Thursday, May 12, 2011

Shanghai Medical Tourism Products & Promotion Platform (SHMTPPP)

CHINA, TAIWAN: China and Taiwan seek to make most of medical tourism

Medical tourism news12 May 2011  Shanghai is expected to attract 50,000 to 100,000 foreign patients in the next three years, each spending an average of $10,000 to $15,000 per trip, says Dr Yang Jian, of China Medical Tourism Company, "We aim to turn Shanghai into Asia's leading medical destination for advanced patient care." Shanghai will promote medical tourism this year by increasing overseas marketing. It also has a medical tourism products and promotion agency, Shanghai Medical Tourism Products & Promotion Platform (SHMTPPP) which is jointly supported by five municipal bureaus to offer a link between patients and Shanghai hospitals. Fierce competition in the market means Shanghai will focus on its specialties, namely gamma knife therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and stem cell technology. Every year, more than 300 Argentineans come to Shanghai for gamma knife surgery, which is banned in some countries. For some local companies, selling medical travel packages to growing numbers of Chinese customers wishing to receive treatment abroad is already big business. Now, Chinese firms want to promote their own facilities at home to growing numbers of foreign medical tourists. Medical tourism promoters Ciming Health Check Group and its partner, the China Medical Tourism Company, can no longer afford to ignore China as a medical tourism destination. China's major urban centers of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have already attracted growing numbers of medical tourists due to advanced technology, high quality of service, and affordable prices. Despite the ever-increasing quality of China's medical facilities, lack of awareness as well as language and cultural barriers remain a challenge to attracting more patients. Taiwan's medical resources are on par with those found in Europe and the U.S., but it lags behind leading regional medical tourism destinations. 85,000 medical tourists visited the country last year for treatment. Taiwan has been seeking to expand its presence in this industry since 2004, but lack of funding meant that large-scale overseas promotion of the nation's medical tourism facilities did not begin until 2007. The launch of direct cross-strait flights, along with the opening of Taiwan to more mainland Chinese tourists, has seen more visitors keen on cheap travel costs and a similar language and culture. Although only 15,000 mainland Chinese will travel to Taiwan as medical tourists in 2012, the government believes this number is set to eventually hit 75,000, or 5 % of total visitor numbers. Taiwan attracts the new middle-class of Mainland Chinese looking for treatment overseas. The Taiwan government plans to develop special international medical zones. It is currently seeking some private investment for the planned project at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport that has a target of 40,000 medical tourists. Taiwan has at least three other such zones in the pipeline. But for these to go head to head with international competitors, the government must amend or at least liberalize the Medical Care Act under which hospitals and healthcare centers are banned from advertising for patients. It also needs to review laws covering the employment of foreign doctors.

北京首個醫美轉介平台: 台灣協作中心



衛生局罰定義不清保健食品: 冬蟲夏草菌絲體/冬蟲夏草/ 蟲草

議員批冬蟲夏草產品以假亂真 消費者成冤大頭

2011/05/12   市面上與「冬蟲夏草」相關的保健食品琳瑯滿目,市議員鍾小平今天(12)召開記者會質疑,真的冬蟲夏草一公斤要1百萬到2百萬元,不過市售相關產品,多是魚目混珠、以假亂真,許多產品只是用「菌絲體」提煉,並不是從真的冬蟲夏草本體提煉出來,北市衛生局表示,如果是利用冬蟲夏草菌絲體提煉的保健食品,應該明確標示「冬蟲夏草菌絲體」,而不是只標明「冬蟲夏草」,否則可開罰20萬元。另外使用說明如涉及療效,最高可罰100萬元。(林麗玉報導)台大微生物與生化學研究所博士陳志昇說,真正的冬蟲夏草產地,目前只有在中國西南方,包括西藏、青海、四川、雲南等地產出,不管是野生的冬蟲夏草、還是冬蟲夏草的菌絲體,要辨別真假,只有驗DNA,如果沒有中華被毛孢菌種,就可能是假的,而現在真正的冬蟲夏草每公斤要價100-200萬元,許多標榜冬蟲夏草相關的保健食


