處 --金衛醫療愛在台灣 香港201196日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- 作為大陸最大血液醫療設備集團,領先的血液專科醫院品牌和最大的臍帶血庫營運商 -- 「金衛醫療集團有限公司(以下簡稱「金衛醫療」或「集團」,股票代碼:0801.HK/910801.TW)台灣代表處即將在九月六日正式成立。 不論是創辦大陸最大臍帶血企業,拓展高端醫院管理業務,還是如今佈局兩岸醫療產業,金衛醫療集團主席甘源先生以一向「快人半步」、「親力親為」的企業家精神揚名業界。集團看準台灣醫療生技合作契機,於今年元月24日來台發行台灣存托憑證(TDR)。甘先生認為,ECFA 的簽署及陸客自由行相繼開放,兩岸醫療商機浮現,並將全力推動「高端醫療服務」業務的發展。借助台灣優質的醫療品質、人力資源和經驗,金衛醫療希望通過台灣代表處的啟用,擴大與業界的交流和互惠合作,共同拓展兩岸醫療業的商機 金衛醫療是中國首家,也是中國最大的血液相關醫療設備製造商,主要產品「自體血液回收系統」(ABRS)在大陸三甲級醫院市占率超過八成。鑒於中國的醫療改革所帶來的難得機遇,集團業已成為醫院服務和管理業務的先鋒,旗下擁有大陸第一家外資全國性醫院管理企業,管理著國內最具規模的血液專科醫院品牌 -- 道培醫院。此外,集團最近亦將上海東方國際醫院納入旗下,以獲取該院多年積澱的口碑與經驗,從而進一步確立自身在高質醫療服務領域的品牌形象和地位。 集團醫療服務板塊還包括其於去年4月成立的中國首家專業從事醫療保險資訊管理公司和中國最大的臍帶血庫運營商 -- 中國臍帶血庫企業集團(紐約證券交易所股票代碼 -- CO:US),後者亦為東南亞最大的臍帶血庫營運商 CORDLIFE LTD 之單一最大股東。 醫療改革是大陸正推動的十二五計劃中的重點之一,金衛醫療將大幅受惠,醫療服務也將成為推動集團未來業績增長的亮點。甘先生認為,隨著中國新醫療改革的積極推進,加上 ECFA 的實施,現在是兩岸醫療產業接軌、企業間的戰略合作整合、以及醫療人才交流的絕佳時機。金衛醫療看好台灣醫療產業的經驗和優勢,以及兩岸醫療產業合作的新機遇,期望未來在台灣物色醫療和管理人才,拓展潛在的醫療觀光商機,同時牽手台灣企業,以優勢互補再創事業巔峰。

金衛醫療集團有限公司 金衛醫療集團有限公司為中國大陸領先的綜合性醫療事業集團。在過去幾年中,金衛醫療憑藉積極創新、進取的精神以及對醫療市場先機的把握能力,在醫療設備和醫療服務領域具領導性地位。金衛醫療將繼續實踐其使命,通過有機增長和其他策略發展計劃,力爭成為兩岸三地領先醫療集團。

器捐案 李嗣涔:醫院長政策無疏失

(2011-09-05 20:00)  公視晚間新聞 現在大家把追究責任的矛頭指向台大醫院,但是台大方面方面的負責層級應該到什麼程度呢?台大校長__李嗣涔今天被媒體問到這個問題,他雖然並沒有明說但認為院長只是主導政策應該負責的是中途出問題的人。台大目前懲處的最高層級是器捐中心召集人__柯文哲,但外界質疑院長陳明豐沒扛起責任。而握有台大醫院人事權的台大校長__李嗣涔今天首度表態,他說這起事件台大醫院院長在政策上並沒有錯,媒體對他的發言解讀為力挺陳明豐;但是當記者進一步追問到底 誰應該負責時李嗣涔並沒有明確回應。


翁啟惠 獲亞瑟科博獎  2011-09-07 工商時報  美國化學會(American Chemical Society)日前宣布,中央研究院院長翁啟惠獲該會2012年亞瑟科博獎(Arthur C.Cope Award),以表彰翁啟惠在有機化學領域的基礎研究及對生技醫藥發展的貢獻。 該獎份量僅次於諾貝爾獎,翁啟惠也是台灣獲得這個獎項的第1人。   翁啟惠表示,他長期投入化學研究,近年來則積極用化學的角度去解決生物和疾病相關方問題,對於工作得到肯定,覺得很欣慰。  翁啟惠是因發展酵素有機合成、自動化快速醣分子化學合成,以及醣蛋白合成等工作的傑出成就而獲獎。美國化學會將在20123月於聖地牙哥召開的會議中頒獎,並邀請翁啟惠於同年秋季在費城發表專題演講。 中裕新藥執行長張念原說,亞瑟科博獎是美國化學界有機化學領域的最高榮譽,被肯定程度僅次於諾貝爾獎。該獎成立於1973年,是為紀念美國麻省理工學院化學系主任Dr. Arthur C. Cope1909-1966)而設立。自1986年起,該基金會每年推選出1位優秀有機化學者,頒授此項榮譽,始終堅持鑽研醣分子科學的翁啟惠是第35位獲獎學者。 中天集團董事長路孔明表示,翁啟惠長期支持國內生技產業,從推動新藥法案、生技起飛方案到南港生技園區成立,其不計個人毀譽,堅持信念,並持續引進海外一流人才,他獲得亞瑟科博大獎,將可提高台灣生技產業在國際市場的能見度,對生技產業的發展有正面助益。 翁啟惠曾獲得多項學術榮譽,包括美國總統年青化學獎、美國總統綠色化學獎、國際醣化學獎、國際酵素工程獎、美國化學會哈德遜醣化學獎及有機合成化學創新獎、卡頓獎章、德國宏博(Humboldt)資深科學家獎。 他最受稱道的是發明低污染分子合成方法。這個方法使得過去不可能合成的複雜醣分子及醣蛋白如今已變得可能,開啟了新的化學領域;且讓研究者得以瞭解醣分子及醣蛋白在生命過程所扮演的角色,因而連帶研發對癌症及感染性疾病等的早期檢測、治療和預防的方法。

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