Friday, January 4, 2013

協和発酵キリン譲渡 human antibody-producing cattle !!!

、子会社「Hematech」の完全ヒト抗体産生ウシ事業を米「Sanford」に譲渡当社連結子会社HematechIncの事業譲渡について 協和発酵キリン株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長:花井 陳雄、以下「協和発酵キリン」)は、当社連結子会社であるHematechInc(※1)(本社:Sioux FallsSDUSACEOEddie JSullivan、以下「Hematech」)が開発してきた完全ヒト抗体産生ウシに関する事業を、非営利組織であるSanford Applied BiosciencesLLC(※2)(Sioux FallsSDUSA、以下「Sanford」)に譲渡することを決議し、HematechSanfordの間で事業譲渡に関する契約を締結しました。本契約に基づき、対象となる事業は2012年12月31日、HematechからSanfordへの事業譲渡が完了しましたのでお知らせします。 なお、今回の事業譲渡による協和発酵キリンの業績への影響は軽微です。

※1:Hematechについて  1998年に設立し、体内で完全ヒト抗体を産生するウシを作成する技術を持ち、2005年のキリンビール医薬カンパニー(当時)による子会社化を経て、協和発酵キリン設立以降は協和発酵キリンの完全子会社となっている。

※2:Sanfordについて  ノースダコタとサウスダコタに本部を置く統合医療システムを運営する非営利組織であるSanford HealthFargoNDUSASioux FallsSDUSA)がSioux FallsSDUSAに設立した非営利組織。

Kyowa Hakko Kirin subsidiary transfers antibody-producing bovine operations

January 04, 2013 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co. announced Jan. 4 that it has transferred its operations related to human antibody-producing cattle carried out by subsidiary Hematech Inc. to Sanford Applied Biosciences LLC of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Hematech's genetically engineered cattle have been used to produce plasma derived polyclonal and recombinant human antibodies for treatment in diseases such as cancer, auto-immune disorders, inflammation and infectious diseases. Sanford Applied Biosciences was set up by Sanford Health, currently the largest rural nonprofit health-care system in the United States, with 126 locations in eight states.

曜亞 新電波拉皮機 Q1將核准

旺季漸至,曜亞上月營收重回5千萬元以上 精實新聞 2013-01-04 11:21:11 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 農曆年前進入旺季,醫美廠商曜亞(4138)去年12月營收可望自谷底回升,重回5千萬元以上。法人也預期,該公司代理的新醫美器材本季可望取得銷售許可,正式開賣,加上中國銷售挹注,營收可望自去年下半年低點逐步回溫。曜亞去年營運陷入低潮,一方面因國內景氣趨緩,消費縮手,一方面因停止代理舊的電波拉皮機台,新的機台獲銷售許可時間較預期延後,造成產品銷售青黃不接,去年11月營收甚至跌破5千萬元,創下近年新低。不過,曜亞表示,12月營收有小幅好轉,可望重回5千萬元以上,月增兩成以上。法人評估,上月營收略回溫可能是因跨年長假至農曆年前向來是醫美的傳統旺季,帶動營收回溫。法人也估計,曜亞去年第四季營收近1.5億元,單季小賺,但營運可望已見近年低點,今年逐步回溫。曜亞指出,目前新代理的拉皮機台能較舊機種打入皮膚更深層,先前已送衛生署申請銷售許可,合理推算第一季應可取得銷售執照,加上農曆年前為傳統旺季,整體營收應已在去年11月落底,但回升幅度得視新產品證照取得速度及國內消費回溫力道而定。除國內市場外,曜亞近年耕耘的中國市場,目前主力機種已有三項可以銷售,今年中國銷售可望較去年成長。


廣州必貝特Guangzhou BeBetter Medicine Technology & PharmaEngine

Taiwan drugs company seals China partnership  Fri, Jan 04, 2013 -By Kevin Chen/Staff reporterPharmaEngine Inc (智擎生技), a Taipei-based biopharmaceutical company that is focused mainly on developing anti-cancer drugs, said yesterday it has reached a collaborative research pact with Guangzhou BeBetter Medicine Technology Co (廣州必貝特醫藥), news that saw its shares jump 4.47 percent. PharmaEngine said in a filing to the Taiwan Stock Exchange that it had teamed up with the Chinese company to design, synthesize and develop new anti-cancer drugs. Under the agreement, PharmaEngine said it would hold the exclusive worldwide rights to manufacture, develop and market new drugs, with the exception of China, Hong Kong and Macau, where BeBetter would have these rights. In addition, PharmaEngine said it expected royalty revenues would grow significantly after the development and marketing of new drugs. "This collaboration opens a new chapter for partnership between Taiwan and China in searching for new anti-cancer drugs," Peter Wu (吳兆升), an associate director of corporate development at PharmaEngine, said in the filing. BeBetter was established in January last year by Qian Changgeng (錢長庚), who had played a key role in the collaboration between Curis Inc and Genentech Inc in successfully developing the drug Erivedge for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma before it received FDA approval in January last year. PharmaEngine said BeBetter's other drug development candidates are in various stages of development. Grace Yeh (葉常菁), president and chief executive officer of PharmaEngine, said in a statement that the collaboration between the companies "can create a win-win combination of BeBetter's drug discovery know-how and PharmaEngine's drug development expertise." Shares of PharmaEngine rose 4.47 percent to close at NT$187 yesterday on the GRETAI Securities Market, outperforming the GRETAI index, which was up 0.86 percent at 105.03. The stock has risen 117.44 percent since it began trading on the over-the-counter market at NT$86 per share on Sept. 18. In 2011, PharmaEngine reported a net profit of NT$285.71 million (US$9.85 million), or NT$4.01 per share, on revenue of NT$320.05 million. In the first nine months of last year, the company posted a net profit of NT$61.79 million, or NT$0.76 per share, with NT$174.03 million in revenue. The company would likely generate royalty revenues of NT$25 million and NT$50 million this year and next year thanks to progress on several products, including the milestone payments and royalties on sales of pancreatic cancer drug, PEP02, from US-based Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc, Fubon Securities Investment Services Co (富邦投顧) analyst Heather Chang (張雅雯) said in a recent report. PharmaEngine struck a licensing deal with Merrimack in May 2011 for the development and commercialization of PEP02 worldwide, with the exception of Taiwan. The drug is presently undergoing clinical trials. Once the US Food and Drug Administration approves the sale of the drug in the US, it is expected to significantly boost PharmaEngine's revenue and earnings, Chang said in the report.