德英生技之Hepanamin將定位在自費市場 ¡


 (中央社2011512)德英生技(4911)治療麟狀細胞原位癌的新藥SRT-100,預計6月向美國FDA(食品暨藥物管理局)送件申請2期臨床。肝病用藥Hepanamin預計今年底、明年初可取得藥證。德英生技是植物新藥廠,目前進行中的新藥除SRT-100Hepanamin外,還包括肺癌第一線用藥Apocin、婦癌與頭頸癌注射劑Solarise、治療外陰部癌前病變及皮膚疾病的藥膏SR-T200等。由於公司因還處於高研發費用、低回收的耕耘期,第1季稅後淨損219萬元,每股稅後淨損0.04元。德英生技董事長郭國華表示,治療麟狀細胞原位癌的SRT-100,本月中將委託專業研發技術委辦公司(CRO) ,預計6月向FDA送件申請2期臨床。郭國華表示,國內3期臨床已於4月中向衛生署送件,最快7月可得到通知,啟動3期臨床,屆時將申請科專補助。郭國華表示,SRT-100已有4家國際大廠有意洽談國際授權,由於4家廠商各有所長,德英挑選合作夥伴會以兩大原則為優先考量,包括原料由台灣生產,且保留亞洲經銷權,預計年底前可望明朗。至於肝病用藥Hepanamin,郭國華表示,預計6月底取得外銷許可,今年底、明年初取得藥證,預估國內市場規模上看2億元,全球市場上看100億元,未來上市後可望對營收產生顯著貢獻。郭國華說,Hepanamin相較現有對手的療效有顯著差異,預期上市後應可取得不錯的市佔率。而考量產品區隔性,未來會以處方用藥及非處方用藥並行模式銷售,且初期可能不會進入健保。

泰博血糖儀測試片製程出問題 !


2011-05-12 【時報】第二季進入傳統旺季,泰博科技(4736)4月營收卻逆勢較3月下滑,內部表示,血糖儀測試片的製程有些問題需調整,無法順利出貨,且品牌競爭激烈,第二季旺季的季增幅度將低於往年,惟仍將優於首季。內部表示,血糖測試片的製程有些問題,產品進行調整,面臨有訂單但無法出貨的窘境,代工、品牌產品出貨都減少,影響4月業績表現,預期第二季的業績表現將受影響,也不利毛利率表現。另外,市場競爭激烈,品牌銷售的成長未如預期,也是4月營收下滑的原因之一。泰博4月營收1.25億元,較3月下滑33%,也較去年同期衰退14.38%。原本泰博今年的營收目標要成長二成以上,在上述原因影響下,第二季旺季成長表現恐低於預期,但仍會高於首季,法人估,單季營收約4.5億元,較首季4.34億元微增,全年營收成長約10-15%。泰博首季營收4.34億元、年增4.8%;毛利率38.32%,較去年同期減少2.6個百分點;營業利益5918萬元、年增3.4%。去年提列的匯損,本季沖回2034萬元,稅後純益6376萬元,每股稅後盈餘為0.98元。


楊志良點名3醫院 拿盈餘併購擴建

(2011-05-12 11:56)  公視午間新聞 前衛生署長楊志良在接受廣播電台訪問 直接點名長庚、彰化基督教醫院以及中國醫藥大學附設醫院,拿賺的錢去集團化 ,很少用來提升醫院的人力和待遇,楊志良說如果這些醫院能把這些錢夠用來改善護士工作條件,他不相信醫院會請不到護士。前衛生署長楊志良接受廣播專訪,對於國內護士嚴重缺乏再度開砲,直接點名三家血汗醫院,都拿盈餘進行擴建和併購。楊志良強調,長庚醫院屬於財團法人,不應以營利為目的,應該拿1/3的盈餘來改善護士的工作條件,不相信請不到護士,在長庚服務將近20年的護理人員對此都低調回應。台北市表揚優良護士,而其他家醫院的資深護理人員坦承,護士人力的確不夠,在加護病房一個人都得照顧6-8個病人。國內大鬧護士荒,前衛生署長楊志良,希望現任署長邱文達改善醫院人力,並改革署立醫院,給護理人員一個優良的工作環境。

外貿協會積極佈局 後ECFA兩岸醫藥衛生協議合作!