德英 肝活素(hepanamin)內銷許可通過!

德英、智擎開春報喜 生技股大復活!台微體漲停率隊登高 鉅亨網記者胡薏文 台北2013-01-03 14:00:15 生技族群今天又陸續傳出喜訊,德英(4911-TW)肝活素(hepanamin)膠囊150毫克醫師處方藥,獲得衛生署審定通過,而智擎(4162-TW)也與廣州必貝特醫藥簽署合作委託合約,將針對癌症療法開發新成分新藥,跨出兩岸合作新藥重要一步。使得資金今天再度回流生技股,新藥股王台微體(4152-TW)再衝漲停340元,以收盤價來看,再創波段新高,生技族群今天也趁勢演出「大復活」戲碼!德英指出,肝活素膠囊在臨床試驗結果,對於肝功能的提升,優於目前市面上肝藥,而獲得衛生署審定通過後來函通知辦理領證手續,也將加速進行後續相關行政作業,盼能趕在第1季展開相關生產作業。而在取得內銷許可後,下一步將進軍亞洲外銷市場。 智擎則是公布與廣州必貝特醫藥技術有限公司簽署合作暨委託研究合約,雙方將針對癌症療法,共同合作開 發新成分藥,同時智擎將取得新藥在全球不包含中國大陸之所有權利,並在新藥開發成功後,大幅提高對外授權的效益與獲利。而這項合作案,也為兩岸合作開發新藥再邁出一大步。德英早盤急攻漲停,智擎漲幅也逾4%,生技新藥族群獲得激勵,台微體領軍再衝高,合一(4743-TW)尾盤也收上漲停,基亞(3176-TW)漲幅逾6%,帶動上櫃生技股大漲2.3%,再度成為盤面亮點。


智擎 結合 中國海歸派 開發癌症新成分新藥 !

智擎登陸 攻抗癌市場【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2013.01.04 03:44 am智擎生技啟動登陸計畫,昨天宣布與大陸廣州必貝特公司簽署合作暨委託研究合約。圖為智擎生技董事長林榮錦。東洋集團轉投資新藥公司智擎生技(4162)啟動登陸計畫。智擎昨(3)日宣布與大陸廣州必貝特公司簽署合作暨委託研究合約。智擎表示,雙方將針對「癌症療法」合作開發新成分新藥,搶進全球抗癌市場 新藥公司股價昨天表現亮眼,合一、德英、台微體同步上攻漲停,櫃買市場生技族群也全面上漲,櫃買生技指數收167.1點,上漲3.82點。智擎昨日天價收187元、上漲8元。智擎生技總經理葉常菁指出,這次和廣州必貝特合作,是結合2家公司專長,在智擎新藥專注開發(NRDO)專長的架構下,結合廣州必貝特的「新藥研究」專長,將可縮短新藥開發時程,帶來雙贏,並開創海峽兩岸合作開發新藥的另一種合作模式。智擎指出,廣州必貝特創辦人錢長庚曾任美國Curis公司資深副總裁,主要負責藥物研發和臨床前研究,擁有豐富的新藥研究開發經驗,他在Curis期間,和全球最大蛋白質藥物公司Genentech合作,成功開發抗癌新藥Erivedge。目前該公司還擁有多項臨床前開發抗癌開發標的。葉常菁表示,錢長庚是以前任職於美國數家新藥研發公司時的同事,共事期間建立長期互信基礎。據了解,廣州必貝特公司於20121月在廣州科學城成立,公司技術人員全係大陸海歸派,目前該公司主要研發可治療癌症和其他嚴重疾病的新藥,並有3個候選藥物,已經全數進入臨床前開發階段。智擎表示,雙方合作後,將攜手啟動新的標靶抗癌藥物研究。智擎表示,根據此次簽署的合作暨委託研究合約,雙方將共同合作設計並開發抗癌新藥;在權利方面,智擎將取得候選新藥全球除大陸以外的全球銷售權利,廣州必貝特則獨占大陸銷售專利。【2013/01/04 經濟日報】

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