台醫療論壇 看好兩岸商機

2011/05/13 聯合報】 「第一屆穗台醫療論壇」昨天上午於廣州舉行,外貿協會秘書長趙永全表示,看好兩岸發展醫療商機,尤其6月將開放陸客自由行,貿協將全力推廣台灣觀光醫療與醫美產業。廣州市人民政府台灣事務辦公室、廣州醫學會、台北世界貿易中心主辦,錫安醫療健康管理中心協辦的「2011年穗台醫療論壇」,主題為「穗台兩地醫療領域的合作與發展」,並邀請5名專家學者發表主題演講。由於本次論壇是兩岸簽屬ECFA與「海峽兩岸醫藥衛生協議」後,首度以後ECFA時期,兩岸醫療合作契機及大陸十二五計畫中台灣醫療業者的機會與挑戰為題,吸引200多位來自廣州和台灣的醫療機構負責人及有關專家學者與會,包括中國工程院院士、廣州市醫學會會長鐘南山、貿協秘書長趙永全、台中榮總副院長李三剛與新光健康管理事業公司總經洪子仁等。率團與會的貿協秘書長趙永全受訪時表示,在全球200大醫院統計中,台灣排名第三,占了14家,其中在台灣執行活體肝臟移植、心臟支架手術與不孕症、人工關節與顱顏手術等重症醫療都有相當高的成功率,顯見台灣醫療輸出亞洲極具競爭力。趙永全指出,近年大陸經濟起飛,許多民眾開始重視醫療服務,而台灣擁有得天獨厚的語言優勢,透過台灣在重症醫療上獲得的成功形象,進軍大陸市場的門檻比日本、韓國來得更低。他強調,為了進一步宣傳台灣優質醫療服務,今年由貿協籌辦的七場「台灣名品展」中,將特別設置醫療專區,除了行銷優質的台灣產品,更要吸引更多一般消費者來台接受專業的高級醫療服務,推廣觀光健診與醫美產業。新光健康管理事業公司總經洪子仁則說,在大陸民眾經濟提升後,大陸官方開始注意到民眾對高質量醫療的需求,目前正在推動放寬醫保政策,不只要引進地方資本、扶持民營醫院,透過降低公立醫院比例,更可減輕政府財政負擔並減輕城鄉差距問題。洪子仁認為,輸出台灣醫療不只限於「醫術」或醫師,醫療院所的管理「know-how」知識輸出亦是台灣重要的資本。


國防部宣稱 全力支持生技園區計畫

2011/05/10 聯合報】媒體報導,國家生技園區原訂設於北市南港202兵工廠的開發案,遭到軍方扯後腿。對此國防部強調,全力支持行政院推動「國家生技研究園區開發計畫」政策,並尊重中研院於釋地範圍內的相關規劃,相關報導內容與事實不符。  對於中研院長翁啟惠所說,國防部對釋出202廠土地講法前後不一致。國防部表示翁院長有所誤解,其實軍方生技園區環評初審會議中的發言內容,係回應環評委員垂詢,對於環評委員與相關環保團體在環評初審會議所提不同意見,國防部均表尊重。而依據中研院於釋地範圍內的規劃,涉及部分設施內遷,有關內遷工程是否須實施環評,將持續與環保署協調並協請審認。  國防部並表示,媒體報導「202廠廠長找立委溝通」,其實是立委主動函請該廠長前往說明當地生態環境事宜,媒體所言與事實完全不符。


生達 大陸獲利看俏

2011/05/13 經濟日報】 生達(1720)昨(12)日表示,該公司今年積極前往大陸泰州設廠,明年第一季投產,明年起大陸市場可始貢獻生達母公司獲利明顯成長。生達昨(12)日股價以31.5元作收,下跌0.2元;4月份營收約1.58億元,下滑6.38%。生達第一季稅後純益約5,590萬元,每股稅後純益為0.35元,約年減9%。生達表示,該公司近期在大陸江蘇泰州,和日本第一貼布大廠DIA Pharmaceutical製藥合作貼片劑,投入4,400萬元人民幣,搶一年25億元人民幣市場。大約明年第一季投產,年產量將達6,000萬片,並開始銷售。此次跨國合作,以日本DIA製藥技術、設備、人才為基礎,加上台灣生達管理及大陸經驗,已經在於江蘇省泰州中國醫藥城,建構一座擁有研、產、銷團隊的國際級GMP標準的巴布膠貼片藥廠。此外,生達表示該公司目前正向美國申請五項學名藥藥證,最快在明年會有結果,主要銷售地區為美國。生達今年首季業績明顯高過去年,但稅後純益卻年減將近一成。主因去年合併營收未納入端強、健康人生兩家子公司,再加上近期台灣新廠擴建、購買新設備,拉低整體毛利,讓第一季獲利表現不如去年。

馬總統連任壓力 非得在世界衛生大會硬起來 ?


2011-05-12 旺報  世界衛生組織(WHO)內部密件將我稱為中國一省,民進黨籍立委痛批喪權辱國,要求停止出席今年世界衛生大會(WHA)。國民黨立委反批,世衛組織與中國簽署備忘錄(MOU)是在民進黨執政時期,是誰喪權辱國要弄清楚。馬總統親上火線,一天內兩度對大陸及世衛組織表達抗議。國台辦發言人則呼籲台灣方面冷靜,兩岸只要維護和平發展勢頭,很多事情可以商量。台灣已進入總統大選政治敏感期,類似世衛密件事件恐怕會一再延燒,衝擊兩岸關係與馬英九選情。   國民黨重返執政後,兩岸關係改善,台灣終於以觀察員身分參與世界衛生大會,參與名義是「中華台北」。去年,衛生署長葉金川就是以「中華台北」名稱受邀參加。今年邱文達署長也會以部長名義出席。我方以中華台北名稱參與,當然出於兩岸間的了解與默契。但是世界衛生組織內部文件仍然以「中國的一省」對待台灣,台灣民眾因而覺得被矮化。   台灣參與國際活動的空間與名稱問題,始終牽動兩岸關係與內部政治的敏感神經。2008年兩岸關係和解前,在大陸打壓下,台灣在國家身分參與的國際組織中,活動空間接近零,並不產生名稱問題,在非國家身分或NGO性質國際組織中,名稱卻如變形蟲般充滿變異,完全由兩岸鬥爭與國際社會折衝協調決定。 馬英九上台後,兩岸關係逐漸解凍,但雙方長期在外交場域交鋒,仍然有許多未能「與時俱進」的條條框框或個人意識產生的扞格。去年10月間,東京影展大陸代表團長江平要求我方以「中國台灣」名義出席,事後雖遭到大陸中央的指正,但也說明了這種「對立餘毒」思想猶在,台灣內部在主張獨立政黨的強烈操作下,「餘毒」可能更為嚴重。 世界衛生組織內部文件是根據他們和中國簽署的備忘錄,是台灣以中華台北名稱獲邀參與前的文件,除非中國重新和世衛組織改約或是達成某種默契,才有可能把「中國台灣省」改為「中華台北」。馬總統認為世衛組織「表裡不一」,表面上稱我們是中華台北,內部文件卻用矮化我們的名稱,他並訓令外交部向世衛組織表達抗議,然而,這種抗議不會有任何實質意義,因為在世衛組織中對台灣問題唯一有影響力的國家是中國大陸。 馬總統也向中國大陸表達抗議,他說,「如果台灣在國際社會再被打壓,兩岸關係將很難開展。」我們寧可相信這起名稱事件是兩岸關係的「擦槍走火」。馬總統有競選連任的壓力,在台灣目前政治氛圍下,任何涉及台彎主權與尊嚴的議題,他都沒有示弱的本錢,必須強硬。大陸應該理解他的困難,不至於對馬總統的抗議作出錯誤判斷。很顯然,這份備忘錄是扁政府執政期間兩岸關係最惡劣時刻所簽,當時大陸對主權問題當然沒有妥協的餘地。現在兩岸關係已經改善,九二共識最大意義在於擱置主權爭議。在兩岸的善意與默契下,台灣能夠以「中華台北」名義參與世界衛生大會,相信在和平發展勢頭下,台灣的名稱問題是可以協商解決的。 台灣應該做的不是向世衛組織抗議,而是一方面繼續參與今年的大會,二方面與大陸協商,將備忘錄中對台灣的名稱更正為中華台北,更應該藉此要求以「中華台北」名義正式加入世衛組織。台灣無法重返聯合國,但加入聯合國周邊組織確有必要性,2003SARS風暴,台灣深感不能置身國際村外,世衛組織也認為,類似情況下與台灣緊密聯繫的必要,兩岸應就台灣國際空間問題進行協商。   國際組織中有許多關乎重大民生福祉的機構,身為國際村一份子,台灣在權利或義務上都不應該缺席,大陸也有義務協助台灣進入這些組織,例如聯合國的氣候變遷綱要公約組織和教科文相關的組織等,都是台灣亟待加入貢獻經驗和力量的國際場域。而世衛組織就是兩岸間突破國際合作的關鍵,如果兩岸能夠就此協商,這次朝野的爭端才顯現出一點意義!兩岸之間已經進行了6次江陳會談,也簽署了《經濟合作架構協議》(ECFA),但在國際場域之中,類似名稱爭議或諸如東京影展事件非常可能一再發生,兩岸在外交爭端議題上確有必要進行協商。

政府點頭生技創投資金設於開曼? 難!

李鍾熙直言:設在台灣 不利集資

2011-05-12 工商時報      財團法人生物技術開發中心董事長暨中華民國生物產業發展協會理事長李鍾熙表示,生技創投公司宜設立在開曼群島,才利於吸引各國資金,若設在台灣,各國資金要進入將較困難。   李鍾熙指出,早期許多境外公司設在開曼是為了避稅目的,然而現今避稅已非主要原因,因過去十年開曼已跟很多國家簽署協定,資料透明度提高。此外世界各主要國家在開曼已投入相當資金或設立相關公司,將創投公司設在開曼可吸引各國資金湧入,若設在台灣,各國資金要進入較困難,因為國外創投公司對台灣的環境及投資法規較不熟悉,此外,對政策穩定性的懷疑也是造成國外資金卻步的原因。 除了國際資金的募集問題之外,李鍾熙強調,台灣的生技創投並非僅為了資金,要如何與國際的技術與市場連結,才是更重要的事情,也才能成功推動台灣的生技產業。創投公司將來要與國際業界合作,產品在全球市場認證上市,或在國際資本市場掛牌,這些都是將生技創投公司設在開曼群島的優點。 李鍾熙表示,台灣生技業遲遲無法啟動,資金缺乏是一重大因素,生技產業發展時間長,因此風險高,較缺乏投資誘因,故台灣生技產業的投資若缺乏行政院開發基金的推動,要發展就較困難。

國家生技園區開發案 中研院槓上國防部!


2011-05-10 中國時報     面對國防部口口聲聲配合政策,卻屢屢放話反對在南港二○二兵工廠現址開發國家生技研究園區,中央研究院長翁啟惠昨日在立法院答詢時,忍不住批評國防部有些講法前後不一致,老是跟中研院不同調,造成很多困擾,「我幾天前寫信給總統,希望他能幫忙讓國防部有政府一體的共識!」 翁啟惠昨日在立法院教育及文化委員會答覆立委郭素春、趙雲麗和蔣乃辛質詢,談及國家生技園區開發案波折重重,差點動氣,臉上出現罕見的嚴肅表情!翁啟惠會後接受媒體訪問時直言,各界對國家生技園區開發案正反意見,「我都可以接受,但大家都要尊重環評機制。」 翁啟惠表示,二○二兵工廠遷離南港和國家生技園區開發計畫都是政府既定政策,國防部在總統府和行政院召開跨部會協調時,每次都說會配合政策,但會議結束後,卻又經常對外釋放出一些與環評無關議題,如果只是口頭講講,「我不會說什麼,沒想到最近看到環保署的會議紀錄,國防部代表又講火工廠可以不要搬,贊成要做全區環評等,我才會覺得事態嚴重,寫信給馬總統,希望國防部不要再橫生枝節。」 翁啟惠強調,二○二兵工廠現址總面積為一百八十五公頃,國防部同意把現有火工區廿五公頃土地作為國家生技園區預定地,中研院也依開發計畫完成環境影響評估,目前也提報環保署審查中,但國防部卻突然主張要做全區環評(一百八十五公頃),問題是其餘一百多公頃仍歸國防部管轄,「我們怎麼幫他們做環評?」 更讓翁啟惠無法接受的是,二○二兵工廠廠長侯惠文還找民進黨籍立委林淑芬「溝通」,表達二○二兵工廠找不到地方搬,把火工區讓給中研院後,還是要在現址另覓土地興建火工區、建造火藥庫,「建議」國家生技園區開發案應該全區環評。翁啟惠在答覆林淑芬質詢時,反駁「這個講法是前後不一致,我剛回國時的了解是,二○二兵工廠要整個搬遷。」 翁啟惠表示,二○二兵工廠找不到地方搬,「我可以理解國防部的處境」,但政策已經定案,就應該尊重體制,不能搞這麼多花樣。如果環評沒過,中研院也會尊重,不會執意推動國家生技園區開發計畫。 對於翁啟惠的說法,國防部表示,翁院長恐怕對此事有所誤解,有關南港二○二兵工廠的搬遷案,軍方一貫配合行政院的指示辦理。

Polaris gaining spotlight on prospective HCC trial

Polaris Group to Highlight Clinical Development Plans for Phase 3-Ready Candidate, ADI-PEG 20, During Symposium in Taiwan

SAN DIEGO, May 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -Presentations to Provide Details about Pivotal Phase 3 Trial in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Future Development Plans for ADI-PEG 20- Polaris Group (Polaris) today announced that the Company will highlight clinical development plans for its Phase 3-ready pegylated arginine deiminase, ADI-PEG 20, during a symposium held on Tuesday, May 24, at 1:30 p.m. China Standard Time in Taipei, Taiwan. Details about Polaris' upcoming pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial of ADI-PEG 20 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) will be presented by the principal investigator, Ghassan Abou-Alfa, M.D., of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. This presentation will include plans for enrollment in the global trial with sites in the United States, Taiwan, China and parts of Europe. Additional presentations during the symposium will provide updates for ongoing Phase 2 studies in small cell lung cancer and mesothelioma, as well as an outline of future development plans for ADI-PEG 20. "This symposium comes at an important time for Polaris as we prepare for a global Phase 3 trial of ADI-PEG 20 treating hepatocellular carcinoma patients for which our Special Protocol Assessment was recently approved by the FDA," said Bor-Wen Wu, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Polaris Group. "We are proud to have multiple distinguished physicians present at this event and discuss the next steps in advancing ADI-PEG 20 through clinical development." Presentations will focus on various aspects of the plan to investigate the potential for ADI-PEG 20 in indications beyond HCC.  Wu will present a broad overview of future clinical development plans for the therapeutic candidate, while individual physicians will discuss specific studies. Background about the ongoing Phase 2 clinical trials of ADI-PEG 20 in small cell lung cancer and mesothelioma will be presented by the lead investigator of the mesothelioma study, Peter Szlosarek, M.D., Ph.D., of the Centre for Experimental Cancer Medicine, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London.  Additionally, Li-Zong Chen, M.D., Ph.D., of the National Institute of Health, and Jien-Fong Lee, M.D., of Chimei Hospital in Taiwan, will present data about ASS1 deficiency in sarcoma and its potential use as an indicator for cancer prognosis and treatment.  John Bomalaski, M.D., executive vice president, medical affairs, of Polaris Group will present data demonstrating the effectiveness of ADI-PEG 20 as a treatment for leukemia, lymphoma and sarcoma.  In addition, Hsing-Jien Kung, Ph.D., of UC Davis Cancer Center will present data about ADI-PEG 20, autophagy and apoptosis, and implications for prostate cancer treatment.Individuals interested in attending the symposium should e-mail to register for the event.

About ADI-PEG 20  ADI-PEG 20 is a biologic being developed by Polaris to treat cancers carrying a major metabolic defect that renders them, unlike normal cells, unable to make arginine internally. Because arginine is one of the 20 amino acids that are essential for protein synthesis and survival of cells, these cancer cells become dependent upon the external supply of arginine to survive and grow. ADI-PEG 20 works by systemically depleting the external supply of arginine which causes these arginine-dependent cancer cells to die while leaving the normal cells unharmed.Multiple cancers have been reported to have a high degree of arginine-dependency. Phase 2 clinical trials have yielded positive results in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma or metastatic melanoma, and Phase 2 trials for small cell lung cancer and mesothelioma are currently ongoing. Polaris also plans to initiate clinical studies in prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, lymphoma and sarcoma this year.

About Polaris Group  Polaris Group is a privately held multinational biopharmaceutical company that specializes in the research and development of protein drugs to treat cancer and other debilitating diseases. The company's lead therapeutic, ADI-PEG 20, is advancing into a pivotal Phase 3 trial for hepatocellular carcinoma. Polaris is also investigating ADI-PEG 20 as a treatment for other arginine-dependent cancers, such as melanoma, prostate cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma and pancreatic cancer. In addition to the ADI-PEG 20 project, Polaris is researching and developing other biotherapeutic agents and has a small molecule drug program that utilizes a rational structure-based approach to design novel compounds that inhibit the biological function of cancer-related protein targets. For additional information please visit

China’s goodwill for Taiwan rather than international footing

WHA invite due to China's goodwill: TAO spokesperson

By Vincent Y. Chao   Taiwan's invitation to attend the World Health Assembly (WHA) was based on Chinese goodwill, China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) said in a statement yesterday, contradicting claims made by Taiwanese officials. TAO spokesperson Fan Liqing (范麗青) said that Taiwan needed to "calm down" after a political furor erupted following the disclosure of an internal WHO memo labeling Taiwan a province of China. "The position of international society and international organizations on this position is already very clear to everybody," Fan told a routine press conference in Beijing. Following the improvement in cross-strait ties over the past three years, the WHA extended an invitation to "Chinese Taipei" to attend its annual meeting, including this year, she said, adding that the move "was welcomed by Taiwanese compatriots and was goodwill given by the mainland [authorities.]" Department of Health Minister Chiu Wen-ta (邱文達) is scheduled to lead Taiwan's delegation to the meeting in Geneva from Monday to May 25 under the designation "Chinese Taipei" a name that government agencies have grudgingly accepted. President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) on Tuesday accused the WHO of taking a "two-sided approach" after an opposition lawmaker publicized the WHO memo, which detailed the careful approach taken to avoid separating Taiwan's status from China. The memo said that under an agreement between Beijing and the WHO, agencies should refrain "from actions that could constitute or be interpreted as recognition of a separate status of Taiwanese authorities and institutions from China." Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers have asked the government to boycott the WHA meeting to protest what they called derogatory treatment. The latest TAO statement could embarrass administration officials who have claimed Taiwan's WHA invitation was the result of improving international relations, not a Chinese deal. Several DPP politicians have claimed for years that the WHA invitations have come through Chinese approval instead of "direct communications" with the WHO, as former Department of Health minister Yeh Ching-chuan (葉金川) said in 2009. "The DPP believes that the [WHA] controversy has created immeasurable harm to our national sovereignty. The government needs to come up with a response on this matter immediately," DPP spokesperson Lin Yu-chang (林右昌) said in response to the TAO's comments.

Taiwan President Ma unhappy and said WHO a “double-dealer.”

Ma vents his displeasure at WHO, China

The China Post May 11, 2011President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday lashed out at the World Health Organization's (WHO) reference to Taiwan as a province of China and vowed to protest to mainland China over the issue. At a press conference, Ma, calling the United Nations organization a "double-dealer," criticized WHO for its attempt to denigrate the status of the Republic of China's government, saying it was "held hostage" by Chinese pressure. "We can never accept this unfair and unreasonable treatment," Ma stressed. WHO's invitation to Taiwan addresses its representative as Mr. Minister and calls Taiwan's government Chinese Taipei, stating that Taiwan is participating as an observer, according to the president, who pointed out that WHO's leaked internal document refers to Taiwan as a Chinese province. This appears to be what the president meant when he called WHO a "double-dealer." "We are extremely unhappy about it, and I have directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to lodge a protest with WHO," Ma was quoted as saying. A prestigious international organization, WHO should not be doing things incommensurate with its status, Ma said, adding he had instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to protest, "absolutely without delay," should similar attempts at derogating the country's status happen again. Directing his indignation against China, Ma said if Taiwan remained isolated in the international community of nations, relations across the Taiwan Strait could not steadily improve. "Taiwan wants safety, prosperity and, above all, dignity, and as President of the Republic of China, I cannot shirk my duty to uphold Taiwan's dignity and safety and the rights of its people," he said, while criticizing the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for failing to do something for Taiwan on the international stage when it was in power. With past antagonism and mutual distrust behind the two sides, they should try to accumulate mutual trust and create a win-win situation, Ma said, adding he was going to protest because China was going in the opposite direction by hurting the feelings of the Taiwan people. DPP also vented its displeasure against WHO, saying it was going to move for an official protest against it at the Legislature. Taiwan's representatives should "absolutely" not go to the World Health Assembly (WHA) this year, because participation in it would mean that we accepted the reference as the official basis for future references to Taiwan, Kuan Pi-ling, a DPP lawmaker, said at a DPP press conference yesterday afternoon. However, Chiu Wen-ta (邱文達), minister of the Executive Yuan's Department of Health, will go to the assembly to present a written protest and ask countries friendly to Taiwan to speak on its behalf, according to Timothy Yang, MOFA minister. Chiu, Yang, and Philip Yang, minister of the Executive Yuan's Government Information Office, were on hand at President Ma's press conference.

兩岸醫衛協議- Cross-Strait Medical and Healthcare Cooperation Agreement

Cross-Strait Medical and Healthcare Cooperation Agreement

20 Apr 2011Formosa Transnational – Taiwan Yulan Kuo , Yi-Ming Hsu

On 29th June 2010 Taiwan and China, both members of the World Trade Organisation, signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). The ECFA is analogous to a free trade agreement, but has been used for the special relationship between Taiwan and China. On the same day, both parties signed the Cross-Strait Agreement on IP Rights Protection. Then on 21st December 2010, based on the trend of cross-strait cooperation started by the ECFA and the Cross-Strait Agreement on IP Rights Protection, the two countries signed the Cross-Strait Medical and Healthcare Cooperation Agreement. In this agreement, Taiwan and China agreed to cooperate in regard to the following:


n        Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

n        Safety management of and research and development (R&D) for pharmaceuticals.

n        Traditional Chinese medicine research and exchange and safety management of Chinese crude drugs.

n        Emergency aid and treatment.


Other fields as agreed between the two parties.

Although the SARS outbreak in 2003 facilitated the cross-strait communication of infectious disease prevention and control, and the melamine-contaminated dairy event in 2008 further urged healthcare cooperation between China and Taiwan, the Cross-Strait Medical and Healthcare Cooperation Agreement provides official guidelines for further medical and healthcare cooperation between the two parties for the first time. In the chapter on safety management of and R&D for pharmaceuticals, the two countries have agreed to conduct exchanges and cooperate in regard to their systems and regulations, specifications, inspection technology and other related matters (eg, non-clinical testing, clinical testing, pre-marketing review, production management and post-marketing management) for pharmaceuticals across the strait. The pharmaceuticals referred to therein include drugs, medical appliances, health food and cosmetics. In regard to clinical trial cooperation, the two parties have agreed to conduct exchanges and cooperate on their systems and regulations relating to clinical trials, the management of implementation authorities and teams, the protection of subjects' rights and interests, and approval mechanisms for clinical trial plans and trial results. Cooperation in R&D for clinical trials and pharmaceuticals across the strait shall be actively strengthened in accordance with good clinical practice, with a view towards reducing repetitive trials through the preferential methods of pilot and special projects. Methods shall then be tested to accept the implementation results of the two parties on this basis. According to data from the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration, the Chinese pharmaceutical market is expected to break into the top five in the world by 2015, and may be one of the top two by 2019. However, the huge delays in the pharmaceutical marketing process in China are seen as a major gap in its bid to improve the quality of healthcare. In contrast, over the past 20 years Taiwan has successfully developed its high-tech industries, mainly focusing on electronic, IT and semiconductor products. Thanks to these positive experiences, R&D for medical devices and the bio-tech industry in Taiwan is believed to have great potential. Furthermore, the ethnic similarities, geographic proximity and common culture shared by the cross-strait parties enable Taiwan to be considered as the natural gateway for collaboration with China. Through the cooperation set out in the Cross-Strait Medical and Healthcare Cooperation Agreement, it is hoped that Taiwan's pharmaceutical human resources and medical facilities (eg, medical centres and healthcare professionals experienced in clinical trials, particularly early-phase clinical trials) could help to overcome the obstacles that are causing delays to the Chinese pharamceutical marketing process. The huge Chinese population, as a potential pool for later-phase studies, could also facilitate the marketing process for both parties. These advantages will further incentivise foreign businesses looking to enter the Chinese and Taiwanese markets to set up their R&D, production and operation centres. To achieve these goals, the working groups organised by both parties face major tasks, including the further harmonisation of the regulation of investigational new drug trials, clinical trials and pre-market evaluations of new drugs or medical devices in order to achieve the mutual recognition of clinical trial results, and R&D for new drugs or medical devices. The Cross-Strait Agreement of Medical and Healthcare Cooperation is an important milestone not only for both countries, but also for the global healthcare system in regard to the protection of human health values and rights.

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